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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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in type domain, the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the hundreds of students have access to that across the u. s. protests against israel's war on dolls, spread to new university campuses. the semi say them this is out. is there a live from dell hall? so coming up in gaza, where all universities have been badly damaged or destroyed by is ready forces messages of spring. so written students as a matter of protest is against, as well as war on dollars. a ton that focus on the white house correspondents
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dinner in washington, dc. plus i'm for meet them in a, in so with and we were speaking $2.00 and $2.00 parties activist and jazz legend. people hot speak small booth a, a south africa mox, 15 years of democracy, the students in the us protesting against israel's war and got a defined, a live and then crank them by police. the hundreds have been detained to more than a week of demonstrations, maybe 200 would detain that 3 campuses on the staff today. houses of, of boston's northeast. and university of the protests began at columbia university in new york, where students began demanding that school divest from israel land students at harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university. the mom did the same protest spread from no
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face to campuses in michigan, texas, in california. we have a team of correspondents covered the story for us in the us. john henry begins on coverage from princeton university in new jersey for students occupying college campuses across the united states. the price of protest can be high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about guns and culture. i mean, this is a kansas shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of his, i mean for many of these positions and history began on october 7th. is we didn't begin on october 7th. we actually let to october the 7th. and this is what students
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want to discuss. then there is the academic price at princeton were captured, protesters look on. many students were masks to protect their identities, but still play by the university's rules. no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tents, the university put up for an upcoming event. next to the protest encampment, students are taking some big risk and things protests. if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton, tuitions over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line, and we also know that we have power numbers, palestinian, active as linked as our sources. there's an irony and lead universities and skilling. ethical values in students and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with,
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but they live in american a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressed seeing young people across this country, only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for justice and palestine. that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york ended dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry l. g 0, princeton, new jersey, montana has this update from george washington university in the us capital it over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area where the tents have being pitched. this in order to ensure
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that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on a street running along side universe be square mo 10 said being pitched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running parts university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because it has the no vitriolic language that they will just stay and mama to. they will not into peer this despite the fact that the university of thirty's austin some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrates is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad optics and something that the police do not want repeated. hence the stand up attitude at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here,
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have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those who are being identified as such have being threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington. phil laval has this report on the pro tested emory university in atlanta, georgia. so the feeling here is very much more of a festival, rather than the protests of the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on this because there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blankets, make something to eat, something to drink, very much show solidarity for the people in garza, this without a turning in. so you must protest in the sense of what we saw on the 1st night where the police got involved. so people are bringing blankets that they need food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad head. which way we
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store those protests on 1st, like they're also being encouraged to right message of support the messages of support on the ground, which will do whatever they can just to show that the people have. because i have no fee for government. i'm going to bring in mason, who's one of the organizers here? i'm make some you say all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on thursday, right, right. yeah. um, thursday, honestly it was very traumatic. the police cracked down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely peaceful protest. there's. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down trying to rest. we hear emory, we believe that self care is part of resist. ready as one of our alumni from the campus to lift the ology ceteris is a sense. what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like, ideally, to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really companies. and number 3 that they provide continued amazon production to all the students that were unjustly arrested. and i received
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a significant lock of police here today um yesterday. um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment. the rights to speech and the right to protest. and for that reason i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply continuing to peacefully protest and demonstrate. and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with palestine. amazing, thanks very much. well, the university's position is uh, is quite untenable. say some of the protests is not just because the president, who was the man that settled 1st i but the police were right to be here. but the protests were being organized an outside influences. he is now facing calls for him to go inside a huge number of people and one faculty. how's advice on friday during which they go to overwhelming leave from motion have no confidence at the moment the president
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is refusing to move, but of course the protest is i've got that goes in mind. now all of universities in gaza had been badly damaged or destroyed by his very forces, despised palestinians that come send it off in southern gauze, assigned king student protests. the us for best solidarity messages of gratitude have been displayed on the tents site despite collab downs, by authorities close to end. the will have been heard by palestinians on the seats and not have to have the answer to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university full standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion. and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprisoned. the guests attending the annual white house correspondents dinner were greeted with johns of shame on you by protest,
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as opposed to president biden's handling of the war. many also demanded members of the media boy called the event. and suppose of the 142 palestinian john this kills biased variety forces. shabbots out and see reports from washington dc who was a white house correspondents dinner unlike any of the testers, gavin outside. but was the said to be attendees a $133.00. the just as were particularly incense. the goodness would have tended events with a us president who is himself accused of being complicit is really killing of so many published as daniel journalists and goals that are attending this event should
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be ashamed that there's been over 200 these genocide over 30000 palestinians i'm in town and a 140 journalists had been targeted by the is really government murder because they're telling the truth. and instead of speaking out against that and having any journalistic integrity, we're having dinner and laughing with fighting with providing millions of dollars to be as really government for them to fund this genocide. and they've said nothing does enjoy this threat and open data to the colleagues saying we insist you publicly boy called the upcoming white house correspondents. dinner was about to fill in the diary with our fuel filer jonas as well as with the millions of palestinians currently being starved in gauze that you'd have a bite. the administration's continued political financial. i'm minute 3 back and you as well. i'm because of a funding for life saving humanitarian aid for the us media leaks was undaunted and beautifully took the seats in the ball room. there was only one
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brief pause in reference to the dead power of sitting drum this. and even then without mentioning, who is responsible for that killer grandparent, our profession can be perilous. since october, about 100 journalists have been killed. most of those deaths and gaza, according to the committee to protect general. logged off outside the washington health and the representation level, the bloodied black jackets of the drum is killed by the israelis. and yet, even this is by a power they did not have an effect on the attendance of the us press score inside shepherd transfer you out to 0. washington. i'll just here as john list are among the 142 killed, biased riley forces. father couple, i assume it's in rough, explains what it's like to be covering the war to be a palestinian dentist at reporting on the ground. and all the latest developments regarding the it's really mandatory genocidal campaign with the territory is not really any of the mission as palestinian jenna. this are a read the notes and read people who are really suffering in order to get the basic
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items in terms of fluid and all the medical central supplies, as they are struggling on a daily basis in order to get the basic mississippi's under the other hand, the, the, or should secure the some of the members on, all of that should happen before they're standing in front of the camera in order to keep reporting on. keep the world in fold regarding all the latest of these, but it won't only territory. it's not really an easy job for, for us with the promise, any dentist, because we are surrounded by danger. we show them that means we have been moving from the place to another in order to get reliable information in order to be reported to the international community. and international audience, and we have been following the is very military owed as an order to be in areas that are supposed to be as a safe zone. but we have been witnessing and reporting on genocides and acts even in such areas, which is completely contradictory to what the name of the tree has been saying and become clearly uh be uh, just uh,
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from the palestinian perspective. i posted into another means to be the reporter who reports on the latest on the ground and to be eye witness who has been experiencing such a rustic circumstances and be happy and also losing a number of our colleagues and our friends and or family members. in order to keep the report on the ground, and that's also added to the larger scale of psychological pressure posted in journalist has been limited with since they one of the fighting sometimes in areas of reporting we come across really below the scenes of victims of in get people, all the grief mothers who are really crying over the loss of their sons and children. and at the same time, we should cost all that to sides and to return back to stands of the come inside the front of the camera to keep reporting or mediation. assets are still trying to reach us. these 5 deal between israel and how mass israel says this, the group rejects it slices off, or it will go ahead with the ground invasion of profit by more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians. the sheltering that's despite concerns from the you
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and the any military operation that could result in a blog boss from on this. let's go live now. it's a stephanie that can, joins us from occupied the serious. so let's start with the totes, where the things stand with that of the white. it's all in the hands of how mouse now who are considering the counter proposal that israel gave the objections were here on friday, headed by their right intelligence cheese. if egypt, the very best of vested interest in this, not that often offensive, not to go ahead because of the geography because of the fact that alpha is right on egypt border. and egypt has made it very clear, it will not be taking in any part of stands is also made it very clear to israel at the long standing piece gigi. between the 2 countries could be effected. if israel goes it has a lot of pressure. now from also not just the objections, also the americans for, you know, a large scale ground defensive in the fall to be avoided. so where are we at?
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well, there is a proposal on the table that includes if it does get accepted by him as that, and they will release between $20.33 captains full into the humanitarian category. so women injured sick and the men over 50. they will be reducing palestinian prisoners. this is these raise and also allowing some people to be returning north in the gaza strip, but that will be a ceasefire around 6 weeks. now remember how masses main demo and is for a full session of facilities, a full enter the war, which is something that israel says it's not willing to do. so, this is where we're at. we're reading between the lines that does seem to seem to be mentioned. there was an understanding that perhaps this may be accepted, but that's a big if at this point, and if it doesn't get accepted, as you mentioned there, these are, these have made it very clear. this is a last ditch attempt. and then the other offensive will go ahead and all of this happening while the there's been public protests which we've been reporting about. stephanie wears all that pressure leaving the nice and yeah. who coalition
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a yes law. nothing. yeah. who is pretty on slop level when it comes to pressure, but this time is different. you have pressure on him. you mentioned that from the protests. they've been going on pretty much for 6 months, tens of thousands of his radius taking to the streets, calling for him to resign for new elections that he is responsible for october. the 7th you have the pressure from is it within his own coalition government? the 2, right, when ministers that he brought in really to ensure it was the only waste on me for him to return to power in the last elections. but it all small stretching it to me are ben give here. they are men who want a full scale wafaa offensive. so if that doesn't go ahead, you could potentially down the line, see the coalition collapsing in the form of them getting out of government. and as we have been extensively reporting, not just international political pressure for him to come to a deal, but also now you have people on the street, students on the streets across the us in europe as far as history. yeah.
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interesting. the israel has never had as much pressure on it internationally. the palestinian cause has never been back in the spotlight re spelled by people across the world as it has been today. and also i can tell you from quite a few as readings i've been speaking to, they're simply afraid to leave israel because they feel that they may be attacked because of what is happening in goal is a so a lot of pressure on him. but having said all that, many people accusing him of prolonging this war because exactly as i've been saying, it's a way to prolong his political career, which pretty much if this war ends, most people will tell you it is guaranteed to be over. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much. definitely back instead of head on al jazeera, what caused an explosion of the minutes a base in cambodia that killed 20 soldiers investigation is on the way the
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and still they are a big shows and from the storms that produced briefly, floods on the streets and the focus i think is still going to be maybe job a more specially born here, increasing the, the southern philippines that like to be involved. so the way, see, and that line then you take across to plant symbolize here and i'll include the singapore here. so the full cost for the capital of brunei, $3.00 days of funds, is still slightly moving. admittedly, the temperatures dipping from monday down to about 30. well, this is a debt because the average is near the 34 mark. single pole on that same line also has 3 days to send that over the full cost. with nothing much else going on. this is quite a lot right. does initially right. and for 15 days out of april on average, but this is 3 in a row and it's looking pretty heavy. australia is generally speaking, fine and drive is a hand to bring in the cold variance. the cyrus melvin's forecast is only 17
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degrees, not extremely low, but it's just a bit of a dropped past about 27 light. see more shares in west australia. i just thought i asked for new zealand. nice, quiet month. the gentle breeze, but there is rain coming across from the task and see which means it'll hit sign a file. and is that what about briefly? is woman christ church. but that does not last of the there was a time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which if you're going to negotiate cold, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out
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the come back, let's take a look at those headlines now. student protests against israel's war and gaza ramping up across the us with more universities joining the moves, but hundreds of demonstration has been detained. us president joe biden has made no mention of the $1.00 of the white house correspondents dinner is fine. protest outside the vent denouncing his administration support for as well, the mediation, f as is still trying to reach a c side deal between his relevance from us as well. says it's
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a group project site to sell for it to go ahead with the ground. no problem, i want more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. as israel says it's 5. the jets of struck has ballade targets in southern lebanon. the statement released by his rouse on the says the metric compound was also hit. footage, released by the ministry appears to show the strides, hit the group sites in the middle. another off area has belong. israel have tried it finally every day since the start of the war and gaza. germans who see rebels say they've shot down to us, but it's we drone. the group said it happened on 1st day using a surface to air missile. washington said on saturday, a u. s. air force drone crushed in yemen without giving details. coalition of age groups trying to deliver supplies, the gaza is being protesting and assemble the
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freedom. flo taylor coalition says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of live, saving a the unable to leave because they would be registered by getting the sal vessels oper right. under that countries flag activists are accusing as well. putting pressure on the west african country. i said bike has moved from a stumble to the organizers, how the press conference has central assembled. now ships concept sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so the overrides of say that those blacks have been removed, including from chicago ship, that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant need, political move, an unusual one. now organizes have the press conference and they said it does a. there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities,
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that the destination and the admission to gaza was a reference full. so that will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sales that some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the siege of goals and deliver that for me not to preventative and age will be returning to the home countries and some of them are very disappointed, others are saying, so this isn't the end that they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels. so they can set sail and try to break that seats and hit in istanbul. that protest taking place is a sitting document taking place all week, trying to keep a full front of people's mind. this will on garza and the front dates of the seas and this the to the still wants to set sail though we've been speaks to activists
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here and some of them. i'm not saying that any of us always complicit with. is there as long as wouldn't cause that because we have caved in the political pressure. organize the say that they will continue to lift. it tries to make sure that those ships set sail, try to break the siege of garza and deliver that to your mind to, to an age of vague i just did a send both. the p s of spain's prime minister peddler aside says, is due to making an announcement about this political future on monday. thousands of support is rallied on the streets of madrid and the method to persuade him not to resign. last week he shrunk to the country by saying he intended to step down after a cold hope in the corruption investigation against his wife. a gemini fall arrive, as the policy is lowest. it's campaigns for the european parliamentary elections in june. paul suggested could come 2nd year, it was most populous country, but the policy is my, then he has another scandal off the one of its members was arrested on accusations
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of spying for china, where they and peacock has moved from. but in the, if the leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they launched that campaign. so the, you repeat the elections that come with the 2nd in the post expected to win most states than ever before. but that also facing ever more scandals and one man was conspicuous by his absence part. you need a teen. a couple of tried to explain why that made come to that wasn't the make the media and you just gotta, i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian cost for saying that to date shouldn't be about caught. caught, cox today is about the, the costs we add, the prod, you that puts out gemini 1st starts the tardies and then the drain. when done, you put the one as if these top kinds of elections crowd was meant to be funding this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of stuff was arrested by the juvenile facilities accused of spying for china, off too late for a party to change relative candidates. and we've crossed a,
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he went step down the f. d, as keeping him well out of a spotlight, not least since call himself is also being investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the companion, n t f t. protest is finally yet another headache to the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of the most prominent figures is currently on trial, accused deliberately using a nazi slogan. that straw continues, but it's on the how much f d vs will care. c as in a t for, for adults, for like many fall right. parties have established their own media system where they can reach several with us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote as of the f d will be open to believe the allegation says that in mainstream media, or whether they would only get the information directly from the i, steve themselves. so even with a slight dipping reason pulse the f d is still in 2nd place nationwide. head of every party. it's in the cohens
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government coalition, william peacock, i'll just say about an explosion that demetri base and southern come body a has killed 20, sold just people, and villages nearby, say the impacts of valuation bloss damage that homes. several others being injured . cambodia is 5 ministers, promising to compensate those affected security around the compound. this being tightened while the close of the bloss is being investigated. phone line, let me know when the explosion happened. i was fixing my house with some construction workers. suddenly there was a loud explosion causing my house to shake and breaking tiles on my roof. they fell down, but luckily they didn't fall inside the house. a tornado is struck, the southern chinese city of glen jo, killing 5 people. so the 3 of us were injured when the twist the land at mid afternoon on saturday. more than
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a 140 factory buildings with damaged 2nd tornado hit another district. later in the day, a british tourist has been seriously injured off to being attacked by a shock and tobago the attack on the se, in caribbean island fronted authorities to close 7 beaches and the marine punk, the victim is now intensive care in from so it's been a 1st out thing for the 2 ras smocks and tiger tubs, who are now to 0 in the knolls and city of i mean, and they were born last month as part of the european breeding program. that bus is raised hopes of savings in thing, just spaces, south africa. now, when music play, the major role is a move of the end of the pond, tide, civil hop, 6, level se is one of the office to use his talents, to encourage unity and the quality. but as the nation celebrates, so it is of democracy says there's still a long way to go out 0 is for me,
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the middle quote off with him. and so i, so the idea of a double cross and 1st cambridge all have to go and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks. i'm a boost in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural. as a musician you, you feel the importance the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution a reading called for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of some.


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