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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the width in depth, of course, the scale of this summit was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because this trip putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on the student led to movement in the us against the wall and gaza gunner support from local activities or universities joining the printers, the commentary johnston. this is all just aaron lost some data, also coming up as well. continues to bone garza 16 protest opinions have been killed in the last few hours. grant humanitarian crisis in sit down as a fight for the armies, no stronghold is offered,
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reaching these at least 800000 people. displaced plus 30 years of democracy. knowledge is here. a journalist with test university to talk to students about south africa's past the beginning in the us west student protests is i'll continue to the mountain and israel's nearly 7 month war on gossip. the pictures from yale, universe and connecticut, the end of the states. little back to this, have joined students cooling for the universities to cut ties with israel. seeking in cus, mutual aid for the country. hundreds of demonstrates as i think and sort of down to the hosting. so i'm interested. i don't 100 is that the city university of new york
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each day in the life of a protest is a little bit different. and on sunday day for at city university in new york, we saw how the war in gaza has divided the jewish 1st. we saw a man who identified himself is a former israeli soldier who said he had just come back from gaza, trying to infiltrate the camp. and there were a few moments of tension and he was injected and eventually escorted away by police who said they were doing it for his own safety. then we saw an orthodox, jewish rabbi burn his is rarely passport in protest of the war. and we spoke to an ultra orthodox rabbi who told us why he was here with the protesters and did not believe that the war and gaza is just different. we are here because we are inspired by these base students here to city college in columbia university, throughout the city and the world know these,
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these courageous students were stand up for just this was done the for what is right. this should be a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place now in gaza. and this occupation are the different tickets professors are doing is all under the watchful eyes. instantly. there are campus security who have already once tried to shut down this protest area. and then there's the new york police department to set up a light pole on either end of this protest area. and that is so they can light the place up at night if they need to. and sweep the students out with the students. say they're here to stay. john henry and l u 0. new york official is the george washington university in washington, dc for students from at least 8 universities have joined the 4th day of protests. so we remember that this all started on thursday when students multiply university yard and you can see the hard core to protest. there's probably about the does, we are still in the courtyard building their tents there. no living anywhere.
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certainly be near since thursday the university authorities have put the railings across the courtyard to restrict them spreading any farther. but as that protest is gotten smaller, the protest on the street has become much bigger. in fact, there's a growing air of permanency to this. not only do we have tents where people can eat, and we've had lots of local businesses donating food to the people here. more and more people are setting up tents because they intend to spend the night. yeah. now there's no saying that the students are going to leave to meet the demands, very clear to the university authorities at each school. and those are going to 8 or 9 of them represented to you have got slightly different demands. but the key points are they want the universities to dive based. any interests they have in it's really businesses. they want to cut academic ties with israel as well. and they want to make sure that the protests leaders will not face part of that action . we know at george washington university,
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7 of those who were involved in the protests in thursday while they have been suspended and that means they could lose their student housing possibility. they won't graduate as well, and all the credits for the last 10 will be white codes. so they're asking for a complete i'm this the as well. and the intention of the students is to stay here to say this is the for the doing cnn. anytime soon. all is for sure, i'll just see it up at george washington university in washington dc. fill level. has this update now from the university of north carolina at chapel hill? this process is now, well, i'm truly on the way we are told by the organizers there was somewhere in the region of 500 people here. i can say. so if you'd invested in students from this campus, from other universities, local activists table, they've just seen the social media post. i wanted to come here to show the sort of darzy and this support for the people. i've garza and the demands from the university students have
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a very clear number one. they want the university 5 best from products that support israel. and number 2, they want to pull transparency about any investments that relates to israel. now the university is allowing these people to be here, it's like some of them will be there for several days. if you look over that, you can see where they feed, sleeping. they are allowed to sleep on the restrict provide, so they do not erect any time since. so they a p, they're sleeping all throughout the night. i may be to help all throughout the tides, although i am told by some of the organizes that that's protests that the university is trying other methods to get them out. for example, they have locked the doors to a number of these buildings, so nobody can use the restroom. also, they have stopped taking the trash away, so the students and outside in the area so that it doesn't start to smell. number 3, they say they've been told by the university that the sprinklers will be turned on at midnight. so they've proactively put book kids over the spring close to stop them being french, but they say they've had about audio thought. this isn't watchable about the why
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the course. they will say it for as long as it takes at the moment, there is no police presence. there are some purpose officer station on the outside of the area, just keeping an eye of things. but at the moment, this is a very, i repeat the process, a lot process, a peaceful protests, feel about just a rough chapel hill, north carolina, this area and my colleague sales honey. i spoke to dr. joe stein and she's a presidential candidate with the green party. this is us selections. she was among dozens of people arrested during protesting support of palestinians at washington university. on the sides of the evening, she says legitimate criticism of israelis often incorrectly deemed as anti semitism . so i'm a person of jewish background myself that was raised very much, you know, after the holocaust and having a grand parents who were refugees from anti semitism and pogroms themselves. you know, i was raised very much within that, tried within that tradition. but that tradition was also fed to
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a genocide should happen to know one. and unfortunately, i know zionism is not judaism and zionism has been controversial within the jewish community. in fact, since its origins in the 1800s, and that the controversy continues today, and the consequences of zionism where basically people came in just came in refugees who then said this land is ours. and we are ethnically cleansing this land . that's not ok. you know, it's fine for people to be refugees, but then to take over the land and to displace and use violence against the people who are there. you know that this problem, this crisis did not start on october 7th, october 7th, was just the latest phase of you know, violence that was perpetrated mostly by israel, against the palestinians, starting back at the knock by an before in fact, certainly 75 years in advance in advance of that and unfortunately, jews,
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and i know myself because i was raised as part of that have been taught a certain version of history which is not quite accurate. and as more and more historical documents have come to light, it's, you know, it's very clear that there have been a, there's been, you know, and outrage is tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go. so zionism is something that needs to be defeated and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. as all universities in gaza have been badly damaged or destroyed by is very forces displace palestinians. and students in rough assign king protests is at campuses in the us for this sort of diversity. messages of gratitude happened displayed on their tense students, according for the protests to continue respond to crack down by police on university authorities. we appreciate very much we, we, we truly those of them. anyone who raises a flag for by the sign. we appreciate this with, oh,
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are hard. they are leaving their education, they are getting hard and they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that . we really want them to keep going, and we really want to be a part of this university is because they have the sense with us. no one did that. when i saw the process. but all the colleges like columbia, harvard, yale, and all the colleges and all the students there are ready to, to, to maybe be arrested for us for sending into a visual studies time. that gives me a glimpse of hope. and these 20 palestinians have been killed by is rarely strikes across the gauze. in the last few hours, the 7 members of the same family were killed in a strike on the home in eastern rapid, more than 1500000 displaced palestinians, a country sheltering and causes something most city
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or the well central kitchen aid organizations, such as resuming humanitarian operations in gaza, weeks off to 7 of its employees were killed and then is very strike. the convoy. it was hits in the central gauze on april the 1st, despite having said that movements which is very forces is well apologize and describe the instant as a grave mistake. the engineers, chief executive and then go says he's ready on a has changed the rules of its operations, but notes. it has no concrete assurance is about the safety of its employees posted in the presence. mostly the buses urge the will to help envil, but um, 8 into goes up. usually speaking in the saudi capital react when he address the world economic for advice to appeal to the us to prevent isabel from launching a ground attack on rafa. way more than 1500000 people of sheltering. you'll say one that is well could try to push kind of stands out to the occupied westbank office,
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miniature operations and gaza. i actually view the what is happening and gaza. what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza gathered in the city of rough or don't be a small blo, remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. to the latest round of diplomatic towards the us president joe biden, and he's very prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a phone call. the sets of discuss the possibility of an immediate cease 5, which would be in conjunction with the release of captives held in goza. the 2 men also discussed an increase in the delivery of aid to gaza. us secretary, state antony blinking is due to make if another trip to that at least he's expected to travel to saudi arabia is route and jordan. and on monday i am asked that again
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is due in the gyptian capital to discuss the see spot proposal. and it to them, by mediators from cattle and egypt, both countries have played a key role in efforts to secure a seesaw between israel and from us. hold on a curry is distinguished public policy for the american university of b realty joins us from washington, dc. welcome to the program. in terms of the discussions, then what's all the main stumbling blocks out would need to be addressed before any deal could be made in the main stumbling blocks are the ones i've always been there from the beginning, which as i've neither side is really nor from ash wants to concede anything to the other side and neither of them are willing to unilaterally concede of anything they're willing to make mutual concessions if they both gain what is critical for them. that hasn't happened yet. they did the initial pause and they
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released some hostages and prisoners of some, i don't know, it was about 2 months ago. whatever it was that the, the big goal there after that, how mass, once of permanency expire, only is where it is out of gas of the palestinians. being able to move back to the north. any where they want and full resumption of humanitarian aid as it was before october, 2nd. and so the is really want the passages released. they want to make sure that they're not going to be attacked again from gazda. and they will say, say they want to destroy it from us. they're probably going to get the 1st 2 things they want. but it's unlikely that from us can be destroyed. because how much is really assumptive? and it's an idea that has transformed into a movement, but that movement has transformed itself over the years. others were there before
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that after so you can't really destroy him ask, but you have to take away the reasons why they, how much is needed. and that's the israeli occupation of the subjugation of the past 10. and so they're getting close to the point where both sides are going to be able to get what they say are their critical demands. and if they can both kept them simultaneously. lender, you can have a really impressive agreement, probably in 2 stages as they're thinking about. i don't want to visit them in a shadow of is ready. prime minister benjamin. that's and you all have consistently warning of a full scale assault. on the southern gauze i sent you a rafa as well. this is part of the negotiations. you know, you have to keep the pressure up on the other side. you've got to keep the fence up, you've got to make it seem that you're not bother. you can stay like this for another year. the reality though, what's fascinating, here's the enrollment of
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a 3rd party, which of these neither states. this is a war between the united states and there's room on one side and her mouth and some other groups on the post and inside. the united states is really worried about many things they were terrified of. the iranian is rarely exchange of fire weapons, you know, attacks, but 3 of them, even though they were both controlled, they were terrified of a wider war in the region. what the impact of this, of, or flows, investment on global trade would be catastrophe. the united states government, led by the democrats and by them are terrified of the impact of this war on their election prospects in november of its fall. yes or the show that 81 percent of young people. all people, not just democrats, 81 percent of americans between the ages of 18 and 34 thinks of uh, the war as being badly managed on they disapprove of the weather was going in
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american support for this is a huge, huge thing for american politicians. and they're also finding that they're not being isolated around the world because you can't islip additional strong. but they don't know the st cloud that they, that they used to. people are looking at the china to rush up to in the, to the bridge to other people. for strategic relationships, so as well as americans, so that's huge fear in the us. there's rarely, as i've been worried in the last few days about the international criminal court issuing someone's indictments against, as rarely leaders for more crimes, as well as a, probably against him as people. and how much is worried that it's not really getting the kind of supported was expecting from our laurie ronnie and or other supporters in the region. and that's pretty much on its own. and i'm, you know, guys has been pretty much destroyed. so all 3 of the main players have tremendous pressures on them to, to make
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a permanency speier get the best deal they can get and then move on to a permanent political resolution if possible, that that's that stage to which is in the future. we leave it at around a clear rate. we very much appreciate your insights. thank you for joining us here now to sierra still to come on the program sparks fly in the southern china or as tornadoes to a major industrial the . the latest news, as it breaks, another gnostic gray of yours more power, city, and bodies, over 3 of the their identities are largely lost in on, out of president in war with in depth reports scale. this was something they've never seen before from the heart of the story,
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almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because trip putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on. or why have american evangelicals become this real strongest factor is us present. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. guns, july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives, including its own garza, the last picture on, on a news
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the welcome back. reminder about top stores, this student protests is across the united states. so continuing to the amount and the end is rose nearly 7 month. 1000 punches of demonstrates this document sort of balance with products of interest. it says 20 palestinians have been killed by as many as strikes across guns in the last few hours. the 7 members of the same family were killed in a striking east in reference to 1500000 displaced policy currently sheltering in the 6th year in security council, such as deeply concerned that saddam is permitted to rapid support for these are prepared and attacking outside ship the city is the last stronghold of the army in
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the west and off for region. at least 21 committed to 7 attacks in the air since much number of civilians displaced by fighting in l, such as glen to 800000 in recent months. they are assessed to control the for other state capitals last year. the movement reports from cartoon the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are
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a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assess pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try, bored, targeted english in west star for in the city of june. and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to uh, heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of did the between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all
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concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the safety of especially the ethnic a 4 or is of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car and ethnic cleansing the key that if i say, has dismissed the report from the human rights group accusing the miniature ex situating, $223.00 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights watch says becky and f. i says ami carried out the killings into northern villages in february. their port says they were executed as part of a campaign against civilians. accused of working on groups. fighting is due to starting to go in parliamentary and regional elections and your position quoting for a massive ton of fiscal tensions are running high since makers of proof of new constitution misuse of correct. so position princess for you to say the physical changes isn't fair. right? to further extend these companies known griffin power,
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the president's party said he, systems more democrats at times. it is 5 minutes to consume. much in the us is wanting the heavy rains, which have led to widespread, deadly floating or set to continue at least $155.00 people have been killed. on nearly a quarter of a 1000000 people have been displaced. tons and there is one of several countries across east africa dealing with the impact to the el nino, with a patch of south africans for to n decades of a pop type music. the central relatives brought into freedom movements, cfo hot sticks and boost phase. and also us to use these products to encourage unity and equality. he says the sort of the way to go from the caught up with the, the level of a double cross. x rays or in reach on persons have to go. and
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with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana falls. it was written by musicians. people hot sticks. i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural. as a musician, you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading column for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom. which i know performed by musicians locally and abroad. mobile, so worked with global stones like maria mckayla and you must of kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans quoting for into
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a part to south africa held its 1st and aquatic election in 1994. helped me god. oh, how can i go? and then i was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a at our health issues. there many challenges stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young still the africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other
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places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago. so song today when people want to express and go discontent, and often people here have a lot to complain about. while democracy, broad, significant change in freedoms for many here, the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. so meet them a lot older 0. so way to us all nato has dropped the southern chinese city of garden. jo. kidding. 5 people. 53. all those were injured when the twisting down to the mid afternoon on saturday. more than 140 factory buildings were damaged. the 2nd tornado hit another district later in the day. at least 4 people, including a 4 month old baby, or dead off to teenagers at the us state of oklahoma. the stones, which began last night on saturday nights have destroyed buildings and this thousands without power. within 100 people have been injured. the oklahoma government has declared it as sauced emergency for the state. dozens of tornadoes
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have been reported across the american midwest. the weather is next. the inside story would examine the challenges of clearing tons of rubble from gauze off to the wall. so it could meet the students who want to stay with the the well once we see rain disappearing from japan, another batch is on its way through. shanghai will fetch, with effect south korea and southern japan during monday, but the soles region, which is effectively china based the south yankee is fitting up again of violent thunderstorms with the potential for tornadoes. the 2nd t, it's heavy rain and i've seen $1.00 to $200.00 millimeters reported in any 24 hours . so funding where it is and then i probably will be and where it sits on the
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drying will be top top, been a very wet few weeks in southern china is not dying. that if anything is regenerating and pushing down to what hong kong that up towards shanghai during tuesday. and still the big charles anywhere from west papua through sort of crazy to bonia, catching something living maybe is finals a single pole. and the tail end of what should be the rainy season. it's hot weather in india. there are a few channels around the north east and in bangladesh. and particularly in northern pakistan where they have been pretty pikey. however, temperatures are high and that's the main story or, or dish or up towards westbank go. and also in the dash cars is full cost, restrict reflects to say also bangladesh is still about $8.00 degrees higher. and there's no of the listings in the gaza strip as easily as long last continues. there's
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of way, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, the best waste land of rubble, the u. n. says clearing the debris from these rounds war on guys will be a huge challenge that to take 14 years unexploded. i'm a nation would also make this a dangerous task. so what will this mean for the millions of policy and so hope to return to that home. this is inside the
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