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tv   Dying Earth Beyond The Oil Age  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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debris in slash floods that have slipped my my hugh town for more because i got a comp brief. it's like i'm dreaming when i saw them at the moultrie. it was a real quad. those forced from their homes are given clouds and food. they're still trying to make sense of what happened. john can with the, as neighbors are helping him carry one of the few things he has been last week. rescues found he's 9 year old son that on this chair was done and a bunch of what he me to me or no, no my daughter would say the what to push to against a tree that had been uprooted. she was injured. the water also carried me, but i was able to cling on to a branch. the red cross is coordinating recovery operations. the disaster he has started with an optically that had been accumulating what to see is the rain started caved in. the impact was devastating. the colorado is
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a stretch of about $150.00, meet as uh, width. but the length is quite long. we are looking at about 50 kilometers that we actually need to come. this is a challenging operation. 200 volunteers have been deployed to people. what does that machine over there is being used to clear the debris and we're talking about what does that come down with so much for who's had the huge trees as well. and what is going to happen after this is that the volunteers we use shovels to dig through the mad to see if there are bodies from underneath. the people in the villages are also helping the owner of this call hired some to help him remove important facts. they say they found bodies. some people swept away by the water, may never be found laughter and say that something they'll find difficult to leave
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with. catherine, sorry my matthew central can you now finally this, by the time 3 chinese asked and also back one of us all through a 6 small to stay in space. they landed and the going to be desolate in china's and i'm going to have a ton of this region often spending time on both the town gong space station. china built its own space station off to being excluded from the international space station. last name because of us concerns of a chinese military control that set for me, elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news, but do stay with us. dying is coming up next. thank you for watching the cities with santa, when he's one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his destination. foreign one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india. sandlewood king one out 0.
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the the settle about the mission to make those chicken and all occasionally pottery be wanting a monthly quarter. sure. she says the
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not to show up to, but we, we have plus, i think about natalie because you don't even have an audio musket body but you're not being but one body to shop the out. the one on the
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you can eat the rest of the month, adult people this coming people. moya. nice to match up by the brush. little junior the on the on the on the seal. and is it equally done?
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simple, but the lending mean it ample time. that means you lose the bicycle, missing the full but a little while. if you have the water screws and was sent to us on the as that one, yet the bottom of the as soon as it equal 5. if you sense much, my dear me, i don't want to be believe he sits on his shoulder. this is all i saw these activities with the business with us. i mean, it was part of it. this will be a lot planet sauce of them. if you think about what causes climate change, you're talking about burning coal, oil, or natural gas to produce the energy that runs factories or heats homes. you're talking about the very fundamentals of a modern economy. so we have to find
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a way to displace the use of fossil fuels in each of those activities. the means moving towards from a renewable base sources of energy. but there is a material intensity to creating solar panels, electric battery, these wind turbines. and this is creating a boom in mining for the cobalt, the lithium, and all the key minerals to make those technologies use of where they are. use that average c l's effect of the company and assume the light of the whole nasty virus that recalls the leasing process. so just a moment the front there's on demand and meet you is on the vehicle while so it's crucial. who owns the mines? how would they financed? how would they government somebody always gets hurt.
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and unfortunately, it's usually the people in the world who are poor us and are least able to defend themselves, including in places like congo where the governance is a shambles. the . this is what the assuming added to this before, the informant and just the agency, the div, good. a simple model. so they've gone through these. yes, but the lead me, you needed to be ready to go. but so for man, just to be a lot to you know what the pharmacy is by the swimming act as an on yeah, the did, is it the will national completely the
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what a local fed was withdrawn from com. you my son? no, no, no. coming on the not the one i should come on monday unless i defined them up a phone day off on a job, but them that much of the flushing and what is she coming from? well, no, not pacific. and what is the name of the metro? it goes a bit more than the
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lizzie, 40 some years. yeah. i mean mobile phone data move on to met the metric on met the man he let me know when i own the best performed duty of vent dammit. let me post the date of the longest. good news junkie provides us the gnostic on the show me c a. got this whole bunch of securities it does it advise you, ma'am? it is what i mean, you got these and all of identical and the shows you the, the passage in nic buys the securities uploaded securely gallery delegate example as it is uh, and the phone. i said the black you've been watching this when i bought it for june, should move with big city not cheap and took off by the funding
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become us may not go much go flushing o d b a, find it up on in their screen on your family and friends of your son, we thought we should go don't know kindly get this just by the by the way to come up with them when they probably don't get enough money to be nice of them was, you know, the name of it. they prove it led to the put in the way of an end,
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and it was going to bring out the front of it and give him a learning thinking if any of them catching done up a flash back. they were interested in apple think i can afford you better by chevrolet. amazing. the escape. okay. they should be able to get them for more in general to, to she get you the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the vsoft assess not from list but we've been shown in one of one of ok. somebody from 90 to the media. thank you. so believe that it was a lot of i did on these on media 80 to do the easy to read through this with us. i mean, yet that is for the particle would have been sheets me. i see the potter, these are the vision was the solver. there's a lot less on the lives of these are the things you see that i think suits of washing is, i mean, it is a duty on the other off. uh, did you uh look see nicely with useful for them. uh, but the going on with the farm smartphone i was looking at the top 20 by 30 clement on the news news window.
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you can provide due to some of these companies on the left of the show and this is the man the way to push the front of it up to the balconies are not gonna go shop with going with them. yeah, just so cool. may but is she getting them? but we need with those funds we offer wasn't going to share with them in the top of what any spots the the, the saw and this and it was the revisions. and that's what i expected you just brought the problem. but it's on a 30 day notice that the us get it the diesel duty day. this example is the point of view on this for this one, the design on on proceed, is it going to be lead on?
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i read once left over to the book and so it will be lower this for this on the. yeah. because then honestly luck regarding the scene for the piece, the, the part i books the andre lauder system, and yet a lot of what i did, it will not show anybody the lesson key to distribute will keep prophy to open that ssl supple feet in it. in meet the conditions in which that money is happening in many countries, deep plate, exploitative of children of labor as they should be dignified and well paid jobs. extractive industries ultimately always in publish the countries where they're expecting a very few exceptions to that. the
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working in the global south, where many people are living on less than a dollar a day. it's not so much about united, decelerating grace, because what we have is, um, actually populations that are facing salvation and hung because of climate change. the date need most need more of everything, not less. but how can we get more of everything without having to industrialize in the same way that the way the jet up the good digital about the bucket list, but that's what i mean. yes. you see on that there's a big, you'll see glass of that you could do it, but that's a lot busy. looked at it or to do this estella. so i mean, yeah, yeah. did he had he thought that it would be
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a shock for galactic within the next couple months? possibly by law. people not the better than it is. yeah. oh no hope you do to get, let it be. she the kind of good, the good, you know, you yes. the, just the money you can click on it will go to a bunch. i'm going to attend this. i much. that's where the money new
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you purchased it. so lucky. so mcgee told me, you know, is it versus the on the real logo, because somebody told me, and you need to put that up for me this you, i'm not gonna need your money. would you come on the most so much? you will budget really, which is good to the getting a single quiz, the not the one the,
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the single the there is a simple narrative that topping or fossil fuels will get us to below a 1.5 degrees. it's not enough. we need a mix of solutions. yes, we do need to scale down and reduce fossil fuels, but how do we do so without completely changing our way of life in terms of balancing gross and balancing the innovation?
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but what generally happens, especially in africa, is that a solution is imposed is always about offering alternatives and bringing people along to see what things will turn it off. i want to buy this, you did you finally did google's on the google it us good business. it's all i see not a big one that shows the block that's owned in autumn. plaza shown the program. magical funding, the mail people feedback loops. bring it up a few this i thought the some of the pretty much about the mission of them. i
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decided i don't really really be sitting on the part of the this but this one me. yeah. the donald to be this is a long east la la. i mean yeah, they didn't do this at the meeting id be like a visit. that'd be good. and one of forward to that because the, the adults are between us or not, give them assess, but digital,
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beautiful by deals who will be on are all going to read this assign thought to please me yet. but so the political look is political bots, associate boston editing us on the news, but the 1st 30 back to the whole, the growth see the north today relies on this massive net appropriation of resources. and energy basically means that the damages from the global north gross are effectively suffered in the global south. not is known as who compatible with the news about the deep transformation that's required of the
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transition toward clean technologies is one that is only available to precisely those who are most responsible for emissions. that is unacceptable. so there is a double responsibility of those who have higher carbon footprint 1st to clean up their own app. and secondly, to support those who also need to have access to a better life. the country is like the us. so like the you have a responsibility to make sure that while they are drawing on these resources that are important to to make the transition to the renewable energy economy are not extracted on the backs of people who just don't have any other options in life than to work in terrible,
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and sometimes deadly conditions by you them for the dream in the usa of electric as easy as for all the rest on the back of extraction from the mind of congo. and from the bodies of con, the leaves workers who are supposed to bear the drugs of that stream. this is not a bible future. the i don't here. certainly the people talking about is simply using less energy. i think we need to completely read the fine when we think of his progress. and instead of like more energy, faster, your bigger houses, bigger cars,
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we have to instead think of progress as more empathy, more compassion being and balance those you. this is which is dental sicily daddy's over the victim, didn't expect so you can predict once a month if you notice all the see, like because somebody presented this last because some of the method that the me this and they said that you saw a lot to people i think so actually, i mean, yeah, above it or so to show this to you. but let me show you right now. oh my gosh. and you know you may somewhere, but be sure to call my people book. i use the ball, my degree one symbol, but when i want to be above but let's get my shuttle. but oh, what are they about by name? no, wonderful. now i'm
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a shuttle name. what's up typically would you the young, i'm me for body still suffering from joy when the amazing that about the the me from implementing medical additional might be the no no, no, no go need. okay. the image and woke up to a bunch of movie to turn this i much,
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that's what was the money then lately it can isn't this other trio none. vega really, if i do you have uh to, to well know, well pull it up from, you know, by the somebody you can play the music, but the kind of movie the by the jump on like once a month ago when i was reading it go sure. thing, you know, guys, pleasure, look so much. thank you. when i ship with a network, i still have to buy the
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the one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly ongoing coverage, the in the as an actions on tuesday or a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much is the rebuilding, the cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is going on?
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food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just sierra offered a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural,
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historical and cultural beauties. the students raise the palestinian flag at columbia university as protests against as well as 1000 disrupt the campuses across the with the hello i'm and as of a put on them. and this is out of the on live from john hopkins. so coming up as what was prime minister says is full, says will enter gone to southern city of alpha, despised coals from the united nations, not to the median city assault on the rough side would be an invaluable escalation,


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