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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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to be done even better, as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the of the hello, i'm so robin, you're watching the all just it renews online from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the peaceful protests in the us become a target, a student incumbent. you see a is attacked by supporters of israel. the students occupying the building inside yields columbia university are removed and
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a police raids. also the secretary of state tells israel's prime minister, more humanitarian aid is needed in gaza, reiterates concerns about any attack on rough, but inside because district civilian casualties about israel strikes rough. again, 1500000 displaced, palestinians sheltering uninstall the world of formula. one is remembering the life and career of driving legend s incentive funds of gathering at the end of the circuit initially by the presenting died in a crush 30 years ago today. the welcome to the news. uh, we begin in the united states where the demonstrations against israel's will, regardless of being disrupting more university campuses across the country in new york, please rated the building at columbia university occupied by students,
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also protesting in solidarity with palestinians. police forces enters hamilton. hol, let some students had barricaded themselves hours earlier. now, new york's met says about 300 people were detained in protests at columbia university and neighboring city college. in los angeles, a violent small but they palestine solidarity the assistance of the university of california. in some ways, pro is rarely flags as a assaulted student demonstrate as with sticks and fireworks thrown inside the incumbent. the police are accused of standing by and failing to protect students. office report is from rob rentals in california. violence broke out on the u. c. l, a campus as a group of israel, supporters attacked the student protesters and camp, and they threw fireworks and hurled objects into the camp. the attack went on for
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hours, but campus security in los angeles police did not intervene. it's not the 1st time pro. israel groups from outside the university community of attacked the protest encampment, but it was by far the largest most violent and both sustained assault. it's ridiculous. we have all the time. we were just standing right in front of our and cabinet, which is the right time. and we got pushed from all the way over there to over here . but prior to that we have people amazing us beating us with that and big role we whatever they could to us. and none of this law enforcement was here at all. so it's kind of disappointing that we're seeing as perpetrators here. as the mob tried to reach the make shift walls surrounding the encampment, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. eventually, the los angeles police department arrives in the crowd withdrew. it was
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a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around the country. at the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested, several of them a palestinian flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina, least the rest of dozens of protesters there and took down the flag at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters away at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. woman sought help after being pepper sprayed and at the university of texas were more than 100 students had been arrested some violently over the past week. protesters continued together, seemingly unintimidated by the show of force. despite the violent attacks at u. c,
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l a and least suppression elsewhere. students were mobilized in protests against israel's war on guns that show no signs of backing down. rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles. 11th is an emma ross's professor in criminal justice of the california state universities. also the director of the center for the study of hate and extremism, and also served as a new york city police officer, still live in kentucky with us. so it's good that you can join us from southern california. so i'll just begin with the incident that happened at the university just dropped into school abuse. get some clarity. can you clarify what security would it being on the university campus at u. c. l. a. and what the parameters of the role is within or would your ring incidents like this? a great question. and what, what did happen? it was this enchantment existed at u. c. l, a. and grew on and there were minor incidents in india and some of your students
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reported that they were blocked from, from going to classes and things like that. but we had not, we had seen an escalation, for instance, where in previous evenings, blaring loud speakers uh, wearing loud speakers uh would try to wake folks up and there might miners, couples last night was something different. and it must be condemn. what it happened was uh, it looks like um, protestors who appear to be uh, at least uh, maybe from outside the university. uh we're still, we still have to determine that. but uh, but during that, over a 100 maybe 2200 uh, 200 protesters. router did instigated uh, attack on on this and kim and let me just say one quick thing though. a lot of these, a lot of these have been quite peaceful and campus administrators like uh,
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i was usually riverside yesterday and there was a specific signs in our community to determine no weapons, no violence and, and, and things were fine. um, just let me tell your husband, your pin number is 11. all right, yeah, we'll come to the, the actual incidents in the bay, but i just wanna get back to my 1st question. what security is on the compass of? what's the parameters? are they the police, or all the private or private highest security? a great great question. there were there was private, higher security there was supposed to be between these pro charges. once things started to uh, unravel. they retreated on the you see a way police department has 65, i believe one personnel. the chief there should be only 5 or 6 on duty last night should there, there was a clear problem with regard to the fact that this department did not have a coordinated play out apparently to call him mutual aid from other police
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departments. so, so on there was, there was a police court nearby, but you're only a couple of officers. i think in it when you had hundreds of protesters coming in. so when the, if i'm getting the, if i can just getting this the, if it is a problem all the time, just wanna get some generalities here. so we can actually get some privacy if it was a problem on a university campus whose responsibility is then to call in the police. if the hired you must have the hired help called control the situation who dials 911. a great question. either the administration or uh, the campus police authorities on, on public university campuses. in this instance, this is a public university campus. but most of the security that was there last evening was private security. and they, they were overwhelmed and they really, we were retreated there. there was a allergy for hours and, and, and that and,
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and that's uh, that's terrible. and you must protect the rights of all students on our campuses, whether they be jewish is really muslim american power, city, american, arab american. it seems to be protected in the marketplace and we still have existing, but this will be the debate that continue certainly for the single future in the lead up to october. the 7th. can i ask you as novelist as well? because you being you documented exactly the situation in society of faith speech all based on this. so it'd be a of a anti semitism. how's the been a rise in california leading up to this event? was this a melting pot that was just waiting to explode? and was october the 7th, the trigger? a certainly what we've seen since october 7 and tried to use a crime o and major american cities hit a record in 2023 and we saw
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a 285 percent increase, for instance, in hate crimes. against jews during that period, we saw a similar increase against muslims. uh and uh, an hour people. but rather than a record at least for now, it appears that it is least about a decade. hi. so we're seeing religious hate crimes going up not over here in california. we had a record in los angeles last year uh for, for a hate crimes. and that includes uh, religion, hate crimes. big increases an anti jewish, big increases anti muslim headphones last year in, in the city of los angeles. so that's the area that we're in for. that being said, these protests, particularly when they're there, there was coordination. have been peaceful and i think you're, what we're seeing here is, in this case in unusual lack of coverage. we're, in other cases, we've seen over reactions against protest in the civil liberties of all must be
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projected by united states time of place and manner can be regulated and, and some of these protests have violated the university rules. the issue though is when you're minimally disruptive, we have to try and tap it down. what last last night was a clear failure with authorities failing to protect and intervene with respect to students and protest and protests. do the protesters on the you feel a campus. okay. we'll have to leave you that missed of it's very interesting. well, i'm sure we'll come back to this conversation again in the not too distant future. thanks so much for joining us from southern california. thank you. and so we have a team of correspondents covering the protests across the us still available is at the university of north carolina where they were a number of arrests on choose day. she everytime. so you will have the latest from george washington university in the us capital in gabriel,
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arizona. there's not columbia university in new york where the protest movement began 2 weeks ago. we'll start with gabriel, who joins us now. the matter of new york has spoken in the last few hours about what's happened at columbia university over night. what board did he have to say? yeah, that's right. he spoke in the new york police department as well held their 1st briefing after the events that transpired here at columbia university. late in the evening, the mayor and the year we sang and save a respite your mount. the number of arrests were about 300 people, the mayor saying without providing any evidence that there were some outside agitators in his words. they were part of this anti war protest here in terms of uh, providing any evidence. so he did not do that. he also did not provide any sort of evidence that there were anything other than students in the university taking part in the protest. uh, 15 basically said that you,
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his hand was forced and that he was requested by the university to go interviewing here. let's listen to a little bit more of what the new york may or eric adams had to say at the request of columbia university. after speaking with them throughout the week, at their request and big knowledge means that outside agitators were on the grounds, training and really co opt in this move at their request, we went in and conducted operation to allow lemme university to remove those web, turn the peaceful protests into a place where type semitism and anti israel is attitudes for pervasive. gabriel, what is the situation right now in the locations that we've been focusing on in and around columbia university?
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yeah, well you've heard that mayor just now insinuate that the police went in just to take out these quote unquote agitators. that's simply incorrect because the police went in with overwhelming force, hundreds of police and they cleared out in free body all of the anti war protestors right now that may excuse me, a truck as fast as the main encampment. we saw all the tents for several weeks now that is gone. that is all been cleared out by the police as well as everyone inside hamilton hall as well. a centrally uh, the entire uh, anti war uh encampment has been, uh, is gone. now, after, after the police, if, if cleared it printed it completely, completely out. so that is a seeing here. and you can still see the from some police are outside. they're still checking ideas of students going in. and i can tell you that the university
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president has requested that n y, p d. for some reason, keep a presence here on campus for at least 2 weeks, going forward unreason unsure why that is necessary. but the bottom line here is that we are also hearing that there could be other encampments that are sprouting up at other smaller campuses and universities around manhattan. today they were hearing about bottom line now is everything is very calm here right now, but it wasn't when he saw this incredible police repression that we saw against the anti war protesters overnight. gabriel was on the 4th at columbia university. thank you. that's close, open out to the us capital and george washington university. she advertising is done by forces such a different story way you all she have compared to what's going on in new york and los angeles as it is for now. but now, members of congress, i'm
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a how service like committee. i've written the letter to the matter around the metropolitan police department, demanding alms, as they say, as to why this account that hasn't been cleared out. i'll read you a portion of that a bit published while we take a look at the reality on the ground. and perhaps that will, that does account to point to this rather bizarre description we have on the left to the letter says we're alone, but reports for the metropolitan police of the dc of dc rejected request of officials at dawson university to assist in removing the radical i'm t semitic and unavoidable protest as you've and come to the university's campus for several days. it's deeply disturbing that while g w u is attempting to take concrete measures to protect the safety of it's your student body from persecution and harassment. it's hindered by m p d 's refusal to provide assistance clearing out the account, but they most drums is by next week as to why this got missed being allowed to stay . the the police development says is because this is just the cause usual, right?
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a peaceful approach has to be the students are performing. and so, i mean, that's the real here that we know that the metropolitan police department here in dc is capable of extreme violence against peaceful protests. as in fact, they only just settled a bunch of laws each and spend tens of millions of dollars separately that we do wonder whether, whether that's or factory into the, into the thinking. but the members of congress are saying that they will take municipal control away from the mayor and the police. if they don't satisfied with the all just by next week, they can do that because dc is no the state to the end. we are subservient to congressional authority. i'm sorry, we just haven't lost our report. the delegation from the house oversight committee may be coming to visit this site, which frankly would be a very good idea. but i've just the, the reality on the ground here as opposed to just repeating the 2 points of power because you're coming straight from tel aviv at what the question is, whether they will see the reality of being capital, whether they'll just continue refusing repeating whatever it is that bank told us
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that we should see? what does happen and what is said, i'm sure. in the coming days for the payment to shepherd, tennessee. thank you. let's go over to the university of north carolina where police arrested more than 30 protests dissolved offices, moved in to dismantling continent and the rest of the demonstrations who refused to leave the on, choose day protest as replace an american flag flying on campus with a palestinian one, they've been confrontations out the incumbents and recent days of police. toughest spring students, phil about joseph, though from the university of chapel hill in north carolina, many students in protest is detained. how's that situation developing now? so as well, i mean, many of the process and at the moment it seems very calm. you know, it's a little after 11 o'clock in the morning here, but we stayed in this situation before it's called and then all of a sudden it's not. com. here's what's happening in the body, but you can see a flag here is completely cold and off of these huge metal railings, supervisor,
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anybody got any of those? i'll explain why it just the 2nd, but 1st it's important set points out. we'll go through what happened just like so 6 o'clock in the morning. protest is what have they been here for several days? the university. it's sort of been tolerating them well that i had been try to get them to leave 6 o'clock, police arrive and said look, you got half an hour to go or you're going to be arrested. 30 minutes lights up a tight. everybody here that was 36 people. so 3 of them was its height of size in for trespassing. 6 were officially arrested and they were booked on misdemeanor charges. but that was not the end of the story because co midday protest says went back and they were back in large numbers. they were also cows to protest as a, the police had to get involved are quite what we saw was very violent scenes. not pleasant scenes, a tool which all the types of spray was involved that that's holmes we used against some of the protest is enjoying those protests. one points. the flag here was taken down by protest is replaced with the palestinian flag. thought that led to the
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chancellor coming on the site with the police. kind of go over that, taking down the palestinian flight flag, reinstating the american flag a web backup. it came down to guy lights for safety reasons, and now it is back up the guys. so i'm going to bring it in its cache. i'm, here's one of the protests is he was the just explain was kind of the whole time like what happened when you were here yesterday? yeah, so i was here in the morning, i was actually studying when the police came and we got a, we realized the police brought to come in and they came in, they arrested everyone and they brutalize them. there was a lot of violence by the police and then we want it to hold the riley to show our support for our comrades who got arrested us. we did that later in the day and that and after that more after that rally um, you know, the protesters just moved around the cap and then organically. there was a barricade all around this area. it was taken down, and then some purchasers ran to the middle and removed the american flag and put up in the house and inside. and the protests are talking about the police being
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particularly violent. when you see the kind of action of the police but say, can you think that's putting off the protest is, or is it just incense advise them to be the most? oh, it's absolutely energizing the processor. so, you know, the more violence they exert, the more weight that the larger numbers going to have. and you know, we've been recruiting like even people who are not particularly the cause. when they see us being brutalized. they want to join them because because no one stands up while knowing us to see their fellow classmates being utilized by campus, police and police from other police department. how do you see this developing? because we're almost against the clock here. concepts of the academic here is about so when do you think that the wind really kind of take it out of the savings, but that happens, adult semester ends until they're soonest on campus. i don't think the wind is going to get out of it. maybe over the summer things will come down a bit. but from now until commencement day, things are difficult become our house and vice very much. i must also points out that this was not in the early protest last night, 8 pm at the north carolina state university in raleigh, which is about 15 minutes away. 800 people. so place to part in
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a process the about half a month for the hey a, there was a protest at the post office because that is a federal site rather than a university side. so it's different. it's absolutely different systems that the police will be involved that the police have got a real issue here because every sign approach has pops up. they have to respond, but there are lots of universities here. i mean, this particular protest we have 6 different police departments plus the sheriff involved, which kind of gives the students the advantage because the police cannot be everywhere at the sites. how i feel about that for is that the university of north carolina. thank you. so diplomatic, i've resolved on the way to try and reach us e siren garza with us pressuring him us to agree to israel's terms, stays on to the blinking. has been meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his well to push for d. o, he says is achievable, blinking also told nothing. yahoo, the us still opposes a ground defensive in rough. let's get bonus from a correspondence. stephanie decades occupied east jerusalem. high stuff uh,
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blinking came on. we'll leave very soon, but maybe houses visit how that impact i think it's too soon to tell. he comes here with various messages. one of course, is to push for a cease fire for the use of the captives to get both sides to agree to the steel, to try and convince these, right? he's not to go ahead with the ground invasion of a ha. he also comes with the message that more age needs to enter goals, and this is also why he is expected to visit, to get them beside them on the port of ash dollar to get them up with some being a border crossing into goals in the south. because he, the arc has been pushing these raids that they need to allow more aid and to the policy is you also comes with discussions about a potential deal of normalization with saudi arabia that is conducive that is stuck to a cease fire. and of course, that also comes with a roadmap to a palestinian state,
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very complicated discussions. so we're gonna have to wait and see the 1st the most tangible perhaps is that we're now expecting to hear from us. we thought that was going to be tonight. now just sions are being quoted, it is really needed that it could be within 24 hours. i have my response to the ceasefire deal that is currently on the table. stephanie, get a stranger to the politics of the area that you're reporting from. you've been that many times eva by on 20 is and i just wonder what you make of all of the stakeholders right now, would they be as re lease or palestinians or members of very died? this is really government all pulling in different directions. it's incredibly complicated on a we've been discussing just amongst our colleagues and our team saying, do you think there's going to be a ceasefire either a ceasefire when or is it going to be the nurse? no, she's fine. we're pretty much split in the middle. this is the situation. start minister
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benjamin netanyahu has made it very clear. there's going to be no end to the war. and we're going to go into the alpha deal or new deal, how mouse is all along side. there has to be an enter the war for us to agree to a deal. so those opposing positions now already a very difficult to see how you can reconcile. but alpha for prime minister benjamin netanyahu is the final push for what he would see as victory and gaza. they believe 4 or 5 the titans of hamas remainder. they believe. yes, justin was a massive leader, is operating from the tunnel system. they're surrounding himself by many of the captains for nathan, yahoo, who is a under incredible pressure from the american and the adoptions tech the the marathons. and then you have nothing, you know, under incredible pressure from, with there is this, have it from the right. we extreme is that he was in, which was the only way he could return to power. and now it is the only way that he can remain in power because they have threatened, if there is a deal to remove themselves from governments and very briefly,
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you have the opposition. you're like, he's saying, well, he has no excuse nothing. yeah, not to do a deal because we will support him if the to leave the government the to right wing . we will support of the make the numbers, but that's in the i was just entrusted that piece. that piece could remove himself from governments. if there is a ceasefire, a new elections will then have to be cold and according to the polls, nothing else will be done. so it's very complicated and it can go either way. the bottom line is this. if there is no ceasefire now, don't fall is going to happen. so if you take it with an update for us, thanks very much stephanie. you know, on the grounding gauze or the is where the military has been attacking residential areas across the strip molten. $34.00 and a half 1000 palestinians not being killed in any 7 months of will. and one of the latest attacks and i strongly called rossa in the south killed at least 2 children . israel has intensified that real attacks on the city is fast bound to the major ground defensive as stephanie just mentioned, around 1500000 full. so be displaced,
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color stimulus, sheltering the honey. my mood is our correspondence to in rough uh, in the southern gaza. we talked about the a tax day in day out. there is an, a, an acute need of a, an edits constantly hint that if not by the israeli military, by settlers. and that's what happened on wednesday. if that is correct and that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation. the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just as long into each one of the govern the rate across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often is easy and it will ensure to date
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a sufficient the smoothest law of humanitarian aid into the gauze and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of aid and the entry of it and the ongoing blanket on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival, just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war . the past 6 months, i've been very difficult to get people's most needed. a right now at this difficult time, the settlers on the northern parts of the gaza strip. that's where a humanitarian aid are allowed to enter from air at the crossing dust and north of parts of the tunnel in the city. but they talked in an attempt to block a 2 jordanian humanitarian colon voice coming to the jobs us through. but despite the talk and these are the 2 convoys made their way to their destination, entered the gauze and stood there carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, another survival items, much needed right now for the people in the northern part of the gods. and for the
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just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people do of because of the, the in the and for the hydration. and as far as the vision is the, the product directly the by cause by the ongoing and dense bombing campaign and the prevention of a delivery to people in the northern parts have you been moved before as in robert? thank you for that. update. a still head have all the al jazeera news out was around the world. i'd be mocking, made a, with the many expressing the support for the palestinians. we live in paris and focus on the good schools. i found it also seems with it. so the most of my boys, and they will be here with that store the
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hi. lo that, let's get the full cost for south america over the next few days and a sold weather front. we think across southern parts of the continental sport, terrestrial rain, something pops all brazil and caused devastating flooding. then we could see more of that cause as more rain to come. you can see the bus rain from the storms effecting southern areas of brazil, northern parts of origin, tina. and we'll see that rain start to slip into paraguay as we go into the state yellow peak showing that it is going to be very heavy indeed. now behind that it is much cooler ahead of that. we are seeing a lot of heat facilities like as soon she on in power quite as well as we're diginero in brazil. but as we go into thursday and that system slips its way further north, we are going to see things cool down ever so slightly. but it remains very hot
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across the most of the content. and that he pulls into central parts of america for places like panama, but also into mexico. we'll see temperature as a pick up in the north. so places like monterey and also in mexico, cities slot you that on thursday, we've got some what the weather moving in on wednesday to mexico city. but it winds up as we go into thursday. but we'll have some very heavy bus of rain for his spend your law on thursday. the hey listings in the gaza strip. as is there, as long continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing best. now let me tell you about the co result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look very close here. like common here, sits on to play with a large tires phase people look in my private for me now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, resulted in gun the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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spoke about you want to be able to do it news with me. so rahman in though, how remind me of all the top stories demonstrations of being continuing college campuses across the united states. and you, your please way to the building at columbia university occupied by stevens protesting installed, as i would say, with palestinians in los angeles. a lot of times they palestine solid hours, he sits in the university of california, us secretary of state's, on the blink, and as much as riley, probably minister, but even put some yahoo in west jerusalem. lincoln said a deal for a c following garza is achievable and reiterated us opposition to it is really ground offensive and rough and is very strong because killed at least 2 children in rough as the military has been attacking residential areas across the script mold and such as for the fall 1000 palestinians to be killed in 87 months of santa, from the charlotte observer, senior political analyst joins us from london. hi baldwin,
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blinking. we'll leave israel shortly, pressuring her boss to agree to a truce, but failing to dissuade nothing. yahoo! of a rasa incursion regardless of a trace. it seems the style lights or well, yes, i'm not sure if it's a standard made. it's perhaps a diplomatic statement, but it's clearly an ongoing on sloth, on god. so maybe that is the whole point of that, of dramatic standing there is to allow for the jump besides, to continue to unravel it guys on people to die and to starve and to be preoccupied with the, with the, with bad and the loved ones, perhaps that is the book to the books, but if it's not, it's clearly it has failed in this broken record declarations. the statements of the parts of the american officials are supposed to be the humidity, think a nonsensical. so in the end of the day because you said i've heard 2 o'clock the
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day that i asked to speak to. ready the trying to understand as well. so why does this continue? i'm kind of the, there is some method to the madness american, the postage of what i got. and i said that it's all over the past 6 months. the american officials have tried to can nothing in the whole with kindness. it's been dealing with pride was started. you know, i don't what he does, no matter how many people he can, no matter what the volkswagen volta statement or how much they can genocide nor do something, does us know much, no matter how many mass produced we're going to dig. the american, speaking of the shower, which pays, i'm talk about the summit isn't hoping that this will run off one with guess what is a new one to kindness now does not respond well to this sort of effect, and he continues on his own pathway to death of destruction and gosh, because that's what he thinks, that's how he's in green and his,
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the logical personal and political career. do you think that's the same, the same sort of messaging ball one from the us to the rest of you might say these ready cabinet because a blink of us being missing. everybody has me from the left and from the rights and everybody else in between. i think it's for keeping up appearances. i think with a 64, a strong majority in addition to some of the others like johnson, i was importance on the thing. yeah. how it feels very comfortable with his argument through the majority to certify whatever is being cooped up for him or not be hooked up for him. so as long as he continues with uh, with this pathway forward, selected him to be dropped off and refusing stuck stuff any permanent ceasefire. he's gonna make dentist go. as we spoke about this yesterday, we touched on the fact that the us administration is under great pressure at home to spreading that with the spreading university protests. i mean,
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it's not helping the democrats all the republicans of the messaging about that sort of fully fledged backing for israel and the tax dollars that are being spent on that. but it's not actually helping any of the european governments. and if we just pivot towards europe, what's happening in america is now happening in major cities across europe. and a lot of these countries are going to the polls and the next few weeks. and the next few months when i tell you something, got so and i think gets for our few doors around the world. i think we've, we've been having some, some of the problems almost exclusive to west accident coverage. i'm not sure 0 of what has been going on in west city universities and industry. so western capital. ready sense in terms of what's happening in the society, not just in the high politics, but also sort of look on our coverage just today in the us 2 days and weeks and american verse. this has just been, you know, checking that contrasted with other networks to failed miserably,
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to really distinguish the rightful wrong to choose from that session. but we still have not talked about generation z and we thought we didn't have the why, the conversation? who are these people that's already to news, they're expensive university wizard i didn't need who's right for the sake of justice for the sake of morality and ethics. what is the generation? because mr. motion has been separate from us, whether you're not just us, we're getting busy the network, the online over time. we don't know if they're playing video games or the just getting more, but the form certainly by then an add them. so may have been out of new york certainly don't understand this generation as soon as they are with this, this generation is the logic, but it is model and it does believe in social justice and it doesn't really inversion of poppy. and it does believe in human rights and the need for people to
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live for you the other side. so this generation is organizing. i'm digitization destructive pricing. and this generation is the combination of all previous generations. the 2nd world war. so this generation i think, is teaching the india sacrifice in the id of the principles and we are seeing the not stop inducing cause of genuine persisted. i'm shooting them spread because that, but the network may or other things that they need. i did this to come from, i don't know where to new york or chicago orders i used to make. it doesn't even understand that the show will network the door, the, the new which it, it because they're somewhat informed in there. so a different date of himself, this generation z is thought to be savvy, you know, kind of a bit, maybe weird or whatever. but it's not, it is that port, it's a beautiful. it is, it is, it has been to the whole things and they have to be the soul, the case and do
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a good thing to be. but actually the last quote for us in terms of the fight for justice. yeah, let's see if the politicians also say what they made off in the coming days and weeks of the baby while we thanks so much for joining us. mama shar, without seeing if let's go out of us as the police in took you have detained at least $200.00 demonstrates as mocking, international work is day and it's done both using purpose break and take us to discuss the crowds the take. so if i were to use a band, riley's in the city's main square, since demonstrations will help in 2013 the guys present best at that of the one i'm just governments officer shouldn't need to x. and lou says that his policy will keep up fits protests until all of them is listed. but work is in tennessee. it will also,
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it's on the streets coming by palestinian too busy and flags they condemned. the exportation of palestinian workers and colonialism have been betrayed. demonstrations demanded reduced working hours and higher wages. they paved, waved gideon flags and trying to dispose of public services. the country's biggest unions led to rally in the french capital. thousands of also, you know, the full amount shred by the countries made unions. they demanded back to pay working conditions. it was also a lot show of support for palestinians in concert, potentially popular chosen from the french capital. traditional made a raleigh's, but vicious and protest is a calling for the end to the boy in gauze, or just tell us a little bit more about what you sort of had. yeah, that's right. tens of thousands of people working for the city here in paris on this traditional base. a rally led for you, as you said, by the french trade unions to really of all of the best of pay, best of working conditions of the working people in phones. but we did say
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a number of people who come out and support the people who say speak, he said he is full full and then 1000 and many of those people for young a lot of universities do. he said he knows. suffice saying, this is days i kid falls, particularly i should say, paris does universe, this is really leading demonstrations assistance in solidarity deposited in paper on friday there was a particularly large demonstration on one of the phones is mainly the 1st is precision seal for universities in the capital where students were by police, many of them said that they felt that board that they finally got through that process. they managed to encourage university, i'm sorry, 22 phenomena, discussion and it just stays on the situation in garza, this coming week. it's actually that can let you continue to bonus events for us across the french capital for the country kentucky. the work is across lots of
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america, including columbia. an argentine are also gathering to mock may de, import as always work. as entre do you need is took to the streets the day after the origin, city and level house apartments approve a suede of controversial reforms. they include the 5 size, but the public companies and weekly labor protections, as well as comes to government spending. the so called on the best spelled is deeply unpopular with trade union, so called for a national strike on may the 9th as well as under up yet his life was in columbia's capital buckets. all way, major riley is getting underway. good to speak to you out of sundry in columbia, present to petrie is the 1st left wing leader in recent history. i mean house is framing of the agenda today. absolutely, i'm president advancer. i've been trying to take advantage of the transmission on may they rally here that happens. obviously it every year and as
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a supervisor to participate in what additional late march organized by labor unions in the country. it has created some controversy among some of the union saying that today is not a day for the president to essentially take over the set of march that is calling for bigger workers. right. and the defense of workers' rights and a timing for the when and who i mean going got back to the unemployment that has increased and they can see in the past 2 months. but most of the people that are here, most of the unions are supported and a $10.00 reform presented by gustavo, so that has been suffering in congress. and his government has also made them almost unprecedented that protest a little over a week ago. where somewhere between 300400 people, 100000 people, came out and wrote visiting a housing for venture reform. right now their response to this government has been
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trying to are works for the president today, needed a massive show of support is getting it and it's expected to be talking to the people in a central class, i believe a few hours. of course. um, so do we talk you about, you know, how large and city is that the space is with the reforms that how the delay is bringing in. but there is a general frustration across the continent as well as the the absent or 3. there is a sense, especially after the last few years that i've seen obviously a great increase. the cost of living across the region and beyond the inflation has been a major issue across from matthew in america. also there is a feeling that in many countries, including some that are having the elections this weekend, like upon them i, there's been and the roshan of the workers rise right across the region. and i
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increasingly difficult for people to find the jobs that, that offer a sustainable lifestyle. and so we are seeing that and obviously a lot of the attention and, and not just the not came particular given the fact that they are the government that's been able to approve at the lower house. as you said in your introduction, a major reform that will do that with the cost much of the welfare system existing . and that can tell us that drum pnc that mean buckets all thank you. so i had here all the, i'll just even use struggling to keep cool in bangladesh. the heat wave is threatening the livelihoods of millions of people is being says, he has since the death of formula one ads and center will be reflecting on his career the impact on s one sports. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the, [000:00:00;00] the business latest to sponsored bind him to like global your real estate destination
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in due by the, [000:00:00;00] the book about the types of support of his on the thank you so much so i will, the will, the, for the one is remembering the life and career of driving legend at some center funds, a gathering at the end of the circuit. and it's really why the presenting died in a crush 30 years ago today. so i don't wanna will title 3 times before his death. at the age of 13 full austrian roland robson. burger was killed and another crushed during the same race. we can, we be talking to f one full custom on kalika abouts centers, legacy a be had already seen brazilian drivers come into for me the one to to the sport at
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that time is a european spore. jeanette is currently quite calmer as having the south americans turn up, but that they actually arrived was a certain sation of talent. he was informed me the one for a decade, 1984 to 1994. he brought an intensity to the job, but he was not just a fast driver, but it was the way he worked with his team. so it was the intensity with which he drove. and also he was quite an intense person out of the car, deeply religious, also a man who had a lot of passion. and i'm not a passion for the sport. i'm not really created quite an interesting or around him . every formula on the 2nd, it's not constructed to a safety 10 plate which evolved in the wake of the episode of roland russell, burger double fatality. the entire sports technical,
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and indeed sporting regulations very much have safety now at the center of them. and it is remarkable to say that we've only have one further driver fatality in the last 30 years because of the 40 years before that we nearly have 40 driver fatality so that we can really did mark a seismic shift in for we the ones approach to safety and risk management. well, kind of the f one will champions redbull of concerned the head design chief adrian new a will be leaving the team in 2025. he's one of the most successful designers in the sports history. could now join it with louis hamilton at ferrari next year. we reported a bit unsettled by how rental has dealt with how some allegations made against st. principal. christian horner, a simple french tompkins price on jim on are about to take them, brush it open in the 1st like of the champions league, semi final it will be coming in by face last chance to win the trophy with p. s t. before he leaves the club at the end of the season, because never won the trophy, that repeats into the 2020 funnel by buying munich. the current score and this has an opportunity to just over 25. that's the youngest,
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less than the competition. here's all. okay, so you better than most your doctors don't. it's very funny to be honest, if we lose it will be because the plan is young and then if we, when, what will it be local luxury, most ages, most important that they use a very prepared to compete. even though i often hear people criticizing them, i think about the maturity of how they train, how they prepare. and if they have the right level, i don't care if they have $55.00 oh, $16.00 super oppression goldman with last year of pain champions. way back in 1997, they haven't made it to this stage. the competition says 2013. that's when new york and clark was in charge. they've been lost the pastry to nail in the group sites before him before drawing 11 at home. but i did go on top, the final group as stomachs and, but the scottish flesh, i know the rest and eventually about pay is maybe the best player in the world. and you have to be very aggressive against him. you have to try and attack him with 2 players whenever possible,
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because alone it's very difficult because we have to do that as a team and also prepare mentally to win the jewels against him as well. that how retains faulty 3rd goal in 43 games. this season helps bon units, what suit to draw, and the 1st part of the semi it goes around madrid, college all to so i've taken a one, no lead and so half time in this one. that is history and you with that goals. fine with the hate, but shortly after the breakthrough leroy so on, i mean is light like a penalty and that was schooled. finally, thompson, k plus ram states of the drill that you want to pose even cells can assist you in putting away his 2nd go home. the noise ritson, like that is in madrid. next wins. right now the spanish cups will close out across the trunk. so when the madrid opens, the 3rd stray is up against in the course of finals, the spanish world number 31, the 1st set it goes on by going back to 6 times before the russian is just fighting the 2nd 63 will bring you the results. of that the siding,
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the set of little lights around the toilet is all the thoughts on when a rough, when a dial be $22.00 times grand, some champagne losing to check play. you really hatch good. most likely spaces for us to parents would be events without finding just his 2nd competition since january, before the city expects rates on rest of this season is fine right next to he continues to bill looks different, chosen, which he's one of records breaking full seen signs the ways he's unforgettable day in terms of saying would by monday it's not this one of the places or even probably the place that they receive more law funds support blink all these years with mike, every i keep going and they have my personal goals and that's gone the next couple
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of weeks and i went to explore if i have any time still to achieve that of the new next progress to the 2nd round of the m b. a playoffs that's being put on hold. it would be 10 in gang 5 of those series by the philadelphia $76.00 is the team's one level with just of a one minute left in orbit time with new york knowing victory would see them advance philadelphia manage the site, the lead, and from there they were able to hold off for next tardies maxie stalled with 46 points. check on to work with $76.00 is winning $112.00 to $1.00 use and here's a migraine to this, right? there's pass off to them and then they can fighting played the full amount of 53 minutes. and so um do you ever come back? is not the time the hang our head no matter what the situation is. so we know that there are a tough team with a tough environment. i go in there just ready to play. do we do and just be ready for battle. the milwaukee bucks and stay to live in fair playoff series. 29 point
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sage by chris middleton and bobby pool safe. junior helping them beat the indiana paces $150.00 to $90.00. 2, indiana still lead that series 3 to the cleveland calculate is now just one when away from the next round, like hung on some people on by magic by a single points couple is leading the series. 3 games that's a swarm of bees cools the amazingly baseball game between the arizona diamondbacks and the la dodgers to be delayed. thousands of them gathering on the net fund, hung plates, a pest control work, and becoming the unlikely. hey, roy, with 37 year old father of high school is looking for an affinity that would happen and then you see the whole valley thanks very much take, you know, talking to that she's experiencing it as long as teeth wave and it's 76 years at least 10 people have died of heat strike and school's shots. now the lack of rain
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and intense heat is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people on low incomes, including many farms to try and repulsed from the capital. dr. is fine with that she is experiencing the longest duration of unprecedented hot weather and its record in history. for many people, the intense heat, coupled with high humidity, is making life intolerable. it's way too hot. i couldn't ride my ritual for too long in this heat. that's why i have to rest in the shade more often than usual, which is why i'm not doing enough. i'm feeling very anxious. and dark up temperature rose about 40 degrees celsius on 15th april. i mean, the west of the country reached 43 degrees and farm. my walkers are suffering heavily. i have never seen heat like this. in my lifetime. our duty requires us to
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stay at long hours outside in the heat. and it's hard to bear this. scientists say our been areas have been hit particularly hard by what's known as it island effect . that's why i built up environments rate and he amplifies the temperature. met office this morning. the phenomena would continue to out me, but the rate of temperature increase may slow down and there may be some rain disability allowing me into a ways who taking the safety of help with this the cpa, extreme compared to the condition. the united nations showed in front as called on bangladesh to take precautions, expressing deep concern for the health and safety of children. additional so july months. right. and we have identified the districts, i'm experience high temperatures, the benchmark limits. we have identified about 14 districts and have decided to keep all educational institutions closed. and world bank studies saves more than 3 quarters of the population in bundle. dish are at risk of experiencing
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a decline in living standards because of climate change and related temperature rise. i need regular rainfall tunbridge audrey, i'll just see the doctor. and so that's it for me. so hold on this and i'll be back to bone use all the other side of the break, but until then all of these teams have dental. thanks your time to complete. the humanity is open the gates of hell in those seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. part 2 of 200, just one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election
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will administer. now render moody's b t p, increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states? and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. the, in the, as an actions on out, is there a unique perspective? why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era as guns july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded,
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the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mind lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life including its own garza the last picture. oh no, just the . ready ready the peaceful protests in the us become a target, a student's in come to to use c l a is a ton, i suppose is of israel. the students occupying a building inside deal to columbia university are removed and the police right.
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the i'm so robin you want to,


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