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tv   Generation Change UK  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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to florida and some the river to the sea because that seems to really trigger and i submitted accusations from people what. what do you think when people who are saying not with the palestinian supporters? yeah, i mean, i won't speak for every champ with those 2 are ones that are really up and runs, but i think they're totally just fight intifada. i think people, so i knew that it's just, it's just the entire racism. it's anti arabic and to find it in arabic. as far as i know means uprising you describe any uprising things about it. i think only seeing a purchase even is enough. i think that's really just right as to the river to the sea. i think that's. that's something missing that dps resources, and i know the 80 hours keeps very close track of that is submitted protests and they submitted the language and they submitted can up until october they, they just listed on their website as a, as you know, some of the 10s that you inside the house and supporters. and now there's
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a 3 paragraph, 4 page explanation. and basically, i think that's ridiculous. i mean, one thing from the river d. c is also a right one is really can't. and notably is there are already extends from the jordan river to the present. housings are calling from freedom from the preventive part time and then to the freedom of movement in the lives safely pulled up the set of balls and has a check. so i think they're good and i think it's, i think it's a tragedy. i live in the line, and i also think it distracts the movement. like we're, we're here at the end of the day. we're here not because of the one we have, but because there are no university using guys, a 30000 people been killed, mostly women and children. and that's what people are here. if i there people who my whole life hasn't freedom in does that there. there's no, we're on us, it's like gaza and so that's what the students are get fired for. and i think those, those chance particular, i think they're on message,
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i don't think they should be. i don't think there's something that should be a positive button in ministration and for the columbia administration, big issues with the protesters. i think that distracts. i think it's attractive to distract from what's really at a see you. this is a lives henry, thank you so much for your time and sharing your thoughts with us and letting the world know what people are thinking here on the sidelines. where there is this continued stand off. you can see uh, huge police presence behind me and this is just one intersection. this is what we're seeing all around the campus police swearing right here. police controlling traffic. this is from a 100 and 14th street to a 100 and 20th street. actually a 100 and 13th street, 220, a series of 7 blocks of broadway. a major thoroughfare in new york city completely shut down on the other side of the campus. the same thing 7 blocks completely shut
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down. this is a huge operation, a huge police presence can only imagine that the cost. busy of paying all of these police officers and of course, are not only here. they're at new york university, they're at the new school and they're at city university in new york. we've also been hearing that police have moved around that campus as well, where things have been quite com. uh, up until now the scale. there however, did decide to have classes go remote and we're seeing some people leaving the campus now. uh, we will try to chase them. kristen. uh, but while i were being blocked by police here so we can't get close to them. yeah, i know that you will do what you can just has to pay for. you have to talk to more people. the question, but i want to ask you, you're saying that and locks, you know, in new york city closed on by police,
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you have been covering these protests for weeks and said the gas, how again, like, how does that police action compare to what you've seen as well, who looks in new york police department consists of more than 30000 officers. it's the size of some small nation's army, the new york police department, and they are very experienced and very adapt to dealing with protest. i've seen demonstrations for black lives matter for occupied wall street in for other movements around. so they operate similarly and all of those situations in terms of how they control the streets. but again, this is a demonstration where they were called in to private property on a university, and that's what makes it a different situation. we haven't seen where there's a, you know,
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no one is stopping. no one on the university. browns were stopping other students from going to school or from going to their dorms. they were just a presence there. they were not hurting anyone. there was some tests the language and there were some claims of tents and some people said that they were shoved or that they were threatened others. and you know that this is on both sides. we've heard accusations on both sides. in fact, some of the demonstrators were sprayed with a chemical spray that's used by the id often were taken to the hospital. so actually some of the protesters were injured. this is during the demonstrations here, so it's, it's clearly a heavy, heavy response. yeah, it's interesting custom that you mentioned that some of the demonstrations was sprayed with a chemical spray used by that was really, i mean, you know, like you said, you covered many protests including the black lives matter protests. i remember
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your what from ferguson, missouri, and we know that the police and ferguson, missouri actually co operates, you know, they, they, they work with the as rarely ami a customer. we will leave you for now, and no doubt we will be coming back to you on over the course of the next few hours . but let's go to today's a bow. she is out of the correspondent who is standing by for us outside columbia university. and today is it just how worried i protested. fair about what's happening inside pendleton hole. but as you've been to pushing dozens of police officers, may they weigh in over an hour ago. we don't know how many students are in there, and we just don't know what's happening in that. now. you know what, let me tell you what i know has happened so far. i've seen at least 2 boxes taking the students that i've been detained. it seems that the royal police is moving out . it seems that the operation is not over. we cannot confirm this,
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but we have seen at least 2 boxes taken students away from where we are right now. they're being taken to the police station. he's not clear yet. how many people remain inside the campus at this point? but apparently, most of the protesters have been detained and to talk about how students feel. joining me now is one of them. she's right here with me. she has been accompanying this movement from the very beginning. tell me a bit what, how do you feel right now, you know, it's been almost 2 weeks for full test stuff and in complements of trying to shed light of what's happening in gaza right now. how do you feel right now? i think the student body here as a whole just feels incredibly disgusted with the way that minutia fee, the president and the administration here at columbia has to, has a completely refused to listen to our demands of students and decided to escalate. not once but twice. and we have just seen scenes as students of violent, of police brutality of our fellow students. and i think it's really awful it's,
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it's really gross. that's our own president who was supposedly, here to protect us, has completely compromised all of our safety. you've been here since from the very beginning of this whole process. i mean, how do you think, what, what happens from now on, you know, most of the students that were inside have been detained. is this the end of this protest? you one, some of your fellow students will continue. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end, but this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already of just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demands. many of the things, one of the things that you are asking you start invest is putting it into the use
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of the funds that the university's funds, what you pay or your family pays to be able to study here using or investigating companies that we are profiting from the war on guys or do you think this is something that you'll be able to achieve? some other universities have agreed to to hold a vote about divestment. and so, i mean, is this something that you're expecting or that we continue to fight for? yeah, we will definitely continue to fight. we just recently had a vote with one of our schools of a divestment referendum and it passed by 91 percent. so it's definitely a reflection that the student body is massively in support of this. i think historically we can look at columbia as history with divestment and protest. and, you know, the students have put significant pressure on the university and their, their demands has in the and been met. so we definitely have hope that we can achieve this. you're here and, and many of of other, other students have been detained. they've been taken in buses. we do not know how
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many people have been detained. we do not know, you know, what chargers are going to be pressed against them. between you, between the among the students, have you been discussing how to react to the police goes and what are you supposed to do? how do you protect yourselves? i mean, what can you tell us about what is happening right now? what is happening to those students who have been detained? yeah, i know that for students, but how are are aware that they, what they are doing as of poses a risk of arrest? usually they prepare um, possible the phone numbers that they can call once they're in jail, and many of their fellows there for their friends are um, you know, made aware that they're putting themselves at this risk. and we also do just support among the students and among or like legal, legal observer friends. so that once the students are taken to the jail, they can be um, you know, welcomed once. they leave warmly with their, with their own clothes, with, with food. but there are also many legal observers that are around that,
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that are supposed to be around the area to ensure that there is no um, you know, student taking advantage of. do you know of any students that have been suspended that have been expelled? i mean, have you heard already of cases about what the university has done to them? i think almost any student here knows of as a suspended student. you know, there were a 100 students suspended following the arrest and prior to the arrest. and there was a 2nd wave i believe yesterday. so if you have students are evicted, many students were evicted from their homes without more than 15 minutes of leaving time. and i think it's definitely taking a toll on a lot of their students who feel like they have no support from their school and that they've essentially been made homeless by their school. but i can tell you right now that some students that were us, that were arrested in suspended the 1st time, continue to show up to these protests and put themselves at risk again. and it's not a deterrent for them. just to explain to, to an international audience. i mean,
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many of the students that have been suspended were living inside the campus and they were not allowed to go back. you know, they were not allowed to go back to their dorms or to their homes that's. that's what you mean when they've been left when you say that they've been left homeless. yeah. yeah. some of the students i know are freshman, they're literally teenagers, 1819 years olds. so it's really alarming that the school would just be ok with putting their 19 there to meet their teenage students on the street, essentially because they offer them in all other solutions. other than going home, but i'm sure many students cannot afford that. so it's, it's deeply upsetting. thank you very much. so here we are right now. it's not here yet whether this ongoing, the operation is over. it seems that much of the riot police is moving away. we've seen 2 boxes. again, taking students supposed to talk with these patients. there's 2 boxes left, but they're not far away from where i am right now. they're empty. it's not here
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yet. how many people have the disease? but what do we do know is that columbia university is a place that inspired a movement throughout the united states in campuses, universities across the country. and for many of the people we have spoken to, they're already stating that whatever happens next after this, students have been detained for many, they're saying that the students here at columbia university have already made history today that thank you so much for your reporting. that as i corresponding today is about some new information from you guessed about the number of students that colombia that are being suspended. she's saying that around a 100 students have been suspended. so we will what to verify that information. and again, today is that it's joining us live from lies outside the historic hamilton full. i'm bringing on view was up to speed with the essence of police officers have climbed up into a window and entered the hole where
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a number of students have barricaded themselves. since monday evening to really highlight that demands and the ongoing protests against israel's will on dallas. are the protests that have been taking place at columbia university and really inspired many others across the united states the as well, let's turn to gaza itself. now the northern town of bay, blah here, which is being slowly destroyed by weeks of as rarely strikes. 5 civilians were injured in the latest attacks. but that is where the operations seem to be aimed at kenning and uprooting the 10s of thousands of palestinians who remained and by law here, despite orders to leave milan pollute as a journalist based and gaza. and he has this report basically the closest target to
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the house in beta here, exactly. in the a bit that he had learned about you behind me. the house of a move, the family and the, the, the, the, the down did resulted. many injures and thousands got one on this, and this is going to go ahead. my name is also looking forward to hearing phillips and i'm, i live in this house. the pleasure to assist him with our adults is when the house was struck by a bowman. there injuries, but nobody was killed in the can see he behind me, civil defense and river are trying to reach a people who got injured from this attack. prosecution swimming international criminal court, had spoken to medical staffing garza about mass graves found it. i'll shift an officer. hospitals as well, has systematically targeted hospitals, and it's near
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a 7 month warm, gaza. well, the 34500 people have been killed. mazda is rarely made a treat. in that time. rescue is estimates. there are more than $10000.00 palestinians missing under the rubble. honey, my little that correspondents and gaza has this report. as the prosecutor is a from international criminal court, are investigating whether these massive graves are evidence of a work crime. they have interviewed his staff or from gaza ship an officer, hospital rescue workers having to do more than 400 bodies within hospital the ground. gonna say some people may have been buried alive or executed this fight hospitals being protected under international law. they became a battle ground and got really forces bombed, rated embassy, the ship, an officer, the 2 largest hospitals industry, the u. and has, that is really forces the transport, nasir from a place of healing to
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a place of death and the mass graves. maybe just the 1st of many such discoveries, emergency workers and all the say you don't have enough equipment to reach people buried alive and bond building and many trapped under rubble are dying. i don't know if i didn't redo the exit. i'm in the, i saw the flow we estimate there are more than 10000 people trapped under the rubble of the specialized increase have not been able to recover these bodies. and those martha most spinning created in the desktop, which is recorded by the goals and ministry of health. this is because we simply do not have the results is ok to build a database to recover the thousands of palestinians. they'll track under the rubble . i mean, while the visual dis, tall, it stands up more than 34500 people. the actual number wouldn't be known until distributed, cleared a process, the you on say it could take up to 14 years. i mean, my goal was just data from rough uh how sign and diplomatic pushes on the
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way to reach us. these find gaza with the us success and pressure on him off to agree to as well as terms the prominence to benjamin netanyahu has vowed to attack, cut off and southern gaza, whether there's a ceasefire or not. the smith reports from occupied east jerusalem. israel to military's already hitting targets and roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at how much these leadership and these remaining battalions will happen when you can just leave a few. we'll enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the how much battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rough uh when more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering and military assault on rough that would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians,
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enforcing enders of thousands to sleep. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians in, in the battle space. a much better job of what we seen thus far. and as you know, they're north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area. also in the line of fire would be, is really captives. the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a ceasefire. deal is, israel's military says it's ready for a rough operation. i'm us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu has promised to attack that last stronghold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they wanted the raft result to go
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ahead and go any deal with homeless, a terrible defeat to find them. and then, you know, who could be out of office a bonus. smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. the international court of justice has ruled. it won't order germany to end the ministry a to israel. the court found that there was insufficient evidence for it to grant. and he could algo, as request for jim and he to stop. when a monks has moved from the hague justice that the i, c, j is often delivered very slowly. but today's reading came just week soft read initial application to block german with themselves to israel that nicaragua said violates at the genocide convention. the german legal team said nicaragua, quote, grossly distorted the facts of it, some of the 3 relationship with israel, with state or that will reject nick our rock last home, the accusation. and there is no reason for the i c, j. 2 adults provisional measures. we are fully aware of our responsibilities under
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the genocide convention, the international humanitarian law. and we respect to make a regular pulled, representative challenge german statements and ton you can say anything you want, but we have to be a fucking, you're not above statement. but about sex effects or the treatment continues to be happy. military interchange with israel, correct? go ahead. previous nicole, germany prophetic, the single pena space applying weapons to israel symmetry as well as a palestinian civilians. but this tuesday afternoon, the judges seem to accept germany's arguments, at least for now, because by 15 votes the one find that the circumstances as they now present themselves to the quote, i have not such as politic what exist size of it spotted on the article $41.00 of the statute to indicate provision and measures determine the reason he resumed its
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regular payments to the un relief and works agency in gaza. its decision to defend such payments had been grounds for another nicaraguan consent. the judges dismissed for now as well. but the quotes made clear nicaragua has brought a case for such a name, not concluded, a germany with a history that's played a huge part in this quote's creation. the political consequences and the global court of public opinion may still be kind of a felt like i said, that the tax money that i am saying is contributing basically to the killing goes up my people or even of my family, the lease, and many of frequently forced to disrupt prove, kind of sitting in raleigh's critical of the government's continued supply of military israel from college campuses to international quotes to public protests. the board and goals that continues to prompt conflicts on a global scale. the month i'll just say era, the hey,
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the 1st 30 days, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of georgia's capital to protest the government. so quote, fond influence. little legislation would require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. opponent say, could be used to crack down one groups. critical of the government damage georgia's ambitions of joining the european union. if let to weeks of demonstrations on tuesday, please find hold of kind of the crowns. of some protest is became violent through the shop. a lot of the reports from to please see the situation on severely avenue in the central valley see remains tends to protest against that optional below and for an influence continues. the cross is being discussed these days by the trojan parliament. i closed a lot of controversy. so emotions impressions are running high law enforcement
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offices a trying to this past the demonstrators. now the ryan police have surrounds the department building. it's cold into all the police are using. tia johnson was kind of against the protests as well. the protests is chauncey stock cuts bella, which means georgia and waving declines of georgia on the european union according to the trojan ministry of internal affairs because it's near the parliament building 10 bond. and so the server to have the gun implementing measurements to restore public old and a pushing protest as away from parliament at the moment the situation is not stable at so as you can hear, the rally sort of one piece for the tonight, tens of thousands of people gathered here at the police were asking to protest as to comply with, with the demands of law enforcement officers. but at some point, things got out of control. you'd have survive on about ultra 0. it's really st.
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georgia and the philippines drive is, is privately own buses known as j, f. and these are threatening to bring the capital one to a standstill with a protest against government plans to modernize the service. it comes with after it comes a day off of a deadline to join cooperative. so the next 2 to 3 years, they're also being told to replace the iconic vehicles with green options. on below, it has moved from minnesota to thousands of workers marching towards the presidential palace to the med for higher wages as they do every labor day. but this year they're also here to support quote this the g b drivers, tv drivers for paid to the government's g, b modernization program. the government wants to replace the old war. now keep these with modern many buses. but recently they also approved the jews up locally manufactured gene. these that look like the traditional jeep these bug would need
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the modern standards. but these processing drivers say that the 1st step to this modernization program to join cooperative or get employed by corporations, just t been to corporate interest. and this means that they lose their licenses to operate, which means that they lose their income. and then the so we're not against modernization post say we're just asking the government to re examine the program and prioritize, pull working filipinos instead of business interest. how these quote testing drivers say it is ironic that a deadline for them to join cooperative fail a day before labor day. but the government didn't budge, wouldn't budge because the government says that they have already extended the deadline. several times they have given drivers enough time to be able to comply with requirements to join the governments. tv monetization program. no. only hold
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that post testing drivers now have is their petition at the supreme court where the government to suspend its gp monetization program. but so far, the supreme court has not acted on it. their supporters in congress go say that they might be able to find a middle ground. we are actually studying what we can find. it does not mean the form of, uh, a bill that the way i the the present the some of the view modernization programs. how diverse will really be part of the whole process or whatever happens, these protesting drivers say they're not getting off the street. and if they do get course to get off the streets, they say they have the numbers in the public transportation system. part of you know, how does there a lot. 6 that sits in the it has been put on them. laura kind of is here in just a few minutes with the ongoing coverage of the police. moving into columbia university in new york to break up protests against as well as 1000 students and
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barricaded themselves. and saw the historic same on monday. that is just one of many, some of the protests across american universities to stay with us on challenges 0. thank you for watching the calling attention to any quality pollution ment. extrajudicial feelings in kenya is low income communities. silent brother was killed by police. they don't to fit the voices, but the one past one day and organize that are on the record. how old are these people off? when we've begun supplementing buffer, then it has been put on the bus that hit the button generation change can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to for calculus. refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and
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a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life, as he selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on that just why have american? it's angelica become this real strongest. backer is us president. you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric,
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s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle, is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the on age. the police of entered columbia university in new, begun a resting protest of the head of an or kyle to says, i'll just hear a lot from doha. also coming up. israel's prime minister as has his full says will . and a golf of southern city of rock. but despite cools, the un not to campaign of destruction of.


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