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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the salon. so rahman, you want to e mail. does it renews online for my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. hundreds of students arrested across the united states protest against israel's war on gauze, spreading to new university campuses, pink gauze. that's why all universities have been badly damaged or destroyed by his ready forces. messages of things to students in the us. the palestinian president appeals to the united states to help stop as well as planned invasion of rock by
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1500000 palestinians sheltering and other news. tens of thousands on the streets of australia, demanding action against the rise and attacks against women in a sport. fox style named the new cricket coaching team. former australia voted jason gillespie is the new test coach. while exxon africa batson gary customer takes charge of the limits of davis teams, the and it's 10 gmc, we'd get the news out with the student protests against israel's will and gone. so that's a now run thing up across the united states. well, universities and are joining the movement, hundreds of demonstrators of interest. it's in students in columbia university beginning protesting more than a week ago. so that was attempting columbia poverty georgetown, mit george washington university l. o. amongst those demanding the schools divest
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from israel. the protests of now spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas, and california $1200.00 begins are coverage from princeton university in new jersey for students occupying college campuses across the united states, the price of pro test can be high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about guns and culture. i mean, this is a kansas shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of history. i mean for many of these positions, history began on october 7th. we didn't begin on october, the 7th it's, we actually led to october the 7th. and this is what students want to discuss. then
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there is the academic price at princeton were captured, protesters look on. many students were masks to protect their identities, but still play by the university's rules. no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent, the university put up for an upcoming event next to the protest encampment. soon as are taking some big risk and things protests. if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton, tuitions over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how, how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line and we also know that we have power numbers, palestinian active as linked as our sources. there's an irony and lead universities in scaling ethical values in students and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and
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in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for justice for palestine. that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york ended dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry l. g 0, princeton, new jersey. by kind of how is this update from george washington university in the us capital over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area where the tents have been pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on
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a street running along side universe be square more 10 said being pinched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running past university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because there has been no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not into fear this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad optics and something that the police do not want repeated. hence this stand up as a tube at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here, have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags
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that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have been threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington a long inverse season. garza being 5 be damaged or destroyed, biased by the forces displaced, palestinians accounts in russia, in southern guns of thinking student protest. as in the us for the solid hours, a massachuset gratitude of being displayed on the tons they say despite clamp downs by the authorities closed in the will have been heard by palestinians the siege on that that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university, full standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion. i mean,
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we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them. but i guess attending the annual lighthouse correspondence to know what greeted with tons of shame on you by protest as opposed to president buttons handling of the will. money also to month to members of the media boy called the event in support of the $142.00 palestinian general is killed by his right. the false if she ever tennessee has moved from washington dc 1st was the white house correspondents dinner. unlike any other government outside the was the said to be attendees a $133.00. the
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just as were particularly incense. the goodness would have tended events with a us president who's himself accused of being complicit is really killing of so many published as daniel journalists. and those are turning this event should be ashamed of. there's been over 200 these genocide over 30000 palestinians, 100 pounds. and a 140 journalists had been targeted by the is really government murder because they are telling the truth. and instead of speaking out against that and having any, your listing integrity, they're having dinner and laughing with fighting with providing millions of dollars to the is really government for them to funds this genocide. and they've said nothing does enjoy this threat of open. that's to that colleague saying, we insist you publicly boy called the upcoming white house correspondents dinner. as will that to fill entirety with us. you'll fellow journalist, as well as with the millions of palestinians, currently being starved in garza. you'd have a bite administrations continued political financial aus minute 3 back and you as well because of
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a funding for life saving humanitarian aid for the us media leaks was undaunted and beautifully took the seats in the ball room. there was only one brief pause in reference to the dead power of sitting drums and even then without mentioning, who is responsible for that killer? our profession kenzie perilous since october, about $100.00 journalists have been killed most of those depths and gaza. according to the committee to protect your own line dog outside the washington health and the representation level, the bloodied black jackets of the drum is killed by the israelis. and yet, even this is by a power they didn't have an effect on the attendance of the us press score and sides chip or transfer the out to 0. washington, would you say it was doing list amongst the 142 killed by is rarely false, is on a couple as a, as in rasa and explains what is like to be covering. this will is to be
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a palestinian dentist at reporting on the ground and all the latest developments regarding the it's very minute treat genocidal campaign with the territory is not really an easy mention as palestinian jenna this r a a read the notes and read people who are really suffering in order to get the basic items in terms of food and all the medical essential supplies as they are also struggling with a daily basis in order to get the basic mississippi's under the other hand, the other the or should secure the family members and all of that should happen before this time, the front of the camera in order to keep reporting and keep the world in fold regarding all the latest of these. but it won't let a church for you. um, it's not really an easy job for, for us as calm as any dentist because we are surrounded by danger. we show them diamonds. we have been moving from the place to another in order to get reliable information in order to be reported to the international community. i'm an international audience and we have been following the is very military orders in order to be in areas that are supposed to be as
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a safe zone. but we have been witnessing and reporting on the genocide the acts, even in such areas, which is completely contradictory. to what these wait a minute 3 has been saying and we can clearly uh be uh, just uh, from the palestinian perspective. i posted into another means to be the reporter who reports on the latest on the ground on to be i witness who has been experiencing such a rustic circumstances and be happy and also losing a number of our colleagues and our friends and or family members. in order to keep the report we think on the ground, and that's also added to the law just caleb's psychological pressure posted in june of this has been limited with since they one of the fighting sometimes in areas of reporting, we come across really blow to scenes of victims of in get people all the grief mothers who are really crying over the loss of their sons and children. i'm the same time we should cost all that to side and to return back to stand of the come inside the front of the camera to keep reporting
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a palestinian present not moved about says that only the us can stop as well from invading rasa. he was speaking of the world economic forum and these are the kinds of re about repeated his goals for an end to the war and garza and so as well to allow more aid. and israel has been threatening to loan grateful ground. invasion of rafa. when will the 1500000 people are sheltering. now yesterday, if you have those uh, let me know what is happening and gaza, what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza. i gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo, remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody. we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation, because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime that avery enjoys this stuff from ramallah any occupied westbank could
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need the statement from the palestinian president. well, when one does, whether it will resume to have any effect among sort of the politicians and the good and the great where he is in riyadh as well. let me tell you what people think . they think it's a statement coming to late. the fear is that what's happening and goes on when it comes to displacing palestinians from their homes. it will transfer and happen here in the occupies westbank, has been the fear that palestinians here have been very vocal of about since the war start the saying that the next phase after israel finishes off with gaza will be the occupied westbank. and they feel that the palestinian president is now talking about the situation describing it as a political analyst and know as a leader who should be having plans to come back. those is really plans to evict palestinians from their homes. these plans we've been seeing them succeeding in certain areas here in the occupied westbank with but doing community is being
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forced to leave out of the lives that they've been in for decades. the main reason is subtler attacks that they intimidate those powerless policies, and he is living in those small structures trying to raise their sheep. so it gives you an idea about the fact that this is a happening already in the occupies was said with human rights organizations. saying that more than $1250.00 paula sidney is from the by the when communities were displaced from the areas they would in because of the sucks or a text just since the start of the war itself. so we're talking about the situation where palestinians say that the palestinian president should have done more should have talked about this much and much sooner. and of course, he's just touched on the effects of, of what happens with settler violence in the occupied westbank. but obviously it does come on the back of these near 90 raids that you've been reporting on from milk you what occupied westbank since october? yes, so when we go through these communities,
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we see the aftermath of these really ways that are averaging about 40 rates per day in different areas. in the occupied westbank, we see palestinians being forced to move out of their homes because some of those rave are continuous for days and that it gives the palestinians the, you know, the lack of security, the lack of safety. they fear the business, the ultimate plan, that israel with its raises, reminding them who has the ultimate power is reminding them that it can make their lives really miserable. and that all would would be pushing them to leave out of their homes. and remember, we are just a few days from a customer rating and 2 weeks from culminating nick back, which is this. the policy is solely the displacements being asked and forced to leave their homes. so this story that just so hard, it is so closely to palestinians or seeing their follow palestinians in the besieged because of being taken out, displaced from their homes and they don't know when they're going to be back to their houses. so it remains a tense situation here in the occupied with bank,
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where people feel that what's happening and goes it will eventually transfer and happen here in the occupied restaurant. and they will continue to monitor events with you through the day. i need a point that for us in ramallah, thank you. media. it is also trying to reach us east fido between homos and is room as well says that if the group rejects its latest offer, it will go ahead with a ground invasion over offer. but more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians off sheltering, let's get more on the small correspondence stephanie decades. know, combined these teresa and so we wondered why the sci fi talks on, uh, but some pretty tough token coming out to tell of a, of the yes. well, there are now at the momentous time, pivotal, i would say really there's 2 ways that this can go which currently with her mouth, the counter proposal that israel came up with a lot of pressure being put on her mouth. also from the egyptians, egypt sin team was here on friday, led by their intelligence cheap. the objections very vested and not wanting that
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off the ground defensive to go ahead. because of course, would also be right on it's border and egypt doesn't want to take any kind of thing and in so what is on the go shading table is how much does accept this offer? we'll be seeing a 6 week ceasefire. of course, our masses can point when the law has been they wanted total association of, of facilities. they want an end to the war, but this is what's being discussed. they would release $20.00 to $33.00 hostages captives, but under humanitarian tried curio. so over 50 years old women on the sick and injured on israel would release some type of thing and prisoners allow for some type of thing is involves that to go north. again, reading between the lines. uh, if that doesn't happen, we do understand that these raise has made it very clear that the fall will go ahead. there's a lot of pressure on israel, not to do the same as sort of, you know, why scales for me. i think the next couple of days will be crucial to see as to how
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a mouse responds in what direction we're going to go. and of course, you know, use we, we look at every day, separately, step as well as we go on with this ongoing crisis. but anyhow, it's precious that the from these ready prime ministers point to be, wouldn't dealing with these ever increasing calls to find a solution to the problem, but calls for his own public about his own resignation, which is in full coming of the yes. what started 6 months ago as a cool from the captives families to bring them back to strike a deal to do more, really then turn back into what you did see before october, the 7th, as well. the growing criticism of the prime minister and his policies, and certainly if you look at it now, many is riley's holding responsible for october. the 7th he was in charge of on that day he used to take full responsibility. something he hasn't done yet. so you have a lot of pressure on him from the public. you have pressure on him from inside his own coalition because he has extreme right wing limits in the lakes that's allow
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smart stretching it to more but and give the or so he really only built into his coalition government for his own political survival to be able to return his 5 minutes or will they could leave the government if at all it doesn't go ahead causing it to collapse. then he has pressure internationally politically, from its allies. and as we've been reporting extensively from this groceries wide spread student movement, you know, in the united states, in europe and also in australia the, the policy and cause has never been as talked about as passionately felt as widespread as it is today, really for decades. it was pretty much dead in the water when it came to evaluating and state a 2 state solution. the americans haven't been here since 2014 supplement expansion has, you know, continued. it's really been a dire situation when it comes to the palestinians and many positive future. so that's the pressure on him. and basically many people accusing him of prolonging this work for his own political survival. so then we'll leave at the 70 that could
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force the occupied east choices. so it's making them i'll show you the professor of security and military studies that the day hawkins deceitful graduate studies, monitoring events with us throughout the day. all eyes on, on rough, i really, i mean from what you'll seeing and observing and reading what is the military, these really minutes we build up around cause i, which would perhaps lead to a suggestion that there are so offensive is going to go ahead. it looks like it's going to go ahead, mainly because if you look at the, one of the closest, the, the telling the mid 3 bass good, you will have about the 5 brigades. now. we are waiting there and they are arrested, refitted re cooperated there also withdrawing the 900 and 33rd the how the gate which used to man the quoted or that setting claudio that's, that's guzzling to north and south. they are moving it back and they're putting on today's, or be guides which already. so now you have about a 4th of 6 big aids for those 6 big aids in rough i, if,
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if you looked at the peak of kind, even just operation. there were 9 big aids in sun you instead of them about over 60 days to do the, the, the, the fighting and the creating. i think that would be a similar situation in real far. and you would also see if you looked at the humanity and preparations which are done under a lot of us, an international pressure the, the is what it is, have both over forestalled and large 10. so each each dental take about $2.00 to $12.00 persons. so we're looking about $480000.00 people that will be taking an outside unit in 10 cities outside of uh, overall fi from the inside units in illinois, just probably in special view is how many personnel entities riley brigade. it's somewhere between $35000.00. so age brigade says denial. 24000 pets now. yeah. in theory in yeah, in, in, in roof i that will be if, if old 60 gates. so it says the $401.00 arm or the gate. it's the 7th or more begin
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to do that. you have to own would be gates. you have one special forces, be good. 89th. and you have the 900 and 33rd. the how infantry be good if they pulled, they pulled it out of that setting and then send them a little file. that's a, a for a 4th one. and then you have one more infant to be good from the 160 the 2nd division. so that equal, you have about $5.00 to $6.00, be 18 that are going to go into a fight. so this is a force to about roughly a show we say $30000.00, okay? $50000.00 inside roof or a and they will be supported by strikes and artillery. so it's a very different mentality, isn't it? we've been reporting the story. well, the world has been reporting the story from 8070 s, but in terms of is really military incursions into the west bank, then only small military incursions and deadly ones as well. the methodology has to be very different when you, when you're sending 30000 troops into an area that is so small with 1167000
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civilians in the because way, the government comp just keep shopping. how much, how much, how much they've got to think in terms of civilians, which is what the international community of talking about. how well, how will the military have to see if we get just the full, they've never done something like this before. these rights. i don't think absolutely that i don't remember the last area. what do you fight in a population density? that is, is exceed $18500.00 persons per square kilometer. so that's the situation and rough . i know it's 3 times the population density of guys a before the invasion. so it is very, very difficult to find that with that amount of loss because of the if, if they need 6 the battalions that equal to divisions in a very small area with other a pen and the other battalions from the cosign and the other formations. so there will be intense fighting this situation, any way to issue with even with small arms assault rifles and pistol, 0 kill somebody who's a bystander. child to
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a woman passing by an elderly person at after that, that are artillery strikes, which are not usually accurate. and their strikes would turn up also usually accurate. and you are likely to have a, a very, very bloody situation that is going to go on and off. i have that invasion, goes ahead. the westbank was a different story. it says more of a, a light counter insurgency operation with an 11 insurgency and a much less population, the density. and it's usually done by a urban or fed and special operation cause if there is in between conditions, teams that are light and small. so it's, it's more surgical strike that as opposed to now we're talking about a conventional battle, but in a, in an urban civilian spaced, backed with the innocent people. dangerous times. a by marshal, thanks to the analysis with cost monitor events throughout the day with you. this is rosa, is it slight address? i have now struck has below targets in southern lebanon, a statement released by,
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as well as on the claims they ministry. compound was also hit footage, released by the military, it appears to show the strikes, hit the group sites in the middle as us area has belong and is relative traded. find any every day since the sauce of the war. now, the french for ministers in the lebanese capital of tools on the escalating security situation on the board of more on that we can joins in a called a, who joins us from the lebanese capital. uh, good morning. uh zane. i mean, what are we expecting from the foreign ministers visits? well, francis trying to de escalate pension. so across the 11 on israel border, according to the french foreign minister, he's here in favor to discuss with 1111 east officials. a proposal for that to happen. now his visit just the week after 11 on the prime minister, and as he may ask you, as well as the head of the lebanese army,
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joseph files were in paris for talks with the french presidents on the situation along the border. now he did not the french horn ministers, not divulging any details on that proposal, but what we understand from officials is that it is based on un resolution 1701 which was adopted after the last war between has below and as well in 2006, what it's called for is an area from the border up to 20 kilometers free of fighters and weapons outside the states control. so what we understand is that francis, discussing the possibility of beating up the presence of lebanese army troops along the border and the lebanese, our group has blocked, pulling back, pulling back up to 10 kilometers. but the bottom line is, this is western nations try to deescalate tensions. it's not just france, america, it's west, has the law has drawn the line in the sand and it's made, it's very, very clear. it's open the front to help relief pressure or on goes off and it will not help the fighting until there is
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a permanency fire in gaza. so until the war on garza ends, then this front 11 on israel front will will remain an active upfront. so these meetings really are not quite to very much up until a permanency expires, waste and gaza. so it's the politics and the background despite as a to the reality. i mean, what is the reality right now on the southern lebanese border, northern israel border as we speak? well, there's been an escalation in the past week 10 days. we've climbed one step up the ladder. but this escalation is still very much controlled in the sense that the rules of engagement are still in place. both sides are going after military targets . yes. at times. each. each of the warring side strikes deeper not just in the border area, but it still military targets. no doubt civilians have been injured have been killed. now this escalation,
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hezbollah is threatening to why he did the confrontation. if israel continues to escalate it intensified it strikes. now hezbollah has said this time and time again . they do not want a wider war, but at the same time they say they are ready for war. so as of late, we've seen hezbollah inflict more damage to inflict more casualties among is really soldiers, really sending a message to the israelis to just to stop the escalation. so the situation is on a slippery slope. it has been on a slippery slope, but in the bigger picture of things, it's still very much controlled. instead of go to that far as in david, thank you. the the, to the use of the un security goes, it says it's deeply concerned that see dollars power minute use rapid support souls as a preparing for an attack. and l, sasha,
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the city is the last stronghold of the army in west and off falls region. the rapids support forces to control for the state capitals. last year, at least $21.00 communities are being attacked in the area since march. the fighting is seen the number of display civilians and off i shall go from 300002800000 in recent months. this course i have to have the morgan, who joins us now from pulse who donald is monitoring events for us. we seen several cities in the fall come under attack, but they didn't receive a similar warnings y l, sasha, of the well, it's because of the number of people who fled from other parts of dar floor into the city of ascension, which is the last remaining stronghold of the army and the on groups that have been fighting the army and signed the peace agreements with the government in 2020. now, these tribes the type that has been historically since 2003 during the early on set up a doubtful wars have been targeted by department of 2 rapid support force is based on f,
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mr. t's. and so they all concerns that the tribes that are affiliated with the iris have will come at a massive car against those tribes, just as the it said, the back in 20032004. and during the weekdays, i'll put our 4 according to rights groups and the united nation. so they all concerns that because of the iris. as an circling, the city opened slash a big city, one of the biggest cities in, in, dar for and in the entirety of sedan. i'm now even bigger because of the number of people this place. they all confidence that's once that attack starts, civilians would have nowhere to flee right now as it stands, been committed to every situation is quite dire. age groups say bad access to humanitarian assistance or rather fuel and food to come into the city is being was fitted by the permanent, through rapid support forces. and they are flight things happening between the hours of and the, on groups in the army around the outskirts of the capital. and that has led to a loss of stability in life, especially as
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a result of artillery showing as tribes by the army. so they all concerns that once there is a pull on fights between the 2 sides, the reset on one side and be so then these army and the on the, on the other, the civilians hoops thoughts refuge in the city of on slash. it will be caught up in the middle, and the death tool will be huge, especially people afraid to any of the parts of the country, including the capital cartoon. so where do we then stand, hey, but in terms of a sci fi is not possible, even before the city comes under attack, of the well mediators, the united states, and the saw, the unsolved uribe, which have been mediating tops, or rather trying to mediate talks between the 2 denise army and the power military rapids support forces have been trying to get those 2 sides onto the back, back to the negotiating table. for, for the renew these fire to stop any kind of attacks between the 2 sides. not just in the city of, especially the,
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but in other parts of the country as well in the southern part of that. now that's hasn't happened, disability army. and since the government said that they have not received any invitation from the mediators. so doesn't look like for the time being, there will be any talks, but there's also concerns that if there was a ceasefire, will the 2 sides abide by it. we've seen numerous these far as being reached uh by both sides and agreed upon by both sides. but on the ground, they do not materialize. so they all can sense that even if a sci fi is reese and for the time being, it doesn't look like the 25 are about to go see it any time soon. they'll concerns that even if that's happened on the ground, it's will be violated, and civil ends will lose their lives. okay, but moving, that's what we think of a team. thank you. still head hey, i'll be. i'll just ever, nissan sparks fly in southern china. it was tornadoes, tasser and major industrial homes and in support of on james on the los angeles lakers playing on in the, in the a file that's coming up with gemma space after the free,
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the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days, residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation. we've seen through the eyes of palestinian capital mind call lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including his own garza. the last picture on the 0, the examination being part of today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring
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programs to inform that inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis or find it on alger 0. the the, the news out with me, so robin, in the reminder of all told stories, different presidents against israel, war and guns run, think of across the united states. with more universities joining the movements. hundreds of deadman spaces have been detained. the french foreign ministers in baby it's adults. lebanese based has blog,
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and israel have traded finally every day. since the stalls of the war on gauze. mediators, i'll still try to reach us east fido between israel and timothy. central says that the group rejects its latest offer. it will go ahead with the ground invasion of rough or wet mold, and one of the halls 1000000 palestinians sheltering the 10s of thousands of demonstrators have rallied in cities across australia to defend action against gender based filings. the protest calling for tougher laws following a wave of violence against women. government data shows that a woman has been killed every 4 days on average to this. yes, i'm really speaking with. um i'm, i'm thinking of this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like that. the need to start with a son. the boy is this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so
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jenny and we are, we're the beginning of change. probably minutes down, say albany is a, has described the wave of violence against women as an epidemic. you change the culture, change, attitudes, the change the legal system. we need to change the oh goodness. because it's not enough to assist with victims. we need to focus on the perpetrators and focus on prevention. vicky water is the victorian. that statement is the full prevention of family violence. she must stay in melbourne and joins us live. now from that minister will kentucky with us live on alex's era. the report itself makes us start reading. i have to go to a copy of it in front of me and i have had a very good look at it today. and it seems that very little has changed over the, as an australian when it comes to gen, to base violence. except it's been increase as well as the national compensation has begun, which is terrific. but it big tory and we've been having this conversation since
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the, by his father of like body in 2015 here in victoria. we had our royal commission in 2016 and we've implemented over 227 recommendations that have come out of that for commission. we didn't vested are the $3860000000.00 in addressing family balance, particularly around response. how we can trace how we can rep services around so as people whose experience family violence, predominantly women and men, women and children, predominantly at the hands of men in the prime industries, right. we do need to expand our focus to be more inclusive, but hope we can do in prevention settle. so what we can do in terms of working with those people who are using violence. yeah, sorry i didn't mean to interrupt, but sometimes it does back the questions. that's why you're investing so much money at the federal level state level. ready that was still so many people up the streets today say look, you know, if it's being done, then what one does, how you'll find things that state level work in the much broader approach that has
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to be executed by the federal government. this is what's interesting. so family volunteering, the state has been telling me in recent years, but we're really seeing that church influx of money and that really institutional support. so that means that when no, actually i start measuring data and what we've saying is that balance incidents are plateauing guys reported to victoria police. and we do accept that many incidents do not get reported. but we're looking at 929394000 report to you to victoria police. so what we're seeing is an environment where people i'm a confident in coming forward and we've, i know that they will have that support entry, knowing these numbers, that is what actually helps us continue to work through programs to work through what we can do to continue to drive down those incidents of family violence. okay, just review is just a few quick statistics. we talk about the numbers, an estimate to 8000000 australians 41 percent of experience violence of physical
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sexual since the age of 16. and another point is 31 percent of women and 42 percent of men of experience to physical violence. 22 percent of women and 6 point one percent of men of experience sexual violence. it's not just women. is it that being talking to you in, in your processes to try and protect everyone, they're also brand new, protecting that there are absolutely. and one of the key things he is to recognize is that most of the people who are committing this policy, what choosing to use violence and, and it is against women, it is against been and it is against children. and we do say recurring trauma, we do say many of those people who i usually boss have experience trauma and they launch the full. if you do that, it is something that we have to do. and this again goes to what the prime minister has said. and it absolutely goes to what probably it just seems to allen has said, we've got to do work and prevention and we've got to be working with those people who are actually using violence. it's all very nicely the man in this. sure. yeah,
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it's all very noisy. at all, no it's, it's all right, just getting that it's all very easy. i was going to say for news on cars like myself to look into a report and then question you and put you on the spot. one of the fact is, i think this very important that you made coal has to be made very clear in the report. is it the period of cobit 19 the lockdown people within their own homes has paid a huge factor in the way that the numbers have risen. they may not have risen exponentially as widely as they have, or as high as they have had co, but not happen. how do we have to sort of take that period of history into you might say, into the mind, into the, into this in how do we factor it, sorry, into the bigger equation of how you solve the problem now? well i think that we have to be clear that violence against agreement has been going on for millennial. yes, quite a bit deep created for situations in household way. we store increased incidence of
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reported family violence. it doesn't mean that the violence wasn't happening before . it may not have been has to be um, but it was very well has been happening and some violence. jim did violence, it is about respect. and we need to have changed, you know, country, but worldwide around how we see women, how we talk about women, and how we are inclusive of women. because what we're saying is an issue of respect or just the yeah. and how those demonstrations palm out for the moment minutes to will. thanks so much for joining us for melvin. thanks for your time. no, thank you for the time. thank you. the raleigh and solidarity with pilot studies in gauze was taking place into key events is organized by the foundations that humanitarian relief, and it's among the groups which have also being backing the freedom flotilla. coalition. also, thank is long for us in a sample. just tell us a little bit more about what's been going on in terms of the demonstration.
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yes, people have been gathering here and now the last demonstration organize, i say that around 20 to 75000 people today. they're not sure how many people are turn up. it has been raining over the evening and old morning, but they're confident that many people will be turning up and marching to spend the squared not far from here around one and a half because i'm in such a way. and again, his advice showing solidarity with the people in gaza according to the end of the hole and the seas of gauze that. but this demonstration does come a day off to the very disappointing news for people to have that freedom to attend the coalition. and they'll ship that was set to set sail and try to break the siege of gauze and to live a few minutes here. and a had been delayed yet again, but this time with no dates because those ships are 2 of those just to kind of side of the republic of give me the so and yesterday the news is released that country under pressure. they say it was uh withdrew its flags and those ships meaning that they cannot set sail, that people have very keen still to show that they are determined that they will
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continue to campaign and protest and to show solidarity with the palestinians. and that i did much that that's what it was still set. so even though that hasn't been a date set to prevent that will happen again. we're expecting thousands of people here today and the organizes, i hate change say this just shows the extent to the support. the other students have been trying to p. s. and the protest will be taking place not just in his temples, but many cities across the country. so thanks very much for that update as that bag that for us. and it's stumble now. tornado struck the southern chinese. if you have one, jo, killing fun, these people. 33 others were injured when the twisted landed in mid afternoon on saturday. more than a $140.00 century buildings would damage the 2nd tornado hit. another district later in the day, marching is the funding director of the institute for public and environmental affairs. he's also environmental list and also enjoys this lies out from beijing. mr. jen,
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i could tell you with us on the program. if you look at the targets heavy wet tornadoes of struck china since 1956 shanghai he'd be probing. schon, don't as you all john john to challenging shiny pod, my chinese pronunciation, i would say, since 2000 over 40 events has have been recorded. is this about the geography, the east of the country being so close to the coast in any way? that's correct. the southeastern part of china, the coastal regions are close to the, to the coast. the see that it's not they. so now getting, it's, you know, like many other parts of the ocean and getting plumber at um, so with, uh, uh, an easier way you can generate some more powerful tornadoes and, uh, uh, and, and event types of some, if you'll reset your links,
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the environmental changes to sort of the poll river delta, how does that fit into the much wider climate change issue? the china, amongst many other countries in the world is experiencing yeah, no, the statistics show that they are setting the increasing frequency all 5 extreme have a ring full in china just like the many other parts of the word since 1916. so it's, uh, it's a, it's going up and down and, and then, but to color they, in the, in this region and this region, this year suffered from the earliest i have, uh, you know, a record breaking or the flooding uh, from the beginning of this month. and then uh, you know, before this tornado the pro, right, uh, the wrong, don't you know, the problem is that long to have suffered to ross of very happy reading things. and we'd shadow triggered a warning,
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a warning about why don't seeing 110 years old flooding, and it's causing a lot of damage and then some casualties already. and so this is uh, uh, uh, a, uh, a new challenge that, uh, that we have to, to do with, uh, and china is uh, trying to, to mute, strengthen our hardy warning system. and you know, with better natural, logical uh for what cast capacities and also emergency response, emergency response capability is being stressed out over the long run this cities and old need to be and designs and plans with higher standards, all the slog discharge. and so, and what the lobby prevention? yeah, we $75.00 trees damage. i'm sure the authorities, we look you on how to make the cities much safer for the moment, monitored and thanks so much for joining us. amazing,
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so thank you. thank you. still, head have all the out of their machines on target again. so miami action from major link stuff coming up with the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double stand to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often st. louis, but it's absolutely vital the stories and control we pushed as far forward as we
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can to the front line. now, the smells of the power of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the chemistry and i would school. thank you. so how that start with trick kids and pockets on have a pointed jason glass be as new head coach of that test team. this is the 1st major international coaching role, full of a former australia, a false bowler, who remains these countries
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a 6 highest. we could take it in tests 47 year old class, be known as busy. well, it's pockets down to play with smiles on that faces, pockets unable so i pointed to the full, the south african batsman and coach, gary customs take charge of the limits of diverse teams. how does the t 20 well, comp cost and previously touched india between 282011. the for on james and the, and i like has a cleaning on in the m b, a playoff series of to finally getting away in the over the denver nuggets often losing a 3 straight games. they were on the verge of an invitation against a defending champion, but they called themselves on the board in los angeles with a one line seeing it's a 1086 treatment game for school assessing. and i'm to the date is 425 along with 233 pounds. it ends at 11 game losing streak to denver. he's still a to 31 in the series. christmas. all games must win now for the like is as they have back to them that the game 5 on monday we're only opportunity for us is disappointing. there's game we've given our self another life yourself,
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another lifeline. and it's a one game series for us. you know, so you know, one of them is the most important game season for us. and we understand that and we know that. so, you know, assess the, you know, you lose, you've done any way you keep going. so, so i must talk about on the top seat at boston, celtics moved ahead in this area again, see miami sheets and jason tyson and jayden brown by school. 22 points, 8 boston when uncomfortably one a 4 to 824821 overall and the best of 7 series. voss to fill out the magic of a level that best series against the cleveland tablet. as friends, wagner was the top floor was 30 full points as a foot from behind it. so when 112th 89, that's the last thing you too often did go ahead and assist you found the just one way to waste and wrapping up the series again, schooling is kind of fitness that the number one seat in the west, one the latest in town, so one to 6 to 8 to 5, to take 3. nothing leave. social security is 4. 21 point fox acre,
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just alexander ford with 20 for there's hope for the help for the future. now it could be another pivotal day in the primarily title. rice with vice, also add monitors to city and action on sunday. it's a huge game for lead is also less last off because it's the north london bibles tell them. the cut off has a slide looking to win consecutively, games aps bus for the 1st time since 1988 is a big one between the 2 cups. nissan team that it may be it, i'm better. that's for sure. you need it in football and it leads to sports is need to have these other clubs, these other people's on that. so it's an individuals that they have to confront them, fight them, improve a lot better than them mad city or what nothing and forest should also beat spas said he would find themselves full points behind. that's hard to arrive was by the time they kick off the crucially city to have a game and we know that we the,
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we know we throw in the chance to fight them to the end. so of course the pressures that we have done in the past that doesn't means is going to happen in the future to do it again, the things you have to make it happen is power. sasha, me, i will clinch. that's that straight french thing. tied to eliza as near as rivals. monica has failed to be. little pastry would already be champions. have a lease of the offer on that today, but they drew solutions. i from the office, you went up? yes. the west 31 down. full extra for tv, soft to the flight back, goes all around us, then school and stuff. it's time to make it $3.00 oh, $5.00 to celebration on hall. so he asked jason, we will mess the school twice into miami in the latest major league soccer game. they have to fight from a go down most of beats and doing the revolution for one. the manufacturer generates as a full time out to new england and $65000.00 to see origin tina's world come when an action is the 1st play, and unless history to the for 16, go contributions to his bus 7 games of the season. the new york auditors have cut
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themselves alive and the n h l a stanley cup playoffs, they was 3. is it right down to get to the carolina hurricanes and the 1st round series, thoughts? they one game for and 2nd, find a design thanks to this. go from i see balls out that keeps things going down to the game 5, which is a north carolina on tuesday. it was a similar story in florida as the sounds of a lightning one, the 1st game against the pompous stevens sancho santa brandon, hazel, bicycle twice as the lightning 163 is still trial 31. those a must win the next 3 games. if that's a very 3 me, 4 times in 206 attempts, have an at 8 testing come back. so when a series from 3 down the boston bruins are in control against control and say may police brought more? show how to go. i'm done assist and that's 31 victory. which puts the 31 up arrow and just one went away from progressing the top, seated data styles of pulled one back in this series against the las vegas golden lights. why it jumps in school today?
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what time to get the women and a 6 game losing streak against vegas the night still need to one over. now there are many schools try fees you can wherever on your head to, but one go far. it was a what did he just that as of to tighten victory on the t well to a utah account, super go ahead to close record of $63.00. the claim has made and went on, so i need it is on home soil at the hands of chances it depends. 25 year old cottage, 5 buddies and 7 holes at this office about 9 finished on 17 underpass results. how does the pack on the end of that very impressive headway like it and it was a tough day on track somebody. so g p right is the latest sprint. rice, with 15 of them crashing during the 12 block event, right? including the rice lead up, mock mach has dump patches that may be entirely dry out and then return to the track stuff is low. this week is where the calls, the race was won by championship. beautiful. hey, mocking mangrove free takes place later on. something that is only a sports now i would have liked to,
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so thanks very much of it. so. so african music played a major role in the movement that ended up hall tide. slip of hot sticks. my bu say is an artist who uses talent, string coverage, unity and the quality. but he says there's still a long way to go to meet them in that goes up with them. of the type of a double cross. and 1st in reach us in this case, to go in and with an important to track simply titled nelson montana pulse. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks, my booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. it was just natural, as a musician you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing
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a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading, calling for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom, which a no performed by musicians locally and abroad. medusa worked with global stones like maria mckayla, and you must have camera between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into a part to south africa held its 1st and aquatic election in 1994 and helped me god . oh, how can i go? montana was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were
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homeless. we have no doubt with a, a, our health issues, them any child and just stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young filled africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, still sung today when people want to express anger or discontent. and often people here have a lot to complain about. well, democracy both significant change and freedoms for many here, the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. for me to milan ultra 0. so way to specify that something is that i will have more news on the other side of the brain for them to learn from me and all of the news on the same day. and so i so much for
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your time to complete the, the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow and they will have to learn from us, which is here as new series dying of life before land a g. a serena has spent most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like other than his family. but things are different now for when
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he was a boy. in 2022 long days, mcgarr will declared and endangered species. i'm the one of the family at the school. today he's taking us to the band so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that that wants to be. i mean molnar calling me about some of the power while the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this black ball
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concrete not only indeed just was brian made populations, but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the just a heavy unit kind of sent in president back load on bass ones. this route will try the punish palestinians and push them out of the west bank. also it's done with garza, it appeals to the us helps stop as well as apply and invite you know, from the time sammy's a, them, this is al jazeera live from the hall. so coming up, the hundreds of students are arrested across the us protests against israel's war on gauze or a spreading to new university campuses. tens of thousands of on the streets of


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