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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the zillow route and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discovered the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. the students raise the palestinian flag at columbia university as protests against israel's. one doesn't disrupt the campuses across the with the hello i'm and there's a report on him and this is algebra on live from doha. so coming up as what was prime minister says, this forces will enter gauze or southern city of alpha, despised coals from the united nations, not to the median city assault on rough. that would be an invaluable escalation.
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giving 1000 smart tvs, enforcing hundreds of thousands of sleep, the police into police. a crackdown on protest is demonstrating against georgia. so full phone influence, the we began in the united states where university protests against as well as long gaza, continuing students at campuses from the east to the west coast around to stay in an catlins until the demands of met. those include the academic institutions cutting times with israel and an end to us ministry aid. earlier at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, pupils took down the american flag and replaced it with the palestinian long on top
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of the building. at least moved into clearly encampment and can be seen using at the spray that has the students at columbia university in new york, students occupying hamilton, who will have barricaded themselves inside the building. this is after the university's management, instead of has the guns. so spending students refusing to meet a deadline to a band there and confident to well, let's bring it on correspondent, today's the boy who has joining us live from columbia university in new york and people continue to process that. today's of this. all right, the university suspending students for doing so well, that's correct. we're right outside columbia university right in front of most of the building that was occupied by a group of students that barricaded themselves on monday night. they just made a flag of the renaming the building after hearing that roger, who was the 6 year old girl who was killed by these riley military and they
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remained outside that building. since then would we be seeing is that many of the people that you're there, students that have shown outside to show their support, they're not being allowed in the notes down right now. definitely essential person are allowed inside. are those live in there? the students are that they're not going to be nice, elated by the university, trying to force them to leave the council, the people taking the food and other things for them to remain in there. but what we're seeing, that's changing right now is we're seeing lots and lots of police, pressing law enforcement, the police field about 2 blocks away from where we are right now. it's impossible to leave this sir. we have the same thing is happening on broadway, the across the campus. and on the other side with the students,
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they believe the arrest is imminent. we this is going to happen for the police side. what do we do that apparently that's what he said of waiting for when the having time, the one that we're seeing every around this area on the other side of the many believes that some of the happen throughout the night . so there's a thank you so much for that. today is about 3 very close on on that. so moving story for us from columbia university. now most of the protest is arrested on charges of trespassing at university of texas at austin, on monday. a still in jail highly jo cost row has more and there has been a slow trickle of the protesters that are being released according to the
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university of texas. austin, administration, 79 people were arrested for mondays protests. and they had been charged with. we're seeing a lot of criminal trespassing as the major charge here. and now more than 24 hours later, still the vast majority remain inside the jail. that's the i need. and that's despite the calls that you're hearing behind me of not only free talestine, the free those protests are. these are you teach students, some faculty member and other members of the austin community, the house of vigil overnight waiting for every last one of those arrested to be released. and joining us is a guest who is an attorney has been helping some of those that have been, attain this as well as some of the thanks for joining us. tell me about the charges that these individuals are facing. and some of the criticism that, you know, this started out as a peaceful protest. so are these charges valid?
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i think it's important to note discounts for these continue to be peaceful protests . they started as peaceful protests, and that never changed. any students are protesting. and they're exercising a right constitutionally guaranteed to them at a public university. no, them broke any laws. the university of texas police department threatened them with the criminal trespass morning if they refuse to disperse, which is something they shouldn't have been asked to do in the 1st place. so in, in short, to answer your question, no, i don't think these charges are valid. how many have been released to your knowledge and what is, what is it that they are going to experience now? so just having been here a couple of hours today, it seems like only a handful, probably no more than 5 or 6 if i had to guess have been released. obviously the students have been here for a very long time. and i'm sorry, it goes without saying being in the, in a holding cell being and county lock up as a traumatizing experience enough for kids this young. now that this is the 2nd wave
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of arrest a week ago, there was another police action against protesters who were peaceful as you said. and it ended up that those people all have their charges dropped because there was insufficient evidence against the county attorney or south side. do you see that some of those similar legal issues with the charges against the newly around? absolutely, and you know, aside from the fact that whatever noticed the county claims, they gave the students to disperse before they were arrested. they have been, they have waffle, it's back and forth between what kind of threats they want to, to issue to students. they've sent inconsistent e mails to students, into faculty and to staff. and they have at one point claim that they would be charging them with criminal trespass at another. they claim that they would be charging with them of instruction. and so that in about, in and of itself, i think is enough of the notice issue that the students, the students wouldn't have otherwise known that anything that they were doing was
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illegal. and i'm and i, and i think that nobody in their position would have thought that what they were doing was illegal, especially as a public university. we appreciate your expertise as an attorney, but also interested in your reactions as a human being the images of the protest from yesterday students, the students being taken down so violently. what was your response? i'm absolutely disgusted, but i'm still overwhelmingly proud of all these kids. i honestly my heart explodes every time i turn the tv on, every time i come down here to the jail, i am so incredibly proud of them. i can't believe their own government is treating them like this. and you know what? they're under turn. i, when i was in school, i would never have been brave enough to do this. and so every time i meet with one in the jail or come across one, when i'm, when i'm here at the outside the jail. i let them know how proud of them they are, and i hope that they never stop. and i hope they also know there's always going to be an attorney that will come and get you and you will not be lost or forgotten in
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their. thank you, roland. she and other attorneys that actually offer their time for free. every single one of these protesters i'm told, is receiving free legal representation that might help them through this criminal justice system. but then of course, they're also facing what could be punishment coming from the youtube ministration. i asked specifically what will happen to these students because there were some threats. a suspension was told that because of his exam, we had these students had to be left in peace, not knowing what happened to them in the future. the a diplomatic pushes on the way so we just ceased font and gaza with the us existing pressure on her mouse to agree to israel is tons. the problems to benjamin ethan yahoo has bound to attack it off on southern gauze, or whether it is sees fine or not. but a smith's reports from occupied east jerusalem,
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israel to military's already hitting targets and roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at some of these leadership. and these remaining battalions will happen when you can just leave a few. we'll enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rough uh when more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough that would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians, enforcing and the thousands of the fleet. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians and in the battle space. a much better job of what we've seen thus far. and as you know, they're north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're
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going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area. also in the line of fire would be, is really captives. the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a ceasefire. deal is, israel's military says it's ready for a rough operation. i'm us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu has promised to attack that last stronghold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with homeless, a terrible defeat to find them. and then, you know, who could be out of office a bonus. smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. prosecute as one of the international criminal court has spoken to medical staff in gaza about mass graves
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founded schiffer and naso hospitals as well as systematically targeted hospitals. and that's me. a 7th month 7 month one, gaza old and 34500 people have been killed by the israeli military. and that time and rescue is estimates there more than $10000.00 palestinians missing under the rubble. honey, my correspondent and gaza has this report. so the prosecutor is a from international or criminal court are investigating whether these massive graves are evidence of a work crime. they have interviewed his staff or from gaza ship to another hospital rescue workers having to do more than 400 bodies within hospital ground. gonna say some people may have been buried alive or executed the fight hospitals being protected under international law. they became a battle ground and got really forces bombed, rated embassy, the ship, an officer, the 2 largest hospitals industry, the u. and has,
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that is really forces the transport, nasir from a place of healing to a place of death and the mass graves. maybe just the 1st of many such discoveries emergency workers in gaza say they don't have enough equipment to reach people very . the live in bond building and many trapped under rubble are dying. i don't know if i didn't redo the exit. i'm in the i saw the flow. we estimate there are more than 10000 people trapped under the rubble of the specialized increase have not been able to recover these bodies. and those martha most spinning created in the decimal which is recorded by the gauze and ministry of health. this is because we simply do not have the results is ok to build a database to recover the thousands of kind of things. they'll track under the rubble, i mean, while the visual dis, tall, this stands up more than 34500 people. the actual number wouldn't be known until distributed, cleared a process, the you on say it could take up to 14 years. honey,
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my good. i'll just data from rough i palestine to the us top court has ruled against order in germany to hold on sales to as row the case was followed by nicaragua, which accused have been the end of failing to prevent genocide and gaza by continuing to sell weapons it is a licensed case involving as well before the international court of justice. south africa approached the course and defend the choosing. israel of committing genocide to the head on knowledge of 0. we visit a mixture of camp and kenya. southern has forced more than a 180000 people from the highlands and striking against modernization jeep new taxi drivers in the philippines. step up, the industrial action, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult
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a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing. you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry pods and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera. in a post colonial world. the scholars of european imperialism run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial, yet instant insights to the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriotic ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey the
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colleges here with the, the the, you're watching, i'll just say as a man, as a put on and don't have a line to of, on top stories. the cell that you and a human rights agencies has a troubled why the treatment of students who are protesting in solidarity with balanced and insight into west universities. students have bound to sustain and cabinets until the moms and that does include the academic institutions cutting ties with, as well as an end to us military age prosecutions. when the international criminal
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court have the gun pro the mass graves that specials in gaza, hundreds of bodies with the color from 3 sides from the grounds of not so hospital and con eunice in april. tens of thousands of people are protesting in the straits of george's capital for the 3rd day. the demonstration into place is against the government, so called phone to influence, no legislation and reply organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as farm agent's. opponents say could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government damage george's ambitions and joining the european union. please find water candidates across the sun for testers became violent. you need to shop a lot of reports from tracy to the end. the children kind of told the laser tonight and sketching face as you can see, with swelling masses of people everywhere. just a moment ago we saw a very spectacular bikers variety as well with countries are designed for choosing
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terrible noise. and most of the young protests is all he had to express that this content with a controversial transparency of for an implant snow promoted by the governing georgia dream policy for testers, according to the rational as the crime and is using a similar legislation to sign and says critics image discipline, so the writing size of criticizing the car and discharge means the savings of the land. something to the people that don't want you. right? and that's why this process are very strong. this money is against the all the right and uh, i mean, the values and everybody in your eye besides telling us that we should not receive this not. i think it will be very difficult when i say,
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who will do everything for that to happen now is our country will survive for these russian dollar man will we is just will be russia or do we will disappear the right place right behind me on the high, i lead people here trying to feed them, but all the rules, as far as with eyes are actually supposed be covering governments. they say that going to work for them in october. the current government is on to move the against george's involvement in any conflicts. they are afraid if the position wins the elections in october and comes to power at georgia might be dropped into the russian ukrainian complex to find on ukraine side you. that's about all of that. i'll just be writing to police to georgia. you can use president william rosa has how the special cabinet meeting is heavy rains continue to lash the country. the desktop for the month of flooding has reached at least a $170.00 people, 885000. and having displaced, katherine,
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so it reports from my maha town in central kenya. these people have lost all they had homes, belongings and their relatives. penny, not one boy can only pray to try and ease the pain. she spelling her mother and 2 sisters were buried under debris in flash floods that have slipped my mind. you town for present got a comp brief. it's like i'm dreaming when i saw them at the moultrie. it was a real quad. those forced from their homes are given clouds and food. they're still trying to make sense of what happened. john can, with the as neighbors are helping him carry one of the few things he has been last week rescues found his 9 year old son dead on these check was done and a bunch of what he me to no, no my daughter will say the what to push to against
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a tree that had been uprooted, she was injured. the water also carried me, but i was able to cling on to a branch. the red cross is coordinating recovery operations that he's off, but he has started with an opposite gully that had been accumulating what to see if the rain started caved in. the impact was devastating. the colorado is a stretch of about 150, meet as a with by the length is quite long. we're looking at about 50 kilometers that we actually need to come. this is a challenging operation. 200 uh volunteers have been deployed to people. what is that machine over there is being used to clear the debris and we're talking about war. so that came down so much for huge trees as well. and what is going to happen after this is that the volunteers will use shovels to dig
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through the mad a to see if there are bodies from underneath. people in the villages are also helping the owner of this call hired some to help him remove important facts. they say they found bodies. some people swept away by the water may never be found. laughlin say that something they will find difficult to live with. catherine, sorry, my matthew central kenya. so the philippines valley drive is of privately owned buses, loaners jake pennies, a threatening to bring the capital to a standstill with a protest against the government plans to modernize the service. it comes a day after they were given a deadline to joint cooperation. so the next 2 to 3 years. they're also being told of a place that i conduct vehicles with green options. that's what a lot corresponded vaughn, to be know, he's joining his life a minute and, and jeep needs a really seen as the backbone of the philippine transport system on the bond to be
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the government. we know has extended the deadline to drive us to participate in this program several times of spending some this time. so one to protest is hope to achieve the elizabeth i can, i can barely hear you. but what i can say is that we've been following the story for a while now, and we haven't seen these quotes as the g. b drivers to sort of print. 7 hollis and they're preparing to move even closer to the presidential palace. they're hoping that the president here, they're called, they're hoping that the president president, for the event barbara senior overturn his decisions and suspend the jeep the modernization of program the government. but the deadline was yesterday and the president didn't budge. the concern the government didn't budge. so their last hold is really a position that they have filed as
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a reward. they're hoping that the hordes would suspend the government, the modernization program, the supreme court. but this was the position was filed a while ago as well. and the 2 port on the before the deadline of april, the 30th. so now they're really just hoping that the government would all appear to overturn is decision. but they say that even if the government doesn't overturn this decision, they will continue to apply the roads of metro manila and the elsewhere in the country. because they say that the government's modernization program needs that they lose their livelihood. they say that it is keeping the corporate interests bonding, the life for us in the thanks you barnaby. mom today she is experiencing. it's along those th waive and $76.00. he is at least 10 people have
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died of hate stroke, and schools have been shot on till thursday. the lack of rain and intense hayes is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people on low incomes, including many farmers. and they chose that a has more from the, the fun with that she is experiencing the longest duration of unprecedented hot weather and its record in history. for many people, the intense heat, coupled with high humidity, is making life intolerable. it's way too hot. i couldn't ride my ritual for too long in this heat. that's why i have to rest in the shade more often than usual, which is why i'm not doing enough. i'm feeling very anxious. and dark up temperature rose about 40 degrees celsius on 15th april. i mean, the west of the country reached 43 degrees and farm. my walkers are suffering heavily. i have never seen heat like this. in my lifetime. our duty requires us to
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stay a long hours outside in the heat. and it's hard to bear this. scientists say our been areas have been hit particularly hard by what's known as it island effect. that's where i've built up environments rate and he amplifies the temperature med office. this morning. the phenomena would continue to me, but the rate of temperature increase may slow down and there may be some rain disability allowing me into a ways who taking the safety of health. where does this to be at extend compared to the condition the united nations showed in front as called on bangladesh, to take precautions, expressing deep concern for the health and safety of children. additional so july months. right. and we have identified the districts i'm experience high temperatures, the benchmark limits. we have identified about 14 districts and have decided to keep all educational institutions closed. at world bank studies saves more than 3
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quarters of the population in bundle dash are at risk of experiencing a decline in living standards because of climate change and related temperature rise. i need regular rainfall tunbridge audrey, i'll just see the doctor to the founder of the well as largest cups of the car and c exchange has been sentenced a full months in prison for a long criminals to know the money on his platform, chunk sang joe, who resigned from finance in november had pleaded guilty to violation us money laundering knowles. finance has also been fined over $4000000000.00 off to investigate, has founded how to use this bypass sanctions. prosecutions has sold a 3 a sentence for the form of finance boss. and finally, this bulletin, 3 chinese astronaut. so back on a, it's all through a 6 month stay in space. they landed and the going to be designated in china's in among goliad tournaments region, often spending time on board, the town gong space station. china built its own space station,
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also being excluded from the international space station last week because of us concerns of a chinese smith of tree control. that's it for me, elizabeth put on and for this half hour of news inside story is next. it will examine the political stand off in georgia, the, the hello there is a story of scorching heat across south asia as a heat wave pacific for parts of india or bangladesh as well as the pool. we have got some red warnings out for the heat, and some of the states in india such as b ha, west bengal and odessa. but we're seeing the heat build across the south and will central areas with that pre monsoon heat. pushing temperatures towards the mid forties. now deca will continue see this to see the temperature sit high as we go
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wednesday into thursday. but there will be some relief as we move towards the weekend. we've got west to web development across the northeast of india. we'll also see some very heavy rain to come for pots of me in law, as well as bangladesh. if we have a look at the full costs for data, you can see those thunderstorms rolling in on thursdays and showers on friday, but a decrease in the temperature. now the wet weather will continue for southern pots of china that have already been hit by floods, but also in hong kong. we could see some flooding here. and in taiwan as a very heavy rain pushes out for the east and also bring some relief to the extreme heat in japan. it pushes out the further east behind it twice, guys for tokyo on thursday. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british
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government for some time on hud voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, as a political standoff in georgia, the government says a bill. it's trying to pause for a 2nd time. would regulate phone influence and protect the countries silver unsafe . the critics of protesting it would crush freedom. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story the .


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