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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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as well as the violent scenes on us college campuses. israel supports his attack of palestinian solidarity in countless at the university of california. los angeles, the slow i'm r m i z. this is alex rivera. life from dough hall also coming up on the program. the news, right columbia university in new york and the rest students protesting against the war and barricaded themselves inside the building. the secretary of state needs israel's president, telling him that must be no delays or excuses in reaching
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a ceasefire. garza meanwhile, inside cause or itself, civilian casualties amounting israel strikes rough. uh, well one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians a taking shelter. the hello and welcome to the program. we begin in the us. so forces of israel has been attacking a peaceful palestine solidarity system at university of california in los angeles. they weigh flags in support of israel, wild beating student demonstrates as with sticks at the encampment. this is the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations against, as well as warrant gaza for the spreads. the universities across the country rolled, reynolds begins out coverage now from los angeles. violence broke out on the u. c. l, a campus as a group of israel, supporters attack the student protesters and camp and they threw fireworks and
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hurled objects into the camp. the attack went on for hours, but campus security in los angeles police did not intervene. it's not the 1st time pro. israel groups from outside the university community of attack, the protest encampment, but it was by far the largest most violent and both sustained assault. as the mob tried to breach the make shift walls surrounding the encampments, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. eventually the los angeles police department arrived in the crowd withdrew us. it was a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around the country. at the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested, several of them a palestinian flag was
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unfurled over the university of north carolina, least the rest of the dozens of protesters there and took down the flag at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters away. at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. woman sought help after being pepper sprayed and at the university of texas were more than 100 students had been arrested some violently over the past week. protesters continued together, seemingly unintimidated by the show of force. despite the violent attacks at u. c, l a and least suppression elsewhere. students were mobilized in protests against israel's war on guns, a show no signs of backing down. rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles says you're almost is an investigative journalist and he spoke to is from the university of california campus in los angeles to there was
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a several 100 counter processors who the people who came out to part of israel and to protest the, the pro palestinian demonstrators were here who had at camp, but you see late thursday they started kind of trying to tear down the, the walls here. there was physical melodies, they were the counter purchases, were throwing stuff at the house and demonstrators. they were trying to get them what sticks, in some cases, burn glass bottles. there's multiple scuffles and, and many and many minor injuries, you know, kind of bruises and, and then lots of pepper spray. i think the at the moment i'm just saying, you know, it's after midnight i think counter protest, this is the most accurate term. they are a definitely against the palestinian but, and cameron here, it's not totally clear what exactly, you know, if they have a unified kind of message other than they are opposing the, the 1000 demonstrators who, you know, by and large, i have to say it was not a 2 way street, it wasn't like they were both coming out the brawl on it wasn't
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a mutual combat. i mean the balancing demonstrates here which is kind of in their camp. and the counterpart of protests has came out to some of them, shot fireworks. and then just started trying to take down the campus and engage in broad with them. but it was uh, you know, middle of the nice thing that, that really affiliate group account about. this is really we're pushing for a fight, as well as they are in new york police, the right to the building of columbia university, occupied by students for testing and solidarity with palestinians. okay. all succeeds when offices ends in hamilton hall, where some students had barricaded themselves, hours earlier, thousands of protest as well, arrested to raise the vote, reports from new york. did you ever choose to disperse police around it all entrances to the main campus of columbia university? hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of having to and whole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded
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themselves there. they said they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed by these many military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one they were arrested were very disappointed, obviously, and thoughts to see the police returned to our campus and american institution where freedom, fries, and freedom expression are supposed to be prized. um, earlier today you know, the social networks we all told that the expected the police to come. so we came out here to to dentistry and our support for, for me personally for the american values, i believe in the police and rated hamilton hong. they broke a window and, and to view the 1st floor their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside to was broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement,
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the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had 4 security guards out of the building. and threatened members of staff, the administration says it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. a good many students say this won't stop them from protesting. and that there are, do men still stand being to do that misty for the students and faculty members who have been suspended or expelled? they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from israel's war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already of just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest, and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in
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fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demands. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia university is a place that inspire to move into across the united states to demand an end to the world gas had to demand and, and to is riley occupation. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. but it's, i will, as i see that new york. meanwhile in florida, police values tear gas to break up a demonstration of school in tampa. authorities raises and continent at the university of south florida, arresting several students. it comes off to some of the arrest that i'll be in of us. he's across the states. and other developments are a diplomatic efforts on the way to reach us. these 5 for garza, with america pressuring him us to accept as well as tons, subjects they asked me, blinking has met with the 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu in israel to push for
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a deal that he says is achievable. lincoln also met with families of some of the captives held in gaza to tell them a strong proposal was on the table. the words turned to get the ceasefire. the priest, the hostages all together now. and the only reason that wouldn't be changed is because of the loss. there is a follow up on the table. and as we said, no delays, there was no excuses. the time is now and the time is now long past due to the same time even termination, because he's part of the police officers. all we also have to be focused on people in gosh, for software engineers. crossfire from us, his name is katelyn, without correspondents, and occupied eastern sunbonnet smith. what is this business now? conclude as the brain can trip to the region.
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so he's been missing prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that is the most significant meeting. i'm not sure whether that's finished, don't know yet, and then it also meets bennett guns late today, and lincoln is visiting our store port. this is only been operational for a couple of weeks in terms of getting a 10 to gaza. that is the closest port because the only operational since after norm was pressure from the us on israel to allow aid and not ways by fall. the quickest way to get large volumes of 8 in. and if it was used to capacity, you certainly wouldn't be eating at drops and very unlikely you would need the americans to build this floating palm to know because it goes to get 8 in that way . so i think and wants to see more a coming in, i live in these ratings to get more aging. he's also visiting kind of a solemn crossing down towards the bottom corner of gauze, a bodies where one of the main ways that aide gets it. and so he's seeing how
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that's working and he's met those hostage of families who've explained that they believe the 9 yahoo is prioritizing prosecution the war on how much rob is and getting that families out that relatives out. meanwhile, and today we were focusing on more as variety as strikes as time and rough. uh, 2 children were among the dead. so you know, civilian casualties continuing to mount and increasing fear that to a ground invasion of rough or could be imminent. well, benjamin netanyahu has said he's going to go ahead with the ground evasion and rough uh, whether or not there is a deal blinking still says, he says about how much has got a great offer on the table. and it should accepted, it is a better off of them. it has been made in previous si, fi tools because they offers this as well as a 40 day see spot. it offers what's called a prolonged period of com,
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and how much will be looking at the arabic word for that which is hutton. i didn't sufficiently malleable as well that it can be in a truce. it can mean a period of calm. it committed a long period of calm. it can have different interpretations. that is how the, how much will accept this because it's the basis on which previous truces have been agreed agreed in gaza when israel and i must have been fighting before. but if i do agree it couldn't paddle benjamin netanyahu because any long period of peace and gaza will turn the focus back on to him. his conduct, his prime minister during this war and the events, the light up to october. the 7th is coalition pond is on the far right could pull out because they want him to continue the war and gaza that could force that election. and every poll says the netanyahu would lose his job as prime minister if the new, like. thank you very much funded smith and occupied easters, and thank you find it are so insides that goals are itself is ready, ministry is attacking residential areas. civilian casualties are continuing to
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mount with each day. more than 34 and a half 1000 policy has already been killed and nearly 7 months of war. and one of the latest attacks and as strike and russell resulted in the desk of 2 children, as well as intensified aerial attacks on the cities fears mounts of a major ground defensive. as you would just hearing that from funded around one and a half 1000000 full should be despised palestinians on taking shelter in that pop gaza. meanwhile, the group is ready. settlers is blocked, trucks transports and humanitarian aid to gaza. vehicles were forced to stop at several border crossings. settlers also destroyed some of the supplies and trucks entering the strip have been repeatedly attacked. dark i was in joins us live from rough and southern cause of this is not the 1st time settlers have known the attacked convoys, but prevented supplies from getting into gaza. of the yes, such an in marietta, this is not the 1st time where it is very sit,
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let's just top humanitarian from leaving a good point to get to come. i was selling the crossing of the south. as these humanitarian troops could be inspected by the military, even later, we'll be having an access to people in the south who are suffering from high rates of malnutrition rates, so completely disgusting scenes of those ready settlers attacking these 2 men of cherry and comb boys destroying its components as they have been throwing the bags of a flower down on the i'm the flu and the are cooling the is where the government's to not allow for a deliveries to the people in the territory as a, as long as the is ready to capt as are still inside the territory under the same time palestinians and the other costs of the goals are completely suffering from high rates of money. attrition. they have been recently receiving a slight increase of these, the humanitarian aid for what has been getting into the gaza strip. still a dropping the ocean and in terms of the m,
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its needs of gauze as population. and the lights now light of the predictable, military and cogent for rough district, that means that they will be on speak up with humanitarian catastrophe, will be resulted. but there is very many treat, did not even to prevent this is really set list from attacking, such to humanitarian homeboys as and situation here in slot goals as a tier rating on a daily basis. park i will as in thank you very much for your reporting from russia in southern gaza as most of the spring you on the program. but if it, why foreign companies are worried about revised state secret. so that's just come into force in china, the in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes? witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indefinitely. as 5 minutes to the know the state,
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possibly else of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners. and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find the challenge. and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide
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the the welcome back. you have alex's era, a look at the main stories of following this. our supporters of israel, of attacked a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at the university of california in los angeles, the way flags in support of israel, while beating student demonstrations with mistakes. diplomatic pushes on the way to reach us these fire and gaza, with us pressuring on us to agree to israel's tongue. second street state, i think it has met with the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says a deal is achievable. mean want, and goals are itself, see is ready, ministry has been attacking residential areas. and one of the latest strikes that
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these 2 children were killed and across line, southern gaza we go to the u. k. now what campaign is of been protesting of the department for business and trade in london, quoting on the government to hold on supplies to israel, civil actions of taking place in glasgow and south wales outside factories manufacturing the weapons trade unions are accusing. the u. k. has been complicit in genocide and gaza for brandon was not the protest in london made the 1st is international work his day on the demonstrations here outside the government department for business, for a blockading the entrances to this government development. although protesting against those workers who wish to continue sending weapons to israel according to the government contracts, but also in solidarity for those workers who don't want to continue sending weapons to israel. there are trade unionists working within the department to to express very could stream this. what about the fact that they have to participate in this
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practice on, despite the uncertainty about the legal status for that of the british government has refused to reveal legal advice. it is receiving from its lawyers about the methodology of continuing to send weapons to israel from the is a risk that they may be used in gaza against women, children, and civilians. this roofing, here is a kaleidoscope of different groups. the trade union is there on black jewish alliance. the people against the onto the border. i can see how was that the piece? yes. it's actually mostly representing the civil service workers in 5 on this you can say that's done in front of the door here. the standing in front of another to the far end around the front as well. i say they're going to continue that process for as long as possible. for completeness, i've also reached out to the bottom it's and they say it is not acceptable to
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harass civil sevens because they go about the jobs and they insist that we take out the actual life. that's the incense disagree. how does that sound africans have linked international work has de commemorations to emotion, solidarity with palestinians honors of joined trade unionists in cape town to cool for an end to war and gauze. and it was according for solidarity with palestinian was present. so around the post as joined the body ahead of his speech, he will be giving for the upcoming elections police and took care of detain thousands of protests as an assembled discussing crowns with pepper spray and t. a gas as a mock international workers day as well. the surface authorities in fine valley is that the city's main square,
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some demonstrations in 2013 against president wiser. 5 other, one of his government's position, my crime and list says his policy will keep fighting until the sweat is free. in the philippines drive, as a privately owned boss, is known as the jeep needs. have once again been out in the streets to protest against government ponds to modernize the service comes a day of today, we'll give it a deadline to join. corporate is in the next 2 to 3 years. the drive is also being told to replace that process with more eco friendly vehicles. colombia is facing a major security breach on to hundreds of thousands of pieces of munition. when missing present, gustavo petra's as bullets grenades and anti titan resolves, vanished from 2 military bases. and might now be in the hands of rebels. the incident is raising concerns about possible criminal networks within the columbia and military. coming into the split government listed the bully for a long time now likes have existed of people in the armed forces and civilians
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dedicated to mass commercialization of arms using legal arms from the columbia in states. that destination would be those who demanded them. in my opinion, on groups and columbia, we met as you go to georgia, now with tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the capital to please say to protest against the government circles of foreign influence. little legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as for an agent's opponent say could be used to crack down on groups. critical of the governments and damage georgia's plans to join the you. local elections in england wells on thursday could indicate how a general election likely to be held by the end of this year could play out both just the old position. naval policy holds a dominant lead of the governing conservatives. but for many vs, it's less about national politics and more about a steady decline and services provided by the council. they will be voting for high force that reports from coventry, essentially, ment, a. oh i did. i did this 4 year old ivan knows i was born
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with 2 genetic conditions, one. so rather who is the only known case, caring for him and fighting for the services he needs has become his mother. and this is full time job. 2 mornings a week, i havent goes to nursery school because he needs one to one k. he only gets 8 to the 30 weekly hours. he's entitled to. so they, they couldn't really do so much because what we're looking at service is a complete estimate to that, that been cut to the buyer. and there's, there's just not this, there's just not the provision that to some to support child. i carbon i knew as a disciple out of it would be. it's really hard. i'm sorry, bye. so as a, as a total are so as a babies, you know, he tough to support. you need all the council seats here and conservative run the need to interrupt the grabs and thursday's local elections. just down the road is labor run coventry, whereas 3rd of consul seats are at play this week. this is a school transport is being cut taxes and rubbish collection charges raised to
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balance the books. the council says it's struggling to meet a search and demand for social housing. well, national government funding has been steadily reduced more and more with paying out . and um, you know, you know, probably getting the social cad that should be, i think it's a social cause or the other ones were divide. they just have the manpower and they're all working from home. you know, you'll have one individual on a 100 case calls and they going to get through to anything. counsels help advocate school funding, provide housing and social can collect waste and maintain roads. but at the time of searching them on the diminishing contributions from national government council, just to oblige by law or to deliver balanced budgets in a recent survey, fully 20 percent of them. so they risk failing to meet that obligation in the next 2 years by there on the street with a general election likely by the end of the year. a lot of the attention here has been on the high profile contest for regional mat. the conservative incumbent on
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the street is an a net connect baffled with the labor challenges richard pocket. whatever the results of that race and the council elections listen, know that doesn't expect much to change soon. she's looking for a long term plan to arrest a long term decline in the kind of help her family so badly needs. how do you suppose it? i'll just you are coventry you. k john is expanded state secret, slow comes into effect on wednesday, widening the scope of restricted sensitive information to include work secrets, farm businesses have criticized the changes, saying lawyers too vague and homes business confidence. katrina, you reports from badging, china has expanded the scope of the state secret slow. previously you discovered committees policy decision making, military and diplomatic activities, as well as economic and scientific development, state media report. the amendment now includes work secrets or since so just intonation that causes certain adverse effects if late the government says it will
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improve the protection of high tech data and intellectual property. some analysts say the change raises when is about the threat for an espionage. everyone has the duty to be all full on that or to raise the red flag if they see any sign off on us on this end. the state secret law now also empowers institutions, companies and jewels. all kinds to be vigilant against spies to national security has been a focus of presidency and things, time and office more than 20 security related laws have been passed or revised in recent years. but some foreign business is appraising can have raised concerns saying the expanded law is too vague and create legal uncertainties. what these laws do, in fact, partly because it's just about complete lack of clarity about where the red lines
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are. it's asking companies to continue to invest and to do business while blocking their eyes and covering their ears and eliminated their ability to obtain the information that they need to make. so business decisions. so it's a prompt last year several for instance, but targeted national security rates go high to, to the ministry of state security has released a video campaign warning against the growing threat of foreign especially weston spies. in july to c, i a director william bed said the american spy agency was making progress in rebuilding its networks in china. agents focused on national security, all is raising geopolitical engines with united states and its allies. china is leaders must balance ethics to protect the country against foreign threats, while remaining open to international business and investment. katrina alda 0 agent . that's it for me. the weather is next and then inside story is examining the
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political tension simmering in georgia. the the hi lo there, it's been a story of relentless rain for parts of east asia in particular southern parts of china. and the heavy rain is still there on thursday. now it shifted a slightly south of the may you from bringing some of that heavy rain to the likes of taiwan. but the good news is it has dried up ahead of that. for japan, we sing temperatures start to pick up here once again of the next few days. and we'll, lovely and dry skies will remain across the korean peninsula and northern parts of china with beijing seen the temperature above the average. if we have a look at the 3 day, however, we are expecting
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a cool down by sunday the temperature will be well below the average with some light rain. now in contrast to this for south asia, it is a story of sizzling heat. we've got heat waves across bungler dash as well as india, the red warning for that heat remaining on so as a into friday for westbank bowl edition, stretching down to southern parts spaces like under projects. also seeing those red warnings thursday into friday. we are however, going to see some welcome weather start to build up in bungling dash that'll bring the temperature down slightly in dhaka and some welcome wet weather. but across much of india it's very hot and dry. the examination being to of today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and
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a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolutionary. on alger 0 or a political standoff in georgia, the government says a bill, it's trying to pause for a 2nd time, which regulates fun, influence and protect the countries silver unsafe. the critics of protesting it would crush freedoms. is this a crisis that will the royal george's fit to join the european union? this is inside story, the other the and welcome to the program. i'm laura kyle. georgia. is that a political cross rides? there's widespread and.


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