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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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just was brian may populations with boots public health at risk because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. the students raise the palestinian flag at the university of north carolina as protests against, as well as for on cancer disrupt campuses. across the united states. the, i'm told mccrae, this is i will just say we're alive from also coming up for you is chief phones against attacking rafa. opt as well as prime minister is false as well into kansas southern city regardless of whether a cx, 5 deal is reached. a military assault on draft that would be an unbearable
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escalation. keeping thompson smart tvs, millions and forcing and those of thousands of sleep. georgian police find tick as a motor candidate, crowns, protesting against a so called foreign influence. though, perhaps the nicest from police and the world's newest currency is above way introduces the sink and its latest attempt to tackle high for inflation. the we begin in the united states, we have purchased show no sign of slowing his iceberg coast to coast over the weekend. and police crackdowns and arrest continued. that students have bound to stay intensive in cabinets until the moms a mess. well, this was the scene at the university of north carolina chapel hill with students took down the american flag and raised the palestinian flag and at columbia
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university in new york. students occupying hamilton hall have barricaded themselves inside the building active as the end of besides the cooling to the universities to comp ties with as well. they're also urging an end to u. s. military aid. after $206.00 days of genocide and over $34000.00 palestinian martyrs, columbia community members took back hamilton hall just after midnight. and autonomous group reclaimed hen hall, previously known as hamilton hall in honor of his raja, gauze and martyr murdered at the hands of the genocidal is real estate at the age of just 6 years old. of this escalation represents the next generation of the 196819851992 student movements which columbia once repressed, yet celebrates today. protesters have boys their intention to remain at hint hall until columbia concedes to quads 3 demands, which are divestment,
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financial transparency and amnesty. but we have correspondents covering this story at the university of texas as austin and the columbia university in new york. from where we begin with al, just there is to rectify that i said everyone is seems to be focused on hamilton. hol, can just run a through the consequences for the students involved in this. and it doesn't seem like it's put off of the protesters from coming out there today. well, that's correct her right here. outside of columbia university went over and i went inside and they said they're taking, they're all supplying it. and they displayed a flag renaming that instead of hotmail some holes. and after the 6 year old girls who was killed by the military right now, the university is on no sound, totally extensive, personally allowed to go in. and the students that are wrapped in fair,
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but many of the students that you can see right here, i'm not sure, were able to show you our gathering outside control center demanding to be allowed to go inside. but what's happening here? that'd be so it's very interesting because right on the other side of the university, we're seeing the students that are side hold on be i do this diversity who have come all the way here to this gate to extract themselves. they're saying that they're on their c drive now that they're having difficulty from having to do and water, among other things that they're tried. university right now. he's trying to isolate them from the outside world, many the years that the police to defend change to and fix them. so just as a situation here in columbia university inside are saying that they're not going to, they have a very, very key are to match with the university we've been hearing from the university this monday where they said that they were trying to physically stop. they were
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trying to guarantee freedom of speech. i left the same time, for example, guarantee that the students, however, we have heard that have started to spending some of the students that are focusing on the j trump. there to anthony whelmed with a punch on today is we still with just the house in the blanks them coming is a very common side on campuses around the united states now. well, that's correct. some for many of the students are small victories. we, i've had a genuine flag. what exists the university of north carolina in chapel hill? there was an american flag and it was, his name's fire, published to new one. we saw in here just about a few minutes ago. how the one from the fox of handful, that's how there are calling that whole right now. you hold one top there again
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with a pile of people here. are telling us that they are, there's no big difference in what they're going after. they want to create an impact, they want lots of what is happening in god. but right now the suffering, the senior people and what they're telling us is up since the only way they have to do is look at. thank you so much for all of that today. so by for us the outside columbia university, let's uh speak to how did you a castro, she's live in austin, texas outside the county jail. and i mentioned this with the protesters that were arrested yesterday by the state troopers have been taken. what's happening me right now? exactly. tom and now 22 hours after those arrest, we actually just saw the 1st protest are released on fun out of this jail. he's actually being that being attended to now among that group of supporters who camped
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out overnight, they're sharing every time someone is released and they're making sure that he's okay and they're covering them up with umbrellas and blankets. but this is where this protest has continued both on the u. t. campus where that encampment yesterday was violently broken up by police. there were more than a 100 arrests in total. and in the ensuing protests that followed that route, when police descended upon those encampment, protesters at nearly a 1000 students we saw were actually pursuing police as they were making their retreat through campus. yesterday there were some tense moments of stand off between the protesters and the police. we saw the use of pepper spray deployed by police. there were so many chance to get off their campus. and namely, the protesters who, you know, organized this effort from the beginning,
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said that despite the students who were injured in those conflicts, and despite the 100 plus that were arrested, they told us they thought that, that they won that day yesterday against police because they weren't able to attract more attention to their cause. and indeed there were more you t austin, community member students, faculty and from the surrounding community that showed up to protest the police presence. and you're seeing behind me now the continuation of that protest. they vowed to remain here outside of the travis county jail, waiting for each of those the rest of protesters to be released or waiting to hear exactly what site types of criminal charges they face was hearing that at least. and this 1st person that was released there, he will be facing misdemeanor charges. okay, thanks so much. howdy. how does your castro for us there outside the county child in austin, texas. what are you in the office for human rights says it's troubled by the
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treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity with palestinians. that us universities, the students, demands range from a safe spot. and this rouse will with a mouse to goals for universities to stop investing and is rarely enterprises involved with the country's military to an in the us military assistance as well. we have to travel by a series of heavy hand. this is that they can to dispense and this month, the process, the cross university campuses in the united states with american citizens expression and the right the peaceful assembly are from the mental to society. that the court of late one days, the shack disagreement on major issues as they are in relation to the conflict in the disciple this the new 33 and is what the to renew diplomatic pushes on device to reach a ceasefire and gals. i'm a mouse, is willing to move forward at talks and car, right?
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but as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is bound to a tank raw foot and southern casa with a v as a cx. 5 deal with him also knows he'll associated no decision by the international criminal court will stop as well from achieving its full goals. bringing hostages home and victory or the mos on. then yahoos comments. com is us secretary of site engine. he blinking arrived in his route to hold a series of tools. it follows his visits to saudi arabia and jordan. the winehouse has issued a statement saying the new hostage deal is a good one. and it has urged him off to accept this. but its smith has moved from occupied east to jerusalem. benjamin netanyahu also saying that ending that will be reaching our before reaching our objectives is out of the question. that's come as quite a shock to a lot of people, including particularly the families that those capt is a $133.00 still full to be in gaza that protesting to night, outside in jerusalem. and that demanding
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a meeting with benjamin netanyahu. tomorrow on wednesday. for an update on any deal, only on monday, that's because only on monday that was the suggestion that particular from the americans, that an extraordinarily generous proposal was being made to how much uh, for the release of 33 captives that were going to get at least 40 days of a cease 5 with the potential for a more alone and more prolonged period of calm on the release of a lot of palestinian prisoners. but now how much is being asked to consider this deal when benjamin netanyahu was reiterated his commitment to an operation in rafa . and he's done it because of pressure, as always, from the far right ministers who are keeping him in power at my bank. they're saying that he had been promised by that and you know that is where i would end so rough a promise that would be no trouble. a good deal. i on the far right, the last little smoked rich financed minutes. the finance minister saying any deal with how much is a terrible repeat the israel, and it gives how much
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a rezoning victory on the silver plots of what the company's families wants to hit, is that there is going to be a safe spot that's going to get the loved ones released basic peers to be working against that prosecute is from the international criminal cold, have spoken to medical staff and gaza about mass graves found the deals chief and nessa hospitals. the united nations is cooling for an independent investigation into what happens with the south. the hospitals have been repeatedly targeted throughout as well as for on gallons of camille and that's like, has more prosecutors from the international criminal court are investigating whether these mass graves or evidence of the crime they've interviewed style from causes schafer is not the hospitals rescue workers have because you move in full 100 bodies within hospital grounds and say some people may have been buried alive or executed children are among the dead. it is imperative that even defendant
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internationally investigative suites forensic expertise and allow the immediate success to the sites of these mess graves to establish the put aside circumstances and then which end was about to see means most of their lives and their buddies or the buddies. the families of the dad, the missing give a right to know what's happened despite hospitals being protected under international rule. they became a background in gaza. is ready for his boomed rated and besieged. she found janessa, the 2 largest hospitals in the street. the one has said, is ready for us, is transformed vanessa from a place of healing to a place of dest. on the mass graves may just be the 1st of many such discoveries, emergency workers and goals. a say they don't have enough equipments to reach
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people's, their region lights and boomed buildings, and many trapped under the rubble of dying community lack of this era facility around l. g 0. we visit a make shift camp in kenya with loving, has fullest, more than 180000 people from that heinz, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment please this for probably minutes with nothing yahoo is trying to stay in definitely is 5 minutes to the know the to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains it's charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the challenges the
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you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stores, the cell. the human human rights chiefs is die of trouble by the treatment of students who are protesting and solidarity with palestinians. us universities. students bound to stay intensive in cameron's, until the moms and miss israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has bound to attack rougher and southern cancer. whether or not there's a cx 5 deal with a mouse. you know whose comments come is you a secretary of site ends. we blinking arrived and as round to hold a series of tools that follows his visits to saudi arabia and join in the white house has issued a statement sign. the new hosting steel is a good one, and it has a huge time off to accept this for you installed court has just rolled against order in germany to hold um sales to as rome. the case was found by nicaragua and accuse billing of failing to prevent jude aside and cause it by continuing to sell
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um, it's the latest case involving as well before the international court of justice. will south africa approach the court in december accusing as well of committing genocide bellmarks has moved from the high there was 2 specific issues. one was very much factual. let's start with that. they accepted the statements made by the german legal team that since october, the 7th, no any has that been a massive reduction in the value of the military related trends? first israel, but the vast, vast majority around 90 percent of the value of all those transfers was the non lethal material. they acknowledge that had been 302 tank missiles sold from germany in to israel. they said that the full that was not a huge amount of indication that german support city is ready, ministry was helping that is ready, met. 3 operate inside garza. secondarily, they pointed out that, given the claim from nicaragua was that germany was in violation of the genocide
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convention. the court has previously itself, not yet rule, but israel is violating that convention and that full there was no legal standing right now for them to issue these so cool provisional measures against germany because germany itself is not seen to be supporting a state that is itself in violation of the convent and that was essentially the 2 key acceptances and part of that ruling from the quote today. the with tens of thousands of people, of protesting in the streets of georgia's capital for the 3rd consecutive di police fund for the candidate. the crowns, as some demonstrate has turned violent, the demonstration into play sees against the government so called sparren. influence flor it follows are rarely in support of the ruling party on monday. legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as
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foreign agents can use president william berto has held a special cabinet meeting on tuesday is heavy. ryans continue to lash the country. the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least 170 people, 185000 others have been displaced. catherine saw a report from the camp where people had been seeking shelter. most of these people have lost everything they've lost at home then now, and this comes, it's a school the trying to get help, while in tears have brought a clue full of them. so the situation is very dire. a many of them are traumatized. some of them us still missing the loved ones. we have spoken to a man, for example, was looking for. he's 9 year old son. uh,
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the son has been found. he's dead. he's been taken to the morgue, so he's very, very distraught. but then he says he has to move on. he has to go back to where he's home a wants to because he wants to solve age. some of his belongings is also a couple months inside the rescue efforts are being coordinated. here we have volunteers, we have a government official here. we have the red cross and the government has to pay the money much machinery like excavators, to try and dig out these huge trees that are blocking the way. and they want to try and get to a some of the bodies us to that. i still trust the government has also clarified that it is
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a guidelines that broke it sang up on the hills. it had been accumulating water in that gaiety since the rain started. so this is what we see. huge devastation and people still in morning and people were still a shock. cast me so i'll just be off my, my hill. can you of the bangladesh of capital, that kind of remains in the growth of an extreme hate wave with the maximum temperature forecast to stay above 40 degrees celsius until thursday. the heat wave in the southeast and asian country is the longest and 75 years. the old schools were ordered to close on monday scientific research is found that climate change is causing heat waves to increase in frequency and intensity of okay, now in indonesia has around to again, prompting authorities to all the evacuations enclosed a nearby airport. that wrong has been active since mid april. jessica washington
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reports from jakarta central long and indonesia is not so luis, the provence erupted in the early hours of tuesday morning, sending up plumes of ash thousands. this meet his high lightning flushed above the crater and lava spewed into the sky. it's the latest of option in weeks. it's all kind of activity on one island. the government issued evacuation orders earlier this month and says it is hoping to resettle some families. it will provide them with land as it is and safe for them to return home. meanwhile, people living on the nearby tuggle on the island are also being urged to move to safety authorities award. the volcano could spew rocks and ash clouds. what's that got me, that's what i've done. i'm glad that. but the people in tagalog done or in the radius of 7 kilometers from the top of the crate to so the plan is they will be evacuated to see all island going. a thought i'd use the airport in monroe to the provincial capital about 100 kilometers away from the volcano has been closed for
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the 2nd time this month. as volcanic ash is restricting visibility, we closed operations because of the alert levels and 7 in the morning. there are $38.00 planes impacted, both arriving and departing, and a total of $3842.00 passengers. authorities have also going to assume he could be treated if large amounts of volcanic material full into the sea is home for some of the well on the pacific area. when many tectonic plates 0 as in bob was new currency has gone into circulation. the introduction of this and bump way goes it gives the government's latest attempt to tackle hype inflation. argument. tasa has more from how about a, a brian puzzle i'm was,
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it's too soon to know if this new car and see the ball. the gold was big will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in the country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve. since the cuttings is picked up by something that we get in touch with you in good form means that we have some more confidence in these cuttings which means that um it to into, to enforce says within the public. does it replace it does. and bobby, and donna, which last 3 quarters of its value this year and is backed by gold reserves and foreign currency. the central bank has promised not to print, excessive, fallings up in you notes or floods the month. it does have been government in the sense that to you can't increase it is monday without it being a corresponding increase in the gold reserves or in the even in for the next interest rates. but i think it's very important for that to be trusted by the entity into that probably some or did. so did my, the exec 2 of the speak,
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someone to put his if that regularly. but commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars, that means and bobby, and still have to change the zig into us dollars. the police to being the racing, legal, and many changes operating without a license. undermining the new car and governmentally, there's one people to change and money is in love with the bank and not on the politicians once in bobbies to have confidence in the new currency at $1.00 of the largest markets in the capital. meaning here i haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the us, it's be more stable than somebody's money. if they use the currency, doesn't these value rapidly that could change, take them into hartaman, toss out miss brittany, this king charles has returned to public duties for the 1st time since it was announced. he has been diagnosed with cancer in february. his 1st engagement involved a visit to meet other people who are undergoing cancer,
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treatment for print reports from london. looking relaxed and smiling king charles was accompanied by queen camilla for this resumption of his public fixing royal duties. the university college hospitals, mcmillan, kansas center, is not where the king himself is being treated. but the royal gesture of solidarity and support for the patients and staff here was clearly intended to send a message, waiting patiently for a glimpse of the king with 2 loyal supporters. glad to see him out in public again . it's not the same back. and we will mission and he's not alone. a cancer to my partner died concerts 121 years ago. she does consensus. she was 40, i was navient. and i know exactly what the kids are doing and the claim. and you could tell me to baptize to see the patients who got cancer. not, i mean, obviously is not allowed, not alone even within his immediate family. jones's daughter in law, catherine,
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the wife of prince william, is herself undergoing preventative keyma therapy for cancer. inside the unit of the king toward diagnostics and screening facilities hearing about the new melanoma skin cancel vaccine announced just last week. i'm sitting down to chat with long chemotherapy patients. the king sympathized, telling her i've got to have my treatment this afternoon as well. the king's own can. so it wasn't asked in february after a scheduled prostate treatment the previous months. the exact nature of his cancer hasn't been revealed, but the publicity about his condition has seen an 11 fold increase in the number of prisoners seeking medical advice for prostate concerns. it's huge, the popular thing that, that much of these came here today. well, the king is still understanding cancer treatments, many thousands of people choose to what walls i have come to treatment. often. we think about that and what needs to happen in order to make that possible for people to think to suspend such a message of hate to see and hit stay not quite
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a full tons of public duty for king charles his yes to confirm his attendance upcoming demonstrations or the enforcement to paint the color ceremony, but it's a positive side whole front and i'll just share a central london as well. that's it from 8 till mccrae. so now we're there is next . then inside story, we'll examine the political stand off in georgia to stay with us. hello this and welcome whether it has crept into western parts of australia after one of the driest months on record. we think some found the storms as well as per long spells of rain affecting most southern areas that with sundry showers, expected in post over the next few days. but elsewhere, more northern areas west in australia, central and off in the north of australia. it is a very wide picture. we've got some cloud but lots of sunshine as well. a few
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showers coming into northern areas of queensland, but it stays very wet in sydney over the next few days with coastal areas. seeing those showers as we go wednesday into thursday and the development of some heavy rain across north west in areas of new south wales and southern parts of queensland . now we'll see something of a cool down in tasmania on thursday. and those cool conditions sweep across new zealand as wet weather works its way from the south island to the north. i didn't bring temperatures down to the christ church, 13 degrees celsius that on wednesday some improvements to come on thursday, but looking well for the north island with some stronger wins. and as it moved to southeast asia, it was still seeing some very heavy rain across southern areas. it's very hot in the north of the boss or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from
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. i'm into the outer big language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m a political stand off in georgia. the government says a bill. it's trying to pause for a 2nd time with regulate fund influence, and protect the countries silver. unsafe, protects of protesting. it was crushed freedom. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story. the .


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