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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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mike oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south . crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just the of israel considers this bombing of the guns a strip coming at least 20 finds ballast demands in the past few of the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out is there a night from dell also is coming up nearly $900.00 people have been arrested in the us as a student that movement against the rule and does a spread schools out in the philippines and extreme heat wave across the us of asia shows no sign of these. and the growing humanitarian prizes in saddam the fight for
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the armies last stronghold into the full spaces of these 800000. we begin in gaza where at least 25 honest demands have been killed in a series of this really attacks in the past few hours. a strike on the home and the southern city of ruffled, killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby witnesses site. many of the victims were displaced, palestinians seeking shelter for the night, and a warning view as may find some of the images in phoenix near was report upsetting and indeed mine is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower. 7 his life sped, but left with lifelong moons. many of those at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot as lucky. and the loved ones they've left behind cannot imagine
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moving forward have been the the doctors rushed to help the injured, despite liquid resources. amidst the chaos on the hospital floor, i lifted the prize in pain the man who rescued fees that she's been opened. in the business, the daughter of my maid, them are coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family . the only survive from the home that was targeted a rescue time. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on
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civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza, or even a ceasefire talks revealed nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the evening meeting and the besieged strip inconsolable. felix new r o g 0 in the united states. police have made ninty 900 arrests nationwide, a student protests against israel's war and cause a sprint these are pictures from yale university in new haven, connecticut. the other states to this and joins students pulled into the universities to comp time with israel prose, edging it into us ministry, a hundreds of people demonstrating and solidarity retentive sims. i'm interested, so thought i'll just have it's john henry and has this report from city,
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university of new york. each day come to reinforcements, more supplies in more demonstrators. the growing protest camps like this student protest in camp many city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who felt in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that, maybe they don't know that we do want that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. but he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they set for agitating a credit of to show that the passport soon after an orthodox, jewish rabbi publicly burned his really passport reproaches. another orthodox rabbi,
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explain why they joined the demonstration. these courage is students who stand up for justice. who's done that for what these rights? this should be a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place. knowing garza and this occupation that at least for the kids, i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family that a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find, it's not very politically convenient. as the enhancements grow and number and size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this. and cameron has developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking
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a lot of different kinds of risk, the risk of arrest, the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case is due to the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jewel sterling was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york. so where are the island and fish? it was at george washington university in the us capital, where students from at least 8 institutions stage a full day of protests. so remember that this all started on thursday when students multiply university yard and you can see the hard core to protest. there's probably about the does,
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we are still in the courtyard. they are in their tents. they're not moving anywhere . so and they've been there since thursday to the university authorities of put the railings across the courtyard to restrict them spreading any farther. but is that protest is gotten smaller, the protest on the street has become much bigger. in fact, there's a growing air of permanency to this. not only do we have tents where people can eat, and we've had lots of local businesses donating food to the people here. more and more people are setting up tents because they intend to spend the night. yeah. now there's no saying that the students are going to leave to meet the demands, very clear to the university authorities at each school. and those are going to 8 or 9 of them represented to you have got slightly different demands. but the key points are they want the universities to dive based. any interests they have in it's really businesses. they want to cut academic ties with israel as well. and they want to make sure that the protests leaders will not face part of that action
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. we know at george washington university, 7 of those who were involved in the protests in thursday while they have been suspended and that means they could lose their student housing possibility. they won't graduate as well, and all the credits for the last 10 will be white codes. so the asking for a complete i'm this the as well. and the intention of the students is to stay here to say this is the for the doing cnn anytime soon. all is for sure, i'll just see it up at george washington university in washington, dc. i'm still available. has this update from the university of north carolina a chapel hill? this process is now, well, i'm truly on the way we are told by the organizers there was somewhere in the region of 500 people here. i can say. so if you're the best of the students from this campus, from other universities, local activists table, they've just seen the social media post. i wanted to come here to show the sort of darzy and the support for the people of garza. i'm the demands from the university
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students have a very clear number one. they want the university 5 best from products that support israel. number 2, they want to pull transparency about any investments that relates to israel. now the university is allowing these people to be here. it's like some of the but be there for several days. if you look over that, you can see whether it's been sleeping. they are allowed to sleep, hair on the restrict provide so they do not erect any time since. so they have the, they're sleeping all throughout the night. i may be to help all throughout the tides. although i am told by some of the organizers of this protest that the university is trying other methods to get them out. for example, they have locked the doors to a number of these buildings, so nobody can use the restroom. also, they have stopped taking the trash away, so the students and outside the, the address so that it doesn't start to smell. number 3, they say they've been told by the universe to say that the sprinklers will be turned on at midnight. so they proactively put book kids over the spring close to stop them being french, but they say they don't care about audio thought. this isn't watchable about the
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why the course. they will say it for as long as it takes at the moment, there is no police presence. there are some purpose officer station on the outside of the area, just keeping an eye of things. but at the moment, this is a very, very peaceful process. a lot process, but a peaceful protest fil about which is a era chapel hill, north carolina, when it launch account and bugs from to the international. that's a piece group that fosters dialogue between jews and arabs is where it is and kind of spend the ends. this is what he thinks about the war and golf. my name is elijah calendar and i am 21 years old. i'm a student here at the university of texas at austin. and i'm majoring in jewish studies. government and middle east studies. my father's side is austin ozzy jewish and my mother's side has so part of the jewish kind of heritage. i'm a very proud you in most jewish education when it comes to palestinians, they're not told about 1948. so you're not told about the not, but um we typically told um sometimes outright grades of things and not errands. and how since i began to process of unpacking
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a lot of what i was told and hebrew school, but also engaging with palestinians and a conclusion. i came to is that policy and culture is more similar to my culture and any other culture in the world. find the president and founder of athena international work. he's a t not combined the keyboard, a t, t for future with the arabic suffix. now for our and when he put those 2 together means our future, we really just try to promote open dialogue on college campuses to get to know the quote unquote of for you. and i'm leaving you to begin to humanize the other. i think that's more important now than ever. i believe that the actions in gaza do constituted genocide. there are many corporations that are profit tearing from what is happening in gaza. specifically, american corporations like boeing, like lockheed martin. and these are the corporations that needs to be called out for profit hearing from the death and destruction of the palestinian people. and because students took their 1st and then civil liberties at the university to the
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forefront, they were repressed. i was injured when one of the state troopers charged with the horse and i was subsequently pushed to the ground. i was in shock when that speaking out on behalf of housing and people is not inherently anti semitic. i've personally dealt with a lot of the accusations that i am either a self hating you and even worse, somebody called me a capital, which is a jew who sell the fellow jews to the nazis all for the stance is i've taken for my policy and brothers and sisters, and that's personally um, very hurtful to me. i lost family in the whole of costs, but it doesn't stop me. i understand what i'm doing is just i, i'm standing with my pulsing brothers and sisters for a very normal cause. and, and i view them as my family and the latest round of diplomatic talks, us president joe biden and his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke on the phone. they report and we discussed the possibility of an immediate cease fire in conjunction with the release of captives held in gauze that to also discussed an increase in the
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delivery of aid. but your effective state and to me blinking has arrived in saudi arabia is also expected to travel to israel and jordan. how much delegation is due in cairo to discuss the spawn proposal, drafted by media to some kind of an agent will run a qu, rates from the american university of barrow t says the biden administration is concerned. it supports israel with impact hopes for re election in the us presidential rates later this. yes. what's fascinating, here's the involvement of the 3rd party, which of these neither states. this is a war between the united states and israel on one side and her mouth and some other groups on the post and inside. the united states is really worried about many things they were terrified of. the iranian is rarely exchange of fire weapons, you know, attacks with 3 and then even though they were both controlled, they were terrified of a wider war in the region. what the impact of this, of, or flows, investment on global trade would be catastrophe. the united states government,
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led by the democrats and by them are terrified of the impact of this war on their election prospects in november of its fall. yes. or they show the 81 percent of young people. all people, not just democrats, 81 percent of americans between the ages of 18 and 34 thinks of the world's being a badly managed them. they disapprove of the weather, was going in american support for this is a huge, huge thing for american politicians. and they're also finding that they're not being isolated around the world because you can't islip additional strong. but they don't have the st cloud that they, that they used to. people are looking at the china to rush it up to india, to the bridge, to other people. for strategic relationships as well as americans. so that's huge fear in the us for a short break here and i'll just narrow when we come back. so 2 years of democracy,
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i'll just say one german. there's a chance to his former campus to talk to students, thoughts about this past and future martin the and still big some souls being generated in the mountains of the west and saturday gammon, the roll out. so on this line towards the central tough key. so this is a picture of those magazines. now they are quite high. admittedly, this isn't smart, this is have, but this is pretty extensive pay or you can follow it all the way down this, right? so those funds, films are pretty puffy, and then not just bearing authenticity, but their influence spreads beyond into the rest of the savvy right up into was something iraq as well, maybe, and the violence. and stephanie, there are a few in central to you if you took you that's monday, tuesday season, even biggest spreads out them. the light using big data. i mean the potential flash
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something in mac, nvidia has already been realized once or twice in the last week or so could come back. and this looks that he went to as well, lebanon syria, down to what's jordan as well. yep. big thunderstorms, flash drives, and potentially south of all this where we have seen flooding. can you dental has tons of near the full cost isn't quite as bad. they're all big thunderstorms around 9 robie navy. bit for the know if i can see if you a few times for the quite a speak to me as i did before, where you might want the ride anywhere in southern africa. there is precious metal, but temperatures for some are on the way up of the right book. no cartons and public confrontations. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other week fails,
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die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country as ever shut down and honest people have generation changed. phone out is era the the welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here. this is really strikes across sconces of killed at least 25 percent of demands in the past few hours. 9 members of the same family was killed in an attack on a home in rough up. with 1500000 displays palestinians sheltering in the united states police of made nearly 900 arrests. nationwide students protests against it
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as well as well on balance. a spread demonstrate is one that universities the cup, ties with israel, also calling for an end to us ministry 8. now, south korea has a choose north korea lang line mines along the road and they deem it a try zone between the 2 countries. south korea says it's ministry detect to the north lang mines on an unpaid road inside the d. m. z. there are a head hill, ensure one official themselves, that's the latest. most series of moves to shut down across border roads would run the brian jones as live now from the south korean capital. so rob, so tell us a bit more about the land of these land mines and how significant is this development a yeah, this does seem to be another step by the nose to permanently sealed the border between north and south end at the same time. of course, discovering any chances of the reconciliation, these a, these laying of mines was supposed detected apparently by the south at the end of
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last year. this is an on page track that accessed a hill, which was the scene of fighting during the korean war. and it was an effort to assume a human remains from this battlefield site with a view to repack creating them. this is all parts of the 2018 village street agreement that was signed between north and south at the time of improving relations of reconciliation, which is old and now a bunch a memory and additions taking measures against this one particular track. the north is also has also been taking measured. it seems to permanently see last, at 2 paved roads which had been used in the past during improving relations to support projects of cooperation between north and south. this is a roadway over on the east of dependent children to another on the west of the peninsula with the north going so far. it seems as removing street lighting from these 2 sections of roadway as seemingly determined that they will never be used again. that it comes as the north has also been reinstalling god posts that had
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been removed during this period. the reconciliation with it seems the south taking similar measures on the southern side of the board. yeah, robin as you say it all points to relations between the north and south. going back to old, acrimonious ways. a yeah, this is a very much a this continuing trend of putting relations on the korean peninsula back in the deep freeze conjunction, the north grand leader stated at the end of last year. and that as far as his country was concerned, they were officially giving up any moves towards the unification of the korean potential. there was any point in the future declaring that in his words, the 2 states are now officially hostile to each other. as the north is continuing its missile testing a pace has also held a drill that it says, simulates a nuclear account to attack against the south that was seen as a particularly provocative act. oh,
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it's part the south. koreans have continue to hold the joint military exercises with the us allies, the spring annual spring exercises being held here in south korea. the smaller exercises have continued to be staged with south korea condemning those. it is always enraged by these things can be of jung influential system of conjunction, stating that the, the south koreans lackeys as she calls them, have been showing just to all the real arch criminals when it comes to straining relations and then each, all right, to run the provide life as the in the software and capital. rob, thank you. smell thousands of schools across pots and asia have closed temporarily due to an extreme heat wave. how far it is in the philippines of suspended classes prefer the 3 days of the shopping school was last week. have also issued public health warnings, full cost to save you on. usually hot weather in the philippines is expected or last until mid may, off in the capital. so reco at high temperatures,
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below has more now from money left. the philippines is a tropical country, so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right, the months of march april in may are the hottest. but it's unusually hot these months this year. and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks we've been experiencing here are temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius. here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index, because this is actually the heat that we are feeling in our body. so yesterday, when it was 38.8 degrees celsius, the heat index was actually at 45 degrees celsius. and in the town, north of manila, the heat index actually peaked at $53.00 degrees celsius. so you can just imagine
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how hot that is and just to for the illustrate, there's a dam over there in the northern phillip piece, it has dried up so much that a, some bridge town has resurfaced. this heat wave has really affected all walks of life here in the philippines, but the most dramatic impact has been on the age education sector. so right now i'm standing in the middle of a public school ground and you can see right behind me the school ground is empty. the classrooms are empty. uh because it's just, the heat is just too unbearable for students. so each classroom is about $35.00 to $40.00 students on a normal day with no air conditioning and just a few electric fans and they say the desk just unbearable for the students are being switched to the online mode of learning. but it's not just the education sector, millions of filipino laborers, workers, employees who have to commute every day to work. they're also affected. now the government has issued guidelines for employers to follow. these are just guidelines
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and not, not the. 2 enforceable by law, but the government is encouraging employers to implement flexible hours a work from home set up and also to let their employees out where protective gear and temperature adaptable. so the tomato has struck the southern chinese city of glen. jo. kidding. 5 people. another 33 were injured when the twist them a lawn full on saturday afternoon. a 2nd tornado hit another district later in the day. but i'm on june is from the institute for public on environmental affairs in beijing. he says, extreme weather events are becoming much more comments in the state to speak so that they are setting increasing frequency all 5 of extreme heavy rain full in china, just like in many other parts of the word since 1916. so it's a, it's a,
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it's going up and down. and then particularly in the, in this region and this region, this year, suffered from the earliest i have, uh, you know, a record breaking or the flooding uh, from the beginning of this month. and then uh, you know, before this tornado the pro, right, uh, the wrong, don't you know, the problem is of going to have suffered to rock of very have you bring things, we'd say treat or a warning, a warning all but once the 100 years of flooding and it's causing a lot of damage and then some casualties already. so this is, um, uh, uh, a uh, a new charge that, uh, that we have to, to deal with. and china is, uh, trying to, to bute, strengthen, are already ordering system. and you know, with better metro logical uh, forecast and capacity and also emergency response,
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emergency response capability is being stressed out over the long run. the cities and old need to be designed and plans with higher standards of the slot discharge. and, and one of the lucky prevention company as a prime minister costume much leeway is wanting, the heavy rains are led to widespread funding are set to continue at least a $155.00 people have been killed. and in a quarter of a 1000000 displaced townsend, he is one of several countries in east africa dealing with the impact of the el nino, with a sporadic fighting is broken out in a sudden the city of sasha, on from days the un security council expressed concern to the parliamentary rapids, support forces would attack the city, which is the last stronghold of the army in north stuff for you and no could. i have dramatic escalation intentions in the region for the number of civilians displaced by fighting and outside shall,
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has grown to 800000 in recent months. even move and as more from cartoons the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assess pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try, bored, targeted english in west star for in the city of june. and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the
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parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sites are you get to heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations and decide to city of kid that between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to return to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the safety of especially the ethnic a 4 or the people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a mess, a car and ethnic cleansing now 50 years of democracy in south africa may have
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a cheap political stability, but with high unemployment and any quality. not everyone has received a better life from us than its constitution with an election due next month. i'll just say it was during the whole got the views of students that john as birds bits, university, or in the south africa's university of the vic vault is drawn to it's has always been a politicized campus. it was a hot bed of student protest during the struggle against the prostate. when nelson mandela became president in 1994, i was a new student here. i wondered what that students make of this moment. 30 years old from south africa's 1st free and democratic election. that remains really relevant to me because that is not a long time. like it was only recently when we got the democracy that we have and the freedom of everybody to vote the way we have. i think it would be unreasonable to see if it hasn't been progress one, we have political rights,
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we can vote freedom of speech. we can criticize a government as much as we want. i'm not going to come to me and say, if you vote for this issue, the answer from palo as you do a these things going to to do. but i know so that because i mean, wait and evaluate. the point is where to take a lot for us to take us out of it. so it's very important you can hopefully by realistic at the same time you sent you the, i think that saw that some democrats, you just thought, i think that it was package and nicely put everyone on and put my data on this face . and through the article that people, what we saw was an opportunity for change or still figuring out what works for us and what doesn't. so it becomes very hard to explain to a generation of people who are born, born freeze, who are thrown into the system moving forward. you have this, right? you have that right, but not least, what the responsibilities and not really being able to hold and you just are comfortable with the incidence of a democracy is changing of leadership. so to see how healthy a democracy is, i think this year will be important and that's in the i often say i'm the change i want to see. and that begins
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with me. one of them uh with young people is that we focus.


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