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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the cost on red chris the sand off at the university of texas, hundreds of stain trip. this move to clay protest is really in support of tell us done where we live on campus. some of the science at columbia university is students to find a deadline to leave off by suspension, the until mccrae, this is all just there a lot from doha. also coming up. all eyes on the process is ready for it. has intensify, strikes on the self and so the killing thousands of civilians. a 65 to reach a critical moments inquiry and at least for the people that killed us or den beste its banks. and can you follow?
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none of them is it risk of overflowing the we begin with an escalation on campus at the university of texas. hundreds of state troopers surrounding students on campus. i've been told to leave immediately. but i, so if i'm refusing to define coles and sides, i stand and support palestine they want and immediate in to the board in gaza. so we have correspondents covering these purchase right across the united states. she pretends he's standing by at george washington university in the u. s. capital today, so far as live outside columbia university in new york. but 1st it's head over to how does your castro she's at that protest at the university of texas in austin. heidi things really have rent up there in the last half hour or so. can you just give us an idea of exactly what is happening there right now and just how tense it
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is heidi? heidi i don't know if you can hear me, but uh we are coming to you live now. how do you can just give us an idea of exactly what is happening on campus at this point in time we know tensions and really escalators in the last half hours. so looks like we kind of get through to heidi at this point in time, but we will go back to her as soon as we get that link back up. but we're going to go to columbia university. we have student protests as they had been given an ultimatum leave or by suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline which has just passed now. hundreds of students have been
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a rest of it. universities right across the united states as purchase, grow of it as well. as for wrong guys with that demanding educational institutions divest it's companies, they say i complicit in genocide. today's to by joins us live from outside columbia university in new york. and uh, today's a students were told to leave an hour ago. so what has happened since that deadline has passed the world? that's correct. the deadline has task and this is the students response. there's hundreds of of them are marching all around the time. posting on this time demanding an end to the occupation of the palace down, say, and demanding an end to the funding of companies that they say are profiting for more. they say that the university in a way funding, the general side that is happening in palestine right now. the students are saying they are not leaving. just about a few hours ago. they were handed over
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a piece of paper. they have to sign if you give them feedback, many of them are covering their faces to hide their identity, so they have to sign these papers to identify and then as the universe and meet their demands earlier. today, we saw statement from the precedents of columbia university saying that they're hoping to put an end to the ongoing situation peacefully that they do not want to call law enforcement. once again, as the deed, almost 2 weeks ago were over, 100 students were detained in this campus. we've been talking to several office students that are here right now. she's also saying that they have to guarantee the receipts for the same time, ensure the safety of the door students that are starting in this university right now. students have completely taken over the 2 diversity. they're marching right now, but not far away from where i am started,
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dozens of times where they have set up on a time that they're saying that they're gonna stay there. they're saying that this story is not about them is not about this problem. so what about what's happening in palo starting right now about the feeling that is happening in ga. gov. about this placement that is happening in gaza and the seniors are facing right now the today. so we know that the police presence is really ramped up at the university of texas. what exactly is it like then now? is there any, i mean it just how lodges the police and security prisons at this point in time? well we're only allowed inside this complex as to why was always been companies to your clients indeed, but we as the media, a role allows for 2 hours outside. we saw the police arriving here, but it's not clear yet whether they're going to react and try to get them out of it cancelled or not. what many of the students suspected that not something that could
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happen. it happened almost 2 weeks ago, or a 100 a 100 students were detained. however, it's not here yet. what the university, whether they're going to ask and then know porcelain to intervene. once again, that's actually and that happens the almost 2 weeks ago was heavily criticized. the president was heavily criticized because of his violence that took over this place . so it's not clear yet whether the police will intervene or not. many of the students have been threatened with suspension with expulsion, with eviction. they're saying right now one part of what is certain is that everyone that we're seeing the or say that they're not going to. okay, thanks so much today. so we really do appreciate that updates there. we're going to go back now to heidi to a castro who is live in austin, texas at the university of texas. now and heidi, hopefully you can hear me now. can you just give us a bit of an update on exactly how tense it is that now since the state troopers have moved in tom?
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absolutely. i'm going to actually get out of the way because i want you and our audience to see exactly what i'm seeing. and that is that the state troopers have moved in and are arresting student protesters at this very moment here on the campus. give you t austin. this interaction started about, i would say an hour and a half an hour ago. when we saw from testers the summer off. you see all 7 students, some our graduates other are, are affiliated but community members in austin. they've come to set up a small encampment and then we saw the protesters form a type circle around that in cameron and link their arms. and at that time, there were police in the surrounding area, but they haven't moved them yet. and speaking with those protesters, you know, the and that type circle, they were telling me how things are going to be here. and to demonstrate the side that their voices would not be chilled by the previous police
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response, which we just saw a week ago in which people were arrested. some injured when the state trooper since like the ones you see now move in on these protests. but they told me how fearful they were feeling in that moment as they were keeping their eyes on these offices. and then right after that interview is when. unfortunately, there are worse fears began to materialize and these officers moved in closer. they surrounded the protesters and their own ring. they ordered them to disperse, non heated that warning. and now we've been seen this. stand off, sometimes a stand off, sometimes a clash where the protesters are standing the ground again with a link in here. and there we see police creaking their formation to take one or 2 from testers down. and i use those words very carefully. that is
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exactly what i've seen. they put their hands on a person and then ripped, ripped them away from their fellow protesters, several hitting the ground and then drag them away. that is exactly what i've been seeing and i think you can see a little bit more of that as we continue to monitor the situation. yeah, we can, it doesn't seem a pop from the protest as linking um, so if there was any real resistance, would that be fair to say? yeah, i would say, i haven't seen any one attack officers. there have been plenty of chance. actually. we are standing amongst others who came in support of the protesters. people hear yelling at the officers to leave. so we campus saying that the students are in their rights to express their freedom of speech because they haven't been violent. and we've been here for several days and i was going to tell
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you earlier in the day that it seems, it really seemed like there had been a chilling effect here on campus after last week's crack down. and even speaking with some of the original organizers of the protests, they set, people had been scared off. and that's why, for a long time there wasn't any sort of a large presence. and then all of that changed, yes. in the last 2 hours or so, when protests are set up this and cameron some how do you mostly really wanting the state? truth is what we're going to move in. know there was that the last communication that came from youtube as president j hearts was on thursday evening when he said to the school community that in essence he, he was really trying to walk back that strong police response we saw initially on
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the 1st day of protests, he said that at that time he believed that those original protesters would foreman and cabinets and without citing any evidence of actual violence or any evidence of anti cement anti semitism. he said that he believed that that's what they were going. that's the road they were going down in modeling and other campuses and that's why he ordered the national excuse me, the state police to move in. yeah. and he took a lot of heat over that. and it was almost like a tone of appeasement. he said that he was so grateful that the smaller, peaceful protest continued after that. okay, so that was the last we heard from the you choose the president. and so for this suddenly to change so quickly and so dramatically. i think the both of these come out of why, why, if i sense in the state, truth is obviously that he is we can say are in full right get. why is
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a side trip is dealing with us and not the campus security or campus police. right. that is a good question. well of course we are in the state capital of texas, austin. and in fact, you can see the capital jones. that's just a square in front of us behind the protest. and so there are, there are many state troopers present here. and of course, this is the capital where that as the governor reg abbott, who of course controls really is the, is a top commander of the state police. this is where he is. he is based and he himself has been trying to take credit saying that he was cracking down on anti semitism, saying that any students that participated in these protests would be expelled. and, but i, yes, but your question is right, right. exactly, on the tips of many people's lives here because those community members who have come out to watch this to bear witness,
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they say to this and full they to are wondering why is it that the officers are armed sometime with assault right? weapons. some of them definitely with the tons, riot gear, as you see here. yeah. why was as necessary when really there has been no cited instances of violence that's been cited by the protesters. yeah. how do you, as you mentioned the crank down a week ago, approaches to say, well, what happens to those protests is and what is likely to happen to these people that are being dragged away by state troopers now? yeah, well there were some 57 people who were arrested last week and oh, now you're actually you can see a protest her being by the way now those who are arrested last wednesday, all of them had their charges dropped and they were charged initially with the misdeeds misdemeanor, trespassing and but according to the district attorney here,
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the travis county district attorney, those charges were dropped. exciting, and sufficient evidence and charging them what will happen to these, this fresh wave of protesters? we don't know, know i was here when police issued over the loudspeaker and it was there are 2 dispersed, i heard them do that one time. i will say i was standing very close to the police when they issued that order. so i heard them clearly, but because of the allowed chance, i doubt that everyone within the protest for it as well. so i'm sure that will be a point of investigation later on. whether or not these protestors were given an opportunity to lead peacefully. i will also say they arrived and they linked their arms, knowing likely, knowing that this might be in store heidi, we'll leave it there for the moment, but we no doubt we'll be coming and talking to you in the hours to come to keep a very close on exactly what is happening there at the university of texas in austin. i can't speak now to she han,
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potentially. he's and george washington university in washington, dc. and she have the capitol police very careful in the why the handling the students will you are. is that right? itself a contrast of the scenes that we were just witnessing in austin fox as always, that sense of french because we know that the university administrators here at george washington university have been asking for the police to crack down in a similar fashion as they were. and at austin here and is the police, it was saying that we, we don't want the objects of, of, of talking peaceful, peaceful protest is. i still scarred a little bit by 2020 when the but the police and washington basically to donald trump's bidding and caring got peaceful protests outside the white house during the black lives. boucher approach has been very close to you that this time around, but we know how quickly things can change, especially when the administrators meet the university academic administration
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that's supposed to be nurturing freedom of stores and expression and engagement critically with the well, the other ones who are saying we need to, we need to clear these people out because when it comes to israel there's absolutely no room for descent. as far as the, as far as the administration is concerned, both you here uh, an adult or a universe. yeah. and frankly, in the white house as well to ship with, we've obviously spoken atlanta balance, the demands that these protests is putting out there. but also they're obviously wanting to put pressure on joe biden, in the white house. has there been any sign at this point in time that is actually happening? scary. primarily the pressure here is on the university to bid us right. does that cool? like on a divestment from companies that are actually helping what they call these rarely will machine souls. and so many in garza, but you have plenty of this as
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a political capacity. we just kilometer away from the white house. and the answer is better. it's having no effect on the why does it's business as usual? and there's always been the sense that the white house, that it, even though this is an election. yeah. and you've tried that will be starting pointing to button. but in the end, fear of trump and perhaps even fear of what the issue of reproductive rights will, you know, the nature reproductive rights of your trump administration within the and get everyone back on board. but i have to say it's sort of such a strange idea to think that by d will probably make his arguments and the like when the election campaign starts getting full swing. but he is the representative of democracy and likes to pay up to trumps or talk for free. and it's gonna be very difficult for me to make that argument. i would, i would think of and certainly the seeds we speech it say, look it genocide. joe is not going to get the vote. no matter was it in, in, in them, in november, but sadly, the wife seems to think now i'd be out of the little sort out at a man. but you know, they've always been silent. they want israel to wrap up before the huge with the election campaign until then they can do whatever they want. there's nothing's
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suggesting that they'd still feel that way. so you got the other, but at the moment. okay, she ever had to leave a debit test or was we really do appreciate your time. she have a tendency for us at george washington university in dc as well. there's been renewed diplomatic efforts to reach us. these firing jobs are as the as riley bone . bob and of the strip continues us secretary of state entity blinking is in saudi arabia where he's being meeting with regional counter pods. shamella baba reports us secretary of state and it blinking, hoping for moves and just the between how may i send these? well, the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide,
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and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement. the immediate to is katasha and egypt continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoff probably minutes to admit it's sort of floating up as says, the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and he's very complex. a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed every week and every day and the gas and striking us officials hopping,
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trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. and when president mode i bass pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the about of seeing is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with they as well as, while by a 0 at least 25 palestinians have been killed in this riley strikes on. rafa is ready forces drunk, 3 houses crowded with this place, palestinians wiping out entire families in seconds of this comes and the new diplomatic efforts in cairo to reach us the spot. and just in getting food reports the cradles, the body of young b for law,
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the boy had been cherished from before he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years and 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother of her daughter who grand daughters, her grandson, whose son didn't know their daughters and relatives everyone, they're all gone. all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping when mondays are striking. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or will she's standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zone to center for the distribution of aid that off a had become a refuge. now it is a more and it could soon become a battle ground. israel is intensifying, it's
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a tax on that off ahead of a plan ground operation. but people in gaza looking to egypt, how much delegation conducts negotiations aimed at. pausing the fighting. the guy, the they carry out negotiations and things, but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the man is that it no more the carry out negotiations. what is real strength in central gaza emergency crews look for survivors. after another attack, a new state killed several people. and as those strikes continue, more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering in gauze of south a bracing for the worst it is. i'm getting food, which is 0, or at least 42 people have been killed after a damn boost its banks in the town. north of the canyon capital nairobi. was it from the old country elbow dam washed away houses and cut off a major road. search and rescue efforts are underway. floods caused by unusually
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heavy monsoon rides, have killed thousands of people right across east africa since march. catherine story is where the dentist and the cook county people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can, that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture, their clothes, and they don't even know where i'm going, where they're going to sleep. tonight. now rescue me a f plus is still going on, but it has been raining, it just started raining. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of the family members about what happened. they said this incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um, they, some of them tried to get house to see what's happening. and then that was, uh,
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this was uh that in golf some of them and some managed s k for many did not make it. and we have also been told that people are being told to move to higher ground. what the also telling us is what happened is that the, the reason the dumb up the hills that broke its van, this is what the cause. and um, this was a cute guy sitting down of the, you know, a seasonal stream. and it came with the water uh stones and you know, this huge trees that will approve that. so you can imagine uh the full uh the, this was i came with. so right now uh people, uh, like i said are morning. uh there is shop and uh, just trying to figure out, uh, the next move where they're going to, uh go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's,
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and just to deals with the trauma, they say that they have been facing. it's the only thing is on the way until it goes parliamentary and regional elections, but the opposition cooling, so strong towels, let's go. tension has been rising since the approval of a controversial new constitution and a series of crackdowns on opposition. protests. critics say the reforms will allow the president to extend his families decades long, crippled power. the president's party says the new system is more democratic. but the ruling georgian, dream of policy is holding a rally to countess sundays. protests against his foreign influence floor is taking place in the capital to placing the day after a launch demonstration against the bill. to legislation will require organizations receiving funds from the board to reduce to as foreign agents. opponents. it could be used to track down on goods critical of the governments and the damage, george's ambitions of joining be easier to present you. polish farmers have ended
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the loss of the blockades along the border with you, crying off to local authorities, refused to extend permission for demonstrations at the check point. for months, polish truck is and farmers have block civil crossings of affairs that ukrainian products such as cheap grain were under constant local businesses. now earlier this month also said it would give a $500000000.00 us dollars and compensation to farm is affected by the inputs. ukrainian grain has been flowing into the use since june 2022 after rushes will close down the country as usual export routes. off the days of public speculation, the spanish prime minister says he will not resign. pedro essentially says claims of corruption involving his wife had made him consider his position, his wife begun and gomez is being investigated for lynch corruption searches and says she's innocent. he dismissed the accusations as a campaign of political harassment by the rise. the scotlands 1st minister homes, the use of has announced a stepping down. he was a device to motions of no confidence after
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a power sharing agreement collapse. last week. after spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my party, for the government, for the country i lead, i've concluded that repeating a relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the hill. i have therefore informed us in peace, national secretary of my intention to stand the spotty leader and ask that she commences a leadership contest for my replacement. as soon as possible, thousands of schools across conservation were being kept shot during an extreme hate wife. closing schools last week with our he's in the philippines, have suspended classes for, for the 3 days. they have also issued public health warnings, temperatures of ridge rico, who lives in the capital, full cost of say, the unusually hot weather is expected to last until midnight. as well, that sofa may tell them the price of moment that you can find much more information
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on our website. the news continues here on that, which is era up to counting the costs, which is on the high lower there. it's a divide it picture weatherwise across europe. we've got some very width and windy weather moving across the west scenarios, keeping things launch the cool thanks to some weather front, but across the east look at that. we will clear skies with lots of sunshine, and we'll see temperatures picking up here over the next few days. but on tuesday, the west of the rain stretching all the way from the north west down to the south west. so present on the island of island seeing those showers some heavier rain coming into spain. and portugal ahead is that another band of heavy rain stretches across the front and that will move its way towards easily as we go into the mid week. so some heavy falls to come here,
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we could see some flooding from that heavy rain. it is looking much dry. however, across the east for germany, for poland. lots of sunshine coming through here of your show is creeping across the balkans as well as the black sea and to a kia but it is looking my to find is we had for the move across the sky. today the i'm off temperatures will be coming down across the west particular for spain and portugal. on wednesday, the heat will be building up for central areas and the east. if we look at bundling in germany, we bought lots of sunshine through. so if the say, with some very high temperatures, that to weather update of the 4 countless refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of
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a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as yourself, is the soul to provide for his family to see both scales. with this on the hello and the clock, this is tom to the call sent out 0. your week to look at the world of business and economics this week, global military spending is at 10 any time high increasing and 5 geographical regions. so while nations racing to replenish this.


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