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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the police raid columbia university in new york, under when students protesting against the wall and garza the barricades of themselves inside a building the tara life though, how also coming up to a gas is used. this bus students in florida to resolve the profile to send in demonstrations suite across the us campuses. section states,
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nice as well as president of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu pledges to attack southern gaza whether or not a cx 5 is agreed, the police into place a crack down on protest is demonstration against georgia, so called for an influence bill. the we begin in the united states when your police have rated a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians the okay. on the 16th, when offices entered huntington, who were a number of students and barricaded themselves, hours earlier, dozens of processes were a rest. this is the latest escalation in 2 weeks of protests,
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which is what universities across the country. students are calling for an end as well as well on garza and the academic institutions to start investing and companies that do business with us. right. any minute train, how's this choice of what it was at columbia university? when the police raid for gun? i'm right in front of columbia university right in front of hamilton. oh, there's thousands and thousands of police officers, but i'm calling you to remove the students that are currently inside hamilton. or let's not forget what happened here on monday evening. a group of students that were inside columbia university, occupied hamilton whole. the renamed it, as in the right job, who's a 6 year old girl who was killed in garza. there they are right now. if you can see where i am, you can see the police, they came in with a truck. now there's a stair, they have broken a window, they're going inside the building, probably to detain the students that are inside this building. there's been lots of
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tension. and the last hour, there's dozens of students who are also here. they've been protesting all day. they've been coming here to support their other students who are inside of columbia university. they both inside columbia university, every single day that they are under siege because he's very early in the morning. this come from the university has been completely isolated. all the students inside i've been asking for food and water, among other things on the students that are out of side have been bringing it in. but as you can see right now, the police officers are moving into the building. one by one is not clear yet how they're going to carry out this operation. but we have already seen at least 7 or 8 students and we're outside and close to the gate inside the university being detained. and it's very, very likely that something like this will happen again to columbia university is
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issued a statement explaining its decision to call him the police saying protests of escalation of the situation by barricaded themselves inside the whole administration accuses them of forcing security guards out of the building, i'm threatening members of stuff. somebody or officials say they will not risk the safety of the university or for the escalation or protest as were taken away on bosses. university administrators of alls place to stay on the site until the middle of this month for graduation. kristen telling me has moved from new york. the demonstrators have been removed from the columbia university campus, but police remain in force. just one of the locations here outside of the gates, where they have staged, we saw them a sporting demonstrators off the campus here earlier about 50 at least 50, were arrested and brought downtown, but others were escorted out. we spoke to them, they were very shaken up. they said that colleagues were thrown to the ground. some
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were dragged off and rested police using a device. so loud shocked device in order to distract the protesters and get into the building, which they said was heavily fortified. and they needed to access in order to the rest of the people inside the people who were squared it off, got away without being arrested, but they are facing suspension from the university. the university said that it had to call and the police, it was concerned that demonstrators included people who are not students, not in any way affiliated with the campus. and they saw that as an added security risk. they were also under pressure from elected officials and trustees to get the situation under control. uh, well, many of the faculty and students that we spoke to here were actually in support of
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the demonstration. and concerned about the fact that police were called in uh, nevertheless, the police have been asked to stay here for at least another 2 weeks. as the school wraps up for the year, graduation ceremony is supposed to be may 15th. and clearly the administration is concerned that protesters could come back again and try to get back on the campus and disrupt the graduation. so that's why they've been asked to stay present. salumi alpha 0 new york. well, i always say to cameron jones, a lead organizer at the columbia branch of jewish voice for peace. he says many students want to speak when the university of leadership to resign. as i think we have seen the university try again and again to silence pro palestine voices on campus. and every time the type of silence that we only get louder, we only bring lights and numbers to our valley life. and number 2 i to i protest. so i am certain that you will see a large,
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large blow back from the student body from faculty, from alumni in the coming weeks. we will not stand for this in biling police brutality on our campus and be well stand up for what we believe is. but what the rest of the suspension from universities mean for students and does it not intimidate them? i would say students are very intimidating, but it is nothing compared to what policy means that they think in gaza every day. and the best ignite is the purpose that we have, and be back to ignite, that we have to put our lives out of it. so we can protect individuals in gaza in the west bank and east through zillow. did you see students threatening stop? was there a breakdown in order with us threats to security on campus tomorrow? as far as that is that i have not heard any threats against staff or public safety . and the occupation of hamilton hall, which has not been renamed in hall, was nothing but the false no one with times. and there was no violence of any sort
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. the only balance we have seen now is by the n y p d being brought into by with me a rest peaceful protest. this coming in response to all of this was all students are asking for of the university all the calls for the administrators, or indeed the president presenters. i think to step down over this. oh yeah, completely. there was a lot of large support for me needs to seek to resign for laura rosen, barry to resign to the president of fine arts and for a whole investigation that i've seen this happen in the past few weeks to be done as well. then florida police use tag asked to break up a demonstration at a school in tampa authorities, wages, and incumbent at the university of south florida. resting several students. it comes off a similar rest. the other universities across the states. many of the students who
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were arrested at the university of texas in austin on monday, a still and was still in jail. on tuesday, i did do a castro hospital. there has been a slow trickle of the protesters that are being released according to the university of texas austin, administration. 79 people were arrested for mondays protests and they had been charged with uh we're seeing a lot of criminal trespassing as a major charge here. and now more than 24 hours later, still the vast majority remain inside the jail. that's the i need. and that's despite the calls that you're hearing behind me of not only 3 talestine because of 3 those protesters. these are you, teen students, some faculty member and other members of the austin community, the house of vigil overnight waiting for every last one of those arrested to be released. and joining us, his a guest who was an attorney has been helping some of those that i've been to obtain
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this as well as some of the key. thanks for joining us. tell me about the charges that these individuals are facing. and some of the criticism that, you know, this started out as a peaceful protest. so are these charges valid? i think it's important to know discounts for these continue to be peaceful protests . they started as peaceful protests. and that never changed. and the students are protesting. and they're exercising a right constitutionally guaranteed to them at a public university. no, them broke any laws that the university of texas police department threatened them with the criminal trespass warning if they refused to disperse, which is something they shouldn't have been asked to do in the 1st, but is so in short, to answer a question, no, i don't think these charges are valid. how many have been released to your knowledge and what is, what is it that they are going to experience now? so just having been here a couple of hours today, it seems like only a handful,
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probably no more than 5 or 6 if i had to guess have been released. obviously if the students had been here for a very long time, and i'm sure i'd it, it goes without saying being and being in a holding cell, being and county lock up is traumatized and can experience enough for kids. this young, a plastic push is under way to reach a safe spot, and garza with us pressuring him last to agree to as ralph times bosses why he prime into benjamin netanyahu has place to attack rafa. and southern goals are whether or not a c spot is agreed. but as with reports from occupied east jerusalem, these rails miller trees already hitting targets in roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at some of his leadership. and these remaining battalions will happen when you can just leave a few will enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the how much battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals,
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including the repatriation outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rafa. when more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough foot would be an unbearable escalation. killing thousands marched civilians, enforcing and the thousands the fleet. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians. and in the battle space, a much better job of what we seen thus far. and as you know, there north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area. also in the line of fire would be, is really captive the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a c spy. a deal is, israel's military says, it's ready for a rough operation on us. now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack the last strong cold. come
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what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with how much a terrible defeat defy them. and then you all who could be out of office a bonus. smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. well, us actually is a town st blinking is in israel to push for a true seas, again, cooling on how us to accept a cx, 5 deal. we're just trying to get the ceasefire to bring the hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changed is because of the loss. there is a follow up conversation and as we said, no delays, no no excuses. the time is now and the time is now past due
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the same time, even a termination to get started, the police officers, all we also have to be focused on people engaged for suffering in this cross bar from us making less bringing bonus. now he's a don't apply to east jerusalem and then it will clear expect from lincoln's meetings that today and so onto the blinking these you of it in jerusalem in about an hour and a half or so. but his most important meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu without meeting comes just day after netanyahu said he's going to go ahead with the rasa invasion. whether there is a ceasefire or not the americans remember on monday, blinking, judging, uh how much to take advantage of what they called an extraordinarily generous offer, which would see the release of $33.00 captives in return for this longer period of
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sustained. com. so they'll be talking about that and whether that is still an option that also bring communal. so go and meet so many guns. i just know the guys that he lives on campus that sometimes he fractured his fault. so he's notice of mo, bile as he was at all. so interested in him. interesting. we blink and move it. i stalled port, i'm carol. i've asylum crossing into the gauze. i stalled. interesting because it's the quickest way. you could get aid into a gauzy. it's only been operational for the last couple of weeks in terms of age. a gaza is relevant that under enormous us pressure. but if that was a more i came through that you certainly wouldn't need at drops and you wouldn't need the us building pay is off the coast of guys that to get a did not way. but israel has been very reluctant to allow this ash dog port to be used and then down in care of other salad and blink. and we'll see how that aid is transferred into gaza. everybody seems to be in agreement. apart from these riley's
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that there isn't enough aid getting in at the moment. okay. banners for that. we'll get more from you later as being kens visit for you as well. progressive is now on the ground and goals of the is where the military is attacking residential areas across the strip of civilian casualties from its will mounts. and these 2 children were killed. fine is really as dry called rafa in southern garza, as well as intensified its attacks on the city as far as mount of a minute. treat ground offensive around $1500000.00 force of the displace palestinians. a sheltering them as close to tara couple as them. he joins us now live from rafa and southern gaza to give us an idea of the latest strikes the strikes that continued to pound the gauze us right? yes. laura, especially the, during the night attacks the focus of the east valley attacks was very much on
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rough off where the target to the residential house in the shop for a neighborhood were at least 2 palestinians. let us meet children have been killed . they have, by the way, arrived to acquire hospitalized spots. they have completely killed, sustained to the one size medic did not clearly manage to rescue them because of the great, the last attacks that had been carried out on the house and leaving behind a great sway of destruction in the vicinity of the area that has been targeted by yes, we can clearly witness up more intensification of, onto the re bombardment to the eastern parts of roughly district. this is why is expected that these very minute you might stop the military inclusion from that point. so they're trying to intensify the bombardment of the vast majority of areas as to be, as they have been attacking the facility of causes old, a 4th that is already destroyed as a war. and this is happening confirming the fact that they have been attacking fall months in the eastern parts of roughly the district. but seemingly, we can set you back to what tax have been carried. johnson,
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all the pots of the territory in the north, where the east by the flight suggests, has have destroyed a residential building in gauze. a city out, a number of california have been reported, killed, and even engine. and those being injured have been receiving a treatment in the are of hospital. but the is talk reality among palestinians is that they are completely terrified from the fact that the bus majority of gauze population might subjected to a wind escaping military. encouraging here in rough up where they have new and you have a place sites to go to or to take as a refuge and like to be ongoing. these very repeated spreads about invading roughly with full. we balance arriving to us the supply agreements with how much spot the palace, pretty nice driven towards the homecoming negotiations and the expected response going to be delivered and handed over to original mediators today a maximum by how much movements in terms of the proposal being appreciated. by the head of the egyptian intelligence to post pots on the ground, fox, what we know,
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what we have been hearing from lopez is that they are eating the house out to return back to the house. is in the north of no relay top till now. we are fighting and without any, even as the top and strikes in areas are supposed to be as a saves, a tire covers in bring installations that from rafa and southern gaza. thanks very much. tired. a plus of a has hair on al jazeera, a major security breach in columbia is huge stokes of munition go missing the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in definitely as 5 minutes to the know the state, possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is,
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is choice of metropolitans, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dreams in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the on age. the challenges here with the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the new what challenges era has remind you of our top story is this our new place of way to the whole at columbia university where students to support palestine had fabricated themselves. thousands were arrested university administration and say, the students who took over the building will be expound, diplomatic pushes on the way to reach us. he's far and gone. so with the us pressuring him us to agree to israel's tons, socialist agents, the banking is in israel and says, a deal is achievable, is you to meet prime minister benjamin netanyahu. returning to our top story, the wave of protest do us colleges against the war on garza. many have faced hoss
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crackdowns by both administrators and state leaders, but demonstrations at a time and to carry on as well as reynold's reports. the palestinian flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina as campus protests sober. israel's war on dogs intensified police, arrested dozens of protesters and took down the flag at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters. and at the university of texas, where well over 100 students were arrested some file of late over the past week. protesters continued together, seemly, unintimidated by the show of force. at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. a woman sought help after being pepper sprayed . here, do you slay no police of storm the protest in camp,
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but no students have been arrested or pepper sprayed or roughed up. and the administration of the university is not issued any ultimatums to disperse. as a result, for the vast majority of students here it is been business and education, as usual. the exceptions to the peaceful nature of the protests of come when pro israel pro design is counter processors, most of whom are not students have assembled on campus. there was something like 800, maybe a 1000 counter protesters and they came with very, you know, file language violence they, they breached that the security divide to be our case. that brown university students peacefully dismantled there and camp. and after the university leaders agreed to vote on divesting from companies that supply weapons to israel, us politicians from both parties are denouncing the protest. witness and action. okay,
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ibis leaders has allowed universities to phone call drugs called criminal. okay. osh protesters say that's nonsense. yeah, we think good. so smear being used against us, we're not here to simply overturn learning over to or in the university. we're here to call for, for justice, for palestinians and an end to the genocide despite scored counter protest or violence and arrests. students show no signs of backing down. rob rentals, l g 0, los angeles. tens of thousands of people took to the streets of george's capital on tuesday to protest against the government circle foreign influence. no legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to events just as fun agents . i didn't say it could be used to track down on boots critical of the government and damage georgia's plans to join the you. is it 2 weeks of demonstrations on tuesday, please find was a candidate the crowds when the protests turned violent?
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either shopping of all of the reports, some tvc situation on were severely avenue in the central police. the remains tends to protest against that optional, below and for name for those continues. the cross is being discussed these days by the trojan parliament. i closed a lot of controversy. so emotions and passions are running high. a law enforcement officers a trying to despise the demonstrators. now the ryan police have surrounds the department building. it's cold into all the police are using. tia johnson was kind of a game the protest as well. the protests is chauncey cuts about which means georgia and waving declines of georgia and the european union according to the trojan ministry of internal affairs because it's near the parliament building 10 bond. and so the 3rd, he has the gun implementing measurements to restore public old. then
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a pushing protest is away from parliament. at the moment the situation is not stable at so as you can hear. the rally started one piece for the area on tonight. tens of thousands of people gathered here. the police were asking, the protest is to comply with the demands of law enforcement officers. but at some point, things got out of control. you'd have to pop out of a 020, release, a georgia columbia is facing a major security breach off to hundreds of thousands of pieces of i'm in mission. what? missing present gustavo cup, petro says, bullets grenades, an antique tank missiles, vanished from 2 military bases. and may now be in the hands of rebel groups or legally sold abroad instances, raising concerns about a possible criminal network within the columbia and ministry. as the government resumes fighting against armed groups. to get the split out on the list at the bully for a long time. now lots of exist, of people in the armed forces and civilians dedicated to mass commercialization of
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arms using legal arms. from the colombian states, that destination would be those who to month them, in my opinion, on groups and columbia women, the founder of the world's largest crypto currency exchange has been sent to the full months in prison for allowing money laundering on his platform. chung pen joel who resigned from by finance in november i paid a guilty to violating us money loan during those finances also being fined bolden, full $1000000000.00 of the investigators found it, helped to use his by paul sanctions. prosecutors had sold a 3 years sentence for the form of finance boss and 3 chinese ashton or so back on uh 5 to a 6 month stay in space. landed in the go be deserts in china is in among go near autonomous region. also spending time on for the 10 going space station trying to build his own space station of to being excluded from the international space station. long as he, because of us concerns over chinese ministry control. the i assess nearing the end
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of its useful life. china could be the only country or corporation to maintain a crude station and all that as it for me, laura kyle: much more on website and i was is there a dot com? the weather is next. then inside story, stay with the the, the had low that unsettled weather has swept its way across the middle east and event bringing some very heavy rain. and there's more of that to come. you can see from the satellite image shuttle cloud showing where the rain fell. heaviest decal, central pots, a saudi arabia, causing some flooding. here, we're expecting that rain to start to push its way further east and south of the next few days, bringing more heavy rain to east and pots of saudi arabia. katasha is likely to see
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those thunder storms and strong winds. that rain will slip its way for the south across the u. a as well as a month. by the time we get to thursday. now, wet and windy weather is the story across the north west of africa with some heavy rain moving across the nose of morocco into algeria as we go wednesday into thursday. it's still a story of sheets across this the hell with above average temperatures for places like a chad is much west around the gulf of guinea. we all going to see the return off some west of weather to east africa as we go into the weekend. thanks, we're developing a tropical low. so now though it is very dry and hot across southern parts of africa, the sunshine pacific in south africa with a fine danger, risk of elevated levels across the cape provinces in south africa. as to whether the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have
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a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era, a political stand off in georgia, the government says a bill. it's trying to pause for a 2nd time. would regulate phone influence and protect the countries silver unsafe . the critics of protesting it would crush freedom. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story the


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