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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done, even as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the is there any problem in a set? benjamin netanyahu says is false. is, will enter dogs of southern city of ruffled regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached. the thoughts of robin who are 2 of 7 life headquarters here in the also coming up, prosecutors from the international criminal tools, a gathering testimony after the discovery of mass graves up to gaza. hospitals
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approaches grow in the united states. students of columbia university barricade themselves inside a compass build. and indonesia is run, volcano erupt again, pulsing more than q ations and raising the alerts to its highest level. welcome to the product of a renew diplomatic pushes underway to reach a c side and gaza. about the size, it's willing to move forward. adults in colorado, but this was prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has bound to a tank rafa in southern gauze, whether there's a cx 5 deal with us or not. he's also said the decision by the international criminal court will stop as well from achieving it's will goals bringing hostages haven, victory abraham us. well, that's and you know, whose comments come as us extra estates on to the blinking continues a shuttle diplomacy after visiting saudi arabia. and jo needs due to arrive and as well shortly to all the series of talks, the and that comes as the white house issues
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a statement saying that new hostage deal is a good one. that has a message from us to accept it. now we have correspondence covering this story in rough, a garza that the white house didn't occupied east or east of why we begin without just it was bad. it's been that bad at high. uh, nothing yahoo! of course it says it is very false. it's going to go through rather regardless of whether not sci fi deal happens or not on sale, benjamin netanyahu also set the ending, the war before reaching our objectives is out of the question. those objectives being the destruction of how much on the discovery and elimination of its leadership, but only on monday. yes. to day the americans were urging how much to take advantage of what they called an extraordinarily generous proposal from his royal 33 hostages captive in exchange. for a large number of palestinian prisoners on a 40 day sea spot, followed by what they were calling
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a period of sustained calm. yet today, netanyahu says no, he's going to go into rafa, whatever. i'm not comes out. these have meetings with far on members of these cabinets, and if not, think of it being one of them saying that he was promised by netanyahu, the israel with n. so rafa promise that the war would not end. i'm promised that will be no trouble . a good deal, um, but as a small trip to the finance minister, he said in the connected a deal with how much is a terrible defeat israel. it gives how much a resoundingly big treat on a silver platter. so if how much was being asked to examine a deals that seemed to suggest a long period of calm? well not, and yeah, it was now saying he's still going to go into a rough or whatever. but of course, this will make it very clear about their opinion on the potential for i c. c judgements to be coming that way as well. this story is only originating from source is in israel from israel government. they are
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the ones that are talking about the fear that the international criminal court is going to be issuing arrest warrants for them. the senior leaders, including ballpark potentially pets, are met benjamin then, you know, you'll have guidelines and all those. netanyahu says that the possibilities warns against the commandos and state latest is a scandal on, on the historic scale. and israel counts the, the foreign minister as one israel embassies to bolster the security. it's a story originating and his route international criminal court has nothing to say except that he's having an ongoing investigation in relation to the situation in the state of palestine. the investigation dates from before october, the 2nd to help us with the with that i do smoke you by the streets then. thank you . that's cool. so i've talked whitehouse correspond kimberly how get to that in washington d. c for us and it has to be said, but the by the administration is talking about a cease fire the that would be the whole to fighting for at least 6 weeks. i mean,
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what more is the administration saying about this? because they're also being floated by these riley prime minister as well, of the yeah, and this wouldn't be the 1st time that we've had both the white house and be a is really prime minister, really at odds over differences of policy. this is yet another example of that. what we have is the white house pushing for what they say is a good deal and urging him off to accept it. but at the same time, i just 24 hours ago. this has been undermined by the state and is coming out of israel by the is really prime minister saying with or without a deal be ground. the operation into ross law is going ahead and preparations are still under way. still the white house in the bottom administration, trying to avert that. they have been looking for alternatives for weeks now. and they believe that this is another one of those options and alternatives. what they
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believe, and this is something that egypt has helped to pass along with the united states. and even the, as rarely as this is being undermined by these really side, it would work out in terms of the possibility that their put as my colleagues bernard smith at live the, an exchange of captives for is really prisoners. and, but this could eventually, in the 2nd phase, lead to not only a pause and fighting, but something more. and during so, according to the national security council spokesperson, john kirby, he is saying that this is something that these realize are serious about. in terms of the new proposal, the white house leaves a good one and they are urging him us to accept it. of course, we'll come back with more developments with you. kimberly, how could that all white house correspondent in washington dc to prosecute those from the international criminal calls went to being stuff from 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. and that's after the discovery of mass graves on the grounds of 2 facilities. the hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mass graves on the
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premises of the naso hospice and connie. of this month, the remains of dozen small people were exempted. i'll ship all spelling gauze the city after this way. the siege on the facility. that's conservative, honey. my, me to join us now in rafa in the southern gauze and so much has been happening the tool coming out of tel aviv. i'd also from washington, dc about rough uh, a potential c spine, negotiation with mediators in kyra, it will reverberates about way you are the business, the people must have about what is coming out of the prime minister's office. in teller these you know how this has been very distressing for the people in dropbox city as well as the remaining parts of the gods for everybody at this point is very anxious to get to a point where there is a solid at seeds fire deal. they could just remove the bird to relieve them of the
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burden of the ongoing distress of dying inside their home because of the unpredictable fall in bond. so far they a detox the entire people are paying attention to them. the ones that here's something solid, something promising coming out, but at the same time, all of this being pretty much said that was dated by the comments coming from these really prime minister benjamin. and then you know that he is going to interrupt whether there is a dealer or no deals at all. just making the entire, the visions in the process of securing a deal pretty much instrumental elements for his of, for himself to stay in power and to prolong door as long as you can let just a minute member that the friend of brian made a certain engineer who wants to prolong this war as long as he can, for the sake of his political career as it appears a from past the 10s that right now,
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people here are the ones who are paying the price of this storm is of the negotiations, the installment of the and the, the, i'm going to for it. so expanding the ground and vision and robot $1500000.00, displace palestinians. where did promise i this place more than one time, in some cases, a 3 or 4 times it from one place to another store i go on daily basis and right now the have to deal with not only with the ongoing and things bombing campaign, but the the threat of expanding the ground and vision here as there is no safe a place to go to. in fact, there isn't as the re iterate more than one time. you can to create a safe zone in a war zone. it just makes it very difficult for them. this is the last refuge that people have thought for refuge here and to shoulder and other than this. the remaining part of the gulf stream pretty much turned into a waste land with no basic uh, supplies with no basic necessities or infrastructure or your social services. there is, there must be, as they say, most of the time there must be
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a deal that relieve them of from the ongoing distress and a trauma of this for honey about mood that for us in a rough timeframe that trickles does take you to new york now where the un secretary general is taking questions from the press corps outside the security council. let's listen to what he has to say. you've mentioned you've called a lot on countries with influence or the israel to prevent a rough or so to help increase aid access. what leverage do you think the united states should use? now to do that. i think it is very important still puts all possible pressure in order to avoid what would be an absolutely devastating specialty and thank you to some eyes in my lot or been to the newspaper. i have 1st the question regarding a today the un high commissioner for human rights forgot to or issue the statement
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. and he said he was troubled by the series of heavy handed step, sticking a to dismantled protest actions at universities and campuses in the united states. do you have comments on that? and then the 2nd part of the question is regarding settlements and the settler settlements and subtler violence a. and what do you want? would like to see countries doing in order to stop the next explosion that it's probably around the corner there. thank you. well, 1st of all, i think it is essential, you know, circumstances to get into the freedom of expression and the 3 of them a peaceful demonstration. and at the same time, it is obvious that 8 speech is an acceptable based on my experience in governments. i believe it is up to the
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university of $42.00 is to have the wisdom to properly manage situations like the ones we have witnessed. the 2nd question, supplements up illegal in themselves settlements on an obstacle to peace. 6, but settlements and obstacles to the 2 state solution. and the not totally settlements are illegal, but the violence of settlers as being one of the most serious aggravating factors have the very that emetic situation that we have now in the, the, the west bank. and obviously these 2 lots are being met, so that's would be sort of full the comfortability. thank you very much. thank you . give me a 2nd for general antonio chat, russia speaking to the sample, press, cole, you're the headquarters. of course, the asked about what he can do to avoid
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a tragedy in a rough uh, talking about the possible influence that people can have to try and talk to at least across the world. try to avoid all of that. and of course, as far as the us compass and demonstrations, he talks about the that there is a guaranteed freedom of expression and demonstration, but hates hates speech is not acceptable. but he expects the wisdom of universities to be able to manage the system. so keeping all that message the, you and human rights chief, as we just heard, did not press conference volk attacks as he's troubled by measures taken to this best protests. the guys as well as well on cause and universities across the us, dozens of protest as a barricade to themselves inside a building at columbia university of new york degrees close. take the whole which has a history of take everything for you to enjoy them. so they unsettled about the cooling it in full, a memory of a 6 year old who died because it came out as of to be invest. he started suspending student administrators who defied ultimatum to leave the incumbents.
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you know, in a moment she appetite and so you will have the latest from george washington university in the us capital defense that speech kristen, selena. she joins the line from columbia university in new york where i told the guy the neck as you can hear, perhaps the kristin, the or the secretary general's. so the way and get on the conversation about those demonstrations that universities told you about the rights to be able to express yourself to be able to demonstrate but hate speech will not be acceptable. what, how's the situation be like a very tense situation where you've been over the last certainly 36 hours. well, a number of the student demonstrators went home after a very late night into the early morning hours where they were gathered on campus
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thinking that they'd be going back to the campus again today to support the encampment and the students in the and cabinet. but they are not being allowed on the campus unless they have a dorm on the campus, and many students live in the surrounding neighborhood. so we are hearing from people outside of the campus about what's happening in there. this restricted access extends to faculty members, only essential personnel are being allowed on the campus. no media, it's not even for periods of the time during the day are being allowed. the administration saying that that is due to the safety conditions on the campus. that said what, speaking to people on campus by phone, they say things are calm uh that there are still people in the in cabin. but they are nervous and expecting that police could be called in and out any time to suite 7, remove them from the campus. that was the threat yesterday when the university declared
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an impasse on campus at. but they were surrounded and overrun on campus by supporters. teachers, alumni and other students surrounding cabinet making a very difficult to get access to those who were being threatened with arrest and suspension. and today, again speaking the students here many have received suspension. notice for their participation in the demonstrations. i also know where the overnight, of course, that an autonomous group from the cabinet took over hamilton hall. that is the building that you can see over here. behind me, there's a few banners out of the windows one says free pal assign the other says glory to martyrs. that building taken over by we're hearing maybe a couple dozen students again. uh,
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they're describing them as autonomous from those who are involved and being can't remember, clearly in support of this actually the students telling us that their demands are the same. disclose an amnesty for students divest from israel, disclose investments in israel and advocacy for students and their remaining strong, but waiting at any moment perhaps to be evicted and we'll see what happens. it goes to low events with you as time progresses. kristen. so maybe that in new york to columbia university, but it's cost saver to she ever time sees the george washington university in the us capital by different atmosphere where you've been these last few days she have yeah. in fact, the reading circle has just begun the richard and the height for reading such will be the organized, put together a schedule lunches after that. but as a teacher, don't garza then uh, fill the screening up,
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but i think the students are pretty well aware of what's going on around them. and in fact, the authorities here at g w george university. i'm actually off for a tractor, but it hasn't actually happened yet. let's talk to one of the, one of the organizers having, you know that what's happening at other universities could very easily happen here . i was like making you feel. of course we know it could happen here. um it is quite scary. it is disappointing that the university would take or would even think about taking such measures against us to jeopardize our safety and wellbeing because they would rather harm their students and divest from genocide. however, we are forthright in such austin, our moral compass, we intend on staying here no matter what the costs into our demands are met. and clearly you just aware of what's happening on the campuses, but you're aware of what's happening and goals are itself we will just hearing from a reporter and roughly who's talking about the full boding sense of an imminent. the intensification of the slopes of the white house, a kilometer away, so suggest to be of interest bystanders that couldn't really do much about it.
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what's your reaction to that? well, 1st of all, i think it's ridiculous that the white house would call themselves by, by standards, especially when just bought a week and a half ago they passed a, you know, over 19000000000 dollar age packed a package to israel was it, i mean, israel's genocide cannot continue without us military aid. it is dependent on it. so do you do united states government can do so much as so much in his power to, you know, just wade be as really government from going through with this. and also, i mean, as students, everything we do is centered on it cuz we're not here for the sake of, you know, being here for the sake of camping. we're here because our friends and families are in the cause. we don't know if we're going to wake up in the morning to news of them, you know, having been murdered. we've had the sort of accounts of abiding company they know that they need large young people's turn out to the next selection. and they're still pretty confident the in the end, the kids will come back to them because it looks like it's got of donald trump. what's your, what's your sense of, of my sense is that they're quite light. you've. i mean,
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in 2020 i made the black lives matter uprisings, there was a call to settle for bite and expecting not since he was the lesser to eagles, allegedly that you know, the problems we were facing the country would ameliorate. however, what we saw was an increase in police brutality. if people have become very disillusioned by biden, we are over 6 months into israel's most recent genocidal, bombardments evidence. and i mean, but pardon has demonstrated a complete unwillingness to meet the demands of the mass amounts of, you know, hundreds of thousands of people in the country who have been rising up and resisting whatever ways they can holding for an end to us material a, to to design this entity in its genocide and i think he's really lost irreparably, the support of young people, especially in this country. how do you think this is going to be resolved with the, i mean, we're just for the stalemate right now. what, where do you think this is? heather, it's, i think the only way to resolve this, given the world that we live in, that is so centered around money is divestment,
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both in the, you know, sense of the government ending all the, give us military aid and you know, other governments, any military i'd say this account and that's, i mean, you've got a problem, is that and actually is that the term is ending soon. however, i mean, we have a lot of students who are staying in the area who live in the area. i mean, we don't intend on just talking up and leaving and even if this does get suppressed, mean does university and all universities in the area can trust that we will continue to protest and we will continue to resist in new and creative ways. as we have done, applying increased pressure on the university until our demands are met ref, lights on the line for you. thank you very, very much real determination here at george washington university. so she advertise to that for us in washington dc. thank you. the students at the american university of babies have also joined unique labels, student protests method the discuss it on the campus to demand that is seasoned dispos. any ties to israel
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linked companies. they described as well as long calls as a genocide and hold on as well. to stop as a ton of space on garza and level are the future students are future policy makers. and also i feel like we have, we are the energy, we are the movement. no one else is in the i feel like world wide people my age, this generation you and still cool says just rule to guys altering job the to hold on sales to as well. but the case was funded by new correct q and the key spelling failing to prevent genocide in gauze that by continuing to sell arms. it's the latest case involving as well before the international court of justice. south africa approached the quote in december accusing as well of committing genocide by 16 votes. the one find that'd be circumstances as they now present themselves to the quote are not such as politic. what exist sides of his spy would on the article
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$41.00 of the statute to indicate television and measures can use present when he retired was held a special cabinet meeting on tuesday. as heavy writings continues to launch the country, the death toll from among the flooding has reached at least a 170 people. 195000. others have been displaced, confidential reports now from become in my, my we, what people have been seeking shelter. most of these people have lost everything they've lost at home then now and it comes, it's a school the trying to get help, while in tears have brought a clue for them. so the situation is very dire. a many of them are traumatized. some of them us still missing the loved ones. we have spoken to a man, for example, was looking for. he's 9 year old son. uh the son has been
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found. he's dead. he's been taken to the morgue, so he's very, very distraught. but then he says he has to move on. he has to go back to where he's home a wants to because he wants to solve age some of his belongings. this is also a couple months inside the rescue efforts are being coordinated here we have volunteers, we have a government official here. we have the red cross and the government has to pay the money much machinery like excavators, to try and dig out these huge trees that are blocking the way. and they want to try and get to a some of the bodies us to that. i still trust the government has also clarified that it is a guidelines that broke it sang up on the hills. it had been accumulating water
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in that gaiety since the rain started. so this is what we see. huge devastation and people still in morning and people were still a shock. cast me so i'll just be on my mind. you can you to the bottom of that you're going to dr. remains of the grip of extreme heat. swipe with the maximum temperature forecast to stay above 40 degrees celsius until thursday. the heat wave in the south asian country gets the longest in 75 years old schools. older to close on monday, scientific research has found that climate change is causing heat waves to increase in frequency and intensity. result in calm is deputy director of the international sense of old climate change and developments. he says the heat wave says up as a wakeup, cold, the dangers indic streams of climate change on the,
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on the net the, uh, well we have, uh, kind of, uh, have the body shop, but this kind of, uh, it was the uh let spectrum last year also we have some but my address labels. so we have been kind of in a way, uh, because of this is kind of a model up to this amount as much as well as also proving to be in my girlfriend operation. but for emergencies, it just says on the scanned or if it was all governments also sides of the so the, the that's not been ready but know people are government is becoming very sensitive to that. there are a complaint that i can go from to address this kind of the desk chair, and there's the simply to pick up. and um, the address is a wake up call that we are leaving and the phone with james was and this problem does not the lead from both of those numbers with the number on the job. so of all the solution lies was the marriage. i'm it or something. this is with the share is
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one of the month hits the gym on our event just trying to change back up the example. this is the kind of progressive to get the parents of the country and people in to have to ask for putting the most of that i, as i understand because we have more than 2000000 population i most living in tucker and hughes does population the another confrontation is taking place between chinese and philippine vessels and the disputed waters of the south china sea. the incident took place, the contested rece touring emission to resupply filipinos and fishermen, the philippines coast on such a chinese that sole use war to kind of on 2 of its boats. the business king charles has returned to public duties for the 1st time since it was announced that he being diagnosed with cancer in february. the king's 1st engagement involved a visit to meet other people who are undergoing cancer treatment. pull brendan, how's the story?
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looking relaxed and smiling king charles was accompanied by queen camilla for this resumption of his public fixing royal duties. the university college hospitals, mcmillan, kansas center is not where the king himself is being treated. but the royal gesture of solidarity and support for the patients and staff here was clearly intended to send a message, waiting patiently for a glimpse of the king with 2 loyal supporters. glad to see him out in public again . it's not the same back. and we will be staying and he's not alone. the cancer to my partner died concerts 121 years ago. she does consensus. she was 40, i was navient. and i know exactly what the kids sitting and the claim. and he couldn't tell me to baptize to see the patients who got cancer. not, i mean, obviously is not allowed, not alone even within his immediate family. jones's daughter in law, catherine, the wife of prince william, is herself undergoing preventative keyma therapy for cancer. inside the unit to the
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king, to a diagnostics and screening facilities hearing about the new melanoma skin cancel vaccine announced just last week. i'm sitting down to chat with long chemotherapy patients. the king sympathized, telling her i've got to have my treatment this afternoon as well. the king's own can, so it wasn't housed in february after a shed your prostate treatment the previous months. the exact nature of his cancer hasn't been revealed, but the publicity about his condition has seen an 11 fold increase in the number of prisoners seeking medical advice for prostate concerns. it's huge. the pos, i think that, that much of these came here today. well, the king is still on sky and cancer treatments. many thousands of people choose to what walls i have come to treatment. often. we think about that and what needs to happen in order to make that possible for people to think spend such a message of hate to see and hit stay. not quite a full rich tons of public duty for king charles his yes to confirm his attendance
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upcoming demonstrations or the enforcement to paint the color ceremony. but it's a positive side whole front and i'll just say era central under 3 chinese astronaut . so back on that, that's a 6 month stay in space that they loved it integrated be, does it in china's and among early autonomous region, after spending time on both of the 10 golden space station trying to build his own space station, have to be excluded from the international space station last week because of the us concerns. i have a chinese ministry control with the i s s, near the ending of its useful life. china could be any country or corporation to maintain a crude station in all, but the volcano within to these i pads are up to the guy problem single forward to use the older evacuations and place a nearby airport. mount rewind in little sort of ways, a province now it's been active since mid april. jessica washington reports now from the not very long and indonesia is not sooner. we.


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