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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the say, and the, the time to me, the is ready problem and stuff and even that to me all who says false is what i'm the goal is a southern city of rough regardless of whether a sweet spot deal is reached. a 1000000 city assault on draft, so we'd be unbearable escalation, giving toms and smart tvs and sourcing and the thousands fleet. the thoughts of robin you want to go to 0 life? my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 30 minutes, prosecute is from the international criminal calls,
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a gathering testimony of the discovery of best grades at to cause a hospital. and he will protest in the united states, students at columbia university barricade themselves inside a campus building. i will tell he was involved where he has just introduced a new gold box, courtesy the welcome to the program. a renewed diplomatic pushes on the way to reach us e sign and gaza. how boss says it's willing to move forward? it talks inquiry, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has bound to attend rasa in southern guns, or whether there's a spot deal with homeless or not. he also said new decision by the international criminal court will stop his rail from achieving its will goals. bringing hostages have a victory visa. how about us?
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well, that's and y'all, whose comments come as us secretary of state and to the blank and continues the shuttle diplomacy after visiting saudi arabia and jordan. he's due to arrive and his role shortly to hold a series of talks that and that comes as the white house issues a statement saying the new hostage deal is a good one. that it just have us to accept. now we have correspondence covering the story in rafa garza and the united nations, as well as an occupied, is truly slim for where we begin new without just as bad as smith who joins us now . so next in yahoo is very clear that he intends to go into rafa regardless. yes, he is place a hell. and they also said the ending, the wall before reaching objectives is out of the question. those objectives, the targeting of how much the senior leadership and these remaining full battalions of israel as, as a still the in southern gaza in and around rough uh,
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but only yesterday on monday us secretary johnson, a blinking to arrive say, later this evening he was urging him as to accept what he called an extraordinarily generous proposal. and that was a proposal offering the return of about 33 captives to israel and exchange for a large number of palestinian prisoners an initial 40 day a ceasefire, followed by what they called a period of sustain. com and this. so is the sticking point, because how much is always insisted on a permanent ceasefire? but even if, how much is now being asked to consider this period of sustain come? well, benjamin netanyahu said he's going to go into the rough but anyway, and he's doing it because of the pressure, particularly from the far right from it, not bank of a who had a meeting with nothing yahoo! earlier on today, who said as a prime minister promised him, for the rest of the operation would go ahead for him is national security from his finals administer the level smoked ridge, who said in the connected. but if you go ahead with his operation with his deal
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with how much it will be a terrible defeat israel, and it gives how much resoundingly victory on a silver plaza. netanyahu survival and government depends on those ministers. that is why he's coming out and saying he's going to go ahead with the rougher operation update. thanks for it. but it's with the following events, for smoky bodies to re slip. now the head. how the united nations, on to intone a good terrorist world with any military incursion into raffo would have devastating consequences on the palestinian people who 1st fled the safety and the, the instruction of these, right. they all be a military assault on rough side would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians, enforcing and the thousands of the fleet. you too have a devastating impact on fellow students in gaza. we see the zip of cushions on the occupied west bank and across the why the region old members of the super to the
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gone seals and many other governments. if clearly express, that'll position to such an operation. i appeal for all those we mean for somebody, israel to do everything in that ball to prevent gabriel o, as although during this outline from the un and the human sex to general with some clear and some might think strong words about dropbox to yeah, that's right. of course he's saying is you just heard there would be good lead to devastating consequences if israel goes forward with this military operation in rough or he said, forcing is you just heard there, hundreds of thousands of people to flee, of course, flee where that is the question, i think the secretary general knows the answer to that very well. there is nowhere to flee to nowhere. save in guy. so that's something that he's repeated over and over and over again for months now. i think the reason that you heard the secretary
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general speak out today is because he clearly sees this being a critical moment. as these talks continue for the release of captives and association of hostilities that this is a very critical moment right now. and that's why he wanted to lend his voice to this. it's important to point out again the wider context here. the secretary general does not speak to benjamin netanyahu. the prime minister of israel will not accept the secretary general's phone calls. they have not even spoken once since october 7th. it's not because the secretary general doesn't want to speak to at yahoo. it's just simply fitting it now who doesn't want to speak to him. so this is the way that the secretary general can speak to the wider world, and he hopes that his messages heard everywhere that it will make an impact. indeed this extra jen was also very clear on the sort of the developing story coming out of the gaza strip in these issues of mass graves, which are now being uncovered. man. yeah,
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that's right. he's clearly very concerned about this. we've heard from the secretary general spokes person talking about concerns over this over the last week or so. but this is the 1st time we've actually heard from the secretary general himself. and he cited 390 bodies, reportedly being exempt from al nicer hospital. and now the secretary general, clearly calling for what he says, an independent international investigation with forensic expertise to be allowed into gaza immediately to begin this process of an investigation on this mass graves to see who is responsible. the problem, of course, is, is real controls access to the gaza strip. and without israel's permission, it is almost impossible to get experts in there. but clearly the secretary general is calling on an international investigation. the issues will, is real, agree to it, and open their borders to it. and what can the secretary general do to put pressure
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on israel to accept some sort of international independent. that's a key word independent investigation. gabrielle is on to that right? even hates q in new york. thank you. the prosecutors from the international criminal court offering to being stuff from those 2 hospitals in the gaza strip. and that's after the discovery of the best grades that we've just been talking about and the grounds of 2 facilities, hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mass graves on the premises of the master hospice and con eunice. this month, the remains of dozens more work seemed at our ship, a hospital and gauze, especially after this way. the siege of the facilities that costs over to honey by mood or correspondents in rafa, in southern gaza. how is the news that the i, c c has begun its investigation into these mass graves? the cause news gets around very quickly, doesn't says yes
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. those are an interesting timing right now. not only the talks about the international court of law, just as an act murder, the criminal court investigating the issue of massive grave. but also we are hearing the talks about the, the comments by these really prime minister all coming together to the point where it becomes very draining, exhausting for an already traumatized display of population $1500000.00 palestinians in overcrowded dropbox video of the other. there were any part of the population struggle daily to find basic necessities, but so far the reaction has to do with the fact that if this is, does not deter is rid of from committed crime, then it's pointless. it's not going to change. you need to think on the ground in a significant way was being un security council resolution calling for a see is fire. we see. and also your a simply resolution and calling for an increase of a humanitarian aid and other international organization, including on this, the international all the showing good statements. but that doesn't seem to detroit nature, any on holidays. really military from stopping what they are doing on the ground
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master graves. the issue has been shocking revelations of the level of fatality on atrocities committed and committed inside the hospital. little on the act of attacking the hospital itself. is it just an attack on health care facility constitute a war crime? is that on the domestic ration of the graveyard, they get up bodies and then the attempt to read very these bodies in a massive group all constitute also were crying people here. one, something that, that deters these really prime ministers this further is really a military of, from going on and, and continue with the killing the one that the sub that's the only thing that seems right now to be convincing people here in rough city on across the gaza strip, also a very nervous time for those in rasa. overnight, as the sunsets will continue to monitor events, reviewing garza over the coming hours of honey and need that for us in rasa to
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you in human rights to the volk attacks. as he's troubled by measures taken to dis, best protests against israel's will ongoing. so at universities across the us, dozens of protectionism fabricated themselves inside a building at columbia. and investing gold group is taking into hamilton hold, which has a history of student take, gave us, including those, showing that the more they unfold about calling it times full in memory of a 6 year old go building gauze and light came out was after the university started suspending student demonstrations to decide and ultimate them to leave that encompass is supposed to have a to kristen salumi who's outside columbia university. and of course everybody's focused on the building behind you. yeah, that's right. the one right over here is hamilton hall, renamed and hall in honor of that 6 year old who was killed in gaza along with the
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rescue workers who were trying to reach her. her voice, captured and broadcast on social media around the world clearly resonating with the demonstrators here to remain in that building, access to the campus behind me is extremely limited. right now, the university is only allowing students who live on campus and essential personnel to run the campus on uh, on the campus grounds. the in cabinet remains. however, the people in the news, but the difference between today and yesterday when the university announced a deadline to get off of the grounds to cancel the campus or pay a suspension is that supporters are not being allowed back on campus. a lot of the people who came and surrounded the encampment including teachers. and so our
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students who have since left are not being allowed back on the campus again, unless they fit the categories that we described that they live there on campus. we're also here now that they're closing down some of the library buildings as well . now this is after the last day of classes here has already occurred, but it is the week of finals and the final exam. so many students are now stuck in their dorms or in their housing off campus to prepare for final exams. this as the and cameron continues and the take over the building b. jaime continues and the university continues to suspend students. we've talked to several today who just got a notice that they've been suspended, even as they can get back on campus. since the kristen, as we say, could not just to you, but we'll correspondence around the country. the see, the different approach has the, by the law enforcement agencies as to how they going to deal with students. and the situation where you,
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i was quite tends to leave within the last 48 hours the right. you know, it was almost 2 weeks ago that the university called police into a rest protesters right after they had set up their initial and cabinet that sparked this national movement that we're seeing on campuses all around the country . there are over a 100 students and faculty arrested on that nice, but the demonstrators came back strong, re establish themselves, have more support. and so we've seen that hasn't changed on the part of the administration to bring police back on to the campus. it's the one thing that they were very criticized for as the faculty senate voted against. this was highly critical of the administration for taking that stuff, even administrators who may not agree with the the goals of the demonstrators felt
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that that was a step too far. and that the demonstrators, as peaceful protests, we should have been protected, and the administration should not have elevated things to that. that said last night, yesterday, as they were talking about dispersing students from the campus, there were police surrounding the campus as if they were ready to go. they had their bands and bosses that they used to take people to be processed after an arrest. they were never used today or not, but the mayor of the city just a short time ago gave a press conference and he said the contact with the administration and that they were concerned. but they were working with the administration to come to some sort of a resolution for the situation on the campus. well, will continue to monitor what happens through the day with you that at columbia university, for instance, they me that for us, still head here on the, i'll just say we visit a makes have compton. can you what more than a 190000 people have been falls from the homes by floods?
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the prisons king charles showed us his experience of cancer with other patience as he returns to public teachings. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co
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bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o. n h. the colleges here with the the book about q. what you want to do with me?
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so robin endo holder by the top. so is israel's priming? said benjamin netanyahu as thoughts of the tank, rasa in southern johnson. whether or not that is a safe spot deal with him on that side of the white house. as the latest seaside, dale is a good one. and how much should acceptance? feels like a general until you get tired restaurants of fields full days with incidents on his route to every thinking that power to prevent the military assault on the rough on the un human rights chief bolted to excess. he's troubled by measures taken to dispose of protest and some authority with public cities that universities across the united states, dozens of protest as a fabricated themselves inside the building at columbia university. in new york. let's just bring you some live pictures us x ray of states on the blink and has arrived in tell of a if adults with is by the officials. as the bye didn't ministration pushes full that sees fine thinking, been visited saudi arabia and jordan before landing in israel.
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but he says that's being progress. but the 1st aid shipments leaving jordan to reach parents crossing and northern garza. but he maintains more needs to be done by as well as critical his food, obviously years. it's not enough because you also need the entire ecosystem of support that continues to be like is water sanitation. it's the selling nation and it's medicine and the medical facilities to make sure that people can get care . all of this is essential if the welding of the people is going to be met and attended to. so we're going to drive forward on all these fonts today, having for directly from the humanitarian and in the un. i'm now able to go to israel tomorrow and go over with these really government. the things that still need to be done. if the tests is going to be met, making sure that they have what they need and i'll be doing that tomorrow directly
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to do and stop cold has just rules against ordering. job needs a hold of sales to as well. the case was followed by the correct get the keys barely to failing to prevent genocide and goes up by continuing to sell. um, it's the latest case involving as well before the international court of justice, south africa approach, the colt in december, excuse me, as well, of committing genocide to, to assess whether there is any by 15 votes. the one find that be circumstances as they now present themselves to the quote are not such as politic. what exist sides of it? spotted on the article $41.00 of the statute to indicate television and measures. call us a way of gomez as a nic racket on bassett, us at the netherlands. he says there's much more evidence to be presented. the question for preliminary measures, closer for visual emetrius, is that where they at this point, they are necessary or not? that's it means that germany has not violated already. i mean the point that
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germany, it gave a lot of a people to the new 30 a and then that i just finished this. and i think that that is important for the professional investments. but it's not important for the main case, because so many passed from our point of view violated to, to that's what the look the spring. so the days of any is not what can use present when a retail has held a special cabinet meeting on tuesday. those heavy rains continue to launch the country. the death toll from among the flooding has reached at least 170 people, 185002 being displaced. catherine slowly revolt the. com. but my, my we, what people have been seeking shelter, most of these people have lost everything they've lost at home then now, and this comes, it's a school the trying to get help, while in tears have brought a clue full of them. so the situation is very dire. a many of them are
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traumatized. some of them us still missing the loved ones. we have spoken to a man, for example, was looking for. he's 9 year old son. uh the son has been found. he's dead, he's been taken to the morgue, so he's very, very distraught. but then he says he has to move on. he has to go back to where he needs a home a wants to because he wants to solve age some of his belongings. this is also a couple months inside the rescue efforts are being coordinated here we have volunteers, we have a government official here. we have the red cross and the government has to pay the money much machinery like excavators, to try and dig out these huge trees that are blocking the way. and
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they want to try and get to a some of the bodies us to that. i still trust the government has also clarified that it is a guidelines that broke it sang up on the hills. it had been accumulating water in that gaiety since the rain started. so this is what we see. huge devastation and people still in morning and people were still a shock. cast me so i'll just be off my my hill can, you doesn't but boys the come and see is going to just lucky license. the introduction of these and bob white gold o sig is the government's latest attempt to tackle height to inflation. the central bank, it says that these a is backed by gold, was up and ran minerals international, my dish, bundled refund. recently i was involved way to speed up currency reforms. part of
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it also has multiple part on a this is involved with the car and see and here are some of the thing you knows. i have about $140.00 zig though it's on me on the official exchange rate. that's about 1415 you is the bobbins. i use this car to change and it's nothing new. there's no excitement in the air, but people have been way. can you some of them for hours outside the bank hoping to get their hands on the new car and seeing some of the stabilize because from what i can see, and from what i been told by the people in the bank, i'm confident that this will help our economy in some buckley economies say, for the new car and see to people have to have confidence in it. somebody has a multi currency system, which means you can buy goods here using foreign currencies. anything from the 11th and ran to the u installers, and somebody called them and say the government has to force people to use the new local money to use is ignored. for example, paying taxes or g p, a support of,
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of the awesome things loving caused by using the big notes, for example, petrol and diesel. that is still sold in us dollars, which means if you earning low money visit notes, you have to go to the bank or the black markets change you might need to install is then you can buy fuel. so that convocation is still there. and people of course, are waiting to see how this new car and see will fit out. is it going to be hit by inflation? and is it really going to stabilize the bobby's economy? hardaman costs out is there a direct of britons. king charles is retired into public duties for the 1st time since it was announced that he being diagnosed with cancer in february. but things 1st engagements involved a visit to meet other people who are undergoing cancer treatment, opening possible from london, looking relaxed and smiling. can charles was accompanied by queen camilla for this resumption of his public fixing royal duties the university college hospitals,
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mcmillan, kansas center is not where the king himself is being treated. but the royal gesture of solidarity and support for the patients and staff here was clearly intended to send a message, waiting patiently for a glimpse of the king with 2 loyal supporters. glad to see him out in public again . not to see him back. and we will be staying and he's not alone. the cancer to my partner concerts, 121. these guys you guys confessed that she was 40. i am is marian. and i know exactly what the kids are doing and the claim. and you can tell me to baptize to see the patients who got cancer. not, i mean, obviously, so i'm not alone even within his immediate family. jones's daughter in law, catherine, the wife of prince william is herself undergoing preventative chemotherapy for cancer. inside the unit of the king to diagnostics and screening facilities, hearing about the new melanoma skin cancel vaccine announced just last week. i'm
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sitting down to chat with long chemotherapy patients. the king sympathized, telling her i've got to have my treatment this afternoon as well. the king's own can. so it wasn't asked in february after a scheduled prostate treatment the previous months. the exact nature of his cancer hasn't been revealed, but the publicity about his condition has seen an 11 fold increase in the number of prisoners seeking medical advice for prostate concerns. it's huge, the popular thing that that much is came here today. well, the king is still on sky and cancer treatments. many thousands of people choose to what walls i have come to treatment. often. we think about that and what needs to happen in order to make that possible for people to think spend such a message of hate to see and hit stay, not quite a full. it's a, it's a public duty for king charles. he's just to confirm his attendance upcoming demonstrations or the enforcement to paint the color ceremony. but it's a positive side hole, brennan,
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i'll just sarah central london. just to bring you the latest. but just give me a chance of telling me when you're a secretary of states on to the blinking has arrived. some more thoughts with, as of right, of the officials will bring you more on that and all next bulleted. the weather is next and then asked the inside story to stay with us here on the so plenty of rain or right and released surprising. you might think that not quite surprising to see it didn't talk to you that through cyprus or 11 bits the south even reaching into jordan. but the heavy stuff is said to through turkey and then through the door for the service north in the rock and stretching down the west side of a rock that'd be on by the pictures of drywall, which is a new development draft cost down in northern pakistan. but if you dropped down to the radium produced, yeah, that's already know, was it sent you a picture of
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a social media or funding in central science or your radio? and this whole system is moving. study east was the orange shops. we suggest big fan to store most likely flooding, flash flooding from the moving across the gulf towards cats outside the house full across on wednesdays of sherry, when a property of sundry one was wednesday not looking particularly wet and and then dying out. doing says the morning, but that doesn't mean it does. the system goes south and east across the you are, you get again, remember the massive fucking the don't expect to repeat. it's not that bad, but it is never less funds don't moving through the uncertainty effecting on entropic, alaska. there are few more shelves to come, but not many in can you for example, or last year cuz we haven't, she's gone off show. i'm not developing potential tropical cycle, but science event is particularly dry. the hearing this fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet we'll get. we're forcing from
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the action job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age workers, right side of rec, targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it isn't that acceptable? i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you, closer to the heart of the story, was a political stand off in georgia, the government says a bill. it's trying to pause for a 2nd time. would regulate phone influence and protect the countries silver unsafe . the critics of protesting, it would cost freedoms. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story. the .


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