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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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in this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash before he is the the the so i'm for the back to go. this thing is our analogy is 09 from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes at least $25.00. the name's akiko, the news really strikes 20 of them in rafa. the city in southern guys i previously declare to states the diplomatic efforts for sci fi continue. the us secretary of state is inside your area. while hamas negotiate is travel to cairo for tax. also this hour in kenya, at least for 2 people i did as a danverse, expands in
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a town north of a capital nairobi. and south korea accuses north korea of lang, land mines. the lead to minutes rise. so, between the 2 and sports, the ministration samuels of the 1st team to reach around to the n b, a playoffs to anthony edwards. that racks up, we'll see points as they complete a plane suite of the phoenix on full games. the thank you for joining us. we begin in guys where the death toll from his grasp on the bottom end of the strip continues to rise diplomatic efforts to find a ceasefire ongoing as israel threatened to send troops into the southern city of rough highway, one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking shout mazda negation is you in cairo to discuss a ceasefire proposal drafted by mediators from cotton, egypt, and the us secretary of state. and to me, blinking is in saudi arabia. meanwhile,
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he says, the delivery of more humanitarian aid will be the focus of talks in the coming days . on the ground in guys is really strikes of killed at least 25 pounds a simians, 9 members of the same family, including a baby with killed when that house was attacked and will take, you know, straight to the radio where the secretary of state of united states and to me blinking is speaking at the world economic forum in re yet, i guess there is also no donors today that want to do this again, adults a political part and as you think there can be a political path and you know, with how my still there is going to be complicated because i guess what gas has to be around and then oh, by orders. and then i'm us. well, one of the benefits of being here is to be able to see all of my, my colleagues, and we have been meeting and talking on a continuous basis since october 7th,
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but particularly since the beginning of the year looking really a 2 things the need to be ready for a day after plan for guys a to include what is to be done about security, what's to be done about governance and administration? what is to be done about the monetary and then reconstruction needs. uh and a lot of work has been done on that or work needs to be done so that we can be ready at the same time. i think it's clear that in the absence of a real political horizon for the palestinians, it's going to be much harder if not impossible, to really have a coherent plan for guys itself. so we're working on that as well. uh and all i can tell you in this moment is a lot's going into this. i think um, many of these things are, are achievable, but we still have
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a lot of work to do. that's what we're here to do. and that's what i'm here to do. in part on this trip. but let me say something else. i think we really can see to pass forward for the region as a whole, as well as for israelis and palestinians in particular. so there's a path forward where the region is genuinely integrated, where israel has normal relations with its neighbors. something that is sought since its creation, where palestinians have their legitimate aspirations met for a state of their own and where we end once in for all a cycle of violence, a cycle of destruction, a cycle it for found in security. and where the preeminent challenge, the pre eminence threat to virtually every country in the region iran is in a box is isolated because the region is come together in this way. um,
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so that's i think a path that you can see we can see very clearly and again the other pass is that pass of an endless cycle of insecurity violence, destruction that has caused so much suffering and that needs to end. but it requires everyone concerned to make difficult real decisions about the, about the future. so i think our job is to clarify those choices, verify those decisions, and make sure that we're doing everything possible to provide the support necessary for anyone who's ready to make a hard decision about the future. and then know you're meeting with your g 7 colleagues here. today but also the key a farm investors from the rich and some of them sitting here on the 1st row listening very carefully to what you're saying. i think one of the things that
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you've been working hard on is normalization plan. also being taking the most out there. right? yeah. and israel, and i think one of the preconditions there guys will be from the kingdom that there is a clear path to to say those 2 state solution them yesterday was also made very clear from a new speaker. so that's what this fueling also, this price is, of course the published in the unsold, published and it is. and if that will solve it would also take a lot of momentum out of the iran and it's process, right. there's some speakers. that's right. i said, yes, so that, do you feel that there is progress on the south to is rallied piece and you feel that the israel is, sees the collection but to be in. the momentum for iran under products is based on the big impulse that they faced for decades on the policy. and
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this is issue. so 1st, i think the single biggest, most effective for due to both iran and i'm us, would the israel having normal relations with every country in this region and the realization of a palestinian state? of course both of us and are on as opposed to 2 state solution. so almost by definition achieving it would be a for you to everything that they've stood for and destroyed for in over many years. second, when it comes to normalization, look, i'm not going to speak for our, our house here, except to say that we have done intensive work together over the last months. and in fact well before october 7th, this is what we were focused on. and in fact, um i was scheduled to be in the region to be in saudi arabia and it is real october
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10th a trip. it didn't happen because of october 7th to focus specifically on the palestinian piece of any normalization agreement. because that is, as you said, an essential component. i think a lot of the work that saudi arabia united states would be doing together in terms of our own agreements, i think is potentially very close to completion. but then in order to move forward with the conversation, 2 things will be required. common garza and a credible pathway to hope outstanding state. so to the extent we finish our work between us, then i think what's been a hypothetical or theoretical question suddenly becomes real. then people will have to make decisions the secretary just shortly you from china and back to the sea for a day or 2. and i guess he also seeing what this unfolding uh,
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as many campuses as leading universities in the us as a reaction to what is happening in engulf. so any reflections on that, i think what we're seeing in my own country and in the regions and many other places, reflects the deep emotions, the profound feelings that many people have that to the suffering that so many people learned during and in particular of the innocent children's women and men in gaza. it's uh, it's a, it's a profound thing and i that i not only understand, i understand why people are, are speaking out and speaking up. now remember when you are just into your cell phone? yeah, i do, and i think this is something that generation to generation people find things to be galvanized by and i understand it for families. at the same time,
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i have to say that i would wish that other elements were reflected in what people are saying, what they're doing. i don't hear anything said about i'm us. i don't hear anyone reflecting on the fact that obviously the atrocity is october 7th, never should have happened. but once it happened, everything could have been over in an instant. if a mouse had stop hiding behind civilians put down his weapons, given back the hostages and surrendered, none of the suffering that we've seen since would have happened. so where is the demand on em, us? and there's been silence. it's almost as if it's been erased from the story. that's something that i think we also need to reflect on, even as i say i, i profoundly understand the,
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the deep emotion that people are expressing whether it's on our campuses or other places. one year we're um, in china, you. all right, so lots of questions to the chinese leadership. you method presentation, bang them or as you're a contra part for mr. long. the one thing i saw you also off china, if you just joining us on, on to 0. we've been watching the us secretary of state and to me blinking speaking at the well, the comic for him in re add a need a this renewed diplomatic push to reach a sci fi between hamas and israel in the gaza strip. thinking has said the speaking to reporters in the audience phase said that he's helpful, that how mice will make the right decision in his own words. this is, as i'm us, how must integration is returning to kyla to resume in direct talks for a ceasefire. he also again warned against applying these really invasion of rafa
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in southern gaza. banking saying that the us has not yet seen a plan from israel on the raffle offensive. that protects civilians. and there's a lot of different attic efforts going on. as we said, the category prime minister. meanwhile, the ship mom had been of drama and l funding has been addressing his hour been western counterparts. also at that summit in v. i and he's been calling for a major push to stop any for the military escalation bias room. the ongoing talks and consultations and coordination of positions is very important for boosting l strategic relations and dealing with the dangerous situation in the middle east. a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation . for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus,
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we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day in the gaza strip. while i'm at the deluxe in the folder you, what am we? we're an immediate, cease fire, and judge. hold on the military operation in gaza and rough uh we reach the humanitarian aid to reach the people have gaza. and we also stress the importance is necessary steps to be taken by the international communities of puts an end the violence to palestinians in the west bank and in jerusalem that's i'll bring in, i'll just here as hush him i have a barrel who's closely following all these diplomatic, most hash them, let's start with what's happening in riyadh as we saw there. lots of different strands of diplomacy going on at the same time. let's start with the ad and what's happening that we've heard from the categories from blinking just now. what is the common objective here? that's the purpose of all of this. to 2 visions, 2 different approaches, the americas hoping to see a ceasefire implemented as soon as possible. how much delegation is in kyle,
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one of the it's key lee, that's how the that hire is the, the egyptians have a proposal. they would like to see how much being on board quite interesting to here. a secretary of state blink. and talking on the need for her boss to accept this final, this recent proposal, how much has been insisting over the last few days. it's not just about them up accepting a proposal. they say that is a set of demands. and we don't see these riders on board when it comes to some of those key components of these deal. this is number one, this, this bush for it says via me. quite interesting to hear the americans of talking no more than of a about what's next. the next it struck, yes you would. it comes to the future if you're going to in the future of gaza. but you know, uh for the key take away from the, from the speech by blinking, blinking to a, just a few minutes moments ago when he was asked about of the civilian casualties. and
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said this, none of these would have happened. how much uh, still the height it was about civilians which has its own lives on here, often from these relays in the americans and surrender. right. and this is an extra special thing for him to see if the biggest concern for how much now is the see that there is a coordinated effort 5 the americans do europeans and now potentially dcc countries to find that the owner to isolate how much but to pay the way for a new shop with the policy and i'll forward it to you. we'll take over. now what, how much will this fight today or tomorrow to agree on the ceasefire that i've, i'm not settled that deal on that future. so we would like to ensure they would have a presence on the say in the future. so what are your thoughts is telling you about what's going to happen in cairo? i mean, is there any cause for optimism that they might be a sci fi? what are they trying to change that to make the idea of
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a ceasefire here to see optimistic, i will have to say talking to people about whether expecting to happen in age of how what are they something very interesting which is taking place now. being kyra, the bulk of the proposal is the following. up put a uh like face. they would like to see how much the release of forty's riley, comparative that exchange of a number of policy and presenters, which is going to be determined day of the upcoming hours or days. an exchange of this is what, how much is now being very focused on what details they would like to see a possible withdrawal of these right of troops. and these right is putting off from policy. it's 3 of us with the cube root. yes is going to be taken by the government when they are going to move north and back towards the south and then the americans . i'll be talking about com preventing and goes how much you think know we'd like to see some sort of for some sort of choose what an extended a ceasefire and until the pin down the details about whether this is going to be an
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extend. this is why i don't know it's gonna be extremely difficult. yeah. to come up to an agreement about that. it'll be interesting to see what comes out of cairo this time. we're on hash him. thank you very much for the moment. hush him. i had a bar, let's head over now to occupied east jerusalem and find stephanie that goes there for us. so stephanie, again, i'm honest integration doing kyra for the sci fi talks. what about these relays? will they be joining well, we're expecting after hearing from us and they're expected to bring their response to what was a ready and is really counter proposal between the directions and the guitars as well. if there are positive sounds, according to reports of these rabies, maybe joining them as soon as tomorrow, we're gonna have to wait and see. i think, what hash and said there cautiously optimistic is something that we're hearing here as well. it doesn't mean that anything is going to come out. that's concrete and long term because of negotiation to so very, very complicated. i think the fact that you now have egypt almost taking the romans
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because it's become personal for egypt. funny. we're talking about it. i'll find russell offensive, that is going to be right on its border. it is such a israel that this would put in jeopardy of its decade long peace treaties between the 2 countries and doesn't want to take in any palestinians into egypt. of course there will be that pressure if you have a mass of ground operational, humanitarian catastrophe, beyond what goal is already is. so i think what you're having now also is an offering of pressure from countries like egypt, like america, who do hold sway on these countries, particularly when their personal interest is starting to get involved. so i think this is what you're seeing now, and that whether we're going to get compromise from both sides to come, what still remains a 1st step. funny is a hash and was explaining there, are you going to have a number of captives reduce their to monitor and captive their not those men that thomas deems as soldiers. and then you're talking about which prisoner as well as
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raw veggies who have massive names being considered as well. so these are very, very sensitive and complicated negotiations. but i think certainly we are closer to something potentially than we have been for many, many months in the box. okay, stephanie, thank you very much for that. stephanie decker lives there in occupied east jerusalem for a while. guys, he's fine to go see issues on taking place. he's really media reporting an escalation on the northern border. they say searching the sides have been launch from 11 on towards the israel. that's bringing. i'll just hear as dana. honda was in marshall you and in $711.00 on zayna, bring us up to speed with what's happening there and how the situation in guys are the resumption of the sci fi talks in cairo is influencing what happens at the israel 11 on border as well. there is no doubt the 11 on israel border is linked to developments in gaza. the lebanese arm group, hezbollah opened up a front to help relieve its ally home,
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us in gauze last october. and every time this has really become a pattern, every time there's a renewed diplomatic bush like we are seeing right now, then we see an escalation on the different front lines because the warring sides really are trying to strengthen their bargaining position in recent days. really, there has been a higher intensity in this conflict. now has the law has made it clear that if there is a permanent cease fire and gaza, it will help the fight thing. but as well as position is not that clear, it has repeatedly said it will not accept anything less than has but law being, you know, withdrawing from from the, from the border area. and it said that it's ready to use force if necessary. now the united states, the us mediator in this conflict, is currently in israel and was hushed and he is expected to come today to the if there is progress in those garza cease fire talks because what he wants to do is put in place association of hostilities to allow negotiations to begin to prevent
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this ongoing confrontation spreading into a wider war. so what are the proposals vend zayna to bring? the escalation between has will not and israel to an end. the western nations have been talking about the full implementation of un resolution. 1701, which was adopted in 2006, and the aftermath of the last 4 between 11 on and as well. that resolution calls for an area along the border up to 20 kilometers deep inside leaven on free of arms and fighters outside the states. control, so western nations are trying to strengthen the lebanese army so that they can re deployed in southern lebanon. and along with un peacekeeping force, you know, create some sort of de militarized zone along the border. it's not clear as well as position because it has repeat that they said that it considers resolution 1701 as no visible presence of arms and fighters along the border. but 11 on is saying that
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if israel stops violating its sovereignty and pulls back from contested areas along the border, then a possible deal could be reached. so tough negotiations had no doubt. but what the us administration has been trying to do is contain the conflict along this border and ensure that once the goal is to cease fire is in place, there will be association of hostilities along the left and on as well. front zane, i thank you very much. i solved his ears and a hold of reporting the from la, shy you and in 711 on. meanwhile, on the ground in guys is really a tax of scale at least $25.00 promising units in a matter of hours on monday morning. as striking a home in the southern city of rock hills, 9 members of the same family including a baby witnesses say, many of the victims were displaced, palestinians, shrieking, seeking shelter for the night. and warning, you may find some of the images in fixing your wires report distress. the and indeed mind is rescued from the 2nd floor of a boomed residential tower of his life, sped,
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but left with life alone. many others at this neighborhood in rough or one which is lucky and the loved ones they have left behind, cannot imagine moving forward. have been the doctor's rush to help the injured, despite the liquid resources. amidst the chaos on the hospital flow. natured the cries in pain, the man who rescued fees that she's been opened. this is the daughter of my maple,
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my coming up with the so far it seems she's the only survivor from her family. the only survivor from the home that was targeted are risk. you to choose literally just hanging there on the balcony. attacks on civilians are this talk reality of the life in gaza? even a seized by a talks resume in nearby egypt. but the loss of lives in gaza is unrelenting. the leaving many, the besieged strip inconsolable phoenix new r o g 0. it has not bringing algae 0, sorry, capitalism. in a rafa southern gaza target more deadly strikes. targeting profit, which is supposed to be a safe so, and by the way it gets up to speed with what's happening on the ground. yes, fully the use reading the silence hit to rough off once more within the past 30 minutes
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as they have to talk. i think a residential slack at least 3 palestinians have to report of killed with an impulse comp seniors. also we're wanting to then boost will have been ended up being transferred to receiving medical treatment and the wait your hospital with the becky browse and also in the dark admitted can facility in the eastern side to reflect. now, it's not the early attack that these really minute 3 have carried us within the past 24 hours of a night. strikes is what has contributed to killing at least 20 palestinians, including children. a women where the vast majority of booth victims. as for your separate house has been targeted, closing collateral destruction, and leaving behind a great deal of destruction in neighboring houses, and even in the vicinity of the area that had been widely attacked and to now in fact fully, we continue to hear the sound of it is very buzzing. a surveillance to drones are lying. i'm hoping of a very low altitudes,
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as we can visibly see. the size of the drones that talk noted with different ms tiles and we have your reports and guys, we happy to hear infections predictable that there's going to be more attack could be carried out with them to come and go with them. that's practically what happened within the last health and our as the east. very minutes we had destroyed residential plots, and one of the most densely populated area in the western parts of rough, our district as people here are completely terrified from these ongoing side of these attacks on rough, our district because that's why they have been told to seek refuge, thank you, tiring attorney, find situation. know dot for the people of guys that terry capitalism lives in a rough on the let's now turn our attention to some of the days i've been using at least 40 people have been killed after danverse. it's bang siena town, north of kansas capital nairobi water from the old cage,
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idaho dam washed away houses and cut off a major road. search and rescue efforts are underway. floods caused by unusually heavy monotone rains, have killed dozens of people across the stop for guns. since march, while we have to correspondence covering this story for us as our in kenya in a moment, will be alive with malcolm web at a dime which is at risk of overflowing east of night will be. but for us we go to katherine. so who's at a dime that burst in nicole county? so tell us about the situation where you are as the death toll from the slots continued to rise. yes, we are at the scene of the incidents. people here are devastated. and what we've been told is that this happened at around a 3 a m local time. and these are all done on the hills that broke its dogs. and once i came, i seen us through this um,
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seasonal reba. it came with rocks and uh, cheese as well. uh, most of the damage of happened down screen where people's homes have been destroyed and vehicles and that's where many people have died as well. we also know that says many other people have been taken to various hospitals, so we said the injury, so people here are in morning and they say they want something to be done about it . maybe all of them have been less homeless and we will be going to the area where people have been display ways and they're just trying to just come to terms with what happens kathrine solely lives in nicole county. kenya. catherine, thank you very much. let's cross over to markham webb now who's in? i'd be must sing good um, that's in eastern kenya, eastern part of the country at the time where you understand is over flowing.
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malcolm. tell us about the situation and what's being done to put people out of harm's way. we're on a flight channel for the dime. and if we look up this channel, the, that, what we can see the top is the reservoir of this, um, its goes back a couple of 1000 kilometers of about a, the, with the seeding it comes from the healey, high end of central kenya, all the way from the capital, not right. be what we've seen flash flooding and killing thousands of people in recent weeks. so the sides of the sometimes like out mount, can you just seeing catherine on the western side of that is highlands we have in the east and the water is running this way mount through it ends up in this reservoir, which is now full. it's more than full. the mountains just say it's a couple of meters above the level that is designed for, and that's why we can see what, what's a gushing over this ledge into the channel. we're standing on a bridge that crosses a channel. let's take a look at where it's going. now this is the time is, is a fast of
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a series of 5 ads. um and the government spokes person is said that was in the full to capacity and they eventually feed down into the ton of river, which is the longest river and can you. and from here it's sweeps through the flat low lands in the east of the country. through the sound of carissa and several of the towns farm lands along its banks of populated by people who like crops in those areas. and the governments will and these people of the imminent floods. in some places the river has already passed the banks and sold them to evacuate areas, the risk of being flooded with the water and we're looking at right now. okay, malcolm, thank you very much. that sounds cool. i'll just hear as mountain wave reporting there live from the missing good down in my checklist. county that's in east and kenya. thank you very much malcolm. i mean lot in south asia,
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thousands of schools across sponsor of, of that area. that region of the world are being shut down because of extreme heat wave. after closing schools last week, authorities in the philippines of suspended classes for a for the 3 days. it also issued public health warnings. temperatures have reached record highs in the capital. want to be know has more from manila of the sort of themes is a tropical country. so it is hot here all throughout the year. but you're right, the months of march, april, and may are the hottest, but it's unusually hot these months this year. and i should know because i grew up here and when i was growing up temperatures from the low thirty's to mid thirty's, that's normal for these months. but during the last few weeks, so we've been experiencing here our temperatures in the high thirty's. and as you mentioned yesterday, record sheets at 38.8 degrees celsius, here in the philippine capital manila. and that's just the surface temperature. we should also be talking about the heat index because this is actually the sheets
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that we are feeling in our body. so yesterday, when it was 38.8 degrees celsius, the heat index was actually at 45 degrees celsius. i mean the town north of manila, the heat index actually peaked at 53 degrees celsius. so you can just imagine how hot that is and just to for the illustrate, there's a dam over there in the northern for the peace that has dried up so much that a, some bridge town has resurfaced. this heat wave has really affected all walks of life here in the philippines, but the most dramatic impact has been on the age education sector. so right now i'm standing in the middle of a public school ground and you can see right behind me the school ground is empty, the classrooms are empty because it's just the heat is just too unbearable for students. so each classroom is about $35.00 to $40.00 students on a normal day with no air conditioning and just a few electric fans. and they say the desk just unbearable where the students are
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being switched to the online mode of learning. but it's not just the education sector, millions of filipino labor or workers employees who have to commute every day to work. they're also affected. now the government has issued guidelines for employers to follow. these are just guidelines and not, not the uh. 1 uh, enforceable by law, but the government is encouraging employers to implement flexible hours a work from home setup and also to let their employees out where protective gear and temperature adaptable. so the nice get an update now from meteorologist rob mcafee, we uh, any, any relief in site room for the st. mary's dry seasons. and i've been thinking to stick with this for a bit longer upfront. in fact, we are in the 11th month wells wide of reco, breaking temperatures, eleven's consecutive months, where the average time of the world has been. hi, this have been recorded and to add to that because that's the global warming drawer
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. and so that we have this regular feature of l d in your where the halt is fuel. so in the pacific move away from the philippines where it normally fits towards the central pacific that has the effect of changing the width of patents over the entire world. we have indeed been focusing in asia, but africa has been effective and using the stream with all over the place that it hasn't many effects of the wet season. it's still raining in the engine easier. we've had floods from these bodies dry season. now in the philippines and particularly in these on the right, you might see a little cloud here which might promise a shower. this particular reservoir, which is east of the capital is down to below 50 percent now. so say it's dry season and it has a proper feeling, or at least it should have done with an average rain full last season. we have to see what happens this year. now the philippines on the loan and having such short weather and although many of the hangs onto the, these are the 6 degrees, just shy of it's recently broke or record vietnam joined in with me in my time to be help ok, broker of record in march. it is still halting me in my didn't thailand and to add
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to the tools as you probably know the eastern side of india and buying the dash on folks under warnings for he twice for read to every way. thank you. thank you very much room for that update. all right, you're watching of in use. our knowledge is here with me for the back to book a reminder of our main story. the war on guys on a series of he's really attacks of killed the beast. 25, thomas simians on monday morning, women and children are among the dead and attack on a home in rafa killed 9 members of the same family. the secretary of state on to me thinking is inside you maybe as a lot of efforts to achieve a ceasefire in gaza. they can a said there's been measurable progress in getting more into gaza studies around us to find the united states. police have arrested at least 900 students nationwide as protests against, as well as for on guys a spread visa pictures from yale university in new haven,
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connecticut. they there and, and in other states, in the us, talk to a sub, joined students calling for the universities to cut ties with israel. they also demanding an add, an end to us military, 8 john 100 reports from city university in new york of each day. come the reinforcements, more supplies in more demonstrators, the growing protest camps like the student protest in camp many city university of new york, including jewish americans on both sides of the barricade. this man who said he was in his railey soldier who just served in gaza, said he wanted to open a dialogue with protesters as an idea of soldier who felt in guys all to have the opportunity to have the conversations and let people know the side of the idea of that, maybe they don't know that we do want to say that we do care about policy means that we do care about muslims. but he tried to force his way into the in camp meant
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demonstrators drove him out with police escorting him away. they set for agitating the credit of to show that the passport soon after an orthodox, jewish rabbi publicly burned his really passport reproaches another orthodox rabbi, explain why they joined the demonstration. these courageous students will stand up for just this was done of what these rights this should be a lesson for the world to stand up in the face of this genocide taking place now in gaza. and this occupation that it is ridiculous. i mean, i would like to say these jewish students say they're concealing their identities because they would face intense criticism from friends and family. a lot of people are very comfortable using anti semitism as a cultural to um, denounce movements that they find. it's not very politically convenient. as the enhancements grow and number and size, they're also gaining a growing sense of permits on day for this and cameron has developed
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a kind of routine. this is a privacy screen because this is the area where they hold prayers and even yoga. because for the foreseeable future, this is how always there is the constant threat of arrest. this woman has the number for volunteer lawyers on her arm. i mean, a lot of people here are taking a lot of different kinds of risk, the risk of arrest, the rest of, you know, expulsion or suspension. the case is due to the risk of losing jobs at washington university in saint louis green party presidential candidate jewel sterling was swept up saturday. i'm on more than a 100 people arrested at the university of california at los angeles protesters. opposing and supporting is real shouted and shoved each other on sunday with days or weeks left to go in the university term. the students say they will remain here until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 new york, as well as not discuss the latest developments in his runs worn garza with money or
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mastery. who is a media studies professor and political analysts at the institute for graduate studies. good to have you on the program. how many one once again, a massive protest in the us and campuses, many campuses around the world against this war and gaza. and we are seeing right now i renewed diplomatic push in riyadh, where we heard on to the blinking, speak a short while ago. also in cairo, where i'm asked, allegation is headed to, to resume negotiations for a ceasefire. do you think there's a path to today towards achieving a ceasefire at this time? well, i'm going to really remain skeptical. i remember uh about 6 weeks ago we, we stood here and i sat in this chair and we were talking about being on the brink of a, of a piece, a deal or a ceasefire on the eve of i'm with on. but that never came to fruition and i think we have to realize that the gap between what the israelis want and what, how mos wants the still very wide. right? israel wants to be able to sort of habits cake and you needed to. they want to get
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their captives back out of guys and into israel, but then they want to be able to continue the, the war on god. so after a brief pause, right and come off obviously wants a complete association of hostile issue, the content of the deed or more about how it's going to to work exactly the sequencing of the deal. what, what, what are the sticking points? so i think it's both, but i think the major sticking, but i think the details about, you know, the, the, the captors that are to be released and the numbers of prisoners that what they will be exchanged for and so on and so forth. all of that can be worked out. what cannot be reconciled though, is that from us once an end to the hostilities a permanent and, and israel wants to be able to continue the war. what israel and the united states are asking her moss to sign up for is effectively a stay of execution, right? instead of destroying you and presumably the rest of guys are now we'll do it on a few weeks. and so far from us has been unwilling to sign up for that. right. and
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what are the calculations right now? do you think it needs ready will cabinet we heard blinking in riyadh just now again, one is really against an invasion of rock fi. what pressure do you think what leverage could be applied on these release to stop this invasion or perhaps even delayed? or is it talk of delaying it or stopping it at this point? right, so the united states has all the leverage, they've always held the leverage. they could simply withhold weapons, they could freeze weapons to israel, but they're not willing to do that. i have not seen any indication that the us is willing to do that. in fact, a few weeks ago on m. s nbc joe biden said he will never abandon israel or stop sending israel weapons. and so i don't think the pressure is going to come from the united states where there could be pressure though is from the international criminal court. so there are reports from is really media and also the new york times reported late last evening. that is really, officials are concerned that there is going to be there are going to be arrest
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warrants issued for is rarely officials and right. and so that might be delaying the invasion of what off off. and it might be serving as a kind of constraint on is really actions interesting when he was speaking just now in re add blinking, also talked about normalization with saudi arabia. and he was asked about the progress on that is quite ironic that they would be talking about normalization without the radio when there's a full blown more going on next story in god. yeah, i mean, i mean with all due respect to the united states and to blink, and i think that that's a really toned from one of the reasons why we are where we are today is because these normalization agreements were being pursued and signed while completely bypassing palestinians and the palestinian cause just kind of throwing all of that on to the side or under the bus. and now you're, you're, you're doing more of the same after 6 and a half months genocide, anything organization is still on the table for the saudis. i think for the saudis of this, i mean this, the saudis stand quite a, quite a lot the game, you know,
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the saudis have not been, you know, champions of the policy and cause if we're just to be frank, right. if anything, they've been quite supportive of these really positions over the years, but they stand quite a bit to gain. they stand potentially an agreement, a cooperation with united states on a civilian nuclear program, weapons deals and other things. so i think the, the saudis want normalization. certainly israel wants normalization. what nobody's asking. what blinking is not asking is what do the palestinians want? certainly they don't want, as he's talking about a revitalized palestinian authority, maybe secretary blinking hasn't seen the opinion pulling data. but the palestinian authority is deeply unpopular among palestinians, both in gaza and the west bank. they're seen as collaborative collaborators with israel. so that is clearly not the answer. thank you so much monitored mastery. always good to hear your thoughts. my did my 3 from the do highs, shoot for graduate studies, joining us and then use our other wells and use now in voting is underway in total,
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in west africa, in parliamentary and regionally elections. with the opposition calling from major turn out, political tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution and a series of chronic downs on opposition. protests. critics say the reforms will allow president for yes, same day to extend his time these decades long grief on power. the president's party says the new system is more democratic. south korea has accused north korea of laying mines along a road in the den militarized zone between the 2 countries. south korea says it's military detected the mines being placed in an on page road inside the zone. the arrowhead tail rest in chair, one officials in sol say the action is the latest and a series of most to shutdown roads that cross the border. rob mcbride is following developments himself. this seems to be another step by north korea to further permanently seal the border between north and south and also suffering any chances
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. it seems a reconciliation. the south apparently detected at the signs of the mines being laid on this particular truck at the end of last year. this is a track that accesses a hillside that was the scene of fighting during the korean war with a view to assuming the remains of soldiers full repacked creation. this was all part of a 2018 military agreement between north and south. it was signed when relations were improving. i'm which is old, but a memory now as well as taking steps against this particular track. the north has also been taking measures to permanent. the c last 2 paved roads which had been used for cooperation projects going to the extent of actually removing street lighting from rhodes on its side of the boat. meanwhile, the north is also being re establishing god posts which had been removed in recent years with it seems the south of taking similar measures on its side of the boat.
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all of this continues the policy, all this a trend of the freezing relations between north and south with kim jong on making the it's his stated intention that there are no chances now of unification with the south run, the pride, i'll just say a rest. so this time not a catch up on sports, hes gemma. thank you. fully submitted sites and samples all the 1st name to make it into round to the n b a. playoffs. anthony edwards was the star of the shows. i completed a form, i think routes of the phoenix suns, 22 road edwards for 40 points and call out to the towns out is 28th temples winning this one a 122 to 116. they must not wait to see if they will face the defending champion of the denver nuggets. all the loss on to these places in the next round. then the 3 went up in that series. it wasn't a good news for minnesota to say that coach chris finch was taken out by one of his own players on the sidelines like calmly crunched in to him late in the 4th quarter
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. and the have to be helps of the quote finished receive treatments on his right. me hopefully comforted by the facts he and his team have on the series, the milwaukee bucks all struggling without the engine damian did it. and the honest answer to compound it didn't help when bobby pulled his junior, it was injected against the indiana pacers for a punch. the 6 seated paces went on to win again to take a 31 series lead and means the box who offered seats. listen, i went to green games in a row to advance a video of nick. so just a window way from round suicide and run some sort of career files high 47 points and has tennessee this as a dispute to the 76 in philadelphia today. 3 went ahead in the series, a 5 is in new york on thursday. and it so squared between the places and dallas mavericks, the clippers through white, i suppose one point lead and gainful. they hold onto in 116 to 1114 georgians. james, how to explore the 33 points. that's how i that to see with the series heading back
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to a la on wednesday, the premier like types of race is still in manchester. cities hands also, they beat and also you can forest remain. one point of lead is also with a game and hand city. it's late in the fast hoff. kevin define is corner headed in by defend the you'll scope of audio cutting. holland have missed the last few games with injury. he came up the bench off to the right to suppose the 2 seconds. if that body or the side with the remaining full games, they will be champions, unprecedented full season, innovative thoughts off know so then not going anywhere. they beat them in a really north london solve a buzz. i'm going they've also released photo kind of stuck up to the away sided seen a lot kind of habits that made it reno before halftime and also was seemingly cruising . that'll changed off of the freight and the state from gulf, he said, david riah was punished by christian with that right. stetson rice, and then gave away a light penalty for our best captain. assumption been sold at this won't kick the
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gift from some high spots. also held on for 3 c victory, they might do that, so as most so don't encounter them, we yourselves just understand that we have to be better. we want to be better that i might even for improvement and go again, i guess almost that's still going to be really tough quote. prefer they lost or can not control what they do. they make a, a good result and, and, but yeah, it's 4 games left. so i think is going to lose any, any point. so and we know exactly what they have to do. the type of price is already done invested in it's late and nearly crowned champions. in some land have been celebrating with the funds out a for right through the city into secure, at the 20th century outside. so with victory over the biggest rivals. ac milan last monday. but and i kind of do all makes the feature list talk with slash and sly works is the policy went along into the nights, into all and reset and 28 me games been around
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a parade will be coming to power as soon as well as monetize threes, we just need to lay on sunday confirmed a substrate and he goes to i. so the power sounds and i see what denied the celebrations in front of the writing funds on the staff today after they stream off, they now have an unassailable 12 point leaders. i want to start with 3 games. last 3 goal is to, to perform a spanish football president. us would be all as has appeared, in course, as a suspects in a corruption price. he's alleged to have received illegal commissions during his time in charge when negotiating the deal made the scottish supercop to saudi arabia . but the honest also faces a separate sexual assault trials, the kissing play. jenny m a say without talk consent following spain's wild comp when he denies wrong doing. in both cases, a 2 time defending measured item champion costs alcaraz has reached the law 16th off to be seen to yonkers lie, but huge in straight, sets the spot in having no problems against the unseeded present in with back to back breaks in the 1st set across hitting it 20. when is it?
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oh, well da, 3 has now $150.00 matches in a row in the spanish capsule and is looking to become the 1st player to win 3 straight from the dread titles. the faces. yeah. and a lot of stuff in the repeat, the last is final that is that much the women's defending champion as well. sorry. 3 to the last 16 arena sutherland cut, needed 3 set. so to see of american teenager rubin, montgomery the by the russian winning this one to 6167, and 6 full. the 2nd siege faces another american next. danielle calling on the golf course. roy mccoy and shane laurie, a one the direct classic team events out the 1st attempt, the path posted a 4 and the past 68 and sundays. final round in new orleans victory came into play of mazda in train, of missing yes. to have victory to mcroy and lowery, the new york rangers have books i placed in the 2nd round of the n h l. playoffs a full to enable the washington capitals and showed a full nothing sweep of the series. i'll send the phenomenon with the go ahead go
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early in the 3rd period and then jack roosevelt wrapped it up with a late empty nessa. the ring just faced the carolina hurricane o'neill arrivals. the island is in the 2nd round up as a wheel spots. now i will have another object, lifetime i have. thank you very much of an use now and after days of public speculation, spain's prime minister says he will not resign. federal sanchez says claims of corruption involving his wife had made him consider his position, his wife by going to gomez's being investigated for alleged corruption. sanchez in faith, she's innocent. he dismissed the accusations as a campaign of political house meant by the rights scotlands, 1st minister, jose yusef, is set to resign from his position. according to british media reports. this comes a head of to know confidence votes against him and his government that are due to be held later in the week. last week, use a spouse sharing agreement with the opposition collapse. he has been serving his comments 1st minister since march 2023 to thousands of people have marched to
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george's capital to dc, calling on the government has crop a divisive bail. critics of the so called for an agent. so they'll say it is also a terry and, and could hold george's plans to join the european union. by bronco bye has the details. the days of antique government protest and george's capital tbilisi, a gaining momentum organized by opposition parties and write scripts. and the former soviet republic, the aim to force the governing party to drop the set code for an agent spell demonstrate to say it's so for terry and, and similar to a little russia uses to crush defense. here's jeremy. uh most, i want to show the position of my family no, to russia, a pulse and futures, and you're because we need the european justice and european or the way the system . so if the people are not the other way around, the system doesn't serve the people. as we get the proposed legislation would
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require organizations receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to read this to as far as the agents will face fine. there are hundreds so such and yours who have done so much good for georgia and now they face being secret stigmatized. it also proposed to me to shut down because in law i use the power to do maybe say over the process shot in your head or there, the person you appear in union has wound passing. the bill could undermine georgia's bid to join the block. it was granted the candidate status in december. the government pa to georgia. dream has a majority in parliament, allowing it to approve lose. would that opposition m p support? it can also very done a presidential veto. should pro you president selling is there are bush really blocks the bill even so. support you now. it says earned riley on monday to show up
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support before a 2nd reading of the bill. and paula meant barbara and grandpa out of sarah in december and explosion from an is there any shell blasted the lives of 5 liquid nitrogen tanks and guys of the largest fertility clinic. it destroyed thousands of embryos stored inside and width and the dreams of numerous palestinians trying to have a child. truly degas spoke to one woman who had embryos in mississippi to 4000 ambrose potential lives. destroyed by a single is really strike, taking with it the hoops of hundreds of palestinians, a natural i've this mazda is one of them. but this isn't the 1st time as roles will as close to great suffering. imagine since i had my son kind of after 12 years of i v f trans, and he was my hope in this life view as my whole life,
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especially since i lost my mother when i was pregnant with heidi, is there and took him away from me along with my whole life, not to of many of us my i vs center had received. he is physically and psychologically draining treatment a process. what time is a privilege duct tape? a l. d and guy, the me who found at the clinic, i'm just now on his way to egypt to help others struggling with infertility. told us so many it was that last chance about tough of them. we never have to. that again, was the, was the time for me, them sorry. your input is low as if you say to someone so that the money will die. i would say, i would think maybe this can resemble an additional $1000.00 specimens of spam, an unfair sliced eggs were destroyed in that same is riley strike. an example of the unseen,
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told is rolls militarist thoughts. natural left garza and his nell speaking treatment and control that says it's clear israel doesn't want published indians to exist. they have a section in 5000 dreams, 5000 hopes of motherhood. of course, this is part of the occupation scan, what they do not want to see any new boys and girls, so they want to kill all the children. the pain of loss is every way you look and garza, nachos and doctor gully cars momentarily flooded was and the both share. the hopes of one day returning and rebuilding guitar has been at the forefront of countries providing medical assistance to a sims from garza. but as well as destruction as a facility clinic on the embryos strikes. it's a very cool of paula sign, a rule that is wiping out generations on preventing future ones. judy vega was,
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is 0. so ha, and that's and use our analogy 0 say with us mary. ma mazda is with you next. the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes that 2 thousands of lives including its own garza. the last picture on, on a business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination into by the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. right now, collins and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line so full of the attention of the issues that my sister, that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other week fails,
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die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our to 0 the renewed push for a ceasefire. in gauze view, our secretary of state is in saudi arabia, while last negotiates is travel to cairo, the hello, i maria, minimize the. this is alex rivera, live from doha. also coming up on the program, at least 25 patterson. he has a killed in his riley as strikes 20 of them and rough uh, the city and southern gauze have previously declared a safe. and can your east 40 people, a dad is a down bus, its banks and
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a town north of the capital. my road, the and south courier chooses the north of lange land line.


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