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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. the prosecutors from the international criminal court reports and the gathering tests of any off to the discovery of mass graves, a to cause a hospitals the disease. this is alex rivera. life from dough house that coming up on the program. the us find 5 is writing ministry and it's responsible for human rights violations . this is before the war and gaza sauce head washington says they won't be sanctioned. for the search for the missing and can't hear why the death toll from widespread flooding is reached, at least a 169. and indonesia is wrong, volcano erupt again, forcing more evacuations. raising the look to its highest level,
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the prosecutors are made to national criminal court are unfortunately interviewing stopped from 2 hospitals in gaza. that's the onto the discovery of mass graves in the grounds of 2 facilities. hundreds of bodies were recovered from the 3 mass graves in the grounds of the nurse or hospital of han eunice this month. and also the remains of thousands more people were examined up. the ocean falls between gauze, the city offices these riley siege of the facility. both hospitals, when i finally damaged and out of service officer is riley troops with drew tarik, apple as im joins us live now from rossa in southern gaza, who are the i c c investigators speaking to in the yeah. in fact, a 1000000 to have the spoken to medics who have been working initially for medical
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conflicts alongside with those who have been also working in the mazda of medical facility in the south of the gulf. assessing particular i am calling you to see if you have been asking them about possible crimes being committed by these ready occupation forces as a part of their operations in a post medical compounds. as they have been turning the entire medical facilities to a minute to base that and which they have been investigating people do, they have very hundreds of palestinians in the eyes of both hospitalized. recently civil defense crews managed to recover from such charge, hundreds of palestinians who have been completely partially decomposed, including women, children, elderly people, and even who have been wounded on receiving medical treatments inside the she for me to come facility along side with not start hospital yet do so, medics identity has have been not yet reveal the due to the fact that the prosecutors of the international criminal court wanted to guarantee the full
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protection and safety away from these people. button the yes to the office of the international, from the quote from secuity did not provide any official comments or repair comments regarding the ongoing operational investigations on the ground and from the east bed. inside the is ready for administer benjamin to tell you who has been ignoring all the assets being taken by the i c. c. uh, stating that it would not impacts a significant click on the amount of moving to the truth as the are accomplishing the task inside the territory. but yet we are waiting for a proof of confirmation from the palestinian minister of health regarding these investigations as everyone clouded the rooms on what was going on in both hospitals . since the beginning of the conflicts a thank you very much for the light is from rough and southern gaza type of was o. meanwhile, the u n's talk causes that to rule on requests to order germany to stop sending
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ministry a to israel. case was followed by nicaragua and argues that button is fighting to prevent genocide or uphold international humanitarian law. it's the latest case involving israel before the international court of justice, south africa approach, the court in december, accusing israel of committing genocide. and then in a separate development, us is found 5 as writing ministry and is responsible for gross human rights violations in the occupied westbank. this is the 1st time that washington is reach such a conclusion. the incidents took place before the war and garza started despite the findings. the state department says these units have not been sanctioned to call and explains the 4 weeks we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units and israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the secretary secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these
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certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside the united states. it says no us military aid can go to those units. while we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department as cos 5. now to stephanie deca, she's an occupied easters. and as i've been any reaction yet from these riley's
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about these human rights violations committed by these uh, ministry units of the will not since last night, but this has come off. but the last 10 days or so, and there was very much outrage across the political spectrum from the prime minister from the defense minister from the opposition leader. you simply don't criticize the army in this country. a country that's very much divided. what unites them is the army, they call it these ready defense forces built on the idea of keeping is radians and israel safe. it's a conscription army, every body pretty much everybody serves. so this is something that when you know, israel's biggest allies, biggest supplier of military aid says even though it's not doing anything about it, says that certain sections of the army and security forces are guilty of great human rights violations. we have thought it seems to simply something they do not want to hear. now one of the battalions, and that's
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a you who did. that's the only one that initially was going to be sanctioned last week. they've now stepped away from that. that's a battalion made up of ultra orthodox, most of the soldiers lives in the occupied west bank. and they've been, they've been disciplined by these really are me before. for bad behavior. they were moved out of the west side in 2022. but i think certainly significant that the americans are highlighted, what kind of thing and say is a daily occurrence. the impunity of view is really the army. how they deal with palestinians, which never really goes punished unless things at court on camera off, which is route. and then even then, if you have soldiers that a potential which has happened in the pulse, a given a prison sentence, they are very soon off to part. and because exactly that the army is sanctuary. really, when it comes to is ready society. so again, you have these allegations blinking has been sitting on it since december, according to reports. and even though they are highlighting the human rights
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violations at the moment, certainly it's clear that nothing is going to be done about it because they say that they have remedied their behavior. us and stephanie and other developments today, if you are a psychiatrist anthony brain can, is heading to jordan and israel. he said that a new proposal has been put to him us, has there been any word on this from last lead as well? from what we understand, they're going to be given their response tomorrow by tomorrow evening on wednesday . interestingly, us extra state antony blake and will be in israel. then he's arriving tonight. so there's a lot of movement here in terms of tools. they'll be award cabinet meeting later tonight. also internal politics. you have nothing yahoo meeting with his rights when ministers in parliament today. these are men that are threatening to resign. to break the government if that off offensive doesn't go ahead at the moment. reading between the lines and from political sources,
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there is cautious optimism that a deal may be agreed upon, but these really have made it very clear. this for them is the largest last ditch attempt. if i'm asked delta degree, the alpha, according to certain reports today, will be decided upon in the next 48 to 72 hours. i remember though the objections, the americans still absolutely against a widespread ground operation, particularly blinking, also yesterday saying that he hadn't seen any plans by his role. that shows how they can safeguards the lives of the over 1000000 internally displaced palestinians currently in the fall. thank you very much, stephanie deck. com. let's now bringing some on shake is the founder of the piece building organization to share a group and a former un official, you know, doubts and following lincoln's new diplomatic push in the region. and of course, he's been raising with the saudi allies and now jordan and israel. is there anything to emerge from all these discussions that will be of benefit to the
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palestinians as well in the trade, we call this perhaps some moments of diplomatic ripeness. different policies have perhaps different interest in coming to some sort of an agreement and certainly talking to my american friends, they do see the next few days as being absolutely critical to that. well, for the palestinians, it depends if we get along to home and then she's fine, and that palestinians in garza, in particular, are able to start rebuilding their lives. as you can see on the is riley front. benjamin netanyahu has to manage his cabinet, particularly those on the far right wing. and there are some out the who would say that we may well get an immediate cease fire sector thinking has the same. but that may just only be a pause to a wider conflict which focuses on lebanon, his beloved iran. there are still very many people pushing for that, and that may be a way that netanyahu is able to keep his coalition together as well. and we're just
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hearing about the possibility of a ground innovation. and rafa israel has already drawing up plans for this though. it was rejected by washington. but it does seem as though as part of this flurry of diplomacy that we're seeing now, there is a great deal of pressure being put on us to make certain concessions by releasing a certain number of is riley prisoners, which they have refused to do unless there is a complete withdrawal by israel from gaza. now there is pressure on i'm asked to give in on that front. and if they don't, i suppose there is this threats of israel possibly going ahead with an escalation and rough eye, which would presumably sound the death. now, on any sort of talks just either thing him us, we'll get in by the way, i think the assistance of allowing residents to go to the north and not allowing that. and that's the reason corey door to be under the control of the miss riley
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ami, as well as, or some level of guarantees that we are working towards a permanent sci fi, is a minimum, the how much i would wish for, as well as, of course, the release of a policy and it's held in is ready presence. you know that there. it's not to say that by the side cannot put more obstacles. these riley's or how much that could be the case. but i think the reactions we seen from him a sofa showed that they are actually interested in this feel as long as that they get those guarantees for a longer time. so he's fine. do you see divisions among washington's are of allies on, in terms of how much i in terms of what my says next move should be because of course there is a contingent that once i'm asked to completely relinquish his position in gaza in favor of a perhaps a new generation of out of sending lead as a sort of a new reconfigured security arrangement that would essentially exclusive the
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palestinians, but which a g c, c, countries in washington reach themselves. but as you know, yes, there are divisions when it comes to how much amongst the arrow by lies. but what's important is that they continue to keep talking to each other to keep on quoting a thing. and yes, that's going to be important because it's going to be the power students 1st and foremost with the support of arrow by lies that i should be the ones that help to arrange the, the gaza governance as well as the security arrangements which are 1st and foremost should be about to protect and i'll try to send in some selves in does that seem too much for facilities to restart? that means the proper monitoring of actions which, which are taking place, not just to provide a buffer for, for as well in that regard. so if we're able to get to that point though, and right now, we're still at a very critical point where things can break down as, as you said,
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as well. thank you so long share with joining us is only continuing to follow developments. and the last thousands of protest as of barricaded themselves into columbia university, new york. you choose days, part of that protest against the cause of will be the last you started suspending the streaming protest as who defined an ultimatum to leave their encampments. they'd been told to care out by monday afternoon demonstrate is wanting to universities to withdraw their investments and companies with links to israel. l y . this was the scene at the university of texas in austin on monday. what thousands of people arrested nearly a 1000 protests that have been detained at campuses, country wide in 2 weeks of demonstrations. many angry what they see is a heavy handed response by police and also college administrators from austin, heidi dro castro centers. this report. after days of relative quiet on the you t austin, campus protesters erected tense and braced for what they expected to come next.
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we're not here to our community. and here we try to be deep in this is ms. harris. good habit. and i know it's about to happen again, and we're very scared for the minutes later, the police moved in at the house of university leaders, texas state troopers in right here surrounded a few dozen protesters. and one by one tore them away with the news. the news now really rusted into this and that happened the room is police arrived and now surrounding the students and faculty themselves to come out here to support them as they are being level way by police
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sitting down on their butts in the door. the wireless, as when the thoughts walk into the circle, grab a protest or on holland you to spokesperson site is extensive online threats associated with monday's protest. algae 0 did not witness any acts of aggression from being camp and protesters. but within hours, oh, had been arrested by police the crowd continued to grow chanting for the protesters to be read in police. police police use pepper spray several times and some protesters through water bottles with the police eventually back down the news or never on the wrong side of history. he's using a russian because it's a who is peacefully protesting. it was 30000 people died. finally,
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the last to the police retreated into a campus building which is to say, despite more than 40 rest, the fuel b one monday, stand off because more eyes than ever are now watching more voices joining in the chance for palestine. heidi joe castro, l g 0 austin, texas was told to bring you on the program of watching developments in the south china sea, china and the philippines, tre. bombs off to another confrontation in the area. the there hasn't started raining in northern philippines and nor should it. it's not wet season. yeah. but it is still wrapped in an easy and some be big funds don't recently wanted to prompted by that they were opting volcano,
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but the focus i think for wednesday, still going to be somewhere like west popular a bit further east that and boeing here and maybe see much less so you'll notice java because the rain is moving slowly. northwoods now still $35.00 in manila, which is above the average admitted leaving. not usually. so it also directly or the average of about 33. so if you're running on the health side, it's still fed here, but at the closest allows you dry, wants to live channels a lot possible where there's been some useful grain or come through the 2nd, 1st full, sidney doesn't need it, but that's where you put fund store running through but in the west coast and west in australia and generally is getting significant. shelly with a now it has been wanted whether it'll be too much in one place is, is a question, but it looks like it could be somebody on wednesday and then sherry on thursday, then let's say during friday, but in the rest of the state is going to be good spread aspen using and we're looking day on wednesday, obviously cold and f as in snow of height. trust judge any certain degrees that
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rain keeps rolling up and then off through no fall into the battle of the day on thursday. the right look on and public confrontation, young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down when every other route fails. die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our to 0 the
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the welcome back. main stories now. prosecutions from the international criminal court reportedly gathering testimony from hospital stock in gaza. the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 magical facilities in recent weeks could amount to little crimes. the us has found 5 is really military units responsible for human rights violations in the occupied west bank. the incidents took place before the warring gauze. this thought to the state department says the units have not been sanctions. and university students and teachers in the us are defying a police crackdown and threats of suspension to continue protesting against the morning cause the dozens of demonstrates is what arrested at several campuses on monday. now we go to kenya, the president william bhutto is going to hold a cabinet meeting on tuesday is heavy, rains continue to lash. the country. government says the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least
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a $169.00. thousands of people have been displaced, but there are many more still missing in the east, a ravine collapse into the town of river, causing it to bust its banks. mock web reports from the missing good them. it takes hours of searching the lease to muddy, torn to find each body. those are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's killed. thousands of people here in kenya, and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat, a ton of rivers busted banks nearby and sipped much the main road. the stage didn't make it. several people are still missing. more than 20 have been rescued a live. they were taken to a nearby hospital. and the best of those who knew how to swim more like ha,
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i don't know how to swim, so i had to hold onto somebody who does. you were dragged by the water until you was stopped by a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck, it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of costs of transport and networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the region. weeks of torrential rain for much of it in the highlands of central kenya slowed down to these hydro electric them as a filling is reservoir minus. just say that levels about 2 meters above what it's designed for. while this pulls is gushing into the flight channel, about 70 cubic meters, the 2nd and all of it is flowing into this kind of river. down stream, it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of
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thousands of people live in towns and villages along its banks. the government has said those are risk should move to higher ground. we are having a pep in the community to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims of the time of change to today uh somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looped after the rain in the highlands is still feeling the dams is more water on the way. now come web address. they're missing. get them can. yeah. people are being evacuated in northern indonesia aware of ok. no has erupt again. mounts rule on it. no sort of way see sent a tower of ash more than 5 kilometers into the sky. hosting the, the quote closure of the nearby international airport volcano is erupt and several times in the past 2 weeks. a chris elders is a structural geology and tectonic specialist. it cuts university joins us from past
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in australia. so is this root is this um, the volcano mount rou, i'm just sort of letting off steam and, and pressure, or could it be the stall of more violent activity? well yeah, that's what it's doing at the moment is so the left the same and we're leaving the pressure that will be present in the back of the chamber underneath the underneath some alternative. and it's maybe something that will go on for a few days and then diet has happened just a couple of weeks ago or. busy that has the potential maybe to build up to a more significant dig splice interruption that could happen at any time in the future. it is very difficult to tell exactly what's gonna happen in the future. thoughts on the so the, the potential for a more violent interruption. what might be the signs of that apart from what's happening because all those. yes, yes. what's happening now being able to see the,
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the sign of the build up of pressure and release of that pressure. and then also the seismic activity that's associated with that. so as the macro and the gases are move around in the, in the volcano that produces soul of quite so seismic activity which can be recorded. and if the authorities detect an increase and that's activity, then that's an indication of more erupt of activity to follow. and this uh, now this mountain blue line and no sort of way see, has been doing this since the 1800s, every 20 to 50 years. so this is part of a process that's been going on for, for generations. yeah, that's right. so it's um, this being a map, so the team recorded their option since 1900, which is when sort of records the beginning of the volcanic activity in my area is being a currently over a period of millions of years,
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possibly starting about 25000000 years ago so it's a, it's an ice that's relatively recent in geological history, but it's uh, certainly an area of a lot of volcanic activity that has continued in the past will continue a long time into the, into the future. of course, this is a naturally occurring process, but is there anything taking place in an around the environment in terms of human activities that might be making these interruptions more frequent till perhaps more intense. so human activity doesn't really have much bearing on volcanic eruptions like this, that controlled by the play tech tony price, etc. so that moving plates on the, on the surface of, of, of, of the, of the, across the country have a very big impact on the human activity of those risk of c nami, the ash clouds have closed. apple, it says was mentioned on the introduction,
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and people have been evacuated from the saw islands to a, to a neighboring island. the course of these applications that are important because as you say, because of the threat of us, you know me. but then if, if this is a possibility, as we know the, the country and there are certain regions that are that upfront of quite some volcanoes, they need to look at more long term solutions for people population and communities living that if they need pups be recycled in an area that is outside the dangers on . i don't, i think it's, it's certainly in some ways quite difficult to find areas in indonesia. you know, the dollar a long way from the, from volcanoes that through most of the items that make up the indonesia. and of course i very rich. so tall. so it was that develop on, on voltage side is in many ways a, it's, it's very difficult to stop people living in those areas. so i think the more
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important thing is to monitor the volcanic activity and when those and my, the, the risk levels increases as some have died for the past few weeks. then the authorities can intervene and make sure that people, if i q, right. so it's a way from the immediate danger, which is once happened, in this case a few people were evacuated a couple weeks ago when the, when the volcanic activity started. and then today those being and again, that further advice to evacuate the on the chase to realize they could move on adjacent items away from areas where there's potential tsunami activity. yeah, very important. thank you so much. really interesting to talk to you about this chris elders and now the confrontation has taken place between chinese and philippine vessels and disputed waters in the south. china sea incident took place near a contested reef during the mission to resupply. filipino fishermen, sort of beans coast gone, says a chinese vessel use both account and on 2 of its boats. so latest in
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a series of maritime confrontations between the 2 countries. bonnet below has this update for manila, a developing coast guard says to the area of this car bar. so in the south china sea earlier today, we're not expelled by the chinese coast guard. the philippine coast guard statement said that in fact, after getting water cannon by chinese coast guard vessels, the 2 vessels, one fisheries vessel and one philippine coast guard vessel were able to stand their ground and continue to patrol the area. so this is also kind of going into an information warfare here where one side comes out with a statement and the other side also comes out with a statement after each confrontation, this time around that for the being cost guide says that that the chinese side also put up a floating barrier in the area of near the entrance of the scar for
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a show infected the restricting filipinos from entering the area. the philippines and the united states are holding a naval trails in the south china sea. as part of the bulk of the exercises, which is the largest of the many annual joint drills between the united states and the philippines. and this time around the french navy is also participating. and during these naval drills is already already the 6 day right now. the chinese navy has been cuz consistently shadowing the navy's of the philippines, they knighted states and the french. and so it does look like this cooperation between these countries has been provoking china now in the bangladesh.


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