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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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state and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do the the hello and so robin, you are watching the i'll just have a news on line from our headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes regional lead as cold as rails planned to military operation in rafa to be stopped as a meets the us secretary of states inside of your baby is ready as far as i can at least the, the palestinians, and johnson, most of them and the southern city of alpha, the students rally outside francis
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doable university in support of palestinians as riots. please move in to clear the protest as plus mel from web in kenya. more than a 100 people have died in floods following weeks of torrential rain. this is the flight channel of a done or when it's flowing into this ton of river, which is already passed. in fact, i'm trying to get a real scope with the sports is rough from the dialog continues. is tennis come back? the $23.00 time grand slam champion is looking for spots in the last 16 at the madrid . open the welcome to the news our, it's $1500.00, gmc, we begin with renew diplomatic efforts to reach a sci fi in gaza. as these may be bombardments of the strip continues us secretary of state and to be blinking is inside of the arabian, where he'd be meeting with the regional count of pounds. but his visit comes as
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goals co operation council leaders. coals as well as military operation, rasa to be sold in favor of an immediate truce. in garza, how shall halbrook begins our coverage, us secretary of state and it blinks and hoping for move and just div between how may i send these? well, the good to restore and store ceasefire tools. he says how boss should accept and use by any proposal. how moss has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most they have to decide and they have to decide quickly how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators,
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katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. task probably minutes to administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these by that conflict, a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day in the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus for the post world gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i when president mode i bass a pointed and you have prime minister, how math rejected the move as
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a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the thought of seeing is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with, as well as provided by a 0. let's get more of from this, from all correspondence and occupied these truths. and ben smith is standing by for us news. the magic of what's the deal might look like from the is riley sites. anything talked up by the us, but it's a yes, it is with their nations or pull it on to me blinking describing this is an extraordinarily generous proposal without waiting to see if these riley's travel on tuesday to cairo dots. they're ready to do that. they say if hama is accepting the principles of the latest proposal, and if that's something for them to continue talking about sources of saying,
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but now is riley is willing to take prop something the bit less than 40 of the a 133 count is still believed to be being held in gaza and in return for that, they're offering an initial period of a cease fire and then something cold they call a period of sustained. com. and in return, these riley's will, palestinians will also get the release of a lot of power steering prisoners, david cameron, britain's foreign minister, as he said, it could ultimately be potentially thousands. a power stand in prison is. so we're waiting to see if thomas accepts the proposals that it is right result. if anybody had the, the, the joy of full sites and it, because that will always stumbling blocks, all that stuff easy to negotiate, these sorts of things. what sort of things could be a, could how you might say the conversations that might happen in cairo, as well as how close the 2 sides get together
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on the different demands. how much as always in previous talks been defining a complete end to the fighting a withdrawal of israeli troops. so the palestinians can return to their homes, particularly in the north of gaza. so it's depends how this wording of a period of sustained. com that is riley is offering is interpreted by how mice and it also depends whether benjamin netanyahu can politically get away with this. one of his major calculations as many of his critics will say is whether he can survive politically. so he's obviously up to having to consider whether he can, whether he can survive is off or politically. we already know the file, right. and he's really won't seem to go ahead with an operation in rasa. he is clear if there is any sort of see spiral, pause in fighting that operation in rock, but will inevitably get pause netanyahu calculating that he can perhaps get away with that and still survive politically. the thanks very much for the update that
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coming in from occupied east jerusalem. it goes from $1.00 to $2.00 events with ben . it's through the evening. joining us now and the telephone is a saw behind on the scene. aspects person full have us as political be all right, joins is not this time to and thank you for joining us on al jazeera. can we just confirm what is the, how much delegation right now? are they in cairo or not? and have the tools begun with the jeep should be at egyptian mediators as well, thank you for having me. i'm my how i can go from there to how much that admission and they have all the that lives being paid line by now. the stuff to the, the, to, to the age of shingles, us terms and the concentration of those negotiations folks is about on the turn, the position off of the baby side. spivey walker's law. so the paper which wasn't confused to come, us could, can some, uh,
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define issues which we need to know exactly what was the meaning both from these ladies sides. okay, is what are you all depends on right now because the ground realities seem to change day by day what, how much was it shouldn't it's very clear. we are talking about 5 issues. we have to solve it together and only to stop for the, somebody to fight against the the that was the 2nd the, the complete with the throw water. and the 3rd one that it and all the people to the homes before form the construction of the construction of the 1st one fell uh, exchange for business. it's clear from this lady be about the damage to and sustained on tool and age of issues. they've been pumped a complete ceasefire and they are not talking in a see this way about that with a dual one phone. does that. in fact, yeah,
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they're talking about their presence and the value of that, which means that they will keep continuing. popping does then police is the we have a seat of questions for the da tell us if there was supposedly for on. so i was, i think we can move forward with the us secretary of state, and the blinking says the deal has been offered as incredibly generous. as far as the, as rainy's are concerned, you wouldn't really know how generous that say is when do you until your negotiating side has a chance to read the fine print is what i, i can't understand how he's talking about this so far as seriously, you know, us, he sent me the total, he said he's supposed to be a total and he's supposed to be a fair for both sides. in fact, the i this is charles the fewest by the it is a month lead ideas. i can key is doing such trouble, but then the inaudible to bush the things for lubbock,
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especially he was booking to uh, out of the leaders and he understands that old adams are willing to have a ceasefire on the back on the so he's usually those letters to show that there is something fetus in fact, without a complete withdrawal and without at even c. sorry i'm, there is nothing to i've been the 2nd point. somebody that tech i guess the, but a scene of is not something said june of us. they did this packet, some kind. so when you have a crime, you comp claim a claim that it's a general action from the if i decide they have to stop. but in fact, the united states has to make it easy for us to stop the not the belie big is the, it was the 26000000000. most of the 2 of them is for the military of some 14, but couldn't go step on the steam as it goes. we sold goals,
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leaders, and re add today issue a very strong statement to the us that they wanted to see a c spot. they wanted to see a negotiated piece, yet, galls of suffering, simon, not being recorded and reported in the general populace. all you on the fight is of how most willing to continue to fight despite the hardships facing many thousands. i wonder if i did a lot of the ceasefire. i'm the i'm not trying to little to me come in for that tradition come us wouldn't receive that in a very positive way. i want him, i just thought his team, and the main goal is to the man, if that have been by the shuttle international community. and there was a need for that to patient have actually moved from that's for sure. that's not behind. and i see this by expressing sol, how much as political be over, thanks for joining us. now on the ground in gauze, that is really
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a types killed at least 30 palestinians, a domestic violence, most of them in rafa. witnesses say many of the victims were displaced, palestinians thinking shelter, so the noise 100, my new joins us now from russia, in southern gaza. how do you get more? deadly is rarely as products targeting rasa supposed to be a safe zone. while the media has tried to talk in cairo a yes, and this perhaps the one of the most draining, hardest time sport, palestinian just in fact just to put a little bit of context here. didn't happened. the 1st time is just, this is not the 1st time it's happening happened before. we're more talks about a potential c as far, but at the same time with the the surgeons yet tax people here live literally are caught in a limbo. here they are paying attention to what's going on in cairo. they're hoping and praying for a deal that is going to save them from the on a predictable fall in bonds with the same time they have to endure this intense
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bombing comes again and more importantly, trying to stay safe and protected in an area that is not safe, but all the robot was designated at a safe area. but right now we're seeing as being repeatedly targeted since the initial weeks of the war. and right now we're seeing a storage in the talk that just the past 24 hours. the vast majority of people reported skills are from dropbox city over not a talk sense. earlier hours of this afternoon and just earlier hours of this morning we look at at least 34 people have been killed. 26 of them happened to be from rough city, mostly women and children were looking at 10 women and a close to this number by 6 or 7 and shoulder killed in these attacks in multiple air strikes at residential homes and based on part of the city in the central and also the west front part, all densely populated with local residents, as well as the 1500000 displaced palestinians from the northern part garza city. it is really a military continues to strike in the central part of the gaza strip,
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mainly the refugee camp. and most of the areas that is western of northern part of the and the say that refuge account, that's why the, it has that again, that's a safe zone designated by. there's been a military that is being targeted as well. there are also military activities that they've been part of the gaza strip. that is, that is feeding into it. there's really plan of establishing a buffer zone that is already shrinking the size of the gaza strip. honey, my mood that for us in rough uh, with the update. thanks very much, honey. all calls will keep in touch with you. throughout the evening the hundreds of students would be interested at universities across the united states. as protests grow, israel's will on garza demanding educational institutions divest in companies, they say a completed in genocide. let's close eva to teresa by joining us from columbia
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university in new york. okay, and teresa, it does seem that there was a message now from the university president to the street. well, that's correct for a ride side to columbia university were not allowed to go inside mostly because only id holders are allowed to do. so there's lots of security out here, there's hundreds of students that remain inside in the set. and i think tomsman saying that they want to shed light on the world. guys, that's what is happening on guys. i'd be want universities to stop investments in companies that profit from the war on guys, on those are there demands. what has happened here in columbia university has inspired many universities across the country currently on the edge on how to respond to this student protests that are happening across the country, calling law enforcement, suspending students. among other things, there's been negotiations ongoing between the students and the university. we up to
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2 weeks that hundreds of protesters, at least a 100 protesters, were detained. and we hear now that the precedence of columbia university has issued a statement there. they're saying that the university is trying to resolve this issue in a peaceful manner. they also want to guarantee, for example, freedom of speech, but at the same time, allowed us to students in the university to feel at ease in this turn to diversity . she also mentioned in the states, samantha, that's at the university, won't die back from israel. however, which is also saying is that they're open for new suggestions. i'm to discuss other possibilities on divestment matters. investment matters of columbia university. we're also being told that a 0 has been told that the students that remain inside have been told that they need to have bands and the fits in by 2 pm low code time. that's about in a 3 hours time. here. it's not clear what wouldn't happen then. some of them
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believe that they could be suspended. we do not know what is going to happen, but what students are saying is that they have the right to civil disobedience. this is a long history, is a long history. us university of doing something like this stuck in the 1960 is doing the vietnam war. and that's why students here at high saying that they are, we may where they are, who told stories that you know, that seems behind you. right? that seem pretty calm, right? now that's something you sometimes kind of get a sense of the mood of the people, not just getting into the university, but around you as you sort of be mailing around. what is that sense? the well, i've been in new york for a day. i have to tell you, and i've been going around several universities across the citizen gold downtown for example. there's students there, again, shedding lights on the wrong guys are asking universities to stop investments on companies that do not related to what is happening or profiting somebody's
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happening. you guys are, there's a move the money. so i'm asking you to, to join into joining into setting nice of what is happening currently on the guys as soon as people are working, as you can see very peacefully here, as of journalists are not allowed to go into the campus right now. we believe that will be allowed to do so late to one. we've seen people, some people here wearing a coffee and as you can see, just outside the university. but we're also hearing that the students that are inside this university are calling for assistance. and they do not know what is going to happen at 2 pm, local time. they don't not know whether the police will be called in, whether they'll be suspended. but what is certain is that they're saying that there remains where they are, they believe in their purpose. they believe that the war on guys that needs to end, and we'll be here, reporting on what happens next. it goes, we'll check in with you as time progresses. theresa by the force in new york.
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that's cool. save it now to she ever tendencies at george washington university in dc and she have the capitol police very tassel in the way. they've been handling the student protests where you are the, it's fascinating because it's the is the university administrators, i suppose of god you and this will be young. mine was in the under that usually age who are trying to get the police to clear this and coming out. and as the police were saying, no, they don't want the optics of a violent leave removing peaceful, peaceful protests isn't. it is very peaceful. the idea that this is a threat to anyone. it's bizarre, it's a very well appointed account, but now it has some of these are food and it's a library house even here, 5 minutes to store it. serenading us with a selection of chamber music. and now we have this new installation behind us, netscape, lima, lima. one of the protests is that to explain. this is a, an amazing me symbolic achievement table. what is what's going on where, where the battery is coming from. hi,
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thank you so much. so it'd be good last night we had a peaceful, cultural showcase in which members of the community families, children. the elderly were gathered together to show stories from their culture and songs. when all of a sudden the police begin to violently arrest someone who was inside the camp, they claimed this individual had jumped the fence that it was clear. this individual had been inside the camp for over 80 hours. and we always say here, we keep us safe. so the community raleigh, together to protect this individual to prevent this wrongful violent arrest and to prevent any police brutality. the individual was able to go free afterwards. the barricades were been removed and placed them essentially because these barricades have been a threat to the health and the safety of the students. some day one, george washington university allowed these very kids to be arrested to prevent students from being able to access, running water from being able to use the bathroom and to prevent maddox and being allowed. and we have women inside who were on their periods for these 4 days with no access to running water. we had people inside who were sick or injured or disabled. but the police with americans prevented maddox from getting through,
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putting the lives of students from across georgetown, george washington university. american university. call you the university of howard university in danger. now that americans have been removed, individuals have been able to access the running water in order to take care of their health and their safety. we have had medics being able to come in as a give students checkups to make sure they are healthy. and this goes to show that we are prepared to stay for as long as possible. so the administrator does that. i still threatening you though with, with removal suspension because as far as they are concerned, this is a unsafe environment and it's making jewish students in particular, uncomfortable. i caught up with notice you'll teach us. oh yeah, i mean i think these anti semitism accusations are just a baseless and a racist characterization of what the palestinian liberation movement has been fighting for myself. i have been offered closer for passover food. we've had rabbi's come in and also it. we want to talk about attacks against religious groups . we should absolutely be having this conversation,
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but we should be talking about the mosques and the churches inside of gaza that had been gone often times with individual, peacefully sheltering inside effect. thank you. thank you so much. and so, yeah, so i think that's maybe you can focus once again on this remarkable symbol of the power of the students here in, in washington, dc back to you. thanks. i meant chance you have tons of it for us in washington dc . that's cool. save a to fill of out who's at mit and cambridge, massachusetts, and felt most smooth like the as well as there's a lot of protesting that we got to read the remember, this is boston massachusetts. there are a number of universities that are a lot of protests and maybe 55 over the last week. sort of that would be closed out . they'll face to an adverse in college pricing phase. we saw the police brought in a 100 people at each side, arrested, and those process closed out. now we've got this, what i might have as what to say. got it, got it for more than
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a week. we understand that students are now in active negotiations with university bosses, but you've also got protests at the wells famous harvard university, a few miles away. that one is behind locked gates. nobody is allowed on the side unless they have a hobbit university pass. and the police, she fast has said, you know what, i am not going to go on site and arrest people because the university wants me to do that. i've already already got involved if there is violence or there is tablets to property, but the university out of hobbies, university site to the students. you may face disciplinary action including not getting your degrees. and then we've got tufts university where we all told that at some point today, the process of i think that incumbent will be good. let me, let me know the police are involved. what i mean body goes asians without that. but obviously we'll watch that one party closely for bringing it back here. i might say i've got with me 0, he's one of the protesters here. now you've got a really interesting perspective here because you were actually arrested. but obviously college now you'll hear about how well actually yeah, so i'm so you know,
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i'm a grad student, an organizer for the graduate students for palestine. so what happened is, emerson is one of our sibling colleges. we organized, we all, all of the colleges in his local area in boston and cambridge. we work in sink in tandem. and so we launched our encampment over a week ago, sunday night with emerson and tough. and so we've been in close contact with those at emerson. and so we support each other when we need each other. and emerson gave us a call the other night i was working. i was kind of overseeing the night a night shift into a night watch about 11 at night. i got a call that hey, emerson needs help that. busy it in the state troopers, so myself in about 10 other mit students are this and campus took a couple of lift and over and we went over to emerson, which is across the bridge on the boston side. not emerson. set up in a cabinet in an alley and there's 2 sides to that alley. and so one side of the alley they were saying was a more higher risk because the cops were collecting on that side of the alley. so i
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had to mit on the more moderate risk side, basically doing a support riley where there were no cops, a few counter protesters with no cops. so myself and a few other the like here in raleigh leads, we started taking over the mega phone and doing, you know, free free palestine basic are, are kind of a, our chair uh for a draft and everything was good. we had some folks logging onto on that side of the alley, but again, no cop presence. and then all of a sudden all the state troopers pulled up with all of their uh, vans to load us up in. and um, we all got quiet because we had a cop liaison that cop liaison approach the lead cop. the lead cop came out there and he said, i don't care what you're protesting about. i don't, i'm not on any side. i'm neutral, but you have to leave because there's bar code violations, you're disturbing the peace, etc, etc. at that point in time, our top liaison turned around to our tier lead at the time and said,
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continue the chairs and he lifted up the megaphone and the top is about 5 feet away from home. and he said free free palestine straight to the top and a pistol of the tops off. and they rushed us and they started slamming us to the ground and go to watch like which was where like, apologies. so he, they started slamming us against the wall, slamming us on the ground. many injuries myself, i was slammed against a brick wall standing on a public sidewalk. i was slammed and we were just linked arms with the rest of our friends and students there. he picked, they are picking and choosing food to arrest. they chose me slammed me against the brick wall behind me. put my hands behind my back and then lifted up my arms real. hi, i'm telling the guy, hey, i have a connective tissue disorder and he didn't, he didn't care. he just kept lifted up. my arms slammed me on the ground to rest. ok, thanks for giving your account. really appreciate that. and as you can see, the police are on the site that can be a distance. but as of course, we don't know how this will develop over the coming dollars. phillip,
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i left for us in cambridge, massachusetts. it mit, thank you. i still have here all the, all just every news on the other thing is on the way in to goes parliamentary elections with the opposition. golding, for a major 10 announcement growing political times and also schools out in the philippines of a heat wave across paul's nature shows. based on using all the benefits of temples have one that 1st can be a playoff series and 20 s table. have the best of action coming up in school. so these statements who are the rest looks quite normal in this part of the world for the changing season, going towards them of course. so the winds are there bit code of the snow stretching right out through the end in china, out through july and on the lease side of it. it's relatively fine,
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but the reason we won't buy a blanket about 20 degrees and then typically is usually a line of thunderstorms around the reply in this case, but to the goals folder line between unit y and brazil. and those are big pipes. so i'm just don't know for that it looks generally fine. the temperature in the full cost that has come down the rear from $39.00 to $31.00. so we no longer anyone near a record the seasonal range where the sputtering a little bit and still for northern brazil and back to with equity to columbia. they could still be occasionally heavy. but that she caught a massive shows still around the dolls. just based on your part to rico cuba, i'm just naming islands and there are frequent channels and all of that happen for days. now i don't think it's a flood risk and hopefully the rain is wanting to stay with the site. not so much in nicaragua, but maybe home juris and so the risk off tomorrow, the potential here. but the real nasty weather, you know, has been in the plane states the us, where the woods, i'm she, me, that meets the cold. and unfortunately that line of thunderstorms is still there,
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but moving eastwards the humanity is open. the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on that just for gotten victims of the clean energy transition. populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they governed the dream? the usa of electric, s u. v is for all the rest on the back of extraction,
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from the minds of the congo, and from the bodies of candle. is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n h the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to the, i'll just it renews all with as a whole robin in the heart of mind to, of all told stories of renewed diplomatic pushes on the way through just the following cause of the sexiest agent to the blanket is inside the radiator, while he's meeting with regional count the costs. he says that's being progress, getting more a into gauze of a israel bus. doable on the ground in gauze, or series of his rarely attacks, of killed at least 30 palestinians,
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that amount of violence on monday morning. women and children are most of that at the time called a haven rough. i killed 9 men days of the same time and at least $900.00 students will be in the rest of the universities across the united states as protest. grier of israel's foreign concept that's about the educational institutions diag best in companies. they say a complicity in genocide as well demonstrations against as well as long cause on spreading to more universities in europe. several students have interested at the sole boston university in paris. they were dragged away by police up to setting up comes and raising the palestinian flag festival. this natasha about the stunning bye for us in the french capital. the pictures, the pretty brute let the baby and tie would say, uh but what is the situation like that right now? the township yep, i just think just as useful was a little bit earlier when police went into sofa and university,
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one of crossed his most famous and prestigious universities behind me. you can see a very heavy police presence. they cleared out we, i'm to sign maybe 30 students to set up a time in the center of the university. but that in to protest to us from most of desire to get the problems, to get pieces. but as i said, most police department has been pretty forced up to that around a 100 students came down here on this when, if you turn around, you can see they have rolled out huge by a student so i can make them here for 2 hours. now charging the support for about us and be for holding for, for us to do more and more info. so they also cooley, who they use as a c for the sofa. and the cost is, ties with as right. a university is not something we fired from a lot of students. they say those are the universities need to look very much at where they're getting funds. and it's a sort of ties to having and examine those and have a conversation about
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a little students here. say that they feel as if that conversation is simply not even taking place. sometimes we'll come back to you as the situation develops and as you monitor, those protests empowers. thank you. in touch with the space of the day, something he's not facing is on the way until he goes parliamentary and regional elections. with the opposition calling for a strong ton of political tension has been rising. since the approval of a controversy when you call institution is the same as a crackdowns on opposition, protests critics say the result was the law president of olga sunday to extend his families decades long grip on power. now the president's policy says, the new system is more democratic. nicholas act has more on this season con, set of goals, capital, and election that comes in the midst of political tensions in total go uh, all the people ready for that tenant, as well. they certainly haven't come out to vote as far as we've seen. there's been
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a low turn out since the poles open this morning at 7 o'clock, still an hour to go before the float. poles are closed and perhaps this signals the feeling of the people they feel like they've been snubbed from this event. the decisions to change the constitution a change to the constitution that would make them not to decide who the next president is. but the m p is decide who is the leader to this country and that would mean it. a leading member of the opposition told us that these elections are just deploy employee for the regime in place to cling on to power. but for those that have voted for a change of a text, and they say that it makes a tow go more democratic. but for the opposition and pay as a way for for and yet same vein is found me to extend its time in power. so they've been in power since for since 1961 for over 16 years. this is the longest serving
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dennis j after north korea's kim john, you young and there's a lot of young people that want to see change. we saw some of them come out and vote. one of the voters said that they wanted to have a say on who runs toe go. um and right now they'll be voting for the at members of parliament. and if the changes go through and we're still waiting for for an estimate to confirm that with the new constitution, then the m p 's will choose who the next president is, not the people. so, it's such a sense of just poll. nicholas does have the potential to trigger and maybe even violence, not so risk don't just to the country itself, but to the wider regions. so that will be regional capitals. well, any watching this vote, but none of us of the votes as well. i'm sure. and certainly from the car here to i've been going to other coastal capitals,
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there is concern on what is happening in turbo. and it's certainly because of what's happening around the region in neighboring burkina faso. now to go in virginia fast or share border, there's been a number of attacks and incursions from arm groups link to al qaeda and i. so launching attacks inside to ago. and they've made it clear that they want to extend their reach to coastal countries and a fragile democracies or places where there's been longstanding. leaders are a place where these uh, arm groups are trying to stage more attack. so certainly in terms of, we've seems we themes that but there's also internal threats in, in the sense that there has been growing anger and growing impatient from the opposition and solely from young people to seeing it change in the regime in place . now this election is taking place without observers. the roman catholic church
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had asked to observe these elections and certainly without any for media. and none of them had been accredited to cover these elections. it was like, that's what was live in the senegalese capital dot com. thank you. so at least 42 people have been killed up or down bust as banks at a time north of the canyon capital. a very big was from the old country boot down and washed away houses and cut off a major road search and rescue f. it's all in the way that's caused by and usually heavy moments in range of killed dozens of people across east africa. since most catherine solias why they've done best in the cooler country, the people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can, that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture. they are closed and they don't even know where they're going, where they're going to sleep. 2 nights now rescue me a f plus is still going on,
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but it has been raining. it just started raining. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of the family members about what happened. they said this incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um they, some of them tries to get house uh to see what's happening and then that was, uh, this was uh that involved some of them. and some managed ex s case for many did not make it. and we have also. 7 been told that people are being told to move to higher ground. what the also telling us is what happened is that the, the reason the dom up the hills that broke its vance. this is what the cause. and this was a came, gosh, thing down the, you know,
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i seasonal stream and it came with the water stones and you know, there's a huge trees that will approve that. so you can imagine the full that this was i came with. so right now people, like i said, are morning there is chalk, and that is trying to figure out the next move where they're going to go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's and just to deal with the trauma, they say that they have been facing, the bulk of web is east of the capital at another time, but also a risk of, of flying. and this is the flow tunnel of the missing of them. just st. katherine in the west of the healy items that make up central kenya. that's where the theme to read to write in the last couple of weeks about flash floods in nairobi, killing dozens of people. now we're in the water running all sides. highlands is coming this way into
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a series of reservoirs and the one just up here above us. on this slide is full to capacity of the capacity to not just say i'd like to meet as a non fiber was guessing down this channel. it's one of a series of several times the government fuzzy says, all of them now food. i have a failed, and one of the schools that runs down into the kind of river the longest river in kenya. and it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya through a couple of key towns through dozens of villages in which lived thousands of people reform on the river bank. these people who the government has said need to evacuate immediately, who was found to be the, has already passed the bank in some places, including the town of curious where the costs of the main highway from the capital . i'd be to give a, so not a problem to people to try and cross the toner into the raging torrent inside instead,
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because they can no longer access the highway. we'll get to the bridge. now it's in video that we've seen from sunday that what does the boat struggling to get across loaded with many people? it's cool. i strong in colorado and then they said that uh, the local authorities that had more than 20 people have died. that body is recovered or many more still missing. now this is the kind of challenges that people having to deal with down stream just for transport. thousands of people who fall along the banks of the river, fish that is at home. it doesn't have any way to go visited those faces just at the end of last year when they suffered from flooding following torrential rains. and that came off the back of one of the worst drops region had seen in decades totally small. but as of ended, the last, so ended the last of that blockades, along the border with ukraine,
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of the local authorities refused to extend the mission for the demonstrations of the check points. now for months, police truck is on farm said book several things. they've been phased ukrainian products such as cheap grain. well, i'm cutting local businesses, but any of this month also said it would give over $500000000.00 us dollars in compensation. to farm is affected by the impulse. ukrainian grain has been floating into the since june 2022 after versus will close down the countries usual export rates, the head of nato and sold them bag was empty for a surprise. visit the finding and present governments whence case had been traded from western allies needed to arrive faster and that without that bush and full size would make games on the battlefield. townhome anything, keith. with the details, it was an unannounced visit from the head of night to again, stolen back the keys at to see you cranium. president, loaded me is a landscape and they held a brief press conference for president,
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for landscape. opportunity to talk about military from is especially by the united states is 61000000000. so the military a package and he said that it's starting to ride that needs to be sped up. it needs to arise. move quickly that way from ray. he said that without russian forces were already going to make gains on the battlefield and that is already happening. the head of you cranes on school said sunday, the ukrainian booth at the huts retreat from free villages in the east, and they were taxed on several points of the road. 1000 columbia front lines on the part of the head as nights are you in stoughton, but he was keen to reassure, i guess president zalinski. same as if there was a commitment to provide. i did talk about a multi financial commitment as an idea, and he's speaking about that because at the moment military, nice to ukraine, tends to ride from is i live in one of the packages. and obviously this concern
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among those that support the country about what happens if those types start to dry up. for example, not $61000000000.00 package from the united states would hold up in congress for months. so at the end of the state. so great is, could you be president craig and needed to take cities? it's energy plants. and so what it's trying to do is right away, john, home in chief ukraine. that's kaufman's 1st minister homes. i yusef has it out, so he's stepping down. he was set to face 2 motions of the confidence after power chevy agreement collapse last week. for the month, simple of some of the uses became sultan's 1st suite of asian heritage off to his freed assessment. nicholas the step down, i'm at the scandal. he's announced his resignation because in part he says he has a rep for re damaged his relationships with all those inside the scottish parliament, particularly members of the green policy with whom he said a coalition government, his scot,
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this national policy will in the coming week seek to choose a new leader to replace them as part of the head with about individual to come on to work in majority insights such as parliament remains to be seen. it will rely upon members of other policies, potentially, once again, the greens to work with them. if that's not possible, that could lead to another election within a months time, the amount of the 0 on the the heat by scorching south. the southeast agent is full kind of stip assessed until mid may. thousands of people have died from heat related illnesses in the philippine schools of suspended in passing classes found to be low, passable from the philippines. capital vanilla thousands of schools and the philippines already shut for weeks. order to stay closed for a few more days, possibly longer. exceptionally hot weather is expected to last until mid may. but while students are able to escape the heat, millions of forking filipinos aren't so lucky. some have to endorse scorching
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temperatures during their commute, while others have to spend a day outdoors in the glare of deciding jerrick flores installs and maintains security cameras around vanilla. before or even then, it's hot to now than last year. the sun's up all the time, but the work must go on local say, in recent days, the heat has become almost unbearable. the temperature sorts of nearly 39 degrees celsius here in manila on sunday. that's the hottest on record for the philippine capital. but the heat index, the temperature that we actually feel when humanity is factored in, was 45 degrees celsius. one town to the north reached the high of 53. the labor department has issued an advisory urging employer so adopt measures to help workers quote. for providing water and protective gear to offering flexible hours and work from home options. the manager at construction site says the company has already
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made adjustments. you'll 15 minutes, 15 minutes, as we've told them, they can open not to take that to 50 minute breaks and restaurant in time on the huff during lunch time. instead of buying the labor rights advocates say the government needs to take things one step further in order companies to comply. this is not just for this year. well we, we are expecting to experience of raising them pictures in the coming years because so you know, the plane be changed effects, effects that are being felt across the region in india as j port zoo animals are being fed ice cream. and watermelons and in thailand, about 30 people have died due to the extreme heat, philippines, as also recorded several debts. but by keeping schools close, forties are hoping to limit further fatalities barnett below algebra manila as well . so i had, hey, all the houses there, it will tell us that the one that you guys been tech is looking on on some of this
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foam ahead of the sprint. open, joe, because it's full stories. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. the book about so i was putting a history for him. thank you. no problem at all, continues his preparations for next month, the franchise penny's current inaction in the 3rd round image trade again, petra, catching the full scene time burden carroll's champion, looked in good form against alex seminar on stuff today. and i'll continue to be the case here again, cmc did, origin time is allocated to make it
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a record extending 6 and madrid opened title. the 37033, the 1st set on that and move it up. so they'll have to potential upset against the best encoder, went in 3 sets, kuda, who was the brother of the world's best female. go for natalie. cool. the 1st set, 7 fine thoughts of med would update in the 1st round against my to analogy a full but so when it in 3, the well number for the 2nd set is high break easier going in the 1st he want it 63 to reach the last 16, why he'll face alexander book like well, where is number one it gets jumped that good looking almost full. my head of the french opens. don't think we'll go for a 3rd straight title. it run and girls next month and up preparations to be going well. the full time grand slam champion is breezes the coast funnels in the trades shown take dropped just one game in a 616 level when of a same set of 3, this totem pole. now faces fits with how that might have
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a place in the semi 2022 madrid champion on suitable has also reached the quotes finals. it's amazing and who's been struggling with an injury rough night. cd elaina also pancoast 6 love 6 full to vote, will face us, i think by the suitcase next in the form of spanish football, president lewis's rebel as has appeared in course as a saw space and a corruption pro he's alleged to receive legal commissions during his time and charge when negotiating the deal to move the spanish super comp to saudi arabia. rebel is also faces a set per sexual assault trial for kissing plat jeanetta most. so without consent, following spain's will come when he denies wrong doing in both cases. and that's all think on you. so look, i've been 5 years, i worked happily and was privileged to work at the federation. we managed issues on an economic and supporting level. well, nobody can doubt that. but i've also had constant attacks, low seats, etc. this is just another example. i'm convinced that just this will end up being
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done. i would always maintain that never has any money been received in the regular way. we've always acted with the utmost excellence and in the pursuit of legality as an end defend us here. the silver has confirmed. he will leave chelsea at the end of the season. the 39 year old is the oldest active player in the premier league and we'll leave the club off to full seasons during which he won. the champions league is that the door i confirmed tons of stumped the bridge and a different role as son is currently play and they use team submit as i symbols, i've won the 1st and be a playoff series. in 20 years. anthony edwards was the star to serve as a collegiate, a for nothing. routes of the phoenix on 22 year old edward schooled 40 points and call on to the towns at the 28th. but to move funding. this 1122 to 116 amos. now wait to see if i will face the defending time cuz the den blanket o the los angeles lake is in the next round. then the 3 went off in that same was no good news. so full minnesota,
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the coach chris finch was taken out by one of his own players on the sidelines. mike conley crunched into him late in the 4th quarter. and he has to be helpful if the quote finished receive treatment on his right. me personally comforted by the site he and his team have won the series a new next to just a went away from brown to jail. and brunson sold a nix playoff reco to $47.00 points and had tennessee as a to see, to fix it in philadelphia. to go 3 went ahead in the series game 5 of you on thursday at is will square between the la clippers and dallas mavericks eclipses through way, says she one point lead and gainful, but held on twin 116 to 111. georgie, james hon. each for 33 points, the series now tied to to those new york ranges have booked that place in the 2nd round of the n h l. playoffs. the full to win over the washington
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capitals and showed a full nothing sweep of the series of heavy pin are in with the go ahead go early in the 3rd periods and then jack cross lovek wrapped it up with a late emptiness of the ranges face. the carolina harkins o'neill arrivals the island is in the 2nd moves what a game between the vancouver canucks and national premises from the store in his 1st house shrieking the playoffs. the 7th of his career to those goals came late to play the game at 33, and i the time said coming with just 6.2 seconds left on the clock. one minute and see the additional periods elias then don't go to hand the cannot a full 3 when on the night and $31.00 series meet i will game 5 is on tuesday on the golf course. roy mcroy and shane larry have one. is there a plastic team events of the 1st attempt, the pay? i posted a full on the past $68.00 in sundays fund, around the new orleans victory came in
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a playoff smotts in china missing here to hand victory to my career. and larry, and this is how the 2 of them celebrates its the, the, that's going to be a rendition of 19 eighties wrote plastic, don't stop believing mcroy show, gave it his best attempts on the mike and hit the high notes with the crowns in new orleans. all right, that is like is full for now and you back. so how like, so it just seemed like to or no tests. i see you all must cuz made a surprise visit to china to seek approval for autonomous driving software. concerns about the ultimate because great have seen that stock price plunged 33 percent this year. katrina, you propose so basically in china is basically competitive electric vehicles. the industry steam ahead of rivals is increasingly difficult. but that's exactly what
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tesla c or even mosque is trying to do as good as the electric vehicles making progress to try to get the most of the get his supplies visit to china on sundays meeting. premier lee chung and they changed one of the world. the richest man was reportedly here to discuss the roll out of the test was full self driving software and ask for physicians transferred chinese data to the us. tesla has sold more than 1700000, cause in china since entering the market a decade ago. the front of shanghai is its most productive and was the 1st open outside the us in 2019 chinese officials say the ocean make a is a successful example of sign or us trade corporation. this is a typical intersection in beijing full of selected list uses pedestrians and cos. industry analysts say these complicated project conditions provide mold scenarios for training or economist, driving programs out of foster pace compared to other locations. cars, one has agreed to deal with chinese companies,
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find it to access it's mapping license on domestic roads that remains banned from military and some government compounds due to security concerns. the company has also been losing chinese market share. any change in the manufacturers or up ending the traditional trade off between cost and luxury. so they're offering luxury features, but also something that young trainees call tech luxury. marks visits coincides with the basic, alter, sure, which has lot is know, participate chinese branch of a more affordable electric models. and the us based company has had to slash prices to compete. tesla is also facing pressure back in the us. we're regulations are investigated. the safety of it's also a pilot feature after it was allegedly involved in multiple fatal crashes, folding sales or forcing management to cut $0.10 of its global workforce is hope security approvals from the aging will prop, tells us performance and give the joint
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a much needed revenue 1st. katrina you all to 0? that's the news. i'll be back with little of the other side of the break. please stay with us. thanks for your time. patrick company. the one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election. will administer now render moody's be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote? reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage, but in the as an action on out is there a guns july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera, mind colleen, hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives, including his own garza, the last picture on. on a unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . here's from, i'll just say around on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from audi 0 news that you think is it the whole lies on rasa? is randy fault has intensified strikes on the southern city, getting dozens of civilians, a safe spot told suite a critical moment in kyra the problem. so robin what you all just there like my headquarters here in the also coming up the us secretary at states meets regional leaders and says he's yet to see it is really getting based upon the rafa that didn't show civilians will not be
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homes. please cut down again student protests in paris on say palestinian solidarity movement grows across the walls and at least pulls the people are killed


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