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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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basically you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake talk to of, to on the jersey to the the time. so robin, you're watching the old. does it renews online? as well headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. escalating anti war protests in the united states? students at columbia university barricade themselves inside a campus building. the sealants chief holds against attracting raffo after as well as private as his fault, as well. and to gauze,
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a southern city regardless of whether cease by deal is reached. a military assault on rough that would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands, marched civilians and forcing hundreds of thousands. the fleet. indonesia is run. volcano reps again, pulsing more that q ations and raising the legs to its highest level. and the wells knew as currencies involved way introduces the sink and its latest attempt to tackle height the inflation. i'm trying to get a rough quote with the sports the as hundreds of processes gather outside the powers olympics headquarters to demand israel be banned from the upcoming games. the welcome to the use of the you and human wide streets, as they are troubled by the treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity
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with palestinians. that us universities, the protest showed no sign of slowing as they spread the coast to coast over the weekend. i'm pleased crackdowns under arrest continued students now to stay intented incumbents until that demands a match. now these are the pictures from columbia university in new york students occupying hamilton hold of fabricated themselves inside the building. they are in like with other states that are activists that have joined students calling for the universities to cut ties with as well. they're also edging an end to us military aid. we travel by a series of heavy hand that the steps they can to dispense. and this month, the process, the cross university campuses in the united states of america, savings expression on the right. the peaceful assembly are from the mental to society. practically one days the shack disagreement on major issues as they are in
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relation to the conflict in the 5 policy new territory. any slack it does cause i've its existence ladies outside somebody, a university in new york. the tension was pretty high that in the last 24 hours and many more people joining the protests. but the focus seems to be on the building behind you right now. that's right, we're told it's come on campus, but they are only allowing a very limited number of people to the campus. and the situation in cabinet remains. but only students who live on campus are being allowed to go onto the campus and the essential personality diversity itself. media not being allowed on anymore to film what's happening as those demonstrators have taken over the buildings that you see over here. that is hamilton hall. 3 names and halls in
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honor of the 6 year old girl who was killed in gaza. the demonstrators of storms that building in the early morning hours of taking it over, blockading it so no one could get inside. this is a group that is autonomous from the group that is in the in cabin itself. many of the people who have been participating in the demonstrations on campus in fact, can get back on, you know, not everybody was sleeping in that tent area, but a lot of supporters came out when there was rumors of an arrest yesterday as a deadline was set for the students to clear the cabinet, many teachers and other students came out to us around it and prevent that from happening. no arrests were made but the situation continue into the night. so this morning, many were surprised to learn that they could not get back on campus. should also say that the suspension notices have been going out to many students that have been
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participating in these demonstrations, including some of the negotiate are getting notifications from the university that they have been suspended. and in regards to the people in hamilton hall, they are being threatened with an even spirit, more serious step. they're being threatened with exposure meeting no chance of returning to columbia. it's settled, vacate that how so far, no sign that they are making a move on christie pools, as you say, tension. hi, the police with that, a pretty big numbers on monday was the situation like that. now with the security services obviously right now i'm not seeing very many. uh, n y g d, new york police department officials, there are uh, they do have patrols around the campus. they are stationed around the campus,
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but not as many as we have seen on other days. the buses that are used to take away people when they are arrested. i haven't seen any signs of those, but security is very tight from the university in terms of allowing people on campus or not. and there are plenty of police standing by the concern i think from the administration is that the police presence just brought more attention and more supporters out last time. so there seems to be a war of attrition going on here to try to get more people off the campus, less people on the campus so that they don't have a major development or student on the campus. because it's telling me that for is that going to be university in new york? thank you. that's close over the phil laval who's at the university of connecticut in mansfield. he's outside the police station where people, what bro? 10. well, philip roll team and detain to have any of them left a happy. and so i thought we'd see it over the last 2 hours or
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so is that i've read maybe 2030 minutes. a student will come out how the process that call that pipe is on the crowd who come here to show solidarity is to share a support breakout. it's j is that applause. they clap and they welcome to back into the group. and also we've been seeing cause coming past not just students about people who loved by the comfortable folks of society hawking that holds in support of our students. so this incumbent was broken up earlier today. it'll actually be an in place since 1st type on friday. the university sets of those students look, these types of got to go and you have to adhere to a complete silence policy. one of the by the phrase state university says that the students did not do that. they said they were making what they called up to 5 noise . the 10s would that they said as of monday, they were 20 tenths earlier today, the police are right. they said look, you've got to go, you got to be arrested. some of the students chose to leave all the state and that's why they've ended up here being processed by their big when each site. now
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he's an activist who was that this morning, but if you would not arrest that right, i was not arrested to just explain. so was how it all folded like will happen? yes, in the morning we would, we were waking up around 5 am and we noticed a huge increase in police activity in previous days. we've had maybe one or 2 periods is kind of monitoring the situation. 10 of you had maybe 4050 cars pull up on campus. we then kind of saw them a started, you know, start increasing their cousins. getting on the ground state troopers arrived, they started circling the entire camp, yukon, pd, they close off all the entrances. there weren't letting students, you know, go back it in and out. and then they made announcement, they say, you know, whoever is left here will be arrested at that was kind of a point where some suicide to stay right. to make a stand city university that look the students care about what they're saying, they're going to put their money where their mouth is. and as such, the property that role, then they subject the entire camp. a rest of people they confiscated a lot of uh, supplies, tens of people's bags, laptops, etc. and yeah. and the police, the over the rest of the people i'm for you guys taste as well. items. right?
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so on thursday, uh, when, initially, when the rally kind of took place in that central area. uh, students put up a few tense and keep in mind, this is before you kind of head out really put out a policy of no ten's allowed. so once he's got a pen, do you compete? he started coming in and started getting a physical with a student started pushing in and they ended up arrest. and one person actually dislocating the folder. are there any funds to saw? so i know the process maybe not at the same place, but is there any plans do anything else more action? 100 percent is a plan to do more action on campus and over the next couple hours. organizers will think about what is the best way to do that. it's not necessarily account is important. remember that the point of this movement isn't just can't, is to raise awareness and to really show the administration that we want them to come to our to minutes. thanks very much. 5 for just a 2nd. just to tell you about another situation. this is at another university, not a 1000000 mazda y j. o, which is about, well 50 miles away from the hair that has made an account with that thought incumbent as now called the university. the police surrounded the campus area where
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the tents were 6. am they said, we all go to a rest. anybody who stays here, students chose to leave the university themselves, started to say, we will start to invoke some disciplinary procedures against you if you leave. those protests has decided that it was best for let's leave for the time being. but as we've said over the last few days, i protest items. and then it begins again till they come back. so whether or not it is truly out of us that remains to be seen. so thanks very much. fill it out for us . it mit. now let's close up to john hens when he's at princeton university in new jersey. hi, john. developing situation really bad. these past 24 hours while you uh, what's been going on well over night. uh, they were about 13 arrest students uh, entered a building and some of them were taken out put into a bus where police and plan to cart them away. but hundreds of student surrounded
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that boss and were able to negotiate their release. they were written up on disciplinary charges by university police, not a city police. if it is, that's a difference between, you know, a civil action and a criminal action. and you might be wondering why i'm not at princeton university. i'm across the street where they're about to have a news conference and the students who are arrested are not allowed to go back on campus. so we are in the town square in princeton where they're about to address what happened last night, but about a dozen, the less i think the 13 was the actual cho. ready and the faculty were involved, they were helping support those students to try to protect them from police. no faculty were arrested. but this is really one of the latest scenes where you're seeing is across the country. we've had more than 700 arrests. and these were simply the latest 1200 for us, the at princeton in new jersey. thanks very much. let's go over to the us capital of washington dc where she had brought tunzia stunting by george washington
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university. interesting. we've been to 3 universities already. she had detention arrest detention arrest, detention arrest, the hudson being the case where you although how's it i've never been attempts to arrest, but i've been so filed by the protests as well as the factors. we know that the administrators here daughter, university of austin, police to come in and find a big chair. the place of the police are saying saying, no, it's quite, it's quite bizarre, really actually let's talk to, one of the protest is fun. one is here with us, a strange that you get that service, that if you are protesting against russia, for example, your project, pressing about climate change, you know, the head of the universe, you would like fine, this is great. but why do you think she is a, why do i think they are so so very vague games this particular purchase. yeah, no i, i think it's a really great point and it's heavy on all of our minds. and i think the answer is rather clear about what this is, a financial institution, this is not an academic institution,
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and our demands are clear and it's for them to divest. and that is absolutely something they're not committed to. but more than that, we're bringing attention to an issue that they want to gloss over. and that's the genocide happening in augusta. and i think that's, that's really the, the important part, right. why, why would your administrator zip you've academics, you know, the academic infrastructure had to be against you, drawing attention to that, but yeah, i think it's definitely something that is trying to be sucked into the rug. the way that even most american media is covering at the new york times think publications such as those refuse to use the word genocide. and that's a word that we're going to put out here on every sign and, and you can't walk by this campus. you can walk through downtown dc without seeing it, but based on the question of how you also are aware of what's going on and goals are ad indeed to the depths of knowledge about the nature of the israeli occupation and so on. it is huge here, but how, how is it that you're also aware of as well as you say west and media is trying to avoid that. all right? yeah, absolutely. and, you know, my honest answer is, my specialty is not this specific conflict, not even mentalist as
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a reason. and mine is not in america, and i study borders and i study migration because my own parents were displays because of us imperialism. but that's, that's the point we're getting at here is that everyone, the students have come together and they assess the world's, they assess what they see, what they see, what they can feel, what they can touch, and they say something's wrong and some things up. and that's where the, where the search for knowledge happens, right? you have students here who are inquisitive about the world around them. and if you're looking for answers, it doesn't take any time at all to find them to find the truth. and that is, of course, the, the, the mass graves, the massacres that are, that are going on in gaza and, and just all of the displacements happening there. and that's the term is it was over. so i mean, what is going to happen and what, how is this going to resolve itself? do you think here that this thing happens? yeah, i mean i, as well as fellow fellow and cameras are, are, are here to stay. i think like i'm, i mean i'm here, i'm here during the summer, you know, and i know the administration is to this is where they live, the president's houses and block away. so they think that, i mean this last week,
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last week of classes is going to be any, any indicators slowing down. i think we have strong community support. it is a student in camp meant that is backed by community because it's not just students that see what's happening in augusta. it's, it's community members that are coming in out pouring of support all across the city. and that's, i mean, as you mentioned, it's the community power that has avoided violence that is avoided arrest and has made sure that this sustained effort can occur in such a powerful way that it has on thank you very, very much so. so a determined student populace here at george washington university. so basically what shepard tends to that for us in washington dc. thank you as well. so i have 200 constantly live for us in austin, texas of the university of texas. we've just type of 24 hours ago when we were talking to each other. heidi and the situation was getting very stressful for students and faculty staff and those either side of the protests debate it seems. have come down definitely. now, uh 24 hours late. if it was getting on right now. mm hm.
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that's right. so it's, it's a huge difference. and when we last spoke 24 hours ago, but the protest still remains here in a very different form. behind me is the line where we saw that in cabinet that was broken down by police and which protestors were dragged away one by one, despite sitting peacefully on the ground. and now this is a teach and this is the a similar scene to what we've seen prior to that spontaneous encampment bursting forth yesterday. and now we're learning that more than 100 people protesting at u. t. austin, yesterday, were arrested by police to our knowledge. they still remain in police detention or of trying to learn what charges they faced, what the future might be. but the protesters remain here say they are on daunted and will continue to be delivering their message. and that's what i want to turn to, i guess. on our could you me,
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thanks so much for joining us. you're one of the original organizers of the protest that kicked off all of this last week. tell me about how this turn of events has unfolded. yes, so on wednesday, april 24th we uh, where we announced we were going to have a peaceful demonstration on campus or walk out, followed by educational teachers here on the south lawn. we received a notice from you'd see that we, that they were not going to allow us to happen without giving any bases for, you know, any sort of policy that we would be in violation of. and we continue with the event um, with the officers, with the, with the just army of officers that you took ministration called is, which is similar to what ways also side yesterday. so let's jump forward to that. and you saw a groundswell of support coming from the university community. describe what scene that manifesto around you felt like yeah, no. so i think, you know, the, the community solve the, how, on april 24th, the universities to had no restraint in and violently suppressing our voice. and so when there was another demonstration peaceful demonstration that was being
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threatened by this army of police presence, call to you by the university to uh, you know, although we did not organize it, we called on our community to come out and support of this demonstration of free speech, which was threatened to be violated, yet again by university who just again showed no constraint in using any means of, of, of a crowd just personal, including mace, including meeting purchasers and students with the times. bring them over with motorcycles, you know, mass arrest hospitalizations. it really just is appalling to see. our universities take such great take such a great measures into finally suppressing what is supposed to be free speech from the students. and we certainly here we were here to see some of the amazing, some of the arrests of police really just tearing people out of the crowd and putting them in handcuffs one by one to see that overtake your campus. and then not only that, but to see the response, because originally there were several 100,
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but then it grew to a 1000, if not more talk about how that happens. yeah, so i mean, again, i think our community, you know, the understand the sort of pressure under here you t, i think we've become the most hostile campus just based on a number of arrests in the country. and i think our community also understand the severity of the situation given that we are advocating for the liberation of the people that are being that'd been under seats for the past 18 years that are currently under a brutal genocide that is killed tens of thousands of children, men and men, women, children, and they can mean or just stands that, that the stance or university is taking. she does crack down despite the free speech, despite the, the subject of what we're actually protesting. argument understands us and will always be there to support us and for that we're very grateful. thank you so much. i'm are and as you can see, the content, the continue pro test now remains peaceful. it's likely to stay this way for the rest of the day. i'm told that there are other events planned in the future. still no word from the administration. we sent
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a request about why yesterday's police crackdown was ordered and the response to all the chaos that we saw unfold afterwards. so just see how did you consider that for us at the university of texas at austin? thank you. on the, when you diplomatic pushes under way to reach us, see. so aaron garza, the boss says it's willing to move forward at tools in kyra, but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has donald to attack rafa in southern gaza. whether it was a seaside deal with him. also note, he also said no decision by the international criminal court will stop as well from achieving its will goes, bringing hostages home and victory over her mouse. now nothing you know whose comments come as the us secretary of states on to the link to the rides and as well to hold a series of tools. it follows is to saudi arabia. jordan, wi towns is issued a statement saying that the new hostage team is a good one and it has
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a thomas to accept it. while we have correspondence covering the story and rasa garza and that the united nations as well as occupied these teresa will be gain with, i'll just say if it's bad at smith, i bet it let's just talk about nothing. yahoo saying that is why the false is all going to go into rasa regardless a debt and benjamin netanyahu also saying that ending that will be breaching our before reaching our objectives is out of the question. that's come as quite a shock to a lot of people, including particularly the families that that was kept as a $133.00 still bold to be in gaza that protesting to night outside in jerusalem. and that demanding a meeting with benjamin netanyahu. tomorrow on wednesday, for an update on any deal, only on monday. that's because only on monday that was the suggestion that particular from the americans, that an extraordinarily generous proposal was being made to how much uh,
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for the release of $33.00 cat tapes that were going to get at least 40 days overseas 5 with the potential for more alone, more prolonged period of calm on the release of a lot of palestinian prisoners. but now how much is being asked to consider this deal when benjamin netanyahu was reiterated his commitment to an operation in rafa . and he's done it because of pressure as always, from the far right ministers who are keeping him in power at my bank. and they're saying that he had been promised by that and you know, that is where i would end. so rafa promised that would be no trouble. a good deal on the far right, but also smart, rich finance minutes. the finance minister saying any deal with how much is a terrible repeat israel, and it gives how much a rezoning, big treat on the silver plants up. what the company's families wants to hit is that there is going to be a safe spot that's going to get the loved ones released basic peers to be working
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against that were see what happens as we continue to follow events. thanks very much. sure. ben smith that for us now the head of the united nations continued guitar versus will that any minute dream cognitive rasa will have devastating consequences on the palestinian people who sled that the safety and under the instruction of these rarely ami a military assault on rough side would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians, enforcing and the thousands of the fleet. you too have a devastating impact on palestinians in gaza. we see the zip of cushions on the occupied west bank and across the why the region. all members of the city council and many other governments, if clearly express their opposition to such an operation. i appeal for all those we mean for somebody israel to do everything in that ball to prevent it. well, gabriel has all the joys for all but united nations headquarters and gabriel. mr.
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good to address that with some very clear in some might say some very strong words about any incursion into rafa to yeah, he also said devastating tragedy. that is what it would be if israel moves forward with their military operation in the rafa. and the secretary general really sees this is a critical moment as these talks continue at this critical juncture. and i think this was a way for the secretary general, really to warn israel. there is, this is not a time ever to go into wrap a better particularly now because he said, hundreds of thousands of people would have to flee. well, we where there is nowhere to flee to, and of course he knows that, but certainly wanted to get his voice and message out again on this issue because he is so concerned about it. it's important point out that he has not delivered this message directly to benjamin netanyahu,
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because netanyahu will not take his phone calls. the secretary general, the un and the prime minister of israel have not spoken since october 7th, because uh, you know, essentially won't take his phone calls. and so he's using this platform. speaking of the media is speaking to the world really at this really critical juncture, wanting to bring all parties that have some influence on israel and how much for that matter to try to reach a deal before uh, potential uh, military operation by his real. that is real now, says we'll go forward you regardless indeed he's also focusing on another developing story coming onto the gaza strip, which has been covering of these mess grades, which is concerning the international community, especially the secretary general to yeah, that's right. this is the 1st time we've heard specifically from the secretary general himself. and he cited 390 bodies in a mass grave at del nasser hospital complex. and he basically said that there needs
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to be an independent international investigation into these maps graves to see who is responsible and do a to figure out moving forward how to do that. and you called for immediate access to the areas for people with expertise, with forensic skills. now of course, uh to get access to those sites. but where this is happening or happened, you need permission from is real. and that is clearly a big hurdle, because israel clearly is not going to open up access to a, a potential crime scene that they are allegedly took part in. so that is a clearly a big frustration by the united nations. because as much as the un would like to send forensic experts in their to those sites, as of now, they simply can't without israel's permission nevertheless. so it's significant that the secretary general is now calling for an independent international investigation keyword independent,
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insinuating that investigation done solely by his real, certainly would not be credible. gabriella is on to the force that you and hate. keith, thanks very much gay, but let's do some more information about those and covering of those mass graves because prosecute has from the international criminal called robin to being stuff from 2 hospitals in the gaza strip as soft as the discovery of mass graves on the ground of the 2 facilities, the hundreds of bodies were recovered from 3 mass graves on the premises of the nicer hospital and con units this month, surveys a dozen small wood, it seemed the ship all spilling kansas city after and is ready the siege of the facility a let's go save it to honey bye mood. who is our correspondent in the gaza strip? in rough up in the south? a news that the i c. c is now investigating and talking to those people who are uncovering these mass graves is being received. the way you are, that is great news, isn't it?
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yes, absolutely, on now these are shocking revelations of the discovery. all these, not the graves inside, not their hospital and at the early are the, the days of loss by or of this month and a half months in a civil hospital and for the northern part of the doctor. but it's not only the massive graves that are indicating that the, the crimes committed war crimes committed inside health care facility. but the fact there was a 1000 of people who were bonding killed inside their residential on the lift. do this is under the rubble of their that their numbers is by the 1000. there are also area of the base and part of the gaza strip, where people were given as little as 5 minutes to evacuate, and then their homes. where is a bomb than destroyed than they are live, those don't either and die in, in, in the yards of their homes that they were trying to do, or under the levels of the destroyed homes. but the very i, the very idea of a talking health facility is cost of your work. crimes and international law has
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a quite a clear, unequivocally stated any attack on deliver attacks on health facilities or and for that matter. also educational institutions constitute award crime. but what's going on, even worse than does not all of these health facilities, where a talkin to invite is really military. do are under military these, but the, there's a cemetery. so there were desecrated bodies where removed the from a, from the graves. and then the tim to re very these bodies in one, not the grave, all together causes us horrible. the crime war, crimes committed across the, the gaza strip. now i didn't default in independence a investigation that could lead us to. 2 work it with the evidence available as a covered by the civil defense, the crew department, and also by the dr. everything so far we've documented we talked about, we were bored about been very consistent with testimonies by the medical team inside these hospitals, or evacuated in this way. families who saw firsthand. so these really monetary on
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the, the ground forces and committing these crimes on the ground. how do i move the force and rasa then goes to, thanks very much. well, still head hill and the opposite renews. we've business. he makes his compton, kenya. why more than a 180000 people are being false from their homes because of floods and defending vi champions the denver nuggets go through. so the 2nd round of the playoffs of expense from the problem james is late because that school story coming up with joe in hoffman. so plenty of room to write and release. surprising. you might think that not quite surprising to see it didn't talk to you that through cyprus or 11 bits the south even reaching into jordan. but the heavy stuff is said to through turkey and then through the door for the service north in the rock and stretching down the west,
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the side of a rock that'd be on by the pictures of drywall, which is a new development draft sound of northern pakistan. but if you jump down to the radium produced, yeah, that's really no, was it 20 pictures of a social media or funding in central savvy arabia and this whole system is moving, study east was the only shops with suggest big thunderstorms, likely flooding, flash, something from the moving across the gulf towards kept outside the house full across on wednesdays. a sherry when a property of sundry one was wednesday not looking particularly wet and and then dying out. doing says the morning, but that doesn't mean it does. the system goes south and east across the you are, you get again, i remember the massive fucking that don't expect to repeat. it's not that bad, but it is never less fun. storms moving through the uncertainty effecting on not in tropical after. there are a few more shelves to come, but not many in can you, for example, are last year cuz we haven't, she's gone off show. i'm not developing potential tropical soccer, but science event is particularly dry.
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the, the welcome back here watching the i'll just it renews all with me. so rahman, in the reminder of all the top stories that you and human rights chief says that they all troubles by the treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity with palestinians at us. universities now the protest students that want to stay intented incumbents until that demands a much as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has bought. and so it's not in rockford and southern, gaza whether or not there's a sci fi deal with him. us find science, the white house says the latest sci fi deal is a good one,
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and the boss should accept it. must be all these comments come as the secretary of states on to the blanket arrives in israel. told a series of tools that follows is visits to saudi arabia and jordan. the white house has issued a statement saying that the new hostage deal is a good one and it has those tell us to accept it. multiple us officials from the defense secretary to the state department say that washington will oppose any is riley minute drill. braxton rasa that does not sufficiently protect civilians and the state department spokesman said that the us has yet to see any such a plan from the israelis. it continues to be the case, so we have not seen a credible plan. that's what address the varying areas of concerns and you've heard me talk about a number of times from here and others primarily the ability to address the serious humanitarian concerns surrounding again rochester, or region one. and 1000000 people seeking refuge to an area that continues to be an
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important conduit for humanitarian aid, as well as the safety partner before nationals. and so any kind of operation that's that does not address some of these key concerns. uh would certainly be opposed by us, like kind of towards the line from washington dc. hi mike. i mean the space person, the full, the state department to speaking very clearly about what they know. don't know about israel's plans for rasa or indeed, yes, i'm reiterating what the secretary of defense said early in the day, not just to work this back. it was months ago when discussion started the by the possible is really impatient. a for alpha that the us made very clear that it would oppose such a move unless it was provided with a credible plan by israel, which would show how civilians would be safeguarded during such an operation. that, as i said, was months ago as 2 out recent weeks,
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the us state department and other agencies of the us be making very clear that they have not seen any planned by israel with regard to rough or continuing to mon that they see such a plan that they should be able to sign off on such an operation. otherwise they are going to oppose that day. once again, we hear from the secretary of state from the department of defense, that there has been no communication with israel on this particular matter. so it would appear from the face of it uh that israel is simply refusing to share any information about a roof or operation with the united states. particularly as we heard from these really prime minister that such an operation is going to go ahead. so this is yet another example of the difficulty is being faced by the finding administration in its relationship with israel. the state department spokesman going on his way to say that there has been some movement on humanitarian. a t says that israel has
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listened on other matches, such as the case if you mandatory and aid, but still not directly on spring. the question is israel simply ignoring the united states in its request for information about what that operation in rough uh, is going to look like. thanks so much mike goes to, we'll continue to motor to events with you for washington dc. so the ones top course has just ruled against altering gemini, to hold sales to israel. the case was followed by nicaragua and the keys bell in this failing to prevent genocide and also by continuing to sell of that's the latest case involving as well before the international court of justice. south africa approached the quote in december accusing as well of committing genocide any risk? seeing the box has moved from by there was 2 specific issues. one was very much factual. let's start with that. they accepted the statements made by the german legal team, but since october, the 7th, no any has that been a massive reduction in the value of the military related trends?
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first israel, but the vast, vast majority around 90 percent of the value of all those transfers was for non lethal material. they acknowledge that had been 302 tank missiles sold from germany in to israel. they said that the full that was not a huge amount of indication that german support that he is writing, that tree was helping that is ready, montreal phrase inside gaza. secondarily, they pointed out that given the claim from nicaragua, it was that germany was in violation of the genocide convention. the court has previously itself, not yet rule, but israel is violating that convention and that full there was no legal standing right now for them to issue the so called provisional measures against germany. because germany itself is not seen to be supporting a state that is itself in violation of the convention. that was essentially the 2 key acceptances and part of that ruling from the quote today. well,
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chevy is the 2nd biggest alms florida to as well off to the us. and last year the country approved is exports to as well was more than $350000000.00. that's a 10 fold increase from the before within that is an export license. a 3000 tank weapons granted. after october the 7th. the tax though another export license of 500000 miles on munition full machine guns. jeremy says the bulk of itself to as well, not will weapons, but draw the equipment and components from machinery to because it is an international human rights. the international criminal court specialist enjoys us now from the hague. mr. cat been nice to be able to probably go, we've spoken many times before about these sorts of dilemma is between nation states and nation states and golden state to. so let's just begin with what happened today with all of the facts available and that the way they were presented was the judgement what we expected. and i thank you. i think a lot of it as well. um,
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a lot of us were commenting leading up to today. um, we're not toddy surprised by the decision that has been rented today. i think the, the main criticism has been made is that it was, it was a relatively weak judgment and not a particularly well reasonable judgement. although i think many of us where we're expecting the out toward in such a way on professional measures. and i say that just on the requests for the indication of professional matches. and obviously it's a very different match to, once we get to, to the full argument on the merits of the case. and actually the judgement recognizes and sends a message to germany and all the state pol to states policies that to the genocide conventions, that there is an obligation to ensure that they are not contributing to, to what is being turned into ongoing, plausible kinds of genocide. yeah,
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it's interesting, i mean i'm part of mine is on legal speak, but i won't say that while a burden to prove didn't quite reach the threshold. so there's provisional measures for the judges to say in favor of nicaragua, it didn't reveal what goes to israel and for that reason of tons of arguments. it's a when today's supporting palestine, they have that much more puts clear review of what's going towards tell of these that that's right. i think that's what we obviously have seen as a over the last few weeks is that is a concentration on those states that are providing material support to israel in can committing these breaches of international law. so i think it is important to recognize as, as we've already heard from, from the corresponding reporting and from, from what jeremy said, of course, that that has been very much, but them scaling of support that is, that is being provided to, to, to, to is,
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are it's effectively finding itself more and more in the dock. but i think the, even though today's decision will disappoint many of those old, we also have to take the positives from the, as you quite rightly point. i also, as parents, as an open depend doors folks, because if nicaragua is able to expose gemini support for israel in terms of the munitions of the countries, as you just mentioned that a supporting israel may well be called into the adult and have to reveal the extent and volume of the help that they've been given it given is a given israel and into a that's going to the respective populations of those countries who we've seen many thousands of people out on the streets. it also has a know called effect, doesn't to that is that he does, and i think what we, even if we go back to the south africa case, there was, there was a very clear argument in that case. i'm on the original meshes where it's an,
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a very clear message to other states as to their obligations under the genocide convention. obviously when we look at states by the united states, the united kingdom, that supported they're all giving is, are all his fault rates as and then what germany has provided. but i think this is quite possibly very much the stock. this is depend or the boss. but it's not a open to with that, it's going to be great districts name or how states are providing support. and obviously we also have to look at this in the background and what we're hearing in a restful lawrence that all that all the eminent um, so i think that what has to be to be looked at through that lens, that there is great scripts name. there is, for the 1st time i think we could most likely the 1st time this likely to be a process of holding israel and those who are responsible for committing violations of instruction with monetary rule responsible holding them accountable for the 1st time. would you see what happens that need for them to just continue
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inside? tell you, in your opinion, because been that for us. so joining us from the hague, thank you. the best, but using the days of the news, know and can use present when they retire was how they special cabinet meeting was heavy, rains continue to launch the country. the death toll from a month of flooding has reached 17185000 people have now been displaced by the floods in small it's catherine. so it has moved from the account where people made homeless by the latest deluge of salt shelter. most of these people have lost everything they've lost the home then now and this comes, it's a school the trying to get help. volunteers have brought a clue full of them. uh so the situation is very dire. a many of them are
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traumatized. some of them us still missing the loved ones. we have spoken to a man, for example, was looking for. he's 9 year old son. uh the son has been found. he's dead. he's been taken to the morgue, so he's very, very distraught. but then he says he has to move on. he has to go back to where he needs a home a wants to because he wants to solve age a. some of he's been long and this is also a c'mon, since the rescue efforts are being coordinated here. we have volunteers, we have a government official here. we have the red cross and the government has to pay the most my most machinery like excavators, to try and dig out these huge trees that are blocking the way. and
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they want to try and get to a some of the bodies us to that i still trust the government has also clarified that it is a guidelines that broke it sang up on the hills. it had been accumulating water in that gully since the rain started. so this is what we see. huge devastation and people still in morning and people were still in shock. catherine, so i'll just be on my, my hill. can you those involved with me? come and see is going into circulation, the introduction of these in by way gold or zig is the government's last attempt to latest and possibly to title high inflation 100. which also has moved from how do i have a, a brian puzzle, blah blah says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, big old, was big, will make a difference to his daddy. like,
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like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world, he wants to bobby's economy to improve says the cuttings is picked up by something that we get in touch with you. in good for me is that we have some more confidence in these cuttings which means that um a to into, to enforce says within the public. the zig replaces and bobby and donna, which last 3 quarters of its value this year. and his best buy gold reserves and foreign currency. the central bank has promised not to print excess of volumes of in you notes or floods the discipline government in the sense that to you can't inquisitive money without it being a corresponding increase in the gold reserves or in the, even in for the next interest. but i think it's very important for that to be trusted by the nc into that probably some or did. so did my, the expect to have this fixed come on to produce if that welcome to
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a but commodities such as input, duties, rent, and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the big into us dollars. the police to be no racing legal money changes operating without a license undermining the new card and the government need this one people to change the money is in love with the bank and not on the politicians. once and bobby's to have confidence in the new currency at one of the largest markets in the capital. meaning here i haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable than somebody's money. if they use the currency, doesn't these value rapidly that could change, take them into higher my tests out, but i will still add hey, all of these are the escape for cala sound? correct? is that limited dependency reaches the call to find one day one of the story in school straight after the break. the
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11 days that ended mold and 60 young life in may 2021 the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember, the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago, the 11 days in may all out just there at the school district. so thank you very much. hundreds of pride testers have gathered
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outside the headquarters of power. so let me pick organizes to demand that israel be found for me because she has games they weight policy and size and taunted boy, israel during the olympic games. the protest is one is really actually is to compete under new to obama, as in the case of russian athletes following the invasion of ukraine. or they didn't need more than 4 days to decide that after the invasion of ukraine, by russia, to them russia and also yellow russia from the lympics. whereas we're now with the genocide, gaza strip underway with a tone that goes over $40000.00 fatalities. a majority of them being women, big children,
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and on the other side of the road, it is business. as usual, they are prepared to welcome the as rarely delegation. and what was the repeats of last year's madrid i pin final calls all across this, bottled his way through to the law states in the spanish capital, but between young lena stuff, the world number 3 is looking to become the 1st player ever to win 3 titles. imageries in row, and he remained on coals here against society for your german winning the 1st set, 63. but he doesn't have it on his own way stuff. one the unit coping last week and showed just how good his phone can be. taking the 2nd set, the across was pushed all way to said set tiebreaker in the in the twins here. old prevailed. he will next life andre roof left for place in the semi fund. lot to time madrid champion alex on deserve has been knocked out by francisco set on dolo
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in straight sets. it took the origin time, 90 minutes to become the 1st player from his country and told his to reach the ma sites and the spanish kept so. phone number for the new method of has reached a new milestone on the atp tool. the russian came from right down to the alexander foot. click 7664, public even try to chehe and are on sub to throw his opponent off method of was having it and said he want in straight sets to reach the law states and the traits in doing so. but if it comes the 10 active plan to reach the quarter finals at 961000 event on women symbol one as shown, tech had to fight back from a set down against bitch. his head at maya before reaching the somebody's, she lost the openness, 6 full force, 3 straight breaks as of to take the 2nd 6 love. and all the straightforward to 6 to and the decide are against the will. number 14 and shown. take a 3 to the last for the defending and the champions, the denver nuggets,
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the through to the 2nd round of the playoffs at the expense of the broan. james and the lake is denver taking game 5 on monday in l. a. one. 08. 1. 06, the school jamal murray had a great night for the not get see, help them win game too with a bunch of pizza. and he would do something similar here on top of his $32.00 point . so the nights he also signed would prove to be the game, went up with just 3.6 seconds left on the clock and make his attempt at a positive visa was unsuccessful. i'd say all i'm following that defeat and speculation has already begun about the bronze future. the 39 year old made his 1st appearance, me, and be back in 2003. tonight. was there any thought at all? says, you know, this could have been your last game with the lakers. i'm not gonna answer that. i was at some point, i'll sit down with rich,
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my agent and sit down with my family and see what's best. there's a lot of dedication, a lot of hardware and a lot of long hours. something was very taxing, but it was rewarding because, you know, if you loved the game, a lovely process and you love being great if you don't mind you don't mind taking it that the tax on your body and your mental and your psyche and things of that nature that comes with the space for my national football coach. we send the chance that the book has taken charge of a committee. i've seen the scandal hit spanish football federation. the boss clubs paint the 1st f, a woke up title in 2010 for winning the european championships. 2 years later, this new job will be to stay the federation through 2 high profile cases, one of corruption and the other sexual assault spain, co hosting. the 2013 woke up fee for a new wife or have both said they are monitoring the cases with great concern. no, no, i know they do. they don't know. i know they should, but to be shown. this is a supervisory body for the spanish football federation. which has 3 objectives,
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firstly, to rep, present spanish football. second lead to ensure the transparency and the good work of the next elect tool process that the football federation has to go 3 off to the at and pick games. and sadly, it is also very important to face the challenges ahead for spanish football, which includes the european championship the olympic games and the 2013 world council. now we're just moments away from kick off in the 1st new way for champions league semi final. as ramage and take on by munich, this is the 8th time the sites have met at this stage of the competition with buying, leading the head side for free rail knox outs. defending champions mountain sits in a penalty shoot attempt to reach the last full call on chelsea site, a aiming to win a record extending 15 european. com as well by as whole season that rests on this competition. having relinquished, they'd been just like a title to buy labor kirsten munich faced the real possibility of finishing a campaign without a trophy for the 1st time and 12 years buying or at home for the 1st lagging or on
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beach and, and the last 15 champ, using much is up the ann serena you need these little decisions. of course, you need the momentum up at the flock and you need to hold packaged if you want to overcome gramma to it and send me fun. because we want to force things to a point where maybe this a little luck is then the difference, but we can not to rely on it for that. it's not big enough. so we have to push it and we feel ready for mike tyson's upcoming balance with new chiva 10 bucks a jake pool has been officially sanctioned as a professional fight. it means there is also a balance which takes place in texas in july will to pay on both of the records. the fight will be contested of h to minute rounds. from a world heavyweight champion type, it will be 58th of the time is assigned to 31 years old, doesn't pull slice and most recently competed in an exhibition contest in 2020. so looking good though. all right, that is like a sport for now. but to say that same s j now i've ok there in indonesia is there
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up to the game from single socrates to order evaluations and plays into it by apple's mind to do one. getting enrolled in a set of ways, a province has been active since mid april. jessica washington has the story from chicago, is not very long, and indonesia is not so luis, the provence erupted in the early hours of tuesday morning, sending up plumes of ash thousands. this meet his high lightning flushed above the crater and lava spewed into the sky. it's the latest of option in weeks. it's all kind of activity on one island. the government issued evacuation orders earlier this month and says it is hoping to resettle some families. it will provide them with land as it is and safe for them to return home. meanwhile, people living on the nearby tuggle on the island are also being urged to move to safety authorities award. the volcano could spew rocks and ash clouds. what's that got me, that's what i've done. i'm glad that. but the people in tagalog done are in the
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radius of 7 kilometers from the top of the crater. so the plan is they will be evacuated to see all island going about. i'd use the airport in monroe to the provincial capital, about 100 kilometers away from the volcano has been closed for the 2nd time this month. as volcanic ash is restricting visibility, we closed operations because of the alert levels and 7 in the morning. there are $38.00 planes impacted, both arriving and departing, and a total of $3842.00 passenger. authorities have also going to assume he could be treated if large amounts of low kind of material full into the sea is home for some of the well on the pacific area. when many tectonic plates 0 is the news, i told mccrae will have more news on the other side of the break. but until then
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from man, all of the news. our team here with all headquarters in the off. thanks very much for your time and your company the, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain on how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s u, v, is for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo, and from the bodies of candidly, is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n age now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even have. this is the most
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important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines lines to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting truth together. let's support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference in the 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest backer?
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does us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line of the students right, is the palestinian flag at the university of north carolina, or is protests against as well as for on cancer disrupt campuses across the united states. the i'm tell mccrae, this is l g 0. live from doha. also coming up to you is chief warrants against attacking rafa. opposite as well as prime minister says is full, says into kansas southern city regardless of whether a cx, 5 deal is reached. the military assault on rough foot would be an invaluable
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escalation, keeping thousands smart tvs unions enforcing hundreds of thousands of sleep.


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