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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the heavier we are, the ones grappling the extra mile. there are the media. don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm, i am in the z. this is the news. our life from dialogue coming up in the next 60 minutes. right columbia university in new york and arrest students protesting against the war and gaza themselves inside of building gas is use it as bus students in florida is assigned
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some a diety, demonstration spread of cost american campuses. meanwhile, the us actually a state is meeting with israel's president off the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the pleasures to launch a ground defensive in southern cause us whether or not to cease fires, agrees inside goals, are itself civilian casualties of mounting. israel strikes rough us, one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians, a sheltering also coming up this house to live a stranded by major floods in kenya. wait for help from the government, with no signs of the war says receiving the . we begin this news out in the united states way, new york police of right at a building of columbia university occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians. the title succeeds when offices entered hamilton hole, where a number of students had barricaded themselves, hours earlier,
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thousands of protest as well arrested. this is the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations which has spread to universities across the country. all deserves to raise above, begins out coverage from new york city to disperse police around it, all entrances to the main campus of columbia university. hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of him into an hole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded themselves there. they say they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed by these many military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one they were arrested were very disappointed, obviously, and sought to see the police returned to our campus. and american institution where freedom, fries, and freedom expression are supposed to be prized. um, earlier today, you know,
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view social networks. we all told that the expected the police to come. so we came out here um to to dentistry and our support for, for me personally for the american values, i believe in the police been rated hamilton hong. they broke a window and, and to view the 1st floor their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside k was broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement, the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had 4 security guards out of the building. and threatened members of staff, as the administration says, it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. but many students say this won't stop them from protesting, and that there would do men still stand be including admin fee for the students and
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faculty members who have been suspended or expelled. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say, profit from east wells war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demand. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia university is a place that inspired and move into across the united states to demand an end to the world, gosh, had to demand and, and to is riley occupation. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next,
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the students of columbia university have already made history based. i will, as i see that new york is the way the college protests against israel's war on cause it continues to grow. many of face tosh crackdowns by both administrators and state leaders, but demonstrate has determined to carry on as rentals explains police cure guest. a group of student demonstrators at the university of south florida. arresting several of them on a day that saw harsh crackdowns on anti war protests. 2 across the country the palestinian flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina as campus protests sober. israel's war on dogs intensified. police arrested dozens of protesters and took down the flag. at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters. and at the university of texas,
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where well over 100 students were arrested some file of late over the past week. protesters continued together, seemly, unintimidated by the show of force. at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. a woman sought help after being pepper sprayed here and you slay no police of storm. the protest in camp, but no students have been arrested or pepper sprayed or roughed up. and the administration of the university is not issued any ultimatums to disperse. as a result for the vast majority of students here it is been business and education, as usual. the exceptions to the peaceful nature of the protests of come when pro israel pro sinus counter processors, most of whom are not students have assembled on campus. it was something like 800, maybe a 1000 counter protesters and they came with very, you know, file language violence they,
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they breached that the security divide to barricade that brown university students peacefully dismantled their encampment after the university's leaders agreed to vote on divesting from companies that supply weapons to israel, us politicians from both parties are denouncing the protest. witness and action. okay. i've, as leaders, has allowed universities to the phone called rooms called criminal. okay. ok. protesters say that's nonsense. yeah, we think it's a smear being used against us. so we're not here to assembly overturn learning over to are in the university. we're here to call for justice for palestinian and an end to the genocide, despite scored counter protest or violence and arrests. students show no signs of backing down. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. diplomatic efforts are underway to reach cease fire and gaza with
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us pressuring him. us to agree to israel is tons. it's actually, it's a and c, blinking is an israel to push for a deal, which she says is achievable. and we're trying to get this this far. the brings the hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changes because of a loss of policy. as we said, till delays. there was no excuses. the time is now and time is now long past due to great hostages on the same time, even with terminations, you get to see star, the police officers all we also have to be focused on people in gosh, for suffering. goodness, crossfire. of course, this is all part essentially say honestly think his latest push to try and revive ceasefire tools, so it's not care if there is likely to be any hurts in hostilities, even
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a temporary one or is the results of business. this is now the is rating, negative his trip interest me, the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has placed invade ross site in southern gauze, which is a scenario that to positive in trying to avoid that. to me always says that he will potentially do this, whether or not as he's fine is agreed on it. smith brings us this report now from occupied histories of them. these rails miller trees already hitting targets in roughly the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at how must his leadership and his remaining battalions will happen when you can just leave a 5th wheel and to rest up because we have no other choice will destroy the how must battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rafa. when more than a 1000000 palestinians,
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a sheltering military assault on rough foot would be an unbearable escalation. killing thousands marched civilians, enforcing and the thousands the fleet also in the line of fire would it be, is rarely captives. the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday, demanding a c spy. a deal. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians and in the battle space. a much better job of what we've seen thus far. and as you know, they're north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to. or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully move data moved out of the area. as these rails military says it's ready for a rough operation. how most of us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack the last strong cold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from
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overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with how much terrible defeat defy them. and then you all who could be out of office a bonus smith, i'll just say era occupied east jerusalem. these are some of the nicest pictures on the pictures that i see thinking the trip to the region who is now in israel as and you're explaining these, which is some of his remarks made that a few minutes ago i just had an opportunity to meet with some of the families of some of the houses as i have on every business that's in 5 minutes. don and i just want to share with you what i shared with them. bringing your loved one
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is at the heart of everything. and we will not rest until everyone. so please get strong every single day. so let's now see what outcomes one you might interested in finding smith is following all of this. so just a hearing from nancy blinking up on it. essentially saying that that the main priority in all of these discussions is the release of is writing hostages inside cause a no mention of, of, of thousands of the palestinians and those remarks. and we understand these already
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met with present. and so, and then a meeting with the prime minister is expected shortly. yes, he's on his way over to west jerusalem to meet with benjamin netanyahu without meeting with the families. a significant note just before the meeting at yahoo because they've been very critical, particularly just in the last 24 hours of netanyahu because they view his comments that he's going to go in to rafa come what may as a threats to any deal on the table, that might see the release of some of those. some of those called the captives, perhaps 33 of the 133 still believed to be in gauze as of the hostages on stage families, williams, and lincoln to keep the pressure on the m. yahoo, though he says, as we've heard, you tell me to go into rough uh a little so i go meet to benny guns, another member of the wall cabinets and he's in a couple it's north of just north of cause that he lives. that sometimes is
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practice for it, so he's not as mo bile as he was unblinking. he's also here to push these riley's on a didn't getting more aid into gaza. he'll go to school on port bodies, just know the cause of it is the quickest and most straightforward way to get as much aid in as quickly as possible into gaza. israel, very reluctant to use. i stalled, they only a couple of weeks ago, but if it was use more, you wouldn't certainly wouldn't need ad drops. so because of, and you probably wouldn't need the americans to build this floating, pay it off the coast of gauze to get gate and not way to bring to ones more a coming in through the audio, but it kind of asylum. crossing down on the south of uh, gaza, just to see how the 8th gets in. thank you very much, bye miss smith. following developments that for us. thank you very much. bonded as well inside goals are itself these ready ministry is attacking residential areas
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right across the strip. so many casualties of mounting by the day, more than 34 and a half 1000 pile of things have been killed in any 7 months of war. and one of the latest attacks and as strike on rough fight in the south, killed at least affordable to children. as well as intensified aerial attacks on the city is v as mount as a major ground defensive, around one and a half 1000000 forcibly displaced. palestinians are sheltering. that tag i will as them joins us live from rough. i and southern gauze and tell us what's happened over the past few hours. yes, it was, it was completely of a series of strikes. the targeted multiple areas of course, the territory. in fact, marian, well, what we can see is that all the nice strikes had targets at a residential house in a shop where a neighborhood where 2000 in children have been killed with a number of entries and those who have been and just have to be less strong that i'm not receiving treatments and i'm quite sure hospital, but yes, the fact that you still politically die as palestinians are completely hearing the
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explosions to the car taking place in the eastern part of roughly our district are talking about constance onto rape abutment or the eastern sides of russell, this is they are the point what it's expect to. the ministry will start to expand a truth operation in a rock by a through they have been bouncing the vicinity of kansas ols applewood, which is already destroyed. and uh, a residential house as well that has been taxed for one, palestinian has been chewed, induct schilling, fox, relatively. the situation in other parts of the territories is so critically, critically a hard and difficult where the is verify digits, how targeted their residential slots endeavoured by a town where without any casualties to now are binding to the hospitals of the middle area seemingly in the news the tax also continued where these very 5 digits have level to the ground. there has been shoot buildings. while there are initial report saying that a number of palestinians,
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popular reputed kills and things that do seem inches right now, are completely suffering from the ones that they have been resulting from such attacks as they are medically treated in a highly arc hospital box. um its own going from bottom and that this phone forwarding to antonio terrance. we found a city of only as i turned into a studio she ations being made in kyra regarding reaching to us who spot agreements . they believe that if there's gonna be any potential collapse of such negotiations, the situation will turn upside down here, rough or in light of the ongoing threats. really. it's by it's very prime minister benjamin to tell you how about this month to me, how much that's what he is here in law, fine at the same time, about $218.00. the goal is to the population to other areas that are supposed to be designated to save some bucks. we clearly remember as best saved zones and the majority of areas that are designated to save zones, palestinians have been killed or something about hundreds of people being killed. that what people have know what left to go. um,
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it's based on going miniature campaign. of course the territory. thank you very much tank. i was them and southern garza that's bringing, i'm are sure he's a professor of security minutes, restarted doha, institute for graduate studies. and you're listening to remarks that from secretary of state asked names lincoln. the focus is finally on him, us to accept a 40 day ceasefire. so this wouldn't, so this is just a, a temporary hold to violence, not just for the short time, but i suppose eventually in the purpose is to have some us relinquish complete control of gaza. and already seeing that to sort of narrative being a spawn, that this is a very good deal and the, the but if it falls through the fault lies with a mass, it seems as though there is absolutely no pressure being put on these res it's, it's true and also the issue is that there is no strategic vision for what happens afterwards. what,
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what we're seeing now is all pollution in the objective. so we're talking about the ceasefire for a 40 days or so. and in and some exchanges. uh, but uh for this one. yeah. how has it mentioned more than once that the, the issue of attacking the has just a method of time. and then if you look at the objectives, that order operational objective, so he wants to destroy the, for an edge, the for battalions of how much they're, they already a, you know, they just need a correspond to just mentioned the, the strikes on uh, on national board which is one of the 4 areas they claim that the battalions are situated in shop what and you have not in the eastern enough i city. and uh, they also would like to uh, get back the $130.00 or so hostages that are still there in the an offer. um, but if you looked at the okay, so this is the 2nd objective. and the 3rd objective is to try to occupy the,
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the philadelphia according to order, which separates garza from egypt. so that any uh on the ground, the logistical support for how much is uh, is under mine. so on the ground lines of communications. uh, uh, and get also a, as in water and the leadership of how much who they allege did they already know, all of these will not solve the issue because from the beginning of this operation since the ground offensive in 20, on 17 sub october, 2020 c. these will repeated and we are now in the same a operation on a cheese operational objectives that we started within 27th of october 2023. so we're left with now a scenario where you have washington at trying to kick start some sort of process that would bring about a ceasefire. lincoln is trying to sort of take cover or so there are assets by saying that that the focus is on her last and that they want to release is really
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hostages. but at all is not being completely undermined by the allies in israel, who are saying that this ground invasion of profit is going to take place regardless of anything that comes out of this, you know, washington's initiative. absolutely. if you looked at the map, what's, what's happening with the force deployment, with the a buying goal of creating a 10 city eventually buying forestalled and launched in each one can take 12 persons in them. so that's about 4 180000 people of the 1400000 situated in rough, or to be at the located in the midwest, a quarter door. and in, in con eunice, if you looked at the, we're talking about the 5 big aides of these, the getting ready in the team admitted to the base and the around it a, the withdrawal with of the 900 and 33rd, which used to man the the quoted or that this fits goes into north and south. all
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of this. so you are redeploying a force, a significant force of about $5.00 to $6.00. big gauge, 2 of them making eyes infantry to armor. one special forces in one, but a troopers do entered into a little file. so we're talking about the same as operation to that opinion is funny. was that at the max they had about 8 big aids. so now we are in the range of the 6. yeah, the gauge, we don't know if they will get also a system with all the reserves units. and so it looks to me that the they are starting an operation already. and it's a method of time where they start to uh, or escalate the and so that these are the sort of military units that you describe, that, that are being mobilized. and you know, at naval ground troops are preparing for this attack to take place. that is going to inflict unimaginable pain on the population of rough uh once a couple of 100000, some 300000 just now as well to one and a half one and a half 1000000 policy means
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a set sheltering that. so the idea is to reach out to him asking, know that this is not possible. and so you have many people who are living that and really horrific conditions. what effect is this going to have on civilians, women, children, babies, it will be a catastrophic effect. then they know that because of what you're seeing now is about a concentration of about 18 solid in 2. 19 cells in person for squared can only so when you have this, this level in terms of population density anywhere you're going to shoot not with artillery or slides. if you're shooting with the pistols in the assault rifles, you will shoot the wrong people fold in the dead for that will be a lot of this and people dying. and that, unfortunately, in that operation, if it go ahead actually a lot. as we're speaking there are these pictures coming to us from university of california, u. c l, a of pro on assigned,
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and pro israel supporters appear to be in scuffles. obviously there is a confrontation happening here that has been peaceful protests. it must be said peaceful protests on many and many different cities across the united states. you are hearing a report from our correspondent. i'm speaking about texas speaking about the situation in washington and most recently in new york, when we saw the n y, p d, the new york police arresting students and removing them from a building that they were refusing to vacate to voice the support for the palestinians. or, and to try and put pressure on the universities to con links to businesses that benefit from israel. obviously, these universities are receiving students tuition fees. they go into funds that are then used, you know, for financial reasons, often with companies that happening stays around and students have cooling on the
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universities to die, to invest from not what you make because these, these things happening here here on, on it's quite the quite a sad situation actually all over the but the, we know that the civil, the resistance campaign sometimes have to have an effect. the that was a, is a story color roots do that. then the then to old, the doing can get nom and the as well as it says so much moments. but it should be said also that there are many jewish protest as who has been taking part in these protests of it are quoting for an end to the war on gaza. and that has been this very cynical and disingenuous conflation of these protests with anti semitism confused the position to, to design is ideology with anti semitism episode. the, the, the, i mean zionism in judaism, are 2 different things. you know, they, the, the, the founders of zone is in many of them what atheist tried. they did not believing that they believe the god gifted then the land, but they did not read it,
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but even called. so it's a, it's a bit of a, that is the political ideology. and with many factions, some of its founders became anti scientists and they were very, really just use and, and we, we know they got the 3 heard. so founders of, of, so i mean, isn't turned around in some of them. so it's a large movement and with very different affections. but it also is separate from that image and because you will find many useful to not really believe it. yes. all right, well thank you very much for that. i'm going to show about 200000 palestinians who works and israel before the war on gaza, say that to that unexcused tributes. it's an estimated $319000000.00 to the protestant in economy every month. now the restrictions in place mean the only a few 1000 what permits are being issued. and that's meant that most palestinians living in the occupied westbank are out of work. some taking drastic steps to
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survive as his name is one of the reports from ramallah. a broken arm, middle pins in his leg of fractured news and deep cuts on his hand. injuries that could take months to his size and dozens of other palestinians were trying to scale a separation wall crossing into israel to find one of the few lost his footing and fell side says he's lucky to be alive. when asked why take such a risk? he just looks around the room and off the split, which is better to work or ask for charity. what can we do? there is no work. there is no choice. i was going to work to help my family from adults can tolerate hunger and anything else. but what about the kids who bring diapers and milk for these children? my sort of how can they understand that there's a more and smarter going on?
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how can they understand for, for him on over your horrible fee to fiddle fees is real, they can make enough to survive doing construction work, painting houses, electrical repair and other manual labor. but since the war on garza israel has board entry to most palestinian workers leading to an unemployment crisis, some palestinians are killed by is really bombs and bullets for others. so it's father says long term unemployment is starting to feel like a slow death, as it is not uncommon for people to scale these high walls. because on the other side is, is rarely territory. it is a chance to find some work to earn some money. but seeking financial salvation in a sense, by sneaking into israel, the very country that is oppressing you and your people is no doubt for those doing it. a pride, swallowing endeavor,
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some pay with their lives earlier this month of the him on there are father of 7 died after nearly a month in his really custody detained in his real, along with his son for not having work permits a father trying to feed his family died in his son's arms on the floor of and is really prison. so no work in the occupied westbank and no help on the horizon means few options. the original fi, it wasn't, isn't it? if you don't want us to go to israel, should we steal? if we had another choice, we would not go to work in israel. we would not take the risk and we would stay here where it's safe side says when he's better, he'll try once more. even if it means risking his life again, just to give others a fighting chance zane bus route the old to 0 the occupied westbank palestine as well still to bring you on the program. the police introducing cried down on
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protest is demonstrating against georgia. so full foreign influence bill and a security breach in columbia may just stokes of munition go missing from military bases. the had low, the east west divide. weatherwise continues for europe over the next few days, whether funds pulling in across the west springs more heavy rain. so the likes of france as well as is the central part of the mediterranean seems to blustery wins as well behind that. the rain continues the portable and spain on wednesday. it is gonna feel a lot cooler here. not rain runs up towards the north west for britain on the island of island. it'll be heavier in the west. but still we'll see some bright dispels. we'll feel
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a little bit warmer as we go into 1st day across and all for scandinavia. well that's what we're seeing. a lot of the ones in that continues as well for eastern air is lots of dry skies and sunshine here. a little bit west of for the bulk and some of that rain slipping across the black sea and into tech. here we have a look at the temperatures. we're going to see something of a cool down from wednesday into thursday across the western areas, but heat continuing to build the essential areas across the east and up in the north for the likes of more ways. we have looked at the 3 day 4 also will be well above average as we go into the new month, with sunshine on saturday, $21.00 degrees across the board. not sure whether the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have lots of websites, policies, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emotions to donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the the welcome back. you have alger 0, a look at the main stories now. and diplomatic pushes on the way to reach us these fire and gaza, with the u. s. pressuring, how much regret is rails tons, it's extra, say on st, blinking is you to meet with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he says that the deal is achievable. meanwhile, inside goals are itself these right? the military is attacking residential areas across the strip. one of the latest strikes at least 2 children were killed in the southern city of rough. and then in america, new york police of rated a whole at columbia university west students who support out of signs of barricaded themselves. thousands has been arrested university, administrate to save the students who took over the building a building to be expelled. and then these other things coming to us from university
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of california in los angeles has not been confrontations between for test as opposed to the war on garza and then there are others in a separate group. it's supporting israel at fireworks for fraud at the pro palestinian in countless and the has been some scuffles that will continue to keep an eye on the confrontations at u. c. l. a. in los angeles. meanwhile, students at the american university of bay ruins have joined in the global student protests movement as well. the hundreds gathered on the campus to them on their institution disclose any ties to israel link companies. they described the world, gaza as a genocide in coal on israel to stone, fits attacks both on gaza and 11, and the students in universities across 11 and demanding an end to the atrocities against palestinians. zayna holder has been one of those gatherings.
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we are an american university of babies and universities 11 on are holding protests in support of the kind of in house up. they are chanting anti as well. i mean, you'll be able to go maybe old ones of uh, collections or communications with other companies that are assisting, give you a 1st light. safe is where you'll such as h, b and other companies. this is really also a show of solidarity protests and universities across the world. people here are protesting. what they say is us supports for as well. and it's more on garza my method here as opposed to anybody. students at a b. s the call for the deposit of building on raising awareness that expands to boundaries of mission diversity to boycott, understand and uh, supports of the policy and said unto of all this guy and isn't it like events and
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nothing that i've seen in finding this over the past 200, these constant one being constant over 35000 civilians, innocent civilians. so this is the basic thing that you can provide. i, brothers and sisters and gaza students here are also denouncing any attempt to normalize relations with as well center for their lc. though they do, and we've been following a situation in kenya, search and rescue seems in the eastern part of the country are looking for thousands of people missing off the flash. lots and lots slides swept through the region. at least a 169. people have been killed, but many more missing. and more heavy rain is on the way. knock web reports from ton of river county can use floods have been the so 40 people fell out of it by trying to cross face torrents on sunday. about half of them died that were still missing. can you red cross workers search for them?
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and that possessions, as little hope of finding any one to live now? others were taken by surprise and tracked in searching, flipped waters, thousands of homes alongside the ton of river, and now partially submerged. those who could slips the hard ground beside the government instead of helping us that just pushing us away since the road is cut off with dying of hunger, they haven't even provide a tense. that's telling us that we should relocate, but then not even providing transport with just suffering. we vote for them and they forgot to most some places and now only accessible by those. we have to read to rain, especially in the highlands of central kenya code. kind of reversed to 1st thing the main highway running
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into is the main route for food fuel and other supplies to reach theresa and several of the towns beyond. hundreds of thousands of people have been cut off to the wondering how the government's going to respond. and also the people here say that it's been too slow and they're hungry. many of them are being display. so for days, yes, we are aware of this. this is happening so many thoughts all over the country and we have time to stretch as opposed to all corners of the country. because these, as i told you, is going to be a deep problem. if it requires a must see relief or patterson, visiting officials and politicians come and go in helicopters. know at cross came to help when people were in the water the government says nearly 200000 people have been forced from that homes. and there's no sign the volta here will go
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down soon. malcolm web elders era kind of river county can. yeah. so continuing to follow developments to the university of california in los angeles where they've been confrontations between the protest as opposed to the war and goals as the pro palestine support says, he want the war and goals of genocide and cause at the end. and then as another group who is supporting israel, that fine works, the throne and the palestinian encampment rolled. reynolds joins us on the line from los angeles. and so rob, i don't know if you're hearing much about what exactly happened between these 2 separate groups on the campus of u. c. l, a as well. uh, this has been going on actually for several nights. uh and uh, this is the largest manifestation of the pro design is pro israel, a group of uh, founder processors. all of whom,
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apparently are from off campus or at least many of whom my observation has come from somewhere else. they're not students, but they are attacking the campus, which has been in place for less than a week, but has been maintained by students who are protesting israel's war and protesting against a colleague for the best bent of the universities. financial ties to israel. as you've seen across the united states, but this is the most violent vigilant, the attack against these students that i've ever seen in this current situation and the, the people who are doing the attacking again are the counter demonstrators. if you
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can call them that, or a line with a pro, probably israel pro zionist organizations, they're carrying a flag. i can see in these live pictures, the yellow flag with a crown on it, and the word in english, messiah, which means messiah. in hebrew, um and uh, the important thing to note here is there seems to be absolutely no police intervention whatsoever. the road that was going to be my next question is because, you know, obviously that the protests that we've seen over the past few weeks of how or is a very heavy police presence. we have seen quite the crack down in please things just over the other night with the policy i was in new york with the n y p d, removing and arresting stroup peaceful streaming protest as from hamilton building, which is on building on the columbia university campus using violence and heavy handed tactics, but here is you just as you was saying, we have
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a group from outside of the university has been deployed at to essentially attack pro palestine. and he will peaceful student protest as a nothing has been done to stop this. and not only that, i am but the, the pictures that i'm seeing live from helicopters overhead so that there are police on campus. it looks like us angeles police department officers in vehicles, large numbers of the mass nearby on campus. so it's not as if there are no resources available to break this up. it's just that nothing is being done on whose orders on what brad? a g i, i don't know, but the fact remains that no one is introduced. excuse me. no one is intervening
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here. now, you know, we observed over the past several days at new c, l a that they uh, security guards and some campus dirty. but no l a p d no, arms, professional police have been there to separate these 2 groups. um, so apparently the security guards were just overwhelmed. they set up those metal barriers uh sort of like bike racks. uh that you see uh in these police lines to keep the 2 sides apart. but those appear to have been just torn apart in the stairs. again, there's no law enforcement or security presence at all. i can see from what's going on. now it seems like the sort of pitched attack by this mob against the peaceful
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protest and cameron seems to have someone is old. there doesn't seem to be any one that they're more milling around now and they have separated somewhat from the uh, the interior they, they do come on the still, i mean, is there a to see that we can see that we can deliver grounds through the various devices and there are still people in the area shining torches and still some smoke there as well. perhaps it's, it's more to count on not quite sure, but that we are seeing a disposal of the crowds, but of i suppose the worry is wrong. but if, as you say, campus security guards are overwhelmed and to be able to handle this, they erected barricades as you said, but that those were easily breached. on that one point i think you had explosives,
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fireworks being thrown by pro design is very vigilante groups that peaceful student protests is. and nothing was done to stop at the if this continues in the coming days and weeks, it could be someone could be seriously hot. i mean there could be some serious injuries. old peps was as a result of this, i would be surprised, given what we're seeing right now that someone hasn't been seriously injured during this may late tonight. i mean, there was definitely what you could call like hand to hand combat between these 2 groups. although obviously no firearms appear to have been involved, but the, this is a pitched battle with a lot of objects thrown, as you said, a chemical irritant. some, some kind of a use like the smoke i see the fireworks and people beating on the,
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the boards that separate the the camp the rest of the campus. and well, but somebody has probably hurt. i'm not sure. i can't say that rarely certainty, but it is that it would be surprising given the level of intensity of violence by this pro israel mob. uh then somebody has already been seriously injured. and several, tell me uh the in terms of this is a university campuses. it's a very large kind of geographical space that they occupied. whereabouts of the protest has been gathering roughly what is the number and how is it that, i mean they someone outside the vicinity of the university itself given that the, the pro zein is small but able to sort of reach them as well? no, it's in a pretty open university. it's. yeah, you feel it is a sprawling a space. as you mentioned, there are many buildings,
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and this is in the very part of the old, the oldest part of you see a lie between a voice hall which is a ornate classroom building and the library. the main library, paul library. so this right in the heart of the campus to be chosen for that very reason to be high visibility by the protestors who are opposed to israel's war and gaza and the co and the colleague good divestment. but you can walk into the campus. it's not like it's surrounded by a wall or there's a perimeter or anything like that or gate. so many campuses are different but, but you can just walk into this space and that's what these uh, what the, what the, the vigilantes appear to have done. and i don't know if you've looked into this much well, but in terms of the vigilante group, the,
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the pro israel support is that of, as it has been present tonight, how much do we know about their activities on all the university campuses and how particularly they organize themselves and, and mobilize to, to try and to try and essentially uh, yeah, uh, uh, not yeah, i don't, i don't know any other kind of protesters like this. um, any other campuses uh that we've seen during these protests. i think that this is the kind of a unique situation, although certainly there are, you know, there are people who, you know, have an opposing point of view and, you know, express that we haven't seen this kind of violent attack by mom is
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a land he's against the, the, the, the protesters so um, how they organize themselves. very good question. we know that they set up a kind of always a large sound stage with a, a screen. uh, several days ago they were uh, showing uh, uh, various types of pop again, um the screen. uh i was told that they obtain that uh setup with loudspeakers and a sound system and a stage full bite, crowd funding online. um with the uh, the online uh, funding uh appeal that raised $60000.00 overnight. um. so a lot of this is, is online. um and a lot, i mean, lenders did, there's a, there's a very large jewish community in, in los angeles. yeah. what the rob, let's, let's catch up then a bit later on. and, you know,
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hopefully get an update from you on what is happening there at u. c. l, a campus in los angeles. those rob was saying, situation is a little bit common now. crowds appear to have despised, but really some very worrying scenes are they are on it. you see at a when pro israel vigilante, mom essentially shot explosives of students who had been sleeping in the, in the gaza solidarity and company that's been gathering there for several nights. although tonight's, or a bit of a turning point, with some violent confrontations between pro, a pro design is group who are not from the use yet a campus. this is a group. also people who would come from off campus to attack peaceful student protest is. and it is important to note that that has been up so you know police intervention offices and vehicles nearby, but nothing was done to stop this confrontation was to stop the violence. and so we
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will continue to follow anything that's happening that thank you very much, rob for now. we'll say want to take you to a developments and the u. k. on to weapons campaign, is there a staging of protests, the departments of business and trade in london, according on the government to hold on supplies to israel, pull brian and joins us live from that protest in london pull. what's happening of the yeah, well since about an hour ago we've had around 5600 protesters who congregated a short distance away. and i moved here to the building which houses the palmer for business and try and lets you say, this is the government department which licenses, alms and weapons exports, including an excessive $500000000.00 worth of weapons that goes to israel from the stomach and getting a kind of human chain around the building at the moment you can see the holes in the black gods of chancing through megaphones over a peaceful lodge, police presence, excuse me. the intention is to mock made
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a fast. it was the essentially, so that i saw some of the workers inside this building to all concerned that by doing the work they are effectively confident to what's going on in the gaza strip in relation to whether or not it is legal to provide as well with weapons from the government, notably how some legal advice, but if i share the legal advice with the public as to whether or not it's moved on because one of the positions here that's joining with john. jonathan, what's funny is in you not to tell me why? well, i think it's up to lucy's vice, so that you stand up the site to the government coverage in war for now. the whole time also seems that there is not a red line fail dunbar like to human rights every day. supposed to be
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a policy. i just said there is one. sure no doubt it says that as well as violated left for the good. so we have to come up to 15. understand the feeling here places. there are medical was in particular and it's been told that it takes on the medical workers and got the little medical records and kills those hospitals that have been on board and destroyed is that the flood drugs effect a lot with the health system has messed drugs. at all should cost hundreds and a $100.00 digit bodies. zip code execution result flight people go to the effect on monday. ios as dido f, sorry, as terry dodds,
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one over 500 healthcare project that we know how to heights. you should examine that. most of the tools, this is all part of the genocide part of the eclipse eventually suggested cutting students completely out of bozza. and that's the, the i am but the reflection. thank you very much indeed for joining us the purchased. yeah, go on, hold on for a while. yeah, it happens lessons on table. exactly. when they're going to look look. okay. and it's a 100 so yeah, thank you very much. pull. brandon in london. take you to georgia, now tens of thousands of people to, to the streets of the capital on choose day to protest against a government so called foreign influence. little legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. opponent say, could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government and damage george's
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plans to join the sled. 2 weeks of demonstrations on tuesday, police 5 votes account and at the crowd when the protest time violent, the china is expanded state secret, so comes into effect on wednesday. whitening the scope of restricted sensitive information to include work secrets, fine businesses of criticize the changes saying the lawyers too vague and homes business confidence. katrina, you reports on this from badging. china has expanded the scope of the state secret slow. previously, you discovered communities, policy decision making, military and diplomatic activities, as well as economic and scientific development, state media reports. the amendment now includes work secrets or sensitive information that causes certain adverse effects. if lead, the government says it will improve the protection of high tech data and intellectual property. some analysts say the change raises when is about the threat
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for an espionage. everyone has the duty to be all full on that. to raise the red flag if they see any sign off on us on this end. the state secret law now also empowers institutions, companies and jewels, all kinds to be vigilant against spies. see, national security has been a focus of presidency, didn't things, time and office more than 20 security related laws have been passed or revised in recent years. but some for and businesses operation can have raised concerns saying the expanded law is to fake and creates legal uncertainties. what these last 2, in effect? hardly because it's just about complete lack of clarity about where the red lines are. it's asking companies to continue to invest and to do business while blocking their eyes and covering your ears and eliminating their ability to obtain the
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information that they need to make. so business decisions. so could you pro last use several for incense but targeted national security rates. go how you tune the ministry of state security has released a video campaign, a warning against the growing threat of for and especially weston spies. in july to c, i a director william bed sippy american spy agency was making progress in rebuilding its networks in china. agents focused on national security. this whole is raising geopolitical engines with united states and its allies. china is leaders must balance ethics to protect the country against foreign threats, while remaining open to international business and investment street out to 0 agent . this is the story of been following, just over the past hour. while you can see confrontations at the u. c. l a university campus in los angeles between a group of peaceful student protest as and
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a pro design is mom from outside of university that showed up on the campus and attacked. those students will have continuous coverage of that. so in a few moments, stay with us. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. the eleven's days that ended more than 60 young lives in may 2021. the powerful testimony of
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palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really bombing 3 years ago. the 11 days in may. all i'll just say are the fast lane or 2 weeks. so
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the total does not contain the it's all, it's just what you're saying to not assume you installed a diety encampment, as you see at a campus in los angeles, comes under attack by pro israel testing the hello, i'm sorry, i'm to my z. this is alger 0 life from doha, also coming up on the program the columbia


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