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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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as camera lens best produces the best spaces, and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the of the most on those interests that universities across the united states, a student protest has denounced this rounds rule on garza, the challenges there. a lie from dell coming up. the anti war demonstrators turn the wrong to against the white house correspondents dinner, including us president joe,
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is there any bombardment across the gaza strip that's killed at least 20 southern condominiums, including 10 children and some of them plus frontier on a home in front of the union buildings in pretoria with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election. the pro, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago. the student protest against israel's war on guns are ramping out across the united states. with more universities joining the movement, hundreds of demonstrators have been detained so far. as the police have been hunting for us on college campuses, some news kind of go through it. in some cases, to this, the students, some universities have had to cancel graduation ceremonies while others have seen buildings occupied by protest as well as just over a week since students at columbia university begun demanding that school divest
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from israel students of columbia, posit georgetown, mit and george washington university old began demanding the same protest spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas and california. i'll just say it was due on 100 a post now from princeton university in new jersey for students occupying college campuses across the united states. it's the price of protest can be high there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about guns and culture. i mean, this is the kansas shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of his, i mean for many of these positions, history began on october the 2nd this,
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we didn't begin on october. the 7th is actually led to october, the 7th. and this is what students want to discuss. then there is the academic price at princeton were captured, protesters look on. many students were masks to protect their identities, which still play by the university's rules, no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent the university put up for an upcoming event. next to the protest encampment. soon as they're taking some big risk and things protests, if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton commissions, over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line. and we also know that we have power in numbers, palestinian active as linda as our sources. there's an irony in the lead universities in scaling ethical values and students, and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you
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don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for justice. because that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york did dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry and l g 0, princeton, new jersey. alger there was mike kinda sent this update from george washington university in the us capital it over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area where the tents have been
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pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on a street running along side universe be square more 10 said being pinched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running past university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because there has been no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not into fear this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen is very bad optics and something that the police do not want repeated. hence the stand up
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attitude at the moment. the university itself, though the or thirty's here, have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have being threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington i'm phil available has this report on the protest at emory university in atlanta, georgia. so the feeling here is very much more of a festival, rather than a protest of the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on the speakers. there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blankets, make something to eat, something to drink, very much show solidarity for the people in garza without a setting. and so i must protest in the sense of what we saw on 1st nights where the police got involved. so people are bringing blankets that they need food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad head. which way we saw
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those process on 1st like they're also being encouraged to right message of support the messages of support on the ground with sure through whatever they can just to show that the people it because i have no fee for golf and i'm going to bring in mason, who's one of the organizers here? i'm make some you see all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on thursday, right, right. yeah. um, thursday, honestly it was very traumatic. the police crack down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely people protest there's. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down trying to rest. we hear at emory, we believe that self care is part of resistance. as one of our alumni from the campus school of the ology ceteris is a sense. what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like, ideally, to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really companies. and number 3 that they provide continued amnesty of production to all the students that were on jesse arrested. i received
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a significant lock of police here today. i'm yesterday. um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment rights of age and the rights of protests. and for that reason, i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply continuing to peacefully protest and demonstrate and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with thoughts. fine. thanks very much . well, the university's position is, uh, is, is quite untenable. say some of the protests is not, is because the president, who was the man that settled 1st i but the police were right to be here. but the protests were being organized by outside and fluency as he is now facing calls by him to go inside a huge number of people. it was the faculty how's advice on friday during which sites? so today? well mainly from motion. i have no confidence at the moment the president is
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refusing to move, but of course the protest is i've got that i'm goes in mind what all universities in gaza had been badly damaged or destroyed vice riley forces just based upon his demands that comes in roughly in southern guns or a banking student protested in the us for the show of solidarity messages of gratitude event displayed on the tense. they say that despite comp downs by universities on the police coast and the war had been heard by the people besieged garza and that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea, came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university for standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion. and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them. well, guess attending the annual whitehouse correspondence didn't have agreed with jobs
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of shame on you by protest as opposed to president biden's handling of the war. many also demanded that members of the media boy called the event in support of the $142.00 published in journalist killed by his ready forces. i'll just say we should have a time see reports from washington dc. it was a white house correspondents dinner, unlike any other 100 before taxes gavin outside but was the said to be attendees a $130.00 so just as were particularly incense, the goodness would have tended events with a us president who is himself accused of being complicit is really killing of so many palestinian journalists and goals that are attending this event should be
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saving. there's been over 200 these genocide over 30000 palestinians had been killed. and a 140 journalists had been targeted by the is really government murder because they're telling the truth. and instead of speaking out against that and having any journalistic integrity, we're having dinner and laughing with biden was providing millions of dollars to the is really government for them to fund this genocide. and they said nothing does enjoy this throws an open data to the colleagues saying we insist you publicly boy called the upcoming white house correspondents dinner as well. that to fill entirely with us, your fellow journalist, as well as with the millions of palestinians currently being starved in gauze that you to the by did ministrations continue to political financial as minute 3 back and you as well because of a funding for like saving humanitarian aid for the us media leaks was undaunted. and you did, we took the seats in the ball room. there was any one brief pause in reference to
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the dead power set in douglas. and even then without mentioning, who is responsible for that killing? our profession can be perilous since october, about $100.00 journalists have been killed. most of those depths and gossip are, according to the committee to protect journalists lined up outside the washington health and the representation level. the bloodied black jackets of the drum is killed by the israelis and yet even this is very power. they didn't have an effect on the attendance of the us press score and sides. chair buranski out. is there a washington without the zeros tara, god bless them, joins us live. not from a rough in southern gauze attacks that you've had both colleagues and family members killed and injured by is riley strikes, give us a sense topic of what life is like for you as a processor named john is covering this one johnson well to be a palestinian generalist at reporting on the ground and all the latest developments
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regarding the it's very minute treat genocidal campaign with the territory is not really any of the mission as palestinian jenna this r e. a. read the notes and read people who are really suffering in order to get the basic items in terms of food, water, and all the medical essential supplies as they are also struggling with a daily basis in order to get the basic mississippi's. under the other hand, the of the or should secure the family members and all of that should happen before the sound of the front of the camera in order to keep reporting and keep the world in fold. regarding all the latest of these buddy won't want to charge for you. um, it's not really an easy job for, for us as promising to join us because we are surrounded by danger. we show, apart from that means we have been moving from the place to another in order to get reliable information in order to be reported to the international community. i'm an international audience and we have been following the east, very military orders in order to be in areas that are supposed to be as a safe zone. but we have been witnessing and reporting on decides and acts even in
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such areas, which is completely contradictory to what these by the ministry has been saying and to become clearly b. uh, just uh, from the palestinian perspective, a palestinian journalist means to be the reporter who reports on the latest on the ground down to be eye witness who has been experiencing such a rustic circumstances. and we have been also losing a number of our colleagues and our friends and or family members in order to keep proposing on the ground. and that's also added to the law just caleb's psychological pressure posted in journal. this has been limited with since they one of the fighting sometimes in areas of reporting, we come across really low de seems of victims of india, people, all the grief mothers who are really crying over the loss of their sons and children. and at the same time, we should cost all that to side and to return back to standards of the company on the front of the camera to keep reporting that is not an easy challenge for palestinian gender. this will have been sacrificing since they went up to fighting
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just to tell the truth to the world with full neutrality and truth, the village and what, that's what meaning that we have been messing specifically that the, as really a ministry has been denied access to international generalist to get into the gaza strip in order to live the genocide along with palestinians by the have been allowing from control trips with the is really ministry and that he's very side and their ration is another part of the gaza strip or palestine in china. this, despite of all of these horrific circumstances, the art keep going on with their reporting on the ground. all right, to have topic advisor, them the telling us about his experiences with the thought has to be in journalist reporting on israel's will. on regards of the target ca, thank you very much indeed. now is there any forces? i feel at least that the palestinians and gods including 10 children since saturday morning. they all need talk to the homes and the in the say that compton central garza, and also in rough or at least 34388 kind of students have been killed since the war began to start for a short break here. now just say that when we come back,
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investigations begins into an explosion of the military base in cambodia. the killed 20. so this morning the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments. how, how's the relations decline between the media and the united states of america? the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera. for countless refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring of desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of
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a young tracy onto the same is brother's life, as he's sofas li, so to provide for his family. this the vote scare us with this on the jersey. the colleges here with the quarterback. you watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here. this, our, the protests against israel's guns are
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run past the united states with more universities to move and hundreds of demonstrators have been detained and sent. yes, president joe biden has made no mention of the war and guns at the white house correspondents dinner. us despite protest as outside event denouncing administration, support is around what student demonstrations at the university of texas campus in austin have continued despite a major, but he's cracked down. last wednesday we sped to one student at the college, who told us why he's determined to keep protesting. my name is mustafah, yas, i'm a 3rd year at u t. also last i civil engineer. my father's from sherman texas and my mother's from novice palestine. i grew up in dallas tex than all alive, but i've traveled to and from the 1st day of my entire life, i love both places. i'm proud of where i'm from. over here,
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i get to choose to go to process. over there every single day, you're fine for you. um human rights rights in general the, our main goal is the open people's eyes get the university texas to divest stop sending light is really divest from companies that profit off of war like raphael and lockheed martin. i do not support how much i know i'm not anti semitic. i have lots of jewish friends. yeah, i made it easy for me and my brothers, and i don't believe in the rad occasion of the jewish people, or i don't believe in terrorism or anything like that. i know are my values are on? no, my morals are on. know what i stand for, the not bad is 600 degrees. that's not my 1st love, my passion. what almost age, i feel confident,
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powerful. and when i'm fighting for this, what i'm letting people hear my voice when people see my face support in palestine and calling for divestment, people are starting to see now and i'm optimistic about that. there's never been eyes on it like this before ever. mine's our life has never been, the one never cared about it this much and it's only going up from here. a thousands of on to government protest as have been gathering once again instead of eve, demonstrates has accused the government of dragging out the rules. the rules of including finality elections and for 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu to resign. i'll just say with ben smith has moved from television and the video, there's like this video released by how much of course there is really the 1st sign of life. in terms of the 7th and the records of pain and many of the 6 families
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reminder that there is any money to take those as rarely coverages, as opposed to a $1000000.00 and show me about an indication about typical tax . although strongly advise, it's a couple minutes, i'm sorry you said that every time you go to a deal, the sabotage simple you sense is there on how much i'm not showing, no commitment to reaching a safe spot in a whole state to release out into the pressure i'm prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu. these pages gathering the calls very. i believe that people who know who is deliberately saving. so i'll just tell me.
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so don't forget has not 30 years since it's historic 1st democratic election in 1994, which might be under the pop side. president certain of both, the defended, his governing african national congress has reco during celebrations on saturday. but opinion polls suggest support for the amc is dwindling head of next month. general action. i just say i was doing a whole has more now from pretoria it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that they jo oppression. a new nation rooted in human drive is among the greatest and
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a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just signed a break freedom days and we is at my d. d. we invited them to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are 10 plus out. and then since i was young, i know the events to 30 years ago still viewed significance, they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with right with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem. is that a better life? the role remains elusive? for many and what the world thank list as the most an equal country on the one in 3
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or unemployed infrastructure is from blake crime and corruption rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and the ideals of 1994 south africans. to put that promise many times before jo, l g 0 victoria. while i'm at the celebrations, many south africans complained that there unfulfilled promises from that historic and forward back in 1994 to meet them in the reports now from alexandra township. and john is to the governing african national congress has for years promised a better life pool and to some extent, it's delivered. it's provided free basic education. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any. and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas, but many here in the alexander township. most of do i had this book,
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few very different t, they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated cheating, with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's an area that is densely populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00 people here say more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not a liberated as blacks of africans. we still haven't gotten the freedom to financial freedom for us. that's how i know it hasn't changed. i have a few thoughts, put things in there like this. people are living with like the very promising applies. wow. so the africans acknowledge that they have been the rates that they
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have the right to vote many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that's an equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on us, and they say the gap between the rich and for is only growing so many the ultra 0 alexandra township to his bag. an explosion, not a miniature base in the southern con body. it has killed 20 soldiers, residents and villages nearby savvy and pine. so if we bloss damage the homes, several other people have been engine. cambodia is by mr. thomas to compensate the effected security around the compound has been tightened. while the cause of the blast is being investigated. to nato has struck the southern chinese city of glenwood showed kenning. 5 people. 53 others were injured. wendy trista landed mid afternoon on saturday. more than a $140.00 factory buildings were also damaged. a 2nd tornado hit another district
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later in the day. but this tourist has been seriously injured off to being attacked by a shock and tobago. the attack on the se them counter be an island pump. it all thought is to close 7 beaches on the marine park. the victim is now in intensive care. i'll forward you said they are investigating. a national creative morning has been declared in chalet off the coming of 3 ministry police officers. tributes were paid to them in santiago during a parade to might be $97.00 anniversary of the force. the menu attacked and killed in that car while responding to 3 false emergency calls. the incident took place and the southern around providence. now in fonts, it's been a 1st outing for 2 ras amount from target comes who are now at the zoo and the know the city of i'm yeah, they were born last month as part of a european breeding program that beth has raised hopes of saving the endangered species that raphael than 400 smart from tigers in the wild due to have a job loss. deforestation, and illegal hunting. all right,
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that's it for me down in jordan, my colleague, some is a donald, be here at the top of the out with them about full village in the news. the weather is next and that will be followed by the inside story. so staging, thanks so much and bye for now. the, the spring rain in the middle east, it's still going, but it stretches in a line of clive as you can see from west and yemen right up towards the tough to you and talk here is quite likely to be pretty. i'm cousin tennis down bow, a noisily breeze. the shadows elsewhere tend to move through, produced re fi, some flooding west inside. he's been a good example of them. sunday will probably take it further east to was ran out. and then the area or the collapsing really is tom, do you have any, if anything,
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it's breathing, it's expanding and collapsing, expanding and getting that i think binding to choose to, to shout risk stretches from mecca. all my as to as bob right. and stephanie mitchell and the week that's really shall show up, at least restaurants are worth an event as well. mostly not big, but some of them are particular ones in saudi arabia. denise, i forget the funding in kenya is a little bit tempered and the feds in nice towns and they have gone off shore now, but. and they're just the breeze. it takes chevy right now to watch something in somalia. i'd like to give some good news to the science of this because there's been precious visual right in the heart of south africa in the last month. and they should have been some, well suddenly dusty, a few sheriffs like ones in southern mozambique and maybe in the central part of south africa. i'll tell you to monday and you don't see any improvement at all of the year. 2024 is getting closer. great. savings away you
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subscribe now to the euro early, but adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or free set, top full experience, the great piece supposed to be a big jump, the exclusive b b, the 30 years of freedom, south africans and marketing, 3 decades since the end of a pass side to the countries facing major challenges as it heads into an election. so hostile governing amc failed to live up to its promises. this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program and the bulk of south africa as mocking freedom day the historic day, the che.


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