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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the lies on rasa is very false. intensify strikes on the southern city, killing thousands of civilians as these font told sweet a critical moments in college. right. the products of robin you're watching, obviously are like from the coming up on the break in the us, secretary of state meets his goals, council pos and says he's yet to see and is really invasion plan of rafa that didn't show civilians will not be home. please clock down the gate student protests in paris. as
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a palestinian solidarity movement grows across the walls and at least falls, the people are killed after down best as finds in kenya, while another time is at risk of over the welcome to the product and it's going $1700.00 g m t, that's around 8 o'clock in the evening in rough uh, wet mold, and $1500000.00 civilians are living in say, of a possible israeli military invasion, and strong sabine intensifying targeting residential homes. 20 civilians have been killed in russia, taking the total number of people killed to molten. $34000.00 in southern pressure on sci fi tossing car, that'd be deadlocked for months now. and then my size is willing to move forward and has confirmed his attendance the secretary of state. hence, the blinking is entering how boss to accept a deal, but says the us will not accept. and his railey invasion and rough uh, without measures to protect civilians will have to violate this from gauze and the
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name of this hash mile. the poles now on renewed diplomatic momentum us secretary of state and it blaine can hoping for more than just the between how may i send these well, the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators,
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katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoffs, prime minister admitted sort of funny enough as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these by the conflict a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the bloodshed everywhere and every day and the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus for the post world gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president my mode, i bass a pointed and you a prime minister. how much rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon,
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the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with, as well as trial by a 0. a mazda has confirmed his attendance at cclc same time as senior space, been told, nearly a, that all 5 issues at all sides must work together to solve, to complete the pool today. so that unified, i guess the, that was the 2nd to complete with the throw water and the 3rd one that it and all the people to their homes. before for the construction of the construction of the 1st one fell exchange for business. it's plea of from this lady be about the damage to and this thing on 2 major issues. they been pumped a complete ceasefire and they are not talking in a see this way about that with
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a dual one phone. does that. in fact, yeah, we're talking about the prisons and the value of that, which means that they would keep continuing. popping does then police is the we have a seat of questions for the da tell us if there was a positive on so i think we can move forward. i'll be that tack. i guess the but as tina is not something said, you know of us. they just did this packet feel free to kind so when use, how about crime you comp claim a claim that it's a deal of action from the if i decide they have to stop. but in fact, being like it has to make it easy for us to stop the mazda, but i think it's the, it was the 26000000000. most of the 2 of them is for the military of supporting the clinical footprints team. i think as a let's come all the sci fi talks in connor with bennet smith to joins us off, walk you by the street. i'm certainly the how about space minutes all behind on
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telling us what he's looking for from those tools but and using matching really from where you are about what the is really side is looking for in terms of the deal. it's certainly being talked about by the us as well. we know that israel says it's called a mid level delegation, ready to fly, to cairo on tuesday. that's tomorrow, depending on what, how much has to say about these latest proposals that israel has put in response to what time us has been asking for. and the suggestions that is riley is asking off of perhaps less than 40 of the $133.00 comp to is it suspect to the still being held in causes of that? so reduction in the number they were asking before i didn't return. no, it was 40, they also cease fire followed by a much longer period appear to sustain the com on the release all palestinian
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prisoners. now it depends how about period of sustained call, i guess is interpreted how much as we know is always been asking for a permanency side. the removal of his rating troops from causes of palestinians can we to particularly to the north of gaza, while israel wants to get on at some stage with this operation and wrap up because benjamin netanyahu hasn't yet achieved his target of destroying hum us. the pressure is on the to the all who are from all sides, including the families of the captives who have been talking about putting more pressure on him. the yes, it's the end of the passover holidays here in israel. the the end of those holidays this evening, the families again spoke out for a whole speech deal a captive deal, a set that they called them, the government not to waste the opportunity to complete a prisoner exchange deal. they ask the same why he's the leader of hamas and gaza
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on demand that he approved the deal. and they demand that the wall council intel to be also approve any deal. and they say that remind people that joining this governments to unprecedented failure occurred in terms of the state in terms of what happened october, the 7th, by saying at a baz responsibility returning the kick. now people give us back code, we can no longer batteries, so that us with us for a single key parties. truth and thank you. ben is now on the ground in gaza. is rarely a tax killed at least as he palestinians and domestic violence. most of them in rough witnesses say many of the victims were displaced, palestinian seeking shelter, always full the night honey. my moods joins us now from russia. in southern gaza. the sun has set, but the knees remains so those across the gaza strip because they know those strikes all going to begin at some stage on
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the yes and it always seems to be growing go as the instead of the sun just sat, the just the growing gary strikes in the central area of the gauze, us just within the past 45 minutes and ears strike in the, in the new fire out refugee calm down the southern eastern part of a new site. right. if you get that, the block one, we're a residential home was targeted and destroyed the report of a 3 people that be killed. and that's a family of a journalist, including the journalist himself. we're still trying to identify the name of the journalist who was killed in this areas track that what this caused, not only the destructor of the house, the good civilian casualty, but also again the potter we have been seeing over and over these areas price leaving huge after max, pushing people for more internal displacement causing great deal of pressure on already a traumatized population early art hours the throughout the day in multiple air
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strikes is targeted areas in the eastern part of robot city. as well as the western part of the city they are out of milwaukee evacuations, don't work. there are virtually which are about 1000 of displays. holla, city and uh, in the area and to evacuate sion zone. but what this created, just like a sense of, of, of shattered safety is already shut up that jeep it, in the sense of the safety in the area of pushing people into internal suffering. but just expectations that this area might be targeted one more time. because the explosion that we talk about the day or strikes that happen, it just, let's do that. this might be, or already the beginning of, of, of, of a search in the tax, the description of what happen. more of that, a built a fire around the evacuation don't itself just making it very, very unsafe right now. something that is consistent with what people are describing,
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what are describing so hard that you can to create a safe zone in a war zone here in all very crowded dropbox city, the past 44 hours have been the, the violence. we're talking about 34 people that being killed. $26.00 of them only in rough city, including 10 women and 6 children in different parts of this over crowded city. with 1500000 display of california, honeywell move the force monitoring events for us through the evening and into the night in rafa, in southern gaza. thank you. a 100. the students have been arrested at universities across the united states, has protest, grove, israel's war and garza, that demanding educational institutions divest and companies. they sell complicity in genocide, theresa both choices. i live outside columbia university in new york, and alia, theresa, that was both those by little activity go behind you, because what is going on is beyond the medical railings behind you.
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well, that's correct. we're right outside columbia university. the students remain inside were not allowed to go in only those who have a university id passes have been allowed and so far. but we're seeing that some people supporting or protesting against the war and guys that have started to show up here. and the reason why is that students inside are saying that they have been tended papers that they have to sign that they're asking them to leave the place to and they're sitting there and comes met inside of the university each by 2 pm low co time the tubs in about the next 45 minutes, and so they're expecting that they'll believe that they could be removed by force. we're going to be talking now here to one of the people that showed up here. her name is sometimes that cost may or she's showing up here for the students that are inside someone to tell her this video games and for the palestinians. tell us what, what are you doing here right now as
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a jewish american anti zionist. i'm absolutely gutted and devastated that this horrible genocide is unfolding using the text tires of text dollars of americans of using the name of jewish sufferings. my jewish values teach me that this is an abomination. it's disgusting. it's despicable. it's heartbreaking. i'm an alumni of columbia university. i have to graduate degrees in this university. i'm here to support the students. i'm here for the activists. i'm here support my fellow jews and solidarity with post to me and self determination. i'm here to protest genocide, samantha, tell me some of the students are facing the possibility of suspension among others . hundreds of others have interested. what do you think of that? i think is an absolutely an abomination. and i know many, many faculty and alumni are deeply upset. people are returning their, their awards that they're getting here. the faculty at the law school is outraged the a, c o. u is bringing a civil rights complaint on behalf of the students. and i stand with them and i stand with people because he has been with people on the west bank. i stand with
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people fighting oppression everywhere. and i'm happy to be here. thank you very much you. so we're here waiting to be able to be outside allowed inside the university. the president of columbia university issued a statement earlier today asking the students to end this incumbent also saying that they're hoping to solve this situation. ongoing situation in a peaceful match or that they're trying to guarantee freedom of speech, but at the same time ensure the safety of it's to where students that are currently in this university. how beneficial has polarized the country. and well, there are many here who believe that the students who should be subject to disciplinary measures, for example. others believe that best as they are right, that they're doing what they call he or civil disobedience, or protesting on the streets. we've been in touch with some of the students inside . they say that they will remain there. we're gonna have to see what will happen after 2 pm local time. that's not far in a little bit from now. and we're gonna have to see what other police shows up here,
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but certainly there's writing tension where we are right now. so he's very that for us. i columbia university in new york. it's close over the phil laval, who's at mit in cambridge, in massachusetts. and it seems that the sentiments and the feeling in the mood is very similar to where you are as well. so so we've had a few interesting developments in the last minutes. quite spectacular saves or was protests here. i calling a major attempt publication. let me just tell you what happened about 30, excuse me, 30 or 40 minutes ago. they come, but that is being set up and speed have for a week sets up by those students in support of palestinians. from nowhere, all those we had a see was that 6 or 40 supporters of israel appeared traits in his writing bags draped in american flags. and they walked right into the heart of the st company. we had been expecting that to be a small couch of protests on the other side of the road. we haven't
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a click that might be coming, but they will drive to the heart of the st cabins. they started singing songs about scientists, and they saw it to chance and they were waving is ready, fox, they was showing ply, college pictures of some of the hostages taken on october 7th. how do you want this? very unusual said where the students repeat here for a week with completely ignoring them as if they what that what happened was these processes, these is ready for the 1st test is started marching root come way thing be straight across in the faces of protesters, asking them if they supposed to $911.00, and if they supported how must, as well, obviously a lot of these protests is ignored. although i am told by one of the student protest is here, but this has happened once before, and they completely ignored it. and that fits your 40 minutes later, the students that are there, be good. michelle to golf, who was a faculty member here michelle, i was watching these students actually walked up to you would try to get you
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involved. yeah, well they did the right because it's meant to be for the asked me, the support, how this and i was fun by, by the answer, by the, by the question as well. why does question do it? because how much is responsible for the $30000.00 murders in, in, in data. and that was fraud that's, that's someone connected to might see, could ask me such a ridiculous question. but i think, as you said, the point was to provoke, there was no point in terms of trying to have a data or trying to find a come on path towards these. the points was clearly to provoke the students and i, and i was so proud i was so proud of your students, we mean call and the captain of message that we've been trying to push for the past week, which is we all about these we all about love at myself for somebody as a professor. i found the site and it might be the most loving includes these, accepting space of ok might see. so i've come here every day and i'm so proud of the students basically. i mean, they're all the divisions within this university. all that because there are some
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faculty members to support these ready sites. there are a so basically i might see many ways is it macro cousin of the well the, the faculty like myself, we've been supporting the students on these and kept bent. we believe that they are asking the right questions. they are questioning, why am i to support for the 3 projects that are actually on this project, right. involvement, getting the on families, the amenities because we have students here with me to engage that. so of course of course the what am i to, to, to, to stop this coverage and to see um, fill in the night too. yes. 2 days ago. um, i personally have came up with a statement saying that like i'm going to be freedom. might be one fact it to keep this projects going, but then i'm say the said by the certainly because kind of freedom to not sick, probably t over over ethics over a company could see it a genocide. i cannot accept that to see. so just a couple of hours ago we will try to golf view is about how their obligations got to go on right now to end this encumbrance. yeah. what says this?
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you know, actually be so and the last few minutes, what is that to, to those negotiations? i'm not to, i don't know about the details of the legal fission product in phase. that's the, the images from, from what happened just now with show the nutrition. that's what this put for asking is for m a c for the right thing for am i to do the beat to be on the right set of history. and the kind of questions actually gets, get met from these, these rights to this. so clearly that the in type is not one of the find these to get a sort of ok some, and i myself, i've been the in, you know, the target application. ok, thanks very much. back post. this is ice, a peaceful protest. i'm the counselor protest. also passed off fairly peacefully, but obviously as you can see, there will still police have station just in case things develop, fill it out for us by in cambridge, massachusetts. thank you. as demonstrations, against, as well as oregon's while spreading to more universities. this time across europe, several students have interested that they salvo,
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university and powers. they would tract away by police up to assessing of comes and raising the palestinian flag. natasha buckler has moved from the french capital and there's still a dozens of police. yeah, so i talked to bone university, one of problems has most prestigious and famous universities. and a little bit earlier lease moved into is like a thousands of students have been inside the set top 10 in protests to show solidarity with the palestinian people. now those students would only be in the few hours when university authorities allowed the police to move into what happens after that is about a 100 students and now gathered outside the university, the waving face palestinian flag say all pulling on the still going on us or jesus or going to come back time with is really diverse. seems like holding on the french government to do more to help people in goal is that the more to help palestinian people what some of the students said they. they feel that the police and the
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storage use in university authorities included the sake of a heavy handed approach. when it comes to clearing the students, they feel as if they're going to demonstrate to spaniards. they feel is the, for the police say being silent, especially popular. i'll just say the car's the best being some of the days of that. he is not at least $42.00 people are being killed after them, his bus, it's banks in the town, north of the canyon capital. and i really be also some of the old codger. i'll do them, washed away houses and cut off a major road, search and rescue if it's all on the way. let's close by and usually heavy monsoon mains have killed thousands of people across east africa since march. catherine slowly is whether done best in the crew to come to the people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can,
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that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture. they are closed and they don't even know where they're going, where they're going to sleep to night. now rescue me a f plus is still going on, but it has been raining. it just started raining. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of the family members about what happened. they said this incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um they, some of them tries to get house uh to see what's happening and then that was, uh, this was uh that involved some of them. um, some money districts escaped fund, many did not make it. and we have also. 7 been told that people are being told to move to higher ground. what the also telling us is,
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what happened is that the, the reason the dom up the hills that broke its banks. this is what the cause. and this was a came guy sitting down of the, you know, i seasonal stream and it came with the water stones and you know, this huge trees that will approve that. so you can imagine the full that this was i came with. so right now people, like i said, are morning there is chalk, and that is trying to figure out the next move where they're going to go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's and just to deal with the trauma, they say that they have been facing both the web is east of the capital, have to know that the risk of either flowing and this is the flow tunnel of the
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missing of them. just st. catherine in the west of the healy items that make up central kenya. that's where the theme to read to write in the last couple of weeks . last plugged in, i wrote be killing dozens of people. now we're in the water running all sides. highlands is coming this way into a series of reservoirs, and the one just up here above us on this slide is full to capacity of the capacity to mount a. just say i'd like to meet as a non fiber was guessing down this channel. it's one of a series of several times as a government fuzzy says, all of them are now food. a failed at one of the schools that runs down into the kind of river the longest river in kenya, and its sweet through the plains of eastern kenya through a couple of key towns, thousands of villages in which lived thousands of people reform on the river bank these people who the government has said need to evacuate immediately,
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who the son of a has already passed the bank in some places, including the town of curious where the costs of the main highway from the capital . i'd be to give a, so not a problem to people to try and cross the toner into the raging tone insights instead, because they can no longer access the highway. we'll get to the bridge. now it's in video that we've seen from sunday that what does the boat struggling to get across loaded with many people, it's cool and strong in colorado. and then they said to then the local authorities that had more than 20 people have died, recovered or many more still missing. now this is the kind of challenges that people having to deal with down stream just for transport, say thousands of people who fall along the length of the hill, fish that he's at home. it doesn't have any way to go visited those places just at
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the end of last year when they suffered from flooding following torrential rains. and that came off the back of one of the worst route region seen in decades. those because of the way into it goes parliamentary and regional elections. with the opposition golding, full, strong turn of political tension, has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution. another series of crackdowns on opposition protests. critics say that reforms a law president filed to somebody to extend his families decades long grip on power . the president's policy says the new system is most democrats. it polish farm is of end of the last of the blockades, along the border with ukraine. so look, look forward, he's refused to extend petition for demonstrations of the check point. for months now polish truck is on farm is a book several crossings over say is that ukrainian products such as cheap? great. well, under cutting local businesses earlier this month also said it would give
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a $500000000.00 in compensation to find this effect just by the impulse. ukrainian grain has been signing into the since june 2022. after breakfast, we'll close down the countries usual export routes. scotlands 1st minister homes, i use it as an ounce. that he stepping down. he was set to face 2 motions of no confidence after power chevy. an agreement collapsed last week. and after spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my party, for the government, for the country i lead, i've concluded that repeating a relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the hill. i have therefore informed us in peace, national secretary of my intention to stand out this party leader and asked that she commences a leadership contest for my replacement as soon as possible. and you can pull out story from scotland on a website that i'll just have adopt come subjects across the top,
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scroll to see the c 5 deal it may be offered as mediators continue to told in cairo, we'll have more on that in the news. i would just send a off announce time inside story is next with the clock and to let some of these teams here in the all, thanks for your time. the . the currently a daily event had an unlikely event is these thunder storms inside of your radio? these pictures are taken just west of the ads or we'll see funding on the ground. there's also thing is going to cost in dire, and it's a part of a bigger system restriction, but to be on the levant into talk to you once more while i see a noisily breeze bringing rain eventually into a stumble or some pretty unpleasant conditions yesterday. and i incurred that repeatable. maybe you fill this out and look at this. it was happening in 11 in
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west and syria stretching diamonds rizzo the occupied territory. it could be from the room, so the sunshine to the rather unpleasant, the big thunder stones or at least showers and they stretch into a rock as well. die up. i'll try to get to it, ron and the remains of the law system giving significance and i renewed them packaged on individual. that's also a diagram. so we focus on the right, the input in step on the share of all spreading east woods. and then i'll repeat for every day as i've said, which is a little unusual for this time the such that you get significant rain once again in kata by rain. this is cheering wednesday early wednesday. i'm late wednesday has a loss on law for quite a long time and extends up in towards iraq to interrupt the glass goes or can you still have spots on the dry and as discounts on the very repeatable shelves and the full cost of this big the examination being to of today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's
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discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution on our own lives or on the international criminal court, it's investigating israel's actions in garza and the west bank. and it's really officials fair. it's preparing to issue a rest squat stance of prime minister and all of the senior figures. so what would legal action mean for the country? honestly that this is inside store the .


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