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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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adults to get up to 3 month free subscription for free set, top full experience, the greatest fulton event jump the exclusive b o. b the the hello, i'm r m i z. this has been use our life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 25 palestinians are killed in his riley as strikes in rough up the southern gauze just as you previously declared, a safe diplomatic efforts for us. these 5 continues, the secretary of state is in saudi arabia. while i'm asked to go straight as travel to cairo for tools in all the new south korea accuse is the north of lang landlines,
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and the demilitarized zone between the 2 countries and the poles open until it goes parliamentary elections with the opposition pulling from major turn out make filing political tension the so we'd begin with an update from garza where a series of is riley attacks killed at least $25.00 pounds of sinews on monday morning. a strike on a home in the southern city of ross. i killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby. women and children are also among the dead. witnesses say, many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter for the night. israel has regularly carried out aerial, bombardments on rough persons the status of the war. and has threatened to send in ground troops so warning that you might find some of the images and phoenix no wires report distressing. the
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indeed man is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower. his life sped, but left with lifelong moons. many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot, as lucky as the loved ones they've left behind and cannot imagine moving forward. how big the doctor's rush to help the injured despite the liquid resources amidst the chaos on the hospital floor, a little girl cries in pain. the man who rescued fees
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that she's been opened in the business. the daughter of my maple, my coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survivor from the home that was targeted or risk utah. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza? even a seized by adults resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the job leaving many the siege strip inconsolable. felix new r o g 0 dark i was in joins us live now from ruffin, southern gauze or and so as he was saying, that is a baby among the dead. also many women and children on what can you tell us about
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the optim, off of yet more strikes, quite disturbing images and facts, mary, i'm released from rough off an overnight strikes as the as verify digits have slowing to verizon strikes. targeted 3 residential houses and 3 set for areas in roughly distributed areas supposed to be designated as a save. so when we're talking about 20 palestinians happen report to kills including 5 children. and as these houses have been directly targeted, we don't need probably a warning. and the casualties among civilians right, records it among whose victims is that being transferred to the equate to hospital them. sites on the door. hospitalized as it's moves are loaded with bodies in a very distressing seeing. those families are trying to bid farewell to that beloved ones. in order to be late to prepare for perio for other parts of the gaza strip of the gaza strip had been widely attacks within the open night strikes, including the northern border towns and they tend to and then big law here area
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where the artillery bombardment had destroyed the number of residential houses where the as rarely met at cheats was mentioning they have a parade to them that before as they have been trying to get the entire area into a, by the russell as part of their at previous blonde, the brace and stuff but mainly we have been recording back towards raging close to and the area and ongoing intense fi up abutment in the bridge, refugee camp. and recently, within the past couple of minutes to strikes, targeted to value refuge account in the know that part of the gaza strip as casualties amongst the billions. within the past, the 24 hours has slightly increased as they are right now, receiving a treatment. the goal is was fairly front line functioning, cost results dark. i was them. thank you very much. bring us overlays this when the writers around the diplomatic towards vice president joe biden has spoken on the phone with. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu. whitehouse says
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bite and made his position clear on a plan is really ground assault on rasa. the us as opposed to an invasion on humanitarian grounds, it comes to us actually to say on see blinking arrives in saudi arabia is also expected to travel to israel and jordan and a how my static ation is due in cairo to discuss a ceasefire proposal drafted by mediators from cats are in egypt. so that's close to stephanie decker. she joins us, won't you fight east jerusalem? and stephanie, is you hearing from heart there in the, in southern, gaza, the adults on rough or continues. and there are still fears of that being something more substantial in a ground invasion. any details from this telephone call between positive bite and then a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so yes, the people that and that i saw in dollars are of course terrified that this looming offensive that's been talked about for weeks and weeks and weeks psychologically also the impact because that has is extraordinary. if you're talking about the
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phone call, yes, what i thought was, of course, talked about the us trends that hasn't changed his position that that is, that he is against a white scale operation in that off for a ground defensive. the americans have said that they support limited targeted operations inside that also, but that still is very complicated, considering the huge amount of internally displaced over $1400000.00 that you have there from what we understand from sources mostly being discussed was the captives, the release of the hostages, of course we are the mentors point to pivotal point if you will, of these negotiations. these readings have made it very clear that this for them is a last ditch attempt at the tools. and if they fail is how math says, know, even though we're getting indications through media reports that how math is saying initially that it has a positive reaction to the proposal on the table. but we're gonna have to wait and see. but israel says if they say know that they will enter the hall, which is of course, something that the americans are very against most of the egyptians and many others
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. and yet, of course, you speak about these options. now i am asked allegation, is you in colorado to discuss the ceasefire proposal? they've stopped to the mom that the has to be a complete is riley withdrawal from the strip for any ceasefire to work any uh, any word that from these riley's as well. it looks like there may be in his ready delegation, joining the mouse delegation in colorado. they won't be meeting face to face, but this is what we understand according to what initially may come out, the mouse delegation. we're waiting for confirmation as to when they will, if they were ready or why, but they're due there. today, they jump such a key to get this moving. they also have a vested interest because of the geographic position of what i saw on their border . and so they're pushing, also putting pressure on how mass along with the guitar is to get some form of deal . what we understand is on the table at the moment,
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is that the mouse would release $33.00 captives, these full entropy commands, terry and branch. so you have women, the sick, the elderly, and those over 50. israel would release palestinian prisoners some of those according to these really media quote with blood on their hands. so you're talking about senior financing and for there's also something you want to find. the students and goals are to the north, a gradual school withdrawal of israeli troops from certain positions inside goals. and then after that happens, you're going to have an ongoing negotiations about a wider release of captives about a wider again, the sticking point has been how mass demanding a full just ation facilities at the end to the world, which is something that israel says it's not going to do until its objectives have been achieved. but again, i think at this point in time, it's going to be very interesting. what comes out of cairo over the next couple of days? thanks very much. stephanie deca from the occupied east. jerusalem. well, the white house national security advisor says attempts to reach us these 5 deal
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between israel, him and her last a on going what we're hoping is that after 6 weeks of a temporary cease bar, we can maybe get something more enduring in place of it certainly will help increase the volume of a that's getting into guys a but nothing can replace quite frankly, nothing can replace the ground routes and the trucks a joy. it's ashley hall. barbara joins me in the studio now, how sion is we've just been hearing us actually say on sampling can in saudi arabia, also. jordan and israel, i'm asked, delegation is going to be in car. i think also with the a team from israel. what is the purpose of all of this? the purpose is to achieve that deal to try to convince how mass and israel to agree on and you dance. i would pay the way to the release of some of the hispanic captives in exchange for a sees via but the i yet to agree on the majority of that agreement. this explains why, how do you, how do you, one of the key these as of how much is an egypt to try to see how they are going to
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be able to have this find the agreement. i've been talking to people about the basically what is happening with this is going to be a genuine push that is optimism. i was told by this remains a cautious optimism for the time being. i have to say we'd have to take a break. so to convince these, right, is that how much of this particular moment on the need for a ceasefire agreement, although the international community wants this to happen any time soon. but you know how my student says this has to be the main condition for him as has been at the end of the season by these writers saying no. so whether they be able to narrow those events has to be made to be seen. and how shall, how does this tie into in his riley ground and evasion of cause a well over a 1000000 palestinians. the sheltering is, is one of the biggest concerns particular for the cumulative cuts out on age for them to be able to build the ment, them towards an agreement that needs to be no pushed for
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a ground invasion in the roof. i have this explains why there's been a backdoor diplomacy over the last 2 days. and when you see money, i'm the secretary of state lincoln coming to saudi arabia. it's all into connect it . there is a path towards achieving us these via but there's also a pushed by the americans in particular to discuss the arrangements of what happens next in gaza. and this is why they're trying to build support. i'm ok. region apply as when it comes to the fuse of them because the tenant says it has to be handed over to a be revitalized policy and or faculty. it's another way of saying that he would like to see a new young leadership taken over in the policy. it will force you to be handed over control over garza, but those secuity arrangements need most of all the backend of most of the key players in this part of the world, particularly saudi arabia. and this explains the events which is that can place inside your ravia today, the well economic form where some of the talk is going to be focused on what's next
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4 guys. and this is why the i'm back is a determined i'm desperate to have everybody on board when it comes to what they have been describing over the last few months as the new security arrangements and the need to stop this conflict from spreading. so it's trying to formulate a roadmap for gaza for its future, and that requires the support of regional allies hash and in terms of achieving sees fine. now that would bring some small measure of release so that people have caused that stuff with relentless violence. is the issue more um the, the contents of the deal that the sequencing of, of how it would work. i don't think we would have a deal similar to the ones that happened in november when the momentum was high. when, when the optimism was, this is going to be conducive to them. and as his bias him, well, he might tell you a new see political talks about what's the next new arrangements as a tourist i would, is going to be and definitely extend that to the,
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to the extent that now when you hear some of the statements by tati on top of visuals over the last 2 weeks. you can clearly tell the is a fuss ration over the lack of progress. and they've been saying that basically we might, we can see the world as a keep a typical, suddenly we see that we've been the punched back to cliff from these bodies when it comes to any development. why this thing this? because they don't see an end in sight of this conflict. the fee is that everybody's using it to promote his own what his own political agenda is, is going to happen. it. what is happening today is extremely important. the egyptians are using whatever leverage they have on the high mass leadership based, ill cause that led to by u. s. a y, as in, well, to offer some concessions of a ton of how much you need to give us some concessions. if you don't, that would be no deal, and if there's no deal, it's not going to be good news for you, for the people all plaza and for the policy is. and this is quite an interesting
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moment where you see these 2 pos hopping simultaneously, the track to come up with an agreement in, in, in, in cause any time soon of the same time, the americans over the keywords will pay us today, meeting inside your baby, talking about the future until it takes over control of gaza. thank you very much. hashem, as well in the united states police, there was arrested at least 900 students nationwide as protests against israel's war on gaza spreads the music. pictures from yale university in new haven, connecticut, there and in other states active as of joining students, cooling for the universities to comp, ties with israel, and also demanding an end to u. s. military aid. as there is 100 percent, this report from this university in new york, each day come to reinforcements, more supplies in more demonstrators. the growing protest camps like
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this student protest in camp, in a city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who fought in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that, maybe they don't know that we do want to know that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. when he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they say for agitating and crow, i do show that you burning the passport soon after an orthodox, jewish rabbi publicly burned his is really passport reproaches. another orthodox rabbi, explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students were stand up for justice was done to for what these rights. this should be
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a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place now engaged in this occupation that at least for decades. and i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family. a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find. not very politically convenient. as the encampments grow and number in size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this in cam and he's developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always, there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk and the risk of arrest the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case of students,
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the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jill stein was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protestors opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york. alicia alan especially with george washington university in the us capital, where students from at least 8 institutions staged a full day of protests. so remember that this all started on thursday when students spoke, you pipe, you'd invest the yard and you can see the hard core to protest. there's probably about a dozen are still in the courtyard building their tents. they're not moving any way . assume they've been there since thursday. the university authorities of put the
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railings across the courtyard to restrict them spreading any farther. but it's not protest has gotten smaller. the protest on the street has become much bigger. in fact, there's a growing air of permanency to this. not only do we have tents where people can eat and we've had lots of local businesses donating food to the people here. more or more people are setting up tents because they intend to spend the night here. now there's no saying that the students are going to leave the meet the demands, very clear to the university authorities at each school. and there's, they're going to 8 or 9 of them represented to you. i've got slightly different demands, but the key points are they want the universities to diag based any interests they have it and it's really businesses they want to cut academic ties with israel as well. and they want to make sure that the protests leaders will not face part that action. we know george washington university 7 of those who were involved in the protests in thursday while they have been suspended. and that means they could lose
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their student housing possibility. they won't graduate as well, and all the credits for the last 10 will be white type. so they're asking for a complete on this date as well. and the intention of the students is to stay here to say this is the for, they don't cnn. any time soon, all that for sure. i'll just see it up at george washington university in washington, dc. and then phil laval has this update from the university of north carolina at chapel hill in this process just now. well, i'm truly on the way we are told by the organizers there was somewhere in the region of 500 people here. i can say. so if you're the best of the students from this campus, from other universities, local activists table, they've just seen the social media post. i wanted to come here to show the sort of darzy and the support for the people of garza. i'm the demands from the university students have a very clear number one. they want the university 5 best from products that support israel. number 2,
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they want to pull transparency about any investments that relates to israel. now the university is allowing these people to be here. it's like some of the but be there for several days. if you look over that, you can see whether it's been sleeping. they are allowed to sleep here on the restrict provide, so they do not erect any time since. so they have the, they're sleeping all throughout the night and they feed him all throughout the tides. although i am told by some of the organizes of this protest that the university is trying other methods to get them out. for example, they have locked the doors to a number of these buildings, so nobody can use the restroom. also, they have stopped taking the trash away, so the students and outside of the area so that it doesn't start to smell. number 3, they say they've been told by the universe to say that the sprinklers will be turned on at midnight. so they proactively put book kids over the spring close to stop them being french, but they say they don't care about audio thought. this isn't watchable about the why the course. they will say it for as long as it takes at the moment, there is no police presence. there are some purpose officer station on the outside
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of the area, just keeping an eye of things. but at the moment, this is a very, very peaceful process. a lot process, but a peaceful protest fil about. let's just say era. chapel hill, north carolina, police arrested thousands of people during a protest in support of palestinians at washington university in saint louis missouri on saturday evening. so we had earlier, one of them was jill stein, a presidential candidate with the green policy in this is us elections. she says, criticism of israel is often incorrectly described as anti semitism. it was there to support the students building the students and community members who were holding a peaceful, really wonderful, gracious educational community gathering, exercising their 1st amendment rights of free speech and not that far into it. the police basically attacked us and assaulted us as well as arrested us. it's
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very clear that there have been and there's been, you know, and outrage is tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go. so zionism is something that needs to be deleted and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. the now thousands of schools across parts of asia have closed temporarily due to an extreme heat wave source. he's in the philippines have suspended. cost is for the 3 days off the shopping schools last week. they've also issued public health warnings, full cost to say the unusually hot weather in the philippines is expected to last until the middle of may onto the capital. so record high temperatures bonded below brings us more on this. now from manila of the sort of themes is a tropical country. so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right,
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the months of march, april, and may are the hottest. but it's unusually hot these months this year, and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks, so we've been experiencing here our temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius. here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index, because this is actually the sheets that we are feeling in our body. so yesterday when it was 38.8 degrees celsius, the heat index was actually at 45 degrees celsius. i mean, the town north of manila, the heat index actually peaked at 53 degrees celsius. so you can just imagine how hot that is and just to for the illustrate, there's a dam over there in the northern for the peace that has dried up so much that a,
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some bridge town has resurfaced. this heat wave has really affected all walks of life here in the philippines, but the most dramatic impact has been on the age education sector. so right now i'm standing in the middle of a public school ground and you can see right behind me the school ground is empty, the classrooms are empty because it's just the heat is just too unbearable for students. so each classroom is about $35.00 to $40.00 students on a normal day with no air conditioning and just a few electric fans. and they say the desk just unbearable where the students are being switched to the online mode of learning. but it's not just the education sector, millions of filipino labor or workers employees who have to commute every day to work. they're also affected. now the government has issued guidelines for employers to follow. these are just guidelines and not, not the uh. 1 uh, enforceable by law, but the government is encouraging employers to implement flexible hours
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a work from home setup and also to let their employees out where protective gear and temperature adaptable. so the now south korea has accused the noise of lang land lines along the road and the demilitarized zone between the 2 countries. south korea's as its ministry detective, the north lang mines on an unpaid road inside the dmc, in an hour ahead hill, ensure one officials and so say it's the latest and a series of moves. so shot down across the board of roads. a roll. mcbride joins as live now from the south green capital. so as i tell us more about this, for all these rows, have been seen as symbols of a reconciliation and cooperation. why is north korea lane v, punting these landlines along these roads now? yeah, this does seem to be another step by north korea to further seal permanently. it
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seems that the border between north and south and the same time, of course, covering any tool any chances of a reconciliation. the south reportedly detected the laying of mines at the end of last year. and now this is a track that access is a hill that was a scene of fighting during the korean war with the goal of accessing the location of existing remains of sol just and then repacked creating those remains. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south when relations were improving. it was a period of reconciliation, which is all a far off memory. now, apart from mining this particular road, the north is also being suspected of permanently disabling to paved roads which had connected to b links between north and south which its facilitated co operation projects in the south. even going to the extreme measures of taking down street lighting on the northern sections, the sections of the road on each side of the boulder. it seems,
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with a view to permanently making sure that these roads and never link to the south ever again. at the same time, we have seen in the past several years that the north as being re establishing god posts which had been taken down old as part of this reconciliation process. at the same time in the south, it's suspected that the south koreans have been putting back in place god posts that they had taken down on the us up the side of the amc. so tell us more about what this could mean for the relationship between north and south korea appears to be little hostile the lot quinonez. so that's why this is a continuing trend with seeing here with relations going further into it seems a deep freeze conjunction, the north korean leader stating officially at the end of last year that this decades old policy all but some points achieving unification with the south. well,
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that is old, now gone, declaring that said the 2 states already, his woods, permanently hostile with each other in the north, has continued its best south testing. the south, meanwhile, has continued its large scale military exercises with its us allies have just had the end of the lodge spring exercises and smaller scale exercises and drills have been continuing here. being well kim jo junk, this is the intellectual sister, kim, kim. john has also joined the freya declaring that the south koreans a lackeys of the americans, declaring that to everybody know, she says, who are the arch criminals who are straining relations in this part of the world. all right, thanks very much. well, the latest from the south korean capital, so rob mcbride and a bit of all the news from the region, the value of the japanese. yeah. and as for into its lowest level against us dollar in more than 30 years, a decision last month, 5 by the bank of japan to raise interest rates for the 1st time since 2007. this
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had little impact, which again is positive exports and also for tourism. but it also means that households dealing with the increasing cost of inputs, find out some industries, pledge to take measures to try and start the slide. a with an ease alice was there was time for me. friends in story. your input is low. pound is rainy. attack on a clinic and gaza has destroyed streams of parenthood for hundreds of palestinians . the wisdom europe's getting a watering at the moment. some places quite a big watering. don't expect funding to be a big issue, but where roads, at least, and this is the reason, i mean, you're wondering frontal system,
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the low pressure sitting over more or less and then have to say the dismal weather, the pretty shelves over the last several months. might be changing of just a little bit if any briefly, but central and eastern europe is certainly change. it was time for the twenty's not reaching out to the southern parts of scandinavia. that number is full cost of reflects and improvement up to the middle to high teams. it's been effectively single figures quite often for the couple of weeks. but it's not just based by long way. i think probably central potent, even jim, you'll see middle to high twenty's where it's west coast is a bit of a, a change of fortune here. it could be some pretty wet weather than something problems. and for time still the weather in the valley are it's but by tuesday that's more or less come into the water. this affecting doors now g area and to nicea, of course number, if you shelves i think in the rock and that was maintenance. maybe a streak. it too light is right now. swear. but the main picture i have to say in north africa property is nice. big charles is the heat which stretches from chad to
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watch the gotten be a bunch of reflects that of the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mine complete homage who films and strikes that 2 thousands of lives including its own garza, the last picture on, on the latest news as a israel vowing a military response. the situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the citrus trees into canals,
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rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian policies of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. a reminder of the main stories of following the south. a series is riley attacks across gauze or on monday morning till at least 25 out of sentience. an attack on a home and rough i killed 9 members of the same family. witnesses say many of the victims with displace palestinians who was seeking shelter a number of arrest. that
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answer will probably test on us college campuses. weeks. nearly $900.00 students, a cooling on the universities to cost financial ties with israel because of it's for on gaza. the us presidential volume is spoken by telephone with his is right with that is writing, the appointment is to benjamin netanyahu. the white house, as vine reiterated, as all position to a pond is really ground defensive on rough us in southern cause. that's now bringing mohammed elementary. he is a media studies profess on a political and list, so it's lovely to have you with us again. and we see yet more painful scenes from rough uh, with the women children, even a baby along with that is a continued ariel bombardments. does it look as though, though that needs be a delay to a serious escalation in the form of a, a ground invasion for now, at least while asked me blinking is in the region and saudi arabia, jordan and israel. i mean, it's interesting that you talk about the delay or that we're talking about and
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delay. i mean, the reality is that as we've been talking about the possibility of a ceasefire or negotiations toward a ceasefire. and as we've been talking about a potential invasion of what off off the bombardment has continued, the violence has continued our daily attacks or getting reports of dozens of palestinians being killed almost every day. and so that's just become part of the, the daily reality. for, for palestinians i think that what we have to keep an eye on is um, you know, what ends up happening with these negotiations going on in cairo. and then i think we also have to keep an eye on the pressure. and that is mounting on israel to avoid that off the dental and vision which they've been threatening for for many weeks now. right. and i think some of that pressure is actually coming potentially from the, the i c, c, the international criminal court. the new york times is reporting just as of the past 8 hours or so. that is really,
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officials are increasingly concerned that arrest warrants are going to be issued, including 4 top is really officials and, and benjamin netanyahu was specifically mentioned in that, in that report. so whether or not that happens, we'll have to, we'll have to wait and see, but i do think that's one thing that has delayed the invasion of drop off. i mean, given everything we've seen over the past 6 months, is that why those are us wants to be issued? is it really likely to have any effect on, on the course of this war? i think that, you know, well, certainly israel has, has shown itself to be very committed to the, to finishing off of this war and achieving its, its objectives. but there are political constraints. there are political constraints. israel is not free to do whatever it wants. we've seen that, you know, there have been things have happened that are forced israel to moderate behavior, at least a little bit after those world central kitchen workers were killed. israel was
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forced to open up additional aid routes and let in more trucks. so that's just an example of political constraint and i, i just mentioned the other one, the i the i see, see israel does not want arrest warrants to be issued. i didn't want the icy j case the genocide case to proceed. that's why it represented itself at the icy j could have just ignored it, but it didn't because it takes these things quite seriously. and so we'll have a long term effect on the course of the war that remains to be seen. it all depends on the kind of calculations that are made inside. that is really we're cabinet. when you speak about political constraints on israel, i suppose the, the country with the greatest leverage is always going to be the united states. and you have now lincoln trying to gone to support from us allies are going to be in saudi arabia and jordan, single tennessee, you have a mouse and is ready delegation. is that going to be in egypt? and as we are hearing from one of our correspondents earlier, they are trying to balance of some sort of short term ceasefire of because
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a with a long time roadmap, a new security arrangement for the strip. is this not incredibly ambitious with lincoln for a country that has many would say lost a great deal of trust and credibility in this region? i mean, ambitious is one way to describe it. i would also describe it as pretty toned us. the us is just pretending as though nothing is happening and nothing has happened. they want to proceed with these normalization agreements. as though the past 6 and a half months haven't happened. part of the reason why a mazda attacked on october 7th was because of these normalization agreements, which tends to basically just throw the palestinians under the bus and ignore palestinians self determination. they want to push the policy authority on palestinians. the housing authority is viewed by palestinians as a sub contractor for israel, as a collaborator with israel. they are deeply unpopular. and so i think this is again, a type of let's say, lack of awareness on the part of the united states within the last 3. thank you.
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that's we were just hearing about the wells central kitchen, 8 organization that was affected and gone. so then now saying that actually resuming their operations, just weeks off to 7 of the employees were killed. and in his riley as strike conroy was in central garza on april 1st, even though the group had shed its movements with as right, the forces beforehand. israel apologized and described the incident as a grave mistake. the angel is chief executive. aaron goes, as these riley army has changed the rules of its operations, but notes, it has no concrete assurances about the safety of its employees in december and explosion from and is rainy show bloss to the lives of 5 liquid nitrogen tanks. and gauze is the largest for tennessee clinic. this destroyed thousands of embryos stored inside and with them the dreams of numerous palestinians trying to have a child truly to
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a go spoke to one woman who was still recovering. $4000.00 embryos, potential lives destroyed by a single is really strike, taking with it the hoops of hundreds of palestinians. the natural i've this mazda is one of them, but this isn't the 1st time is roles will as close to great suffering. imagine since i had my son i need of to 12 years of i v f trans, and he was my hope in this life view as my whole life, especially since i lost my mother when i was pregnant with heidi, is there and took him away from me along with my whole like not to of many of us my i vs center had received. he is physically and psychologically draining treatment. a process with time is a privilege duct tape, a l d guy, the me who found at the clinic. i'm just now on his way to egypt to help others
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struggling with infertility. told us so many it was that last chance about tough of them. we never have to. that again, was the, was the time for me, spending story, your input is low as if you say to someone so that the money will die. i would say i would think maybe this can resemble an additional $1000.00 specimens of spam, an unfair sliced eggs were destroyed in that same is really strike an example of the unseen. told is rolls militarist thoughts? natural left cause a does nell speaking treatment in control? that says it's clear, israel doesn't want published indians to exist. they have a section in 5000 dreams. $5000.00 hopes of motherhood. of course, this is part of the occupation skin. what they do not want to see any new boys and girls, though they want to kill all the children. the pain of loss is every way you look
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and garza natural and dr. kelly, momentarily flooded, was, and the both share the hopes of one day returning and rebuilding guitar has been at the forefront of countries providing medical assistance to a sims from garza. but as well as destruction as a facility clinic and embryos strikes. it's a very cool of paula signed a rule that is wiping out generations on preventing future ones. judy vega was is 0, so ha, sporadic fighting has broken out and the student, the city of all sasha on friday, the un security council express concerning the prime of the 3 rapids support forces would attack the city, which is the last stronghold of the army in north stuff for you and no to the dramatic escalation intentions in the region. number of civilians displaced by
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fighting of fashion was going to 800000 in recent months, rapids support forces took control of 4 of the state capitals. last yeah. hey, bill morgan has moved from hard to of the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assessed, pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic must certainly try, bored,
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targeted english in west star for in the city of june. and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed, and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for as he's quiet until the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sides are, you get to he to those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations in the far, the city of did the between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially the ethnic
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a 4 or is of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that there will be a mess of car and ethnic cleansing, low thing is on the way until it goes parliamentary and regional and actions with the opposition calling from major aton out. let's go. tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution. and a series of crackdowns on opposition protest. predict say the refunds will allow president messing bay to extend his families decades long grip on power. present policies as the new system is more democratic, michael, sorry, is co founder of the think tank. think africa 2050 joins us live now from don car. and according to the people that you've been in touch with inside the country, does it look as though that will be a healthy turn out for the selection? is the opposition is calling for the thank you for letting me. so today it seems like, uh, i mean,
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obviously 4400000 people go to the pools uh to atlanta. obviously the national assembly and the regional counselors. um so far its 2 i need to say the phones will open in about a half an hour, a bit less than half an hour. um and uh and, and i've seen so far as the exit polls around to the truck, maybe with the sellers. uh, if uh, the turnouts is likely to be healthy, one or a rather low flow one to these elections, have the potential to trigger move violence in the country. um, yes, they do. i mean, obviously they come into the midst of, uh, uh, basically a great concept called dentist ations. uh, based on the fact that the presidents about a month ago decided to, um, uh,
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change the constitution made constitutional reforms. so to uh, to, to go into a, the use of the parliamentary republic rather than uh, the presidential one. and in that sense, uh, yeah, there is a lot of contestation in no position. policies have been, uh, uh, accusing the policy mileage of trying to maintain, explain on file. but uh uh, obviously the president is also saying that uh, it will, uh, creates a more inclusive and participatory democracy with the, you know, the elected officials being closer to the people and that will uh, improve democracy in the country. so, um, so yeah, something has been, uh, some skirmishes based mean some protest i what about and etc. and um, so, so this is these an extra and comes in the midst of uh, 40 to contentions,
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but at the same time they, they, um, depending on the result that might be more attention. so i'm not, i say, depending on the result, i suppose that you mean whether or not of all sides except the outcome of this verse. is it going to be a free and fair election? well, i mean, it depends where you speak. so, right. i mean, if you speak to the, to the president side, obviously they will tell you that uh, they put everything in place for the, for the elections to be free and fair. but you should speak to the on position policies. they all use that uh the previous elections will riggs and therefore, you know, these letters wont be to, they have for suspicions as to what the what the motivations for the constitutional changes were. so in that sense, you know,
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the debate really depends who you speak to on the brother but, but yeah, it's, uh, yeah, yeah, you fair or not, depending on who you speak to. all right, thank you very much, michael sar. thank you for having me. picking a phone so suspended several international news organizations for reporting on the findings of a right script. accusing the army of extra traditional killings. human rights what size of military executed 223 civilians into northern villages. in february, the report says they were killed as part of a campaign against civilians accused of working with on groups. looking to find those military rulers have dismissed the report as baseless tons of the appointment is the costs and much lou is wanting that heavy rains, which of course widespread flooding a set to continue at least a 155 people have been killed and nearly a quarter of a 1000000 displaced tons and there is one of several countries in east africa dealing with the impacts of the new why the paths and i was told to bring you on
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this new south plainfield east, this place madison is hold a football match in southern gaza,
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calling for c supply the the to crane. why the top generals are saying that his troops have been forced to retreat as fighting on his eastern front, intensifies west of the dani. ask region keeps forces a full and back to new positions and at least 3 places shown home and has this
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report now from keys of the situation on the front line. few crime has got worse. that's according to cranes. army in chief, alexander seed escape. he said that it's due to the russian forces, especially at several points right now on that mode, 1000 kilometer frontline. and he said actually ukrainian forces have had to retreats in from free villages in the south east. he said that those villages mean practical gains full of russian policies, but not necessarily operational games use. i pointed to a difference in terms of fly, a power between the 2 full asses in sections of upfront line. we're not, seems of going out to speak to you crazy. and so just near the front line, they said that they being out showed by 6 to one at the top nights. so come on to his side. so that could go to $10.00 to $1.00. he said, if military was improved coming off that he's remotes, the united states actually approved the $61000000000.00 package of the military
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right now. the question is how quickly that can arrive the. busy $1000000000.00 trunk of that package that was approved a few days ago. and it's now set to be on its way to ukraine. now while the weight is on the crime for it to get here, russian full asses are expected to try and press home their advantages and not, not just on the front line brushes. so ramping up, it's a tax on your cranium, right away, line, say the ukrainians, and also on the countries energy plots to disrupt the it's economy in this window, john home and how does it keep you crying? thousands of people have been protesting in the georgia and capital to bc against a lot of targeting, so called foreign influence. and legislation will compel organizations receiving funds from a broad to register is for an agents and say it could be used to crack down on groups that are critical of the government and damage of georgia's ambitions of joining the union will terminate for darcia is a,
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is george's former deputy foreign minister in charge of relations with the european union. he says that the former prime minister regina yvonne is really is august tracing the government's actions. it's quite difficult to say what is the real motivation of the 1000000000? there are all of your choice behind that, who's controlling developments in georgia and informally controls the government in georgia is probably this is something leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show it's loyalty to, to russia, rush, i, so on neighboring countries the countries that dresser can see it as a be under the influence to adopt this kind of floss. recently, it could be stands as adopted the slow, which is a copy paste of the russian law. so this is assigned to loyalty for the, for the countries um, uh, the dresser wants to control and have under each month. and also the 2nd
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explanation is that georgia will have a very important provenance, reflections in october. and the room party, according to different opinion, falls is not set in the situation to win this elections. and uh, the black shows the government's uh, the we policy. we try to shut down the most uh, vocal uh critical media and civil society organizations. at least 4 people, including a full month old baby, has been killed off the tomatoes hit, the usa of oklahoma. the storm started late on saturday night and destroyed buildings. thousands of people have been left without power and more than a 100 injured. oklahoma, as governor is declared to disaster, emergency. dozens of tornadoes have been reported across the american midwest since friday. us another quick story to bring you dozens of despised palestinians in southern gaza has held
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a football tournament to push for an end to israel's war. on the tower tree, 50 teenagers faced each other to encourage players from around the world to quote for a cease fire if to some against the reports. and unusual match kicks off and this cam for the displaced in that offer. 50 palestinian teenagers are playing for the wind, but their goal goes far beyond the pitch. this event is that supporting david. it's about tennessee to send the message for all of the war. asking for these fight out for ending the war and ending the south. i don't know, which is the end goal. just fans, young and old, have come to cheer them on the offer is now home to more than 600000 children and their families displaced by the war. and it's where he's rarely forced to say, they're planning a new ground offensive. most of god has major football stadiums have been damaged, turned into open air in tournament camps for palestinian detainees,
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or simply destroyed. and these rarely bombardment has thrown young players into displacement and poverty with ms. vega and then the model has an in i previously paid for palestine. so let me pick team that this was death to stay to the future. despite receiving central office to pay for clubs outside the country, including in libya, vietnam, i couldn't accept them due to the current circumstances traveling from here to each it costs around $5000.00, which is an exorbitant amount given the current situation, organized by an american charity this match is held to rally football fans around the world shall because the news, our people deserve respect and have the rights to live. despite the destruction and siege the palace, the new people never failed to show resilience and not determined to live. with looming threats to further attacks on that offer, young palestinians hoping the beautiful game can help them reach
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a peaceful future. if to some good food. i'll g 0. that wraps up the news um, but i'll be back in a moment with more details and use the one is the biggest elections of 20. 20 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p. increase its fruit across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swayed, focused in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage the in the as an action on out, is there a team in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues, there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as,
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as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of way, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing the best pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects we insure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covenants, it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the at least 25 policy. it is a kills. and is rainy as strikes in rough uh, the southern gauze and city previously declared his face of the hello i'm marianne demise the. this is algae 0 live from dow, also coming up on the program diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire. continuing, the secretary of state is in saudi arabia, while i'm asked,
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negotiates has traveled to cairo's the torques south career accuses most career of lang landlines and the minute try zone between the 2 countries. and the polls open


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