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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to business like this, this will to you, i guess is i like fly on one of your this makes model inflates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is then use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . the student's raise, the palestinian flag at columbia university is purchase against as well as for on kansas disrupt universities across the us side for you is chief forms against attacking raw 5 to as well as private assistance, has forces into kansas southern city regardless of whether a safe fund deal is reached amelion city assault on draft that will be an unbearable escalation. ceiling 1000 smart tvs,
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millions enforcing hundreds of thousands of sleep. georgian police, 5 tear gas and was a candidate crowns, protesting against the so called on influence bill. and we visited my chips camp and kenya with flooding his voice, more than 180000 people from the huns. joining casual skill with this thoughts as round the druids, beneficiary in your schools twice to help us side to withdrawal with fine unix in the 1st like as a way for champions league semi sign on the we begin in the united states. we have protest showed no sign of slowing his nice bread coast to coast with police crackdowns and a risk continuing. students have bound to stay intensive in cabins until the demands of miss. well, this was the scene at the university of north carolina chapel hill with students
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took down the american flag and raised the palestinian flag and dick the university in new york. students occupying hamilton hall, barricaded themselves inside the building. active as the and, and other sites. the cooling for the universities to count times with israel. they're also edging an end to u. s. military eyes. after $206.00 days of genocide and over $34000.00 palestinian martyrs, columbia community members took back hamilton hall just after midnight. and autonomous group reclaimed hen hall previously known as hamilton hall in honor of hinge raja, gauze in martyr murdered at the hands of the genocidal is real estate at the age of just 6 years old. this escalation represents the next generation of the 1968. 19851992 student movements, which columbia once repressed, yet celebrates today as well. we have correspondents covering this story and you
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see i live in los angeles at the travis county jail in austin and at columbia university in new york where we will begin with sounded areas that i sent by today . so everyone there, as we've mentioned, has been focused on hamilton. hol, can you just run this through the consequences of the students involved and it certainly doesn't seem at this stage at least like, instituted people from coming out and showing their support for them. well, that's correct. outside the city, we're right across the time you can see right here is the building that some group off for the night. he played flag saying that there we naming this building a 6 year old that was killed by the many of the people that you can see here that i've
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come here to slide the to the students that remain inside the right now is on not only being allowed inside and some of the students of live in escape. there's a group of students who have come here to start thinking and changing things in this process that is happening inside the building with just so for example, a group of students that are handing them over some food and water because the students inside are say, different right now that's what the university is trying to do, is i'm prevent the students that are here what from entering the they're not to whether they're going to try to fix something. this is the situation on the ground, the university in the buildings with good faith expansion,
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the cancels ought to be suspended, but what is the source and say they're not going to need this. we can see behind you the today says hello, sending flags really becoming much we'll come inside now and campuses right across the united states. well, that's certainly what we just took over the handle. some of those come with the union flag. this are small signs of victory for many that are here. we also saw in the university of arkansas students replacing the american the flag. and because the other universities was happening in columbia is one in the universe, the funds sweets to carry out the constituents. among other things,
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you're just reverse that he has agreed to carry out the agreement. so verse, that would mean something like this were to happen would mean counseling, the students who are safe profit from the one there's not to pull many of the students, they know they're not sure what they're going to be able to achieve. but what they are telling us that they're not going anywhere. good, thanks so much. today's a to today's should buy for us the outside columbia university. well, how did you in castro joins us live outside the, one of the county jails there in austin, texas. uh 24 hours ago century office with, with dragging protests as a way i mentioned. not taking them there to that county. joe, can you explain what has happened to those protestors since they were arrested? yes, so we are just a few minutes away from the you
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t austin campus and this indeed is the place that those are rest of protesters were taken after the crack down that we witnessed on the u. t campus yesterday. we're hearing that over 70 people were arrested in total, getting more information about the charges there. stacey, it appears to be criminal trespass. but since then, more than 24 hours later, only 2 or 3 of those arrested individuals happen to have been let go of have been released and everyone around me. if you look behind me, there is adding a peaceful group of students and community members who have been sharing every time someone comes out and they said that they are holding this vigil until every last one is released. and among those who are here, this is elaine cohen, you're with jewish voice for peace. thank you for coming to turn out a 0. why? why is it important for you to come and support these you? t austin, students would use voice for peace for
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a long time have supported liberation for palestine, the right of return, an end to the occupation. and since this last horrible bombing, this year has been happening. it is absolutely important for jews who are not zionists, who are anti zionist, to stand with our palestinian sisters and brothers and are much on sisters and brothers. and everybody who has been affected by the terrible crack down on human rights and the rights of free speech. so the student, so you t were just doing their american job, of preserving democracy and taking care to protect the lives of the people who are being aggress and the fact that they end up in jail. well, jewish choice are piece along with some other groups. if not, no, not in our names and our austin coalition for palestine,
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we're here to support those who been in prison because they stood up for their principles. now anti semitism is a label that this the governor of texas brick abbot has thrown on these protesters as justification for the police crackdowns that he's ordered. how do you respond to that being jewish or so? i think what's really important is through people to understand the judaism is not zionism. zion, the item is a fairly new, phenomenal from the 19th century. it's part of the tradition of secular colonialism . and i know hundreds or thousands of jews who are not zionist. it is confusing to think that just because your jewish you must be pro, is real. and i am here to say no, i know lots and lots and lots of jews who find what is really policy is, is in fact,
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against jewish law. argue our law tells us to be compassionate. to be loving, it doesn't say to sniper, journalist or to sniper doctors or to kill babies in interest to women lane. thank you so much for sharing your opinion with us for your time. and of course, this has become a bigger and bigger movement here in austin, partially because of that police track down that we saw. even more you teach students and surrounding community members have joined us now waiting for protesters to be released from drake, from jail. and also others still on campus. continuing this protests. tom. thank so much heidi, heidi jar, castro for us. there is a travis county jail and austin k. well, for more on this, we are joined now by rob reynolds who is at the university of california in los angeles. and we can just give us an idea of what is happening over there on the west coast as well. uh here is you see a la,
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you can see the tent encampment behind me. things are quite calm at the moment. uh, the, that was not actually the case. the overnight when some pro israel pro zionist demonstrators counter protesters if you will, rather aggressively confronted the and pro palestinian student defend protestors in the encampment. uh and uh there was a, there was some pushing and shoving, lot of name calling police eventually came in. to break that up. there was also an incident where a student climbed to the top of a tall building covered in scaffolding, to display a palestinian flag of the university of california police. a police officer took him down. he was detained with some minor injuries, but then released. but, you know, tom, i want to give you
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a sense of how wide spread these protests are just here in the western united states where, where i'm reporting that it's far from just you see a lay and usc it's humbled. state count poli, in california occidental college of pitts or college oregon state university. portland state university, arizona state university of utah, colorado state, the university of new mexico where several students were arrested yesterday and then sprayed with chemical irritants by police. so just about every college worth the university of large and small, you can find some protest and pro palestinian activity and demand that the universities divest in in the war in dogs that come to an end that, that activities going on. i'd like to introduce marie salem, marie a, you're
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a student here air and the protesters. thank you very much for being on al jazeera . now i understand, were you just came from the camp a short while ago? can you give us an idea of what, what's going on in there? what's the mood like? yeah, our income is feeling pretty strong. right now. we're really organize together with our community. although there's disruptions outside, we're staying really, really focus. we're having popular assemblies. we are having our programming, we're really, really staying focused centering gardens lives, centering that, and also staying focused on our goals for divestment. now what have you observed or experienced in terms of the provocations by counter protesters? i think it's really, really important to know that other universities have not exactly experienced the harassment that we are undergoing right now. there wasn't exactly a blueprint for us, but we are staying organized. we're staying secure with ourselves in our community . we keep each other safe in that way. the harassment has been on another level constant during day concert during night. a really, really racist is on the phobic, anti palestinian. even answer to medic,
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things have been said towards us and it has been aggressive at times. we are able to de escalate, but i think this is really important to know that this is just very reflective of the larger movement and that is also, you know, hurting gauze it and then it was larger regime of re racism and that is putting down thousands right now and has also put down positive names for 75 years. and that is really reflective of what we're seeing here in the us college campuses. so obviously that's gotta be stressful for a lot of people. i wanted to ask you all. so, you know, a lot of the student protests is, are wearing a face masks, or, or scarves covering parts of their faces. do you and your peers in the can have anxiety or trepidation about being exposed, being, docks, being singled out for you know, a future job opportunities being denied to you or academic opportunities and in general, you know,
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facing reprisals. yeah. i think the pro post in movement has been systematically silenced for 75 years. and this is why it has lasted so long. there is very intact organizations of silencing. and so, yes, our students, we all are very nervous at times of doc, seeing of, you know, repercussions from university verifications from future jobs repercussions. i've even threats and, but we are standing up because we believe we want to be brave and we want to be brave for people in gaza on the ground who don't have the option and who are being very brave. and so we are embodying that resilience by standing up, but it is definitely um, an issue, and that's why we also, we wear mass, that's why we keep our camp secure. that's why we do not let and agitators, we don't like direct filming things like that. we're trying to keep one another safe. re thank you very much for speaking with us today. appreciate it. i wanted to say on that point, this is about as far as we can get, as journalists into the camp,
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the student protesters are not allowing journalists inside the as a general rule. so we're, we're here and observing and waiting to see what if anything happens, but as you hear there from one student protest or they want to keep the focused, not so much on themselves, not so much on american students, protesting but on what's happening in gaza. that's the message re, if i'm hearing time and time again. thanks so much rob from reynolds from for us, the u. c. l i v you in office for human rights is it's troubles by the treatment of students who are protesting and solidarity with palestinians that those u. s. universities, as we have traveled by a series of heavy hand that to steps they can to dispose of this month old prep us the cross university campuses in the united states of america, savings expression on the right. the peaceful assembly are from the menfolk of society. practically one day,
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the shack disagreement on major issues as they are in relation to the conflict in the society policy new 33. and he's right as well. students and universities across live in on have joined the global solidarity protest, demanding an in israel's atrocities against the palestinian people. so in a hold, i was at one of those gatherings. we are an american university available in universities across the 11 on are holding protests in support of thomas in the us. they are chanting, anti israel means i'm on 0. if you'd be difficult, maybe all forms of uh, collections or communications with other companies that are assisting give you a for site, safe is where you are such as h, b, and other companies. this is really also
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a short support solid. there are 2 protests and universities across the world. people here are protesting what they say is us support for as well. and it's more on garza my method here as opposed to liberty students at a b. s the call for capacity building and raising awareness that expands the boundaries of fission diversity to boycott, understand and uh, supports of the policy in state and to abolish dian isn't. is it like events and nothing that i've seen in finding this over the past 200, these constant one being constant over 35000 civilians, innocent civilians. so this is the basic thing that you can provide. i brothers and sisters and gaza students here are also denouncing any attempt to normalize relations with as well center for their else as the though they do. the, the diplomatic pushes underway to reach
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a cease fire in gaza with the u. s. existing pressure on the miles to agree to israel's terms thought, is there any problem mister benjamin? netanyahu has bound to attack rafa of and gauze of whether there is a safe spot or north bend. as smith reports from occupied east jerusalem. these rails miller trees already hitting targets in roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at how must his leadership and his remaining battalions will happen. i don't want to kind of split up. you will enter rust up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation, all the outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rafa. when more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough, so it would be an unbearable escalation, healing thousands most civilians,
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enforcing and the thousands. the fleet also in the line of fire would it be as rarely captives? the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday demanding a ceasefire deal. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians and in the battle space. a much better job of what we've seen that's far. and as you know, they're north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area as these rails military says it's ready for a rough operation. how most of us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack the last stronghold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on the far right ministers to stay in power. they will in the rough results,
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to go ahead and go any deal with how much a terrible defeat defy them. and then you all who could be out of office a bonus. smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. and multiple us officials from the defense secretary to the state department. so washington will oppose any is rarely, military operation and rough with the does not sufficiently protect civilians. my kind of has more from the us capital. it was months ago than israel 1st began to talk about and operation in a rough uh, in the south of casa. and it was months ago that the us government made very clear that it would oppose such an operation if it was not presented with a credible plan, which would indicate how israel intended to safeguard civilians during such an operation. this has been the constant position of the bite and administration repeated throughout the recent weeks and repeated again. in the course of the day,
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we heard the secretary of defense saying specifically this, that the us has received no information whatsoever from israel about any garza operation. we also heard the same sentiment from his spokesman for the department of state who had this to say, officer for region 141000000 people seeking refuge to an area that continues to be an important conduit for humanitarian aid, as well as the safety partner before nationals and so any kind of operation that's, that does not address some of these key concerns. uh would certainly be opposed by us. the buying and administration has come under constant domestic criticism for its unqualified support of israel as well on gaza. the parent refusal of israel to listen to us administration request for information or consultation about a potential operation in rough or is likely to be a nother stick full biden's critics to beat him. mike kind of,
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i'll just sierra washington, the material dishonest, done as a former us ambassador to human and to distinguish senior fellow on us diplomacy at middle east institute. he joins us now from philadelphia. thank you very much for being with us here on now to sierra vista will much just be made of these latest round tools. how much, how do you hold that to $65.00, could i actually be agreed in the coming days? oh, thanks. it's a, it's a pleasure to be with you this evening. i think that once again, we're hearing positive, positive noises from, from certainly the administration as well as some encouraging reports out of the region. we've heard that the ma, so leadership may be coming back with their response to the proposal as soon as tomorrow. so that would all be a positive indication. but,
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but still, as you reported on the comments coming out of the netanyahu, government raise questions about whether it's such a cease fire agreement would really be a substantial or it could lead to a long term session, the fight or what, what do you make if his comments specifically the one a by basically saying, regardless of whether a sci fi deal is reached, that going to go into a rasa as well. and i think that this is the biggest concern, not only in washington, but uh, but certainly around the world that netanyahu for his own domestic political reasons. again, is your, as your corresponded and reported, the threats coming to his, his uh, government from the far right. and israel, that's threatening that they would bring down the government if he made any kind of
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a deal with from us is, is concerning. and again, i think that the huge issue, the huge concern are those 1000000 pause palestinians have taken shelter rough. uh and there's still no answer to the basic administration. question of how are you going to insure their protection? you can just talk about the us influence on his router. they still have any at this point in time, or will netanyahu in the found right government, as you mentioned, just do whatever it wants to do at this point. as well as long as the administration is not willing to use uh its uh, its pressure, its capacity to pressure the government of israel. then it really leaves the door open for netanyahu to continue to pursue these objectives, even though they are problematic for the administration. and this is the, the huge issue and it, i think it's,
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it's the risk that we're seeing so much and settling and opposition on college campuses now square here is, uh, the administration has the tools they can, they can really lean on the government of israel, but they won't do it, and that's a problem. well, as we, we mentioned earlier and the blinking is land, it's now and is ro, but most people are typing is a good sign that progress is being made here. he also has been totally up as well as proposal. cooling is extraordinarily generous, really trying to put pressure on her boss to accept it. do you think that that tactic will work? well, i think the mazda is going to look at this, says they're going to balance against uh, you know, what, the, what they're hearing from, from jerusalem, as well as what their own leadership is considering. i think that, you know how mazda is under pressure, not so much from the united states,
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but perhaps from their own population in guys that has suffered so dramatically over these past 6 or 7 months. and so i think that there is a lot of pressure on home us, but they have to think about not only what happens today or tomorrow, but what happens down the road, like i will have to leave it there. but touch here on the 1st time we really do appreciate your time and your insight into all of those. thanks so much. thank you . it's the, that's why the news now and tens of thousands of people are purchasing in the streets of georgia's capital to the food consecutive day. and police fund for cannon at the crowns of some demonstrates is turned violent. and the demonstration into play see is against the government so called foreign influence, flor it follows a rally in support of the ruling policy. on monday,
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the legislation will require organizations receiving funds from a broad to register as foreign agents on a yearly uh, shovels. oliver can join us now live on the phone from to play c and usually it can you just bring this up to date with what is happening there now because we have seen some very intense clashes between the demonstrators and the right place there to yeah, absolutely, told i have to run away from the place where the process that taking place right now, because the police use pepper spray and how i know how to take. so basically the police have started to calm down corner position on the position raleigh against the loan of forwarding plants and any of the pollen building. and they know just use peps pray, but also want to count on as you said, and coordinate and right now that clearing a territory neither georgian parliament, administrative internal says, stated that the process any of the problem and building 10 to fall. and so
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therefore, what you have begun to implement measures to restore public order that a pushing protest is away from the poetry. and then also we sold it several police units used water cabins, leaving just one possible protests to retreats has demonstrated the retreat. but at the moment, situation is not stable a toll because of the power and building is surrounded by security forces. but now there were some questions on the rooster valley avenue in the fitness center. and that's the i a talked to work for us as well. we tried to go live several times with the police were not allowing us to do so. and it's nice that ron, it actually sounded quite peacefully, but tons of bit ugly it. tens of thousands of people gather that the police were asking the protests to pay me, apply with denies of law enforcement offices, but at some point things going out of control and uh, well, uh the,
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the process as well as cost is us too long gully, nuns um, actually numerous opposition riley's had been taking place here for more than 2 weeks as people were gathering almost daily to protest against that little cooling it's. they rush low and looks like this. yeah. or an influence or for an agency or they call it here. it's just a pre text for the position to get to the st just because, you know, people who have been protesting here as nets feel that georgia is moving towards russia politically as these people do not support rushes policies and actions. and they see this rock russian on it finally undesirable as they say. yeah. okay. usually it can just tell us a little bit more about this proposed legislation and, and just give us an explanation as to why it is so controversial that we're seeing massive demonstrations and classes with ron police. well, actually the flow is no new. i mean, it was for us, introduced last year, but to of the,
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the government have to revoke it because it caused my my, since i'm on the government protest. so basically they say that they slow reminds it, reminds them of the low that he's used in russia because in vasa, a directional source, he's are using pretty much the same legislation. 2 quads down on the, the crumbling crate tag. so that for the georgian people, they say that they do not want to look like russia. they just want to move away from russia. i mean that that's a way hearing from the opposition members, and that they do not really want to, uh they, they do want to, to, to be part of europe. they want to go to the, to the european union and actually lost the step in december last year. and georgia was granted a tons of the states is ex, any you comes with k to. and um,
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right now the european union actually warning the george and a force he's asking them not to go ahead with the slow no adults because otherwise georgia can lose that says, texas. okay, thanks so much julia julia, you have a file of us for us. the interplay se to this place. he's still a hit here on al jazeera kingsley charles she is his experience of cancer with all the patients on his return to public tuesdays, the hundreds of purchases demand, paris, olympics chiefs. ben is ro, from the upcoming games. joy will have more in sports, the had low, the, the east west divide. weatherwise continues for europe over the next few days where
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the funds pulling in across the west springs more heavy rain. so the likes of fronds as well as is the central part of the mediterranean seems to blustery wins as well behind that. the rank continues the portable and spain on wednesday. it is gonna feel a lot cooler here. not rain runs up towards the north west for britain on the island of island. it'll be heavier in the west, but still we'll see some bright to spells. we'll feel a little bit wilma as we go into 1st day across and all for scandinavia. well, that's what we're seeing, a lot of the ones in that continues as well for eastern areas. lots of dry skies and sunshine here, a little bit west for, for the bulk and some of that rain slipping across the black sea and into to a kia. we have a look at the temperatures. we're going to see something of a cool down from wednesday into thursday across the western areas, but that heat continuing to build the essential areas across the east and up in the north for the likes of more ways. we have
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a look at the 3 day 4 also will be well above average as we go into the new month with sunshine on saturday, $21.00 degrees across the board. i'm not sure whether the 11 days that ended molden 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago. 11 days in may. all out just there. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the ssl and the you in the human rights agency says it's troubles by the treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity with palestinians that us universities, students have bound to stay intensive and cabins until the demands of miss and
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a half now rise. the palestinian flag at 2 universities. as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has found to attack, we're offering something cancer. whether or not there is a 65 deal with a mouse fence as the white house is the latest respond deal is a good one and a mosque should accept this in place in georgia, have 5 tear gas and water cannon to disperse tens of thousands of people protesting in the streets to play seats for 3rd consecutive day. the demonstration is against the government, so called foreign influence will be unions. top court has ruled against order in germany to hold um sales to as well. the case was filed by nicaragua and the cues berlin of finally, to prevent genocide in garza by continuing to sell. um it's the latest case involving is round before the international court of justice. so that forget approach the court in december accusing israel of committing genocide are generally is the 2nd biggest items provided to is right. lots of the you with the last year
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germany approved is exposed to israel with more than $350000000.00. that's a 10 fold increase from the year before. so within that is an export license for $3000.00 empty tank with ins. grounds that after the october 7th tax and another export license, the $500000.00 rounds of ammunition to machine guns. the gemini says the bulk of it silenced as well. a note will weapons, but round the equipment and components for machinery. for michael becca is an assistant professor at trinity college, dublin school of law and for the associate legal officer at the i. c. j. he joins us live from dublin. thank you very much for being with us. first of all, what did you make if the case wasn't strong enough from nicaragua? i wasn't surprised by the outcome today because after the oral hearing earlier this month, i thought the germany's legal team came out and made
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a very powerful presentation. not so much on the law, but really on the fact they did a, an exceptional job really of unpacking it. and i think undermining a lot of nicaragua was factual allegations in the case. and that's ultimately what the court decided on today. there's very little legal reasoning and what was the quite short decision by the court? really, what we have are doing here is the kind of accepting germany's factual assertions and finding that this was sufficient to mean that nicaragua hadn't carried its burden in establishing and urgent risk of irreparable harm. nicaragua, as had been more evidence, is yet to be presented. so they presumably think that the case could continue. what will they hope to achieve and how and can i continue this process? but slowly, this was the case about provisional measures. this is similar to the procedure
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we've seen in the south africa versus israel case that you mention where the goal is to get the course to order in term really. so to put in place certain measures while the case is pending. and so in this situation, the court said the circumstances don't demand that right now, but this isn't about whether the case goes forward or not, the case will go forward. the german actually did ask the court to room to remove the case from the list, which would be to dismiss the case entirely. and the court declined to do so. and so the case will go on and germany will have an opportunity to challenge jurisdiction. and nicaragua, importantly, as he suggested, will have the opportunity to put in more evidence to develop its legal arguments. and very importantly, i think, to really challenge germany's assertions about the extent of due diligence, the germany performs on itself weapons to other states, including israel. because that's what we're germany really emphasized here that we,
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we perform an extraordinary amount of oversight to ensure the weapons we sell are not used to commit violations of international humanitarian law. now nicaragua can essentially try to say, well, you may have that framework in place, but if it's not applied properly, if it's not implemented properly, there's an issue just as we're rolling. so make it difficult for germany to go through with any future styles. and i think that's a really important point as well. so although germany prevailed at this stage of the case, it did so by making certain representations to the current about what it's doing and what it's not doing. and so i think the very fact that germany has now set to the court, we take our obligations under international humanitarian law and the genocide convention. very seriously. we have this kind of complex procedure in place. i think that this would actually make it very hard. and importantly, germany also said that we've dramatically reduced the sale of war weapons to israel
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since the end of october. and so now i think even though the court did not actually order germany to suspend arms shipments to israel, i think it would be very difficult, politically, for germany to turn around and suddenly start approving export licenses for war weapons in any significant quantity. okay, so in that sense, nicaragua, who didn't win at this stage of the case in some ways they may have gotten what they were looking for in the future. yeah, thank you so much. we'll have to leave it the day we do it really do appreciate your time. that's michael, big it for us. thank you. can use presidents with him, bruce are has. how does visual kevin amazing as heavy ryan's continue to lash the country? the death toll from a month of flooding has reached at least 170 people, 195000. others have been displaced. catherine story reports from my town and the central can you the these people have lost all they had homes,
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belongings and their relatives penny not one boy can only pray to try and ease the pain. she's spending her mother and 2 sisters, well buried under debris in flash floods that have slipped my mind. you town for present got a comp brief. it's like i'm dreaming when i saw them at the moultrie. it was a real quad. those forced from their homes are given clouds and food. they're still trying to make sense of what happened. john can, with the as neighbors are helping him carry one of the few things he has been last week rescues found his 9 year old son dead on this chair was done and a bunch of what he me to me or no, no my daughter will say the what to push to against a tree that had been uprooted. she was injured. the water also carried me, but i was able to cling on to
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a branch. the red cross is coordinating recovery operations that he's off, but he has started with an opposite valley that had been accumulating what to see is the rain started caved in. the impact was devastating. the colorado is a stretch of about 150, meet as uh, with by the length is quite long. we are looking at about 50 kilometers that we actually need to come. this is a challenging operation. 200 volunteers have been deployed since it was uh that machine over there is being used to clear the debris and we're talking about war. so that came down with so much for who's had huge trees as well. and what is going to happen after this is that the volunteers will use shovels to dig through the mug . uh to see if there are bodies from the name of the people in
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the villages are also helping the owner of this call hired some to help him remove important facts. they say they found bodies. some people swept away by the water may never be found. laughter and say that something they will find difficult to live with. catherine, sorry, my matthew central kenya. volcano in indonesia has around to the gain from single source, used to old evacuations enclosed a nearby airport. not wrong in north. so the y c province has been active since mid april. jessica washington reports from chicago as not very long and indonesia is not sooner. we see provence erupted in the early hours of tuesday morning, sending up plumes of ash 1000. this meet his high lightning flushed above the creature and lava spewed into the sky. it's the latest of option in weeks or so kind of activity on, on. the government issued evacuation orders earlier this month and says it is
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hoping to resettle some families. it will provide them with land as it is and safe for them to return home. meanwhile, people living on the nearby tuggle on the island are also being urged to move to safety authorities award. the volcano could spew rocks and ash clouds must have got to meet the people in tagalog, done, or in the radius of 7 kilometers from the top of the crate to so the plan is they will be evacuated to see how island can a thought i'd use the airport in manada with the provincial capital, about 100 kilometers away from the volcano, has been closed for the 2nd time this month. as volcanic ash is restricting visibility, we closed operations because of the alert levels and 7 in the morning. there are 38 planes impacted both arriving and departing. and a total of $3842.00 passenger authorities have also warned so normally could be
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triggered if large amounts of low kind of material fall into the sea is the home for some of the world. the pacific area, when many tectonic plates whose plans you still have here on al jazeera will tell you why some found way has just to introduce a new goal, fax currency, and carlos out or as as true to the material type in semi finals. but he didn't have it on his own way that's coming out from school with john the this business uptake these bolts as by the 6 bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use
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the this business uptake these me to try to talk know bundle dash before to use the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, because above way as you can see has gone into circulation, the introduction of this and by way, goals it is the government's latest attempt to tackle hype inflation. having the tasa has more from how about a bryan pass by and why says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball big old was big, will make a difference to his daddy like like millions of other people living in the country with one of the highest inflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve. since the cuttings is picked up by something that we get in touch with you in good form means that we, if uh some of the deals in the sky is which means that um it to into, to enforce says within the public zig replace. it does. and bobby, and donna, which last 3 quarters of his family this year,
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and he's backed by gold reserves and foreign currency. the central bank has promised not to put excessive volume's up in you notes or flats, the discipline government in the sense that to you can't increase it is monday without it being a corresponding increase in the gold reserves or in the event. and for the next interest, i think it's very important for that to be trusted by the entity into that probably some or did. so did my, the exec 2 of the speak, someone to put his if that regularly. but commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars, that means and bobby and still have to change the zig into us dollars. the police to being the racing, legal and money change of operating without a license. undermining the new car and governmentally, there's one people to change and money is involved with the bank and not on the politicians, once and bombings to have confidence in the new currency at $1.00 of the largest
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markets in the capital. meaning here i haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable than somebody's money. if they use the currency, doesn't these value rapidly that cooks change, take them into part of my task out. i started this point now here's joy thomas. thank you. and it says genius. go twice as round ordered 4 to 2, to draw in the 1st like of a way for child using semi final against bind munich rail. still haven't lost in the competition so far the season, and it's no wonder with moments like this. brilliant through little from tiny cruz . i love an assist junior to scroll his 1st 2 quick 2nd households from by and sold them. take the lead leroy sonya school against the run, the play in the 50 minutes. 4 minutes later jan on the seller was tripped in the box by lucas vasquez. a penalty was awarded. son tell you where to go told. go people under luna. and which way to go box? he was wrong. how retain score his 43rd goal of the season from the penalties,
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thoughts. but then most blank costs had a penalty their invitations, junior score and his on his side seconds. also play for another time, like in the spanish capital next week. and there's not a huge game on wednesday, is french champions, percentage amount, and take on purpose. the adult linden, the 1st leg of the semi final, which obviously remains the missing piece from p. s. chaise trophy cabinets and this can be the best choices is caring it before can in and buy payments on at the end of the season. the coach newest and the dk has also defended a squad which of the average age of just over $25.00 is the youngest left and the competition. this is melissa. oh, okay. so you better than most your doctors, which is very funny, to be honest, if we lose it will be because the plan is young. and then if we, when, what will it be local luxury, age is most important that they use a very prepared to compete. even though, even though i often hear people criticizing them, i think about the maturity, how they train, how they prepare. and if they have the right level,
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i don't care if they have 55 or 16, but i don't. those plans, this is unfamiliar territory. they will last airplane champions in 1997 and haven't made this stage of the competition since 2013 when you can top was in charge stolen loss to post a terminal in the group stage before drawing 11 at home. but they went on to talk to the final group, f standings. spain's former national football coach should be 10, take the bus kaz taking charge of a committee overseeing the scandal hit spanish football federation, the boss club, spain to the 1st at a woke up typing in 2010 for winning european championship. 2 years later, his new job, but we just stay the federation through to high profile court cases, one on corruption, the other on sexual assaults. a limited open tenants in rough on the dial is currently an action against getting a hitched good in the round of 16. and this latch got who was on top the welding of a. so if you one chunk before the time that he should be the favorite because of
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his superior wealth ranking, and he proved a good match for the $512.00 frank to miss out taking the decisive break to assess the 75. i'm very concerned for the check button. the bell is still in the contest as his preparations for next month. i'm chasing audio moser. a piece of last year has mentored, i've been final call us alcaraz baffled his way through to the law states, or between young men it's trusts. well, number 3 is looking to become the 1st player ever. 2 in 3 titles in madrid in row, and he won the 1st at 63, but he didn't have it on his own way. stuff on the munich over the last week and showed just how good his phone can be. taking the 2nd set across was pushed all the way to a subset type, right. in the, in the twin 0 prevailed, the next phase, andre, and reapplied for places semi finals and women's world. in the one extreme tech had to fight back from the set down against beatrice, had admired before reaching the assemblies. she lost the you know,
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6 full. the full 3 straight breaks as of to take the 2nd 6 love and all the straightforward 6 to and the decides are against the world number 14 and shown take is through to the last 4. hundreds of protest as of gathered outside the headquarters of the powers and then pick organizes to defend demands that israel be found from the shoes games. they wave policy and flags and taunted blue israel during the olympic games. the purchase. this one is there any assets to compete under mutual, donna, as is the case for russian face following the invasion of ukraine. they didn't need more than 4 days to decide that after the invasion of ukraine, by russia to them russia and also dello russia from the olympics. whereas we are now with a genocide,
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gaza strip underway with its home that goes over $40000.00 fatalities. a majority of them being women, being children, and on the other side of the road, it is business. as usual, they are prepared to welcome the as rarely delegation. alright, that is always sports. now. it's back to town. thanks so much joy. but presidents king charles has returned to public duties for the 1st time since it was announced had been diagnosed with cancer in february. his 1st engagement involved a visit to meet all the people who are undergoing cancer treatment for brendan has moved from london, looking relaxed and smiling king charles was accompanied by queen camilla for this resumption of his public facing royal duties. the university college hospitals, mcmillan, kansas center, is not where the king himself is being treated. but the royal gesture of solidarity and support for the patients and staff here was clearly intended to send the
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message, waiting patiently for a glimpse of the king with 2 loyal supporters. glad to see him out in public again . it's not the same back. and we will mission and he's not alone. a cancer to my pot and all kinds of 2021 years ago. she does consensus. she was 40. i am is marian. and i know exactly what the kids are doing and the claim. and he could come to, to baptize to see the patients who got cancer. i mean that, i mean, obviously is not allowed, not alone, even within his immediate family. jones's daughter in law, catherine the wife of prince william is herself undergoing preventative keyma therapy for cancer inside the unit to the king, to a diagnostics and screening facilities. hearing about the new melanoma skin cancel vaccine announced just last week. i'm sitting down to chat with long chemotherapy patients. the king sympathized, telling her i've got to have my treatment this afternoon as well. the king's own
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can. so it wasn't asked in february after a scheduled prostate treatment the previous months. the exact nature of his cancer hasn't been revealed, but the publicity about his condition has seen an 11 fold increase in the number of prisoners seeking medical advice for prostate concerns. it's huge, the popular thing that, that much of these came here today. well, the king is still understanding cancer treatments, many thousands of people choose to what walls i have come to treatment. often we take think about that. what needs to happen in order to make that possible for people to think, to suspend success, message of hate to see him hip, stay. not quite a full with tons of public duty for king charles his yes to confirm his attendance upcoming demonstrations. all the information through pain, the color ceremony, but it's a positive side, whole front end. i'll just say era central on the well that. so for me, tell them the credit for this news, how you can find much more information on our web sites. but i will be back in just
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a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congress cobalt. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they govern the dream usa of electric s u v. 's for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk, new series dying are beyond the own age. humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the release,
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and ship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake talk to of, to on the jersey in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the gentleman of the people. for years they have borne the brunt of a legal binding activities. their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us. one of us, 2 of us, sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we share their plans coming and going. present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still
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facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the same bill, expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms, and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the credit. this is and use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the students raise the palestinian flag at columbia university as protests against, as well as oregon to disrupt the campuses across the us side. as well as prime minister is false as well into kansas southern city of rasa. despite cools from the


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