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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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you know something in the, it's all, it's just what you're out of saying and sold a diety encampment as you see at a campus in los angeles, comes under attack by pro israel testing the hello, i'm marianne m. i z. this is al jazeera life from doha. also coming up on the program, the columbia university in new york and the rest students protesting against the war in gaza and barricaded themselves inside the building. the secretary of state needs israel is present off to prime minister benjamin netanyahu pledges to launch
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a ground defensive in southern gaza whether or not a ceasefire is agreed mean want inside cause or itself civilian casualties. and mounting israel continues to strike rough up by one and a half 1000000 displays palestinians. a taking shells has the, as we begin in the united states, what demonstrations against the war on gods, or have taken a violent ton at the university of california in los angeles. within the last couple of hours have been these confrontations that usually ally between pro palestinian for testers and others in support of israel. trouble is believed to have started when fi works are thrown at the account of protest as to oppose to the war on concepts. this is the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations which, which have spread to universities right across the country. and so it is very
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important to note that this pro israel mom came from outside of the university campus to attack a solidarity and counseling of peaceful protest as that have been that for the past couple of days i corresponded rob reynolds joins is now on the phone from los angeles and important to know, rob, that absolutely nothing was done to stop this line and it's taking place no intervention from the police. that's right. this has been going on for an hour or more, and thus far we've seen no police try to intervene. however, a los angeles may or karen bass has posted on ax, formerly twitter that the los angeles police are now responding to the request of the, the administration at u. c. l. a. to get some police in there and, and try to get a handle on the 3rd or at least get these 2 sides separated. so you see all the
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violence being instigated in, perpetrated by this vigilante mob of pro israel supporters observed of the past several days that these people are there on and off during the daytime and appear not to be students. they appear to be all largely people who are not a student age and they're not from the c l a campus. but what they're doing is it trying to harass and uh, um, well attack the pro kill us didn't palestinians, demonstrators. and it's, it's, it's getting, it's getting very vile and i can see pictures now one individual being coming out from the camp and brian to defend the camp, but being menaced by people with sticks and stones. it's,
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it's shocking. it's really shocking. this is a, has been till now a peaceful protest. and there's been no violence on the part of the pro palestinian protests or is demanding the university di debts from israel. but this mob, uh it, it reminds me of nothing more than a settler violence on the west bank of without, without the use of it as much legal force but, but this is clearly a of a violent, uncontrolled mob that is, that is bent on may him and it's just maps was mentioning that what you've just said wrong is no exaggeration of what we have seen evidence in the pitches over the past hour of students who belonged to the u. c. l, a university. they were sleeping in an encampment to sort of dodging continent.
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they all seem to calling for an end to the war on gauze as they are calling for the university. as many of the students around the country are demanding that the universities divest from israel, and they were attacked by a group that has, you know, it's not clear exactly who this is a group of people, but it appears to be a vigilante prose. honest mom that has been deployed for the purposes purely for the purposes of attacking and harassing this group of peaceful students. we don't know who they are, but they're carrying a rarely flag. uh, one person. it is waving a huge banner yellow with the board, messiah on it, of the english translation of the hebrew word messiah with
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a crown. these are symbols of far right. a radical design is jewish groups and where they are getting their organizations from. we don't know, although certainly online, there are networks and groups that can mobilize easily online, but just to reiterate the violence, unprovoked. yeah. extreme violence, no security intervention. but the encampment is still there. it has been overrun. and the, the demonstrators who been on campus uh asked out, appear to be holding their ground. they're not allowing the mom to reach their makeshift barrier of both plywood boards and other object. um, and it's difficult to tell exactly what the intensity of this is,
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whether it's getting to the apple or not, but a seems like there are fewer of the, of the attacking the group. then there were a few months few minutes ago. so you have, they've gotten the word that the cops around the way. okay, thank you very much for now, rob reynolds. i appreciate you bringing us up to date with what we've been seeing ro panels in los angeles. also joining me now is joe, he's got an investigative journalist, he's also a documented documentary photographer, he enjoys aside from los angeles, and i'm not sure if you had a chance to observe of orders been happening either on the, from the scenes that we've been getting online on, on television, or if you are physically that, but i wonder if i can ask you what you know about the
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pro israel pro zionist mom and i like who might be involved in that. okay, so we'll, we'll try and get joey scott back. he's an investigative journalist who's been following to, oh, yes, you will, you are with me and it's okay. so we'll try and re establish connection to joey scope at all. but we have been monitoring the scenes over the past hour or 2 in which we have seen violence instigated and carried out by a pro design as mug of people who came and has to be said that they are not a student age. they are not from the university. they have come from off campus to attack a group of students who was sleeping in a solid guarantee and comments as we see the solidarity and catlins cropping up in universities right across the united states. we saw some very chaotic scenes on
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folding in new york tonight with n y p, the police were deployed to remove students from hamilton, building a very significant building on the, on the campus of columbia university. but that you see there has been this confrontation which perhaps can't really be just perhaps not quite right to describe it as a confrontation because it was a vision on team of that was attacking a group all the student for said, protest as u. c. l a and very important to note that while that was police and vehicles nearby, so potentially members of the police force the result is with that to try and stop this violence. absolutely nothing was done to intervene. nothing was done to protect the students of hue c. l a. has been that protesting for several days now and who have continued to stand the ground. and i've refused to abandon this encampment in the face of violence. harrison and pepper spray fireworks and various
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different explosives being throwed. we don't have any information about injuries, but it, it does the seems night. i've been serious. i've been serious enough for that to be at least the possibility of some sort of injury. as a result of this, actually i'll just there is to raise a bow, has been not following what has been happening in new york. when police raided a building at columbia university. as you have refused to disperse police around it, all entrances to the main campus of columbia university, hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of him into an hole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded themselves there. they said they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed by these rarely, military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the
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university. one by one they were arrested, were very disappointed, obviously, and thought to see the police returned to our campus and american institution where freedom, fries, and freedom expressions supposed to be prized. um, earlier today, you know, via social networks we all told that the expected the police to come. so we came out here um to, to demonstrate our support for, for me personally, for the american values, i believe in the police then waited hamilton hong, they broke a window and, and to view the 1st floor their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside k was broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement, the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had for security guards out of the building and sweating members of staff. the
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administration says it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. a good many students say this won't stop them from protesting. and that there are, do men still stand being to do that misty for the students and faculty members who have been suspended or expelled? they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from israel's war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already of just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest, and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demand. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia
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university is a place that inspire to move into across the united states to demand an end to the world gas had to demand and, and to is riley occupation. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. but it's, i will, as i see that new york, a visa life picture is coming to us from the u. c. l, a campus university in los angeles where a pro zionist of all attacked, harassed and instigated violence against a group of peaceful pro palestine protest. as this is part of a wave of protests that have been sweeping university campuses across the united states with students taking the stand against the war on gaza. they are calling for the universities to divest from israel. so to essentially refuse from to, to refrain from investing using that tuition fees to invest and businesses that
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profit from the war and gaza, or businesses that have any links to israel. and they have been standing that ground not least right that. and you see ya, where peaceful student protest is, were attacked by a vigilante mob. joey scott, i think is with us now. yeah. hello, joey. i think you of our, uh and you've been uh, watching what has been happening. is that anything you can you shed any light on who is involved in the the pro is ro pro zionist group? is it stormed campus tonight? it is unclear. um, many of the folks are backed up and cutting their identities. um, it is unclear who is actually a part of this, this uh, these people are quite familiar. they've been here previously on the campus, some of them. but it's unclear who they're
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a part of this typically have they been in regular attendance, so they've been showing up over the past couple of nights or was this the largest group that we have seen that you see at a sofa a this is a, a, an escalation that has been going on since they held their counter riley this weekend. and since then every night being cameron here, it's been under attack in various ways from the pro israel side. so last night somebody tried to break into the encampment. it's been a very tense night because of that. it is also been the greatest disturbance here has been the probably 3 outside and the payment has been rather low key. i've just been looking at some reports from the reuters news agency. the used at a student is paid for the daily bread and says that the israel supporters have violently tried to tear down pro palestinian protests in continent on campus. uh so
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they would just explaining that. and then also there was something, there was something else about the request of a police presence that was made by the mayor of the los angeles. i saw something about this is a police or responding to this. now, from what we've been saying, there has been absolutely no intervention from the police to protect the students from the mall that has come from outside university. and it has to be said they were armed with pep of spray and firework explosives. and they all know a student age, so these are individuals that could be considerably older than the students on campus. right? yeah, that is correct. it's good. the agent kind of all over the place, many of them are not. 1 you feel like students. 5 but yes,
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they have been using pepper spray, they're around firework inconvenient can't man, uh, at one point they have, they were the group to initiate tearing down the barricade and starting this whole thing. and uh since then um the payment has been holding it down and defending himself, but the main antagonist here has been the pro israel side and okay, been using a laser pointers into people's eyes. 5 is a very tense and dangerous situation right now. there are no cop here. and just to be clear about this, i'm looking at various reports online describing this as confrontation, violent clashes, just to be clear from what you have seen and what you have witness tonight. you had a group that storm the university and attacked this solidarity incontinence of protests that have been peacefully the for the last week will so. so this is
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essentially one side, one that the, the pro design is small, but instigated it and carried out this violence against the group of protests. is that right? yeah, that is correct. the and cameron has kept to themselves. when i arrived about 4 hours ago, 3 hours ago, the pro israel side where larry babies crying, he is rarely national anthem of various high pix noise in error rates, sound. um, that was kind of the start of the harassment. and then from there they broke the barriers at which point security ran away and it was everyone kind of for themselves. and that's just been kind of the back and forth. and i, but you came and has just been in a defensive mode with precisely the students have been trying to defend themselves with absolutely no help from police, no outside intervention, that all campus security guards that who erected
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a barricade. but that was easily stormed by the vigilante mob. who came onto campus of correspondent rob reynolds was saying that it's, it's very open free flying grounds around u. c. l. a. so it's not difficult to access. it's always that you have to have a university gate paul, so you know, have permission to, to be the. and so that's what we have been seeing and from the severity of some of the scenes, one would assume that there may have been injuries. i don't know if you're hearing anything about that. yeah, i mean many people have gotten the full brunt of fairness and i've seen several panic attack and i've also witnessed uh from the encampment. somebody coming out on a stretcher at which point the pro. ready really side through a firework as they were trying to leave. and that went off while they were trying
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to take the person. you get medical care. all right, well maybe we can chat a bit later on for now. thank you for joining us, joey scott. on how we move to some of the developments diplomatic assets are on the way to reach us. these fire and gaza, with america pressuring him us to agree to as well as tom's subjects state and c, blinking is an israel to push for a deal, which he says is achievable. we were just trying to get the ccr that brings the hostages all together. now, and the only reason that that wouldn't be changes because of a loss. there is a policy. and as we said, till delays, there was no excuses. the time is now and the time is now past due to the same time, even with determination to get to cease by the police officers. all we also have to
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be focused on people engaged for suffering in this cross bar from us. but is there any 5 minutes? have benjamin netanyahu was approached to evade russell and southern gauze, or a scenario everyone's been trying to avoid whether or not a ceasefire is agreed upon it. smith's reports from occupied east jerusalem of these rails miller trees, already hooting targets in roughly the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at how much is leadership and these remaining battalions will happen. i don't want to kind of split up for you. we'll enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation, all the outcomes, t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rough or more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough foot would be an unbearable escalation,
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killing thousands most civilians enforcing and the thousands the fleet also in the line of fire would it be as rarely captives. the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday demanding a ceasefire deal. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians and in the battle space. a much better job of what we've seen thus far. and as you know, they're north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to. or if you're going to conduct operations and then those civilians must be accounted for and hopefully moved. i moved out of the area as israel's military says, it's ready for a rough operation. i'm us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack the last stronghold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister,
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relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft result to go ahead and go any deal with homeless. a terrible defeat. defy them. and then you know, who could be out of office bonus. smith alger 0 occupied east jerusalem. a sign it joins us live. now. what is the lincoln's movements at the moment? so my and he's now we understand in the main event of the day that meeting with prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, of, and west jerusalem we everybody's rails president and he met relatives and friends of some of the captive still being held in gauze of the day of a particular netanyahu at the moment because they believed is comments about going ahead to come up may with a wrestler operation or endangering the risk or the chance of a sci fi. and it won't bring can, to convey that message to that in yahoo,
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blinking reaffirming that he believes as a good offer on the table for home us after he needs netanyahu. he's also here to look at a, i mean ramping up a delivery so not vague. and he's visiting the store port that is the nearest port to gaza. only been open the last couple of weeks as well, had been resisting using it to allow it to get 8 into gaza. but it's by far the quickest way. they thought our boat was used to is full potential. you wouldn't certainly wouldn't need at drops and you probably wouldn't need the americans building a pay off the coast of gas to get aid in that way. so we're going to see how about 8 is coming in, and it'll go to kind of a silent crossing down towards the bottom of cause a to see how it is delivered from israel into that as a blank. and as always said, as of the u. s. wants to us these 5 deal to be we usually a mass official, so said that they are considering what's on the table. but regardless of all of this nice and young was already said that that will be an attack on rough uh ground
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invasion, which it has long been said whether or not a ceasefire is agreed. so it seems to be a full gone conclusion. so we haven't heard from how much. yeah, we haven't have that response to the all for that is on the table. we do know is that i have always insisted on a complete ceasefire and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gauze as the palestinians can go to their homes, particularly to the knoll of gauze. and this has always been the sticking points. the original off. uh well the, what we, what was we were told by the gibbons and the americans on monday was that there was not going to be this offer of a 40 day c 5 plus then a potential much longer period of com. and it was hoped that this could be sold a house as a way of getting into agreed to receive 5. that'd be 33 is really kept, is released many, many palestinian prisoners in his right of jails released in return. now. but then
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yahoo, big pump pressure from the far right to say i'm still going to do this operation and cause a come what may. so how must have to consider whether they take they offer or they are rejected because they're still not getting this full see spot of that amount. thank you very much. from occupied easters and bonnets mess as we turn to what's happening in gauze are the, is there any minute tray is attacking residential areas across the strip and civilian casualties of mounting by the day on the 34 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed in nearly 7 months of war and one of the latest attacks and as strike on rough in the south, killed the east to children, as well as intensified aerial attacks almost as he is. he is mount of a major ground defensive, around one and a half 1000000, forcibly displaced, palestinians, a sheltering that tag, i will assume, joins us live from rasa in southern gaza. what can you tell us about what's been happening there in the last few hours and also of a night?
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yes and are, and what we do see in fact is a clear intensification of onto the reboot apartments in the eastern side of roof our district. now in the past couple of hours, i've been hearing loud explosions. why the out? until the unit stuck us patients in the board is the all day send to the front lines of rough, our district from the eastern past. that is so close to the east valley. a boat is now, it's completely, unsurprisingly that these wait a minute, you have to talk to intensify this attack on these. such areas are due to the fact that you have been learning with the option of attacking gruff ha, now they've been attacking all the closest area to the board is in order to be plus a from any threat, some of the same time weapon reporting on a number of houses on form that's being targeted, or at least one palestinian has been killed in a canoe or neighborhoods in the eastern part of brooklyn district, the open march strikers will have killed to protest and you have children and it
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strikes targeted residential house and a shovel or a neighborhood box, similar to what we can absolutely understand is that the justification of the bombardment from lambs and also the strikes continues in other parts of the territory in the middle area where people have been reporting on the constant intense bombing campaign in the endeavors by john, this area that had been, had been missing a gradual sleep from the roof district. a number of families started to go with that in light of the threat solving phasing drop off. but again, this area has been attacks um its ongoing demolishing procedures have been taken by the user the military in the area which has been a fee of confrontations between almost fighters and the is very ami tag. i was in southern garza, thank you. as they go to view k, now, campaign is of protesting of the departments of business and trade in london, calling on the government to hold on supplies to israel, simon, the actions of taking place in glasgow and south wells outside factories at
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manufacturing. the weapons who run and joins us now from london. tell us what's happening that full pay outside the trade government departments has been going on for about an hour and a half now. and i'll quickly step out the ways that some of the demonstrations human change around building blocking the entrance is so that the workers inside having difficulty getting into the offices this morning. it is international workers. i made a 1st on the points of this protest is i'm afraid to union members of the union work inside of who have expressed that misgivings about. continuing with arms exports to israel despite the fact that the question marks remain over the legality of that joint. i'm a to talk about this as lucas slots, who's your trade unionists, new jersey, or here and some of our to you're not
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a member of the piece. yes. i'm of the explain to me why the trade union is also concerned about because the need to around whether bridges completely didn't genocide in golf out and out of cps was members of the pc of junior and work in the department of business and trade are concerned about handling the licenses for weapons, go to get the product off of the weapons and the licenses that the mom and pop them off. and so they are worried about the tv be wrong and they don't speak and visit in and out on a legal ground that they, you know, they, they have responsibility for those lights. he says.


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