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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the rest of the university of texas, austin is student demonstrations against route in gauze was spread across the us council. the i money in sight. this is out. is there a like from the also coming up purchase at columbia university continue as students defy a deadline to leave face suspension us next year of states meets arab
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leaders, stepping up diplomatic pressure for a space find deal in gaza. and at least we'll see people are killed off at the best it's buying some can yet. another is at risk of of, of slowing the we begin in the united states way, university students. some of them teaches local activists or ignoring the schools leadership and all standing up against the wall in goss. this was the scene at the university of texas austin, in the past hour or so. sometimes of students have been arrested across the country . state troop is detained. several students who refuse to move university administrations have grown increasing in this is
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a nationwide protest movements where stevens have been demanding an end to the jet assembly in guns. meanwhile, steven protest is at columbia university, have been given an ultimatum. leave that encampments or face suspension that were given a 2 pm deadline, which has now passed that demanding educational institutions withdrawal, the investments and companies they say, all complicit in genocide. we have a team of correspondence covering the purchase in the united states. phil level is in massachusetts at the institution of technology. in cambridge, we have teresa buyer. she's live from columbia university in new york, where this will began. but 1st, let's go to hottie, jo, castro, she's at the texas university in austin, with several 1000 students, have been arrested heidi extraordinary images coming out of the university of texas in the last few hours. what looks like to me,
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a standoff between student protest isn't state troopers. tell us what's going on now. oh yeah, that's an absolutely accurate description. this is a stand off and you can see it right up close here with me. we have austin, police teachers are keeping a line here. they're preventing protesters from getting any closer to the building where they have been holding thousands of earlier student protesters who are being detained. so let me backtrack to explain how we got to this point this morning on campus. it was a silence actually peaceful protest by student protesters as well as faculty member . well then suddenly and encampments from that for the 1st time, some work for tens were arrested on the lawn. with these peaceful protests have been occurring. then protestors gathered in
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a tight circle surrounding that encampment and refused to move. and as i was watching, this mere moments passed before the state trooper armed in the riot gear weekly arrived the announce to the students to just now you're seeing what appears to be a conflict between the student protesters and now the police that are holding them back hearing people say that there is a nice and i actually, i haven't seen some pepper spray deployed on the protesters here. i have to emphasize this here. now this has been has worked. so you t austin, kansas. now for over 2 hours. since that initial circle, the cabinet with roku, not leading to some 45 police protesters here,
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seeing that there were many people may so we're going to get in closer to see if we can find any of the bad. so i have to say i did earlier see may say news against protesters as the say hi and how do you, what's extraordinary to hear these incredibly loud? i mean we, we can tell we can tell just by looking at the pictures and looking at this and, and this thing kind of shocked me saying that it does look like an incredibly 10 situation. you can now say did, did you think that the situation would develop as it has where we all this moment? yeah, it is a turn situation. i'm sorry, i can hear what you were saying because it's still out here. we're standing. we're, we're kind of, we're kind of around between the protestors and the police certainly by choice. we're here. so everyone is screaming that you are seeing an intense stand. there
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was never spray that was deployed. these protesters are obviously very angry, leaving essentially trying to chase the police presence off campus since this afternoon . since those 43 protesters in the enhancements were all passed and dragged away. simon, quite violent manners taken to the ground. and we're seeing people now deploying their their umbrellas, which they've been using to shield against the pepper spray or target. those who have been pepper sprayed, have been as forwarded to a nearby campus building where firefighters have been treating them. and you can probably hear the chance the cindy asked and said what we've been hearing from the campus community saying that the police response to what began is peaceful protests has been heavy handed. and what's
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ironic, and what's extraordinary here is that for the initial task, sadie russell, here you'd say a week ago, similar to other places in the country, was different about the initial protest here was there was a near immediate heavy police response. that's how we saw the initial wave of protests and speaking different testers. after that they said there was a chilling about that many people were scared away. and so over the last few days there was just these few sporadic from has very peaceful, maybe a few dozen people top and then suddenly something ignited today. something ignited it this afternoon. when the princess there's decided to start on that small enchantment. and the police changing that as a red line, the u. t. administration saying that any cabinet with the legal act. and because
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the students refused to disperse, that you immediately crack down on this. and that's what leads us to this moment. again, after those initial processors arrested and taking over that you see campus has been following this crowd as police have been making their retreats. as they have been a company, the buses and vans caring the rest of this large crowd. i would say at least a 1000 new to students and faculty following the police. they stated their witness and to do these chance on our campus. as you can hear, we can indeed extraordinary scenes and then at the university as texas mean, staying at heidi to a customer, it will be monitoring for us. and as soon as there is any change in the situation, we will close. bring it to you. now let's move on to to raise
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a bow. she joins this noise outside columbia university in new york terry's. it's been over 4 hours. i've been east and students to find a deadline to leave campus, so face suspension. what is the situation then now as well? the students remain defined and the main remained here in the campus. you can see right behind me. those are professor as we're wearing orange best they're right up . what is the door of the lease have meant that is happening here inside the university campus, where hundreds of students have been told each carrying out a 15 in the middle of this campus. but also protesting against the general side and with not something that is what they're saying that they would like to see financial transparency from this university. they would like to see the university funds, for example, not being used or being invested in companies that profit from the war. and they
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would also like to see, and i'm the states with the students and faculty that have been disappeared. those are their demands. we been hearing from this folks 1st since from columbia university, who says that they have started handing out suspensions to some of the students who are participating in this process. we have not been able to confirm this. however, we have not spoken to any student that has been suspended so far. we have not seen university representative handing and notices for also the possibility, for example, or any type of precedence by law enforcement, which is what happens almost 2 weeks ago when hundreds, at least a 100, a students were detains for protesting. here and this is university, we know also that president of columbia university was under a lot of pressure for calling know enforcement almost 2 weeks ago. and now apparently, she's almost uh, being criticized by alumni by donors, also by democrats for saying that she has failed to disband this in conference.
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that is happening right here, where we are. so students who mean defiance, they say that they will remain here. they're not afraid of being suspended ex, facing expulsion or being arrested. they're saying that they're here for a bigger costs. they're here to shut the lights on. the killings on the displace then turned on the hunger that is going on and guys are right now. okay. theresa, but that for us outside columbia university in new york, we can now tend to fill a val. he's live at mit in cambridge, in massachusetts. feel good to see you in a slightly different perspective. i believe where you all where a pro is, where the counts of protest has sprung up. a took us through how that is played out . so yeah, i mean reside suits so well that is in place. somebody must be able to be just missouri me to show you as you might be able to see the is right, the flag right next to the american flag. that is what you might call the official
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because the process, it's not very big. it's a couple of people. the reason we're having to zoom in to show you this is because my cumberland and i just went over to try to feel that we were told to double the site and says private police offices that we would be arrested. if we didn't leave immediately, so is obviously, well the police are keeping a distance from the protest as they to not once or the administration. there does not want any journalists on site, and that was made very clear to us. and we've been told by the assessors as well as other child list. i p. tell them say they are. these are test as the student protests is a p d for more than a week. that's why this i covered the 1st round up already 24 hours ago. the president of advice, a set, the old folks are all spot was that it was done because they've reached the style made under protest is would not budge. they were willing to negotiate. although that has not changed, they spend most of the day because the administration of the protesters or some of the protesters behind closed doors, trying to find some kind of solution that works for both the stokes. we understand that all over for the day of factory so that she to go straight to the university
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leaving whoever it was on his way home about an hour ago. so we don't, the sound will be any move, but today, and it's very unlikely. we're going to see the police move and because there is a potential for subs, pull the resolution, you know, we've seen those protests and know, facing university. we saw those protests that m as in college, but in both cases, riot police would have played more than a 100 people on each side for arrested at obviously nobody had once or a piece of that. also got to tell you about a couple of other protesters in the immediate area. we have talked to you to best to reach out by the little area of the south today. just to check out what was coming on. there was a small process that they've been told by the university that that should be dismantled by the end of today. it's not clear if, if i need to send, the police said there's no police presence from you. that basically just kind of crease negotiations, but also harvard university about wealth amos university, just a few miles from where we are. there is a process to be hi, lumped scapes right now. are the people with a harvard university passes are allowed on the sides. although the chief of police,
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the on campus has said, look, i am not going to arrest anybody. people can be violence, they can be destroy the prophecy, then all the rest, the. but if the university asks me, i'm not going to do it. so, but my job is to make sure that i've just because i pulled up the university. harvard university is threatening disciplinary, actually with some students think told that they may have a degrees held back. okay, thank you for that. phil laval at 1st at mit in cambridge, massachusetts. and now from the process of george washington university in the american capital, his, she ever times here at george washington university, you got the sense of being count much as put down roots. it was a process that really began when the students themselves pulled down the barricades, but the police had erected in order to enclose the encounter and prevent students from getting water and food. without the barricades down on the police are suggesting that they're not gonna take any further action. despite the entry cheese
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of the administrator, george washington university, the people supposed to be entrusted with the education of the students who are supposed to be encouraging critical for critical engagement. with, well, it's the administrators of george washington university, who's been begging the police to move in for the police. say they do. they're worried about the projects off, forced to be removing peaceful protest, particularly off to the 2020 demonstrations outside the white house when the police removed forcibly black lives master protest. and so for now, there is this home here, but there's also always that awareness of how these things can change. she ever time. cl desert was or at least 25 palestinians have been killed in is riley strikes on. rafa is rarely forces struck 3 houses. crowded with displays, palestinians wiping out entire families in seconds. it comes from a new diplomatic efforts in conway to reach a ceasefire. honey,
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my main cuz the latest from rough more about the crowd is the body of young. they follow the boy had been shares from before, he was born. his name is dave, all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years have been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother, her daughter, her grand daughter, is her grandson, who is sending know they daughters and relatives everyone. they're all gone, all 10 of them. a little girl survived. she wasn't sleeping when monday's air strike him. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or will she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zones to the center for the distribution of a roof? i had become a refuge, but now it is a moore, and it could soon become
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a battle ground, as well as intensifying, get the talked and rub my head of a plan, the ground operations, people in gauze to have their eyes on egypt, where a how much delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations a that pausing the fighting. for some the discussions give little hope of the fall as i look at the. they carry out negotiations and things, but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the anesthetic no more. the cario negotiations. what is real strikes of the and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, south are bracing for the worse and even for more than others is the a rough palestine to head on the al jazeera on trial. so high trees and 9 men appear in close the case of trying to this through the gym and gum
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facing is on the way in today's parliamentary elections. with the opposition quoting for a major tenants and the growing political tension, the the hello, they will stop by looking at the weather in cross north america. and we've seen some severe storms. spock tornadoes across tornado alley. in the us, we could see more of those as that system works its way across the se, states. now, how does that? we all sing, lots of sunshine in july. a sky is the cities like new york and washington dc. we have some heavy rain, it's going to start to creep across the north, east of the us on into eastern parts of canada. nothings look pretty calm for texas as we go into choose de oklahoma as well. but we will see a batch of severe some of the stones once again developing across the midwest as we
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go into wednesday. behind that it is largely quiet for the west coast of the us. the scattering of snow however, continues to fall across the rockies with more winter weather. creeping is the western and central parts of canada. but lots of sunshine and dry skies are for the west coast of california. and those stretched down into mexico with a heat continues to dominate the picture, temperatures on the up for monterey as well as mexico city. we'll see those numbers continue to climb as we go into wednesday. lots of heat for western parts of cuba. but what picture further east for his spend your law of the 4 countless refugees english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of
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a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he selflessly sold to provide for his family, the c won't scare us with this on just the the welcome back to watching out of their mind at the top stories with our university students along with some of the teachers and local activities across the united states including for an end to the genocide and office. and he will demonstrate this have been arrested across the country. meanwhile,
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on the ground and gaza series of his rarely attacks that killed at least 30 palestinians in a mass of allies on monday morning. women and children are among the time on a home in prosecute 9 members of the same family. they have been renew diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire and gauze as these ready bombardment off the strip continues. us secretary of state, and the blinking is in saudi arabia. where he's been meeting with regional counterparts, some of our reports, us secretary of state and it blinks and hoping for move and just d between how about send these well, the good to be stalled stored ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal, how moss has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and
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a cease fire is the most. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement to mediate to tom and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, but becoming increasingly frustrated. task prime minister administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the conflict a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in our region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and
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every day and the guy so surprised that us officials hopping trying to build consensus for a post world, gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over when president mode of bass pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is why the conflict could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with these, well, as you by this is 0 and these 42 people have died off a down boosted springs in a town north of the canyon capital nairobi. what's the from the old to job oh, down washed away houses and console some major road search and rescue efforts also
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on the way. floods caused by on, usually heavy multitude reigns and killed thousands of people across east africa. since march captain suite is with them 1st and the crew county, the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the, for example, have been taking out the furniture of clothes and things like that just to get to fire ground. um, some of these houses have been destroyed mountain. this house, for example, has been you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident happened at around 3 am local time and they had the some loud rumbling noise. 7 some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them
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manage to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining. this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come down stream with so much force that he'd also uprooted. huge trees don't. can you see and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what i came with so much for i had to save myself with them. i then found a treat, which i glen to don't say that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keen. a hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly 0 my my hill,
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kenya. the sizes in target have gone to the poles and legislative elections on monday off the divisive change to the countries constitution. pardon and say it allows the president to extend his families decades loan grant on power. dudley's government isn't allowing gymnast to enter the country to report on the election. so nicholas hack is a reporting. i'm sending out not transparent enough and void of meaning says to goes opposition. its members say the latest legislative elections is employed by president sonya seem. bay to tighten his family's long hold on power in our country elections. i'm not the fast talk, not fair because all the institution involved in the process of the election, completely controlled by the government and the results of probably created by the
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government also. so election is just the eh, it probably to let's or the intellectual community. know that's all eh, we are organizing election the from time to time, but it's not it democracy for the last 61 years, the sing bay family has ruled over to ago in the old regime with a new constitution devoted in, in parliament, days before elections on monday, the tax has not been made public as seen, but it has not spoken publicly about the change to the constitution, but his supporters say it provides more stability in greater accounts ability from the head of state and the but then what is the issue is not whether we're parliamentary or presidential regime, the people want to know who will help put food on the table. of critics say it will allow nursing be to stay in power in. definitely, because the president would be chosen not by the people for the peace of running in
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this parliamentary election. unlike in 2018, the opposition did not boycott these elections, but it seems that people did out of the 4000000 to release, illegible to vote. few came out to cast their votes. those who did were mostly new, 1st time voters, challenging the old regime and in most pools, but this, i would have wanted to choose my precedence. i feel like the people should have a say own who runs the country. i'm unhappy with the change of the end of the presidential system. the accounting has started without the presence of many international observers or the foreign media both banned from covering the vote. critics of the regime say this election is another blow to democracy, serving itself, and not the people. nicholas hawk algae 0. the wording georgian dream policy is holding a rally to countess sundays protests against it's for an influence low is taking place in the counselor's simplicity. the day off
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a launch demonstration against the bow legislation will require organizations receiving funds from approved to register as foreign agents and say it could be used to track down on very critical of the government and damage. georges and visions of joining the european union. the russian forces have killed at least 4 people in a missile attack on the ukrainian city of odessa regional governess. the strike had also injured 8 people. civilian houses and roads have been damaged the full, the full scale invasion of ukraine. most of the country's gray next bullets passed through the black sea port city of today's of public speculation. the spanish prime minister says he will not resign as ro, sanchez says, claims of corruption involving his wife have made him consider his position, his wife again. no. gomez is being investigated for alleged corruption. sanchez insist that she is innocent. he dismissed the accusations of the campaign of
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political harassment. on the right, the trial of 9 men accused if they should sleep planning to vine in need of thread . the german government began and the city of stub got on monday. the suspects of parts of what is known as the right citizens group and include for for former soldiers they do not accept the german states as legitimate to not pushing to return to amana. ki camille. nothing like has more than this charged with high treason for crossing to over through with the german government. the 9 men on trial, allegedly part of the ministry wing of a fall and right to conspiracy group called the right citizens, these and development. and i think these on do units with task with enforcing the qu regionally bind military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular were to be eliminated around because.


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