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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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they don't to biomedical research this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the just the heavy unit kind of sitting in price of in the mood. i buy swans this or i will try the punish palestinians and push them out of the west bank. also it's done with garza, he appeals to the us, helps stop as well as apply and invite you to know from the semi se, then this is al jazeera live from the hall. so coming up, hundreds of students are arrested across the us, protest against israel's war on gauze or a spreading to new university campuses. tens of thousands of on the streets of
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australia, demanding action against the rise and attacks against women slots. i'm so meet them in the, in the winter where we speaking to and to partridge activists and jasmine engines, people onto the small boosting a south africa mox. 15 years of democracy, the palestinian president. not no doubt by certainly the us consultant as well. for me, inviting off, who was speaking of the world economic forum in the south, the capital re odd. a boss repeated his calls for an end to the war in gaza and for israel to allow more aid, a bus one is ro would try to push palestinians out of the west bank officer. its done with garza as well as being threatening to launch a full ground invasion of roughly more than one point. 5000000 people are sheltering right now yesterday. if you have those uh,
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let me know what is happening and gaza. what will happen in the coming days? and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza, a gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime doesn't mean that abraham joins us live from what i'm a lot in the occupied westbank. so these warnings by the policy and authority president kind of chilling effect, is it likely to have on people that are in the west bank as well as you ask people if they've followed the speech? they're most likely the, the answer would be that they did not. they feel that the leadership is so far away from the population that they still believing that they have any action that could
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support and how it palestinian is doing these conditions. they are seeing the displacements happening in gaza and since the beginning of the war, palestinians here have been saying that once israel finishes with, with gaza, it will move to the occupied westbank with pushing palestinians out of their homes . and they feel that my best saying this now is a bit too little, too late. and we've already been seeing the displacements happening in the occupied westbank with human rights organizations saying within 1250 pounds of students from the bed. doing communities were forced to move out of the lives they've been suckling in and staying and for decades because of the continued secular attacks. and they would tell you that their leadership are left the power list and without any protection when it comes to the attacks by these really sucks there's when it comes to the continued as way, new ways here in the occupied west bank, which are averaging 40 rates per day, it's the feeling heat among spot us citizens is that the palestinian leadership
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often speaks as a political analyst entity, not as a need to ship that has plans that would save palestinians that would lead them to the end of the occupation and to have their own states, so this is why they stop listening to the leadership statements and this they see it as too little, too late. all right, thanks so much need to abraham mediation is trying to reach a seas 5 deal between is around him. us as well says it's a group projects, it's like this to offer to go ahead with the ground invasion over off of my world and one and a half 1000000 palestinians all sheltering. well, from all this, that's going to want correspondence, stephanie deck, as you joins us from ok, probably be serious. and so when do these crucial talks hang right now of the counter offer of israel has been in the hands of her mouth. they've been studying it. well, you understand just in the last hour, that
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a, how my stomach ation will be heading to cairo tomorrow. but potentially to be giving their response or, you know, their feedback. and just now will send these really media. some rumblings that in is really delegation could be heading to cairo to this is not confirmed, but i think it does show us that something is moving. that doesn't mean that there will be a deal, but there is some a meant and that's for sure. in the comparison to the last couple of months, egypt very strong on this, of course, alongside with the americans. but egypt has invested in trust because at a, what is right on its border is also set to is, are all the district put into jeopardy, the long standing piece treat to you? it has with israel because it doesn't want to take in palestinians into its territory. and of course, if you have a mass ground operation in such a small area, that is housing over a $1400000.00 internally displaced that that could become a real issue. so i think we'll have to wait and see how the next couple of days play out. of course, a lot of pressure to on the prime minister,
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internally from hundreds of thousands of his ratings calling for a deal to be made 7 months into this war. to release the captives and of course from the trash for communities we've been reporting also students across the world now putting a lot of pressure on israel for this war to stop for there be an immediate cease fire. so again, let's wait and see if anything comes out of these negotiations in the next couple of days. and that was stephanie deca from occupied these through as soon this is ralph says its 5 digits of stock has belonged targets in southern lebanon. the statement released by, as well as on the side of the ministry compound was also hit footage, released by the ministry of peers to show the strikes hit the um, group sites. the model not off area has belonged as well. have tried to find nearly every day since the start of the war and garza, the french foreign minister, isn't the lebanese capital for talks on the escalating security situation on the border. so in a whole that has this update from beta,
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the process trying to de escalate tension. so across the 11 on israel border, according to the french foreign minister, he's here in favor to discuss with 1111. he's officials a proposal for that to happen. now his visit just the week after 11 on the prime minister and achievement at the as well as the head of the lebanese army. joseph were in paris for talks with the french presidents on the situation along the border. now he did not the french horn ministers, not defaulting any details on that proposal. but what we understand from officials is that it is based on un resolution 1701 which was adopted after the last war between hezbollah and as well in 2006. what it calls for is an area from the border up to 20 kilometers free of fighters and weapons outside the states controls. so what we understand is that a frances discussing the possibility of beating up the presence of lebanese army
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troops along the border. and the lebanese arm group has blocked, pulling back, pulling back up to 10 kilometers. but the bottom line is this as western nations try to deescalate tensions as much as france. america is, has the law has drawn the line in the sand and it's made, it's very, very clear. it's open the front to help relief pressure on garza and it will not hold the fighting until there is a permanency fire in gaza. so until the war on garza ends, then this front 11 on israel front will will remain an active affront. so these meetings really are not going to bear much fruit until a permanency fire is wasted. garza so riley installed his hours. the was palestinians in gauze there is taking place in total kia fee event is organized by the foundation for humanitarian relief. so long groups which have also been backing the freedom flow till
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a coalition. let's go live now to i said back. he joins us from. some bullet can see some umbrellas around the hours, the turnout shaping up. well, the organizers when you spoke to him earlier on said that they weren't sure how many people to tune up previous. it is being the right 20 to 25000 people that these right? is it showing solidarity for the palestinians? pulling for the end to the war in gauze and the into the sage. but today despite the weather, it's been raining all morning and the beginning of this afternoon there's a considerable turn on people's waving. palestinian sags quoting for the end to the siege of gaza, calling for the opening of the roof of crossing. but when you speak to people here, it does come a day off to the disappointing news that the freedom slipped to the coalition. oh, won't reset and go from. there hasn't been a date when it will be setting off the 2 of its ships. the black from getting about so was withdrawing a full organizer, say,
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affiliates both politically motivated reasons. but people hands appear all can to show this hold a guaranteed uh with the palestinians and coal for end of the war and goals and not people all marching towards the sun, the square here. and it's not the board which is about a kilometer on a hot oh wait. and despite the weather, despite it, despite it being raining, the all right, these taking place across to the today, people very adamant that they want to. so show that support for palestinians and organizes of that cost. so to the coalition of things that they will continue to try to make sure that that does lead to the adapter amount of tutoring age is delivered and that stage of gaza is challenged. and i, thanks so much, i said bag the student protests against the war and gaza, continuing for a 2nd week. the calling on universities to divest investments in israel. don't 100 reports from princeton university in new jersey for students occupying
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college campuses across the united states. the price of pro test can be high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about the kinds of culture, i mean, this is the kinds of culture shut down any discussion and really raging discussion of this. i mean for many of these politicians, history began on this. we didn't begin on october. the 7th it's, we actually led to october the 7th, and this is what i want to discuss. then there is the academic price at princeton work held through protesters. look on many students were masks to protect their identities, but still play by the university's rules. no amplifiers,
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no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent, the university put up for an upcoming event next to the protest encampment. soon as they're taking some big risk and things protests, if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton tuition is over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it and we're willing to put that on the line. and we also know that we have power and numbers, palestinian active as linked as our sources. there's an irony in lead universities and skilling, ethical values, and students, and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for justice and
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palestine. that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york ended dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry and l g 0, princeton, new jersey. now old universities and gaza had been badly damaged or destroyed by his ready forces displaced palestinians at camps and are off in southern gaza. assign king student protest is in the us full. this solidarity messages of gratitude have been displayed on the tents. they say despite clamp downs by authorities halls to end the will being hugged by palestinians on the siege. and that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university for standing with us,
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with their humanity their hearts and their compassion, and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the will to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them. what i had on al jazeera investigations began into an explosion as the minutes they basically come back with you the kill 20 soul . just the in depth analysis of the days headlines. that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature parties. and specifically, russia inside story on al jazeera, in
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a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism, run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial instruments inside to the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch ministry come out and witness presents. this is come on a jersey the the government challenges here with the
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slow you're watching out this here. let's take a look at those headlines now. palestinian president, my god, i by says many of us can stump as well from invading the southern city of qualifying garza, speaking of the world economic forum, he repeated calls for an end to the war. and for as well to allow more aids, mediators are still trying to reach us these 5 deal between this rounds from us as well says if the group rejects its latest offer, it will go ahead with the ground invasion of rough for more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians of sheltering student protests against israel's foreign gauze, are ramping up across the united states. with more universities joining the movement, hundreds of demonstrations being detained. the un security council says it's deeply
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concerned, so that is permit for a rapid support forces all preparing an attack. and those 5 shift the city is the last stronghold of the army in west and off for region. the rapids support forces to control a for all the state capitals last year. at least 21 communities have been attacked, indigo. busy since march, i think has seen the number of display civilians and then 5 should grow from 302800000. in recent months, the morgan is in call to with more on the situation of the fast it's because of the number of people who fled from other parts of dar 4 into the safety of a session, which is the last remaining stronghold of the army. and the on groups that have been fighting the army and signed a peace agreement with the government in 2020. now, these type, the type that has been historically since 2003 during the early on set up a doubtful wars happened, targeted by department of few rapid support forces based on estimates that sees and
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so they all concerns that the tribes that are affiliated with the iris have will come with a massive car against those tribes, just as it said, the back in 20032004. and during the days of the doubtful were, according to rights groups and the united nations. so they all concerns that because of the iris as an circling the city opened slash a big city, one of the biggest cities in, in dar for and in the entirety of sedan. i'm now even bigger because of the number of people displaced. they'll concerns that's once that attack starts, civilians will have nowhere to flee right now as it stands. that committed parent situation is quite dire. a group said that access to humanitarian assistance, or rather fuel and food to come into the city is being was fitted by the permanent, through rapid support forces. and they are flight things happening between the hours of the on groups and the army around the outskirts of the capital. and that has led to a loss of stability in life, especially as a result of artillery selling and as tribes by the army. to look into
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a file size dismissed or falls from a ride. scrub accusing demetria of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights watch says but cannot fast those ami carried out the killings into northern villages. in february, the rights group says they will execute it as part of a campaign against civilians accused of working with um, groups tens of thousands of demonstrates as of right in cities across australia to demand action against gender based violence, protest calling for the top, the lowest front of a wave of violence against women. government balances shows a woman is being killed every full days on average this yeah. i'm really speak of it. um i'm, i'm clicking this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like that. the need to start with a son,
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the boy is this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny and we are, we're the beginning of change prime minister and to now the idea is describe the wave of violence against women as an epidemic. you change the change attitudes, you change the system, we need to change the oh goodness. because it's not enough to assist with victims. we need to focus on the paper. tried is and focus on prevention. a tornado has struck the southern chinese city of going to killing 5 people. so the 3 others went into it when the twist that landed mid afternoon on saturday. more than a 145 pre buildings were damaged. second tornado hit, another district lights during the day a as an explosion as
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a minute. 3 base in southern count body has killed 20 sol, just people at nearby villages say the impacts of the i mean a some loss damage that homes. several others have been injured, cambodia, as prime minister as promising to compensate those affected security around the compound has been tightened. all the quotes of last is being investigated from my let me know when the explosion happened, i was fixing my house with some construction workers. suddenly there was a loud explosion, causing my house to shake and breaking tiles on my roof. they fell down, but luckily they didn't fall inside the house. spans 5 minutes to bed, throw sanchez's jew to make an announcement on his political future. on monday, thousands of supporters of been rallying on the streets of mentor is in an effort to dissuade him not to resign. last week he shot the country saying he intended to step down quoted earlier, opened the corruption investigation against his wife. a national period of morning
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has been declared in july after the beginning of 3 minutes. we police officers tributes were paid to them in santiago during a parade to mark the $97.00. a ton of us. 3 of the false men were attacked and killed in that call while responding to 3 false emergency calls happened in the southern auto province. germany's file, right, hey, if the policy is launched, it's campaigns of the european parliamentary elections in june. paul suggested could come 2nd in europe most populous country for the policy is my then yes, another scandal. the one of its members was arrested on accusations of spying for china. william peacock has moved from building see if these leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they look into that campaign for the european elections that come with the 2nd in the polls expected to win most cities than ever before. but also facing ever more scandals. and one man was conspicuous by his absence puts
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you need a team to a couple of tried to explain why that made kind of that wasn't a misdemeanor. i knew that i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian cost for saying that to date shouldn't be about caught. caught cox today is about the d, because we are the prod you that puts out gemini 1st starts the tardiness, and then what do you do between the one as if these top kinds of elections crowd was meant to be funding this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of stuff was arrested by the german authorities accused of spying for china, off too late for the party to change the list of candidates. and we have cross a he went step down the f. d, as keeping him well out of the spotlight, not least, cisco himself is also being investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the companion, n t f t. protest is finally yet another headache for the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of them as prominent vegas is currently on trial, accused deliberately using
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a nazi slogan. that's trial continues, but it's on the how much f d vs will k. c as an adult for like many fall right? potties have established their own media system where they can reach several with us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote us of the f d will be open to believe the allegations that's that in mainstream media, or whether they would only get the information directly from the steve themselves. so even with a slight dipping reason pulse the f d is still in 2nd place nationwide. head of every party. it's in the cohens government coalition, william peacock. i'll just say that, but to south africa now when music play the major role in the movement, the end of the pond tide see for hold 6 and the boost phase. one of the authors who use these talents to encourage unity and the quality. but as the nation celebrates, the use of democracy says there's still a long way to go. for me,
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the quote help with him. and so i, so the idea of a double cross x ray in region on have to go. and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks, i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. it was just natural. as a musician, you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading called full nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which
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a no performed by musicians locally and abroad. mobile. so worked with global stones like maria mckayla and you must of kayla routine the bring awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into a part to south africa held its 1st and aquatic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how does that go? my dental was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a at our health issues. there many challenges stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed,
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but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young still the africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago. so son today, when people want to express and go discontent, and often people here have a lot to complain about. well, democracy both significant change and freedoms for many here, the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. for me to milan ultra 0 so way to and from so it's been a 1st hour thing for to rest. so my friend tiger cubs is due in the northern city of m e. s. they were born last month as part of a european breeding program. they're off fewer than $400.00, some auction tigers in the wild due to habitat, los deforestation,
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and illegal hunting. was it for the show? weather is nice then inside story ask this city is on from south africa's democratic elections as the a c i n c. the limits stay with us the the self and child is really getting back to the environment. yup. a couple of tonight is reported. big hail, damaging hail, floods you know about, and they've been around for 2 or 3 weeks. and the, the process continues the orange tops, he is suggesting big some of the stones stretching stripe, a good positive southern china. not going bit further from the west as well, if you're high enough because it's negative. but this is spreading down towards hong kong and east towards shanghai once more. so the likelihood is pretty
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unpleasant. weather for many and briefly that happens in southern japan about the time to get to choose day. the sheriff that returns is not a big risk here. hong kong is full cost temperature dips because you have some stores sometimes school the funds don't know. there was some gust of wind that's 3 days with to the west. you'd expect pretty monsoon heat and you have it. it's concentrating in india, the raw showers in the final faced properties far west as the north west of india and also the impact of started. if you ever look on the social media, you'll see some big storms that happened in the whole, for example, but temperatures awful thing, and the warnings in addition and westbank all of them to the 41 or 40 to 70 degrees above the average. and of course comes of causing some distress. the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days.
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resident of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes that 2 thousands of lives, including his own garza, the last picture on the 0 the 30 years of freedom, south african american 3 decades since the end of a pass side to the countries facing major challenges as a heads into an election. so how's the governing amc failed to live up to its promises? this is inside the .


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