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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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the country's court rooms and electing the wrong politicians to save their lives. the the international court of justice rejects nicaragua as requests to order germany to hold military age to israel, the plane you're watching now to sierra, alive from to have with me for the back. people also ahead, israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu says his forces were entered guys, a southern city of frost 5, regardless of whether a sci fi deal is reached. prosecutors from the international criminal court gathering testimony after the discovery of mass phrase that 2 guys, the hospitals escalating
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antiwar protests in the united states. students at columbia university fabricate themselves inside of campus building. the thank you for joining us. the united nations top court has just ruled against ordering gemini to hold. tom says israel the case was 5 by nicaragua and accused germany of failing to prevent genocide and gaza by continuing to sell hom. so israel, it's the latest case involving israel before the international court of justice, south africa approach, the court in december, accusing israel of committing genocide as by 16 votes. the one find that'd be circumstances as they now present themselves to the quote. i have not such estimate acquired exist sides of its spotwood on the article 41 of the statute to indicate television and measures that go live to i'll just here is
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feeling marks who was at the hague for us. so then tell us more about what the court said today to explain their decision not to issue a professional matrix. will fully that with 2 specific issues. one was very much factual. let's start with that. they accepted the statements made by the german legal team. but since october, the 7th, no any has that been a massive reduction in the value of the military related trends? first, israel, but the vast, vast majority around 90 percent of the value of all those transfers was for non lethal material. they acknowledge that had been 302 tank missiles sold from germany into israel. they said that the full that was not a huge amount of indication that german support for these ready ministry was helping that is ready meant 3 off right. inside gauze the secondary, they pointed out that given the claim from nicaragua,
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it was that germany was in violation of the genocide convention. the court has previously itself no, yeah. rule that israel is violating that convention and that full there was no legal standing right now for them to issue the so called provisional measures against germany. because germany itself is not seen to be supporting a state that is itself in violation of the convention. that was essentially the 2 key acceptances and part of that ruling from the court today. and what has nicaragua said, following this ruling, what is going to be the next step now? so the agent on bassett a has come out here to speak just a few minutes ago in front of the call. it's important to note that germany had thoughtful this case to essentially be dismissed at this point that would normally happen. the court said, what are the questions around jurisdiction? there are no such questions around jurisdiction. so they said that the case would continue. and carlos jose as well. gomez, the agent on bassett, of, uh,
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nicholas go. a spoke to us just a few moments ago to the correct press pack, got it out here saying the case will continue. despite the i c j ruling against the emergency request, the ruling doesn't mean he said that germany did not violate international rules. and of course, this could go on fully for many, many years, henceforth. village. thank you very much feeling marks 5 there at the hague. let's get reaction now from berlin and speak to i'll just hear is dominique kane. what's the reaction of the german government that following this reading dominic, it was 40 the outset of us on the foreign office. his brother quickly reacted. putting out his statement on social media. it's in german, but i'll paraphrase it, saying, nobody is above the low, vast who informs the way we carry out. so a policies we welcomed today's judgement by the international court. gemini, is not the policy to the conflict in the middle east. on the country,
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we are working day and nights for a 2 state solution. we are a provider, a lot provider laundromat. so if you mandatory montgomery and help to the palestinians, we are working as far as possible to make sure that helps gets to pulling calls. and the final positive is they say, this is the foreign ministry driven. foreign ministry says we also see however, that was the terror of the 7th of october, is what caused the spiral of suffering that has been triggered against which israel must defend itself. and we note that there are still moving one hundreds hostages in the hands of how most, who in that woods they say are being used as well misused as human shields. the reaction from the german foreign ministry in the course of the last 20 minutes also . and it shows that the government here is happy that positive the case has gone in
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the favor. but clearly they wanted, as william was saying, that the case to be thrown out and that has not happened. and so, as it was 2 chairs metaphorically from the german government, in so far as this judgment is concerned. thank you, dominic, for that dominant, came with the reaction there from berlin. let's explore all this for the now with more ties. also gary, who heads the human rights program at the the institute for graduate studies. thank you. once again for being with us. so as we heard that, yes, the court said no legal standing to issue provisional measures against germany, but it is not the end of the case at sweetheart. what happens next is it is not the end of the cases is just a decision regarding the provision and measures requested by new colorado as the stand right now. but could send that message also to him and he is at, in the future. because of the readings that text in the future, if germany decides to provide women's that automatically used is
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a violation you cortical it can again, by the way, requests and your provisional measure. yes, i pads that haven't been south africa visitors or do you remember in the case, there was provisional measures in general. you know, those are professional measurements in a, in, in, in march. so i'm going to hear that in the conclusion of the decision of today's a quote to sit directly the court consider it particularly important to the mind or the state of their international obligations relating to the front facts, both arms, 2 parties of an army conflict. so it's a, mine's a gentleman, he's under obligation not to provide arms that could be used in violation. okay, now what about the implications, same for other countries set, provide support, military support to israel, but also be what it means for countries who might not just nicaragua, but as they saw south africa go. others who might want to bring a case against israel's supporters to uh,
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the international court of justice. because the issue here was that there was insufficient evidence to show these professional measures. right? yes. so when there's a case for these in the future, should provide sufficient and substantial evidence that 0. so i'm going to corp, unrelated exports that is used in violation of international humanitarian law and international who might actually in proficient measure. you don't talk about the past, you're talking about something ongoing. and so it is eminence risk that the threat will continue to days. a quote did not find that. and it was convinced that a flood should many presented at because you had many, also out of goods that it has the system to monitor it. and it has, it's that germany's complied and also, or are bound by e lo and an arm exports. so any piece should provide evidence that are ongoing, a exports and physics support our use directly in the evaluation at the beginning of a convention or the convention on genocide. okay, so it's less than for other countries that might want to bring a case to. yeah. but also just to, to conclude,
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i think what's happening now is that gets that long should a longer turn legal mobilization. it is not the end of the story. we can also witness domestic litigation in germany, in canada, inside the countries that provide. because people can also 5 cases in the midst of port. okay. very interesting. this was a legal victory perhaps for germany, but not, not a political one adult to consider. yeah. but it's like a legal victory because there are no provision. i measured now. yeah. but i don't to considerate exec victory because also in the conclusion of the thickest of the decision today, is a court to remind you of many of its obligation. and they don't mind international community. and it is the book is of geneva convention on to mess around with it. a lot of 0 obligations not to provide with the ones that are used in violation of the geneva convention. so is this lisa ground for future litigation? it, it is possible for me. what do you expect that they could be either cases you mentioned
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at the local cases, that's a possibility. but at the international court of justice, you expect that other countries could be used also we can always, of course content existed. we need to remember that new protocol and colombia intervened in support of south africa, and it's the case again, this is all right. so right now is ice. you already handed 3 cases related to the cdn they need to talk about assigning gene. and what is advisory open in that it's provide, opens that of course, those there's not an assembly to discuss the legal consequences of that it could be sent. the 2nd one is south africa versus it ends at said one week article in germany because of the quote we, besides admit, it's sort of still other at phases. for this case it has not ended, it will be some time. thank you very much. my task for your insight as always, very good to get your expertise more times. i'll for gary from the derived students graduate studies. thank stein. other developments, these are else prime minister benjamin netanyahu has pledged to attack rafa in the south of the gaza strip with old without
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a ceasefire. deal with him us. that is despite international call for restraint. 1.5000000, forcibly disgrace palestinians, a sheltering in the city. let's go live to bernard smith, an occupied east jerusalem for as brandon. so next now adam is that the rock operation will go ahead despite american objections. yes so and not only did he say that he said ending the will before reaching our objectives is out of the question. one of those objectives being the destruction of hamas as a fighting force is rev. leaves are still full. i'm us battalions in gaza in rafa now only yesterday and he blinked and was urging how much to take advantage of an extraordinarily generous proposal that he said israel was making about was asking for $33.00 captives less than previously in return for a large number of palestinian prisoners plus a 40 day see spot followed by what was praised,
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a period of sustained calm vindication. the suggestion being that there was gonna be a lot very long period of quiet on the, in gaza. but now and then yahoo has come out and said he still intends to invade rafa at some stage. i didn't any indication of the pressure on him? well ben, he's got a meeting with my bank of a the fall, right? national security minister who says, but he was promised buying that and you know that israel board. and so rafa promised that the goal would not end. i'm promise that will be no probably good deal on these fall right. funds administer because all small treasures set in the class that in israel's problem, it's a deal with how much is a terrible defeat. but israel and it gives how much a resoundingly victory on a silver platter. so if i'm us was asked to consider yesterday that there was a very long period of peace on the table. the suggestions on now from these riley side, but it's still intends to go in to run for it some states. thank you very much for that bonus may fly very unoccupied. east jerusalem, that's crossover to honey. my mood now, who is in
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a rafa in the south with the guys a strip. uh, what's the move there? awesome. that to me i was comments on the i imagine a lot of anguish and a lot of worry the yeah sun, it's a quiet right now have received with the great deal of frustration. the odds of you started the secretary blinking and made a statement about a generous offer and it just made people feel that there we are very close to a dealer right now. we're listening to nathan e aus that comment about not a deal with or whether there is a deal or no deal is going to come through about very concerning any quite frank training for the vast majority of people here. the 1500000 displays palestinians across over a crowded dropbox citizens, the initial weeks of, of this war just making people to lose any left then sell volts safety or hold sport. uh for a potential a ceasefire deal. now the,
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what makes it worse right now is if people feel like they're like in a limbo right now, they don't know whether there is a deal and in case there is a deal missing out. also, the problem is that he's going to come throughout behind in beta dropbox, which makes, makes the whole point of going to ideally quite point is that there's a great deal of on goods. worry and concern and frustration as things are not clear . and that when we talk to people, they said it's quite similar to all the pos there. they have the moving people and hurting them from one place to another for the purpose of evacuating dentist saved on that. eventually it happened to be not safe at all because people were ended up in the areas that they were killed in, in, in those save zones designated by these really military. what we look at right now is robot has been bombed all these past months and it's still being monitored by surveillance by drones, by a talk, a drawing,
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vibrant phonics and eric crafts causing a great deal of noise then. and the grinding down and the mental and physical health of everyone here. and on top of that, the relentless, a talk that's almost non stop at the top for the past months. everywhere. it's like, it feels like a big deal has already invaded rough ice city. yeah. that the psychological impact indeed is he huge honey. meanwhile, prosecutors from the international criminal court have been interviewing. i understand from 2 policy means a 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. that is, after the discovery of mass graves on the ground of the 2 facilities, hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mask res on the premises of the nasa hospital in con eunice this month. and the remains of dozens more people worried zoomed at all. she for hospital in guys, a city after and he's really caesar of the facility. honey, what more have you found out about who the itc investigators interview at all? she find nicer. and what about precisely
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what we learned so far they didn't do those. those are being interviewed for the eyes to see for the purpose of investigation and collecting evidence of what happened have not they haven't been disclosed. and. 2 protected that and that they've given the sensitivity of the matter is this, this is something that people have that does express that over the past few weeks in that time, when this is really military, not all these forms, not their hospital and destroyed the vast majority of its facility, but also it happened in a few possible in the past month and also in the northern area where a massive great it was discovered as a check point that was set up by these, read it military. what we know so far is it from the reports that we didn't the what, what we've been able to document the nasir hospice outlet and from a civil hospital. it goes very consistent with the the tax, the motors that we heard of from nurses and medical staff and evacuation were
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inside these health facilities. when do you work a boarding day? where under the military season, when the worst storm bite is really military to describe horrific scenes of what is really military did to patients the injuries that evacuated inside the house of adults. that is, that is, that went very, very consistent with what we covered and document. it's on the ground and look consistent with the description that was given by the civil defense department, either in hon. you in a city or the northern part of gaza city. thank you. very much for the updates that challenges here is honey mama with reporting deadline from rossa in southern casa said. meanwhile, guys, a civil defense agency says a lack of equipment has caused the death of thousands of palestinians trapped under the rubble of destroyed buildings. it estimates more than $10000.00 people are missing and not included in the official death total of more than $34500.00 policy
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and scale since october. the u. n. estimated could take 14 years to create a debris in the gaza strip. the united states has found 5 is really military units responsible for gross human rights violations in the occupied. westbank is the 1st time washington has reached such a conclusion. the incidents took place before israel began its war on gossip. but despite the findings, the state department said the units have not been sanctioned body go hand explains 4 weeks. we've been waiting for the us state department to announce the results of its investigation into whether certain units and israel's defense forces committed gross violations of human rights. the reason is the secretary secretary of state himself and to me blinking said earlier this month that he had made the determination. now this is important because if it is found that these certain units violated human rights, there's laws inside united states. it says no us military aid can go to those units . while we now know it's unlikely to happen. 4 of these units have effectively
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remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do. it is consistent with what we expect all countries whom would we have a security relationship? the deputy spokesman here at the state department was repeatedly pressed on this issue and he just simply wouldn't answer the questions such as what exactly were the gross violations of human rights? what units were involved? exactly. how did israel remediate the situation and what kind of information israel provided? again, you simply wouldn't say, particle hang l g 0 at the state department. and still ahead on the program, we follow the search for the missing in kenya, where the death toll from widespread flooding continues to rise. stay with the
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now the ratings moving north, the season already exposing java to join in the heat wave at the rest of most countries in a sure i have to say philippines included as a gap here. and it's fitting in slightly a slight shares with all that many. yeah, the real heavy stuff has been there for weeks to the north of that basically, and southern china. the line does extend that to give you some grain in hon. shoot, otherwise it's drying the temperature, beijing, the spectrum where it should be. the shelves are wandering around and $1.00 across and taiwan as well. and they could be big here too. big gambles. possibly some damaging help. hong kong scroll potentially scroll it down, says de, it still looks pretty over cost and went on friday, slightly better by saturday. not sure i was do cool things down and it is true without by many of them left. i have to say they've been around the poll boot time . i'm particularly the knowles of pakistan and north west of india, and it's still funding as a result. more days of right here and you must expect. yes,
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you do getting this time that you ever this is rather too much. now it looks like full cost wise. there are over, for now the full costs will package them on this side of india is now but dr. for thursday, possibly for friday. but let me step out of the way and see what's coming your way from the middle east and there are probably more showers, and the phone is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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the recap of the top stories on ologist sierra, the united nation stop court has ruled against ordering germany to hold his arms sales to israel. the case had been put forward by nicaragua, which accused germany of facilitating genocide by sending weapons to each round. israel's foreign ministry, if any minute now has place to a task, raphael, southern guys that with or without a sci fi deal with a mouse that is defined international costs for me. strange. 1.5000000 for c beta space policy means our shop train in the sixty's and prosecutors from the international criminal court has been the gathering testimony from hospital stock and guys of the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 medical facilities,
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increasing waste code amounts to the united nations human rights she folk, a turk says he is troubled by measures taken to disperse protests against his or as war on guys and universities across the us. thousands of protesters have fabricated themselves inside a building at columbia university in new york. the group has taken over hamilton hall, which has a history of some data base, including during the vietnam war they on for advantage calling needs haynes hall in memory of a 6 year old ell kids in guys. this came hours after the university started suspending student demonstrators who defied an ultimate and to me very uncomfortable. let's go live to present to me was outside columbia university for us in new york. so the student protests is christian of fabricated themselves inside this hall. after days of protests, what is the scene like inside and outside the campus right
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here? outside the campus, you can see the barricade setup at the one entrance that people can enter that campus. there's a severe restrictions i've been put in place on anyone getting on to the campus, only students who live on campus and a central person. now the dining halls have been shut down as the university attempts to deal with the takeover of the building. and if you look the next to the barricades that have been set up behind the barricades, that right there is hamilton hall, where i reported me a couple of dozen according to the student newspaper. a couple dozen protesters are still inside that building. they are, you can see a sign that's been hung out of the window. maybe it's hard to read. it says free palestine. on the campus side of the building, there are more banners that have been unfurled and that are hanging outside. this, after the demonstrators entered the building shortly after midnight,
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we are told that they went in one entrance while other students blocked another entrance. limiting access to the building in a tradition that has been on this campus for, for many years. the same building has been taken over by students to protest the vietnam war to protest apartheid in south africa. but essentially the stand off continues, the takeover happened on the same day that students started receiving suspension notices for remaining indian camp meant. but the student protesters saying that the university had been negotiating in bad faith on their demands and that they were going to escalate the situation to continue to try to pressure the administration to get what they want, which is essentially the investment from israel and amnesty for the students who have been suspended for soon. thank you very much. one of the best options here is christian. send them a reporting deadline from outside columbia university in new york. that's now had
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to washington d. c. she advertised c is at george washington university in the heart of the us capitol, another encampment that called us to disrupt pressing the war on guys off. tell us about what's happening there. the things are slowly coming to life. have people having breakfast? it's really call them here. in fact a calisthenics stretching session is just become behind that tetra. unfortunately, as luck would have it, i think that during the down to the adult because right now, so you're going to see them but they were just stretching away that it's it and kind of be call them atlas for any suggestion and we do keep on getting these threatening statements from george washington university. so looking about how it would have disruptive atmosphere, this is now and save some students may feel, i mean, it's patently untrue and, and a disguise to share what we've shown so many times in the past when we cover these protests. but you really get those sorts of pictures of pills that we did see in texas or in new york or elsewhere when authority is cracked down on peaceful
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protests. do. simply trying to get the voices from now that isn't that happened then? yeah, but not for one to try for the administrators of george washed university. they want the police to come here. i'm clear out, clear out being comments with the police and the local authorities. i know this is clearly just a peaceful process with students. you haven't that constitutional right to to express, express themselves, but we always know how quickly things can change. i think. what are the reasons for for that reluctance is the d. c. police while the criticism through black lives matter 2020. when they cleared out for the protest was outside the white house of great 5. actually i was just thinking if you in 2000 that with the i m f world bank protests that really just shuffled as low as it gets tens of millions of dollars. they have to pay for being up peaceful protests. and so that very wary about this for now, but we just always that how quickly, how quickly things can change. indeed, she, i thank you very much for that, that she advertise, he lives there in washington dc. a fee not in use, donald trump has been fined to $10000.00 for contempt, then for violating
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a gag order. in his hash money trial, the judge found the former us president had breached the order in online post, send home game. it could be jails if he commits for the violations. trump is accused of falsifying business records to hide a payment to an adult film mattress in 2016 to kenya now where heavy rains continue to lash the country. the cabinet has ordered people living in flood prone areas to move out within 48 hours. the government says the best toll from a months of flooding. as reach at least a 170000 of people are displaced and many others are missing in the east, a ravine collapse into the town of railroad, causing it to buy 6 banks. welcome lab reports or must think of them. it takes hours of searching the lease to muddy, torn to find each body. those are covered at the latest victims in flooding that's killed. thousands of people here in kenya,
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and hundreds across east africa. it was too much for this woman when she discovered a cousin was one of them on sunday. people were trying to get to and from the town of teresa by boat ton of rivers busted banks nearby and submerged the main road. the stage didn't make it. several people are still missing. more than 20 of being rescued a live. they were taken to a nearby hospital. well, the best of those who knew how to swim more like ha, i don't know how to swim, so i had to hold onto somebody who does. you were dragged by the water until you was stopped by a truck where i waited until i was rescued. this is the truck, it was the last vehicle to try and cross here on the road. and so didn't make it the floods of costs of transport and networks and displaced hundreds of thousands of people across the region. weeks of torrential rain for much of it in the
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highlands of central kenya slowed down to these hydro electric them as a feeling is reservoir amount of just say the levels about 2 meters above what is designed for. while the 4th is gushing into the flight channel, about 70 cubic meters, the 2nd and all of it, it's flowing into this kind of river. down stream, it sweeps through the plains of eastern kenya towards the indian ocean. hundreds of thousands of people live in towns and villages along its banks. the government has said those of risk should move to higher ground. we are having a meeting to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that citizens.


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