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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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most important translation award from an into the outer big language world wide shade come out. award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m a political stand off in georgia. the government says a bill. it's trying to pause for a 2nd time with regulate fund influence, and protect the countries silver unsafe, protects of protesting. it would cost freedoms. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story, the
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color the and welcome to the program. i'm nora, kyle georgia. is that a political cross right? there is widespread angle on the street. so for a bill, it's 6, the cub foreign funding of non governmental organizations. the prime minister says it's necessary to block external influences. the approach has to say the legislation would finance critics of the government ahead of parliamentary elections in october demonstrations last year for the governing georgian dream party to drop an earlier version of the bill. the crisis is undermining the countries i'm fission to join the european union. and the books leaders have criticized the so called for an agents bill on prompting georgia kinds of it states as last december. they said they expect the quote, the state to carry out traditional and electro reforms and improve press freedoms. will impact all these issues in just a moment with all experts. but the fast this report life into them on a protest against the so called for an agents bill or good going in georgia.
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the opposition is united with demonstrate are saying it's authoritarian and similar to a low russia uses to crush to send this to me. i can most, i want to show the position of my family know to russia a pulse and futures, and you're because we need the european justice and european or the system. so if the people are not the other way around, the system doesn't serve the people. the proposed law would require organizations receiving more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as foreign agents or fe spines and the governing party. georgia dream has organized riley's of its own supporters say it's necessary to protect georgia from harmful outside influences that could undermine traditional values. i know mom, ordering a sensible mother lines, mother tongue and face of the pellets of our identity. one, i'd never say no to my identity. earlier this month, a parole erupt in parliament during debates on the law. another sign of how he did
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divisions. if the con, the european union has warrant the passing, the bill could undermine georgia's bid to join the block. the country was granted candidate status in december a most, georgia and voters aren't saver membership. the government has a majority in parliament and could push the bill through without opposition support . and it has the most override any presidential veto. 6 but many in georgia are concerned that this little could have major implications for how the country is governed in the future. and whether that future will include being part of the european union. since and monahan l to 0 for inside story. without college units, half of all of it is outside the parliament in georgia is capital t, please see politicians on to facing the bill. it's all quite near the home and building right now. nothing indicates that the georgia and capital has been shaken 5 months of all positions processed in the last 2 weeks. but more protests are expected later on today as call them and says,
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approving the 2nd of 3 readings of the controversial for an influence transparency . know some preparations are in the way for it right now at georgia dream policy trying to adopt the same. the last chair, buddy kohls major pros, has that 10 funding, so the drops have to be revised to many brief assign renee fonts on but in funds. it was close to that the forward, his didn't have bonds and the idea to adopted the latest valley here and to police was actually in support of the know it was organized by the georgia dream policy, more than 150000 people gathered here. but a position media outlets reported most of those people was a state workers and they have been brought here from the georgia, the governing policy rules and years to register as being under the 4th influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad, something the physicians oppose is the call to build the russian know, as most of the use of similar legislation to cross down from critics, these people support georgia's european pulse on the keys. the current government
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of trying to return the country to rush as old as they will in georgia to be part of the you on a european future for the country. reporting from the georgia and capital finishes . you'd have some pop out of the inside story. with us bring, you know, a guess now and from t bc with joins by my m. last key is a member of the georgia empowerment promoting the bill from brussels. 20 k. go dads, a fellow at jack to low institute and for the minister of european integration of georgia. and also from to basically with joins by member of parliament. katcha couldn't, i'd say. who is opposing the approval of this bill. great to have you will with us . all right, let's start with you. perhaps you can tell us why the government is so keen to post this bill when there's so much opposition to it. all right, thank you very much. so 1st of all, for giving me you've given me the opportunity to talk so you're all this where it's all sides with the lawyer. so the and the signature is ation,
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which has been less than a day. so discuss the work agent. first of all is not existing in the law and the on, i think a, this law requires his transparency requires the organizations and only non profit organizations, not citizens, so declared. therefore his income is more than 20 percent. this is much lighter version of american firewall and based on you directed by the way you rock and problem is he's in the process of acquiring this transparency loss as we see. price already has it's in sports and more than $15.00 countries worldwide, including gus trend, the kind of dine cetera are discussing this. well, we're located in extremely politically for dr. location. and i have to also say that we are, is gone fine. not only by the russians, but also the for georgia political situation which are located in the occupation,
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which is the by russia. their forces in our country said one to why this country. so this 70 station in order to gain back the power. therefore los such it, which is display is extremely important for our country, and this is also very timely initiated. so we okay. they take off the pitfalls, they do okay. miami laid out the the, the reason is full. thank you very much. cash i can always already seen shaking your head back nearly all the reasons for you, all physician to the floor. oh, thank you very much. actual m system. i'm sitting now just now on the southern camp . that's pamela mentor, recession room, where the very hard, the beach about the, about the russian law because of the largest citizens. i mean, they don't college law about the bill about the teams parent's the. it, they call it restaurant. always thought about the transfer and say, i mean let me explain why it's about our russian billy under oligarch. busy night
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vanish with me. he used to be the former prime minister of georgia. i'm here and a lot of money, you know, 920, right shop and yesterday key when he had the big gathering there in front of the georgia problem and from governmental gatherings. and made it very clear that that 40 and number one and a me is the, was the us on cold war part see, i mean, global work party. everybody who criticizes keen mind for want georgia to be integrated completely, europe and union. and i mean, you called them like, you know, they want to drug georgia into the work. so it's about the native under shortly who made the jo, political choice. and actually i called these do russian bill to because i mean, it's about the jo poetic trucks. i mean, it's not about the transference because let me explain. so here i have, i'm in the session room. sorry. it does. it's very nice. so here is a note of what displays have been here to it. so the transference and regulation
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was this is yeah, it shouldn't by means this is i apply no, you know, just the drops our report. know it's report by, oh i see. oh dear. and it says i need to about like, um, uh, 50 pages and it's not very well and very clearly that the slot is against the, on the month old prints, it pulls out the rep and union and the freedom of association. and actually just today, the minister don't care, so we do who is a former minister of georgia for and as her as minister of georgia who's in brussels then actually our introducing upfront partners in brussel. they told him, bruce, merely that is law about transfer. so which is not about the trunk balance transfer . and so because to again, legislation regularly they uh, a lot so that we have a lot to apply of those regulating the george and no the income or, and joe cents, civil society. see, i mean, in the tax code? 500. okay, now you're transferring. so the agent,
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so if you turn them in europe and union, maybe it's very clear in georgia, parliament will possibly slow. there will be no choice for your opinion to ration up for georgia and you know, the business for the american before it was the youngest one, parents wouldn't marry him to respond to that. does this now scott, just as know the, if it's paused when it's gotta george's membership to the european union. first of all we, um, i am used to hearing the like the from my colleagues. so from my position, because there's a fall and she's already brandy, does the liar because to one she was the kind of a thing that the georgia saw of 2 companies sanction and that's georgia has to georgia rush. she's buying bullies to bomb the keys. so if you create, forget the name, it is the yeah, you're a member of. a the section, yes, sure the evidence was that the,
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the specially read higher invoice so that there is not the any evidence of it. so that's why i think, and another one of the opposition representative had a transformed old expected jeep location of the main cell is find the resolution for the face of russian interest 10 by the have the on the goes to what i can now just to give the brandy of tomorrow, if you don't mind because we need to keep on track with this particular discussion, we don't have very long to get to the ultimate let me break it into an a k. at this stage you'll the embrace so was, is the block saying about best bell? there was a unanimous from the mission of israel and uh, just uh, uh, quotes on the. busy issue to tell you that georgia, that these lawyers adopt safe joy each we jo provider to destroy the chance of do you have georgia to uh, to become a member even to start the application?
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it's about the membership, the nubian union. so the person who's so from the letter from the majority party and she should be updated on her personal and talking points when she's comparing the more to the existing laws of the west, some different western democracies, the leader of georgia dream yesterday said that the target was explicitly the way, so it is impossible to understand this extremely ambiguous and it's a, this is kind of a, i don't know, are awfully, comes for the 3 to say that the georgia is adults and you will be a most it case you want to use the, the, the, the, to the georgia dream is now to qualify. how do a position as a forwarding address as to peeling who do time in georgia. this is a very clear that continues to the language that was, that is used also in bellows. and these kind of countries, so every,
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each reaction i'm coming from brussels from capital is billy harris also from washington was know this law is not something that we have in our legislation. this is something that is the pace of the russian law. and no, there was no secret that never georgia since the 2012 has a found any russian spies. any russian agents in 12 years were in everywhere the world in all democracies. there. busy lots of findings of reference, a spice or russian influence network. never georgia has ever mentioned us as a, is a, as a, as a source to, to georgia's democracy and all the west is now considered as the threat to georgia democracy, which is something nonsense. okay, ma'am, i want to that now address that same question to you again, when you head directly from brussels, the you is saying this bill is likely to destroy negotiations for georgia's
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accession to e u membership. is that something that concerns the georgia dream policy? um, 1st of all, georgia dream parts. it is the, the only powerful us in the tech support association. all the key milestones we tried towards your opinion to gratian talking from association agreement, dfcs, pc liberalization, as well as the texas. we remember also last year when those 2 are where lead to previous to government, those members of the problem where kelley says, if we do not release former president from present, and by the way he's not to present, i can say next. we will not get the candidate test, but the fact to different price. so we see that. so sometimes it helps only about the, the few members of the problem if you are talking about and initiating the resolution . but it's only about the priest, the full and keep the retreat sliding for towards the rough and union. we know that
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by every day and we, i like definitely this is the error all perceptions and anyone can create the perceptions towards the award russian a. so uh with the, uh, it's kind of a damaging because the georgia dream was the party who has a racist and motions and who also receive up to society a by retreat has around 90 percent supports to european union. and then i saw a membership. i just thought majority major, your foreign x ray, and we have to look at the evidence. the ok, well the now let's just bring cash we had. so put back to have a, you know, we have my, i'm saying the georgia dream policy is still storage. the pro europe, it brought georgia to the canada that states us at the end of last year and it remains so what do you say to that slow down version of the way?
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i mean, i can say that the, sorry i'm have very up for arguments about because they don't have arguments. first of all, drugs in the sites is dependent as south your rep can you and yeah, but, but, but the people of georgia who last year just, you know, they had serious protests and money for station, especially youngsters. they gave the russian law against is for an agent law. and actually by the end in march, 2023, a georgia dream said that they will never gonna be back to this slow again. i mean, so they broke the problem is they gainesville georgia. and people, so this year and actually the candidates, essentially. so i mean, we go to a lot of different invitations from the european union then. yes, i mean, we have to be in compliance with the, with the line of, with the recommendation i'm working updates. so the district invitations have been broken again by the georgia 3 inches and the number one is the it brings up this for an agent law again. so when we're talking about the growth in union and in to ration so, but surely i have to run my call to remind my paulding and also your audience was
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probably not very much aware of the dispute in the, in your deluxe, your united states. sanction. former prosecutor general parts whole lot, but uh and say that the parts, colorado who used to be the very close associates a busy, native initial the and the general persecutor, who was the russians, 5 extra position and the lots of close civil society and joe. oh, so i mean, not the george young people be requesting thing the situation against is russians by protocol lot but, but unfortunately, i mean, we never received and got your response for gen 3 and so they coverage for color. thanks. the harvard was forward, they coverage with national bank, so when it's up to trust parents, the and my colleagues said, talking about departments, they know it's not so because i mean we have, i mean the probably the most and trust forensic laptop for the fiber man was the only bird can, so i have to say that the opinion to gratian and nature integration,
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it will be on the threads. so that's why a lot of people have been pretty tough, seemed outside the problem into the bed just now. and to tell you the georgia dream already dropped this bill last year because of all these huge protests against it. so why is it picked it up again? now you're pretty tons to know much better then you will be on the union. what use you will just have which is not so even though they miss new york, can you then come back as well to groups us? this is your opinions. so it is unbelievable when it comes to association agreements and different conference of free trade agreement. these agreements were prepared by the previous government and the only signed by the current government. so they shouldn't take the benefit towards that. and everyone remembers how, how we, how we talk and when, when you are being union and gave you the candidate stuff as to georgia, it was a geopolitical decision. you political decision because you didn't want georgia state also. they stop coming and large man's weight. and the it was a given, they're providing,
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but the 9 very clear and the completion of what's going to be applied in georgia by the georgia. now coming to your question. yes, the board was abandoned last year. but this year, um, do you has a critical elections in october? and so as the leader of georgians read yesterday, playing the key polls the slow and again, no. to introduce to positions. he never human. the he's not learned about this is a business. he said, a society, an independent spread out of 49, and he needs to move to we can them before the election. what, what you said a very, very key in 10 seconds. a secondary question is that at georgia needs. so russia needs to see from georgia, a sign of a allegiance and loyalty. and these kind of lawyers are adult people to be in georgia but as indifference for the soviet countries were all the russian reports.
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and this is the sign of allegiance to russia and demonstration of loyalty. why never russia is never mentioned as it corrects george's independence, george russell, i just 20 percent of georgia territory. and the biggest threat to georgia is the, and yours and repress that receives more than 20 percent of the budget and from the, from the with. okay, so the pulse that over to you, what is the exact threats coming from? and g is, 1st of all, we have to say that the b, i had to respond that it was not prepared by the previous government. so when we came into power there, they were things like 2 years they moved to the of the stage and improvements signatures on the upward power was the, the one to actually really working on it. by the time i was working go to these pace made us feel few integration. so i remember the part to face it myself
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when. 6 talking about the dropping of the legislation, i have to say that 1st of all, i know the issue was that's up of by in georgia is 3700000 people. we have 25000. thank g o a working to the capital. and this is the, the highest number pick, copy signs x, comparing to wherever you rock in, in every country on the other side. so we have to also notice that the. com. thank so fire for instance, where the receipts will be so part of the 6 year we have the n g of before participating in political decision making in the development and transparency of those organizational said when talking of individually with the, the, my practice. i mean, they cannot even name at least one sentence from the law, which she's saying does more than transfer when we dropped the to all the so low because it's a game big my position has ended calling everything. ok, so,
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so the resolution which was the 14th the ukraine when these are the works package, which was initiated by our call me please. uh you price support resolution the names and brenda d, russian resolution. and this is like a pad docsis ever thank you by the boss, so can be named the russian. so this is the a room big as a typical branding of the think much as ation and other things. why do we have drop is listed there? were a lot of fun plus francis and did to directly. meanwhile we have the to a live, but you can go to e d. this is the rock in a farm girl who would, who are mainly financing be. thank you. so you can directly go to this website and see that after 2021. there is not enough data about the projects we say are right, the car. yeah. okay. so let's just bring content now and then. um, so what is the concern about this bill's impact on
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n g a is and civil society more broadly in georgia? well, i'm wondering why miss laska doesn't response about so between the initially, i mean the chair of the well let me know board chair for her part because i mean, she doesn't have been asked to read about it. actually when we're talking about the trust 1st of the money, nobody knows how between i have an issue of there and a lot of money in russia early ninety's. and i don't think that the restaurant ninety's is special and it would be the name of an issue and it had been doing there was so trust for and the day you had the more. all right, i'm in the world around to talk about the swap. sorry, catches medicines, the phones of georgia dream policy. that's probably a minister, even though it's really a number of times today. could you just give us an idea of how influential he is when his sentiments night, because he was very pro your opinion? is he now more pro from latin and why he's way of mos on the political front lines
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now. he's personal wellesley. so something according to fortunately magazine, something like 60 and so for dollars and you just annual gpc, you've seen billions. so you can imagine the rest of your piece, well, send a annual gdp of the cost, which is uh, higher in the world. it's even higher than blue nato salon. i don't even know discounts for your page. so yeah, they do all the major services of georgia dream, all the members of the georgia dream out approved personal buyers, mississippi's united initiatives. and i don't know who told you that he was, you were a georgia population is pro european and the georgia dream has to pay attention to the majority of joining population. 80 percent of georgia's are for european union, so they cannot directly i talked to you for being here. that's why they are at. busy seeing these or really have strategies saying you won't be as bad, but we'll, we won't euro so this is that they try to accrue men saying, do send,
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did you see that it doesn't work anymore because they are switching directly. i talked to the european union on the west and just the last point when, when the game, the person from the majority said that she works for the association agreement. i'm sorry, i was the chief negotiator. maybe she doesn't remember, but i was never, she's there for 2 years on the hall in this negotiate and so like, i don't remember her either, but i don't know. maybe she was doing a parent with negotiations. okay. okay. uh, let's, let's not, let's titles the, joining the story. okay. the guys want to bring mary, i'm into to as well. try the discussion for a little bit now because we've got these problem entry elections do. in october, the georgia dream will be seeking a full time in the office. will it be a free and fair election? my room? yes, stephan. it's this when federal action was assessed by or c o z or lost the election
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as well, but it's on the i didn't know to be helpful to mention that the georgia dream is the uh, the party who has named russia and one be a quarter to 5 boards to against russia, and if the government on the country or whoever is the pro russian, they cannot do all the kind of feature in our track record west. we have a last shot for, 1st of all, we need to be court press international. i to my courts as well, even though the previous regime signed the resolution squared bank have blamed our own soldiers of testing before even though they're not gonna have to jump into that because you're going to go to the that's what i, what do you have on how to, what, what she thinks about these elections that are coming up. let's look. so let's see until election. will georgians dream when a full time in office. let me show you. i mean,
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i'm very sorry about my colleague because she doesn't have their dement. so she has to prepare a better, but actually i can say yes, so they busy. no, but it's really heavy again, just on the lines that the for he there are 2 very important factors for the next election is central election commission. and it's the ports actually, both of them today actually the georgia dream had voted for the new sunflower expect permission had the which is up. so it's, it's a bird united to the door, jens, remind me by initially. and i have to on the line that they, she said that there's these 2 elements are very much important for that. you want to really mean a thing jose and civil society not to bring to the international observers and to eliminate all of us and your school wants to really and the station and the license to really just observe the battery. gotcha. i hope you are doing the general and again to print up the old server is yeah, because we have run out of time of thank you very much to our expect today for
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a lively discussion. indeed, it does highlight the divisions in georgia at the moment. many thanks to all guess katya. they couldn't, i'd say 20 case. good as a and my last game i'd like you to for watching you can see the program again any time for visiting a website that's out there a dot com for further discussion. do guys? well, facebook page that facebook dot com slash a inside story you cause to join the conversation on x. so homeless at a inside story from me, laura kyle and the whole team here is by the, the outcast. i'm dyson is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub and so it goes through the roof,
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12:00 am
business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . the student's raised the palestinian flag at columbia university is purchased against as well as for on guns that disrupt universities across the us side for you is chief phones against attacking ralph of israel's private assistance


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