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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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on including his own garza, the last picture on, on the violent amount of israel support is a tax of palestine solidarity and count men to the university of california in los angeles. the no, i'm sorry, i'm new mozy. this is alger 0, life from doe ha. also coming up on the program and he's right columbia university and you can arrest students protesting against the war and gaza, who barricaded themselves inside the building. meanwhile,
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the us secretary of state is meeting with israel's president of the appointment. is that benjamin? that's me on the pages to launch a ground defensive and southern cause of whether or not so ceasefire has agreed that inside the gaza strip civilian casualties of mounting. israel strikes rough by one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians of sheltering the we'd begin in the united states. what supports has of israel of attacks, a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at the university of california in los angeles. some waived as writing flags, as they attacked student demonstrations with sticks. the police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the encampment. it's the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations against israel is war and gaza, but have spread to universities across the country. of correspondent rob reynolds joins us now on the phone from los angeles. real perhaps you can remind us of what
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we have seen at b, u. c l, a campus over the past hour or 2 as well. what we've seen mariam is a of the really shocking and ugly a scene of violence as what appear to be hundreds of pro israel. a pro sinus attackers have the salt of the encampment of the pro palestinian a. student's protesters. and they carried away the, the barriers that were separating of the camp from the rest of the campus. hurling missiles, the fireworks, to down with the, to like scooters and anything that they could get their hands on to throw inside the camp. and attempt to a good one presume for the student protesters to leave the area.
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police did not show up for a long time, but the number of injured it is difficult to say at this hour. although we've seen reports on social media thing that some people have been seen to be led away with the injuries but the and can't. but it's still there, a volume and the uh, doing protesters despite this, this attack of, of the ground and that they have a plan. i would also point out that this has happened before, although on a smaller scale, for example, over the weekend, particularly on sunday night pro zion is the so called counter protesters. uh, attack the camp in a similar fashion. um they is they have been on the dean also during the
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day though in smaller numbers and we've encountered them. um uh, people caring is really flag of the whole uh, uh, who do not appear to be students. because the, for one thing, many of them are not of the age of a typical student. but it's difficult to tell exactly how many students might be involved in this. but it says it's, it's probably the bags difficult. your apps that you write is also difficult to know exactly who's involved in the, the vigilante mobile tax, because many of those who are present with mosque. so their identities heading for now rob rentals. thank you very much. all southern los angeles. i'm joined by joe, he's got an investigative journalist and documentary photographer. so we were seeing some very intent scenes just about an hour ago of people wielding
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6 poles using anything they had pep, a spray even firework explosives, to attack this encampment of students and 2 and go to become a make shift barricade to protect the student, protest as who was the have you heard anything about injuries as a result of this? i have not heard anything about a number of entered injuries. i know people have been injured with pepper spray environment. earlier i saw a person being carried out of the cabinet on a make shift dirty. i'm not sure of their condition or what happened to them. i've witnessed a panic attack. so yeah, but in terms of actual numbers, uh, no idea. and there are various reports online describing it as a of a violent vine and clashes, violent confrontations. but just to be absolutely care about what is on folded over
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the past couple of hours, you have a mom waving is writing flags whose i identity is what were hidden beneath mosques who came from outside of the campus. they corresponded with saying don't appear to be of university age and well armed with at the spray and sticks and using whatever they could to harass and instigate violence against the the, the peaceful in solidarity and continents of student protest as you c l. a. so not so much clashes as a mom, attacking a group of protests is how, how with the students able to defend themselves, how did they respond? they have responded by putting. 1 giant plywood barricade. they have re a common beard, the mental francine that kind of procedures have been throwing at them and
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enforcing the barricade. they have umbrellas and they have to make shift fields to protect themselves. very defensive posture. uh at the moment. um, but in terms of instigating that is clearly one side buildings the island and joe you will be following what is happening at university campuses across the country. not least the scenes in new york overnight with the n y p d with carrying out a rest. and removing students from hamilton building, which has its own unique history in terms of, of a protest around the vietnam war and the civil rights movement. it does the heavy handed tactics and the crack down we have seen elsewhere. is there a worry now that it is going to impala vigilance the mobs like this to take matters into their own hands and attack student protest as with the impunity?
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yeah, i am sure there are people watching what's happening in that u. c. l. a right now and kind of taking inspiration from the theme, how much they can get away with. i mean this evening, they've been able to do this for the past 4 hours, right. police have just arrive, i would say about 30 minutes ago. so if they are trying to quell any future in san diego, anti violence, they have done a terrible job of that tonight because it seems to be fully endorsed. you know, by the school at this point for taking so long to even crank up the violence here. joey, scott. so now thank you very much, i and so as you were just saying, we've seen some dramatic scenes coming out in new york when police rate that a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting and solidarity with the palestinians. hey, all succeeds. when officers entered hamilton,
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building hamilton hall, where a number of students had barricaded themselves, hours earlier, thousands of protest as were arrested to raise a bows following the story from new york city. to disperse police around it, all entrances to the main campus of columbia university. hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of him into an hole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded themselves there. they say they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed by these rarely, military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one they were arrested were very disappointed, obviously, and thought to see the police return to our campus. and american institution where freedom of fries and freedom expressed are supposed to be prized. um, earlier today, you know, via social networks we all told that they expected the police to come. so we came
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out here um to, to dentistry in our support. uh for, for me personally, for the american values, i believe in the police then waited hamilton hong they broke a window and into view of the 1st floor, their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside okay, was broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement, the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had for security guard side of the building and swipe and members of staff. as the administration says, it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. but many students say this won't stop them from protesting. and that there are, do men still stand including amnesty for the students and faculty members who have
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been suspended or expelled. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from east wells war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest, and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demands. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia university is a place that inspire to move into across the united states, to demand an end to the world. gosh, had to demand and, and to is riley of to patient. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history based. i will,
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as i see that new york will diplomatic efforts are on the way to reach us these 5, because i, with america pressuring him us to agree to israel tom's. so could you say and see, blinking is an israel to push for a deal. what she says is achievable, we were trying to get this as far as the appraisal hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changes because of a loss of policy. as we said, till delays, there was no excuses. the time is now and time is now long past due to great hostages on the same time, even with determination to get to cease by the police officers. all we also have to be focused on people in gosh, for suffering, goodness, crossfire from us, making these really appointment. and so benjamin netanyahu has pledged to invite
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rossa in southern gaza whether or not this these fires agreed, but it's miss reports from occupied east jerusalem. israel, the military is already hitting targets and roughly the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a much larger operation aimed at some of these leadership. and these remaining battalions will happen when you can just leave a few. we'll enter wrap up because we have no other choice will destroy the homeless battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the goals, including the repatriation told outcomes t's then yahoo is under international pressure not to launch a full assault on rough when more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering military assault on rough foot would be an unbearable escalation, killing thousands most civilians enforcing and the thousands of the fleet also in the line of fire would it be as rarely captives? the families protested in jerusalem on tuesday demanding a ceasefire deal. they must do what's necessary to protect the civilians and in the
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battle space. a much better job of what we seen thus far. and as you know, there north of a 1000000 civilians that have moved into that space that you have to or if you're going to conduct operations and the no civilians must be accounted for and hopefully moved out of moved out of the area as this rails military says it's ready for a rough operation. i'm us now decide whether to accept a deal knowing that netanyahu was promised to attack that last stronghold. come what may come us, as always insisted on a permanency spine. whatever pressure that might be on benjamin netanyahu from overseas or from the families of the captives, as well as prime minister, relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they will know rough results to go ahead and go any deal with homeless, a terrible defeat to find them. and then y'all, who could be out of office,
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bernard smith, alger 0, occupied east jerusalem. buying and joins us live. now, what is up lincoln's movements at the moment? sign it. so he's been meeting is meeting with the benjamin netanyahu. we'll meet a couple of others. is riley politicians later in the day on the visit at where aid is being delivered. i start pull to where, right? somebody is coming in. not nearly enough. so the americans, i'm kind of out of salem crossing into the cause of from the, from israel, where about 8 goes and he's also been pushing home again. his argument that there is a good deal, a good offer on the table for how much to agree to a cease fire is what pointing out that the well in our, the how muscle in the stands is truce to be cold hutner. and it means a lot period of long to sustain quiet and is the basis on which previous truces have been agreed in gaza. however, it how much i agree to that,
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that is powerless. but benjamin netanyahu, because a long term paid of. com and gaza will throw the focus back on the him is file cabinet members assigned to bring him down if he doesn't finish the war in gaza by routing. how much that could impact his position as prime minister is riley supposed to go through elections so powerless. benjamin netanyahu particular thank you very much from occupied his reasons on it. smith reporting. meanwhile, inside gauze are itself, these writing that it tree is attacking residential areas across the strip civilian casualties and mounting by the day for the $34.00 and a half 1000 palestinians of already been killed and nearly 7 months of war. and one of the latest attacks and as for icon, ross, find the south killed, the east to children. israel has intensified aerial attacks on the city as he is mount of the major ground defensive, around one and a half 1000000. forced to be despised. palestinians are sheltering that it's
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elizabeth riley. settlers has blocked trucks transporting humanitarian aid to gauze that the vehicles are forced to stop at several border crossings. satellites also destroyed some of those supplies. a trunks entering the strip has been repeatedly attacked tag i was in joins as live now from kaiser and in southern gaza. what fi? so what can you tell us about the saturate tax on this a convoy of the yes uh in fact marian uh is very settlers huffman, repeatedly looking at the humanitarian a trucks that all heating to the goal is to strip after leaving from as to 4th. so to 8 kilometers away from the north of detach me. now this is really settlers has been stopping the ser, humanitarian 8 tops as they are coating these ready government to prevent the flow of 8 supplies to proceed in place. despite to the all mac sign of farm and of
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course the territories, unless they can reach to be as ready captives from the tax re fall. the fact on the ground that the is very police. how does to bind without prevent this list of from stopping? these are humanitarian comb. boys as boys have been leaving, i stood for to the term apple side of the course. thing in the south. as the vast majority of the senior monetary and comb voice. i've been inspected by the is ready mandatory in order to guarantee a doctors note and these kinds of materials could be smuggled to the strip. i'm to also make sure that all of these basic 8 supplies will be delivered to the people of the territory. bunch again, there's really something is happening to preventing the states from getting into the territory as people here in the goal is a strict talk, completely dehydrated on suffering from a great mount nutrition as well. and tar cuz fee is mount. but a ground invasion of rough um might be more imminent. the palestinians are continuing to face attacks from the skies with the latest strikes coming to
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children. yes, i'm sorry. uh we're talking about fluids. yes. tax on a daily basis. as within the past 24 hours, at least $33.00 palestinians huffman reports of kills. and we have been seeing a clean intensification on focus of base really attacks on a rough i district where in the past couple of hours with been witnessing move a tax on the eastern parts of rough institutes, often reaping apartments by the country is ready on it. stuck our stations close to the boulder that been checking the percentage of calls as old efforts and the number of 5 months were at least one. pennsylvania has been killed on as long as the overnight strikes that contributes it to kidding, to palestinian the children. we continually hear the sound of it is when surveillance of drugs, not every single day. however, it's a very low altitude to gather more intelligence information to later, to attack targets at midnight on other parts of the day in the area that is
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supposed to be as a safe zone. thank you so much. from ross i in southern gaza tag i was in you without you. they are alive from dell, i'm most still to bring you survive. as john's advice, major floods in kenya white's help from the government with no sign of the waters receding. the a had lower that was not in southeast asia where it's a story of exceptional heat, not just up in the north, for places like endo china, but also down in the south where we see more in the way of shallow calls with a heat continuing to dominate the countries like vietnam, people trying to escape this very hot and humid conditions. and we have had some reco. it's broken and all time reco temperature in laos and in april record national record tide in vietnam. now those temperatures are going to sit very high
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over the next few days, bangkok, seeing such 9 degrees celsius that on friday. but as we go into the new week, we are expecting things to cool down with the arrival of some scattered thunder storms. there's the rain across southern parts of the region on thursday. we are seeing some heavy, a bus for places like small truck as well as bonia. and as we head down on the some welcome weather has arrived to close southern parts of w a. so places like past that rain is set to link around for the next few days. much squire, however cool central and northern parts of the country. there's some heavy rain is set to develop across southern parts of queensland and new south wales and it will be shower in sydney over the next few days. the unique perspective was at the doctors didn't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british
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government for such a little time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era of the come back, look at the main stories now. so forth is israel of attacked a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at university of california in los angeles,
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a way flags and support this ro, well be seeing the student demonstrations with sticks and diplomatic pressures on the way to reach us. these foreign garza with the us pressuring him us to agree to israel, is tons. it's actually to say honestly blinking who has met with the 5 minutes to have benjamin netanyahu, who says the deal is achievable. meanwhile, and gauze are itself these writing minute trans, been attacking residential areas across the strip. one of the latest strikes is 2 children were killed in the southern city of rome. we turn our attention to the u. k. now, because campaign is that we've been protesting at the departments of business and trade in london, quoting on the government to hold on supplies to israel. civil actions also taking place in glasgow and south wales outside factories manufacturing weapons. trade unions are accusing the u. k. of being complicit in the genocide and concept of correspondent pull. brandon was the protest in london because the wrong weather bridges, simplicity in genocide in golf on and out of the work members of the pc of junior
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and work in the department of business, i'm afraid, are concerned about handling the licenses for weapons stop, go to get a product off of the weapons, often the like the department of things that are being dropped off. and so they are worried off the ground, but the cvd be wrong and they have to be convicted in it. and also the legal ground that a possibility. all those licenses and then they actually become publicity in the genocide commit to body as well. i know they are seeking to big legal action is actually prevent not being forced to do this work through the union. they are putting pressure on the department so that they can stop having to do this. what we do to move them in the we know them is masked move and in prison is competing against the genocide. which device will you have got the majority of the previous
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public support, a full on the ball go on as well. i, you know, there should be no weapons reduce in britain event d as well. we're here to need a whole lot of time off the people around the world work is around the world right units around the world to do everything we can do stuff, complicity from all countries, from the united states, from other countries, germany to be completed in the genocide as a way to support them in the car. now to can you have a search and rescue teams in the eastern part of the country looking for thousands of people missing off the flash floods and much slides swept through the region. at least a 169 people have been killed with more heavy rain on the way back. a web reports from a ton of river county can use floods have been the so 40 people fell out of it by trying to cross face torrents on sunday. about half of them died there were still missing to me, a red cross swift, a search for them,
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and that possessions as little hope of finding any one to live. now. others were taken by surprise and tracked in searching, flipped waters, thousands of homes alongside the ton of river, and now partially submerged. you to those who could slips the hard ground beside the government instead of helping us that just pushing us away since the road is cut off with dying of hunger, they haven't even provided tents that telling us that we should relocate, but then not even providing transport with just suffering, we vote for them and they forgot to most some places and now only accessible by the 3rd week of to read to rain and especially in the highlands of central kenya cooled kind of river. to 1st thing the main highway running
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is the main route for food fuel and other supplies to reach theresa and several other towns beyond hundreds of thousands of people have been cut off to the wondering how the government's going to respond. and also the people here say that it's been too slow and they're hungry. many of them are being display. so for days, yes, we are aware of this. this is happening so many thoughts all over the country and we're, we're trying to stretch as opposed to all corners of the country. because these, as i told you, is going to be a big problem if you require, some must see for the legal federation. visiting officials and politicians come and go in helicopters. know at cross came to health. when people were in the water. the government says nearly 200000 people have been forced from that homes and there's no sign the volta here will go down soon. malcolm web out
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a 0 ton of river county, kenya. founder of the world's largest crypto currency exchange has been sentenced to full months in prison for allowing money laundering on his platform. chung pang joe, who resign from finance in november. if he did guilty to violate and us money known during those finances, those have been fined more than $4000000000.00 off to investigate, has found that helped use as bypass sanctions. the china is expanded state secrets, little comes into effect on wednesday it widens the scope of restrictive sensitive information to include what secrets fond businesses of criticize these changes, save the lawyers too vague and homes business confidence. katrina, you reports on this from badging. china has expanded the scope of the states secret slow. previously you discovered communities, policy decision making, military and diplomatic activities, as well as economic and scientific development, state media report. the amendment now includes work secrets or since it is
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intimation that causes such an adverse effects. if late, the government says it will improve the protection of hi tech data and intellectual property. some analysts say the change raises when is about the threat for an espionage. everyone has the duty to be all full on that. to raise the red flag if they see any sign off on huge on this end, the state secret law now also empowers institutions. companies in jewels, all kinds to be vigilant against spies. see, national security has been a focus of presidency, didn't things, time and office more than 20 security related laws have been passed or revised in recent years. but some for and businesses appraising can have raised concerns saying the expanded law is too vague and creates legal uncertainties. what these
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last 2, in effect? hardly because it's just about complete lack of clarity about where the red lines are. it's asking companies to continue to invest and to do business while blocking their eyes and covering your ears and eliminating their ability to obtain the information that they need to make. so business decisions. so could you pro last use several for incense but targeted national security rates? go how you tune the ministry of state security has released a video campaign warning against the growing threat of foreign especially weston spies. in july to c, i, a director william, ben said the american spy agency was making progress in rebuilding its networks in china. they just focus on national security control is raising geo political intentions with united states and its allies. china is leaders must balance ethics to protect the country against foreign threats while remaining open to international business. and.


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