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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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always come 1st of the $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence, the copies and the rest of the university of texas austin, that student demonstrations against the morning garza spread across us campuses. the signing say them, this is al serra live from dell. also coming up, the us secretary of state meets our lead, the stepping up diplomatic pressure for a seas 5 dealing guns. indonesia is wrong. volcano erupts,
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again forcing more evacuations, raising the low to its highest level on trial for high treason. 9 man, appear in, quote, accuse of planning to bestow the german government news . as we begin in the us, why university students, some of the teachers and local acts of a saw, ignoring the schools leadership and standing up against the war and gaza face was the scene at the university of texas, austin, in the past few hours. hundreds of students have been arrested across the country. state troopers detained several students who refused to leave university administrations of grown increasingly intolerance. of the nationwide protest movement. students are calling for an end to genocide and garza. l g. a 0 is highly jo, castro has that is from the university of texas in austin. my protest is of boeing
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to continue it has been entered here on the you t austin campus. and it's monday morning as a sign the stage by faculty in opposition to the way you t austin administration has to test, has now run into a conflict or seen approach to my left. these are members of the community, your students. some of the faculty members, reason they're holding umbrella is just a moment ago, there was pepper spray showing the other side. what, what i'm seeing here to my rights or the police officers are now barricading against these protesters. what they're protecting them is a place where the previously the rest of processors and 43 people who was
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part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon when people setting up wandering around it position and using to disperse at the university harder moment tents were arrested we saw this police presence stand upon those protesters of them again and resting them one by one, dragging them away from the line to the ground where they had taken it and taking them away. then just as we saw, that protested, ending more members of the us showed they were in the last, it gives
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me the english. tell me what is good about the moment that made you want to be here on the front line. my grandma and grandpa flood policy 9 and 1948. my mom, the 196-0000 the struggle are more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong side of history using regression because it was peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. we'd be on the right side of history. no one should suffer the way to call sidney. and what do you think of the way that the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day. there with the additional one of the team as part of the ground by the 10,
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the showed up here really motivated. why would they start from testing in the forwarding from the university of chances of cancer and student protests is at columbia university. have been given an ultimatum, leave their encampments or the suspension. they were given a 2 pm deadline, which has now passed the bonding educational institutions withdrawal, their investments, and companies, which they say all complicit in genocide to rise above and thought this update from columbia university hundreds and hundreds here in columbia university. they're demanding an end to the general side that they say it's happening in guys, either a. so demand that the columbia university stops investing in companies that are profiting from the war in guys that you can see them right. marching in the
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university, this is an emergency meeting because the students are holding any time in here say that they've been handing over a paper where they have identified themselves and they leave the campus for several days. now students have been camping right here in the center of 10 posts. they're demanding, as i said before, a c side. are you guys on end to the war? they're also demanding that to this university halls, this investment in companies that profit on the war also. so university, the president of columbia university says that they are trying to resolve the ongoing conflict. basically they say that they want to waste your freedom of speech while at the same time, allowing students in this university to feel safe. however, people here are saying that these are peaceful protests that they want to shed light on the suffering that is happening in gaza right now. what they're demanding
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is an end to the killing. i'm into the displacement. i meant to hunger that is happening in gaza. right now, pretty simple as just the uh, new york kristin salumi has this update from yeah, of university with thousands of students have interested that the university students have now set up their 2nd encampment. the 1st one was done and solidarity with columbia university students. but was taken down after just 3 days when police came in and arrested 44 students in the process. nevertheless, the students came back on sunday, setting up another in cameron about 40 tenths or on the scene. i spoke to one of the student protesters earlier about why they came back. the fact of the matter is your university. you never met our demands. our demands have not changed. they are disclosed. financial investments are best for more than 20 fracturing, and the profiting off of the genocide in casa and to reinvest, and then you have
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a community in education and food in affordable housing. and our demands remain steadfast. you may have come at a rest of the students and community members, but what they did, what they failed to do with me or demands. so we're back. they've already said that they will not the best from is really weapons manufacturers or any weapons manufacturers that are supplying these rallies. are there talks ongoing? yes, we're very um, you know, we're very interested in and a trying to open channels. so if negotiations a good faith with the university, we're obviously university obviously has been responding fairly aggressively and militant lead to peaceful student demonstration. but we're very steadfast. we're, you know, we're here to stay and we are committed to our demands. we recognize, we, i mean we've all been seeing why broadcast as the genocide that's happening in gaza and until there's an end to yes complicity. and now we're, we're going to continue mobilizing, we're going to continue speaking out soon after the students return to the campus
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in their tents, they received a letter hand delivered from the dean of the university warning them that they were violating school policies and also warning them that they were risking arrest and possibly suspension. if they remain christian salumi, algebra, new haven, connecticut, among the student protests is on us college campuses are also many faculty members who are calling for an end to as well. as for on garza, we spoke to one professor at the university of california in los angeles, who regularly meets with the students and the protest come to ensure that out full behind on the academic projects. i'm randall cuen. i'm a professor of public health at years of california. los angeles. put simply the situation in gaza is, is completely intolerable at this point. tens of thousands have been killed. it's taking you. i'm starting to do work on the impacts on life expectancy,
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which here are devastating even some you know, compared to any number of other of the most unimaginable humanitarian disasters. that in genocide that we seen on the we're on the border of famine and for us as a university. right, well we have to deal with what we have to reckon with is the fact that every university in, in gaza has been described as a professor. i find it repugnant to sit by while professors are being killed. roswell hartwell, academic buildings are being bombed, relentless. they are ready to get arrested in order to shine a light on the humanitarian situation. and we need to honor that an they've just been doing an amazing job, and we need to, you know, that's, we've done our jobs, we've taught them well. the university of california has, uh, has an,
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an investment strategy that indicates that there should be ethical principles. and not, not investing in countries that and companies that are harming this kind of aggression is part of that. i'm so part of the studies for so many reasons. speaking, speaking truth and speaking with compassion internationally and most of all, they're not compromising on their goals. they want you see, to divest and, and we support them in making their voices heard. at least 25 palestinians have been killed in his riley strikes on. the roof is ready for us is struck. 3 houses crowded with displaced palestinians, wiping out entire families in seconds. this comes and made new diplomatic efforts in cairo to reach a cease fire. hi me. my hood has more from ramallah. so much more about the crowd is the body of young people. the boy had been shares from
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before. he was born. his name is dave all which means caste in arabic. and he was indeed a guest. he came as a guess of to his parents wished for him for so long of 10 years been 10 people were killed in the same family. the mother, her daughter, her grand daughter's her grandson, whose son didn't know their daughters and relatives everyone, they're all gone. all 10 of them. this little girl survived. she was sleeping with monday's air strikes. we took her from under the rubble. thank god. she is 2 months old. will she holding a rocket or will she standing near tanks from palestinian city to designated safe zones to the center for the distribution of a roof. i had become a refuge. but now it is a moore, and it could soon become a battle ground, as well as intensifying get the talked on rob, i heard of a plan,
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the ground operations, people and guys have their eyes on egypt were a how mazda delegation is conducting a new round of negotiations a that pausing the fighting for some discussions, give little hope of the fall as i look at the, the carry out negotiations and things. but we feel like this is all in vain. it's like they're giving us the man is that it no more. they carry out negotiations, what is real strikes? and as those as tries continue more than a 1000000 palestinians filtering in gaza, south are bracing for the worst. anyone from what was the rough palestine. so as being renewed diplomatic efforts to reach us these firing ga, service based writing bombardment of the strength continues us secretary of state anthony blinking is inside the arabian, where he's been meeting with the regional count the pods, harsher about how about our reports. us secretary of state and it blinks and hoping
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for more than just the between how may i send these? well the good to be stalled stalled ceased by tools. he says, how boss should accept and use by any proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of his room. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is on us. they have to decide, and they have to decide quickly how mazda dismisses accusations. it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement. the immediate to is guitar and egypt continuing to explore chances for a new one. but becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoff is probably minutes to administer the following up,
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as says the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these, by the complex a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the blood seed everywhere and every day and the gas and striking us officials hopping, trying to build consensus for a post will gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode i boss a pointed and you'll probably minutes a how mass rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is why the conflict could
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encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with a, as well as you bought by a 0 still, i had an al jazeera and these falls and people are killed also a damn busted bang soon. can you go on? another is at risk of overflowing the the had low, they will have a look at africa in a moment. first to the middle east and live and, and this is very unsettled whether it's come over the next few days in this region, thanks to a slow moving area of low pressure is bringing the rain across into iraq eventually on with iran as well. and we are expecting some very heavy falls across the saudi arabia. suddenly on wednesday, you can see the heavy rain affecting eastern areas. we could see some flooding from
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that. that rain will push its way further east into katasha, as well as the united arab emirates. and to give you an example, if you look at the full costs for doha, we can see some scott to show us on tuesday with the potential of thunder storms and some very strong winds to take us through to 1st day. now what weather is also the story across the north west of africa. we've got some showers moving from morocco into algeria to nicea as well. that seems to unsettled whether moving across the mediterranean. so the south of this as long as you july, and i'm very hard to close that central band. but we'll see more in the way of wet to weather around the gulf of guinea on wednesday. and much all the weather across southern parts of africa remains out to sea. it's very hot to enjoy for the south of this full south africa. the the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have
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a site in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . the, [000:00:00;00] the only thing out to 0 time to recount those headlines. university students, along with some of the teachers and local activists across the us and been calling
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for an end to the genocide and casa hundreds of anti will, demonstrates is of interest across the country. renew diplomatic pushes on the way to reach a ceasefire and gaza. us secretary of state and city blinking is in savvy arabia where he met with the regional count. the father in law says it's willing to move forwards, it sees thoughts, wilkes and kyra for us, says 5 is right. the minute for unit so responsible for gross violations of human rights. the incidents and the occupied westbank took place before it's all began its war on cause were in october, despite the findings, the state department said the units not being sanctions private call hi and explains the 4 weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units in israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the secretary secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the
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determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside the united states that says no us military aid can go to those units. while we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. while anthony lowenstein is an
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independent journalist and author of the palestine lamar tree, that's a book on these roles and surveillance industry joins us now from sydney. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, these, the us as israel has remediated the violations. what exactly does that mean since there's been no showing of evidence of any remediation steps? no, really even explanation of details about what steps have been taken. i wish i knew what that was actually mentioned in this context, because i also said that they would continue providing weapons to those units, which pretty much speaks for itself. look, this is really a case i think that's we say over and over and over again. and they really, he's really eva accountability so so it is in the west bank that are committing crimes. we think these are a little aligned to us. it's funding item. and even when an american citizen is killed, american journalist, others, the america seems to be very little like this. now,
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why us announce the snow off days is anyone's guess. my prediction would be 2 things. briefly. one, there is definitely an awareness within the white house. the growing now them as a particularly young americans of so disillusioned with speedy find administration in the election either type of thing. she will not talk football. i didn't come the band. and secondly, it is actually growing angry to one's blood and making the state department nice thing, not in the soul. so saying that, but other people who are on public and say we're at rage by what the state department is doing or not doing in relation to god 0 the west bank. and in fact is finally, you know, what is it talking about before october 7th. but certainly, since there's been an explosion of sigma and is really soldier violence in the west bank towards color skinny. and so it shows like a lot of empty woods. anthony, the us state department did not speak about accountability. how much hope is that in his rel, establishing accountability for itself,
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given the findings of several international human rights groups. i'm looking at statements, amnesty international, december, 8th, human rights watch. april 4th. even bates selling these right of human rights groups saying, quote, is really authorities of proven they cannot investigate, suspected violations of international humanitarian law, as i know. and we'll know. and then of course, is to steve, the meeting with the needs riley has a potentially they sort of things car to the i. c. c or other kinds of international bodies. ok, starkly. he's rarely so just let alone people hire up generals bailey, in favor of investigating little and prosecuted. i mean, the right of palestinians that are being killed, arranged in the west bank again long before october 7, but certainly accelerated sense is latrice thousands upon thousands. i mean, what site is doing about this is that since october 7 and its of course has been happening as a quote administrator detention thousands upon thousands of palestinians have been
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arrested since october 7th in the west bank. put in essentially black halls within is riley giles and allegations of serious allegations the kings of what happened around guantanamo bay, soon after $911.00, to torture starvation, really serious allegation. so the idea that the us is somehow interested in dealing with those units, some of thing almost certainly are involved in more recent problems or crime since october 7. and it's been reported recently is right. the officials have been speaking about the possibility of the international criminal court taking action against them. how is the us position shaping up on international efforts to try and hold israel accountable and might be good to, to remind us and to the about that us little that actually gives the united states itself the right to use force to count a i, c, c, arrest warrants,
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some and one thing in relation to these, as i say stories, lucy, take it to some extent with the grain of salt, but basically we make it different use in the coming days a weeks. but it's not really clear with his credits. he's coming from beyond his riley sources and potentially as riley government administered as possible, be leaking to these rarely press to try to put pressure on outside forces. natalie, the us of us has hated the say, say for years, because they don't want their own soldiers or generals or politicians to be put on trial for what happened, for example, near the rock or afghanistan in the last 20 years. this little that you rivera, and so it was put in place to buy the bush administration, soon after $911.00, which essentially gives the us a parent power to own. let us use military force within the hay, which is a different country in europe to free any american service men or women or others who are in detention minutes and of so insane loads that are obviously being put in place. i mean, if the, i say, say bruce and andrew just allies,
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right. and not just for any us personnel issue, i just want to go do allies in data allies to absolutely, and i mean of the fear of course, that many western states have of the i say say it's very clear not the state of the is as prosecuted many also people to be sure, but it generally viewed correctly by the global south as black leaders from africa and a handful of others that has never been in these riley american, british australian general politician sold, you know, in front of the, i say, say so the fee a that the us would have if they sort of thing happened against israel, was that that would then move on to the us. so if you say, say move forward with these with serious, they've evidence that these rallies deliberately starving palestinians in gaza, lelona and killing them on a mass scale america. all my certainly we need to be and that might not be militarily, but that would sanction she usually the,
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i say say which the trump administration did it in the last 10 full body and one office of fees ago. alright, thanks so much under low and seen the a. thank you. now the trial of 9 man accused of old viciously planning to vinyl on the other side of the german government began in the city of stood god on monday. the suspects a pot of what's known as the rice citizens, groups that includes form of soldiers. they do not accept the german states as legitimate and pushing through a ton to a monarchy. coming on that like has more charged with high treason for crossing to over through with the german government. the 9 men on trial, allegedly part of the ministry wing of a phone rights conspiracy group called the right citizens. these and development. and i think these on 2 units were tasked with enforcing the 2 regionally bind military means to this end. local representatives of the existing state old in particular were to be eliminated as part of the so called coaches. this included
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killing them, the course will hit, they try to recruit to police officers, soldiers, and veterans to orchestrate the crew. they planned to topple the german government by storming the parliament and the resting impedes. uninstalling instead a german prince heinrich the 15th, the voice of lita, p to no faces trial, prosecute to say police found over $300.00 guns and over $800.00 other weapons belonging to the group. sorry to be going in this opposite spot for this space occurred to criminal case is probably one of the biggest in history. it's extraordinarily expensive. the fall is not up to around 700 launch folders and 400000 pages. if you want a 1000 lots to the full, i'm a member of parliament with jeremy's fall, right? a if the policy is so going trial. in the coming months, along with 16 of this, some 20000 shipments belong to the rank citizens conspiracy movement, which does not recognize but of dismiss, see of the gen state,
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and believes that fleet is to be to files. the people on trial are accused of being ready to use violence to achieve the aims. community back out to 0. china says it successfully expelled philippine vessels from waters. the incident took place on monday over the contest in scarborough show. the philippine coast guard says one of the vessels sustained damage by chinese volta kevin, a naval forces established a barrier to keep them away from the remote rece, licensed in a series of disputes at sea between the 2 countries and an easier as mount throng volcano erupted several times on tuesday morning forcing if i q ations ok, no sense. the town of ash, moulding 5 kilometers into the sky, leading authorities to close a nearby international level, bounce ryan volcano in no sort of ways. the province is erupt in more than half
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a dozen times this month. and at least 46 people have died after them bust its banks in a town north of the canyon capital nairobi water from the old coach. abby: them washed away houses and cut off a major road, search and rescue assets. or on the way, months close by. on usually heavy monsoon rains of killed thousands of people across africa since small catherine. so it is where the dam boost in the crew county. the people here in this town are in so many are just trying to solve age wherever they can. this on the for example, have been taking out the furniture of clothes and things like that just to get us to higher ground. so some of these houses have been destroyed mountain this house, for example, has been you know, there was a room here that has been destroyed. the incident


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