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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the l. just the the hello until mccrae. this is then use our live from coming up in the next 60 minutes . is there any military targets cause of once again coming at least 66 people in just the past 24 hours in the us student led movement against a more on downs or as growing with more universities. joining the protest between affonso as governments rejects accusations as military executed, moving $230.00 civilians,
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including children and tens of thousands of on the streets of australia, demanding action against the rise and attacks against women and foot also extend the lead at the top of the premier league, they beat north london rifles top and $32.00 to go full points. claire, much to take his faith. know sam, for a shortly the off the mold. in 6 months of bombardment. israel's war on guns, which shows no signs of ending, at least $66.00 palestinians were killed in several attacks. and just the past 24 hours posted the imprisonment mood abbas has edge the world to help in the war and allow more items of guns. and he's been speaking in the saudi capital re add where he addressed the world economic forum, abbas appeals to the united states, to prevent as well from launching a ground to tackle and rougher, more than 1500000 people,
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a sheltering it will. so once that is where i would try to push palestinians out of the occupied with bank after it is done with guns, a to my as it is, is uh what, what is happening and does uh, what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza, a gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. i will go to brandon smith who is an occupied east jerusalem in just a moment. but 1st let's hit design best for avi, who's in vermont or in the occupied west bank and saying the segment from the palestinian president is very clear. but how has it been received, not just by the politicians, but by the people on the streets where you are as
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well. president obama, the boss is clearly not a primary player when it comes to bring an end to the war and gaza when it comes to veterans circumstances here, the negotiations are happening between israel and hamas and international parties. housing authorities role is limited and in terms of how he is being received here in terms of a speech. yes, it is significant as a 1st time that he has spoken so plainly. it is the 1st time his address, these issues so clearly. but the fact of the matter is there is a deep loss of face in the political leaders here in the west bank housing is don't have as much faith in their leaders. they say that he's talking about issue 6 months on the palestinians have been suffering, experiencing, and talking about for 6 months. and in some cases years. and at the moment he's being roasted over the coal, so to speak online. there's a great deal of charter criticizing him for one specific part of his speech. i'll read an extra to you is making waves in the policy. new media at the moment,
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he said is really has the right to have full security, and this is our duty. and we as palestinians have the right to get the determination of destiny, of an independent country as much as the rest of the world. but the points that people are contending with is that he said that israel has a restful security. similar concern, more about that and is about the daily rates the night and the attacks on civilians and people's homes that happen on the west bank on a daily basis that have escalated since the war on gods that began. and you mean to those? he will say over ones that israel would try to push palestinians out of the occupied with bank after it is done with gaza. how is that being received there? a man who would tell us the news we'll say to him is that is already been happening for months for years. in some cases, generations, we've seen almost a dozen raids overnight every night for weeks over to this morning. and the fact of the matter is this kind of documentation, but he's really military happens everywhere. palestinians are whether it's for the
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military or settlers. we were in the jordan valley just earlier this morning. speaking to members of palestinians of the veteran community of housing is that have lived in the jordan valley and grazed their animals there for generations in what met. one man told us a herd or that he would have to sell his animals and leave his land unless somebody did something to help him and his family. and he did not reach out for help from the palestinian leadership. he said the only people that could help him or the international community. okay, thanks so much for that that. so investment would be for us and occupied with bank mediation as a trying to reach is these find deal between as well and a mazda as well. say is if the group rejects, it's the latest offer. it will go ahead with the ground to tack on rough a way more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering. let's get more on this with our correspondent who isn't occupied east jerusalem. bennett smith infinity, can you just give us an update on exactly where the sci fi tools are right now?
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and so we know that how much says it's sending the delegation to cairo on monday and not done. the delegation will look at the proposals that the $100.00 buying. i must have cats a, an egypt, and israel is response to those proposals. israel responded on friday and how much that has been considering those responses since then. 3 new proof of life videos have been released by how mouse is the wing. busy is riley captives is the power they shopped in the last few days, piling on the pressure on the b is riley administration, particularly benjamin netanyahu, his war cabinet below. there's no indication still that the previous bridges these 2 up as have been. so mountable differences between the 2 sides have never been breached in previous seats. find negotiations. dot is that how much is demanding a full withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza on the end of the war. while israel has always refused us, and he said he will offer a pause in fighting
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a release in return for the release of captives on an increase in humanitarian. a, it's these particular sticking points, particularly on the safe side, will know that it's stopped these uh sci fi tools that advancing and booted as with a knitting yahoo coming under increased pressure from pretty much all sides at this point in time. what does this cabinet saying about these, these 5 tools? a yeah, there's a constant pressure on benjamin netanyahu, on the wall cabinet. it seems to be increasing recently over the failure so far, so really secure the freedom of any of the remaining a $133.00 also hostages. but we've had from the far right from the last little small treat, saying, agreeing to egypt, proposals would constitute a humiliating defeat. we don't know what those proposals all by the way, from egypt, and then it's my thing. is there another file cabinet administer saying that if there's an agreement with on c spy will lead to the dissolution of the government
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on the other side of the center, right? benny comes. he's in the war cabinet and he says that while the operation rasa is important, the return of hostages is more important. and he said the government will have no right to exist. if its members prevent a hostage deal, been regular protests and tell of even elsewhere, and israel in recent weeks, particularly accusing the government of prolonging the war. benjamin netanyahu particularly so that he can stay in power and avoid going to an a, an election, which most polls said he would almost certainly lose. and date is we've had some time. thanks so much. ben had been a smith for us there and occupied east jerusalem to help us out by this time we joined now by molanda shaw, who is out there, a senior political analyst who joins us from london. first of all, my one in the last hour or so, the white house national security spokesperson, john coby has spoken. and he said that israel has assured the united states, they won't go into rock until they've had a chance to share
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a perspectives. and now concerns, what is your reaction to that? so that's as well as going to do anything without getting the green light from the united states. it's, it's very possible we've been in this business now for almost 6 weeks when the united states force the ones that should not get into it off without a prior coordination. and basically they put their convictions. uh uh, no more for many or contest more seniors was now having said that, i think this just puts us in the logical of the future scenarios when in fact, do sorry, it continues to unfold in gaza. people continue to die in their tense of their hunger sky, who is in the thousands and building some refugee camps and song continue to be
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arriving machine. so why have the warranty to modify in the future? this is the present tense in american green light to continue. so the story, thank you. in gaza, not one. we also heard from care of a saying that his release has started to meet the commitments that bought an awesome to me. there's a couple of woodson new that i really want to highlight that started to make the commitments. what do you make of that? i mean, obviously these commitments were made weeks and weeks ago when they're only starting to make them now to look up, you know, to be another spots or some have to come. the joke of sunday night talk shows or, or maybe night talk shows in the united states. they're not serious. beacon sending us words and promises and commitments on the part of the house each and every time
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. there's an american position in the region of someone clicks on the phone within his radio for scenes that data. is there an issue? the not says that the united states is concerned, but there are more. there's a beginning of the chart that reports over the past 6 months, but it's business as usual. it is that it continues to murder and continues to destroy. it continues with it's also something you to take in whatever that is ready, sullivan projected to the american effort. the stock is effortless . then date, just before we let you go, i also want to talk a little bit about the person in prison. make mood of boss who is obviously boned about what is happening, potentially imminently in rafa. but also that is where i would try to push palestinians out of the occupied west bank. after it is done with garza just how real a concern is that? do you think of, i think it's going to be less and less of a concern,
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a domains or a major threat because that that's what these are. there's once it's from the beginning, but i think now they're a good number of factors quickly. they are the international court of justice and international criminal court that i've been perhaps to invite to start a new issue. there is a international public all calling from students that the course of these 2 demonstrations along the lake and ask for the fresh. there's also, they just had a question about this. so, you know, pretty close to is right, that is the one to upset. and then the question, of course, the domestic, the captives on saw so. so good reasons why this could be delayed. there's a good number of reasons why this may and might not be the main server today. and that's why i keep saying what they've been say in the past number of uh,
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minutes on towers and days that we need to keep our eyes on the board is not just about the future. sometimes it's about what's going on, what i see going on. people can guys are dying or something. busy i mean there is g homestar and gosh, that's why it's important. when we get off, i work together often. mm. okay, well, have to leave with david. thanks again. my on my, on the shower, our senior political analyst in london. thank you. to the end goal is a is ready, forces have killed at least $66.00 palestinians and wounded more than $130.00 in the past 24 hours. a huge explosion has gallons of city in the central region. if this trip on sunday, oh tex also caused once for destruction in the southern city, a for alpha, at least $54450.00 for palestinians had been killed since on time. honey. margaret joins us now from rafa in southern kaiser. and 1st of all, can you just give us an outline of these strikes right across guys that can just
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bring us up to date? exactly when it has been hit and the damage that they've caused. yes tom well there's in just a new, fresh talking eastern dropbox did it just within the past half an hour. so i never strike a target at a residential home in on the but as the a neighborhood, that's a days from parts over by city of densely populated area and just a brief walk with in the, the roads and the do the neighborhoods in that area. you can see and feel how densely populated you've given thousands of people just set up their terms on the sidewalk or in the middle of the roads or inside these residential don't been taking shoulder for the past month. and since the beginning of this war, just densely populated area, the reports right now of, of multiple injuries reported and it transferred to and the doctor hospital is still we don't have a confirm number of how many people were killed in that attack. it was described by
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an eye witness. it was a flat inside a residential building that was targeted. and unfortunately, what it does right now is the same exact product we've seen in the past. attacks here in norfolk city is just causing further internal displacement for rudy apartments. hi is this place population have been on the move and been herded by these attacks from one place to another. just tried to stay protected and save it from don. it predictable. fall in bond on own separate attacks in the central area and for the northern part of the gods trip at constant ongoing guards. hillary shilling since early hours of this morning could be easily heard and very loud explosion. this is a part of the ongoing is really military operation, the eastern part of the gaza strip and an attempt of creating a buffer zone that has already been eating 16 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. there's also an refugee comp, and they'll say don't review cameron,
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this is unprecedented, was seen, right? cuz you can't vin, repeatedly targeted since the beginning of the word there's and actually need the passing by without reporting about a refuge account being targeted inside residential homes, public facilities, and other in an infrastructures in the list, whether it's the site or the center part of the central area more people are reported injured with different injuries arriving through hospitals. and it just becoming more difficult for the, for the hospitals to provide necessary medical intervention a little and savings life. and this audit for incidentally a difficult time. thanks so much honey honey. mike mood for us, the in reference, southern gaza for the world central kitchen says it's restocking humanitarian operations and goes a weeks of to save and all of its employees were killed and, and as rarely strike the convoy was hit in the central council on april. the 1st, despite having shared the movements with as rarely forces as while apologize then
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described the incident as a grave mistake. the n g is chief executive aaron goal says the is there any army has changed rules all the top or i sions, but no, it's, it has no concrete assurances about the safety of its stuff to the student laid protest, sans and cabinets against the war. and gallons are continuing for a 2nd week in the us, demanding the universities dropped financial ties as well. when we have a team of correspondents covering the story for us in the us in a moment will be live it to new york with john hendrick. but 1st let's go to elem fisher who's at the george washington university in washington, dc with students from at least universities have joined the 4th day of protest. and ellen, i, i know sunday did i imagine it's usually relatively quiet on campus? can you just explain what is happening there now as well, let me give you an idea of what it looks like here. you've seen the pictures over the last 3 or 4 days. now you've seen the hundreds of students that come here to
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protest. the things that slightly changed on sunday morning is maybe the best time to give you an idea of what this looks like. if you look at it down to the college yard. when this process started and thursday that was entirely covered by people who came here to voice their support overnight on saturday, friday and to saturday, they put up the metal body of to split the yacht and contain the protests. if you move part of the run with the camera, you will see that there are still tents in the yard. there's probably about 20 students who are there. a number of them have left over the last 7 to 2 hours or so when they were told that there was a possibility they could lose their university housing and they could possibly not graduate. they might lose credits for, for that the term this just happened. and so a number of them decided at that point they were going to leave. now, the university asked the metropolitan police, which is the main police service here in washington dc to help clear the yard on friday. but the metropolitan police decided that the, when going to do that,
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the protests were very peaceful, and they didn't think the optics of forcibly removing people who are protesting peacefully would play. well, not just here in washington, dc, but i run into well, but what has happened is there is no, almost like a 2nd protest in the street which has been sealed off by the police. and you can see the camps and the tents that have been sent up here. people have been spending the night sleeping in those pants in support of those insight. and the demands really do remain the same, although each of the or so universities that are represented to you have their own individual items that they want to see addressed by the institution. generally speaking, they all agree on a number of things. they want to make sure that every asset that is possibly linked to israel is divested, that there are no continuing academic links between the us at these universities and israel as well. they want to make sure that those who organize the protests will face an amnesty that they will not be a freeze, any sort of
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a disciplinary action as well. and they want to make sure that pro palestinian speech on these campuses will not be penalized in any way that will be allowed because there being the number of complaints that as soon as you talk in pro palestinian terms, you're immediately described as being anti semitic. and they want to make sure that that is taken care of by the authorities, that a couple of the administrators from george washington have been in the square. and in the last couple of hours, they've spoken to some of the people in the courtyard. but those that are here, see what they said we back on thursday until their demands are met. they're not moving. ok, thanks so much of them. we really appreciate that ellen fisher for us there at george washington university. well, this is dave for of purchase a, the city university of new york on day one, campus police trying to shut down and protest has pushed them back. let's bring in john henry, who is at the city university. now in touch on these protest side that this purchase site specifically remains on the constant threat of being shut down. can
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you just explain exactly why that is of the dried here on the 1st day on thursday when they set up this camp campus police came in and tried to shut it down, tried to tear down the tents, students pushed them back and these are the most fearless protesters of all of the campuses we've been at. and there is good reason for that. this is city or university of new york. i'm like a lead institutions like those. alan was talking about where tuition can be $6070000.00 a year, and students are worried about losing their, the education they've dreamed of and tens of thousands of dollars. tuition. here's at a more democratic level. it's small the at about $6000.00. and so most of the students we see here, unlike at princeton, where we were yesterday, where students were masking their faces and, and trying to abide by all the university's rules. here. they're not doing that. when the security came in just the other day, there was a security guard here at,
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at, on friday. and he was just trying to enter this space and students blocked him off from doing so. and you can see there's a constant police presence here that is a light stand which police are set up presumably if they want to clear this place out at night to light it up. and if you look across the street, you can see those are campus police position there. so there's a constant presence here, but i'm like at other campuses where students are very concerned about whether they're going to be kicked out and whether they're going to lose their status. at the university here they're, they're pretty much fearless. these students, by and large adult, we're masks. they push back on security when they come. and they're intent on staying or you can see these, these tests are in defiance of university policy, but they're remaining in place. so here it's in the university of new york, you have a very aggressive and confident protest presence,
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and they're not going to allow as security to come in here. now if the new york police department comes in, that's a whole different story that could happen here. unlike other campuses, because it's run by the city of new york, so may or eric adams. if you decided you could override any concerns, it's by the university and send police in here to shut this place down. and 200 people have been arrested over the past 24 hours at washington university in saint louis north eastern university in boston. so that's a constant threat everywhere. but here it's a particular threat because the city itself could decide to shut this place down so far. protestors have resisted all attempts, like i thank you so much for all of that. that is john henry. and for us there in new york, we're going to stay with this story. aunt melanie kennedy is a professor of international affairs at harvard university. she joins us from new york. thank you very much for being with us on al jazeera and we had correspondents here talking about the pressure that is being placed on the protest is on the students that have a speaking out. but how is the government, especially congress,
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been putting pressure on the universities themselves during these protests and what impact is that have yeah. first of all, thank you so much for having me. yeah, there's a larger game going on here in which congress, members of congress are with the nice thing that this fight to try to control university life. and i and are threatening sanctions such as taxing university. ready gowens or withholding federal funding for risk search, which could have a very serious impact on universities. so beyond the relationship between protesters and university administration, we have a 2nd level playing out between congress, the us government, and you receive ministrations as well as just the idols for it. so is that a serious concern for these universities? these are very. ringback areas concerns, regardless of how we feel about the protests and university reactions. these are
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extremely serious concerns because there is a large amount of federal funding that supports research across campus is in the united states and endowments. play anything really important role in the operations of universities. so these are serious state university. ready ministers are very concerned about and so the actions of congress are not just, you know, political efforts to, to exert. congress is control over academic freedom or free speech, but they also potentially may be serious threats with material implications. we've seen a range of tactics used by different university administrations around the united states. so when it comes to trying to break up these protest, i mean, what do you think is work so far and how do you think that university should be handling them? and yeah, so i think it's pretty clear that refreshing does it work in this case. and we
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actually know this from political science research that under many conditions pro to were processing prototypes and mobilization. actually backfires and clauses acted as to double down on their efforts. and that seems to be point thing out here on university campuses, you can just look to the example of columbia where the president's crack down and now we just see waves of waves of additional protesters coming out. so i think, you know, the choice of hard core refraction often back fires. there's some variation state to state because some places have actually something us states that actually criminalize b s and adopt is the h r. a definition of anti semitism which equates any criticism of this realm with anti semitism, and this was active as simpler testers in a different set of situation as well. something a little bit more. so now, i mean how much this information is happening around these prices because they're
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very different narratives on their to. yeah, absolutely. and of course we're living in the ear of this information on social media and people's algorithms, taylor, their social media use to their preferences. but it's quite evident that there's a fair amount of this information based on reporting, not just by people posting on social media, but by journalists that by and large, these protests are entirely peaceful. we even see sort of multi cultural communities breaking out our campuses where you have jewish students, who are an important component of their protests as well. sharing passover theatre or is with students. you've never been to them for so by and large these are very pre peaceful protests and most of the slogans are not meant to be provocative. although, you know, there are some examples where people have taken exception with some of the slogans including some of the reporting, right. just very briefly before we've got to let you go,
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how do you think that this is going to play out? do you think that this one mentioned behind these protests and that that could escalate further? yes, i think there's definitely a real possibility for further escalation. i don't think this is going anywhere and sure many of these protests will be shut down at some point with brute force and harass or perhaps some negotiations between you for protesters and university administration that may play out. well, i think that's probably the best scenario to have a kind of negotiated solution that remains to be seen. whether there can be selling, meeting point of administrators and student demands. okay, we'll have to leave today, but we really do appreciate your time and your insight into one of this is melanie kim and professor of international affairs at harvard university. thanks so much. thank you. of the old universities and gone so it has been badly damaged or destroyed by his ready forces, despised palestinians at camps and rougher and southern gaza of thinking student protest isn't that useful?
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this solidarity messages of gratitude had been displayed on the attend stay say, despite clamp down spinal stars is closed in the war. had been heard by palestinians on the sage. and that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough . this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university, people standing with us, with their humanity, their hearts and their compassion. and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the will to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them from the show for the home high temperature's making life more difficult for displace palestinians living and make sure of tents . and gallons of the extreme hate has lived health warnings. hope to 0 is on the so sherry for points from northern garza the last place you know, is it when all the summer season has started and displaced, people facing extremely challenging living conditions in mix expense. the tense
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made the feats 19, and other materials they become unbearable leaving of the weather gets warmer. the temperature inside the tents is often higher than outside, less teeny and families here in the cards are struggling to cope. you will know this is supposing a serious way to the lives of children and elderly, especially those with chronic in this is william austin, i would say be experiencing extreme heat which is unbearable getting vento being good freezing temperatures. as you can see, the attempt is made up of 9 and there's very little between us and neighbors. but the 5th on the summer has brought many challenges in 6. cockroaches rots the temperatures increased when it's 40 degrees outside. the temperature inside the tents can reach 50 degrees. we are generally appealed to the international community to help us out in this dire situation. yeah, i've seen the thought to new a living and these tense is simply untenable. we like food, water,
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and basic necessities. sometimes we only have a small amount of drinking water. fresh water is out of reach. we long for even just the breath of fresh air or breeze. the situation is unbearable, has oh, how i know that in these the dia, conditions in which displace palestinians living in they are not safe from the heat, cold or the spread of disease and insects, and the chevy deal. shamella hey, around al jazeera, i'm for me to molest in, so it's a we're, we're speaking to answer your partridge activist and jazz legend. people hot speak small boys in south africa, mox, 15 years of democracy, given a guy who gave me a victory coming up from school, the
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about his spelling in the self nowadays. but that's not a surprise. that's what should be happening for the most pop option. tina's enjoying reason. the weather was changes in the teens breeze coming up for west, say, the woman on the lease side of the 9th of this line defense. don't see, it looks very small of it not, but it separates what's his normal, whether from rubber abnormal, whether this is jump and all. and for example, in re have 59 degrees, pretty much record high for april. that would record high from may's 36 if you say at this level will break in your record lows and will list a seasonal rain. that's taking a step back a little bit. but it's still look potentially watching colombia ecuador, maybe north in brazil. and that's also true in panama, some degree costa rica. and if you look in the caribbean into the greater entities anywhere from eastern cuba eastwood's, it's the system sherry stuff with high. what is the for the,
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i'm testing whether possibly the risk of a little flooding in the us. this is a standard spring thing or as you well now you've seen the results. huge thunderstorms on tornadoes because you feed up gopher, run up the plate, and states, nothing stops at length and it reaches cold air to generate sandstone. the line of risk on sundays, though, from texas up to the midwest, particularly in the midwest, that marches slow the east woods, jerry monday as the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's on leave for the desperation, the living on a freedom, just life in the stock reality of climate change and a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work when the have it tomorrow and they will have to learn from us,
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which is here is new series dying us life before land here's from, i'll just here on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think. is it the, the the the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the sound,
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the palestinian president is appealing to the us to prevent as well from launching a full attack on the profit and southern gaza and upload, abbas also repeated calls for an individual and as route to allow more, i was ready for this have killed at least $66.00 palestinians and wounded more than $150.00 in the past 24 hours. some of the license tax targeted kansas city. and rafa student protest against israel's foreign guys are ramping up right across the united states. with more universities joining the movement. hundreds of demonstrations have been detained for ukraine's top. the general, it says his troops have been forced to retrace, as fighting on the countries eastern fronts. intensifies what keeps forces have phone back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front. the new positions a west of the donates region before on this townhome and is lot for us from the
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ukrainian capital cavan. john, this is all the a big loss for you kind obviously, but it's also a big admission to. it wasn't as a day. it's not good news that the ukrainian head of the um, full season looks on the soonest. kate had the started actually the statement by saying that the situation on the front line had was sent to your crime. so that was the start of his statement. and he said, what's happening is it is not just in one area, the russian forces are attacking in several different points on this 1000 kilometer extremely long front line. and that's a full thing. and that's giving them the initiative on the battlefield. he also talks about the fight in certain parts of the front life. russian policies also have superior power. they've got superior munitions, not something that we found ourselves when that teams have gone to the front lines . the site pro that they've been told by ukrainian army personnel that they've been
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out, shout 6 to one. 07 to one. the top nato commander who will say, speaking recently said that that could go to 10 to one. now, there is a possible and insight in that disparity between the 5 power of the 2 forces. the united states has just approved the $61000000000.00 a package military, a package for ukraine off the months of delays. the difficulty is to ukraine when that will arrive, the 1st $1000000000.00 that is set to come from supplies with us already has. so presumably, a could ship reasonably quickly, it doesn't have to procure that 1st trunk or fits defense industry. and ukraine will be waiting anxiously at full dot weaponry to arrive, including a defense is to protect not just its front line, but also its power pods. 18 percent, for example of its, the plots have been damaged or destroyed by russian shows a missile. so this is
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a critical point ready for you crying. i'm for russia is it tries to press home. it's advantage before the expect to date arrives. it certainly seems that way, thanks so much john john, home and for us there in the cave, us will be human security council says is deeply concerned that surrounds parent military rapids, support forces and preparing an attack and el sasha. the city is the last stronghold of the in the western dot for region and the rep and support forces to control of for other state capitals. last year, at least $21.00 communities have been attacked in the area since march. now the fighting has seen the number of display civilians and l. sasha grow from 300002800000 in the recent months. well for more on the civil morgan joins us now from cod to him and him. but we've seen several cities come on the attack as we mentioned, but they didn't receive similar warnings. so one has ever sasha of the, the reason why the united nations security council and other 8 are going to
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stations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on and fashion is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for this place to when their cities fell under the control of the parent minutes through rapid support forces. now uh, as you've said, the number of displaced people when from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris. i've taken over the cities in the dark for region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in fashion, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are a separate since the size of the dar 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are accept, stop attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try. bored target is in the west are 4 in the city of june, and now that's where the un said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the current military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes
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. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the touring parties to return to talk before uh, the rest of attacks and fashion. but so far, the 2 sites are you get to hate to those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide the city of did the between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially ethnic for or as of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car and ethnic cleansing the thanks so much for that have had been moving for us there and caught soon as well the key to fall so has dismissed a report from the rights group accusing the military of executing $223.00 civilians,
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including more than 50 children. human rights wants is between a fast was on the carried out the killings into northern villages. in february, the report says they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians. accused of working with the groups. the 10s of thousands of people have really didn't cities across the strategy, demanding action to end gender based violence. the protests are in response to a shop, increasing the number of women being killed. let me close seam, sharif reports a for melvin to put the most in the pals and this calling for tougher laws and violence against women. the demonstrations come after wise and the number of women can so for this year i'm really sick of it. i'm. i'm
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thinking of this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like that. according to the government, one woman has been killed in 3 full days in australia this year. that's 27 women. disfigure nearly doubled who's been compared to the same period last year. a recent stabbing attack and sydney that killed 6 people. most of the women has brought the issue of violence against them back to the full dates to start with a son. the boy is this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny, from mr. anthony ebony z attended one of the vanities in captain ken brown. it's not just government problem. it's a problem of our entire society. the women's rights advocates say such attacks have become disturbing. the common in the
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country. in 2021. tens of thousands by lead against allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct in some of those previous highest political offices in a nation. but the men of feeling increasingly unsafe. these protested calling for change of consumption. these on to caesar became to follow, so has dismissed a report from the rights group accusing the military of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights wants is became a fast. i was on a carried out the killings into northern villages in february. the report says they will, is part of the campaign against civilians accused of working with the groups. while for more on this, going to go now to nicholas hawk, who joins us from dhaka and send a gallon to another segment by i think i'm a duplicate of finance i signed out. investigate but will buy and what would that look like? that's right. i mean strong words from the government of brick,
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you know, fast. so saying that this report from human rights, whites is baseless and inaccurate in the statement. they say that the soldiers are there to protect not kill civilians. and that there is an investigation underway to see what happened on the 25th of february in these villages by the border of mali. and that if schumann writes, watch, has evidence as it says, of crimes against humanity or war crimes. and that those evidence did go to the government so that they can do due diligence. but of course, the point here is that there has been investigations like this before in the past. and they've never ended in convictions or sentencing. it's this elements of impunity that the human rights watch report is trying to point the finger at now. what happened was on february 25th in 2 villages in the border with
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a bear with molly in the village of noro and sorrow. and men, women and children were targeted by uh, people who are in uniform. and we know this because witnesses told human rights watch that some of them were fired on. they pretended to be dead in order to give out all these evidence. and those that survived, the massacre say that they were divided into 3 groups, women, children, and, and men. and then they were shot, shot at indiscriminately, and then jumped into mass graves. now since this report was published on friday, the reaction of the government of regina faucet was to clam down on any news organization that broadcast this human rights watch report, and they've targeted also international use organization. now this is part of a campaign, according to reporters, without border to clamp down on voices of descent in the government and according
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to one of members ever visit report, reporters without borders. the government, they say want only one voice from burkina faso and that's the voice of the government and no one else. okay, thanks so much for that. nick nicholas hug for us there in san diego as well. love this place is still a hit here on that, which is there, including a trophy that you can we, it will show you the goal. so it becomes is 1st when onto it in japan that's coming out shortly with joe in school. the indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, the 1st part of the original open across the nation. but not everyone supports the idea. maybe i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an author, terry, and the sessions on the 101 east, where deals indonesia moving a mega city on out to 0.
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investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the 1st time for support now his joy told him thank you, also will have strength in the hopes of winning a fuss. premier lee title in 20 is off to basing north london rifles tonton 3 to to go full points, care at the top of the standings, the gun as of getting the sounds from me. and it's things to 3 1st house. those for quite a suckers pulled his side 2nd for his 15th of the season,
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high habits and headed in a search. the following day was enough. the final, 13 minutes for arsenal christian ramirez school twins 1st capitalizing on a huge error from g o. p foot, david royer totally were awarded late penalty and some human. it converts it from this fault. so make it 32. but that's how it finished totland. it's tempting the coach sausage, they remain 7 points addressed as pulls placed aston villa. but some account i'll try to cite is a side with an arrow to keep the pressure on lunch. a city with 3 gains remaining petals on the other side are currently taking on nothing as far as where when put them back. so within a points of also in the standings it stolen as it stands on the 1st floor and i need a crown to tie in champions into milan. and celebration metro fee with the parade in front of the funds. and the city is the icing on the cake for the team, and the manager off the claim team to study a title earlier into were given a, got it on a vi opponents to reno as they stepped out of that home stadium,
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the son 0. and so went on to win the match to new to the celebration. you know, messy school twice into miami, in the latest major league soccer game. they had to fight from a gold down to beat new and revolution full one. i'm actually fight to generate sort of record home crowd for new england of move is 65000 c argentina is woke up when an action is the 1st player in the last history to record 16. go contributions in his 1st 7 games of the season to sign of defending the druid open champion, call us out across the street to the round of 16 of the b t. i goes a bush. wilks in straight sets across was looking to in his 14th much in a row in madrid. he had no problems against the on see, did present in with box about the brakes and the 1st set. 2 of them, 3 hit 21 is new based on his opponent in one hour and 15 minutes. as he looks to become the 1st ever to win 3 madrid titles and arrived in the women's competition. lee noted by kind of clinched the 14th straight
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w t a match on clay. it wasn't before just too strong for my a sharif. well the hood gyptian opponent did civil a full match, points for rebecca in a book test, thoughts in the round of 166164. forget now in pakistan of hi jason gillespie is new head coach of the test team. this is a 1st major and special pricing roll for the full mouth stray and false bola remains his country $6.00 highest. we could take take him in test. 47 year old glasby known as dizzy once. practiced on to play with smiles on their faces. pack us, donovan are appointed for my south africa batsman and coach gary custom to take charge of the limited of his team's head of the t 20 well comp. custom previously coached india between 282011. braun james on the lake is a cleaning on in the n b, a playoff series off to finally getting a wind over the denver nuggets off to losing 3 straight games. they were on the verge of illumination, against the defending champions,
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but they felt themselves on the board in a light with a 119 to one. 08 victory and game for the for on school. see anthony davis got 25 long was 23 rebounds. it ends in 11 game losing strength of denver. there's only $31.00 in the series, which means old games of must win from now on. the lake has as they head back to denver for game 5 on monday. not only opportunity for us is just to play nice game . we've given yourself another life. give yourself another lifelong and it's a one game series. well, you know, so you know, mother's name is the most important game season for us. and we understand that and we know that so you know, with that stage you know, you lose you redone and you and you keep going. so it's not much talking about to the top seat in boston, celtics moved to head and necessaries against the miami hates. jason's hates him and jaylen brown. both scold 22 points. each of them went uncomfortably wonderful
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to 848 to 1 april and the best of 7 series. who in boston, new york, ireland, as have kept themselves alive, and the n h l stanley cup playoffs. they were 30 down against the caroline harkins and the 1st round series they won, gainful and 2nd over time. thanks to this go from matthew paul south that keeps things going until getting 5, which is in north carolina on tuesday. was a similar story in florida. or is the 10th of a lightning one that 1st game against the pumps pump since stephen some costs and brendan, hazel, 5, sold twice as the lightning 163, a still trial 31 those. so i was when the next 3 games, the same kind of go through any 4 times and 206 attempts has an n h l team come back. so when a series from 3 down this now from the 8th tear of english rugby to the glitz and glamour of the nfl, travis clayton was one of the standout picks on the final day of the nfl draft. pricing was the 200 and 21st pick in detroit. the $67300.00 pounds offensive
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lineman is heading to the buffalo bills and its just the 2nd of international play, a possible participant, to be picked up in a dropped 23 year old place at your club road suite, full phasing stokes. before joining the nfl academy in 2019 if your p is mit too tough, are dominated, the men's race, that the majority marathon if additional than a minutes ahead of his nearest rivals, toughest crossing the line and this time of 2 hours, 8 minutes of 57 seconds, well can you as now i'm jump it won the women's rice. she also finished well ahead . 54 seconds. clarify opponents and time. 2 hours. 26 minutes and 20 seconds. well, many of those i face will be heading to the powers olympics, and the flame is now on its way as well. on board, a 3 mazda friendship called the felon. it travelled through braces, comments canal is it again? it's johnny to friends? it's set 3. suppose them all say on may the 8th for the status of the relay on french soil. the games run from july, the 26th to august,
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the 11th. so now there are many sports trophies you can wear on your head. but one goal for was able to do jump side, also claiming victory on the d. p. well, tool you to catch. so rock, go a, hit a call source code of 63. it's a claim is made and went on tool and he didn't on home soil at the hands of championship in japan. the 25 year old crowded, 5 buddies and 7 holes in the stones of the box. going to finish on 17 on the ball, 3 shots ahead of the pack. i'm not on 10, this very impressive piece of headway. at the live tournament and adelaide american go for brendan steele held a full open champion. new east hays, and twin by striking. still had a streak of 5 straight bodies, only in the ground before fugitives on the back 9 allowed is tyson to pull within one strike. so it was the american who clinched victory over the final holes to win $4000000.00 in price money, australia, and team rick time gc led by
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a local favorite cameron smith won the teams for my 2nd files home and then who spoke for now have more feelings to tom pretty and thanks so much john. okay, well, to south africa now we're music played a major role in the movements that ended deposit. suppose let's take some of this is an office who used to tell us to encourage unity and the quality somebody to me like who help with the the, the idea of a double cross. cambridge all have to go. and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks. i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural. as a musician, you, you feel the importance,
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the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading called for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which i know performed by musicians locally and abroad. medusa worked with global stones like maria mckayla, and you must have kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans calling for into a part to south africa. held its 1st in aquatic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how old montana was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see
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some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a at our health issues. there many challenges stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young still the africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, still sung today when people want to express and go discontent. and often people here have a lot to complain about while democracy, broad, significant change in freedoms for many here, the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. so meet them a lot older 0,
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so way to as well that as often they told me, mccrae for this new zone. but i will be back in just a moment after a few minutes. frank, with much more of today's news, do stay with us. the right book, no, carnes, and public confrontation, young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line, the fullest attention of the issues that much to, to the climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down when every other route fails. die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or wants to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed. phone out is era. the latest news as a boeing a military response for situation we mean kind of nationwide with detailed coverage
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. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full season of leave and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. for countless refugees, the english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for his family. this the vote scare us with this on examining the today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus
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talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis for climate revolution on alger 0. the, these rarely military targets guns a once again killing at least 6 to 6 people in just the past 24 hours. the loan told mccrae, this is l g 0 line from the. so coming up the, you a student laid movement against the war on gauze, or is growing with more universities. joining the protests, ukraine's top to montes says his troops and losing ground while russian forces step


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