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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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which is 0, the the hello i, mario, minimize the welcome to the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes for us here, just from the international criminal court, or a forcibly gathering testimony onto the discovery of mass graves. it's to gaza. hospitals the us find 5 is riley minutes for you and it's responsible for human rights violations before the war in gaza, but says they won't be sanctioned. the government's interest at university of texas is student demonstrations against the war and gaza spread across the us campuses. and indonesia, as
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a rule on volcano and rocks again, forcing more evacuations, raising the look to its highest level the island. welcome to the program. prosecutors from the international criminal culture, reportedly interviewing stuff into hospitals in the gaza strip. that saw the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies recovered from the 3 mass graves on the grounds of the north side hospital in hon. eunice this month. the remains of thousands more people were assumed at the o, schiffer, hospital and gauze, especially often in his riley siege of the facility. both hospitals will laugh badly damaged and out of service often is riley troops withdrew. tarik, i will assume, joins is live now from ross site in southern gaza. what can you tell us then about the presence of investigators from the international criminal court and what they
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will be doing and gaza? of the yes, according to media reports, the 1st acute says in the international criminal course. i have interviewed medics who have been subbing in the 2 largest hospitals across the territory who are talking about medics operating the industry about medical facility in the north of the strip um even enough for hospital in the south. as according to those medics who have been asking to not be identified in order to guarantee the own safety step in saying that for secuity is from the i. c. c. have been receiving their own testimonies about possible crimes being committed in and regardless to run it specifically induce to hospitals that have been stormed to by these body forces in light of the ongoing military encouraging of the strip. and it's worth mentioning back to the international criminal quotes office of bruce acute did not till now
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commence on ongoing operational efforts and investigations being made in order to ensure the safety of the victims. and also the eye witnesses. scott's health ministry to now does not provide any further details about such investigations of being made and things like that. one is being changed from a medical stuff across the guns as trip. now i bought these ready for a minister benjamin. it's in. yeah. who has said that the ice ccs actions will not fix on the is very policy on the ground as they are trying to guarantee the full protection for the is very soon just under the leadership of the is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and it's worth mentioning back that we currently remember that those 2 hospitals have time to be military bases, as a doses on hundreds of bodies have been recovered from both hospitals. after that gets very what the trouble from such areas leaving behind and raising alarms regarding potential genocide, the acts being committed in such areas. meanwhile,
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all right, cuz i've been more as riley or, and drone attacks coming, palestinians in the, the site up camp. and also in gaza. city yes, that's silly, right to the there was never any kind of let's hop in strikes. no, an aunt terry bombardments by the is what you're talking to you not 3 units. we have 70 bucks in the past hour. we've been recruiting more tax and roughly district as a result, trolanda has been hated the western side of the city with no casualties till now have been reported, but seemingly to situation sounds critically deteriorating in the most. oh, as overnight strikes hot talking to a residential compound that destroyed 7 houses. that sounds to be at directly mc as the medical uh it'd be the guns and hills ministry did not report on any casualties being arriving to its hospitals in the notes of this trip. witnesses
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have been confirming that they have been subjected to protestants off to the bottom and in the most of us are rock truck is ready for instance, have been using intensively within the past couple of days admitted to quite up to drums that's releasing sounds of babies women holding for help and ongoing suppressive barnett come on, boost residential, are still trapped on the intense bombing campaign in the newest abundance of roger if you do tabs and also in areas not a jason to see a ton of these regulations in the area that is very close to mid serene junction where they have recently establishing military chic points on military times. that could be a sense of the potential military attacks. of course, this trip dark, i was him. thank you very much for bring us up to date to with all the latest happenings, aaron gauze that reporting to this from rafa us and other developments the you and stop court is set to roll on a request for germany to hold military a,
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to israel. the case was followed by nicaragua, which argues that violin is failing to prevent genocide or uphold international humanitarian law. it's the latest case involving israel before the international force of justice. south africa approach, the court in december, choosing israel of committing genocide. and then the u. s. has found 5 is writing minutes for you and is responsible for gross human rights violations in the occupied westbank. this is the 1st time washington has reached such a conclusion. now these incidents took place before the war on gaza in october. despite the findings, the state department said the units have not been sanctioned as equal height and explains. for weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units and israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the suckers secretary of state himself. and to me, blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is
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important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's loss inside the united states. it says, no, us military aid can go to those units. well, we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how do israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. let's go to stephanie co joining us now from occupied easters. and so we've known for at least
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a couple of days now that washington is considering the in position of sanctions on this is riley military battalion accused of abuses against palestinians. tell us more about this military unit and their alleged activities a yes, this came out last week. the next uh, using the baton. yeah. and they are an older orthodox battalion, a lot of the soldiers there actually live in the occupied west bank. so last week when we covered it, the americans, it said that they would be sanctioning this particular unit. this unit was moved out of the west bank in 2022. when the incident happened, one of the incidents i believe to be part of the charges is that they killed the 78 year old palestinian american jewel citizen. they found him guide to him and left him to die and sub freezing temperatures in the occupied west. back now you were mentioning there are 4 other battalions. they haven't been named,
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but you were talking about, you heard patty, they're questioning what allegations this will came to light with an investigation . an article pro probably call an american body just a couple of weeks ago. they have a few of the allegations including the 78 year old kind of thing, the americans i mentioned, but they also accused the border please. this is not part of the army, but it is part of the security forces saying extrajudicial cummings by the border police. and then one other allegation they mention, these are the only 3 that didn't the interrogators tortured and raped a teenager accused of throwing more the tub caulked out. so the bigger picture is this. you heard there from patty. they believe that 4 of us have remediation, meaning they're now fine and they will continue to receive military. a. vanessa who does the time in last week wasn't going to receive military. now they've given israel more time to look into it. so why? because of the massive backslash at the time if you have israel's biggest allies,
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biggest supplier admitted to a actually recognizing in a way that it security forces are responsible for gross human rights violations against the policy. it's something that the palestinians will tell you, happens on a daily basis. there's been mounts and by flashes when he prime minister are saying that he would fight any sense since personally you have the minister of defense. you. i'd really across the political spectrum because you simply do not criticized the army in israel. so i think significantly start telling me that this is now being highlighted that the american recommendations is that some of you should be shocked in. but interesting as you heard from party, is that you effective date, uh, blink. and had been sitting on this report since december. and so far, really nothing has been done about it. thank you very much. stephanie deca. it's not bringing so long. shake is the founder of the piece building organization, the shepherds and the former un official. and it's important to bear in mind that
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there's been a long running history of violence against palestinians and the occupied west bank . but this has seen up a shot big situation since october. the, the involvement of this particular battalion proceeds october and it seems as though washington is going in the direction of no imposing sanctions. as far as we know, whether it's positive of putting that we've seen with united states and the by the ministration have provided cover and made excuses for the actions of 5 minutes and then yeah, it is government. and those are the is rarely ami um, on the ground that cannot hold. the rules of closing in international law has to be administered. otherwise, we will see the event of typically joe biden, but also western countries effectively cannibalizing international law and the rules based international order which they themselves sets up after the
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horrors of the 2nd world will tell me, has not already happened, as well as yes, of course we have ample evidence and those who have committed those grave violations of international humanitarian law. whether they are have us or other palestinian groups, but also these riley army where they have been disproportionate from the stats in terms of their operations. but of course, as you said, this has happened for a very long time. this cannot continue and you know, the rest of the world. as i go through diplomatic offices and capitals around the world that everyone knows that there is a, there is now a grace situation. and it's probably, again, the binding administration coming back to your original question. which can turn us away from, from where we all right. and in terms of the grey situation,
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it seems as though we are seeing countries in the developing world, in the global south, but a taking measures to try and push back against it. we've just mentioning that nicaragua had initiated proceedings against germany. this is back in march that we're going to see some progress on that today. accusing filing of facilitating genocide and gauze that by providing support to israel. how important is this case? not just for garza, but for any state that manufacturers and supplies weapons that ultimately used to commit violations of international humanitarian law. which should be of great concern to belle. it should be a grave concern to the german chancery because it's something which i believe is a part of attacking which will continue to see what we've seen outside of africa. originally initiate the the case in the i, c, j against israel. and now we see the nicaragua and the global south, which we need as part of the alliance and the changing to
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a politics of the globe is no longer accepting that. and it is a reason why i think europe in capitals and washington again have to think really hard about their actions, including the supply of weaponry. and today's riley, i mean, offensive weaponry and which is now also reflected in the campuses of universities that i myself seen in paris or in washington. and, but i suppose in recognizing that these crimes are taking place, given washington's incredible financial and military support. israel that, that then they would be some sort of recognition that they to compress it. and what is happening a while. it was inside caitlin's house, but this is the case being made by americans. this is the case being made by germans or other europeans, and it's being made by those young people, particularly in the united states who do matter. we have
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a 1968 moment in my view thing on right now. and you remember what happened in 1968 . the democratic convention was held in chicago in august. well, it's going to happen again this year in 1960 this year in 2024. and if this war does not stop, if we don't then start to rebuild gaza and allow the population to to be able to go back to their homes. as well as to hold accountable. those who have the parts of the great violations of international matter law, which have taken place. then i fear that president biden is going to meet the same fate. and that's uh, the democrats did then in 1968 when they lost the election. and then in terms of the significance of what is happening, you mentioned the student prototypes, and perhaps something we've not seen before is that we now see teachers and
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professors that are prepared to get involved who was facing disciplinary action. and in some cases, sacrificing the reputations and careers in order to take us down does not surprise you. not entirely. no. i think it's something we've seen before. but it's the weight of evidence. of course, we've seen it in the past in terms of other protest movements. i, myself was leading the anti apartheid group in my university in the 199-2000. but uh, but, you know, it's, it's a particularly high can situation. now. i think back to when i used to visit professor ed woodside in columbia university, when i was working for the you. and when i was actually working for the un, released piece on the boy. and he always said that you cannot hold truth back. and that is what we're saying now. so long share. thank you very much. thank you.
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well, us centers, i don't see blinking is in the region. he's heading to jordan and israel list. and the latest diplomatic push for a ceasefire talks to begin again. and on gaza now this follows meetings, regional leaders and saudi arabia. on monday, this has been can 7th visits to them, at least since the war began. he's saying that there is a new proposal that has been put time us. and of course, he's urging the group to accept his passion, well, by reports on this now us secretary of state and it blinking, hoping for moves and just the between how may i send these? well, the good to respond stored ceasefire tools. he says how math should accept and use variety proposal. how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. so they have to decide and they have to decide quickly
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how much dismisses accusations it's delaying seized by a deal. the group that controls gauze blames these by the prime minister for putting his own political survival ahead of a last thing agreement, and mediators, katasha and egypt. continuing to explore chances for a new one, plus, becoming increasingly frustrated. cutoffs. prime minister administer the following up as says, the biggest obstacle to lasting peace is the failure of the international community to solve the policy. and these by the conflict a lot of efforts must be exhausted to sort out the military escalation. for the sake of all countries in that region, we need to bring peace to the middle east. the international community has failed to find a solution to the palestinian cause. thus we now see the bloodshed everywhere and every day and the gases starting us officials hopping trying to build consensus
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for a post world, gaza. they initially said they want to see a new policy a forward to take over. i, when president mode, i bass pointed and you a prime minister, how much rejected the move as a be trial. and there's another reason why the us, once a deal soon, the americans believe a long term political solution to the policy and is riley conflict. could encourage saudi arabia and many out of nations to establish diplomatic ties with, as well as, while by a 0 university students teach as an active, as in the us have been defined authorities to protest against the war and gaza and to the colleges. financial links to israel. this is the scene of the university of texas in austin on monday, a wed, dozens of people were arrested. nearly a 1000 protests have been detained at campuses, country wide in 2 weeks of demonstrations. many angry of what they see is
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a heavy handed response by police and college administrators. i did. your counselor has moved from that demonstration in austin. or it has been it makes sure the here on the you t austin campus. and it's monday morning as a sign the stage by faculty in opposition to the way you t austin and ministration has to test has now run into a conflict or seen approach to my left. these are members of the youtube community or students, summer faculty members. reason they're holding umbrella to go there with pepper spray. show you the other side. what, what i'm seeing here to my rights are the police officers, are now barricading against these protesters. what they're protesting behind them is a place where the previously rested processors and 43 people who were
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part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon with people setting up wandering around it and opposition and refusing to disperse at the university harder. moments tend to read, we saw this police presence just stand upon those protesters, then began arresting them one by one, dragging them away from the line to the ground where they had taken it and in hand taking them away. then just as we saw, that sometimes the ending more members of the us showed they were the last it
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gives me the english. tell me what is good about the moment that made you want to be here in the front line. my grandma and grandpa flood policy 9 and 1948. my mom, the 1967 and the struggle are more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong side of history with using regression. because who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. we used to be on the right side of history. no one should suffer the way to call since that's covered. what do you think of the way that the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day. some protesters there with additional ones who came as part of the ground by the 10.
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the showed up here, really motivated by what they saw from testing in the forwarding from the university of texas and cancer. so those are the scenes in texas also columbia university. in new york, i started suspending student protest as who defined an ultimatum to leave their incontinence. they've been told to clear out by monday afternoon demonstrates is wanting to universities to withdraw their investments in companies with links to israel auditors to raise the percentage this update from the columbia university campus in new york. hundreds and hundreds of here in columbia university. they're demanding an end to the general side that they say it's happening in guys, either a. so demand that the columbia university stops investing in companies that are
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profiting from the war in guys, or you can see them right marching in the university. this is an emergency meeting because the students that are holding at a time man here say that they've been handing over a paper where they have identified themselves and they leave the campus for several days. now students have been can thing right here in the center of 10 posts. they're demanding, as i said before, a ceasefire in garza and in to the war. they're also demanding that so this to diversity halls, this investment in companies that profit on the war also. so university, the president of columbia university says that they're trying to resolve the ongoing conflict peacefully. they say that they want to waste your freedom of speech while at the same time, allowing students in this university to feel safe. however, people here are saying that these are peaceful protests that they want to shed light on the suffering that is happening in gaza right now. what they're demanding
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is an end to the killing. i'm into the displacement. i'm in hunger that is happening in gaza right now. very simple, i just see that new york or u. s. police rested at dozens of students at yale university in new haven, connecticut, where a new encampment was set up on sunday. christian salumi reports on that. the university students have now set up their 2nd encampment. the 1st one was done and solidarity with columbia university students, but was taken down after just 3 days when police came in and arrested 44 students in the process. nevertheless, the students came back on sunday, setting up another in cameron about 40 tenths or on the scene. i spoke to one of the student protesters earlier about why they came back. the fact of the matter is your university never met our demands. our demands have not changed, they are disclosed. uh, financial investments are best from our community fracturing and the profiting off
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of the dividing casa, enter, reinvest, and then you have a community in education and food and affordable housing. and our demands remain steadfast. you may have come at a rest of the students and community members, but what they did, what they failed to do with me are demands. so we're back. they've already said that they will not the best from is really weapons manufacturers or any weapons manufacturers that are supplying these rallies. are there talks ongoing? yes, we're very um, you know, uh we're very interested in and a trying to open channels with negotiations. a good faith with the university. we're obviously university obviously has been responding fairly aggressively and militant lead to peaceful student demonstration. but we're very steadfast. we're, you know, we're here to stay and we are committed to our demands. we recognize, we, i mean we've all been seeing life broadcast as the genocide that's happening in gaza. and until there's an end to yes complicity. and now we're,
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we're going to continue mobilizing, we're going to continue speaking out soon after the students return to the campus in their tents, they received a letter hand delivered from the dean of the university warning them that they were violating school policies and also warning them that they were risking arrest and possibly suspension. if they remain christian salumi, i'll just hear a new haven, connecticut. the last slide for you on the program. we follow the search for the missing in kenya, where the death toll from widespread flooding continues to rise. i'm same bus for avi and i know who are in the jordan valley were posting in bed when community say attacks by israeli settlers or forcing them off land if they've lived on for generations the the
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had lower their it's a divided picture weatherwise across europe. we've got some very width and windy weather moving across the west scenarios, keeping things launch the cool thanks to some weather front. but across the east look at that. we will clear skies with lots of sunshine and we'll see. temperature is picking up here over the next few days. but on tuesday, the west of the rain stretching all the way from the north west down to the south west. so britain on the island of island seeing those showers some heavier rain coming into spain and portugal ahead of that. another band of heavy rain stretches across the front and that will move its way towards easily as we go into the mid week. so some heavy falls to come here, we could see some flooding from that heavy rain. it is looking much dry. however, across the east for germany, for poland, lots of sunshine coming through here of your showers, creeping across the balkans as well as the black sea and to a kia. but it is looking mighty fine as we had for the north across the sky today, the and well temperatures will be coming down across the west particular for spain
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and portugal. on wednesday, the heat will be building up for central areas and the east. if we look at bundling in germany, we bought lots of sunshine through. so if the say with some very high temperatures, that to weather update, the, the, the latest news as a boeing a military response. the situation we mean kind of nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full season of leave and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day examining, being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting
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the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist spring programs to enforce and inspired to options a way to in the immediate future climate crisis or planet revolutionary barnowski to 0 the, the the welcome back. reminder of the main stories now prosecutions for me to national criminal court, or fortunately, gathering testimony from hospital stuff in gaza. the discovery of mass graves on
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the grounds of 2 medical facilities in recent weeks could provide evidence of war crimes. the u. s. has found 5 is rodney minute for you and is responsible for human rights violations in the occupied westbank. the incidents took place before this war on gauze, wisconsin. the state department says the units have not been sanctions, university students and teachers in the us to define a police crackdown and threats of suspension to continue protesting against israel's war on concepts. thousands of demonstrations was arrested at several campuses on monday. oh, and albany is occupations on the way in northern indonesia where a volcano has erupt, it again, mount rou, on and north. so the way, see sent a tower of ash more than 5 to one which is into the sky. forcing the closure of a nearby international airport volcano is interrupted several times in the past 2 weeks. so that's close to jessica jessica washington, who's in the, in the nation capital chicago. what are you hearing about this?
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of the well, that's exactly right. number one has been processing frequently since around mid april, but it was the rupture. and this morning with an ash coal on more than 5000 meters, was sent into the sky. dark gray, almost black ash, sentences of sky as well as the balkan already agency. observing incandescent lava as well as volcanic lightning. it has been several eruptions, incense, but on a much smaller level. but the letter level remains at the highest. that is level 4 in each of these authorities wanting people to say at least 6 kilometers away from the vote. and the people in the communities, a positive population that a closer than that they've been evacuated. is that on the way? well, this is a situation that has been developing for weeks. so in terms of preparedness authorities are relatively for pets. so there was
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a community that was living actually on the slopes of the volcano, and you can imagine they would have been in immediate danger. but in fact, they evacuated some weeks ago. and they all say what authorities are considering now is whether communities on a nearby island also need to evacuate. at this point, it is unclear whether they would need to evacuate to the, on the side of the island. authorities are considering that, but they do say that they are well equipped. there are no military vessels. they have enough logistics in terms of boston booth to distribute to people in need. and the situation appears to be under control for now. thank you very much. jessica washington little the latest from chicago to on that story. as well now to any other present within brutal who is a special cabinet meeting on tuesday. as heavy rains continues to lash, the country. government says the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least a $169.00. in the east, the ravine collapsed into the town of river, causing it to bust its banks. thousands of people are displaced,
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but there are many more missing. rescue is also searching for several people after a boat capsized, trying to cross a damn near the town of grist malcolm lab reports now from the last thing to them. it takes hours of searching the least to muddy, torn to find each body. the stairs are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's killed thousands of people here in kenya, and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat ton of rivers busted banks nearby and submerged the main road. the stage didn't make it, several people are still missing. more than 20 of being rescued a life. they would take them to a nearby hospital. i mean the,
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those who knew how to swim more like ha, i don't know how to swim. so i had to hold onto somebody who does. you were dragged by the water until you was stopped by a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck. it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of cost of transport and networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the region. weeks of torrential rain for much of it in the highlands of central can you slow down to these hydro electric them as a feeling is reservoir minus. just say the levels about 2 meters above what is designed for wildly forces gushing into the flight channel. about 70 cubic meters, the 2nd and all of it is flowing into this kind of river down stream. it sweeps through the plains of east and kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of thousands of people live in towns and villages along its banks. the government
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has said those are risk should move to higher ground. we are having a pep in the committee to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims, full time of change to today uh somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looped after the rain in the highlands is still feeling the dams is more water on the way. now come web address, they're missing. get them. can you? well, let's go to a malcolm his location has i think changed because he won out in mendoza and is, is this the, the location malcolm where a boat capsized or a couple of casualties, but not anymore. i'm missing. tell us what's happening there. that's right, this is the place where the accident happened. people were trying to cross the
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instead of the government, stuff them. but of course things like this and now being fun. this is the main road coming from nairobi, kenya is capital, which is about 350 kilometers way, and we're just a couple of kilometers. show us of the town of clarissa. this is one of 2 places where the swollen river of china has cut through the roads and made it impossible. now if we take a walk around here, we can just see quite how far this flood water has. uh, extended uh, now is, is uh, apart from the destruction of costs due to the homes and that we can see here, costing us the trunk bull rigs is a major problem for people. a lot of people who are struggling to make an income costs off from their livelihoods costs off from their loved ones. this is why people are willing to take a risk and across into school. but like one we saw in the story that now it's from this area heading down the street towards the coast, towards the indian ocean. the,
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the, what's the impact to the funding is felts? because from here going down the river, it's all right and gets flats around slots a little. so the community is living on the river bank down here, a pool room communities, people sleeping and he lives talking, doing some farming on the flood plains at the river. and it's in this direction that we think west of the damage has been done. and very important point. you made an outcome about the effect of the floods on the infrastructure. if people are not able to get to what bills have they're not able to get important supplies, if supplies in the shops are running low or if people are panic, buying absolutely add in this of course makes prices go up. many things that people struggle to, to afford, at the best of times a now getting at getting more expensive. and then not to mention the cost of food supplies for the many communities. living further down the stream along the river banks whose the, whose food supplies the thumbs, the crops that they've grown,
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decides the river many vo, uh, many of which would have been completely destroyed and not now, not just pushing up prices today, but not food supplies for months ahead for those roles community. so people are waiting to find out what kind of support they might get from the government at the moment the can you red cross as being very active in rescuing people who were stranded in providing some shelter. so those have been displaced, but the impact on people living down stream from here is going to be felt long off to the voices have receded. and the annual report yesterday that really some extraordinary pitches of a flooding that was heading down streams that affects communities that live on, along the route of these, these rivers. and just to be clear about the impact of this, malcolm gives us a sense of, of the numbers of people involved. and i mean it, it's affected every positive life, right, from infrastructure to health, food education we'd
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say no, the road cuts off. we can take another look. we take a step of the, hey, i mean this, yeah, is just just one of the a several places where a key infrastructure being cuts off in other parts of the country by a ways power lines have been effected at schools. the government has announced there was a jew to open uh on the, on the this week of being delayed for one for the week. they said because of the risk and the impact of the flooding. and certainly for those schools which are on the water, they'll need at least a week to cost. see if the votes of receipts for does any possibility. then of course of them doing the required work to be able to, to reopen. but regarding the numbers which you asked about the mine, and then we understand that that the number of people who have died in the flooding hearing can you, in recent weeks, is now a 116 avenue. just speaking to red cross worker over here who's trying to track
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that, we're trying to rescue any survivors and recover bodies of those who perished in the accident that took place here. so it's very difficult just to work out how many people are missing is that they found the bodies of people who owns on the list of missing persons that are missing. people who haven't been found, they found a package from the both of people who haven't been reported missing packaging tutoring, identification documents. and of course, the communities that are missing these people are separated from each other by that . so it's difficult for them even to, to communicate so it's very difficult even in one location, one accident like this is very difficult for the, the emergency responders to know how many people are affected that and how many might be effected in those room communities. further down the river. well, thank you so much. so your report now collab there in the doug that's had to counselor in so a she's in a vice which is in central kenya. and so katherine,
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malcolm that just describing the situation in the northern parts of the country, what can you tell us about the impact of the floods of the to yes, uh, the situation here is equally dire as while we are in a school where the displaced our they've been given the been receiving of food and, and codes and things like that. if this is also a command center, well, all of the activities are being coordinated. we've seen volunteers. the government was cuz the red cross, the government has brought in heavy machinery like excavators to try and do you go through the rubble and the slides as well to try and recover the bodies that already are in this mud. we know that about the 76 people are still missing. and right now we
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are going to talk to us, felix miles. thank you for talking to us. what are the needs right now? uh at the moment. uh, this is a, uh, uh, sic underscore, we have actually been approved these as i come, that we host displaced preference and uh, the need now is the people now need basic uh facilities to be able to just survive issues of mattresses, grandkids, fort stops including mail we actually require now things like uh, sending 30 pallets pods and stuff like that. and uh, just to say that uh, the government as it relates to strongly with the people here in my, in my unit go to account. thank you. and you know, you're talking about a very huge area that has been impacted and you'll part of the risk or risk rescue
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and recovery mission. and how is that going on the ground on the ground now we, i actually just stuck the risk you under $200.00 mission for the people we are still missing. we have a huge money to zipcode. a team that is already now getting to the ground, being led by that. can you red cross one to appreciate the support that we have already received from there, but he has teams and already we, we have received reports that uh uh, the bodies that that'd be nice. identified. just dried down in the ground way. i did breeze. i've already actually finished up that and there is need for more effort to put in terms of the to hold on to cover each of their bodies. i mean, a lot of people, yes to do what containing that these recovery efforts, what very slow uh they were complaining about it. what was the problem then?
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i'm seeing a lot of activity now. i couldn't, i couldn't, i couldn't tell you for sure that the coverage of what's yesterday, what, what was quite difficult because of the situation the way towards the ground. there was a lot of my that around the policy is not accessible and you just need to walk through the place. uh there was confusion even from the part of the look towards the i because the what has happened is quite a human because i think that to actually positive trying to comprehend. but the say i did a water order for us to was to actually provide psycho social support. met you at the people i desk and branding. what does happen does to move people to sit for our level different grounds and to make sure that the community here are really uh give us the information in terms of the uh, what testing disc where we have reports of missing 5 phones. we actually uh, also coordinate uh the document of my sons who we have ever committed to the video
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supposed to be towards that on display. all right, thank you very much and good luck to you. and so a lot of people who are here, people who've been displaced, say that they've lost everything and they are just waiting to see if their loved ones will be found. a thank you very much from device and central county, a katherine sawyer reporting to us on the effect of devastating floods that they're in the country. lot of those have been following the political situation and target has been vote counting on the way. often monday's legislative elections seen as a test to the controversial new constitution, which critics say allows the president to extend his families decades on grip on pallet. the government isn't allowing journalist into the country to cover this story. so nicholas hock is reporting from car incentive go. not transparent enough and void of meaning says to goes opposition. its members say the
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latest legislative elections is employed by president sonya seem bay to tighten his family's long hold on power in our country elections and lots throughout. all that not fair because all the institution involved in the process of the election, completely controlled by the government and the results of probably created by the government also. so election is just uh, is it pretty to let's or the intellectual community? no, that's all eh, we are organizing election the from time to time, but it's not it democracy for the last 61 years, the sing bay family has ruled over to ago. and the old regime with a new constitution voted in, in parliament, days before elections on monday. the text has now been made public that seem, be, it has not spoken publicly about the change to the constitution,
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but his supporters say it provides more stability in greater accounts ability from the head of state and the but then what is the issue is not whether we're a parliamentary or presidential regime. the people want to know who will help put food on the table. of critics say it will allow nursing be to stay in power in. definitely because the president would be chosen not by the people for the m p. 's of running in this parliamentary election. unlike in 2018, the opposition did not boycott these elections, but it seems that people did out of the 4000000 to release, illegible to vote. few came out to cast their votes. those who did were mostly new 1st time voters, challenging the old, the regime, and then most boss. but this i would have wanted to choose my precedence. i feel like the people should have a say own who runs the country. i'm unhappy with the change of the end of the presidential system. the accounting has started without the presence of many international observers or the foreign media both banned from covering the vote.
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critics of the regime say this election is another blow to democracy, serving itself and not the people. nicholas hawk alger 0. and all the confrontation has taken place between a chinese and philippine vessels and disputed waters in the south china sea. the incident took place near a contested reef during the mission to resupply filipino fishermen, the philippines, close cons, as a chinese vessel used which account and on 2 of its boats. so they took in a series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries on it below joins us live now from manila, any reaction to this of the yeah, maria and developing coast guard says in the area of this car partial in the south china sea earlier today we're not expelled by the chinese coast guard. the philippine coast guard statement said that in fact,
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after getting water cannon by chinese coast guard vessels, the 2 barrels, one fishery special and one philippine coast start best. so we're able to stand their ground and continue to patrol the area. so this is also kind of a going into an information warfare here where one side comes out with a statement. and the other side also comes out with a statement after each confrontation, this time around the philippine coast guard says that that the chinese side also put up a floating barrier in the area near the entrance of the scar for a show effectively restricting filipinos from entering the area and this is maybe why china is saying that it has expelled these, but looking government vessels from this car bar show, are you how has this cooperation agreement involving the philippines and the united states? change the dynamic in the south china sea and perhaps foot china and much more and
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it's gone as well. yes. in fact, as, as we are speaking right now, and as that incident in the scarborough show to place the philippines and the united states are holding a naval trails in the south china sea. as part of the bulk of the exercises, which is the largest of the many annual joint drillers between the united states and the philippines. and this time around, the french navy is also participating. and during these naval drills is alrighty. alrighty? to 6 day right now, the chinese navy has been cust, consistently shadowing the navy's of the philippine stay nighted states and the french. and so it does look like this cooperation between these countries has been provoking china. but on the part of the philippines, it says that it needs to build
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a credit for credible defense capability with the help of its allies. and it also needs its allies to side with them in its territorial dispute with china. it's, it's position of course, is that these areas of the south china sea are within its exclusive economic zone in the south china sea. and this is what the united states and france and other allies have also said. and these allies of also said that they're supporting the philippines because there are support supporting freedom of navigation in this area . but of course this doesn't sit well with china area. thank you very much. find to be loud in manila palestinian value and say that being forced out of the homes in the jordan valley. is there any secular attacks and ami raids on remote communities of intensified since israel launched as war on concept heard is are appealing for international intervention to protect the centuries old way of living? i was you, there is a bus for avi has moved from an hoa and the occupied westbank of
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a symbol of face, the adopted vendor of an occupying army in a bid to redraw the borders of historic palestine. bedouins living in the jordan valley know the symbol of an illegal settlement, is a prelude to violence. eleven's, it'll be got the settlement around. this is getting close every day. tomorrow the system might come with 10 ship and put them here to enter some of my house. if we do not find someone to stand with us, i will just at least that is a minute above the persecution of better ways. some of the most vulnerable palestinians has been happening for dickens. but we are here since israel's foreign garza, similar attacks have become more brazen. stealing and killing animals blocking the only water source even beating their women and children in front of their fighting back against. and it was really would almost certainly mean being arrested or worse this encampment is home to one palestinian veteran family. they
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say they are isolated and they are alone. posting is living here, say the dozens of people regularly come into this encampment. they harassed the people living here. and they have no means by which to stop these attacks from happening. and if somebody doesn't do something soon, they say it's only a matter of time until they're forced out movements restricted unable to raise their animals freely. many have already sold their property and abandoned their homes. government, how to sometime before the war, palestinian families with the spacecraft really. but the attacks began during the war and such. this tendency was of soldiers in these randy elementary. g. flags recently planted on palestinian doorsteps strikes fear into the hearts of bedroom and communities who know to remove them would be to invite violent reprisals. for people who have lived on this land for generations, nowhere is safe anymore. even in remote areas like this,
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palestinian say wherever they are, israelis seek them out, fear intimidation and abuse. follow the same bus route, the o g 0 a know who was in the jordan valley occupied westbank palestine. test the boss 8 on mosque has made a surprise visit to buy jane to agree a deal with one of china is largest ultimate because under the agreement mosque with sell self driving software used in test the cause to is new partners. katrina, you reports from badging in china is fiercely competitive electric vehicles in the industry, steam ahead of rivals is increasingly difficult. but that's exactly what tesla c or even mosque is trying to do as good as the electric vehicles making progress in a musket. the get his supplies, visit the china on sunday meeting, premier lee chung and they changed. one of the worlds of riches then was reportedly here to discuss the roll out of the test was full self driving software and ask for
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physicians and transferred chinese data to the us. tesla has sold more than 1700000, cause in china since entering the market. the decades ago of the plant in shanghai is its most productive and was the 1st open outside the us in 2019 chinese officials say the omega is a successful example of sino us. treat corporation. this is a typical intersection in beijing full of so i can list cruises, pedestrians, and cos industry analysts say these complicated project conditions provide mold scenarios for training or funding. this is driving programs out of foster pace compared to other locations. cars. one has agreed to deal with chinese companies, find it to access it's mapping license on domestic roads that remains bad for military and some government compounds due to security concerns. the company has also been losing chinese market share. many chinese e v manufacturers or up ending the traditional trade off between cost and luxury.
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so they're offering luxury features, but also something that young trainees call tech luxury marks visits coincides with the badging, auto sure, which has lot is not participate. chinese brands of a more affordable electric models and the us based company has had to slash prices to compete, as well as also facing pressure back in the us. regulations are investigated the safety of it's also a pilot feature after it was allegedly involved in multiple fatal crashes. folding sales or forcing management to cut $0.10 of its global workforce is hope security approvals from the aging profile tells us performance and give the joint a much needed revenue 1st. katrina, you all to 0? i think that's it for the news now that i will be back in just a couple of minutes with a full blessing for you to stay with us. the
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a very low cost and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other route fails, die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our to 0 forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo cobalt. who owns the mind? how would they explain on how would they govern the dream? and the usa of electric, s u. v is for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the mind to the congo, and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series going beyond
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the o. n age in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal minding activities, the rivers points and with mercury, rendering water, drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023 pressed and we've seen this one of us, 2 of us sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed. illegal miners return every day. we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they have come to realize that having government support is not enough. they are still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the same vill expand the fight from their villages to the country's court rooms and electing
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their own politicians to save their lives. the, the prosecutors from the international criminal court are reportedly gathering testimony onto the discovery of mass graves it to cause the hospitals the no, i'm sorry, m i z. this is al jazeera life from dough. what's the coming up on the program? the us fines 5 is right, the minute train, it's responsible site, human rights violations before the war and gaza but says they want to be sanctioned .


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