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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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clinic and a supporter of international film makers, some world class journalist spring programs to enforce and inspired to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution on alger 0. the, these really military targets guns a once again killing at least 6 to 6 people in just the past 24 hours. the loan told mccrae this is just a line from the so coming up the us student laid movement against the war on gauze, or is growing with more universities. joining the protests, ukraine's top to montes says his troops and losing ground while russian forces step up, their advance on the east indicate affonso is government projects, accusations,
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it's military executed within $230.00 civilians, including children. the palestinian president mach moody boss, has edge the will to help in the war and allow more agents have gone. so he's been speaking in the saudi capital re add where he addressed the world economic forum. now boss appealed to us to prevent as well from launching a ground attack on rafa wimbledon. 1.5000000 people of sheltering, he will serve, warms that israel could try to push palestinians out of the occupied with bank of to is done with garza. my exit, if you have those uh, let me know what is happening and guys, uh, what will happen in the coming days. and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in
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the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime was on best for avi, is in ramallah in the occupied westbank for more on this. and is that in the segment from the post and the president really is pretty clear. how has it been received, the not just find the politicians but by the people on the streets where you are? well, it is the 1st time that the policy is already present along with the boss has spoken so plainly and so crisply so clearly about what he sees as threats to his people. and the fact of the matter is that because of security deals with israel, palestinian authority is largely hindered in how much say it has in shaping and governing over the lives of people in the west bank. people in garza, how much support he has is limited by the nature of the entity itself. so in terms
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of how much influence you'll have, he pretty much settled himself, the only entities with any real power to stop israel's were on guards at a stop israel's atrocity in the west bank, israel's main back or the united states. so in terms of response to his words here many people have said that he's only restating what palestinians have been saying and suffering extremely for 6 months now. so he's a little late to the party and he's largely seen as having spoken to weekly. he's being criticized heavily by palestinians, especially on social media. for one part of his speech. i'll read a little bit to you. he said palestinians indeed have the right to self determination. they have the right to an independent country as much as anyone else in the world, but he said, israel has the right to have full security. and this is our duty. so taking the owners for those real security is being seen as putting is really ahead of the security of his own people, especially with what's happening in gaza, but also the ongoing rates and attacks on people's homes on civilian communities by
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the israeli military occupation. here in the west bank that has been a daily occurrence that has only escalated since the war on gaza began. you've mentioned those rides that we have seen and been reporting on pretty much every evening in the west bank. the person in prison also on that as well could actually try to push palestinians out all of the occupied with bank with you. uh if and when it is finished with guys a, what is being the response to those comments? the palestinians will tell you that that is already underway all via perhaps in a slower fashion. then people are experiencing and gaza. we report on those rates that are so frequent that it is a surprise when it's a slower night, when there's only about a dozen rates that seems like a slower night. for people in the west bank, you often wake up to reports of rage in multiple areas in multiple locations, and they've been getting closer and closest it air to urban areas and city centers
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like room a lot. and the fact of the matter is that it happens is really military and settlers seek out posted in communities wherever they are, even in remote areas. we were in the jordan valley earlier today speaking to a community of palestinian bedouins. we have been grazing their feet in the lands of the jordan valley for generations. and when one of the herders said to us was that he is going to have to sell his stock and leave his lands because of you doesn't, they'll be pushed out. and his animals will be stolen or killed by is rarely settlers that are far too close for comfort. and he said that the only people that can help him, he didn't speak about his posting and leadership. he spoke about international and an intervention. he says that the international community passed to step in and help our students for being kicked out of their lives. i thank so much for that science and best probably for us there in from all the guns is there any forces have killed at least 66 pellets indians and wounded more than 150 in the past 24
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hours. this huge explosion had kansas city in the central regional district on sunday. no tax also caused once per destruction in the southern city of rough or at least $54450.00 full palestinians had been killed since october of more on all of this honey mcmurry joins us now from rafa. and southern guys are in honey more is trucks right across the street, can you just bring us up to date? exactly which has been hit and the damage that those trunks of cost the yes, tom will let. this point is not about the air strikes as much as the ask for mass caused by these rollins. if there's a strikes across the gauze for nearly an over crowded rough estimate, the we're $1500000.00 displays policy and pretty much living in a limbo right now. they don't know if there is a ceasefire indeed, or there is going to be a ground invasion on more carney going to happen here has been deposited when our
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do people where reported any critical conditions as a result of a price and a residential home and eastern part of the city multiple other transferred to the hospital and they're getting dirt cheaper right now. but the conditions are dollars without very difficult and insufficient medical to stop and except for the medical supply, making it very difficult for the medical to stop you and intervene and provide the proper medical and for just increasing the risk of these injuries do to lose their life, it has what happened within the past weeks have different health facilities. there's really been a great continue to attack the central area where more people are reported killed and it's an injured at transferred to, i left the hospital pretty much the same situation. so the, all the health facilities in terms of medical a stop in as little as the extension of medical supplies. meanwhile, the aftermath of what happened and find who it is, where 13 bit bodies were removed from different parts of eastern part of hon units
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and the central part of the city itself, it from under the rebels, are from the streets largest the seas, bodies of the were killed within the past and months of this really military, lawrence, it's the ground invasion across the city, leaving it trails of destruction. and many people who were buried in not the grave and still 1000 missing. and the, this, the large, the under, under piles of rebels everywhere. how do you touch on this a little bit just before, but the rough or the ground invasion that many people have said as imminent, that must be a huge focus for everyone there. can you just give us a sense of how people are actually hand handling that? the it's a quite a stressful, particularly when we talk about the ongoing relentless there is price. i mean, we, for the past weeks then since the initial weeks of the didn't 5 award, the talks across from the city did not as stop and there doesn't seem to be, it is sign of slowing down to attack their,
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the happening by the hour to happen every single day and you can hear in the background here the, the sound buzz of it's rolling, just seeing winding down on, on everybody's mental and physical health care for the past month is causing, revealing upon a quite intimidating as these drawers. not only surveillance, but also attacks the carry arms and carry bonds that they can target. what's really scary about this is not it productively. you don't know when these are stuck and rose or when these rolls are going to talk, whether it's a residential home or someone walking in the street, is that what make the various give it a very, very scary but the, the grow and get the rest of expanding the a grounded vision throughout the city is likely to cause our president to suffer. i don't know, really traumatized population. not expand the car news that has already caused the death of more than 34. 34000 people in the step more than 70000 are missing again and this, these an, an injury is done on the, in the hospital or under the rubble for some people. here, however,
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of the talks about coming to drop a hand to expand the ground, envision it part of a distraction to strategy because while there are talks about it every hour, these really been very continued to pound across the city by these villains of every strikes. a sort of a distraction where we're coming to an expanded ground invasion, but at the same time there is less attention paid on the ongoing attacks by land, air, and sea. okay, thanks honey. this honey mike mood for us there in reference to southern gaza or what the world central kitchen says it's restarting humanitarian operations and cause a weeks of the 7 of its employees were killed in and is ready strike. and the convoy was hit in central gaza on april. the 1st, despite having shared their movements with is ready forces as well, apologized and described the incident as a grave mistake. the n g a is chief executive. erin, goal us is the, is rarely it has changed roles of itself progressions, but nodes,
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it has no concrete assurances about the safety of its employees to the student laid protest, sands on cameron's against the more and gaza continuing for a 2nd week in the us. that demanding the universities trump financial ties to israel, of more on this is bringing john henry and who is at city university in new york. and john, this purchase on particular remains under constant threat of being shut down. can you just explain exactly why that is? that's right on day one, on thursday, when they opened this camp campus, police came in and tried to shut it down. the protestors resisted and pushed them back. and on another occasion, on friday, i noticed there was a campus police officer who was trying to come in to the encampment. and students stood physically in front of him forming a line and never let him enter the camp. there is also the concern, however,
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that new york city police might come in here. this isn't like those other lead institutions where all these protests are going on this a city university of new york to the tuition. here's a modest $6000.00. it's all income levels and everybody is allowed to enter the campus. that's how we got here. and so the city has erected that light post you see over there. and then of course, their campus police. if you look a little more to your right and apparently a to a group nearby. so there is a constant police presence here. and the concern is that new york city police might come in and try to do what campus police could not. and i, an extrinsic, these are the most fearless of the campus. protestors we've seen in princeton for example, yesterday we were there, it seems, were wearing masks, and they were abiding by the rules. those rules were no amplification, you know, 10th, so that there was a massive chance that the, the university put up
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a students weren't allowed to use it. and uh, the reason for that is those things were very concerned about being kicked out of school, losing their $57000.00 a year, tuition for no couldn't clause according to their parents anyway. so the students are really risking a lot, but here at city university of new york, they are very emboldened and they are concerned that the police might come in, but so far they refer to that. okay, thanks so much. jones for breaking will have that down for us that strongly engine for us in new york. oh, university's in dallas, i have been badly damaged or destroyed by his ready forces. tell us the display of fellow citizens and students and bravo of thinking protest is at campuses in the us for this. all the dorothy messages of gratitude have been displayed on the attends students calling for the purchase to continue just by the craig down by police and university of thursdays. we appreciate very much we we, we truly love them. anyone who raises a flag for by the sign,
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we appreciate this with all our hearts. they are leaving their education, they are getting hard and they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that . we really want them to, to keep going. and we really want to be a part of this university because they have the sense with us. no one's in the and that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university people standing with us with their humanity, their hearts and their compassion, and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the will to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them from the sure. but the, the kinds top of general says his troops have been forced to retreat as well. i
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thing on the countries eastern front intensified, keeps, forces have fallen back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front of the new positions. a waste of the donates region. john homan has moved from case the russian forces are attacking in several different points on this 1000 kilometer extremely low upfront line and that's a full thing and that's giving them the initiative on the battlefield. hughes, i talked about the fight in certain parts of the front lives, brushing policies, or hopes of period power. they go to period munitions, not something that we found ourselves when our teams have gone to the front lines. the site pro at that they've been told by ukrainian army personnel, the being out shout $6.00 to $1.00 or $7.00 to $1.00. the top nato commander who will say, speaking recently said that that could go to 10 to one. now, there is a possible and insight in the disparity between the 5 power of the 2 forces. the
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united states is just to prove to $61000000000.00 a package military, a package for ukraine, off the months of delays. the difficulty is to ukraine. when that will arrive. the 1st $1000000000.00 car is set to come from supplies with us for the has. so presumably i could ship reasonably quickly. it doesn't have to cure that. those trunk consultants defense industry and ukraine will be waiting anxiously at full quick rate to arrive, including a defense is to protect not just its front line, but also its power pods. 80 percent, for example of it's the plots have been damaged or destroyed by russian shows a missile. so this is a critical point ready. the ukraine, i'm for russia is it tries to press home its advantage before the expect to date arrives. it's still a head here on l. g 0 is a 5. so the certainly zombies, last stronghold and the doubtful region displaces hundreds of thousands of people.
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plus i'm for medium in a in, so it's a we were speaking to answer your parties. activist and jazz legend, people hot stick, small boys in south africa, mox, 15 years of democracy the the we are at the tail end of the rainy season in southeast asia. be pressed to believe that i have to say because there are plenty of pics, sounds, domes that i'm at the focus is usually around born here or the eastern sort of ways the java less so and so much or less. so i think during money but the range move. yep. and tools that southern philippines now, i just don't to be that i'm from the existing high temperatures but, and also that there was even more extreme fund storms in southern china are repeating themselves. they bring giant who occasionally tonight is and of course
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they topping up once. he's still some fucking on the dryer and it's been a very wet start to the spring. the rain is you can see in loops extends to south korea and southern japan during monday and then moves away. hong kong gets 3 days worth of thunderstorms, not particularly strong, providing wind. so very shumate, whether occasionally school is on the stones of the picture on to the takes that rain in the 4th property, sun, the films with the system right, need to shanghai. and the total of 3 foods you have is backed down towards hong kong. this will not be the last of it. there are few shows around in india, but particularly northern pakistan and run the whole has seen some really score the stuff. most of the day we talked about high temperatures, particularly in addition wes, bengal the the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city,
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it's on leave for the desperation. then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. we have the problem to be the rest of the work when the have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series, dying us life before land the the you watching villages here a reminder of our top story is the so the palestinian president has appealed to the us to prevent as well from launching a full attack on our offering something concept occlude, abbas also repeated calls for an into the war. and for israel to allow more items
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is ready for us as have killed at least $66.00 palestinians and wounded more than $150.00. in the past 24 hours, some of the license attacks targeted kansas city. and rafa moore, universities have been joining the student protests in the us against israel's war on gaza. hundreds of demonstrations have been detained. israel says it's 5 digits, have struck his beloved targets in southern living on the statement released by as well as he says, a military compound was also his. now footage, released by the military, it appears to show the strikes at the group sites in the moving across area has been law in israel. have tried to find nearly every day since the start of the war and gaza. slide temperatures is making life more difficult for this place, palestinians living and make sure of tents and concept. the extreme hate has lead
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to health warnings. i'll just arizona. so sherry for poets from northern gaza model doing for the last place. you guys know that when all the summer season has started and displaced, people facing extremely challenging living conditions in mix. if then, the tense made the feats 9 and other materials they become unbearable leaving of the weather gets warmer. the temperature inside the tents is often higher than outside malice, teeny, and pharmacy. it includes the struggling to cope this exposing a serious risk to the lives of children and the elderly. especially the dose with chronic in this is my a muffler, i would say be experiencing extreme heat which is unbearable getting when to be endured freezing temperatures. as you can see, the attempt is made up of 9 and there's very little between us and our neighbors. but the 5th, on the summer has brought many challenges in 6. cockroaches rots the temperature
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has increased when it's 40 degrees outside the temperature inside the tents can reach 50 degrees. we are generally appealed to the international community to help us in this dire situation. yeah, i see the thought to new a living in these tense is simply untenable. we like food, water, and basic necessities. sometimes we only have a small amount of drinking water. fresh water is out of reach. we long for even just a breath of fresh air or breeze. the situation is unbearable. how the hell knows in these the dia, conditions in which displace palestinians are living in the i not safe from the heat, cold, or despair of disease and insects. unless a chevy, josie or some of in the un security council says it's deeply concerned that saddam's paramilitary rep and support forces preparing an attack and al sasha, the city is the last stronghold of the army in the west and uh, for region. the rapids support forces to control all 4 of the state capitals. last
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year. at least 21 communities have been attacked in the area since march. the fighting has seen the number of displaced civilians in el flesh. you grow from 300800000 in recent months. and the morgan has more on the story from cotton. the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on m slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displaced to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in a plastic tribes that have been historically targeted by the permanent 3, are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are
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assess pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try. bored target sits in the west are 4 in the city of june. and now that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the power military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the rest of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to uh, heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to return to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trap in the safety of especially the
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ethnic um uh for or is of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car. and ethnic cleansing hope to hear the phone. so hes dismissed a report from the rights group accusing the tree of executing $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. the human advice wants is became the fonts as he carried out. the killings into northern villages in february, through the phone says they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians . accuse of working with the groups. nicholas hawk has moved from san the goals capital. the con, the statement came out with strong words. they said the government said that the allegations made by human rights watch were baseless. and if they had any evidence and they should put it forward because there is an investigation by the government over these alleged killings. in fact, the statement goes further saying that in any instances of human rights violation,
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while the government goes out and opens investigations. but the issue here is doing those investigation and with conviction sentencing or present term. since abraham try re came to power in a crew 2 years ago. none of these investigations have come to a to some sort of conviction. and that's the level of infinity that human rights watch is trying to point out with this latest report that shows that the security forces of regina fos. so went out to kill those that they were meant to protect the allegations date from february 25th on 2 villages in the border with molly, where survivors pretended to be dead while security forces were, were killing. villagers invests according to eye witnesses that spoke to human rights watch. now this follows an attack that took place on military barracks just
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25 kilometers to those villages. but there's a sense that since that reported by human rights watch was made public, that there's an effort by the government to stifle any voices of this sense. the 10s of thousands of people have relatives in cities across the stratosphere demanding action to end of june to base to violence. the protests are in response to a shop increase in the number of women being killed. me cool, sim sharif reports see from melbourne to put the most in to thousands, calling for tougher laws and violence against women. the demonstrations come after wise and the number of women can so for this year i'm really speak of it. i'm. i'm thinking of this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like that. according to the government, one woman has been killed in 3 full days in australia this year. that's 27 been in
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this figure, nearly doubled was when compared to the same period last year. a recent stabbing attack and sydney that killed 6 people. most of the women has brought the issue of violence against them back to the full dates to start with a son. the boy does this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny, from mr. anthony albany z attended one of the vanities in captain ken brown. it's not just government problem. it's a platform of our entire society. the women's rights advocates say such attacks have become disturbingly common in the country. in 2021, tens of thousands violate against allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct in
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some false previous highest political offices in a nation. but the men of feeling increasingly unsafe. these protest is called in for change of consumption ease on to caesar, which is how the african know and music played a major role in the movement. the end of deposits supposed let's take some of this . a is an artist who uses, tell us to encourage unity, and to call us a. but he says this, so a long way to go. somebody to mila caught up with him. i have no idea of a double cross x rays or in reach form. and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot stakes, my boucher in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years.
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but it was just natural. as a musician, you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading called full know somebody. let's release this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. rich, a know performed by musicians locally and abroad. mobile, so worked with global stones like maria mckayla and you must of kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into a part to south africa held its 1st and aquatic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how does that go? montana was elected president city is on civil presidents and administrations later
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