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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the leasing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the bottom seems on us college campuses. israel supporters attack upon the study and solidarity come at the university of california. los on the students occupying a building inside new york columbia university are removed in a police rates. the don't know about the center, this is all just human life and go home. also coming up the secretary of state to meet israel's prime minister, telling him more humanitarian aid is needed in johnson. and to reiterates concerns about any front operation in the raffle. but inside the gaza strip civilian
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casualties, month israel strikes rafa for one point. 5000000 displays thomas to indians are shouts from. find the survivors trying to buy major floods in kenya. wait for help from the government with no sign of the was receiving the so we're going to begin in the united states for supporters of israel have attacked a peaceful palestine solidarity sitting at the university of california in los angeles. they waived flags and support of israel while beating student demonstrations with sticks of being comp. and it's the latest escalation in 2 weeks of demonstrations against israel's war and gaza that have spread to universities across the country. bob reynolds begins are coverage from los angeles. violence broke out on the u. c. l. a campus. as a group of israel, supporters attacked the student protesters and cameron of the true fireworks and
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hurled objects into the can. you tack? went on for hours, but campus security in los angeles police did not intervene. it's not the 1st time pro israel groups from outside the university community of attacked the protest encampment. but it was by far the largest, most violent and both sustained to sold the particulars. we have only been here the time we were just standing right in front of our and cabinet, which is the right time. and we got pushed from all the way over there to over here . but prior to that we have people amazing us. beating us with that and 6, growing whatever they could to us. and none of this law enforcement was here at all . so it's kind of disappointing that we're seeing as perpetrators here. as the mob tried to reach the make shift wall surrounding the encampment, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. eventually,
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the los angeles police department arrived in the crowd withdrew us. it was a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around the country. at the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested. several of them a pell of city and flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina, least the rest of the dozens of protesters there and took down the flag. at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters away. at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. a woman sought help after being pepper sprayed and at the university of texas were more than 100 students had been arrested some violently. over the past week, protesters continued together,
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seemingly unintimidated by the show for us. despite the violent attacks at u. c. l, a and lea suppression elsewhere, students were mobilized in protests against israel's war on gaza. show no signs of backing down. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. something back and i'll come back, i'll is a videographer the right time you spoke to somebody, u. c l, a campus and los angeles. late at night, the previous night, a group of about a $100.00 protesters. the guys are so they're already at university of california, los angeles. i began to ro, fireworks began to grow 6. i stop you. ready very large objects, the round up. yeah. i, they began to yell things is work is real. the also i heard a racial epithets words last people. i heard a quite a bit of
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a the language which is life sexual violence as well as the rest, the violence. after that it went on for about 2 hours. there was no response from university of california los angeles police, nor was there any response from los angeles police department for the california highway patrol. after about 2 hours they did arrive, our protesters eventually left. the pro is real uh side i saw um directly uh, used pepper spray against members of the cabinets. i saw them ro. ringback pieces of uh, stick in both locations. i saw the wheels that large what objects. well out there in new york, police raided a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting who saw the
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deputy contest jeanine's. living k all succeeds when officers entered hamilton hall with some of the students about a k to themselves, hours earlier, hundreds of protesters were arrested. teresa bowed reports from new york. and since you have refused to disperse police around it, all entrances to the main campus of columbia university. hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel war on guys for almost 2 weeks. we're right in front of him into an hole that was occupied by students on monday evening. they barricaded themselves there. they said they renamed the place after a pilot senior girl that was killed by these rarely, military. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one they were arrested, were very disappointed, obviously, and thought to see the police returned to our campus and american institution where freedom, fries, and freedom expressions supposed to be process. um, earlier today,
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you know, the social networks were all told that they expected the police to come. so we came out here um to, to demonstrate our support for, for me personally for the american values, i believe in the police been rated hamilton hong. they broke a window and, and to view the 1st floor their objective to detain. the students who had barricaded themselves inside keels broke out on campus. the students were evicted from the whole police, as dozens were arrested. in a statement, the university explained its decision to calling the police. it says students had for security guards out of the building and sweating members of staff. the administration says it was not prepared to risk the safety of the university or further escalation. but many students say this won't stop them from protesting, and that there are, do men still stand being to do that misty for the students and faculty members who
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have been suspended or expelled. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say, profit from east wells war. well, i can say that this is definitely not the end. this has happened as a, as a result of, i mean, we had a mass arrest already of just last week and we continued to escalate. we're continuing, we're not one of our mottos is disclosed. divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. and i can save that for even the students that were obtained. nobody is resting. in fact, we will probably step up our game and we will not stop until columbia meets our demands. students say, this is a continuation of the movement that began here during the vietnam war. columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world gas had to demand demand to is riley o q patient. many of the students we have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next,
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the students of columbia university have already made history. but it's, i will, as i see that new york. and the last are new york city mer. eric adams has commented on last night's events. he says, the individuals have broken to columbia is kansas, were not affiliated with the university. there was a movement to radicalized young people, and i'm not going to wait until this done. and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. this is a global problem. the young people are being influenced by those who are professionals and radical eyes in our children. and i'm not going to allow that to happen as it may of the city of new york. so the minimum i live in new york city police publishing prob, yourself, at the request of columbia university of after speaking with them throughout the week at their request. and big knowledge means that outside agitators were on the grounds, training
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a really co opt in this move gabriella zone, as donors not from outside columbia university in new york, we just heard eric items there warning of what he caused with by the collaboration of young people but also in that press conference, an hour ago he was supporting the n y p d 's handling of the situation. what people they're saying about this on campus. yeah, that's right. really new york is really waking up to the news of what transpired. uh, overnight hours here with this incredible police repression of this anti war protest here. as you might be able to see behind me, they're still police outside here at columbia university. it's all calm. for the most part, they're not allowing journalists inside, also checking student id. so say go in as well, but in terms of what students think here the morning after, let's talk to one right now to get a sense of that big nod. busy thanks for joining us here and how does your appreciate your talking to us?
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you're a student journalists, your student here at columbia, but you're also a journalist here at the campus newspaper. correct? now, the campus newspaper by the columbia journalism school. that's right, absolutely. uh, what did you see last night? lets start there was right inside these gates. uh our names them when the police were outside arrest vega pro by this time professors who had lined up right on the gates to prevent the might be from coming in. so 1st i saw 1st time how the police despise those. uh, those products going on, arrested them. uh, and sometimes got pretty aggressive in making sure that the professors went away. so that'd be good. and, and what do you mean by aggressive the police progressive? how so how, what did you mean? the protesters didn't want to leave and they were standing pretty resolutely in front of the, in front of the gates and the police sort of came in and move them by force, arresting them as well. let me go to this now, hamilton hall, those social media images that we saw. a right please storming hamilton hall.
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where were you when that transpired, what happened there was trying right off the, covering the port out the dns that happened right outside the gates. i tried to get in closer to hammer than hard, but i was barricaded by the police. the police denied entry even to members of the press, including the student press in front of cameras and hall out to get in front of what's more that there was several john, this student just, we're already in front of him, is involved when the police came in several of them, in fact, most of them were moved out of the campus by the officials and they were not allowed to document what took place when the police came in front of him. and so they were student journalists in front of hamilton, hall and other journalists were not allowed there. right. so a student journalist had somewhat special access because your students as well, correct? that's right, that's right. and there were students journalist in front of hamilton hall to do their job and documents when the police stormed hamilton hall. but you're saying
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that the police forcefully move those journalist out. that's right. a box from a of, of couple of john is the result who still managed to remain that most of my classmates and colleagues and fellow student journalists were removed from campus. there was station in front of hampton hard because they knew that's why the police action was going to be. but unfortunately, they couldn't document or bear witness to any of the impulse names that happened on campus. on the others, like my side of who, who around what not allowed entry anywhere close to do how many doesn't hold it. so in essence of what we, what we've seen, even the footage we've seen off and individuals falling down the stairs, presumably as a result of all of the police. despite a sudden all of protesters that we've got very little footage of what actually took place. and the big reason for that is that large numbers of the student press were not allowed to be bad. whereas the very easily could have been stationed at a small distance away, or even a medium distance away from the hall without intervening onto fielding and the
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police action. this thing very quickly where we're running out of time, the mayor said in a press conference that there were students, i'm sorry, outside agitators taking part in this very quickly. did you see any evidence of that? now look of the, the, the, the, the end might be the key or the has got everyone arrested who was inside hamilton hall, right? so they have records, they should give us the evidence. they should present the evidence right now because they have the identities of the people who being arrested. so it's, it's not too hard for the police department to find out who's the columbia university id hold on who's not. so we look forward to hearing those numbers from the might be the bill of those numbers and that evidence is presented. we really can speculate and shouldn't be speculating on whether be with these outside agitators or not. absolutely, thank you very much. very good point. appreciate you talking to us here and how does here that you heard from a student, a journalist here very clearly stated, we shouldn't expect to wait. and we won't speculate about who was arrested and what their motivations are. other than, uh, it was an anti war protest. as i wrap up here,
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i will tell you that the president of columbia university has requested that n y p d, new york police department maintain their presence here at this university for another, at least 2 weeks. great, thanks very much indeed, gabriel. i was on to talking to some outside columbia university in new york, or a different navigate efforts around a way to reach a ceasefire in gaza with the us pressuring hom us to agree to israel's terms. second and started on any blank things, match prime minister benjamin netanyahu in israel to push for the view he says is achievable, lincoln's also to match and yeah, who the us and still opposes a grand defensive and does offer on but there needs to be an improvement in the distribution, if you monitor and aid him to gaza, we're just trying to get started to bring the hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changed just because of a loss. there is a policy,
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as we said till delays. there was no excuses. the time is now and the time is now long past due to the same time, even determination to get to cease by the police officers. all we also have to be focused on people engaged for suffering in this cross bar from us to get more with this with our correspondent, unoccupied distribution and stephanie decker and we blinking this as long as the past due to the gap is really hostages home to their families can't ignore either they suffering the people in gaza are going through, i'm paraphrasing there. what's the objective of this visit, stephanie? us? yes. well, he's coming to discuss multiple things. one to push for that hostage deal to, to deliver the message again that, that off or offensive in its current form as a major ground. defensive is something that the americans don't support and you heard from his sound bite there. well,
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so he's pushing for more age to be let in to goal is that now the americans have put a lot of pressure, particularly since the beginning of the world, central captured aid workers about american n g o. for more to be done more a to go in for aid workers to be protected, he will be visiting, we're expecting him any point to pop up and get him at the side. and this is one of the main costing points that aid has been entered in. the south of the goal is to strip the port of i saw it, which is around 40 kilometers away from garza. and he'll be cutting these rays as is already said today publicly that he wants more a to go in. and it will also be from what we understand talking about some details of the normalization deals with the saudis of courses. a lot of further geo political issues are being discussed behind the doors when it comes to a deal when it comes to the next day in goal. is that things extremely, extremely complicated. certainly at the moment, talk to us about that deal because of course, that there's a deal that to enter the big concerns is a very good deal that is pressuring hom,
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us to take. i did tell us to some of the details of that. oh yes, he says he's cautiously optimistic about this deal. where are we at will we expect to hear from him? asked this evening. it's responds to what is accounted proposal already by his res out briefly. what it entails is a 40 days. he's fire $33.00 hostages captives will be released. they pull under the amount of tearing umbrella. so those over 50 years of age women and those 6, i'm in charge of israel in response will release around just under a 1000 prisoners. its troops will move itself somewhat from the corridor that cops garza in half and some kind of thing is, will be allowed to return to what remains of their homes north. if that is achieved, then we understand. the 2nd phase is something that they're called a period of sustain call. now, this is very interesting because how mazda is position. one of them has been there needs to be an enter the war, these really position,
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and it's something that netanyahu has been reiterating. a very loud and clearly yesterday and today active lincoln is that there will not be an enter the war, but also will happen whether there's a deal or not. he's also told lincoln that you know where he's very interested in making a deal. he's also determined to topple how much so it was very difficult to see where the 2 sides are going to find compromise. but i think again, anything at the moment as possible, i'm going to have to wait and see what else comes up with. what is different this time from all the previous negotiations is that these rate is to say, if there isn't a deal, they're going to go into the hall and they're going to go into stephanie jackson and occupied these services. and thank you as well on the ground. and guys are these really monitors attacking your residential areas across the strip and civilian casualties. and mounting by the day was 34 and a half funds and palestinians are being killed in nearly 7 months of war. they one of the latest attacks and as try comes off on the side of killed at least 2
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children, israel's intensified air, all attacks and the city the spheres mount of a major ground defensive. around 1.54 simply displaced, palestinians are shouts, are you there. i'll just see it as moment. i'll shelby for sent this report from the actual board account, which was hit over night. and that was the thing of the customer. yeah, i saw the, the thought was a couple of like we're now in the lease of the ship where i kept it's been hit by an is rarely air strike on that investment for you. this very basic house was struck by at least one missile without any prior warnings. it resulted in many victims, subjects in such rates, and their increasing frequency are having disastrous effects and roughly, and it's caps because they're so densely populated. as you can see, these are the remains of this families possessions. also bore a campus full of fraction juice and displays people who didn't get the rough. uh, because it was described by this release as a safe area. and if you look at these are traces of victim's,
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blood amino had the house was reduced to rubble by this really rate higher rates and showing on different areas of the city of, proffer are continuing and of getting to the most victims are women and children and those others displace to the last part of the gaza strip. thinking just as they were told that it was a safe area, a lot of people were killed when the occupation forces bomb the residential building on out july street in the center of kansas city. and me and 2 children were also killed and others injured. and then these really, every incident targeted a house, the house of where i kept in the center of rough on the, i mean, i mean, we'll supplement for you my shovels i'm, i'm going to sort of, i just get a, a group of israeli satellites has blocks trucks transporting the humanitarian aids to gaza, the vehicles are forced to stop at several border crossings. zachary has also destroyed some of the supplies a trucks entering the strip for being attacked repeatedly because a honeymoon whose joining a star from girlfriend in the southern gauze are one point. 5000000 palestinians of
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sheltering and golf at this age, clearly desperately need it. but it's being blocked by the settlers. what do we know about this? the as well as of this moment right now, not only these really restrictions that i'm going to put struction of the flow of it as being the reason for the sufficient smooth flow over human it's orient at it, but the fog we have something those who are blocking the delivery on the inference of 8 across the other at the rock behind it. so we have periods of crossing or carnival asylum across in basin, part of, of run by city on today that the, the incident happened when the group of settlers as stop the call and boy and i talked to choose your danny, and i couldn't voice all valid humanitarian aid, carrying a flower, food supplies, and water, and some essential, a survival item. they were a talk, this 5, the talk, the 2 called voice continued that made their way and reach their destination. but that's part of the volvic situations. when it comes to humanitarian aid, we,
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we know settlers, i've been doing this for the past months and, and we learned that they are doing that deliberately. god, because they don't want any of the day to be delivered to the starving population in the northern parts. and gauze, and that's on top of the ongoing restrictions going on, either on the rock are crossing side or the current mobile cell in the side of the border. and honey, just very briefly bring us up to date with the latest strikes and airtight air attacks that have been going on in and off. particularly a. a is what about policy and keeping an eye on the talks and kyra, there's really monetary continues to pound across the gaza strip. we're looking at the past 24 hours for atrocities committed across the street here in rough i city in the central area. and more importantly, in all, most empty as part of the northern part of this trip, looking to $33.00 people that being killed a close to $55.00 people of critical injuries in different health facilities. we
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know those in the part are at risk of losing their life. but here also the tragedy health facility or are the brink of collapse. they don't have enough medical supplies or sufficient intervention by doctors do at late night, as we were wrapping our loss report. 6 2 children were killed, those 2 little girls in a house that was targeted here very close to the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital or the mount hood and dropping southern guns are assigned to the search and rescue teams and eastern k. yeah, so looking for dozens of people missing after flash floods and months, slides swept through the region. there is a 169 people have been killed. more heavy rain is forecast smoking. lab reports from china river country can use floods have been nice. so 40 people fell out of it by trying to crawl space torrents on sunday. about half of
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them died are still missing. can you read cross workers search for them and that possessions of those little heights of finding anyone alive now? others were taken by surprise and tracked and searching slipped waters. thousands of homes alongside the town and river, now partially submerged. those who could slips the high ground beside the government instead of helping us that just pushing us away since the very difficult off with dying of hunger, they haven't even provide a tense that telling us we should relocate, but then not even providing transport with just suffering we vote for them and they forgot to most some places and now only accessible by the 3rd week of to read to rain, especially in the highlands of central kenya cooled kind of river to 1st thing is
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the main highway running into is the main route for food fuel and other supplies to reach theresa and several of the towns beyond. hundreds of thousands of people have been cut off the wondering how the government is going to respond. and also the people here say that it's been too slow and that hungry many of them are being display. so for days, yes, we are aware of this. this is happening so many thoughts all over the country and we are trying to stretch as opposed to all corners of the country. because these, as i told you, is going to be a big problem. if you require some must see relief or patterson visiting officials and politicians come and go in helicopters. know that cross came to help when people were in the water. the government says nearly 200000 people have been
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forced from that homes. and there's no signs. the volta here will go down soon. a. malcolm webb, how is there a ton of river county? kenya? are you in bag, special criminal court in central african republic has issued an arrest warrant for an exxon. former president from schwab was easy, is facing charges related to human rights violations. nicholas hawks monitoring developments from duck on an incentive goal. he continues to be described by many people in the central african republic. as a ruthless war, lowers the for president of the central african republic also, i believe he's a has now and arrest warrant against him. this is seen as a victory to those that has been victims of violence during the civil war in the small nation of central africa that has left thousands of people killed millions of people displaced now, according to the judges,
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there is evidence of serious, inconsistent crime against humanity perpetrated by men that were following the orders of hans, what was easy possible was it is accused of many things and including of having tortured opponents in his private residence in big outskirts among in bus, somebody. and was a military come for the he also had a private residence in that camp. and the central africans would called a one time m. o, because a condition where so harsh and um there were 2 holes in the, in the ground where a man could only stand an upset, a lie down. and people were sometimes to be there for days and weeks and sometimes on till it died, because it is an exhaust in neighboring synagogue in the country of guinea. besides the president of getting to be so said that he has not received any international
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arrest warrant against it, because he's that he's been living there for the past year and has continued to fuel the conflict in his homeland, the central african republic, this latest arrest warrant by this un back, special tribunal tribunal is seen as a victory for the rule of law, and many people hoped the end of impunity in a country that continues to face a civil war. nicholas hawk allen to 0 the car in georgia and more than 60 people of interested that the protests against the government so called foreign influence law . tens of thousands of people took the streets for tuesdays demonstration legislation or require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as part of agents. opponent say it could be used to crack down in groups. critical of the government and damage of georgia's times to join the use. china is expanded state secrets law comes into effect on wednesday that widens the scope of
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restricted sensitive information to include so called work secrets. following businesses have criticized the changes thing the law is too big and it homes, more problems with investments. katrina, you reports from beijing. china has expanded the scope of the state secret floor. previously this covered communist party decision making, military and diplomatic activities, as well as i can all make and scientific development, state media reports. the amendment now includes work secrets or since it just intonation that causes certain adverse effects. if late, the government says it will improve the protection of high tech data and intellectual property. some analysts say the change raises when is about the threat for an espionage. everyone has the duty to be all full on that. to raise the red flag if they see any sign off on usually on this end the.


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