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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the government challenges here where the for the discoveries and the rest. so the university of texas austin, student demonstrations against the war and also spread across the us campuses. the i'm sat me say them this is i'll just say we're a live from dell. so coming out protests at columbia university continue a students defy deadline to leave all face suspension. the us secretary of state
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needs, our leaders stepping up diplomatic pressure for a seas 5 deal in guns on trial for high treason. 9 man appeared and called accused of find to have a threat of the gym government the we begin in the us way. university students, some of the teachers and local activists, are ignoring the schools need to standing up against the warning garza. this was the scene that the university of texas austin, the past few hours. hundreds of students have been arrested across the country. state troopers detained several students who refused to leave. university administrations have grown increasingly intolerant and the nationwide protest movement students are demanding an end to the genocide and gaza. i'll just say it was highly jo, castro. it has the right is for the university of texas in austin. but protest is
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a vine to continue demonstrations despite the rest i was going to make sure the here on the you t, austin, kansas, kansas, monday morning. as a sign the stage by faculty in opposition to the way you t austin, to ministration has to test. has now a rough fit into a conflict or seen approach to my left. these are members of the youtube community or students, summer faculty members. reason they're holding umbrella is just a moment ago. there was pepper spray showing the other side. what, what i'm seeing here to my right or the police officers are now barricading against these protesters. what they're protecting them is a place where the. ready rest of processors and 43 people who were
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part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon with people setting up wandering around it, not position and refusing to disperse at the university harder. moment tents were arrested. we saw this police presence distant upon those protesters. then began arresting them one by one, dragging them away from the line to the ground where they had taken it and in hand taking them away. then just as we saw, protested, ending more members of the us showed they were in the last
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one of them gives me the english. tell me what is good about this moment. want to be here on the front line. my grandma and grandpa flood policy 9 and 1948. my mom, the 196-0000 the more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong side of history. who is using regression? because who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. we used to be on the right side of history. no one should suffer the way to call sydney. and what do you think of the way the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day, and the protesters there with additional ones who came as part of the ground by the
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10 the showed up here really motivated. why would they start from testing in the forwarding from the university and cancer student protests is that columbia university? i've been given an ultimatum. leave there in camp, and so face suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline, which has passed there, demanding educational institutions withdrawal, their investments from companies they say, are complicit in genocide. threats of both this update from columbia university in new york as hundreds and hundreds here in columbia university. they're demanding an end to the general side that they say it's happening in guys, either a. so demand that the columbia university stops investing in companies that are profiting from the war in guys that you can see them right. marching in the
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university, this is an emergency meeting because the students are holding any time in here see that they've been handing over a paper where they have identified themselves and they leave the campus for several days. now students have been camping right here in the center of 10 posts. they're demanding. as i said before, i see 5, are you guys on end to the war? they're also demanding that to this university hall, since investment in companies that profit on the war also. so university of president of columbia university says that they're trying to resolve the ongoing conflict. basically they say that they want to waste your freedom of speech while at the same time, allowing students in this university to feel safe. however, people here are saying that these are peaceful protests that they want to shed light on the suffering that is happening in gaza right now. what they're demanding
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is an end to the killing. i'm into the displacement and then under that is happening in gaza right now. pretty simple as just the, the new york kristin salumi has this update from yale university with thousands of students have been arrested. the university students have now set up their 2nd encampment. the 1st one was done and solidarity with columbia university students, but was taken down after just 3 days when police came in and arrested 44 students in the process. nevertheless, the students came back on sunday, setting up another in cameron about 40 tenths or on the scene. i spoke to one of the student protesters earlier about why they came back. the fact of the matter is your university never met our demands. our demands have not changed. they are disclosed. uh, financial investments start best from up in 20 fracturing, and the profiting off of the genocide in casa and to reinvest and then you have a community in education and food in affordable housing. and our demands remains
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that fast. you may have come interested students and community members, but what they did and what they failed to do with me or demands. so we're back. they've already said that they will not the best from is really weapons manufacturers or any weapons manufacturers that are supplying the israelis are there talks ongoing? yes, we're very um you know, we're very interested in and a trying to open channels with negotiations. a good faith with the university. we're obviously university obviously has been responding fairly aggressively and militant lead to peaceful student demonstration. but we're very steadfast. we're, you know, we're here to stay and we are committed to our demands. we recognize, we, i mean we've all been seeing life broadcast as the genocide that's happening in gaza. and until there's an end to y'all's complicity. and now we're, we're going to continue mobilizing, we're going to continue speaking out soon after the students return to the campus in their tents, they received
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a letter hand delivered from the dean of the university warning them that they were violating school policies and also warning them that they were risking or rest and possibly suspension. if they remain christian salumi, algebra, new haven, connecticut, a call. now the university in the state of new york is the spending enrollment for the day for students to participate in campus, protests demanding, and then to as well as oregon. school says this is because students that's helping uncommon to which they did not seek admission falls across many american universities. student protests is a setup and conference on the campuses. nicole and for the universities to withdraw investments companies with links to these right, the minute. sure. a lot of my colleagues, lilian side, spoke to nick wilson. he's a 2nd via graduate undergraduate student at cornell university. he was suspended 2 days ago for participating in a demonstration of the campus against installs for and gaza. is his side of the
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story. administration actually didn't even send out representatives to notify us that we had been suspended. i was at our encampment on the arts club. it's a lively community environment. lots of students learning from one another, creating art together. and suddenly i had several of my fellow organizers run up to me and asked me to check my e mail. when i was notified that i had been suspended. uh chronos, uh, suspended a total of 4 students so far. the people that they perceived to be public faces of the movement or sort of court organizer is an attempt to bring down our movement. i believe they, they did offer you an alternative location to protest, but you declined. and that was actually the reason for your effort for your suspension. yes, that's right. administration initially approached us and asked us to move from the arts cloud, which is the most central location on campus and the best populated location on campus. somewhere most students walk through on an arm of school. there are too much more secluded area in another area of campus. we had severe safety concerns
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about that area. it only had 2 points of entry and exit. so we're concerned about students being able to come and go freely, and it's also built into a slope. so it would have been significantly more difficult to pitch townsend camp every night there. and police of virginia commonwealth university has made arrests as sees find demonstration in the state capital richmond. local media report is protest is set up tents on monday, near the university library. police officers detain the activist because the state law prohibits, can ping on public property over night. at least 25 palestinians have been killed in his riley strikes on rough. it's very forces struck 3 houses, crowded with displaced palestinians, wiping out entire families in seconds. this comes and made new diplomatic efforts in colorado to reach us these 5. i mean my fluid has more from roughly more about the crowd is the body of young people. the boy had been shares from
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before. he was born. his name is dave all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother of her daughter, her grand daughter, is her grandson, whose son in? no, they daughters and relatives everyone. they're all gone. all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's air strikes. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or was she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zones to the center for the distribution of a roof. i had become a refuge, but now it is a moore, and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensifying gets a taco and rub my head of a plan,
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the ground operations. people in golf that have their eyes on egypt, where a mazda delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations, a, pausing the fighting. for some, the discussions give little hope of the fall as i like. i the, they carry out negotiations and things, but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the anesthetic no more. they carry out negotiations, what is real strikes? and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering and gaza solves, are bracing for the worse and even from what others are the rough palestine that have been renew diplomatic efforts. meanwhile, to reach a c 5 and gaza. is these ready bombardments of the strips? continues us secretary of state antony blinking is inside the re bill. it has been meeting with the regional count of pots. how sure. well, how about our reports? us secretary of state and it blinks and hoping for move. and just
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d between how may i send these, well, the good to restore installed ceasefire tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by the proposal, how mazda has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of his room. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. so they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators, katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, plus, becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoffs. prime minister administer the following up as says the biggest obstacle to lasting piece is the failure of the
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international community to solve the policy. and these by that conflict, a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day in the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus for the post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. when president mode i bass, a pointed and you a prime minister, how much rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the thought of seeing is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with,
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as well as trial by a 0. the still ahead and i'll just say, or at least 40 people are killed on swords down busted spanks in kenya. now there is at risk of, of, of slowing the high low they will stop by looking at the weather in cross north america. and we've seen some severe storms, spock tornadoes across tornado alley. in the us, we could see more of those as that system works its way across the se, states. now, how does that? we all sing? lots of sunshine in july of sky is the cities like new york and washington dc. there's some heavy rain that's going to start to creep across the north, east of the us and into eastern parts of canada. nothings look pretty calm for texas as we go into tuesday, oklahoma as well, but we will see
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a batch of severe thunderstorms once again developing across the midwest as we go into wednesday. behind that it is largely quiet for the west coast of the us. the scattering of snow however, continues to fall across the rockies with more winter weather. creeping is the western and central parts of canada. but lots of sunshine and dry skies for the west coast of california, and those stretched down into mexico where the heat continues to dominate the picture. temperature is only up for monterey as well as mexico city. we'll see those numbers continue to climb as we go into wednesday. lots of heat for western parts of cuba, but a wet picture further east for his span jala. the hey listings in the gaza strip as is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best the the welcome back time. to recap, the headlines now. university students, along with some of the teachers and local activists across the united states, have been calling for an end to the genocide in gaza. hundreds of anti well demonstrations interested across the country. on the ground in gauze or
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a series of his right. the attacks killed at least 30 palestinians in the matter of hours a monday morning. women and children are among the tags that attack on a home and are off killed. 9 members of the same family. renewed diplomatic pushes on the way to reach us these firing guns us secretary of state. and so they blinking us in saudi arabia where he met with the regional counts of pods. meanwhile, and how much says it's willing to move forward. these funds folks and kyra b y says 5 is riley minute for units were responsible for gross violations of human rights. the incidents in the occupied westbank took place before as well began its war on october, the 7th and gaza. despite the findings, the state department's side units had not been sanctioned. public all hand explains . for weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results
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of its investigation into whether certain units and israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the suckers secretary of state themselves and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside the united states that says no us military aid can go to those units. while we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel
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provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. but file of 9 man accused of old viciously planning to violently over throw. the german government began in the city of should've gone till monday. the suspects pod was known as the rice citizens group and include full of soldiers. they do not accept the gym spaces adjustment that are pushing through a ton to a monarchy. command that the like has more charged with high treason for crossing to over through with the german government. the 9 men on trial, allegedly part of the ministry wing of a phone rights, conspiracy, group court, the reich, citizens these and development. and i think these on 2 units were tasked with enforcing the to regionally by military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular, were to be eliminated as part of the soap, the coaches this included telling them the costs will hit. they try to recruit to
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police officers, soldiers, and veterans, to orchestrate the crew. they planned to topple the german government by storming the parliament and the resting and peas. uninstalling instead, a german prince heinrich the 15th, the voice of lita. p to no faces trial. prosecute to say police found over $300.00 guns and over $800.00 of the weapons belonging to the group. sorry to be going in this opposite spot. this space occurred to criminal case is probably one of the biggest in history. it's extraordinarily expensive in the fall, is that up to around $700.00 launch folders and 400000 pages under 1000 flats full . i'm a member of parliament with jeremy's fall, right? a if the policy is so going trial in the coming months along with 16 others, some 20000 shipments belong to the rank citizens conspiracy movement which does not recognize but of just miss c of the gen state and believes its lead is to be p to
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files the people on trial are accused of being ready to use finance to achieve that aims. community back out is era. the head of nato yen stalls and bug was in k for a surprise visit ukraine in president below them is that in ski, says mitre aid from western allied needs to arrive foster, and that without it, russian forces will make gains on the battlefield. town home and it's in kids with details. it was a non announced visit from the head of knights or again, stoughton bags. the keys at to see you cranium. president floated me, is a landscape and they held a brief press conference for president, for landscape. opportunity to talk about military from is especially by the united states is $61000000000.00 military a package. and he said that it's starting to ride that needs to be sped up. it needs to arrive to move quickly that way from ray. he said that without it, russian forces were, are you going to make gains on the battlefield?
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and that is already happening. the head of you cranes on suicide sunday, the ukrainian booth at the huts retreat from free villages in the east. and they were taxed on several points of the road. 1000 columbus, the front line on the part of the head of night. so i in stoughton, but he was keen to reassure, i guess, president as lensky, same as if there was a commitment to provide. i did talk about a multi year financial commitment as an idea. and he's speaking about that because of the modem of military ice. ukraine tends to arrive for me is i live in one of the packages. and obviously there's concern among those that support the country about what happens if those types start to dry up. for example, not $61000000000.00 package from the united states that hold up in congress for months. so at the end of the state. so great is, could you be president craig and needed to add defense tech cities. it's energy
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plots. and so what i'm trying to do is right away, john holman, out to see the chief ukraine. at least 46 people have died out through a damn boasted spanks in a town north of the canyon capital live, rosie, also from the old could job aid them, washed away houses and cut off a major road, search and rescue efforts around the y customer and so is where the dam bus counselor, the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the for example, have been taking out um the furniture uh, clothes and things like that. uh, just to get uh to fire ground. um some of these houses have been destroyed. now this house, for example, has been, you know, there was
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a room here that has been destroyed. the incident happened at around 3 am little close time. and they had this, a loud rumbling noise, as some of them came out to see what's happening. some of them managed to escape. people just trying to figure out where they're going to sleep. tonight of rescue efforts have been suspended because it has started a raining this is what happened. a dunbar sits banks closing water to come downstream with so much force that he'd also uprooted huge trees. duncan knew, see and lost everything in the floods. he's trying to get what he can from the ruins for me when i came out of my house, they what came with so much for i had to save myself with them. i then found
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a tree which i glen to john says that he doesn't have anywhere to sleep tonight and he does not have a change of clothes as well. and it's not just keep. hundreds of people have been displaced here. and the rain keeps pounding. catherine slowly as is 0 my, my hill came, you know, versus into the, going to the polls and legislative elections on monday on through a divisive change. so the countries constitution opponent site allows the president to extend his families decades long grip on power the target. he's government isn't allowing journalist when to the country was her full from the election. nicholas hawk is reporting from senegal. not transparent enough and void of meaning says to goes opposition. its members say the latest legislative elections is employed by president sonya seem bay to tighten his family's long hold on power in our country
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elections. i'm not fast talk, not fair because all the institution involved in the process of the election, completely controlled by the government and the results of probably created by the government also. so election is just uh, is it pretty to let's or the intellectual community? no, that's all eh, we are organizing election the from time to time, but it's not it democracy for the last 61 years, the thing the family has ruled over to ago. and the old regime with a new constitution voted in, in parliament, days before elections. on monday, the text has not been made public as seen, but it has not spoken publicly about the change to the constitution, but his supporters say it provides more stability in greater accounts ability from the head of state and the but then what is the issue is not whether we're
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parliamentary or presidential regime, the people want to know who will help put food on the table. critics say it will allow guessing beat to stay in power in definitely because the president would be chosen not by the people for them piece of running in this parliamentary election, or unlike in 2018, the opposition did not boycott these elections, but it seems the people did out of the 4000000 to galleys, illegible to vote. few came out to cast their votes. those who did were mostly new, 1st time voters, challenging the old regime and in most pools. but this, i would have wanted to choose my precedence. i feel like the people should have a say on who runs the country. i'm happy with the change and the end of the presidential system. the counting has started without the presence of many international observers or the foreign media both banned from covering the vote. critics of the regime say this election is another blow to democracy, serving itself and not the people. nicholas hawk algae 0 tesla bought it on
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mosque is made a surprise visit to badging to seal the deal with one of the china is largest ultimate because under the agreement most would sell the self driving software used in tests the cause to his new partners. katrina, you reports from badging in china is basically competitive electric vehicles in the industry. steam ahead of rivals is increasingly difficult. but that's exactly what tesla c or even mosque is trying to do as good as the electric vehicles making progress in the future must of the get his surprise visit to china on sunday between premier lead chung and they changed one of the world, the richest man was reportedly here to discuss the rollout of the test was full, so driving software and ask for physicians and transferred chinese data to the us. tesla has sold more than 1700000 cause in china since entering the market a decade ago.


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