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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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the eyes of palestinian capital mind complete homage who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including his own garza, the last picture on the 0. the 30 years of freedom, south africans american 3 decades since the end of a pass side to the countries facing major challenges as it heads into an election. so has the governing amc failed to live up to its promises. this isn't side store the hello and welcome to the program and the bulk of south africa is mocking freedom day. the historic day of the change,
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the course of the country hoops wilheim back in 1994. his years of segregation and white rule came to an end, a millions of black south africans cost a vote for the 1st time. but 30 is on many side as little to celebrate hopes being replaced by disappointments and skepticism. the african national congress, which has been in power since that time is accused of not keeping its promises. its been embroiled and corruption scandals and unemployment is an all time high. crime is widespread and re space in a quality is still a problem. this is anniversary comes a month ahead of general elections, which can see the amc lose its majority for the 1st time. so have south africans lost faith in that governing policy. we'll put that into, i guess in a moment 1st, but this report from image in cuba. the 30 years since the doctor coons went to the post for the 1st free democratic bank delivering a final end to decades of accounts. only white minority had given
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the button. i cannot forget how we suffered at the hands of flights in the city at night, but they will light by cuz foot boots of yourselves, a black person. if they saw them walking on a pavement, the african national congress met by nelson mandela when a landslide victory in 1992 and his remaining powers since. but with a general election a month away, the amc could be at risk of losing its majority. for the 1st time. the economy is stagnant unemployment, around 30 percent. for those on the $35.00, it's as high as 50 percent. corruption has been a problem. the former secretary general, the amc is facing troll in june. and the amc speaker of the heisman resigned this april accused of money laundering public services a severely lacking bowling power costs and water shortages a part of daily life for many. the amc insists things will improve and defend that
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record. our task over the last 50 years has been to bridge the huge devise of well then off with unity. now country between black and white, between men and women, between acid and rudo drama. we have done so not only to contract the injustices of the past, but also that we may realize that for potential of any cart on the in which every person has a state. but according to the will bank, south africa is one of the most on equal countries in the world. roughly 10 percent of its population holds around 70 percent of the wealth. and race is still a major factor in that division. if there was something, the opposition party, the economic freedom fighters says it was addressed with radical policies,
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including confiscating white and blind. and the nationalization of mines and bonds, making them popular with young people. the other meno position policy is the democratic and lawrence de priorities during the 20 twenty's day to 2020 non term. well, be true. one. create 2000000 new jobs for south africans to, to and blurred. chevy installed africa and, and what's a shipping number 3 of the rates of bottling from the democratic alliance. cosette, it would be open to power sharing with the governing amc. while the amc says it's in it to win. but if the amc wants to hang on to power, a coalition may be the only way you can buy out a 0 the inside story the.
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okay, so let's bring in all of, i guess, all 3 of them are joining us from cape down. melanie forward is a political analyst and a full, a member of south africa's parliament. under president nelson. mandela william committee is founder and executive chair, person of the democracy works foundation and zacky ok. my to is an activist. i'm an independent candidate for south africa's pond, but if i will welcome 2 or 3, if you psyche i wonder if i can start with you. we've heard some of the examples that are the failings of the a and c in recent years. they say the, it's a great job to dress poverty issues to do with utilities energy supplies. all of these a site is as reasons to punish the a, n, c. the polls give us a sense of the lived experience of what it's like the south africans to face these challenges. uh hello. everyone,
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my experience has been a lot of that and the other hall living came democracy. and as you would know for my understanding is that i know 1994 with which gives you guys dignity back to the people in many different class. of course, the degree for everyone, for what do we have the clinical disposition of like african people, the disposition and intellectual disposition, where people were really kind of cheap bodies like that, as opposed to human beings for you to be dignified citizens of the country. so they
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really part of what was i was calling to inform the install the system to bring you into school when he went to work. when he went to the post office, how we usually come home, every aspect of life was to the full. the idea was just pregnancy and so like, you know, what happened between the 294 that was in the same kind of thing. it's been because the b i n c was needing to make the for when you're looking for the end stage. right? so the 2nd, so here, let me jump in and just just let what i want to clarify is web. a reason failings have in some way, eclipse past achievements won't even let me put that to you because also cited is
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disappointing with with the ac that it's lost. it's quote moral compass. what do people mean when they say they amc has lost its moral compass. william, you know, thank you and thank you for having me on the program. i think it's a mix. let's just say the answers left so big. so just say under one hand around reach concept scraps. the fees are formally configured. i'm going to move around and i'm also a child and go out and have my you searching your during your process yet. i search bixler just see we've got we have we have that kind of way. i'm forming a part of it last week i headed to the constitution near losses. and so i'm in favor, but it's almost stops today. i mean, the reality from a positive to democracy is beneficial, small, easily suspended. this, if you're, if you're connected to the answer in one way or the other, you know, you would have benefits as if you're why it's being corporate big present as your would have benefited by the large majority of somebody who comes back to you. the
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underneath, you know, it has almost remained where they were doing your box. if you go to melanie, do you agree with that? a small, a leads the cream of the crop. those are the people that have benefited from the work of the i n. c. in recent years, as someone who was elected as a member of parliament for the amc and the nelson mandela, what was it like to hear this criticism of what the party looks like today? look i think many, i like the i the to gaze william and zaki, i also grew half of my life under a by state. and i was privileged enough to be part of the problem. and i'm to know some of the ends in the beginning of the home page as well. the thing about it is, i mean, many of us, i think one of us, i think everybody on the show would also tell you that we are deeply, deeply disappointed in, in what has happened and, and you know, divisions and some, some respects. i mean, i do agree that
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a slow leak test benefitted greatly. that's true off as when insight was off the whites, they have still benefit from those to backdate and it's also from people in business . it's also a growing black middle class, and i think one needs to also acknowledge that you know, that it is still as bad as things. oh, for the majority of poor people in this country. it is in some way still better than it was not only because they have democratic rights and freedoms, but also because things in some respects having groups, things like free education, free university education, if you are poor and what a access to want to, even though in some places that's become a problem. now, if, when there is electricity, the majority of people in this country has made it just it, etc. so i think there's a narrative that's developed in the country and that is spelled in overseas as well . but nothing good has happened from in the last city, and i don't believe that is true even though we faced enormous challenges and things have gone wrong. and particularly under this emerging,
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i'm curious to turn back the clock and talk about the journey south africa has been on since the end of a pause item. the legacy of course, of colonialism but still very much wants to present to william did negotiations back in 1994, the settlements the board and ends to uh, to a pod. so i give away perhaps too many concessions to white south africans. i don't know. i don't think so, you know, i, it's against the, i to a circle possibly in the beginning, but i mean, looking back, that was the case. i, you know, retired and he goes here. he's just trying to transition. we're not an officer defends, but i as was strong enough to try a control. i mean we, we could not have heard of a nuisance. i'm so really a compromise agreement. patching was goods close out after time. i mean it's, you know, put the framework, the democratic 5 most of the rules foster transform a society. so i think the 5 see
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a lot of the young black years. i'm not blaming denija batch of 4 because he, i, since i was giving away too much to our, to i have to because i think i, you know me the and it was just, it was josh was at the time, you know, they worked with it. it's up to the best of the house. you know, what i could do? i'm at a time. and so they've got the framework to transform the society out. i think the finally out the items in government has nothing to do when he goes a system was a compromise, but it's a cell in splitting just by. yeah, i mean the corruption that your age and incompetence of some dicing to do with a new go say some compromises. let me solo take into this narrative and a little bit more detail if i may, because it is the perception. as you mentioned, there were some young south africa, somebody just to clarify what south africans were allowed to keep. arguably the spoils of racist white supremacy. they privacy,
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namely lands and assets. and it doesn't take a course of the economist to realize the wealth begets wealth. and that's a lot of opportunities lease to stock nation. i wonder exactly whether that is why you are now standing as an independent you saw the difference to say this to you between the between 9499, we had well cool to see these above enjoying the company was good. and the big key and right to argument essentially became quiet little corruption and the state country. is it something that i didn't give a section on the delivery of a c o in shooting the, a comfortable administration
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a little that despite it is not huge. you know, to ensure that the country goes on. but if you can lead to the date is the racial divisions that are serious racial division between african people come into the deep racism that exist is being used to emotion and sought to divide people because no changes come to me for women, cause people over the last few years inside the cost of living the ability to access with what was being taken away in kentucky. all right, to which was destroyed this now coming back but literally was full time. yes. there was. ready commutes around the same time
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a child seems to be just trying to move from one place, to be honest. i would say 10 years my people have benefits and i continue to benefit the rest. so we in a position of extreme coverage. but on the other hand, if we don't things the sites where 2 people being the $165.00, so or less, and that's, that's a difficult time to be. melanie, do you agree with that? so, i mean, you have a particularly interesting personal story and that you joined the amc, you married wilhelm voted for with the grandson of one of the architects of a pod side. you will, ostracize from your community for joining the a and see. do you think that nelson mandela went far enough in creating a bedrock for a long lasting so called rainbow nation? you know, i think that's
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a certain committee onto get onto that very well. the point was, of course, the agency wanted to go further at the time and most probably marley and they were justified to have gone. and so the but it would have resulted in a, in a civil, we wouldn't have peace and the, and the amazing thing about a story of 50 years ago is that we achieved in so that africa, which know what something which nobody told was going to be possible to have a peaceful transition to a democratic state, one of the most liberal constitutions in the world. and these things have fits of us through the last 50 years of constitution standing. even though some young people are questing and argued histories independent, the price is independent wherever independent prosecuting authority. you know, we have as your trip in the beginning said, we have a president that has gone to jail. we have a speaker who is in front of the quotes. we have an ex secretary general of the n c in front of the codes. all these things are actually phenomenal signs of a, of a country that has, has achieved, you know,
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from the democratic front. so much i do believe so as a white person that we have as whites and intergenerational responsibilities that we carry. and that is to contribute to this country. not them anyway. i'd say about opinion with me. but i, i feel very strongly about that. you know and, and that we have a responsibility to keep on contributing to his country and not just sit on the interest and load and criticize. i'm interesting that you mentioned that you disagree, that because one of the things is often mentioned by members of the i n c is but there was an inability to implement much needed reforms of the hands of tide launched because of the makeup of the judiciary. a concern being that the today did you victory represent roughly wipes. members of the judiciary represents 30 percent of the bench, even though whites only make up around 7 percent of the population. what do you, what does that mean in practice?
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and you know, i think that is over place and you know, about that kind of criticism. i think you know how to just introduce it. actually, it has to be one of the really important king and independent organizations that has presented us sliding even further down. i mean, this country was a beans in by the knowledge department for digital would you disagree and the media and sort of society. and then of course, also that we've got a big business may be competitive business extra, which has a call for space for you to otherwise, you know, as a company we would have been on the phone now. but again, you know, it does years. many other societies in touch with you guys actually made a ton of balance, and i think we have given the answer to much of the 3 pos adopted rate yourself a problem. or would you think about single forwarding to the ask? and it has become a developed country, you'd have some of our sort of, i show divisions also at the beginning we were just not soft enough and i include myself in them and i was a journalist and the yes of the transition. uh,
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i'm really just as you know because of the answers of the price of the past week towards the back of the answer will be an individual leaders will be more than a prize. they will be responsible and honest. that has not been the case of we have no, i mean spend a lot to look towards it. so the former president jacob zoom is description zacky all stage additional system. there was a judicial dictatorship as an exaggeration. well this is what i can say about the and the, the come we community company for basically just checking to see the kid. he has the distribution side. now, if anything you truly as the come to terms of gender and the difficulty is now that you just particularly new black churches
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doesn't come from a background. oh, oh, the agency start to the direction where they come from, the new key, the catches the then why just the cities that political battles are being pulled. you know, when we, when, when we need to look at a public predictive, it's in the way we can look at b and c's corruption in terms of it. so this is all the 4 digit job is to make a decision, right? oh, what happened is citizens the right spot we need let's move on and talk about coalition building because according to recent polls, just over 40 percent, so vote to say that they will back the want us of course might see a and see going forward. because if the amc wants to stay in power of the
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challenging job of coalition building will be necessary would mean for the countries political landscape william to yes, i did. you know, i didn't see maybe i'm under retrace, but your answer very likely a screenshot of likely to be potentially a play. i play uh as a couple of weeks and i can probably send, i think, i know a lot of subject terms uh, very watering its um by colors and politics because actually i can get it shipped from there. oh um. so for us to be, um 60 is the fax, it filed um from a company some point of view or data i keep on remind people that they attach it to a couple of issues at the municipal level. all of the majority of them have been officers successful. i of course have been involved in putting together. i sent you independence of military surplus. x are dennis. i've side of it as fast for you, and i've told her probably some of you just called a mostly positive child, sir. now we, which i've got involved and i have a subject to do this to pick
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a i to the come see for accommodations for that's after that summer intervention angle because that's a space where everything should be. and i also think coalitions much more appropriate, some bunk bed uh, a more appropriate model for diverse sizes receipt agent. but also um, you know, that have some, some baseline descriptions consistency company, some products. we've seen a lot more research to as soon as we can validate success stories and after check wrong color probably semester, or somebody will. so i think it's appropriate model, right, melanie, do you agree with that? but a coalition government would be better suited to the type of south africa that exist today in ferry, i do in practice as i'm concerned about it. you know, it is to that the vast majority of local authorities have been successful in conversations, but those have been the smaller ones. the big ones like johannesburg. now it's
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monday. the metro falls way they've had college and governments have been big failures. the nitrate is struggled and we know from around the world democracy, steve, an old democracy struggle with us and my own experience from having a father takes as many of these politicians are not mature enough to actually do what is best for the country. so i'm, i am concerned about it. um, i think so it will work. i think the, the, and the reason why the work is that as the physical may dimension, the strongest possible with all doubts from what we can see from the opinion. both still be the and see, so they would be the strong anchor and what they were being. and i think that is what is important when you transition into college. and so he's such a strong party that thing can hold the call lucian's together when you have lots of small bodies that can be very unstable. and i think that's the last thing our country needs at the moment. well then i should probably put that to it as aki should nice standing as an independent. so does a being part of a small a cohorts of the independent politicians. we couldn't, will strengthen the country?
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is it more representative of the country today as well? the place this is a place to start is to say that people, the satisfied the majority of the people and the majority of people don't trust political bodies. and so the need for to bring back is, will do constituency work like people get into the dice. and i saw is actually the single me, personally, i'm joining the issue that works for the prisoner who stands on the basis of corruption. has to keep the soul fixing the stance because fixing the site. nothing else could happen. no jobs can happen. and over any of this has made that complex, at least to fix the status of i'm warning instead of the country is disabled.
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in july 2021 got an attempt to come by the company to change some people. so they try to just over to the city and to the commission and saw where i stand is we need to create stability. okay. what is where you approach the end of the shared cost you this closing question of the $30.00 is a power should we, should we be surprised that the country might want change of is it not part of what a healthy democracy looks like? absolutely. you know, the country may have changed. i was a problem about so, so far is that the i don't see as being in power for too long and people have been publishing for you based on the pos dotson depressants. and that brings the lack of accountability. i mean, instead of up to now have no real reason or no very incentives, incentives to, to deliver for you. it's people because you know, you could be, can be a failure. i am still really tons of to power. and that has to be the structure of
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a weakness. search the country is ready for change. melanie, you know, then you have now i, i, i'm, i'm not surprised, but people one change and i think it is also, you know, if you look around the world and irritable that this kind of thing happens to it. so my liberation movements so that people start getting impatient and you know, and i have a right to be angry at the moment with what is what has happened in the country. but yeah, i mean, i think there's, you know, was of course, of africa and i think we, we need to hold onto that. okay, well, many thanks to all 3 of you, melanie forwards william committee and zacky talked about. it's been a pleasure to have you on the program and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again, any time by visiting a website. i'll just 0. don't com and for further discussion on facebook page, that's facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story where you can also join the conversation on tags. handle is apps
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a j inside story from a new phone kind of the entire team here. bye. for now. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been san devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, it's one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase of food across the country. how
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will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly? ongoing coverage the in the is elections on our tuesday era. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict design is i'm a judy as a but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important. you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out 0. humanity is open, the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates,
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the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just the in the center i bid is due to the
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you want to i'll just bear with me. so he'll rom in doha, remind to of all top stories, palestinian present. my mood about it says only the us can stop as well from inviting rafa they were speaking of the world economic forum and the saudi capital re at the bass repeated his goals for an end to the war and gaza on israel to allow him. all right, now he won't as well would try to push the palestinians out of the westbank after it's done with garza, my exit. if you have those, uh what, what is happening and guys, uh, what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of rough or old.


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