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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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realism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the discovery designed to reset the university of texas, austin is student demonstrations against war and kansas spread across the us. campuses purchased at columbia university. continue with students defy a deadline to leave for face suspension. us secretary of state meets aaron latest stiffing up diplomatic pressure for us these 5 dealing cancer and at least 40
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people are killed after a dentist, as banks and kenya fall. another is at risk of overflowing the is 22 g m team. we begin in the us, we're university students. some of the teachers and local activists are ignoring the schools leadership and a standing up against the war in gaza. and this was the scene at the university of texas austin, in just the past hour. so hundreds of students have been arrested across the country. the state troopers detained several students who refused to leave. university administrations have grown increasingly intolerant of the nationwide protest movements with students of demanding an ins. so the genocide on gaza and the student protesters as columbia university had been given an ultimatum leave
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there, and cameron's will face suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline, which has since passed about demanding educational institutions withdrawal, the investments and companies they say complicit in genocide. so we're going to go to today's a bike who is outside columbia university in new york. and as we mentioned, the students were told a number of hours ago to leave what's happened since that deadline. i know it's been very difficult for media to actually get on site there at the university to, to get the licensed from there. the way it's been 4 hours since and that deadline and students we main here, challenging any attempts to get them out from here from inside this time because they're saying that they will continue to denounce the general side. that is
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happening. and guys that they have other demands just to a few hour ago or so they started up an emergency protest on around this area where we are right now saying again that they're not going to leave demanding among i'm among the demands they have is that find that and show a transparency also putting an end to investment that columbia makes and companies that they say are complicit with a war on that side. also, they want an amnesty to the students and professors that have been disciplined because of this protests that are ongoing here, let me show you a bit of what's happening right behind me. the students are on the other side of this professors that you can see wearing an orange vest right here. this professors are supposed to be protecting the students that are parts of this and temperaments . they say that they will alert the students if the police comes in, it's not clear what is going to happen. where do know that students are facing the
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possibility of suspension of expulsion also arrest. it's not clear yet whether no inforcement is going to be called in here to remove students here by force, which is what happened almost 2 weeks ago when a 100 students were detained. exactly for doing what they're doing right now. however, they say that they're not afraid of any of those measures that they will remain here. the president of columbia university are or today said that the clients to find a peaceful solution to this ongoing problem to this conflict there say that they're trying to guarantee freedom of speech. but at the same time, i do wish students in this university to feel safe spot to last time served before students here are saying that they will remain here. but they're not afraid of being detained, of being suspended, that they are here for. a bigger costs, they're here to shed light on what of what is happening in gaza right now. good thing so much today, is it today's to buy for us there at columbia university in new york. but we're
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going to go now to how does your castro, who is in at austin, texas at the university of texas. heidi, i know that there has been a lot going on there over the last couple of hours with state troop is going in and detaining proteus as what is happening there right now the yeah, i got another extraordinary turn of events. we're now seeing that you see community coming out and literally chasing the police off campus. so backing up a little bit, what happened just in the last hour? i just found it on a new cabinet of protesters a few just and have them put them aboard. police buses like this one behind me and we're going to drive them off to jail. everyone. there was arrested detained in that manner. then this large crowd of students, supporters and more faculty members as well. they decided and they were choosing and supported the protestors in support of palestine and in support of their 1st
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amendment rights. and they were determined to literally case the police off campus . and that's why we're seeing this. the bus stop very slowly backing up is full of state troopers. and those blacked out windows, they are trying to exit campus. there was a turn like a clip that had been switched about 15 minutes ago, 0 serving this. at one point there was another stand off between armed officers and pull and the protesters. the protesters were pepper sprayed several times, and then suddenly, i assume they must have gotten word from mander to retreats, and that is what we are seeing now. as a bus is slowly backing to sprout. and there you see so many hundreds of students that are following the spice. they're trying to chase these officers off campus. they've been changing change. they've been changing get off of our campus. and when that order to retreat was an issue to the everyone just
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dropped in applause and are now following the spots as it leaves campus. an extraordinary scene. yes, certainly is, especially because we saw the state troops trip is in full ride get earlier and taking control of that protest site quite dramatically. we could go a protest is, were detained and pushed off there in cabinets that looked like it was going to happen again. today, but it really does feel at this point in time like, students are taking the campus back. this process isn't going anywhere anytime soon . is it? no, it isn't. and it's really the uncertainty of what does happen next. it's been a very unpredictable atlas here. i'm a screw here at you t austin campus because just like you said initially there was a heavy pull, was cracked out. following that some of those original protesters told me that there was a chilling effect that people were scared to come back out. and so there were
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sporadic protests here and there on the youtube campus, but namely there was no encampment like we had seen on other us campuses that changed this afternoon and almost immediately there was just about 4 or 5 tents that where you ratchet, but almost immediately state troopers and police surrounded they, it looked like they were ready to do that and they moved in and the students they're dragging them away. they had taken a seat, they had their arms length and one by one. they tracked them up, cost them, and took them into the police cars, and then we weren't sure what would happen next. what this protest dissipate for a moment. it seemed like that, but then suddenly we realize the crowd was following the bands and the buses that were taking the rest of protesters and all the fellow community members have utilized the students and faculty, by the way, really said that they were inspired by the track down to have to bring their
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advocacy for today. they were not among those original protesters, but they to have joined in these chance for free town this time. but that's when we saw these protestors at initially refusing to let the police drive away with those that have been detained. and then once the order was given to police to retreat, now literally chasing off the police officer. real dramatic turn of events, the heidi i know that we will be speaking to you as things continue to unfold this . how did your cast roy for us at the university of texas in austin as well for 5 days students at the university of california in los angeles have been demonstrating in support of palestine intentions rose of the account of rally was staged by students in support of israel on sunday at the says, purchased multiply across campus, but we'll joins us now live from the university of california in los angeles and to from what you have been describing in the last few hours. things not quite as
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dramatic here as we have say, no over in texas. yeah, there been no arrests of any students and we haven't seen anything like that. the university has chosen to barricade the area behind me here where the palestinian approach pro palestinian protestors have set up their encampment. that is because of the over the past several days, there have been told her protesters, many of them coming from off campus, not students at the university southern california who have tried to breach the walls of the camp. and otherwise, the display aggressive behavior, let's say in a variety of ways. now the, the other news that we have today out of this a campus system university, california has many campuses across the state. and many of those are embroiled in
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protest though the university system has said it will not attack we s to the student. protesters demands that the university system divest from is really institutions or investments to set that. so that's off the table. that's my knowledge. the university itself has not been negotiating with students. there may have been some contacts, but the student organizers that we talk to um are, are not able to say that any kind of contact has taken place. finally, there's another university is not far from here in southern california university, california irvine, where a police have been called in orange county police surgeons. and so we, we've been monitoring that's, it's situation there doesn't appear that there anything as quite as heavy handed as at the university of texas as transpired there. you know, the question often comes up, how long is this going to go on?
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well, it's really impossible to say, but if we look at history, if we look at, for example, the anti apartheid, the demonstrations and protests of the 1980s, those actually started in the 70. so there was many, many years before public opinion of coal left around the same viewpoint that the protestors were expressed, expressing against a part time in south africa and the, the situation in the political situation. united states change. so i don't know how long these students are going to stay. they say they're, they're here for the duration, whatever that means. but they are determined and history shows that over a period of time, student approaches like this have the potential and often that do achieve the objective of, of molding and changing public opinion. sounds on campus before it goes mainstream
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as well. so obviously not just students that have been protesting faculty, the academics teachers, staff of these universities have also come out and support of the protestors and support of palestinians in gaza. what effect is that heads there that you see a well, that also has um, uh, been manifested here because just an hour or 2 ago there was a walk out a lead by faculty. some of them actually wearing their academic gowns, you know, that have to then and the long down and all that are in support of the, to the of the students are in the encampment. so they walked out along with this, their students, and they held a rally in support. they haven't gone inside to take part in the in cabin, but they were, they were hundreds of them expressing their support. so faculty members that i have spoken to personally say that they,
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they feel that they have to come out on behalf of their students to support their rights to free speech, to demand at the university, protect them and respect them. and even some of specialist professors, for example, in, in political science, say they're, they're, they're quite impressed by the knowledge and the determination and the, uh, the, the information encourage that their students are showing in these situations. thanks so much room for all of this world reynolds for us at the university of california in los angeles. we're going to stay with this story and go to phil laval, who is live at mit in cambridge, massachusetts, and the pro is rarely counted. protest sprung out early it can you just explain exactly how that old played out so we side to actually the one that is still ongoing and resuming over that you can just in the
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distance is ready the flag, which is next to the american flag. this is for context on the other side of the pathway, away from those tents for the accompaniments in support of the people of palestine . i repeat that for a week or so, but earlier today they was what you might call a pop up counts approach as to where some c or 4 c is radio is ready. supposing students and faculty members time job all those from nowhere, traits in his ratified straits of traits and american flags. they marched right into the centre of that incumbent. they sat down, they started playing music, they started having a picnic. they start to sing songs about zionism when these protests has ignored them. they've had started walking around. i seen them and they supported 911 fighting as of a putting of photographs of some of the hostages taken on october the 7th. and the faces that they left puts aside from that is a much calmer affair, being this one police officer that does a few to sit around for. they very much taken your hands off approach. and that's
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because negotiations on getting between those student protests is the university. it's just 24 hours ago. the president said that negotiations with tad because they've reached the style by the students would not budge, but now they are talking, suggesting that may be some kind of move, but some one that is involved is not as bad habits. few as a student lead us. so i know they go. sions you called show how to what, what can you tell us about what is happening? yeah, so the administration entered negotiations on friday. there was, uh, 2 negotiations then. and then in the lead up of the follow up side of the negotiations, the president had cooled off any form of dialogue or discussion. and that came a surprise to all the students who are in camping out here in front of the student center. and on the immense pressure from the community and the faculty and the grad walkers and the staff here, the administration has come back to the negotiating table. how i'm and the model is the mit stops engineering killer drones for the idea. currently,
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mit has over $11000000.00 with these ready ministry of defense. the way it works is that the u. s. department of defense advocates money to mit and then under the direction of these valid military affairs is really minutes of defense officials. they can solicit projects on this campus. so one of the main projects is a drones project and where cooling on mit to end the killer drones program. so you have a face that you will be listened to. we know that requires the full power of the student body, the faculty and the local community to call upon the university to drop those ties . i think the movie highlights, the more people realize what is happening with the, with the research i am i teach specifically the killer drones program with the is really minister of defense. a demo hope we'll see you for this to drop. i mean, we've seen incumbents across the nation and uh, and what part of the movement to end to set aside then i think it begins right for
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us at mit. it begins right here saying no science with genocide. or do you see protests like the one area, what that is is very supporting students and i'd like to be tied up. what is that to, for your cause, you know, i noticed that you, you guys will very much stay calm quite you didn't speak to the right gauge with him in any way. does it help for him to you? i think, i think that's the main tactic behind these disruptions is to elicit some sort of reactions. it's very clear that negotiations on going being companies remain in good faith negotiation. and part of that is not reacting to these policies which are attempting to spoil negotiations. right. what happens, thank you very much. we'll just supposed to tell you about a couple of other process of that happening, tufts university and not so far away. there is a process there. what's hope i should end sometime today, although we don't know exactly how they've time to do that. at harvard university, the wells time is university just a few miles down the road. there was
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a protest that ridge high blocked gates for police on campus sleigh bed. what can i get involved unless there is violence or damage to property, but the university is threatening students say something but half the degrees with health. okay, thanks so much for all of that is fill of out for us it. it might say thank you for kristin salumi has the sound died from yale university. the university students have now set up their 2nd encampment. the 1st one was done and solidarity with columbia university students, but was taken down after just 3 days when police came in and arrested 44 students in the process. nevertheless, the students came back on sunday, setting up another in cameron about 40 tenths or on the scene. i spoke to one of the student protesters earlier about why they came back. the fact of the matter is the university government or demand. our demands have not changed. they are disclosed. uh, financial investments start best from up in senior fracturing providing casa and to reinvest. and then you have
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a community in education and food and affordable housing. and our demands remains that fast, you know, may have come interested students and community members, but what they did and what they failed to do with me or demands. so we're back, they've already said that they will not the best from is really weapons manufacturers or any weapons manufacturers that are supplying these rallies. are there talks ongoing? yes, we're very um, you know, uh we're very interested in and a trying to open channels. so if negotiations a good faith with the university, we're obviously university obviously has been responding fairly aggressively and militant lead to peaceful student demonstration. but we're very steadfast. we're, you know, we're here to stay and we are committed to our demands. we recognize, we, i mean we've all been seeing life broadcast as the genocide that's happening in gaza. and until there's an end 2 years complicity in that we're, we're going to continue mobilizing,
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we're going to continue speaking out soon after the students return to the campus in their tents. they received a letter hand delivered from the dean of the university, warning them that they were violating school policies and also warning them that they were risking arrest and possibly suspension. if they remain christian salumi, algebra, new haven, connecticut, as well. there's plenty hits here on this news out, including the sweden's really on the side front visible university in support of palestinians as one place . move in to clear out protesters the at least $25.00 pellets. 20 ins have been killed in his writing strikes on rough on his ready forces drunk, 3 houses crowded with this place, palestinians wiping out until i have families in seconds. and this comes them in
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new diplomatic efforts in cairo to reaches these font honey mike. mood has more from rasa. what about the crowd? is the body of young the follow? the boy had been shares from before. he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him. for so long of 10 years been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother, her daughter, who grand daughters, her grandson, whose son didn't know their daughters and relatives everyone, they're all gone. all 10 of them of this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's air strike him. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe
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zones to the center for the distribution of a roof. i had become a refuge, but now it is a moore, and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensifying it's a talked and rub my head of a plan, the ground operations. people and guys have their eyes on egypt were a how much delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations, a, pausing the fighting for some the discussions give little hope of the fall as i look at the, the carry out negotiations and things. but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us some anesthetic no more. the cario negotiations, what is real strikes? and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, south are bracing for the worse. and even from what i was just the, a rough palestine, they had been renewed diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire in gaza as the as really phone bottom of this trip continues your secretary of state as a blanket,
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as in saudi arabia where he's been meeting with regional council pods hush him on barbara has more us secretary of state and it blinking, hoping for move and just div between how may i send these well, the good to restore installed ceasefire tools. he says how boss should accept and use by the proposal. how moss has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators,
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katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one plus, becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoffs, prime minister administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the conflict. a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the bloodshed everywhere and every day and the gases starting us officials hopping, trying to build consensus for a post world, gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode, i bass pointed and you a prime minister,
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how math rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with, as well as trial by a 0. liabilities allegation is a research of focusing on saudi foreign policy at lancaster university. he said that there's no possibility for normalization without a cx 5. i think right now it's a very um, uh, interesting and very sensitive time. i think this collective voice is concentrating very much on trying to reach a ceasefire. so i think this, you know, this push this collective uh, uh, front, from the air up and move them countries. but really, the error of countries is really focused on the current situation and stopping this massacre from continuing. now, there is
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a tendency to try to link the future when the, the, the, the very present the immediate present. and i think this is where a lot of things get very foggy and a lot of things get also very speculative. so i think there's a clear consensus that there needs to be a a ceasefire. immediately. there's still a lot of room to flash out. what will the day after look like and, and so, but the day after the end of the discussions of the day after can't take place really, unless there's a ca spiker. so that's, that's where there's a great deal of time. everybody's a great deal of attempt to try to use uh ambiguity as much as they can. and i think this is why i figured he was very constructive, i think in this birth to, in this case, for blinking to say that this is a, an incredibly generous offer. binary is read, it isn't. so it's this,
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um figure it is, is kind of enabling him to, to make that pitch. so we'll, we'll roll, we'll, we will see, i think many people are not holding their breath. but what i would say about this situation, or is that there was a great desire from the us administration to reach any kind of ceasefire. you want to call it or you might of terence used by are vegetarians, these buyer, but best get there. and whenever it is one of the want to call to just find a c 's bar in order then to try to put the saudi is real of the deal in the making . try to propose and try to try to expand upon the ceasefire. because normalization cannot happen unless there is a ceasefire. well, this plan, he's still a hit here on the island, is that including focusing is under warranty? it goes problem entry elections. but the opposition calling for a major turn out to me, it's growing politically attention. and we'll look at the reasons why scotlands 1st minister who's the use of pacific down
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the the hello that was done and done on the in australia. and we got lots of sunny and warm weather to be found across much of the country. high pressure remains in charge, keeping the skies dry across central and many northern areas. but the cold front has swept across the se, knocking temperatures down to cities like adelaide as well as melbourne. it will continue to drift its way for the spring. some of those showers to sydney and coastal areas of new south wales. and while the temperature holes in sydney it will so hold and even creep up across southern parts of western australia 20 degrees celsius. the in puff on wednesday, and that's despite the welcome weather. that's going to stay with us for the next 3
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days. and what weather is the story you phone, use the land. we bought some heavy rain that's gonna roll into the south island hissing weston pots. we have got some warnings and watches out for that. and as it moves its way from the new, from the south side into to the north, we will see something of a cool down in christ church. just 14 degrees celsius there on wednesday. that was still thing. some rainy weather across the south of south east asia. that's the end tell end of the rainy season bringing some heavy force to slow west sea. but it remains very hot and dry for much of indo china that to weather update the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days, residents of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives. including his own garza, the last picture on the 0 a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the
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the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of how top stories, the ssl renew, diplomatic pushes on device and reach us east fire and gaza. us secretary of state and state blinking is in saudi arabia where he met with regional counter pods. meanwhile, a mouse is willing to move forward at $65.00 talks and kyra on the ground and gaza, or a series of his ready attacks killed at least to the palestinians in just a matter of hours on monday morning. women and children are among the dead and attack on the home of the prophet killed. 9 members of the same family and university students along with some of the teachers and local activists across the united states, have been calling for an in sort of genocide in casa hundreds of anti war, demonstrators have been arrested for us across the country. and those demonstrations against as miles war on guns are a splitting to more universities in europe. several students have been arrested at
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the civil university in paris. they were dragged away by police officers sitting up camps and raising the palestinian flag. patasha butler has more from paris. there's still a of thousands of felicia outside tyrese's soul bone university. one of problems is most prestigious and famous universities and a little bit earlier lease moved into if i q a. thousands of students have been inside. you saw 10 in protests to sherry still authority with the palestinian people. now those seems that only being the few hours when university authorities allowed the police to move into what happens after that is about a 100 students and now gathered outside the university. they're waving very faith palestinian flag. they all pulling on the sofa and all that sort uses whole bunch of combat toys with is really diverse. seems like holding on the french government to do more to help people and goes the more to help palestinian people who are some of the students said they,
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they feel that the police and the storage use in university authorities included the sake of a heavy added approach when it comes to clearing the students, they feel as if they're going to demonstrate just being aware. did they feel is the for the problem is i'll say being silent, especially popular. i'll just say the hardest is rolls war on guns that has been deadly for june. lists a journalist union in london on monday, held a visual torment. but those last fil a mock sent us, but sometimes a facade from downing street at the very heart of prisons government. the small event is being set on by a london bronze of persons of national union have done this is designed to mock the grim milestone with more than a 100 to unless inside goals are killed during the course of 6 months of conflict among those because lawmakers spoken not just about the death of john listened garza but many thousands of others. we need to remember the juniors in gauze dying
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because they're doing that job and the job that do you sign fault and cross side. so it is so important for our democracy to see under the united states, for example, because it's through reporting about the culture happening on the ground in gaza. the people in the u. k. keep from usaa can see what's going on and can then take your view as to what they want to ask our governments to do about seeing the targeting of healthcare work. as we've seen, the saga, things of june list is truly shocking speakers here, demanding accountability, not just from the israeli government, but from all sorts. he's in the u. k. as well as trying to explain the almost inexplicable why so many people, including douglas had been killed inside garza, for the months of 0 london equity or has said it will be taking mexico to the international court of justice of the diplomatic, sped a right on an embassy, the route sense is on the decision to grant asylum to form ecuadorian,
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vice president who i gloss it. kinds of mexico had no right to interfere in domestic affairs. ecuadorian police arrested him in a ride on the mexican embassy and tito, mexico has submitted its own cert saying the ride was a violation of international law. so the united nations security council has held a session on the cross as an out of fashion in sit on snow stuff full region. it's pointing that in the tank there would be catastrophic, and the meeting was cooled by so dense representative. so the you, when we launched a formal complaint against the united arab emirates, gabriel alexander has more from the united nations. after coming out of a closed door meeting on sudan linda thomas green field, the us ambassador to the un said that an r s f attack on no foster was imminent. she said it's a crisis of epic proportions that is brewing. and she said she echoes the
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sentiments of the majority of council members when she calls on 5 things to immediately happen. first, they are safe mess in the siege and build up with terry forces. build up a military forces in the fashion square off any attack on the city. all parties to the conflict must take bridge and steps to de escalate. the un security council already call for this, but that's not enough. every single member state must speak out the entire international community must speak out. second, armed actors in sudan must respect international law and protect civilians and recall the i. c. c's jurisdiction to investigate work, work crimes. 3rd, all regional powers must stop providing weapons to both parties in accordance with
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the un arms embargo. forth the warring parties must engage in direct negotiations in jetta. because this conflict will not be solved on the battlefield. it will be solved at the negotiating table. 5th and finally, all parties must enable full rapids, save and unhindered humanitarian access, including cross border and cross line access. the us ambassador also had an urgent request for the media, and that's to help warn the world about the grave dangers to the people of our flesh. your face at this very perilous moment, gabriel's on to, i'll just say that at the united nations in new york to vices and target has gone to the poles and lose just those of elections on monday of the device have changed to the countries constitution. upon insight, it allows the president to extend his families decades long grip on power typically is government isn't allowing journalists to enter the country to report on the
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election. so nicholas hock is reporting from soon ago but not transparent enough and void of meaning says to goes opposition. its members say the latest legislative elections is employed by president sonya seem bay to tighten his family's long hold on power in our country elections. i'm not fast talk, did i not fair? because all the institution involved in the process of the election, completely controlled by the government and the results uh, probably created by the government also. so election is just uh, is it pretty to lets or the intellectual community? no, that's all eh, we are organizing election from time to time, but it's not it democracy. for the last 61 years, the sing bay family has ruled over to ago. and the old regime with a new constitution voted in in parliament,
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days before elections on monday. the tax has not been made public that seem, but it has not spoken publicly about the change to the constitution, but his supporters say it provides more stability in greater accounts ability from the head of state and the but then what is the issue is not whether we're a parliamentary or presidential regime. the people want to know who will help put food on the table. critics say it will allow nursing be to stay in power in definitely because the president would be chosen not by the people for the m p. 's are running in this parliamentary election, or unlike in 2018, the opposition did not boycott these elections, but it seems the people did out of the 4000000 to release, illegible to vote. few came out to cast their votes. those who did were mostly new 1st time voters, challenging the old, the regime, and in most pools. but this, i would have wanted to choose my precedence. i feel like the people should have a say on who runs the country. i'm happy with the change and the end of the
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presidential system. the counting has started without the presence of many international observers or the foreign media both banned from covering the vote. critics of the regime say this election is another blow to democracy, serving itself, and not the people. nicholas hawk algae 0. but south korea has the keys north korea of lang minds along the road and the dom. let try zone between the 2 countries. the south korea says it's military to take to the minds being placed and then on paved road and site design, the arrowhead hill officials themselves or the action is the latest in the series of moves to shut down roads across the border. the ruling georgia dream policy is holding a rally to count as sundays protests against. it's for an influence long, it's taking place in the capital. the police say the day after a large demonstration against the bill, the legislative will require organizations receiving funds from the board to
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register as foreign agents opponent site. it could be used to craig down on groups critical of the government and demons, george's ambitions of joining the european union. russian forces have killed at least 4 people in a mis hollow tack on the ukrainian city of odessa. the regional governor said the strike had also injured people. civilian houses and roads have also been damaged before the full scale invasion of ukraine. most of the countries grain exports passed through the black sea port city. so the head of nitrogen stilton back was and key for a surprise visits your current in president for a lot of means. zalinski says military ad from, with an allies needs to arrive foster. and that without russian forces will make guidance on the battlefield. john home and isn't caves to give us the details. it was the announce visits from the head of nights are getting stolen back the keys at to see you. cranium. president loaded me as a landscape and they held
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a brief press conference for president, for landscape. opportunity to talk about military from is especially by the united states is $61000000000.00 military a package. and he said that it's starting to write that needs to be sped up. it needs to arrive to move quickly that way from rate. he said that without a russian forces, we're already going to make gains on the battlefield. and that is already happening . the head of you cranes on suicide sunday, the ukrainian booth at the head retreat from free villages in the east. and they were taxed on several points of the road. 1000 kilometer front lines on the part of the head of night. so i in stoughton, but he was keen to reassure, i guess, president as lensky, same as if there was a commitment to provide. i did talk about a multi year financial commitment as an idea. and he's speaking about that because
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of the modem of military ukraine tends to ride from its allies in one of hostages. and obviously there's concern among those that support the country about what happens if those types start to dry off. for example, night $61000000000.00 package from the united states would hold up in congress for months. so at the end of the state. so great is, could you be president craig made it take cities, it's energy fonts. and so what he's trying to do right away, john holman, out to see the chief you cry. polish farmers have ended the last of the blockades along the board with you crying off to local authorities, refused to extend positions and demonstrations and check point governments. polish truck is and farmers have book civil crossings or the fee is that ukrainian products such as cheap grain, the cousins local businesses earlier this month. well, associated with get 5 of $500000000.00 us dollars and compensation to farm is
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affected by the inputs. declining grain has been flowing is of the use since june 2022 after rushes will close down the country's usual export routes. well, there's plenty slate here on out there, including schools out in the philippines is a huge wave across parts of asia. it shows no sign of using the a business like this. this brought to you believe, i guess is i like flying on one of your makes modern plates.
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is a light supply on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the, it is the boss, a little mosque has made
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a surprise visit to beijing to seal to deal with one of china's largest. or if i make is under the agreement mosque would sell the self driving software used in his low cost to his new partners. katrina, you has more from vision in china is fiercely competitive electric vehicles in the industry, steam ahead of rivals is increasingly difficult. but that's exactly what tesla see or even mosque is trying to do as good as the electric vehicles making progress in the future must begin to surprise visit to china on sundays meeting. premier elite chung and they changed. one of the worlds of which is then was reportedly here to discuss the rollout of the test was full self driving software and ask for permission to transfer the chinese data to the us. tesla has sold more than 1700000, cause in china since entering the market a decade ago. the front of shanghai is its most productive and was the 1st open outside the us in 2019 chinese officials say the ocean make a is
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a successful example of sino us trade corporation. this is a typical intersection in beijing full of selected list uses pedestrians and cos industry analysts say these complicated project conditions provide mold scenarios for training on them. this is driving programs out of foster pace compared to other locations because one has agreed to deal with chinese companies, find it to access it's mapping license on domestic roads that remains banned from military and some government compounds due to security concerns. the company has also been losing chinese market share. any change in the manufacturers or up ending the traditional trade off between cost and luxury. so you're offering luxury features, but also something that young trainees call tech luxury. marks visits coincides with the agent, auto share, which has lot is not participate. chinese branch of
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a more affordable electric models. and the us based company has had to slash prices to compete. tesla is also facing pressure back in the us. we're regulations are investigating the safety of it's also a pilot feature. officer aid was allegedly involved in multiple fatal crashes sold in sales or forcing management to cut 10 cent of its global workforce is herb security. approvals from the aging profile tells us performance and give the joint a much needed revenue 1st. katrina, you all to 0. thank scotlands. first, mister holmes, a use of has announced he is different down. he was certifies to motions of no confidence out the power sharing agreement between his scottish and national policy and the greens collapse last week. so new guy has more the right thing was on the wall and it was only a matter of time before home. so yusef confirmed with colleagues and political opponents had hinted at. i have therefore informed us in peace,
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national secretary of my intention to stand the spotty leader and asked that she commenced as a leadership contest for my replacement. as soon as possible, the decision announced with the toner, regret of the end of the power sharing deal with a sculpture screen policy last week. by clearly under the estimate of the level of heart and upset that caused being called for the minority government to be able to govern effectively and efficiently. trust with working with the opposition is clearly fundamental. he'd been in the job political more than a year when he won the leadership contest. he seemed to represent scotland as an inclusive, ethnically diverse nation. the grandson of a putting job, the immigrant who worked at a sewing machine factory. his family embodied an immigrant success story sauce, but use of the time and office was marked by turbulence, against the backdrop of financial scandals. you'll continue to trouble the scottish
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national policy at the center of that, from a 1st minister nicholas sturgeon and her husband, the former chief executive of the s and p, both arrested, of suspicion of financial realm doing the surgeon's resignation, uses emerged as the frontrunner, assuming the role as the continuity candidates that soon became a button rather than a bonus. the inherited a governing agreement with the green policy. but so many supporters independent seem to take a backseat to other policies, such as the controversial gender recognition reform bill. and to hate crime act that critics said cub to re speech a decision to abandon key climate targets early this month, prompted the greens to threaten to pull the plug on power sharing. you slips decision to preemptively take on his green party colleagues by effectively sucking them from the government. was a move that cost him support and showed how isolated he had become. as he struggled
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to reverse the s and p's declining fortunes. sonya guy, ego, i'll just say era of today is a public speculation. the spanish prime minister says he will not resign pedro sanchez's claims of corruption involving his wife, made him consider his position, his wife. but the gun is, is being investigated. village corruption, sanchez and says she's innocent. he dismissed the accusations as a campaign of political harassment by the rise. it's focused on here such as a nationwide polio vaccination campaign to immunize more than 24000000 children under the age of 5. hopefully because have the gun going house to house to administer vaccine drugs focused on and neighboring. i scanned the son of the 2 countries in the world with polio continues to threaten the health of the children . if it's to vaccinate against polio, had been virtually threatened by violence, forcing campaigns to be abandoned. at least 42 people have died after den beste its
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banks in the town north of the kenyan capital, nairobi, or the from the old country. ever dan washed away houses and cut off a major, broad search and rescue if it's underway. floods caused by and usually can be monsoon. ryans have killed thousands of people across east africa since march. we'll catherine. so it is with the tempest and the curry county. the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh clothes and things like that. just to get uh to higher ground. um, some of these houses have been destroyed mountain. this house, for example, has been you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident
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happened at around 3 am low, close time. and they had the, some loud, rumbling noise, as some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them managed to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come downstream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. duncan knew, see and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what came with so much for i had to save myself for them. i then found a tree which i belong to. john says that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight
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and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keep hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly, oz is there off my, my heel, kenya. but he will have scorching south and southeast asia is full cost of assistance . so mid may, thousands of people have died from paid for license illnesses in the philippines. schools of suspended, interesting classes founded below reports from the capital manila, the thousands of schools in the philippines already shut for weeks. order to stay closed for a few more days, possibly longer. exceptionally hot weather is expected to last until mid may. but while students are able to escape the heat, millions of porking filipinos aren't so lucky. some have to endorse scorching temperatures during their commute, while others have to spend a day outdoors and declare of design. jerrick flores installs and maintains
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security cameras around vanilla. before or even then it's hot to now than last year . the sun's up all the time. but what missed on local say in recent days, the heat has become almost unbearable. the temperature sorts of nearly 39 degrees celsius here in manila on sunday. that's the hottest on record for the philippine capital, but the heat index, the temperature that we actually feel when you're going to be respected in was $45.00 degrees celsius. one town in the north reached the high of 53. the labor department has issued an advisory urgent employer, so adopt measures to help workers quote from providing water and protective gear to offering flexible hours and work from home options. the manager at the destruction site says the company has already made adjustments. you'll 15 minutes, 15 minutes, as we've told them, they can open not to take that to 50 minute breaks and restaurant in time on the
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huff during lunch time. instead of buying the labor rights advocates say the government needs to take things one step further in order companies to comply. this is not just for this year. well we, we are expecting to experience of raising them pictures in the coming years because so you know, the plane be changed effect are the facts that are being felt across the region in india, stripe for zoo animals are being fed ice cream and watermelons. and in thailand, about 30 people have died due to the extreme heat, philippines, as also recorded several debts. but by keeping schools close, forties are hoping to limit further fatalities find it below al jazeera minute. and d, as military is helping to fide wildfires in the far as some of it are, con, state officials say they have documented more than 205 they believe have mostly been caused by people. but so for me, for this is how modeling site useful to and you in just
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a moment with much more of the dice and use the the latest news as a boeing a military response. the situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of levi and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the complex refugees, the english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy,
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on the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for his family. this the phone scare us with this one. i just you will see the caught a duty and a groove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red, chris a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shade come out. award for translation and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for
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the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the rest of the university of texas, austin is student demonstrations against root in gauze is spread across us count


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