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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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rustic crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless. i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the at least 25 policy. it is a kills and is rainy as strikes in rough. uh, the southern gauze and city previously declared his face of the hello i'm marianne demise the. this is algae 0 live from dow, also coming up on the program diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire. continuing, the secretary of state is in saudi arabia, while i'm asked, negotiates has traveled to cairo's the torques south career accuses most career of
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lang landlines and the minute try zone between the 2 countries. and the poles open in tell goes, parliamentary elections, but the opposition calling from nature turnouts, and the growing political tension. the . we begin with news from gaza. there's been a series of his riley era tax, at least $25.00 published engines were killed on monday morning. a strike on a home in southern and southern city of ross. i killed 9 members of the same family, including a baby women and children are also among the dead witnesses say, many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter for the night. israel has regularly carried out aerial bombardments on rough us since the start of the war, and has threatened to send in ground troops just a warning that you might find some of the images and phoenix no wires reports distressing. the indeed man is
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rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower of his life, sped less with lifelong many others at this neighborhood in rough or whatnot. as lucky and the loved ones they've left behind. cannot imagine moving forward. have been the doctor's rush to help the injured, despite liquid resources amidst the keels on the hospital floor. richard the cries in pain. the man who rescued fees that
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she's been opened up in the business. the daughter of my made them are coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survive from the home that was targeted a rescue time. she was literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians of the stock reality of the life in gaza. even a ceasefire talks resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. on the leaving many the besieged strip inconsolable phoenix new r o g 0. a stock i will as them joins us live now. from rough on in southern garza and so tart, we've just been looking at scenes. all of the bereaved families and rescue teams pulling survivors out from the rubble. what more can you tell us about the impacts
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of the sliced to strike quote. so it's really hot tricking moments right now for the families of those victims who have been killed in multiple strikes that target to 3 separate residential houses in a rough hall. where at least 20 palestinians have a ripple to killed, including 5 children and the number of women among whose victims and it's absolutely terrifying. the fact that it's taken 7 area had been multiply talks it by the usability military without providing any previous warning for these presidents in order to sleep from such areas. and now we can clearly hear the ongoing military activity by the is ready surveillance of turns on this car broke black district, that palestinians gladly see these sounds as a great deal on the great source of frustration and destruction. yet ruffle has not the only place that has been talking to. oh and no the night strikes for all the
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areas have been missing much destruction. as these many, many trees targeted voted towns close to the is very quote, isn't baked law here. and bates, how new an area where a number of houses being demolished on destroyed by these very artillery showing alongside that these very minutes we had demolished as a number of palestinian houses in kansas city alongside with ongoing artillery compartments. in a breakdown in almost a rock refugee come now, palestinians are at these ongoing corrupting circumstances, unfolding them. they are completely looking and driven, driving their sites to see on getting negotiations, being made by original mediators including katasha, egypt regarding to knowing the gaps of this of disagreements between from us on the east. well, i'm to bring a ceasefire agreement on the table between post part says we've been hearing from different media reports from these by the side about a positive sphere looming and these kinds of negotiations. but what was what
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palestinians are afraid regarding is that the collapse abuse negotiations as they are predicting a new round to point. this will be a relative in rough district. as these, when the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been repeatedly saying roughly, is the next target for these really minute treat it? no more broadening fee is among palestinians about where next to go and like to be on getting destruction of the majority of causes. residential houses um its the full collapse of security in the entire pave tonic i was and thank you very much and the latest round of diplomatic tools us present. joe biden has spoken on the phone with his writing 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. the white house as by and made his position clear on a pond, his writing ground a soul on rasa. the us as opposed to an invasion on humanitarian grounds. it comes as the, our secretary of state antony blinking, arrives in saudi arabia. he's also expected to travel to israel and jordan, and
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a how mass delegation is due to in cairo to discuss a cx 5 proposal, drafted by mediators from cats are in egypt. so let's close now to stephanie deca, joining us from occupied east jerusalem. and as we're hearing this stephanie from tarik palestinians sheltering and rossa a continuing to face attacks from the address is there is this new push for diplomacy in the region? first of all, tell us about this conversation between president biden and prominence, and that's on yahoo. yeah, so the americans and these radius keep it very close contact about how things are unfolding on the ground. and it's not new that the americans have constantly attributed their position to these right administration that they don't support the whites frail, wide spread ground defensive on the far they have said that they do support some kind of limited defensive, but it's going to be very difficult how that even is going to be carried out,
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considering the amount of people of palestinians internally displaced, sheltering there are these radios, uh, believe like yes, tested war. the head of how boss is operating from the tunnel system on that. i thought well, so that he is surrounded by the captives that still remain, however many remain alive in that area for his own protection. so we do understand from sources that that was very high on the agenda between the 2 leaders, the phone call last to just under an hour they must have discussed other things like fight it. and reiterating to these radius of the americans stood behind them when it comes to security and also protect key wanting more aid to go into goals. and just briefly on that we have heard from these really armies folks person yesterday saying that they will be increasing the amount of a going into goals that over the next couple of weeks. but again, you know, that is just a drop in the ocean. certainly of what is needed assessment there is also this a mass dedication that is heading to kyra of to, to look at the possibility of ceasefire talks. what do we know of is riley
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participation of the yes is really media report saying that we could potentially seen is really delegation joined to have mass delegation in cairo. they're supposed to arrive today. that's how mass and these radius could be joining them as soon as tomorrow. they won't be sitting at the same table, but certainly they will be involved in more immediate negotiations if you will. the gyptian said this is to speed up the process of course egypt having a very invested in trust now because they're awful offensive would be right on their border. and they have made it clear to these reviews that a russell offensive could jeopardize the long standing peace treaty between the hunters and all that i simply don't want to take and palestinians into egyptian territory. if this indeed happens. so i think we're either at a pivotal moment, right now when it comes to these negotiations that have been pretty much done in the water for months. now,
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there is no mention whether they'll be able to agree on anything or not. we'll have to wait and see, but i think the next couple of days are pretty crucial in terms of what they may or may not agree upon. and these readings have made it very clear that if, how may i suggest the proposal, if there was a sticking point, that they cannot agree upon that that all fall will then happen. thank you very much from, i'll divide easier. so then stephanie deca was those negotiations continue, is writing media reporting. there's 30 missiles, have been north from lebanon towards israel, with a number of them intercepted. that's then bringing the whole day. she joins us from large, i own, in southern lebanon. what is likely to happen then on the 11 in israel board, particularly in light of these efforts to revise these 5 talks? well, the 11 on israel border is linked to developments and gaza. hezbollah opens up a front back in october, to help relief pressure on gauze. i believes that it was able to bog down to
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a number of units of the x ray, the army, and force tens of thousands of people from their homes. the if i'm northern israel now we usually have seen this, it's become a pattern. and really since october we've seen an intensification of the conflict. when ever there are interact talks to try to reach some sort of a deal in gaza. and that's exactly what is happening in direct negotiations and there are reports that you know, some progress is being made. and so the latest rocket, the salvo, rocket stuck, were fired. it was claimed by the 11 on wing of her mouth. so this is her mouth telling the is re lease that we to can escalate further from, from other front. so each side, putting more pressure on the other now has the, has repeatedly said that it will hold the fighting once. there is a permanent deal in gaza now as well as position is not that clear, it has said that it will not stop the fighting until has been lost, withdraws from the border, pulls back a few kilometers from the border. and that is why the us and boy amos hausten who
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has been mediating in this conflict is now in israel every time there's some sort of progress in gaza talks he's in as well, because he gets ready to travel to lebanon, to try to broker a cessation of hostilities if and when a ceasefire is agreed in gaza. and so what is the proposals and the options for bringing this escalation between has been israel to, to an end? well we know what is ro wants. they want hezbollah to pull back from the border. western nations are talking about the full implementation of un resolutions, 1701 which was reached in 2006 after the last 4 between has well and as well. that resolution calls for a zone close to the border, free of arms and fighters outside the states control that you will see a beef stuck presence of the lebanese army who operate alongside un peacekeepers to ensure some sort of demilitarized zone what lebanon was, is about to pull back from contested points along the border. so what the us
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mediator is trying to do is get sufficient or possibilities in place once a ceasefire is agreed in gaza and then begin negotiations. now what we'll hezbollah agree? it is still unclear. it has repeatedly said it understands un resolution $1701.00 to mean that no arms and fighters will be visible along the border. so tough negotiations ahead, but it is clear that the united states has been trying to prevent the conflict along this border from escalating into a full blown conflict. thank you very much. dana holder. meanwhile, in the united states, police, the rest of it is 900 students nationwide as protests against the war on gauze spread. these are the pictures from the university in new haven, connecticut, there and also in other states active as of joint students cooling for the universities to cut ties with israel arrows. so demanding an end to us military aid,
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john henry. and how's this report now from this university in new york of each day come the reinforcements more supplies in more demonstrators, the growing protest camps like the student protest in camp many city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who felt in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that, maybe they don't know that we do want to say that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. but he tried to force his way into the in camp meant demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they set for agitating a credit of to show that the passport soon after an orthodox,
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jewish rabbi publicly burned his his really passport reproaches another orthodox rabbi. explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students would stand up for just this was done of what these rights this should be a lesson for the world to spend the print face of this genocide taking place now in gaza. and this occupation that at least for their kids. i mean, i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family that a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find. it's not very politically convenient. as the enhancements grow and number and size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this and cameron has developed a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the
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number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk, the risk of arrest, the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case is due to the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jewel sterling was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters opposing and supporting israel shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york. it was still to bring you on a program schools out in the philippines due to an extreme heat wave that hits parts of asia. it's showing no sign of easing up the
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european where the still roughly speaking, divided west to east, whether west, to sing most of the right in the east to sing most of the woods and the sunshine. basic is a big area, probably pressure here, and that stops the atlantic feeding too much eaten. however, a bit more detail suggest is still plenty of rain to be, have coming into the british out with the wind. but the slow moving and therefore potentially funding right is the eastern side of spain and running up into central prompts. it's still cold enough for the parent needs to see some snow out of this. but cold isn't really the story now with temperatures in the middle, possibly high twenty's running out to this eastern side of you'd have up towards the southern part of scanned the navy is, was stuck in the 18 degrees. but it will, this time you do have this writing in the west and met, which is moving around a bit. i say the weather in portugal. myspace is turning robert,
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west of new. my line keeps you there for holiday. but beyond mist, dr. is the problem in spain, so this is probably quite helpful. now the dusty arising temperature, but it's not going to be burdened dry and sunny weather. it says might be sherry for the next couple of days as well. there's a real hate and i think the hall to it's probably through will so well through central pilot and back to was germany. i reckon was being brooklyn camera room ways to all up to 37 point one. and this i have remained still very hot. the teams in the gaza strip is there a lot continues. there's a delivered mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questions, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as waves and actively humanizes palestinians . this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing, the best the the welcome back to event, which is era. reminder of the main stories now, a series is really a tax across cause the on monday morning kills at least $25.00 palestinians. an attack on the home and rough. i killed 9 members of the same family. witnesses say many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter us president joe biden has spoken on the phone to the is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu. whitehouse as biden reiterated his position to apply. and is there any ground defensive on rough uh, in southern gaza?
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now after the recession, the whole bar has been following all these developments. he joins me in the studio now. so it's quite the diplomatic push we're seeing in the region over the next few days. if we do have pictures now of sex, you say honestly blinking who has arrived in saudi arabia. what is he seeking to do on this trip? which is basically a concern to about this conflicts for the spreading of. this is why they would like to contain it, and they are also trying to find a way to a permanent solution to the policy, an issue. this might sound a little bit the unrelated to the story, which is today, the push to convince how mass, which, which has a delegation buttoned out in colorado to agree on a ceasefire. but from an american perspective, these are all in to connect to that sense blinking spawn to the secretaries. thoughts of the visits to the beach in 7 months ago of the back of the october. the 7th attacks has been talking about new security arrangements in the beach and he's
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trying to build support and consensus among the regional play. as in this part of the well, the ticket, this audio baby on the need to have a new policy and a pharmacy of this explains why the americans have been using the time revitalized bought us in a pharmacy which is a younger generation of lead. as the has the backing of people in the west bank and gaza, hoping that this i'll forward to will take over. does something that has been completely dismissed by how mass as bush will thinking. what exactly is it just completely out of touch with in terms of where we are? the reality is that the monetary conditions on the ground. so people have cause a pretty horrific. and then we see continued as strikes on ruffle, where a 1000000 palestinians sheltering that population that only had a couple of 100000 previously every day is a struggle for them. how mass is made clear that they are not prepared to move until there is a complete is ready withdrawal from the strip. so how is all this? how is always to be choreographed?
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well, basically this is why they're trying to achieve in kyra. are they hoping to but least explain it they just as how think of playing a cube out over the last few days, the flow to this new proposal based on the idea of a release of a certain number of is finally comp tooth. we're talking about 30 to 40 hostages accompanies it exchange for on specified number of policy and prisoners. and then they will agree on the notion of a com that prevails in cause. it's too early at this stage to call it the seas by it, because this is something that has been dismissed by the is writers. then they respond to the possible pullout from uh, from, from, from, from, from gaza. and doing this. how much, for example, has been insistent that they would like to see guarantees from the international committee of, of these. right? i mean, he's going to pull out from the areas near the seeds street, which is one of the key bows, but link north to south. and one of the key components of these agreement is going to be allowing people of the south to move north and vice versa. why is it
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difficult? because it's all about semantics, how much needs to sell this as a major victory of the same thing apply for the is why it is you cannot afford, for example, as how boss leads us. you have to come today and say, we couldn't achieve what we wanted to achieve in the past of that full. we had to or to make those major concessions. but keep me, data is outside of egypt. we'd like to see this happen. but this to be made partial state optimistic about the potential of a seized by a breakthrough. no one believe is going to happen any time soon because of the huge divide between how much the end is right about how to move forward. what sort of reception is blinking likes to get in saudi arabia, jordan and egypt. here's what is it money, and what is fascinating. i think we're not talking about this as much on the media, but this is exactly what is happening behind closed goals. there is a growing family because of trying to build this consensus about, you know, what,
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we cannot have this repeated cycle time. and again how, what is the exit strategy now? they believe that because, you know, use, you look at the different kid carpets those globally, i just see sometimes events which i've related to reconstruction or projects inc cousin, which is really into connected with the political push to create a new political reality. what have mass, we'd have no say, all the key decency countries on board to the c i to i, when it comes on what happens in, in gaza. is it going to be with or without how much there is no consensus that this is what the americans i'll try you into is published for them. it would be crucial to have the g, c, c, o boards. if that happens, that reaching out to the policy or father to the floating new names to take over. and they're hoping that those new names will be accepted by people in cars above that ultimately isn't it to need to talk about what takes over. because uh, when we don't know for sure where the have my student has,
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it's cool me district capabilities intact or what severely undermined or whether either way it automatically will have to go into rafa to finish off the job . yeah. spot to the go and said it is determined to see happen in the upcoming future. we're talking about what looks like a dramatic shift to politically and these spots of the wealth with seeing some indications. but it might take some time to see it move full. what would it happen? we'd have to wait and see absent the voice of the palestinians. it would seem definitely. thank you. hi shim. well now sounds careers accuse the noise of laying mines along a road and the demilitarized zone between the 2 countries. south careers as its military detective, the mines being placed, and on an unpaid road inside the zone, arrow head hill, ensure one officials in sol as saying the action is the latest in a series of moves to shut down roads that cross the border from the brightest
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following these developments from so this seems to be another step by north korea to further permanently seal the border between north and south and also suffering any chances. it seems a reconciliation the south apparently detected at the signs of the mines being laid on this particular track at the end of last year. this is a track that accesses a hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war with a view to assuming the remains of soldiers full repack creation. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south. it was signed when relations were improving on which is old, but a memory now as well as taking steps against this particular track. the north has also been taking measures to permit the c last 2 paved roads which had been used for cooperation projects. going to the extent of actually removing street lighting
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from roads on its side of the boulder. meanwhile, the north is also being re establishing god posts which had been removed in recent years. with it seems the south a taking symbol of measures on its side of the bold old of this. it continues the policy all this a trend of the freezing relations between north and south with kim jong on making the it's his stated intention that there are no chances now of unification with the south run, the pride, i'll just say a russell and all the stories are following voting is on the way and parliamentary and regional elections and to go with the opposition cooling from massive ton out. political tension has been rising since the approval of a new constitution, the series of crackdowns on opposition protest. critics say the changes the constitution will allow presence missing bay to extend his family's long grip on power. the president's policy says the new system is more democratic, a microsoft as cassandra of the thing tank. think africa 2050. and you told me
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earlier, the constitutional forms have been divisive in ways that could have a negative effect on the vote to time out issues speak to the, to the president side. obviously they will tell you that they've put everything in place for, for the elections to be free and fat. but if you speak to them position policies, they all use that uh the previous elections were rigs. and therefore, you know, these, what was, what would be to have a, have a suspicions as to what the motivations for the constitutional change as well. so uh, in that sense, you know, it depends really depends where you speak to on the go, no position policies. i've been uh, accusing um the pod team violates trying to maintain its great for the above. but uh uh, obviously the president is also saying that it will uh, creates a more inclusive and participatory democracy with um, you know,
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the elected officials being closer to the people that will uh, improve democracy in the country. so. so yeah, so there's been some skirmishes. there's been some protests that what about and etc . and so, so this is d as an action comes into the midst of uh, put it into contentions, but at the same time they, they, um, depending on the result, there might be more tensions or not at least 4 people, including a full month old baby has been killed off the tomatoes at the state of oklahoma. the storm started late on saturday night and also destroyed a lot of buildings. thousands of people have been left without power and more than a 100 injured, oklahoma is governor, is the kind of dissolves to emergency. dozens of tornadoes have been reported across the american midwest since friday. or else thousands of schools, the coast pots of ira being kept shot during an extreme heat wave of the closing
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schools last week. as far as he's in the philippines of suspended cost is for the 3 days it was issued public health warnings. temperatures have reached record highs in the capital is bonnet below. reports for the things is a tropical country. so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right. the months of march, april in may are the hottest, but it's usually hot these months this year. and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks we've been experiencing here are temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius. here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index because this is actually the heat that we have feeling in our body. so yes, it.


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