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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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d m, sadly, ongoing coverage in the selections on out his era. the truth is moving to a risk purchase is really and supposed to have a started at the university of texas. plus some of the scenes at columbia university, the students defy a deadline to leave by suspension, the ultimate cry. this is how i'm just here a line from the also coming up to us secretary of state meets regional leaders and says he's here to see and is ready invasion plan for rafa that and show us opinions will not be hans laws their own profit is ready for us has intensified strikes on
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the southern city, killing thousands of civilians, those sci fi torques reach critical moments in colorado. and at least 40 people are killed after dan boost its banks and kenya found another time is at risk of overflowing the . but we begin with an escalation on campus at the university of texas in austin. hundreds of sites has moved into surrounding students on campus and have the tiny civil students. the demonstrators have been told to leave immediately, but they clearly are refusing to define closing. so they stands in support of palestine, they want an immediate ins to to warrant garza, we have correspondents covering these purchase right across the country. today's a boat is live outside columbia university in new york. reynolds has 10 thing on
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the campus. if you see a light in california, but 5th bits, he'll have to hide at your castro. she's at the purchase at the university of texas in austin. and heidi state troopers is we have seen the have moved in on these protestors over the last hour can just bring us up to date with what is happening there right now. yeah, arrests are continually ongoing here if you see behind me now the sheriff department has showed up with a large class that they are filling now with arrested protesters within the circle there. that's the encampment. and you were seeing those protestors sitting with their arms waiting in defiance of the call from the university to disperse. and about an hour and a half ago is when we saw the arrival of these texas state troops routes, texas state troopers, as well as police from the city of austin. it looks like, as well as the travis county sheriff's department,
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moving in on these protestors. now i want to describe what you're seeing to be kind of confusing, but those protesters are the ones that are sitting down in the middle. everyone rounding them on what they're actually members of the you t austin community. many of them are students or faculty members that have come to bear witness to what many here say is and really heavy police responds to these protesters. i've been here all day with them. there was no sort of violence, no sort of anti semitic chanting leading to this lead response. and you're seeing again here there, listing a young woman, actually, she just been sitting on the ground there. they are putting her in and she's a not cooperating,
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but she's not resisting that. i haven't seen any sort of violence initiated by the protesters for the officers. and then you see all of these community members view to students who came to protest, what they say is a stifling of free speech. and they're also in solidarity with the demands of the protesters and the 1st place, investment from weapons manufacturers and from companies that are associated with israel, of course, which is what brought us all here in the 1st place. and as you, as you continue to watch the police make these arrests, i'm going to bring in one of our, our guest here. this is, i'm gonna talk to heidi who is one of the original students protesters from last week. how do you describe what you're seeing here now? today, we are seeing the illusion of american freedom. illusion of american freedom of speech crumbling behind this system. and this university have decided to showcase
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what they would rather and subjugate a press and signing students that allow us to have a peaceful demonstration. but we hope to educate each other the food on the lawn and relax, which is again what was going to happen on wednesday. what was going to happen thursday. and the same thing was going to happen today, but they decided to bring for us to meet our loved and our peace. and to try to silence us. and they must know that we will not be silent. no matter how much they try to center us. and they try to bring down forced upon students. we know that our causes, right, just, we know that we are doing nothing wrong. and we only want peace and love, but also justice for wordpress. people. we will not be silence and we will continue to demonstrate in a peaceful manner as we have been doing. and we refuse to be silence and hardy prior to this happening in the last few hours. everything was so calm. people were here talking to one another, making music together, it was very peaceful. so how did this suddenly erupt like this?
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it's suddenly erupted like this because they decided again to bring out the dps on students to bring out police force onto the students and heavy police presence to bring their baton and their mace. and they're right here and instigate people into being arrested and physically assault them. as you can see behind us, people are being physically assaulted. they're being hand cupped in aggressive ways before the police showed up. and the police instigation, there was no sweat of violence. it is calm, it was nice, we were enjoying it ourselves. what did you think of that? the fact that our last wednesday there were many people here that we scrapped down. and then after that, there were some of the organizers which, i mean there was sort of a chilling effect as it actually scared away students. and it seems to some that maybe this protest was going away. now we're seeing the can you explain how this seems to be? yeah, of course at the end of the day we have students,
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we have families, we have aspirations and goals. so there is an element of fear. students are fearful for their futures. however, what trumps our fear is our love for palestine and our love for liberation and our refusal to accept subjugation in censorship by an oppressive institution. so students, i'm sure many of the students in there today are fearful. but there are lots for palestine and their loved for the cause, override that fear. and so now we've had a huge turn out of the people and the people refused to be silent. how do you feel about that? i mean, look at all the community that has showed up. this is more people here. then in the last few days and you were saying, you know, this was stifling. a priest speech may have actually try more attention to the i mean, i'm emotional, it's, it's, uh, it's amazing to see this many people out putting their own personal cells at risk for a cause larger than them. but you know, this is what cities have done throughout use history for the things that they believe in, you know, our, our cause is not unique. it's not special. we are part of a larger cause for quite,
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i guess the pressing is a fight against imperialism. and today's students are showing that no matter what happens if they continue to show out and they're, they're going to continue to act in a self with way. finally, i want to ask you to respond to the accusation of anti semitism. what you've heard from the types of state governor sort of just blanket word to describe the protestors here. i haven't seen any because i have been here for several days, but tell me as a professor yourself are there, is there an anti semitic sentiment here? absolutely not. there is no anti semitism. many of the protesters in there right now are jewess and selves. there is no anti semitism. we love our to its brothers and sisters. we are anti zionist and against what's happening right now. and because of the genocide that's occurring, but many of them today supporting our same cause are jewish. they label or move in anti semitic, but they will allow neo nazis marches to continue and won't label them anti semitism. this is all the tactic an order to be legitimize to move in, which is frankly very old,
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and i don't think anybody's believing it anymore. so thank you so much heidi. and as you see, we are going to continue to stand by here. the rest continued to take place has counted at least a dozen protesters again being dragged away from this peaceful circle and led to the vehicle to be arrested. and the people in the community. so too, they are going to remain here to bear witness to what is happening here that you thanks so much for all of that hottie, we will definitely keep a very close eye on what is happening there at the university. that's honey jar, castro for us. at the university of texas, both the more of this we're going to go down to rub reynolds, who joins us from the university of california in los angeles and from understanding it's been a walk out in support of protests as being can you just explain exactly what's going on. oh, sure, tom uh its the scene here is in contrast to the dramatic scenes of a heavy handed,
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militaristic lease response. if you just heard from uh, from heidi joe castro, it's fairly quiet here. this behind me is the encampment at the u. c. l. a campus, it's sprawling, it's larger than it was much larger than when it started. and there are hundreds, if not more people inside in the camp. now you see these barriers, why? why are the barriers there? because over the past several days, pro israel protesters and people from outside of university primarily have come in large numbers here and apparently have tried to reach these barriers get into the camp or behaving somewhat aggressively. so now the police and campus security and private security that the, the college of the university has employed have set up a kind of double barrier. and they've also blocked off some areas where students
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are normally trying to get to class. that's kind of interesting because one of the justifications for of universities tried to break up these drug tests is that they disrupt students education. well, the only disruption i'm seeing around here are the private security guards, setting up barriers for frustrating students who are trying to get to their classrooms. now regarding that walk out, there were hundreds of people including students and faculty members who walked out about an hour or so ago in support of the pro palestinian demonstrators or in the camp. and they chanted and tried to show their support. some of the faculty members went inside. i've spoken to faculty members here before, and then they, many of them say that they're actually on a flight, a proud of their students for, for taking a stand and they support their right to freedom of speech elsewhere in california.
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there are other protest underway, you see a legs and one at the university of california irvine, where apparently a tense situation has evolved where a police from several jurisdictions including the orange county police department have come up on campus uh, and of, of surrounded a and, and camp and there on social media, the students and other protesters are saying they're preparing for being arrested. now. the concept of the prospect of being arrested for protesting and exercising free speech is obviously something that all of the people here have spoken or thought about. i talked to a young woman who's been involved in this protest since the beginning. she said she finally got around to telling or her father and her mother about the for activity here. and she was kind of surprised and she thought they would be negative towards that, but she said they said okay, you do. what do you think is right?
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just try not to get arrested. so she said, well, if i get arrested that's, that's what it is. in any event, that's what the situation is like here on the you feel like campus tom back to you . thanks so much world for all of that, this ro rentals for us the, at the you see like, as well, student protests is at columbia university, have been given an ultimatum leave off by suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline which has passed hundreds of students had been arrested at universities across the us as purchase crow of israel's war on guys about demanding educational institutions divest. and companies they say i can assist in genocide tests about joins us live down from outside to columbia university in new york. and then as i mentioned, this students have been told to leave 2 hours ago. can you just explain what has happened since the deadline?
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well 1st let me tell you that the media is allowed only here inside the campus for about 2 hours every day. and that's why we remain here with the students. hundreds of them that have been marching and protesting against what they call a general side in gaza. demanding that to columbia university and investment in companies that profit from more we've been seeing hundreds of students now totally at 8 and, and cameron here, but also marching surrounding here. but central tempos, demanding, having those demands that we just mentioned were joined here with professor jack hubbard's time. she said, as you can english us. yeah. and i'm gender a professor and you've been a company of students and this, what's been going on here. it's a historic moment for this university. what can you tell us about what's going on here right now? what's going on here right now is at the end of the semester, the administration wants to play of the campus and the students have demands and
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those demands have not been met. what do you make of this the mountains? i mean that the investments in companies that profit from this war do you think that something that they could achieve for something like this to happen? yes, and i think that the students have actually done the work of studying the investment strategies of the university and have since just exactly how this comes happened. this is a, a very politically savvy group of students. their demands are reasonable and they have not be met. one of the things that we've been seeing is faculty accompanying the students protecting them in a way you see the incumbent. and there's professors outside preventing probably the police from reaching them. explain to us a little bit about how is this is going on because the spectrum to have been attacked. you've been facing all sorts of threats to many faculties, not all faculty, but many faculty join the students in a feeling like we should be having much more public conversations about what's
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happening in gaza and that we should actively be talking about the genocide in gaza . and instead on this campus were engaged in english conversations about anti semitism and anti semitism death. as a jewish faculty member, i can tell you is no more prevalent at the moment than it ever was. what is happening are critiques of israel. those are the same kinds of critiques, that 1 may launch at any nation, stay engaged in the occupation of another territory. there is no reason not to be allowed to talk about israel in this moment of mobilization or more. are you afraid of what you've been seeing? are you afraid of being arrested for being here? i'm not, i'm not afraid of those things because this is a politically very um, you know, smart operation that the students are running and they ask the faculty to do certain things and, and we do it. what i am afraid is on higher education being taken over by
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right wing politicians who are going to tell us that we can read about the history of slavery, or we can teach the history of gays and lesbians and trans people in this country. i'm very afraid of that, and by the way, you and your listeners, you should all be afraid of it too. thank you very much, professor. thank you for the web. i'll just there a here. so this protest continued. the students here have told us that they have given some papers that they have to fill in, but they have to identify themselves. however, what the students are saying that in spite of being threatened with suspension with expulsion with being arrested, they're not going to leave. they're saying that they're not just the story. the story right now is sitting light to what is happening in gospel setting lights to the killing, shooting like to the displacement sitting light. so the hunger that is happening in gather right now back to you in to, thanks so much to that. so by for us the, at columbia university in new york, or they have been when you diplomatic efforts to reach a safe spot in kaiser as the is really bombardment of the strip continues to
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a secretary of state entity blinking is in saudi arabia where he's been meeting with regional counsel pods. some of the above reports us secretary of state and it blinking, hoping for move and just div between how may i send these well, the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says have asked, should accept and use by the proposal. how moss has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls god's blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement. the immediate is katasha and egypt continuing to explore
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chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated cutoff probably minutes to admit it's sort of funny enough as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and he's very complex, a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed every week and every day and the gas and striking us officials hopping, trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president my mode, i bass pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as
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a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many of nations to establish diplomatic ties with they, as well as while by i 0 at least 25 palestinians have been killed and is riley strikes on the roof, or is there any forces struck 3 houses crowded with displays, palestinians wiping up entire families in seconds. and this comes in the new diplomatic efforts in colorado to reach us these 5 interesting getting food reports cradles the body of young, beautiful. the boy had been cherished from before he was born. his name is dave all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years and 10 people were
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killed in the same time. and even with the mother of her daughter, her grand daughter's her grandson, whose son in know their daughters and relatives everyone, they are all gone. all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping when mondays are striking. we took her from under the rubble. thank god, she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zone to center for the distribution of aid. but alpha had become a refuge. now it is a more and it could soon become a battle ground. israel is intensifying its attacks on that off ahead of a plan ground operation. but people in garza, looking to egypt, how much delegation conducts negotiations aimed at. pausing the fighting of the fathers island like either they carry out negotiations and things,
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but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the anesthetic no more. the cario negotiations. what is real strikes over in central garza, emergency crews look for survivors. after another attack, a new state i killed several people. and as those strikes continue, more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering in gauze of south bracing for the worst, if to some good foot of g 0. so solar, hey, it's here on l g 0 was scotland. first, minnesota obviously uses is dipping down throwing his pro independence policy into kyle's, the the hello that was not down on the in australia. and we got lots of sunny and warm weather to be found across much of the country. high pressure remains in charge,
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keeping the skies dry across central and many northern areas. but the cold front was swept across the se, knocking temperatures down to cities like adelaide as well as melbourne. it will continue to drift its way for the spring. some of those showers to sydney and coastal areas of new south wales. and while the temperature holes in sydney it will so hold and even creep up across southern parts of western australia. 20 degrees celsius the in past on wednesday. and that's despite the welcome weather. that's going to stay with us for the next 3 days. and what weather is the story you phone, use the land. we bought some heavy rain that's gonna roll into the south island hissing weston pots. we have got some warnings and watches out so that and as it moves its way from the know from the south side into to the north, we will see something of a cool down in christ church. just 14 degrees celsius day on wednesday. now we're still seeing some rainy weather across the south of south east asia. that's the end tail end of the rainy season, bringing some heavy falls to slow se,
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but it remains very hot and dry for much of indo china that to weather update. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time. on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, is there a reminder i found top stores the sour hundreds of state troopers have moved in, surrounding students at the university of texas in austin, and had 2 times safer lawson students rallying against the board guys are in calling for an immediate cease fire and renew diplomatic pushes underway to reach us the spot and guns us secretary of the site ends. the blinking is in saudi arabia, where he's meeting with regional counter pods. the while a mazda is it's willing to move forward to at least 5 talks in colorado, on the ground and gaza series, if it's ready attacks, killed at least to the palestinians in a measure of ours. on monday morning, women and children are among the dates and attack on the home of ross. i killed 9 members of the same family. at least 42 people have been killed off to
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a den beste its banks in the town north of the canyon capital. and i rode being forced out from the old country of a dam, washed away houses and cut off a major price decision risk. if it's around divide floods close by and usually heavy monsoons, brian's have killed thousands of people across east africa since much catherine, so a is with a den, boost and the kern county. so people are in shock. many of them are trying to solve age, whatever they can, that how many they're, they are trying to remove this furniture. they are closed and they don't even know where they're going, where they're going to sleep. tonight. now rescue me a f plus is still going on, but it has been raining, it just started raining. so that is going to be hampered and we spoke to some of
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the family members about what happened. they said this incident happened at around 3 am local time and they just, they were sleeping and they just had visa, loud rambles. and um they, some of them tries to get house to see what's happening. and then that was, this was so that in golf, some of them some money to excess case fund, many did not make it. and we have also been told that people are being told to move to higher ground. what the also telling us is what happened is that the, the reason the dumb out for the hills that broke its bank. this is what the cause. and this was a came guy sitting down the, you know, i seasonal stream. and it came with the water stones and you know, this huge trees,
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that's what approves it. so you can imagine the full that this was i came with. so right now people like i said, are morning there is shock. and that this trying to figure out the next move where they're going to go to sleep and also just where they're going to it's and just to deal with the trauma, they say that they have been facing. the 1st thing is on the why and how goes parliamentary and regional elections, but the opposition cooling for strong townhouse political tension has been rising since the approval of the controversial new constitution and the series of crackdowns on opposition. protests critics side, the reforms will allow the president to extend his families decades long grip on power for the prisoners potty says the new system is more democratic. the ruling georgian dream policy is holding
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a rally to kansas sundays protests against as far an influence loan. that's taking place in the capital to policing the day of to alons demonstration against the bill . the legislation will require organizations receiving funds from approved to register as foreign agents. the funding site. it could be used to crack down on goods critical of the government and damage george's ambitions of joining the european union. prussian forces have killed at least 4 people in this hollow tack on the ukrainian city of odessa, the regional governess. the strike had also injured 8 people. civilian houses and roads have been damaged now before the full scale invasion of ukraine. most of the countries grind exports passed through the black sea port city scotlands 1st, most uh homes are yusef, has announced a stepping down. he would say it defies to motions of no confidence of power
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sharing agreement between his scottish national policy and the greens collapse. last week, sonya guy has more, as the writing was on the wall and it was only a matter of time before home. so yusef confirmed with colleagues and political opponents had hinted at. i have therefore informed us in peace, national secretary of my intention to stand the spotty leader and ask that she commenced as a leadership contest for my replacement. as soon as possible, the decision announced with a tone of regret of the end of the power sharing deal with the scottish green policy last week. i clearly under the estimate of the level of heart and upset that caused being quotes for a minority government to be able to govern effectively and efficiently trust with


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