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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the prosecutors from the international criminal court or a fortunately gathering testimony of to the discovery of mass graves it to cause the hospitals the oh, i marian minimize the this is algae 0 live from doe. was it coming out from the program to us? fines 5, is there any minute treatments responsible site, human rights violations before the war and gaza, but says they want to be sanctioned? the stuff was an
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arrest at university of texas, a student demonstrations against the war and gaza spread across the us campuses. and we followed the search for the missing in can yeah. why? the death toll from the wide spread funding has reached at least a 169. the prosecutors are major national criminal closer. unfortunately, interviewing stopped from 2 hospitals in gaza. this onto the discovery of mass graves in the grounds of 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies recovered from 3 mass graves in the grounds of nicer hospital in hong eunice this month. the remains of thousands more people were examined at the hour shift a hospital in gaza. city. often his rady siege of the facility. both hospitals were less than badly damaged and out of service of the is ready, troops withdrew
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a start. i assume joins us live from rough uh, in the southern gaza. so we understand that investigators from the i c. c r. in gaza. they are going to be at these locations where mass graves, wrong compet. tell us more about what they will be trying to do. yes. in fact, the media reports have been showing back the persecutors of the international criminal courts. have been interviewed and got them for a palestinian medics in the who have been operating in a she fun medical facility and been north of the strip. i'm do so will have seen trucks ethan and be and also hospital in the unit succeed for potential and possible crimes being committed by these, by the army in such areas by the realities that, that there was witnesses and medics have refused to redo the identity and the reports in order to guarantee the open safety if they have been saying that events that we're surrounding the entire hospitals, what was happening to the hospital could be
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a complete part of that investigation. that might be really some from the international criminal court office side. they did not officially commence on the uh, ongoing operational investigations being made just to protect the victims on the eye . witnesses to be away from the east, very bombardment while balances, health ministry, yet did not release the details about such investigations being made by the i c. c bought. what would be a clearly hearing from that used by the prime minister benjamin to tell. yeah. is that no my taught what the international criminal court will take in terms of procedures. it will not completely fixed on the nature of the work of the east. very um, you know, even though the sewage is what operating inside the territory as we clearly early ever been, but what was going on in post hospitals, as muskrats being discovered, tundra bodies being recovered from inside the odds of the hospital. some of them were decomposed belonging to children, elderly people, women, and even wounded,
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were receiving treatments in flux, touch medical center fees, and tell us about some of the latest is riley arrow and drone attacks. and nina, so what refugee camp and also in kansas city, the, well, what we, what we do know is that the entire gallons a strip has been on the unrelenting circular from apartments since overnight. and even during the hours of this morning, got the ministry hot target to the next report. sure loves the western parts of this succession. so adjacent to the make shift shelters with thousands of palestinians are taking it as a refuge box. we can also hear that ongoing logins, thoughts, it's, we've, it probations could be overhead in the middle areas where are witnesses that have been reporting and kind of simple buttons on agriculture lands alongside with the residential houses and, and those are rocks and they know that part of the town on the same time on
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a mobile area where people have been saying that minute you're quite cope to drones . have been hearing intensively using a loud speakers as they are trying to release sounds of babies, women cooling for help. i'm to even use the sound of minute to tags to suppress panic. come see among residents in the middle area. thank you. tag. i was in reporting to us from rossa in southern gaza. meanwhile, view and stop court is that to rule on a request to or the gemini, to stop sending ministry a to israel. the case was followed by nicaragua and i'll use that button is failing to prevent genocide or a poll international humanitarian law. it's the latest case involving israel before the international court of justice, south africa approach, the court in december, accusing israel of committing genocide. steve, sound 5 is reading minutes for units responsible for gross human rights violations and the occupied westbank. suffice time, washington has reached out to
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a conclusion. incidents took place before as well began its war on gauze in october . despite the findings, the state department said that the units have not been sanctioned to call and explains. 4 weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units in israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the secretary secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside the united states that says no us military aid can go to those units. while we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this
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issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. as close to stephanie duyka joining us from occupied east jerusalem. and so we're getting some of the background from potty on washington's potential options that pop stuff. and you can tell us about this battalion and where they operate. yes, the only specifically name the battalion is vanessa at yahoo! dot latania is the, this is a battalion made up of halter orthodox jews. many of them lived in the occupied westbank notice settlers, and they have a history, not just that the americans have highlighted, even these really ministry has charged them in the past with misconduct against
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palestinians. and there's just in general, this particular case came out about a week ago where the us said that they would be sanctioned. it's now backtracked. it's now giving is are all more time. and at the moment, it'll still receive a, you mentioned there, the other 4 battalions, they say have fixed their problem. so at the moment it's business, as usual, despite the fact that the americans have highlighted what they call gross violations of human rights abuses against the palestinians. this is a report that came out a couple of weeks ago, charging the us extra estate anthony blinking with sitting on it since december, which is why it started to be addressed some of the specific allegations, particularly against the net. so you who the battalion concerns a promising and american jewel citizen, 78 years old in 2022. he died after being guide and bound and left in freezing conditions outside. this is part of the pro public a report. and then you'll also have extra traditional killings by border police
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according to this report. and the other allegation is that entire data is tortured and re a teenager accused of throwing molotov cocktails. now the bigger picture is that the biggest is really highlight is biggest supplier of military aid is recognizing that these res, security forces commit human rights abuses against policy. and it's significant, even though they're not doing anything about it, palestinians will tell you this is part of a wider culture of impunity when it comes to does really security forces carry out the way they treat palestinians, which never really has any accountability. thank you very much. stephanie decker, 14 just from occupied east jerusalem to send bringing some on shake is a founder of the piece building organization to share group and a former un official. so we've gone for about a week now about the possibility of washington imposing sanctions on this battalion of the as these really all me for their activities before the war on gaza. it's
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interesting that the little on the which at this battalion would be sanctioned is the link you know, and that's important because it would require, well, the law requires us to call a to a phone minute treat accused of credible charges of human rights violations. yes, the hill is something that has applied to other allies too, and there should be no exception isn't when it comes to israel. and these really armies conduct as well. it has actually served to modify behavior when it comes to other allies and then military's. and so what the united states needs to show now very transparently, and we still haven't done up to now is why would they being investigated? and why was this a suspicion? and this is of course, before it will become even more important. as the lady lloyd is also applied to the period after october, the 7th, and the conducts of these rarely ami over these last 67 months. and that's
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important, isn't it? because it was a pretty awful situation in the west bank before the console started with a shopping center ration and satellite and is riley on the attacks on products and communities. that's actually becoming much worse in the last few months as he says that it just a complete absence of attention from international bodies such as the went on nice and light with the fact that, you know, thousands of palestinians been placed in detention and jo, very serious allegations imagine of, of torture and ill treatment, but you interrupted tools, human rights organizations, the palestinian human rights organization of the point to you is continuously. and the simple fact is that if we have impunity when it comes to the violations of international humanitarian law. and then you're not going to be able to find a way out of this until there is clearly a, an effort to impose international and hold those accountable. i'm afraid
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we're going to continue to see the cycle and it will, it will lessen, as we say. now, and it will continue, even if we get an immediate cease fire, which is extra blinking is navina engine. thank you very much sound launcher as well. of course, in america university, students teach as an active as of continue with that protest in defiance of us authorities and the crackdown on the college campuses. this was the scene at the university of texas in austin on monday when thousands of people are arrested. nearly a 1000 protests have been detained in campuses, country wide in 2 weeks of demonstrations. many angry what they see is a heavy handed response by police and college administrators. i did your castro has moved from that demonstration in austin. it has been added to the events here on the you t austin, kansas. dan. this monday morning. as a sign, the attendance stage by faculty in opposition to the way you t austin,
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to ministration has to test, has now run into a conflict or seen approach to my left. these are members of the youtube community or students, summer faculty members. reason they're holding umbrella so there was pepper spray showing the other side. what, what i'm seeing here to my right or the police officers are now barricaded against these protesters. what they're protecting them is a place where the previously arrested processors and 43 people who were part of an initial cabinet that began this afternoon with people setting up wandering around it, not position and refusing to disperse at the university harder moment
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tents were active. we saw this police presence distant upon those protesters then began arresting them one by one, dragging them away from the line, taking them off the ground where they had taken. and in the way, then, just as we saw, protested, ending more members of the us showed out they were in the last one of them gives me the english. tell me what is good about the moment that made you want to be here on my grandma and grandpa flood, palestine and 1948. my mom, 196-0000 the struggle are more than 75 years to students are never on the wrong
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side of history who is using aggression. because who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. we used to be on the right side of history. no one should suffer the way to call sydney. and what do you think of the way that the police have responded? i mean, the police responded the same way in vietnam. they responded the same way during the civil rights movement. they only know aggression against people, hotels. so this is honestly very possibly good. thank you very much. i appreciate your time. and we've been hearing the similar comments throughout the day. some protesters there with additional ones who came as part of the ground by the 10 the showed up here, really motivated by what they saw from testing in the forwarding from the university and cancer.
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so that's a pitch here in austin, texas. meanwhile, columbia university, new york has started suspending student protests as who had defined an ultimatum to leave their incontinence. they've been told to clear out by monday afternoon, demonstrates is wanting the universities to withdraw their investments in companies with links to israel. as you have alex's era much most to bring you onto the break . and then each has run volcano erupt again, forcing more people to evacuate to safety. and the philippines and china trade farms off to another confrontation in the south. china sea, the, the west and you're still the focus of which is whether but there's a specific area there cuz it's a lot of fun. storms heavy who was solved in your, on out through front on this different frontal system. so then
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a warning side of potential big dam paused in that big island and i would think front is going to joining with that same basement cause that type of thing to know of africa. following it. the next system running through portugal on spain. this war to respond to the admittedly, but to the east basic goes side of age, advocates be nice and warm temperatures to rise. you've got to 2018 building. for example. if i take you to wednesday, this is the weather, right? and so it goes to the same place, more of it to the gets hit. you'll notice, but the tempted to go even further. however, that could be it, because we've cut off the supply volts in the science. it's just the sunshine is being relied upon by pardoned by germany. so, but instead of the 27, i'm buildings just generally dropping dining. the next couple of days is retired increases and stoves at possible north africa was always still hot. almost reco, breaking the health throughout this i have was quite a wind now that we don't see picks up the dust, which is a constant pull in this a how this very windy weather out, where,
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where they're moving at of to an easy inter, libya and the nurse big chairs and the west of the 4 countless refugees. english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy, onto the same is brother's life. as he selflessly sold to provide for his family, the c won't scare us with this on that just the
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i'll come back a reminder of the main stories. prosecutors from the international criminal court report to the gathering testimony from hospital stuff in gaza. the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 medical facilities and recent weeks could amounts to will crimes. the us has found 5 is rodney minute for units responsible for human rights violations. and you don't keep wide westbank incidents that took place before the war. and garza began state department says units has not been such and then university students and teachers in the west of define a police crackdown and threats of suspension to continue that protest against the dozens of demonstrations but arrested at several campuses on monday. now we've been following the situation in kenya, the president william rudo is going to hold a cabinet meeting on tuesday is heavy. rains continues to lash the country. governments, as the death toll from a month of flooding is reached at least
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a $169.00. thousands of people are displaced in many more missing in the east, a ravine collapse into the town of river, causing his banks to bus. and rescue is also searching for several people after a boat capsized trying to cross at down near the town of carissa. malcolm web reports now from the mustang them it takes hours of searching the lease to muddy, torn to find each body. those are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's killed thousands of people here in kenya, and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat, a ton of rivers busted bangs nearby and sipped much the main road. the stage didn't
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make it. several people are still missing. more than 20 have been rescued a live. they were taken to a nearby hospital. i mean the, those who knew how to swim with like ha, i don't know how to swim. so i had to hold onto somebody who does. you were dragged by the woods until you was stopped by a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck. it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of costs of transport networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the region. weeks of torrential rain for much of it in the highlands of central kenya slowed down to this hydro electric them as a feeling is reservoir amount of just say the levels about 2 meters above what is designed for. while this was gushing into the flight channel, about 70 cubic meters, the 2nd and all of it, it's flowing into this kind of river. down stream,
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it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of thousands of people live in towns and villages along its banks. the government has said those of risk should move to higher ground. we are having a pep in that community to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh, victims of the kind of change to today, somebody floods the supporting must lights out of loops after the rain in the highlands is still feeling the dams is moving around the way. now come web address . they're missing. get them can. yeah. a lack of loss. enjoys me live now from a dog. oh, and this is the scene of a boat that capsized several people i think were killed and there is a search for those that are missing. why, why did this boat ever sort of try to leave it shows in the 1st place because an
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idea of the challenges people are facing there and it's what's happening to try and find people now. so if we take a look at this place where the accident happened, this is the main road coming from can use capital. nairobi is about 350 kilometers down the we just a couple of kilometers from the town. and the rest of this is impulse and transport rates. this is one of the 2 places where the swollen sound of river has come through the road, destroying it, blocking off the access people were crossing human bodies until the government stopped them. these kinds of crossings have for now been funded because of the dangers at this big key transport root means that the people to, to get to close it means accessing livelihoods for people who struggle to get by even at the best of times accessing loved ones is that it's very important for people to stay, today's the bible to be able to get to and from town,
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which is why people are willing to take a risk in it. but like when we saw in the story just a short while ago and they would for sure still be going. now if the government hadn't funded and we just spoke to unofficially show, a lot of guys said that they will. uh, who are they able to set up a kind of more regulated crossing in a safe boats with the limited numbers? if indeed the water stay like this and the road remains cut off. basically take a look around here. we can see just how far these flood waters have spread. and the impact of that because from this area heading down stream down the tunnel river towards the indian ocean towards kansas coast, that much of the west of the impact is likely to be felt. and that's because as we head down stream, the test, right. and the landscape gets flustered and slots to know. so the communities living along the banks of the river that a pool rural communities who are doing
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a little bit of farming and keeping a little bit of live stock on the banks of the river. now in the last very season here in uh, november and december last. yeah, this whole area was badly flooded. we visited events in a, in an actual set time and a headache helps with 10 years redcross. you can see how just swayed to the countryside. hundreds and hundreds of homes and farms were submerged in volta. and as far as you know, the same thing is either already happened. we'll soon expect it to happen again in this direction. as we had a saw the down to the sound of river to the indian ocean. thank you very much malcolm lab, reporting to us on the, the devastating impacts of those floods in county assigned to malcolm in while people are being evacuated in northern indonesia aware of ok now his erupt. it again, not relying in north and away c sent a tower of ash moving 5 kilometers into the sky. forcing the closure of the nearby international airport volcano is erupt and several times in the past 2 weeks.
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jessica washington has moved from chicago to the number one has been in processing frequently since around mid april. but it was the rupture. and this morning with an asshole on more than 5000 meters, was sent into the sky. dark gray, almost ash sentence and sky, as well as the bulk of the agency observing incandescence lava as well as volcanic lightning. it has been several eruptions, incense, but on a much smaller level. but the letter a level remains at the highest that is level for anesthesia authorities wanting people to say at least 6 kilometers away from the votes. this is a situation that has been developing for weeks. so in terms of preparedness authorities on relatively for pets. so it was a community that was living actually on the slopes of the volcano, when you can imagine they would have been in immediate danger. but in fact, they evacuated some weeks ago. and they all say what authorities are considering
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now is whether communities on a nearby island also need to evacuate. at this point, it is unclear whether they would need to evacuate to the other side of the island authorities. all considering that. but they do say that they are well equipped, there are enough military vessels, they have enough logistics in terms of boston, food to distribute, to people in need. and the situation appears to be under control for now. another confrontation has taken place between chinese and philippine vessels and disputed waters in the south china sea. the incident took place there a contested reef during the mission to resupply filipino fishermen for the panes coast concepts a chinese vessel use volta counting on 2 of its boats. the latest in a series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries. bonnet below it brings us this update from manila. the flipping coast guard says to the area of this car bar. so in the south china sea earlier today, we're not expelled by the chinese coast guard. the philippine coast guard statement
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said that in fact, after getting water cannon by chinese coast guard vessels, the 2 vessels, one fishery, special and one philippine coast guard vessel, were able to stand their ground and continue to patrol the area. so this is also kind of a going into an information warfare here where one side comes out with a statement and the other side also comes out with a statement after each confrontation, this time around that for the being cost guide says that that the chinese side also put up a floating barrier in the area of near the entrance of the scar for a show effectively restricting filipinos from entering the area. the philippines and the united states are holding a naval trails in the south china sea. as part of the bulk of the exercises, which is the largest of the many annual joint drills between the united states and the philippines. and this time around the french navy is also participating. and
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during these naval drills as alrighty. alrighty. to 6 day right now, the chinese navy has been cuz it consistently shadowing the navy's of the philippines. they knighted states and the french. and so it does look like this cooperation between these countries has been provoking. china was out of pocket style. now the government has done to the nationwide polio vaccination campaign to immunize move in 24000000 children that are under the age of 5. health workers have started going house to house who administer vaccine, drops people taking part and assets to vaccinate against polio. been regularly threatened by violence, forcing these campaigns to be abandoned to and the capital of bangladesh dot com the there is still an extreme heat wave with the maximum temperature full cost to stay above $40.00 degrees celsius until thursday. the south asian countries
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facing as long as heat wave in 75 years old schools of order to close on monday the routing georgia dream policy is held a reilly to count us on these protests against its foreign influence. low is took place in the capital tbilisi the day after launch demonstration against the bill. legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to registers for an agents. opponents a could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government and damaged george's ambitions of joining the european union. the trial of 9 man accused of pining till finally over for the german government and started in the city or she took god suspects of part of what's known as the right citizens group. and it includes 4 massages. camille, that black had small charged with high treason, so crossing to over through with the german government. the 9 men on trial as.


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