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tv   101 East Indonesia - Moving A Megacity  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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front end, i'll just say around central london, 3 chinese ask and also back on that for a 6 month stay and space that they loved it integrated be, does it in china's, in, among galia, autonomous region after spending time on both of the 10 golden space station trying to build his own space station have to be excluded from the international space station last week because of us concerns. i have a chinese ministry control with the i s s, near the ending of its useful life. china. it could be any country or corporation to maintain a crude station in all of its a volcano, into the zip codes, or up to the game from single forward to use the older evacuations and place a nearby apple mount drawing and little sort of ways. a province that it's been active since mid april. jessica washington reports now from the not very long and indonesia is not sooner. we see provence erupted in the early hours of tuesday morning, sending up plumes of ash thousands. this meet his high lightning flushed above the creature as lava spewed into the sky. it's the latest of option in weeks or so kind
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of activity on. one of the government issued evacuation orders earlier this month and says it is hoping to resettle some families. it will provide them with land as it is and safe for them to return home. meanwhile, people living on the nearby tuggle on the island are also being urged to move to safety authorities. a ward, the volcano could spew rocks and ash clouds. what's that got me that what i've done, i'm glad that, but the people inside the alarm done are in the radius of 7 kilometers from the top of the crate to so the plan is they will be evacuated to see how island can a thought i'd use the airport in manada with the provincial capital, about 100 kilometers away from the volcano, has been closed for the 2nd time this month. as volcanic ash is restricting visibility, we closed operations because of the alert levels and 7 in the morning. there are $38.00 planes impacted both arriving and departing, and
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a total of $3842.00 passengers. authorities have also going to assume he could be triggered if large amounts of low kind of material fall into the sea is home to some of the world on the pacific area. when many tectonic plates it's nice for me to hold robins, and i'll have more for the half of the us time. but next on i'll just say right, it's while the one is from the team here in the that's the logic the now let me tell you about safari, the cool result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we enter the coupon occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used. only looked at very close here,
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like common here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun chicago, one of the world's right mega cities. is it breaking point time to 30000000 tables and sinking it a by the last last part of the yes, the mind get an idea a little i'm the i'm really thinking more of a clogged and polluted capital. and the president determined to forward your bald solution before he leaves office. think up of fund blow to about the band, deb, guided by the money to do what stuff sent to me. now, when did they use your resume? boxing on a radical plan to start afresh and build a new capital city. not me jakarta, but more than a 1000 kilometers. hawaii,
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deep in the jungles of bony, are a grand plan promising a utopian far a city that's clean, green, and sustainable. it looks like beautiful, unbelievable, and also smart for the city, but not everyone is on board that he gets i'm going to have the nickel put this on the democrat. this is yep. i'll maybe i'll get back to me when we didn't, when we had, i specified some, a couple of those on the, on the 30th tablet, 10000 libraries like these guys are working in dia, nice to get these 2 mega projects built with, with the clock taking and to show region funds $1.00 oh, $1.00 east us canyon. do they have a functioning capital up and running the full the resolves? the
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counter is one of the world. great bustling cities. h e. a new towel is rise to the sky. and it's up high with the 1st major problem. with this, metropolis becomes obvious. the constant seek highs to cotter is one of the wells lose capital cities for a pollution car exhaust fumes are a major factor along with coal fired power plants the by the but there are some creative methods to try to disperse it. ok back by the amount of data that i need capable guy enough. and that is what honestly
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a step the happened. oh no. into the bucket. yeah. i don't know what i am the up and why it happens. oh it don't play me. does that sign me? oh gosh. okay. yeah, please turn on the tab to me. i want to go see. all right, so you need get the total pin for me minus plan. and then i get the final step. yeah. plug it in the and somebody else. so you do, you caught as gavin has all of the old old buildings in the middle of the city is to install water spray machines. this is supposed to improve the quality, at least around each building that has one make it fall off, sounded on step. so young, it's not bloody denaleck on the case, the blood tell me on the up, but then hope some back. so they might and this man. so he's now when he's to the, made this machine out of office that costs less than $300.00.
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and can you see a difference? do you think when you turn it on when you, when you look around the building up a little bit on the box? so this is, this is laura about complying with the regulations rather than actually making a com great difference. yeah, i'm going to bundle it in pennsylvania and they're gone. but i look moment i'm going through not either despite the water spray pollution levels regulate sharp, the city most eyes, pollution levels in chicago. how the between $5.00 to $10.00 times the world health organizations recommended standards and on ground level, there's one issue. everyone talks about every day, the
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traffic congestion like these costs, the indonesian economy, an estimate of $6000000000.00 a year on my why now, north dakota, which 20 kilometers a live traffic site. they bought the it's a slow crew to the northern edge of chicago. but other rise. okay, i so the very nice to meet you. this is where are you, where do you the city of come to meet motorbike repayment? let's see. my ethics is screwed. is out the front of the shop and is lived here for his entire life. get the visa part of the cuts on me so that didn't go to
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was a ok. now i'm going to send you the inside of this and then yeah. mine's open. now let me know something via the 9. yeah. it's an area of baffling. one of the biggest problems facing this mega cd to got a is thinking about 2050. it's estimated around a quarter of the city will be submerged soon lives in a humid room, keeping by the wise, by with his wife and 7 month old son. this in yeah, the idea of what i've gotten and said don't. so when you go back and you know what i mean, you seem to have a lot of gay. uh i guess what would be like
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a month long point to my b. i n a in less than half subject houses, population has access to pipe water with many residents forced to by watering of those ton ground water from wells, causing the ground to sink in some places up to 10 and send them a to z. yet the along with rising sea levels to kind of hesitate to keep my, to devastating title slides in the past a guide the you want to buy and get it. making some type of some one you see on, on by the little mile watergate. but the others who are not and yet, and yet the other thing the by the need on the lot
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to get to find out a lot of the uh it doing technical on a new uh, sonya looking to get in. yeah. the land by the is because i knew the bottom, i'm going to the, to prevent future flooding. governmental authorities to build a joint see will have a load. yeah. yeah. it's the, it says he's not confident it will be enough to stop the water next time. a newborn firestone, phone the but the all new in the lobby. so i need the bus to but no more. no one knows when the next big floods will come soon. i just tries to put it all out of his mind the and i'll
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be sending guy and kind of not look like it on one of these, one of the millions of people who won't be moving to the new capital c. and they only thing done cannot go by and get them into a lot of top a little i guess someone else who was more watergate i've gone home and we watch the final position in the internet yet president junko with dido isn't the 1st indonesian leader to propose moving the capitol nation's post colonial lead us to con, or had the idea originally followed by others, including newly predict tied us to hot. i mean 2019 president joe co would the
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resurrected the or dyess plan to raise the burden on dakota and boost the national economy the on the java. easy to meet the c h. yeah. my to a news. so i'm, i'm on. yeah, the new capital would be built moving a 1000 kilometers away in east came in 10 on boni alon and the, and this is the grand vision. cold even include a news in town, russell. i tell you and to show the government promises the new city will be small, convenient, and powered by renewable energy, a so called forrest city, whereby 2045, nearly 2000000 people believe the
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with the deadline for the 1st goal of the project, just months away and with joy code, with all those terms president, ending shortly. i want to find out how the new capital is progressing. so i'm leaving the small gift chicata. it's car lane on an easy journey to reach the location of the new capitol. it's a 2 hour flight to the post city of alec path, ending east came in 10 and then another 2 hours drive through the jungle where it's not the traffic holding us up. the. this is actually the 1st on the beams of these pod of indonesia and it's quite amazing. the jungle is just starting the last car. even good stuff. i agree with it just feels so so different to jakarta.
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soon the jungle gives way to the dusty rattle of trucks a frenzy of activity as 10000 work as toil under the tropical sun, the kava city, out of the hills. the work night of oldham all regions by the imminent arrival of the president himself. for a 3 day visit the he's come for a whirlwind series of groundbreaking ceremony. a new law needs a national school, the to the president. is this going from one groundbreaking to another groundbreaking ceremony? he's keeping a hectic schedule because he wants to stress these projects. he's on track he's on
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the raw springs to kind of style congestion, to the construction side, the but there is no slowing down demanding charge the id and the do bundled on indonesia, any the guy in any debt. but when he got done, but i, um, i thought i got, do you know, is that an investor it's a message of much needed assurance is a bank is all about showing up confidence for the heck, deep 40 $5000000000.00 price tag. the government desperately needs private investors, especially from either seas and despite hello or forcing future governments to
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continue building. the upcoming change of leader is creating uncertainty. sorry, saw no foreign investors have signed up on digging any of the big gun. assume going on with one, get that the see up and get by the one by when you book with amazon, that means that the april, both the young put a glass in you it might be the president's pit project, but it's his right hand man who has the massive job of making it happen among susan toner is being put in charge of the new capitol authority, the powerful body dances directly to the presidents at each, groundbreaking of bank. like try to get a word with him but he's a hard man to catch the as
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the sun sits over the new capital side. we finally catch among suzanne time. out for a chat. time you're really 9. ok, that's my job. back from them, it's your job tonight, is the capital happened? you must have a lot of pressure. do you feel it? yes, so i guess the pressure is there because the so i'm going to be a challenge for anybody who's taking this job right. because going to bring to a different, i'm not on the safety but the capability and not on their capable c p, but sustainable for a city with all the principal of green, smart, inclusive facility. and that's just the number, or is there a risk that future government seen today? you might slip on this project and cancel it. so it will be very difficult to change the parts, of course for that. but i'm not saying that it's impossible, but you know,
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it's very difficult for that. but are you worried that costs are going to blow out? and the, the indonesian tax payer will end up putting much of the bill. i hope that at the end of the day, we are going to find some creative financing. we moved from district budget because we needed to come up and also to clear but the confidence of the preference super and clear something from funding press that has to come because day they must see that the government itself is committed, right? you don't lose any sleep. i have a meeting these deadlines. of course i lived on the south. does i dream of? of the always have led to my work here, but that's part of the life i've been startled by to catch your next the sites. so the new capital is my to a god. after winning myspace cut them in 10.
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the test, the priyanka is now helping selling diseases. you capital to the next generation. the task. yeah. is a passionate advocate to the noose. entire dream. it wasn't always that way. so when you 1st heard about it, you are a bit wary way. yeah, i have it where a uh, when someone asked me what, oh, how, what are you thinking? what any trouble. lucy, did it again. i moved to discovery. mother. i was like, oh my god, no, no way because it's kind of it, this royal or our far as the last. what i enjoyed is a buddy thought and i learn more a little a lot about this new couple. see, there's just like, no, it's not just right. but living field wherever she goes to is on a nationalistic pilgrimage to into these is new capital. wanted to start high achieving follows around what is the right instead seen?
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she hasn't plenty more to show me. as far as i really amazing about how big it is and the construction is really the goal is really like last week and didn't see anything here. and then the next one is a something. yeah. the sky live, it is amazing. yeah. the new capital z b, you're going to say like, this is not good to me through what it's going to be through. it's going to be fantastic. when i say too good to be true, what do they mean? they feel like it might be too hard. yeah, absolutely, yeah. what do you think? it's not hard a winery thomas together having had and, and support this. and it was a be with the things that we can do, maybe the small things going to make it because things she's taking me to see the coal government area with civil servants, as opposed to work later. the boss,
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we're struggling to get that. and finally meet and have to change to a different kinds of issues. okay, ladies 4 wheel drive to get us through this by psych psychically careful is while with a 4 wheel drive, we push onto the vantage point. to finally get a glimpse of what this new capital will look like. wow. like this? yeah. the new account with those you're gonna need. yeah. this is where it's all happening. yeah. so what are we looking at here? is that over? that is the price residential, alice. yeah. the most important building. i hear yes. very for i need it in the state and i was in august. yeah, just a few months have radio design. not
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everyone is happy to see this new cd image. it's a, it's 3 am and just outside the boundary of the city. yeah. he dalia a member of the indigenous valid community. is that the beginning of a long die? our homes had most with me because i'm in deep low when i even got back. sam, slipping the full work on the new capital, began dolly i ran a profitable business selling food from her family home. she's now trying to make a living, selling food to work as interest at this newly built rest area, owned by the capital authority you call and you want to be a little. it'll be the phone if you me. yeah. beginning. got that.
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so it's only a few minutes drive to donnelly, as old house right next to the highway. so many truck run. yeah. but yeah, we're not in finance. valley road. yeah, we need the memo, whatever. that'll stuckey at to see if i could touch base with the uh, the uh, how does i have something else on the line site, any of the uh um, uh, when you have, you have a donnie a has been offered some compensation for the property, but had to move a family before were saving it. i'm using this app i used to do football. yeah. and what i can think i did to put
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up the adult go ahead then i then yellow some of them by one. and because somebody in the grass and the back in jakarta, and back to the small the and traffic economists use, if we'd be sono, has been watching the roll out of the new capital closely. he says in today's or can't afford the project and it won't attract investors doesn't wanna get on beside . wow. couple, and you thought a guy in any amount, the outcomes, the of all the lives, the vinyl records. you must keep on the side any uh i see them. yeah. that was
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done. yeah. and you probably think info sound like i've gotten window cool. blind you think i am? yeah. i am. yeah, i can be behind on people that do think that have been yeah. like i'm so i'm very good by the momentum that i won't get into the brand. yeah. and for the pick up the guy. and he also says it's rushed and on democratic inc. if i'm going to have the amicable to suddenly i'll think that it will practice of our law. it will. but then it depends on how come on by when you're not by surprise, people play button. and then you have to kind of also got most will been probably done by really have at the moment. think on the one file i'm on the got them, they got a light in the bottom of my day to get somebody that and as a boy highly alice, i want to little is it difficult to speak out against
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the piano? yeah, that'd be, this is elaine bundle. i'm glad you buy more. i'll go that i'm going to when they were gonna have to get by them when they don't. how do you mean they're modeling and yeah, additionally yeah, on the migrating, somebody invested other book will these projects end up being a white elephant via phone? yeah, boy, actually i like a move you man. the guy in the park models are probably again the deadline to get back on. looking at the site is a book called the having to move in there. go see the weather. indonesia will complete its grand design. is yet to be seen. 2045 is a long time away. a change of government is even,
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and nothing's guaranteed the all of latin america for most of my career, but no countries alike and its my job to shed light on how and why the the
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condition of a thing. so she needs to be pushy. this is, this is helen of the sort of female surgery in the process. and that's the end of it. this is the time to get a can you see, and the time to me the
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is there any problem instead of giving that to me all he says is false as well. and the goal is a southern city of ruffled regardless of whether a cx 5 deal is reached. a military assault on rough foot, we'd be unbearable escalation, keeping tom's and smart tvs and sourcing. and that is a 1000 fleet. the thoughts of robin what you're going to say. we're life my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 30 minutes. prosecute as.


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