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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake the restaurant. no bundle dash before to use the the, to that one. what about this? and this is the news. our live from bill have coming up in the next 60 minutes. fine on seems on us college campuses. israel supporters attract apollo study installed a diner to encumbered at the university of california los angeles, the police raid columbia university in new york and arrest students. protesting against the morning, johnson fabricated themselves inside the building us equity of state to meet
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israel's president, telling him that must be quote, no delays or excuses in reaching assist. far deal in gas. somebody inside the gaza strip civilian casualties, month israel strikes and drop off where 1500000 displaced, palestinians are shelton and survival, stranded by major fights and to no wait for help from the government was no sucking of the waters receding in sports in new york next is progress and to the 2nd round of the m b, a. playoff has been put on hold the philadelphia $76.00 or something that madison square garden to force the series to go to a game. the we're going to begin in the united states were supporters of israel have attacked a peaceful palestine. so
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a directory sitting at the university of california in los angeles. some waived pro is reading flags has to be attacked student demonstrations with sticks. the bodies that are accused of standing by and failing to protect being compet. it's the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations against israel's war. and guys that have spread to universities across the country. joe, who scotts an investigative journalist, i'm documentary photographer in los angeles, and he witnessed the scenes that you see how they unfold. i know people have been injured with pepper spray environment. earlier i saw a person being carried out of the cabinet on a make shift dirty. i'm not sure of their condition or what happened to them putting in a panic attack. they have responded by putting. 1 giant plywood barricade. they have re uh common beard, the mental francine that kind of procedures have been throwing at them and
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enforcing the barricade. they have umbrellas and they have to make shift fields to protect themselves. very defensive posture uh at the moment, but in terms of instigating that is clearly been one side building the bible, i am sure there are people watching what's happening that you c l a right now and kind of taking inspiration from that. seeing how much they can get away with, i mean this evening, they've been able to do this for the past 4 hours because it seems to be fully endorse, you know, by the school at this point for taking so long to even break up the violence here a spell out every new york police rated a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting in solidarity with understanding. is that what k all think seems when officers entered hamilton hall with some students, a barricade with themselves, hours early up, dozens of protest as would be interested. police abode reports from new york city
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to disperse for the surround, did all entrances to the main campus of columbia university, hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of him into an hole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded themselves there. they say they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed 5 days, many military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one they were arrested, were very disappointed, obviously, and thought to see the police return to our campus. and american institution where freedom of fries and freedom expression are supposed to be prized. um, earlier today, you know, the social networks were all told that they expected the police to come. so we came out here um to, to dentistry in our support. uh for, for me personally for the american values, i believe in the police them rated hamilton hong. they broke a window,
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an interview, the 1st floor, their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside k was broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement, the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had for security guards out of the building and threaten members of staff. the administration says it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. but many students say this won't stop them from protesting, and that there are, do men still stand, be including admin fee for the students and faculty members who have been suspended or expelled. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say, profit from east wells war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as
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a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demands. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia university is a place that inspired and move into across the united states to demand an end to the world, gosh, had to demand and, and to is riley occupation. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history based. i will, as i see that new york 9 in florida, police have used to you guys to break up a demonstration at a school in tampa. mythology is rated and incumbent at the university of south
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florida. arresting several suits, it comes off to some of the best that other universities across the state. diplomatic efforts around a way to reach a c spot in garza with the us pressuring home us to agree to israel's terms. secretary of state andrew blanks who has been meeting crime is have benjamin netanyahu and israel to push for a deal, but he says is achievable, blinking also. and with families are some of the captives held in gaza. he told them a strong proposal was on the table. so we're just trying to get the ceasefire to bring the hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changed is because of the loss. there is a follow up on the table. and as we said, no delays, no no excuses. the time is now and the time is now past due the same time, even
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a termination to get to the start of the police officers. all we also have to be focused on people in gosh, for suffering. analysts cross bar from us making more with our correspondent. we talked about eastern reason bonus, less of burnett. we've kind of been here before, haven't we've done to me blinking, making yet another visit to the middle east on to tell of even speaking sir, is really need us to talk us through what the intention is this time. so he's in currently in a meeting with benjamin netanyahu. he's got a couple of other meetings the shuttle for later in the day is also going to be visiting ashe dog. these riley pool needs a gaza, which is the easiest way of getting a in to gaza. but it's only been the operational for that purpose. for the last couple of weeks is right. i only allowed a through that i feel almost pressure from the us. but if it was more a coming through that, it means it well, you would almost certainly don't need that drops. and you probably wouldn't need the americans to build this floating. pay off the coast of gauze to get aiden that
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way. so he's looking at that. and he's going down to kind of a solid crossing of the, towards the bottom end of gaza, where he's one of the goats crossings where aid officially goes in. so he's seeing how the aid is being delivered because he wants to get these riley's to be to stop allowing more aid in israel size. it's doing as much as it can. but most of the, i don't say nothing like the amounts of a that is needed in gaza is being allowed. in fact, the, let's talk about this, these 5, they aligned on to the blinking. they're saying that this is a deal that he says is achievable, he says the time is not, in fact, it's a long pause to, to get the hostages of these really hostages back to their families. what is the situation with this, these fire option at the moment? and onto the blinking is reiterated after we met the families of some of the captives earlier today. the walls don't offer for how much these x is it, what it calls extraordinarily generous. it is
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a slightly different offer to the previous ones and that as well as offering this 40 to a cease fire is offering what the americans called a period of sustain com. now this translates into our because who knows what, but how much would, how much will be looking at and is the word that has been used in previous truces in gauze, active previous confrontations with israel and sort of it's a sort of company i'm vigorously defined without having to say the would truce, the risk though for that and yahoo is that if, how much agree to this, that not period of sustained calm could in peril have. because once this calm and gaza, they'll be focus back on him on his cabinets and his role as prime minister the far right will not be happy if he does not finish the job as a seed in gaza. i'm a big pressure on his cabinet and that could be elections, which every poll says he would almost certainly lose how much netanyahu's survival
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could be a risk. if this period is the same, the sustained con materializes by the thank you very much. indeed, bernard smith talking to us from occupied east jerusalem along the ground in guys are these really amenities attacking residential areas across the strip and civilian casualties. mounting by the day, more than 34 and a half frozen pile of statements are being killed in nearly 7 months of war. and one of the latest attacks and air strike of the rough and the south killed at least 2 children. israel's intensified aerial attacks of the city. a sphere is mount of a major ground defensive, around $1500000.00 forcibly displaced palestinians. i said to be sheltering them. as i said, there's really satellites has blocks trucks transporting to monetary name to gaza. the vehicles have been forced to stop at several border crossings. several has also destroyed some of the supplies. a trunks entering the strip have been attacked repeatedly that a couple of rooms joining us now live from. but off i in the southern gaza. tell us more about this
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a that's being blocked. tonic yes robin talked to is really settlers again, how completely blocked the flow over humanitarian to into the gaza strip after leaving a problem as to what now i do quote has been the phase for age a plugged into the territory as up to being militarily checked by the is very all me, i'm the later they have been transferred to a la carte episode of the crossing of the far south in order to get access to the southern costs of the territory. now what we can see, and what we can also knows that it's very settlers have making your protest coating . there is why the government just took the flow of these i to the, to the gaza strip as they managed to return until they managed to return the captive from goes up. we can see also really to start the image is about how to set those up in attacking bands of the flour, dropping it down, and the 8 to the flu, as they have been losing yet without any intervention from the east,
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by the police. and it's worth remembering that a, b, and the days of this confrontation between how much time is we'll have to how much of the top of the some of the top one is when a community is the political is rarely told that have taken a plea decision that there was no need calling debate supplies. we'll get into goals on later with the process of negotiations. things this talk to gradually gets into the garza's trip. ok. now settlers again have been hampering the efforts being made in order to mitigate the aggravating to humanitarian crisis. in gauze diagrams you were mentioning, of course the, the attacks and they are strikes are continuing, just need to bring it up to date with what's been happening. stay over the last 7 or 8 hours or so. i guess i personally wrote, but we can clearly say that the attacks on rough a has a have been completely intensified within the past couple of hours. we can see that the is but ultimately units have been bouncing the eastern area of the roof. that's certainly a part to the ongoing operations on the ground. they have been attacking the
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facility of a goals as previous uh, pause, which has been completely destroyed. and mainly they have been attacking the residential houses alongside with foam. then that have been like close a jason for the board is with is relevant to be understood among palestinians, comparable escalation. whether you spend a minute 3 have been, has been repeatedly saying that both will be the next target means that we might witness a kind of expansion for the fighting to reach the start densely populated area of the negotiation. if it's being made by original negotiators could collapse within the coming days and that set to the palestinians. afraid of the ongoing bombardment that really contributed to rising the dust tool and eating casualties a month amongst civilians to serve past more than 34500000 units being killed since october the 7th. sorry, thank you very much. sorry. i wasn't talking to some rough and southern guys, i'm going to bring in omar. sure. he's a professor of security and military studies at the doha institute for graduate
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studies. good to have you with us. and there's been a lot of speculation over the last several months about the shape of israel's military strategy going forward and engaged. so we've seen some element solve it, but it's been a little bit difficult to try to establish what is happening on the ground for obvious reasons. it's a was on what's your assessment of the way the israel is approaching and it's military strategy within garza and ultimately within rough. so there's the, what the politicians say, all of this that you do call objective and what's happening on the ground. so what's happening on the ground is if you looked the image to destroy as much as possible from the some battalions and the all the military formations. and as they've been doing that to, to a certain degree, you were looking now at the, probably in the north of ghost as that is most guys, a governor. it then goes the govern rate, the, to the northern most govern rates of the gaza strip. we're talking about the force of less than $1000.00 fighters and then in the center in, in the,
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the area is on the data. but for example, apparently there are still 2 battalion sized formations still operating and con units. apparently there is also a force and then the focus is on or off, where there are a estimated for battalion size formations in there. and, and the idea of mentioned in areas election of what all, you have an a la city and the east of the gulf. and right, so that's, that's the they wants to destroyed, but it is, it is more likely they will be degraded and they are degraded about the thought destroyed. also, they want the probably to decapitate the leadership to try to. uh, that's why the focus is on drop off to attempt to go dead and try to kill how much the leadership and then the 3rd is clearly the hostages. and so out of the $253.00. uh they, they are the largest, the percentage of them were exchanging the, a, a binding associations in the last the a ceasefire. so $105.00 out of the world are literate east. we know that these 12,
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what killed the 3 of them by the is radio on the fire. and we know that the, there's probably $129.00 and left where captives of all from us. so it was that they wanted are these, those and then finally what's happening is also they want to cut all the ground lines of communications on the ground and overground between how much units and also between garza and both of the egypt. so they want to take control, at least temporarily on the face, but it also corner door to make sure that there is no infrastructure that would support gaza from, from the sun and i use. and finally they will divide and conquer. does that so they will divide it. so now you know, the net setting quoted or that divides basically 2 guys that into north themselves . so to govern rates in the north and see in the south. and it is mand m. and what there is to have the same day as a for, for me,
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is that the strong points and the basis for operation. uh we have, we counted now, so for about 7 of them, a long venosity quoted or, and it said uh its payment is we met and it was manned by the 900 and 33rd and how big now this is withdrawing and to all the big aids, i think the 2nd and the 600 and 79th, which are 2 days of mechanized infantry bigs that are going to be based. there are 2 men that court order. one of the operations are going on and also they have the buffer zone as 2 out of the 365 square kilometers of gaza, about 60 square kilometers confiscated, to become buffer zones between garza and israel. to make sure that something like a 7th of october doesn't look good. uh so this buffers on. probably there you will see mines. you will see, uh uh, my mine fields. i mean, uh you will see also uh various forms on the bed here is to make,
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make sure that the movement towards israel is complicated. so i think this is the, the, the, if you want a, a defensive. the strategy that is want, that is an aim to be achieved in the gaza strip at the moment. this is the highlights of it. so you find a study directly briefly basically it's just, it's as well as what's going to be happening and draw farm with regard to homeless and so. and they are also intending to buy sex or cutting drug costs into the more controllable areas. therefore, they can monitor the population, whatever form that takes. i want to ask you very quickly about the the deceased bar proposal that's on, on the table because obviously on to the blinking, it's very anxious that this should should be pushed forward. it's how much should accept this the as really is a putting forward what they say is a revised option on the table and your assessment briefly because we don't have a lot of time. what would constitute a win for both sides? because that's a goal of any sort of negotiation or diplomacy, isn't it? so the both sides can go away and say we one, it's for this, right?
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it is the for the probably if they get the leadership, they will say that with that this is a win. and if they establish the strong points permanency, i think they would accept this is when they released the hostages, the they will defend this is a win of for him us it's, it's very difficult though, but i think that, i mean when now will be the, the one solved and also prisoners that they will come out from the is really prisons. and they can say that this is the and if you've been, but at the moment i don't think there are winners and what we see now in the amount of destruction. death and when did the civilians and it looks to me that there are no windows despite what the leaders will do that and we appreciate you giving us the benefit of analysis. thank you very much. indeed, i want to show thank you. a lot of you can outcome painters have been protesting with the departments of business and trade in london and calling on the government to hold on supplies to israel's similar actions that taking place in glasgow and south wales outside factories. manufacturing lessons, trade unions of, excuse me,
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u. k. a being completed in the genocide in guys a whole brennan's be not the protest in london made the 1st is international work his day on the demonstrations here outside the government department for business, for a blockading the entrances to this government departments are both protesting against those records who wish to continue sending weapons through israel, according to the government contracts, but also install the dougherty for those workers who don't want to continue sending weapons to israel. there are trade unionists working within the department to to express very extreme this. what about the fact that they come to participate in this practice? despite the uncertainty about the legal status for that of the british government, has refused to reveal legal advice that is receiving from its lawyers about the methodology of continuing to send weapons to israel. friend, there is
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a risk that they may be used in gaza against women, children, and civilians. this roofing, here is kaleidoscope of different groups. the trade union is there on black jewish alliance. the people against the onto the border. i can see how was that the b c s union is with it's actually mostly representing the civil service workers in size. and as you can say, that's done in front of the door here, the standing in front of another to the far end. there's another door around upon the data as well. i say they're going to continue that process for as long as possible for completeness. i've also reached out to the bottom it's and they say it is acceptable to harass civil 7th because they go about the jobs and they insist that we take out the exports of the serious lakes. something one of the most likely that's the incense disagree. holbrook,
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south africans of link to workers, days, commemorations to a margin sold. it obviously would palestinians, hundreds of john trade unionists in cape town to call for an end to what they say is israel's genocide in gossip. they're also calling for solidarity with palestinian workers president. instead of running close, i joined the valley ahead of a speech he's going to be giving for the upcoming elections, so to speak to somebody miller, whose life was in cape town. tell us more about this march. well the march lit up to this venue, the athlete stage them in cape town where they all the thousands of people um, sketches around the stage them ahead of this addressed by the president siller. i'm of course now this event takes place annually. it's amazing. i want to say you've been with this young as you mentioned that it's very much in solidarity with the people of palestine. and we're likely to hear from the president. according to what
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the amc, the african national congress in recent months has said as an end to the occupation of palestine voting for approved by the sun. and of course, this comes following the sell back because approach to the international quotes of just wanting a ceasefire on the sides. lead amc, the walking all from of course, has historically favored a 2 state solution but found a sign of students on the directory with the silver life easier, more all that rhetoric that this event on may day. yeah, we're talking about the fact that it is in the election years. that sounds good. i much do you think that the issue of polish time is going to influence how people eventually vote while we are increasing the hearing, especially here in the province of the width and case that will influence the vote,
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at least for a significant number of people. and that's because the western cape is stevens by the opposition part to the democratic alliance. and it does the white improvement in terms of the strong on the kind of stein hands, specifically israel know that the a in the box has supported israel. if it have to pick a side, but that's daunted to become some of the improvements as we get closer to the election compared to the african national congress that has been on where you are in terms of the support of trying to sign. they are a number of listening voters in the western k, but even outside of the demographic. the people who support the sign on the happy with the democratic alliance. aside from that, they all minority parties and also including the governing africa, national congress. signs a pack too ahead of the election. they're both just a minute to, to vote. but they say support on this side. so it's not, it's not see the,
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it's somewhat unprecedented foreign policy. so that's because foreign policy may influence how some people, both in the may election another and k ton from it. i thank you but it's, it's okay. i have to team dozens of protesters and this time, but we'll disperse some tribes with pepper spray and tear gas as they mock international workers take the kentucky's as hard as a band. riley's at the city's main square since demonstrations in 2013 against prisons and red ships. i've heard of that is government opposition? male fm. although it says party will keep fighting until the square is for about $200000.00 palestinians. worked in israel before the war on guys of their outings contributed an estimate to $319000000.00 to the palestinian economy every month. now restrictions mean only a few 1000. what permits are issued, leaving most palestinians in the occupied westbank out of work. some are taking
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drastic steps to survive as english officers reports from him on a broken arm, middle pills in his leg of fractured news and deep cuts on his hand. injuries that could take months to hear the size and dozens of other palestinians were trying to scale a separation wall. crossing into israel to find one of the few lost his footing and fell side says he's lucky to be alive. when asked why take such a risk? he just looks around the room and off the split, which is better to work or ask for charity this. what can we do? there is no work. there's no choice. i was going to work to help my family. adults can tolerate hunger and anything else, but what about the kids who will bring diapers and note for these children. but how
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can i understand that there's a more and smaller going on? how can they understand for how long for you, how to buffy tefilo, israel, they can make enough to survive doing construction work, painting houses, electrical repair, and other manual labor. but since the war on garza israel has board entry to most palestinian workers leading to an unemployment crisis. some palestinians are killed by is really bombs and bullets for others sides. father says long term unemployment is starting to feel like a slow death. it is not uncommon for people to scale these high walls because on the other side is, is rarely territory. it is a chance to find some work to earn some money, but seeking financial salvation in a sense, by sneaking into israel, the very country that is oppressing you and your people is no doubt for those doing it. a pride swallowing endeavour this some pay with their lives earlier this month
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of the him on there are father of 7 died after nearly a month in his really custody detained in his real, along with his son for not having work permits a father trying to feed his family died in his son's arms on the floor of and is really prison. so no work in the occupied westbank and no help on the horizon means few options. let me go over so far in minnesota. if you don't want us to go to israel, should we steal? if we had another choice, we would not go to work in israel. we would not take the risk and we would stay here where it's safe side says when he's better, he'll try once more. even if it means risking his life again, a just to give others a sliding chance. this is zane bus route, the old 0 the occupied westbank palestine. let's go ahead and i'll just see it up. it's been 13 years since the death of formula. one legend eps center. we're going
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to look back in his life and has a fight on this board laser. the had a low that it's but whether fortune's across europe at the moment, we've got some very stormy conditions walking across the west and pots of you are very wet and when the weather to be found here, cooler conditions as well. but out east. well, the sunshine is dominating. we've got kara spies and temperatures will continue to realize here, over the next few days, but the west of the wet weather on wednesday. affecting western areas like fronds, we put amber lights out. the thunder storms for northern parts of fronds including paris and some very nasty weather moving across the mediterranean into it's view. we've got from the storms and heavy rain warnings out for sardinia,
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windy conditions as well for sicily. but that weather stops to push its way across from the central areas over the next few days to places like germany that have seen twice guys, and lots of will and will start to see that west to well on. so i stayed behind that a legacy of showers, remains of spain and portugal on top of britain. on the island of island, though we are seeing some bright to spells it is getting a little woman here. but lots of rooms across the very no fan into the east, the southeast we'll see some west to weather, but temperatures are expected to climb here over the next few days. it is, however, going to get cooler in paris by thursday. the 11 days that ended more than 60 young law, an inmate 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really only 3
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years ago. the 11 days in may. all i'll just say are the cheering decides, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet we'll get we're forcing from the action job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age where, cuz we're outside of wreck, our get to an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it isn't that acceptable? i'll just say it was teams across the well bring you closer to the heart of the story of the what the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the orthodontist 0 reminder of our main store is this, our supporters of israel have attacked a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at the university of california in los angeles, they waived flags and support of israel, while beating student demonstrations with steaks. i did the magic pushes under way to reach a cease fire in gaza with us pressuring. how much to agree to issues terms secretary states and to me think is wrecked. 5 minutes have benjamin, there's nothing yahoo says a deal is achievable on the grinding gossip is really mellow to is attacking residential areas across the street. and one of the latest strikes of these 2 children being killed in the southern city across i'm going to get more now on our top story that attack on the policy and sold the data to sit in the university of california los angeles. real brown,
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who's reports violence broke out on the u. c. l, a campus as a group of israel supporters attack the student protesters encampment the through fireworks and hurled objects into the camp. the attack went on for hours, but campus sick surety and los angeles police. did not intervene. it's not the 1st time pro israel groups from outside the university community of attacked the protest encampment, but it was by far the largest most violent and both sustained assault. as the mob tried to breach the makeshift wall surrounding the encampment, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. eventually, the los angeles police department arrived in the crowd withdrew. it was a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around
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the country. at the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested, several of them a panel of city and flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina, least the rest, the dozens of protesters there and took down the flag at yale university police tore down tents and cleared protesters away. at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. a woman sought help after being pepper sprayed . and at the university of texas, where more than 100 students have been arrested some violently over the past week, protesters continued to gather, seemingly unintimidated by the show for us. despite the violin attacks at u. c. l, a and police suppression elsewhere. students who have mobilized in protests against israel's war on gaza, show no signs of backing down rob reynolds,
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l g 0 los angeles. it says almost as an investigative journalist who's joining his life in university of california campus at los angeles. he's on the phone for us. good to have you with us on audra 0. i understand that you were at the process when the arrests and a violence was taking place. can you describe to us what you saw? yeah, got to get to be with you. here do you feel like this has been going on now for 3 hours? i got here just after midnight and there was a, a several 100 counterpart yesterday. the people who came out to part of israel and to protest the, the pro palestinian demonstrators were here who had at camp setup at you see late thursday they started kind of trying to tear down the, the walls here. there was physical melodies, they were the counter purchases, were throwing stuff at the house in demonstrators. they were trying to fit them with sticks, in some case, burn glass bottles. there's multiple scuffles and, and many, and many minor injuries, you know, kind of bruises,
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and then lots of pepper spray in terms of the people who are in the a who's been carrying out the, the violence. you mentioned that there were people there in support of israel, is it clear that the violence is being caused by people who are counter protesters? is there an indication that there may be other people as part of that group as well, who may not be linked to israel, but i was just there to cause a fight? yeah, you know, i think the, at the moment i'm just saying, you know, it's after midnight i think counter protest, this is the most accurate term. they are a definitely against the palestinian but, and cameron here, it's not totally clear what exactly, you know, if they have a unified kind of method other than they are opposing the, the 1000 demonstrators who, you know, by and large, i have to say it was not a 2 way street, it wasn't like they were both coming out the brawl on it wasn't a mutual combat. i mean the 1000 and demonstrates here which is kind of in their camp. and the counter practice could protest this, came out to some of them, shot fireworks,
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and then just started trying to take down the camp and engage and brought with them . but it was a, you know, middle of the nice thing that, that really, really a groove of counting processes really were pushing for a fight and talk to us about the way that the police and the security have reacted to this yet. so the police had let this go on for a. i got here at about 12 20 am. they arrived at about 1 45 am and then kind of stood at the line, maybe a few 100 feet away, just watching for about an hour. and so the, the for all went on for about 2 hours without any kind of police intervention. once the police decided to move in, they the counter protest kind of left, some of them were chanting usa usa. and you know, there was many people think, you know, don't interfere with police, let them do their job or pro police kind of thing. and then for the last hour or so, police have been trying to clear the grounds of anybody. there have been no visible arrest so far,
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or any large scale arrest of either side by the police and the police are not at this moment trying to clear the camp. they are just trying to clear the perimeter outside the camp associated. we appreciate it. thanks for giving us as that updates from the ground there says you're almost an investigative journalist who's been talking to us from the university of california campus at los angeles, where those fight screen taking place of prosecutors from the international criminal court. i've spoken to medical staffing guys about mass graves fund at the naso and i'll shoot for hospital. israel has systematically targeted hospitals and it's war on garza. honeywell, who is reporting now formed off in the south prosecutor is a from international criminal court, are investigating whether these massive graves are evidence of a work crime. they have interviewed his staff or from gaza ship an officer, hospital rescue workers having to do more than 400 bodies within hospital ground and say,
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some people may have been buried alive or executed this fight hospitals being protected under international law. they became a battle ground in gauze. really forces bomb rated embassy the ship an offer. the 2 largest hospitals industry, the u and has, that is really forces the transport nasir from a place of healing to a place of death and the mass graves. maybe just the 1st of many such discoveries, emergency workers and all the say you don't have enough equipment to reach people buried alive and bond building and many trapped under rubble are dying. i don't know if i didn't redo the exit. i'm in the i saw the flow we estimate there are more than 10000 people trapped under the rubble of the specialized increase have not been able to recover these bodies. and those martha most spinning created in the decimal, which is recorded by the gauze and ministry of health. this is because we simply do not have the results is ok to build a database to recover the thousands of palestinians. they'll track under the rubble
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. i mean, while the visual dis, tall, it stands up more than 34500 people. the actual number wouldn't be known until distributed, cleared a process, the you on say it could take up to 14 years. i mean, my goal was just data from rough. uh how sign as well as we heard from honey, there is a piece of the target hospitals across guys and medical services have been pushed to the brink of complete collapse. joining nearby most of naso, he's the ceo of the american foster of scientific foundation and that group managers, an international team of doctors are working with local medics inside of district is joining us now from ralph. i thank you very much. indeed for being with us. can you just tell me quite to who's in your group and how big is the group of emetics that you've got there? so uh we have uh, a group of, uh, uh, surgeons and primary care physicians that arrived in you guys uh the day before
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yesterday. and we will be here for 2 weeks. we have a team of 16 uh, physicians of all kinds of specialties that are operating and working at the european hospital in gaza. and so as we, we've been talking about the age of these really military has been targeting regularly hospital and medical facilities throughout garza when your team arrived. what did they find? what the, what equipment is left to that they're able to work with? i know that you're working in one specific hospital. yeah we, we came to guys before the war, so we're very well known in the area and in the reason because you operated before up there to the hospital at all sir hospice and that the are being hospital but unfortunately, and also are almost non existent at this point, so our focus has been in the lab ration with other humanitarian organizations and medical organizations at the is at the european hospital because they have about 7
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operating rooms that we can we can use. um, i can tell you um, based on our experience. so far, um it's liking everything you can think of uh, an operating rooms, uh, everywhere a pharmacy. so basically we bring everything we can carry with us to keep the team functional and operating during the time that we stay here for a, for example, for this visit for this mission, we're scheduled to stay here for 2 weeks and we have another team coming to stay for another week and another 2 weeks, so it's a continuous launch. so of a flow of top surgeons and primary care physicians, nurses, one care management. uh to help these, the staff that is over on the, on the ground here in the. yeah, you mentioned this stuff, we're already overwhelmed and that's of course why you bring your team in. but in terms of say, i have a 12 hour shift for the sake of argument. how many patients would somebody,
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one of your team be expected to treat and not time and 12 hours we can say about i on average 20 plus minus. um, sometimes it can be very challenging because you have multiple basically organizations that are trying to do the same thing, but you don't have enough space to accommodate those are coming to, to help. and so you try to share the oh, our time or the operating room time between the different organizations to allow everyone of them basically to provide the service and to help they, they came for one of the things that cetera scientific is doing actually right now is because of the, the many teams are coming to guys with, with their own plans that is not comprehensive and integrated with other organizations. we're actually trying to bring the different organizations together to work under one. effectively one umbrella, one plan to be most effective and more impactful on the ground. a given bit limited resources,
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especially operating rooms. once i'm not so we appreciate your joining us as others . but you and your teams that are under a lot of pressure as are all medics, of course, and guys that were grateful to you for giving us your time. thank you very much. the search and rescue teams is looking for dozens of people missing off to flash floods of months. slides swept through the region, at least a 169 people have been killed. a more heavy rain is full cost. small come lab reports from town of river county can use floods have been nice. so 40 people fell out of it by trying to cross this torrence on sunday. about half of them died. it was still missing. can you red cross workers search for them? and that possessions and there's little hope of finding any one alive now. others
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were taken by surprise and trapped and surging flood waters. thousands of homes alongside the town and river, now partially submerged. those who could flips a hard ground beside the government instead of helping us that just pushing us away since the very difficult off with dying of hunger, they haven't even provide a tense that telling us we should relocate, but then not even providing transport with just suffering we vote for them and they forgot to most some places and now only accessible by those we have to read to rain, especially in the highlands. ascent can be a cold kind of river to 1st thing the main highway running into is the main route for food fuel and other supplies to reach theresa and
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several of the towns beyond. hundreds of thousands of people have been cut off the wondering how the government is going to respond. and also the people here say that it's been too slow and they're hungry. many of them are being display. so for days, yes, we are aware of this. this is happening so many thoughts all over the country and we're, we're trying to stretch as opposed to all corners of the country. because these, as i told you, is going to be a big problem. you can require some must see relief or patterson, visiting officials and politicians come and go in helicopters. know at cross came to health. when people were in the water. the government says nearly 200000 people have been forced from that homes. and there's no sign the volta here will go down soon. a malcolm web out
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a 0 ton of river county can yeah. still ahead on all the 0. the most part is gonna be able to do sales. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by
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the business lasers to sponsored bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the voters bought a problem. thank you so much. the or next is progress to the 2nd round of the end. the playoffs has been put on hold. they were beaten and its thrilling game 5 by the philadelphia 76. there's the teams were level with just over one minute left and
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over time with new york knowing victory would see them advance. but philadelphia managed to take the lead, and from there they were able to hold off the next tyree's maxi starting with 46 points and 76. there's $112.00 to $106.00. they however, trail with series and to get us to 3 to adelphia went and that's not very nice when he is a migrant has off to them and they couldn't find him played the full amount of 53 minutes. and so, um do you have you come back? is not the time to hang our head no matter what the situation is. so we know that there are tough team with a tough environment. i go in there just ready to play. do we do and just be ready for battle? the milwaukee bucks and stayed alive in the playoffs? 29 points each by chris middleton and bobby courtis junior. helping them bp, indiana pacers, a 115 to 90 to none. the less indiana leave the series 3 to going into the next day on the cleveland cavaliers are now just one went away from the next round. they
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hung on to be the orlando magic in what was an extremely tight encountered calves when many, 5 just the single points. they now leave the series 3 games to keep now it's exactly 30 years to the day since the death is re time formula, one champion error 10, sign on the brazilian was killed in a crash at em all at during the 1994 san marino grom free, he was 34 years old and leading the race. when his car came off the track at high speed and struck a wall. it happened just a day after fellow f. one driver, roland roxanne burger died and a crash at the same track. both he and santa will be honored at the mill the circuit later on wednesday, with attendees inviting to wear the colors of brazil and austria, a spring and a f one broadcast or mark gallagher from chipping. norton, which is not far from oxford in the u. k. mark 30 years have passed. what are your
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memories of that day? well, it was a, as you mentioned in the introduction with other photography, the previous type was really rough to burger. so on the sunday morning of the race that was really already a quite a grin. atmosphere similar and we felt we were in the middle of a weekend and of tragedy as it was on folding. we didn't have an accident at the beginning of the race, a start line accident, which actually resulted in some injuries and cutting 2 spectators. and then it culminated in this appraisal accident with action center. and it just seem to be a compounding of one event to another. so from my own personal point of view and all of us who are working for me to learn about time, it was a momentous event and it was a game changing event in the history of formula one. so this is why i think the 30th anniversary is so notable that in your opinion, why was sentenced to special,
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he was such a sensation. why do you think that was as well? of course we have already seen brazilian drivers come into formula one into this ford at that time is a european spore. jeanette is currently quite calmer as having the south americans turn up, but then they actually arrived was a sensational talent. he was informed me the one for a decade, 1984 to 1994. he brought an intensity to the job, but he was not just a fast driver, but it was the way he worked with his team. so it was the intensity with which he drove. and also he was quite an intense person out of the car, deeply religious, also a man who have a lot of passion. and i'm not really a passion for the sport. i'm not really created quite an interesting or around him . so he, he was already a pretty special person in the view of many people prior to what that occurred
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because it brought his life to an end while leading a goal and pray that as he say, he was so brilliantly talented. what impacted his death have on the safety in f one as well. any viewers have watch a formula one race today, or i've ever visited any of the new circuits in formula one in the, in tough on the freight and saudi arabia, you know, any, any of the new trucks of the world? every formula long sir, that is not constructed to a safety 10 plate which involved in the wake of the episode of roland russell, burger double fatality. the entire sports technical. and indeed sporting regulations very much have safety now at the center of them. and it is remarkable to say that we've only have one further driver fatality in the last 30 years because of the 40 years before that we nearly have 40 driver fatality. so that we can really did mark
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a seismic shift in for we're the ones approach to safety and risk management. mark gallagher, great to get your thoughts. thank you so much for joining us here. you rental have confirmed their head design cheve, adrian. new. we will be leaving the team and 25th $25.00. the 65 year old who is one of the most sought after designers and the sport told red bull last week wanted to leave in the wake of allegations made against team principal, christian horner knew we will leave after 19 years with the team. a fire in munich and visitors around madrid, plato and, and exciting to all draw in their champions league 1st leg. matchup carlo and chalabi side took a one year lead, and to half time things to vinicius junior, but byron him back shortly after the breakthrough leroy santa minutes. later, they were more than a penalty which england captain harry came slot at home with ease. now of a rail, we're able to escape with a drawn. they won a penalty of themselves,
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which then if he is junior tucked away for his 2nd goal of the not 22 time grand slam champion rocketed dial gone emotional after losing in the 4th round of the major that opened in what's likely to be his last appearance at the tournament, the 37 year old spaniard went down to check player. jerry le hatch caught the tao, who has won this tournament 5 times is playing in just a 2nd competition since january as he's been struggling with injury the former. well, number one has said he expects to retire after the season. the dial plants play in rome that does. he continues his preparations for the french open and he's unforgettable. they, in terms of the 1st thing would buy mother, it's not this one of the places or even probably the place that they receive more
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law fund support blink all these years with mike, every i keep going and they have my personal goals and that's gone. the next couple of weeks, and i want to explore if i have any time still to achieve that. and major league baseball, things are pretty heated between the template. they res milwaukee box pension had been building throughout the game. i came to ahead in the 8th ending when res jose a syrian, the brewer was abner rebates. strange words in there for a space and 2 players were thrown out of the game despite the cast, milwaukee went on to when 8 to add a swarm of bees cause the game between the arizona diamondbacks and the doctor. as we delayed thousands of bees gathered on that's behind home plate, local pest control worker ended up becoming the star in the night. and even throughout the ceremonial 1st pitch 7 year old. and that is all you support for that and back to you. right, thank you. very much indeed, no matter, i'm just going to be here in a couple of minutes with me on all these stories that don't forget
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a lot more background on pictures and so on and all these stories on our website. obviously, the don't come on robotics and stay with us. the in a post colonial world, the scholars of european imperialism run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial, yet instant insights to the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon
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to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines lines to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting a true together. let's support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails. 5 feet fast, well, trice freedom de conference, and 2nd, to the 4th of may 2024 guns, july 20. 14. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian cameraman creed, hama, who films, and strikes that took funds of life. including his own garza,
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the last picture on the 0. all the knowledge is with the violent scenes on us college campuses. israel supports his attack, a palestinian solidarity in countless at the university of california. los angeles, [000:00:00;00] the no, i'm r m i z. this is al jazeera life from dow hall, also coming up on the program


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