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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the secretary of state titles as well as prime minister, more humanitarian aid is needed in gaza and reiterates concerns about any attack on russia. the problem so robin, you watching on just a lot of headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 30 minutes. the pc protests in the us speaking with target a student encompass to u. c. l. a is attacked by supporters of israel. also,
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students occupying a building inside new york columbia university are removed in a police, right. but inside the goal is a strip civilian casualties bounce is what i was trying to refer again where a 1500000 displaced, palestinians sheltering the welcome to the program diplomatic efforts all along the way to reach a sci fi in gaza with the us putting pressure on her mouse to agree to israel's terms succeed state anthony blinking has visited the kind of of southern border crossing and there's also the prime minister that even, that's why we all have to push for a deal. blink and has told is really lead as he still opposes a ground defensive in rough. the on roof itself looks, our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed. it won't change. we cannot, will not support
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a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve require a major military operation and process. we've been talking to these realize about that. we'll continue those conversations. let's come over this all correspondence and occupied eastern reasoning. stephanie deca, who was also listening into that press conference by the secretary of state. stephanie, what did you make of the tone and the call them tend to vote blinking. have to say because he wants to make an impact with his visit because he's got a very important message from the white house. yes and he said there, he said really it was all about this, these fire deal and that was central to the discussions. you heard there the
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position on that off for that hasn't changed, but he did say there, you know, we pulled up alternatives because these are, these are adamant. and prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that he said dealer know, deal, we're going and set off. so they discussed other options of how to do that is put the bull firmly in have masses court. at this point in time, he said that israel had made concessions, that it was now down to her mouth that there was no more time to procrastinate or manipulate, and that her mouse had to accept this deal if they didn't do that, it meant they didn't care about it's people know how mouse is demons of always been or that long, but there needs to be a full end to the war for any deal to be met. it's difficult to see how they manage to bridge that because these really prime minister maintains that there will be no end to the war and that is off. it will go ahead. so we need to question and see what, how much will say we're expecting a response in the next 24 hours or so, because that end to the war is not on, on the table. so again, we'll have to wait and see. but yes, of course, blinking one success,
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i think briefly, success has been the fact that more aid seems to be going into garza, the americans have put more pressure on israel. they have open areas for the 1st time today um the polluting peer that the americans are building the link and they're saying it will be operational within a week. but again, you don't need that p, or if a proper flow is 8, can go through the line borders. and so again, that is some success. i think the americans will take away the fact that more aid is going in. but this is really not the purpose of their truck. no, it's no. is it really because it's all about the cease fire? that's not just the us, but the global community wants to see and also know, talk about that incursion into rafa. the problem that both the americans face is that they've been pools in all directions by all of the different stakeholders, aren't they? they themselves being one of them. yes, and the pressure is really on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu because his
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political survival a many polls will tell you in his radius will tell you his career is over once the war was over, which is why it has been accused multiple times of extending this war for his own principal survival, but just in terms of the internal is really politics to members of his co edition that he depends on for his political survival as a government are threatening to withdrawal. and they probably will withdrawal, potentially, if there was a deal on his opposition year le, peters said we will make up your numbers. we will join you and govern, but he doesn't trust them because that he can withdrawal from the government, leading to a collapse and to new elections. so it's about his political survival. visa be a bigger geopolitical picture, which is probably about an hour of coalition with israel against iran, normalization with saudi arabia, which is something that would be huge. but that does mean that there needs to be a prospect for policy in states. there's so many complicating factors on the table, the americans want success because it's an election year and this has been
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a longer policy up there. so i think again it could go either way. it is down to her mouth now, but if her mouth says there is no end to the war under this deal, then it's going to be difficult to see how they will be accepted. so think of that for us monitoring events. it'll keep parties truth and things definitely. but what's happening in the middle east is linked to the university protests now in the united states and other relative period of calm. after the celtic scenes that you see i on tuesday night, now this was the scene on wednesday morning on the university campus in los angeles, where students remaining compton, solidarity with palestinians in cause a rope rentals repulsor from los angeles of violence broke out on the u. c l, a campus, as a group of israel's supporters attacked the student protesters and camp, and they threw fireworks and hurled objects into the camp. the attack went on for hours, but campus security in los angeles police did not intervene. it's not the 1st time
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pro israel groups from outside the university community have attacked the protest encampment, but it was by far the largest most violent and both sustained assault. it's ridiculous. we have all the time. we were just standing right in front of our and cabinet, which is the right company. and we got pushed from all the way over there to over here. but prior to that, we have people amazing us beating us with that and 6, growing whatever they could to us. and none of this law enforcement was here at all . so it's kind of disappointing that we're seeing as perpetrators here. as the mob tried to reach the makeshift wall surrounding the encampment, some individuals were beaten, but they stood their ground. eventually, the los angeles police department arrives in the crowd withdrew. it was a shocking into a day that often saw a police cracking down on palestinian solidarity demonstrators on campuses around
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the country. at the university of south florida, officers tear gassed a group of student demonstrators interested, several of them a palestinian flag was unfurled over the university of north carolina, least the rest of dozens of protesters there and took down the flag at yale university, police tore down tents and cleared protesters away at the university of new mexico, riot police descended on protesters. woman sought help after being pepper sprayed and at the university of texas were more than 100 students had been arrested some violently. over the past week, protesters continued to gather, seemingly unintimidated by the show of force. despite the violent attacks at u. c. l a and least suppression elsewhere. students were mobilized in protests against
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israel's war on guns, a show no signs of backing down. rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles. kristen. so they, me, is that going to be university in new york with students? i'll keep buying a building that i would have moved and arrested. ty kristin, so what was the situation like by now? the other, so i have the police presence, the columbia university campus, perhaps you can see them now instead of starting a student demonstration, they are starting a faculty demonstration faculty have come out in support of the students who were arrested. they held a rally and now they are marching with students often down the sidewalk in front of the kansas state. the area where they have to assemble is limited because of the sidewalk and because of the police barricades with their marching and chanting,
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just picking up where the students left off with the same chance in the rally. they express their anger at the university administration. some of the signs that they are carrying represent that enter that we heard, they say pops off our campus hands off our students. they are highly angry that they are very critical of the president of the university of the nation . the claim that a chance to allow that they tried to get on campus in the morning yesterday to negotiate between the students and the administrations after the building was taken over by them to try to de escalate the situation. they say teachers were denied access to try to ation. they believe that the plans were already in place to arrest the students later in the day. they're also highly skeptical of claims by the mirror of the city, about outside agitators being responsible for what's happening here. they say
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they're waiting for more facts to come out of. the city says that they have a rest in about 300 demonstrators here at columbia and at city university of new york and others. but they have yet to say how many of them are actually students of the university as well cleaning that outside agitators had gotten involved in more . now, escalating the cons, would escalating the demonstrations and making it a security threat for people on campus. this all the faculty, again, very critical of this and calling for the students to be allowed back on campus in the police to leave one notable quote to leave us from the rally from one of the faculty members here, frustrated cody, he said, this isn't about colombia it isn't about cc on why are you c l a? this is a conscience of
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a nation speaking through our kids and that was met. busy the chairs on the street and this very spirited spirited demonstration that you will continue to follow that demonstration with you through the day. because it's telling me that for us at columbia university in new york, let's head across to the united states capital in washington, dc, where she everytime see a study by george washington university. it's really interesting, isn't it? she have, i mean the, you said the politicians may well be coming to your location to see what's going on . but politicians across the board also watching what's going on from the east coast to the west coast. it was the us heads towards the presidential election. it will be interesting to see how the candidates themselves now use these protests in the con pains and to what advantage. so i think that's exactly what we're seeing right now with this congressional delegation is expected, the company goes, i'm new for us. it looks as though this is terrible, this chaos have been truly, but i don't see public, but there is
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a time for them to show that with the money that is being spent on the buy the various lobbies, so that i can say dislikes what we can see with our eyes that he's a piece from a cap on simply cooling for peace. they are allowed to, um, the keep so to speak, to, to prove to that, notice that that was all the cash it's making sense of spends on them. so you have the military industrial complex, the weapons manufacturers who created the one that he took of divestment for weapons manufacturers. and interesting that you see that, that van diagram back. so you know what, what i told him that the politicians on capitol hill or the white house you can type of study for the university administrators. you have a georgia watching georgia columbia university. that's like, look, you know, we want your money so we will fight against the students. so your them you've got be, is randy lobby well documented spending millions of dollars on capital hill on job . i think when he was a senator he received the most for these. right. it'll be that the senator. i don't was it. he's also a great believer in design is with them. and i'm the given the due date, superior. all the old jewish superiority, i guess what was like the superiority of everyone else in the middle east. i mean,
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he said that he's documented this angle left and then you have the course to be about jellico love a who are particularly a major force and the republican party who don't want any and to the slaughter and gaza. because i say this is biblical prophecy. they want chaos so that eventually they can send all the jews into their health. uh they wield a huge amount of huge amount of impact in the, in the republican policy. and i think the republican members of congress were going to see you here in a few hours will be trying to prove to that donors that are on best side, please give us more money for the election campaign. and so, so yeah, i think right now they are even though what we, what we see is, is, is to be irrational permit to about something that seems to be so not sure to protest for students to be protesting using that for us. lemon writes, i think what this thing is, this is a great money make your machine to teach, do to out, to piece themselves in, in bizarre, hysterical language about how everyone here is a radical islamic terrorist. when clearly that's, that's not the case. i think they all are using it for their doctors right now. in
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the long run. the white house apparently still can confident that when it comes to the election, the young people will come back because they're so scared of trump. and um, they will also be using the issue of reproductive rights as well. so they still kind of think, yeah, yeah, and they'll forget, by november we bought a long time. that's right. getting the money now. so they all using it to their advantage, even though it looks closer to us and he will see what happens and in the coming weeks and months, i suppose you have thanks very much. well, i'm the grounding cause of these really military has been attacking residential areas across the strip molding 34 and a half 1000 palestinians being killed in nearly 7 months, a full and one of the latest attacks. and as strongly con, rasa in the south killed 2 children, israel has intensified every low tax on the city assessment of a major ground defensive, around $1500000.00 falsity displaced palestinians, or sheltering that the jo, danny, and foreign ministry says is riley satellite several times to aid convoys, dustin, to gauze, i need my mood is in ross i in the south and said this update that seems to be part
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of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation is the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern. the rates across the gaza strip, so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth as love, humanitarian aid, into the gauze, and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing blanket on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war. the past 6 months . i've been very difficult to get people's most needed. a right now at this difficult time, the settlers on the northern parts of the gaza strip. that's where
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a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel in the city, but they talked in an attempt to block it to your damien humanitarian colon void is coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk and the a the to come voice made their way to their destination, into the gall, this thread, they are carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the gaza. for the just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine. within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people. the saw still had, hey, on al jazeera made a in south africa, one of the many marches around the world, linking workers' rights to support the palestine. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is best for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in definitely as 5 minutes to know that to state possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera. ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the
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shortest possible time donates with confidence. charts. military has been in charge since taking power in the coal 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help their say, well the us withdrawing it schools. i'm groups beautiful losing the front of neighboring so dining conflict. what lies ahead for the country child, the elections or knowledge is 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the to talk about what's going on. just bear with me. so robin in doha, reminder of all the top stories, us secretary at the same time to be blinking us. matthews, ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu in west teresa then linked inside a deal for the following dollars that is achievable and reiterated us opposition to
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it is really ground defensive in rasa. while demonstrations have been continuing college campuses across the united states in new york, please rated a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting in solidarity with palestinians in los angeles. and all the time the palestine solidarity sits in the university of california. so forward to use in the united kingdom have begun detaining migrants in preparation to deport them to rwanda. video showed immigration officials investing microns and design them, so you can see from homes around england 5 minutes of issue. soon at columbus, the 1st group to be sent to the east african country by july parliament to prove the little paving the way for the deportations last month. but human rights groups and un officials have criticized to move. lee on a broadly is a british political consultant on coming types of joins us now from london, kentucky with us on the program. so when shocking video and images i suppose is all that we can describe them as
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a. but the government is promising to tackle illegal immigration, both your reaction as well. i think the government in the certainly trying to spin this in a way that shows the robot and the plan which has been met, flashes immigration policy is on the way that the plan is working. but i think we have to look at this with us in the klein because we have an election in the u. k. tomorrow local elections. but however, i do think a lot is going to be ready to the results that the government conservative policy. and if it's a bass sense of election results, zip codes, the prime minister under pressure so that the timing is one reason to be cynical. and the other reason to be cynical is the, the whole roof out of the plan appears to be taking place with the company lands. it seems to be the rounding of these potential models. we are going to be really tempted to move around us for them to be having that happen to them when social
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media posts with tv cameras in that face is it just leaves a slightly a sound placed in the mouth, but the necessary that's how all of us expand to government into you take to be carried. yeah. it is. this is all to move in the sense that, you know, one might say is a blatant propaganda, isn't it? it could, it be deemed as ill judged me that as you say local like, well, the eve of low collections, people go to the polls in england and wales tomorrow. and the results of that election may determine or even full submission students hands as to whether he goes to a national poll sooner rather than later. exactly that, and i think that's what we're seeing a little when design is politics with the real capital pay. this is about fine to drive and the wage between all the conservatives assigning on immigration and all the all of this is elaine. the policy is saying on integration. and i think the conservative policy that best have of any kind of a, the, some results from the general election relies on that having
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a strong message around immigration. now we do know that the policy is fairly popular in the country. it will be there, a lot of pools people will go into the site and that is inhumane, of a st. hands on walkable but buying lots of different popular policies. the question, so obviously, so you're not going to questions for the government is, is this the type of policy that you want to behind your hopes on some sort of electra electra of success? and i think it's well worth remembering that the policy has no language. she said not to was noble wife bryan successfully is trusted withdrawal bias or as johnson which feels like a long time ago now. and you have politics and only now when we see the client come to fruition center, it does seem like a house which you see now is printing is focused on a very narrow austin victory. and then a lot of the client has talked about, yeah, i wonder how opposition groups going to react to this because the any is as we say on the eve of these low collections. but i thought if i'm right, i think the late the potty, the, the official opposition and said that they would scrap the run the plan that they
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would like to tackle immigration in a very different way. but i've raised british government to know from, you know, the adults has tried to deal with immigration as a whole election topic. nobody's really had the perfect done. so it was, it wouldn't be in this position right now. a no indeed. i think this is one of the big political difficulties falls. notice the conservative policy with a later policy to the mentioned. i think the brakes, it bugs and 7016. a lot of people of the who's going to sold the immigration problem in the you can really, although it stopped freedom this we, you, nation is coming in to the u. k. when it comes on dog installer migration, somebody's normally you countries. so we're talking about the legal immigration is one inches, but also the legal immigration doesn't know the. and the reason why that you can't, has a problem is that we do have an aging population and aging levels. so we need to have people working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth in order to
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start from the economy right now. but then on the other hand depot, the voting public can do both to see cubs on integration and they get it for straight to the mainstream policies you call seems to get a grip on it. and that's why we see lots of modules are always policy reform and other things, policies coming in and not because they seem to have more robust messaging on immigration even if the problem the talk to. so it was very difficult to do, it'll be good to get your insight. so once we get these results in the coming days and certainly in the lead up to the general election, but for the bi weekly, i would have to leave it as being good to speak to thanks for joining us. we london, the demonstrations also being held around the world to mock international work is day in the french capital, thousands of gathered to take part in the much lights by the countries main unions by the demanding but to pay working conditions. there's also a lot of support for palestinians in concert. 7 south africans have linked international work as they can member ations to a margin. solo, dougherty with palestinians,
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hundreds joined trades. you need this and take time to call for them to as well as genocide in gaza. difficult to solve the time. and so you would tell us to me, work as present the pace. i joined the riley ahead of his made a address to support us in cape town. to meet the miller has moved from the a thousands of gather jane said sounds instead of like what to say, but many here say it's not just about that, but also standing in front of our team with the people on the side menu. the various says one is the governing african national congress. now the congress of killed african trades union says says solidarity with palestine. those 2, lots to the venue would include a ceasefire and the choosing israel of committing genocide, a sort of screwed up the eyes of those in other parts of the world
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as being subjected to georgia to by the genocide. and that is why. 1 as a country and he is a lie and we are sitting in our support for the people on this side. and that is why we say we want colors time to be pretty. some political organizations and union costs are balance in favor of policies that support kind of started invested in south africa's upcoming generally next time. the issue of a ton of science may influence the votes of some some of the 0 tape town. small days made a bodies across the world on the websites, along with all focus on gaza as the will cause it continues to cold. so we'll have more on this in the news in just send
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a half now it's time. but next on i'll just say era is inside story. when we look at the possible full allowance for is really to benjamin netanyahu. it is renewed threats to invade rafa until a football, if these aren't seen here in the policy. and just about how fast time to stay with us here on the the hello, they will have a look at the weather across africa in a moment, the 1st to the middle east, and live that with unsettled weather is stealing a story. we want more rain to come stretching from tech here through iraq and into iran, but still some of the gulf states. also seeing that very heavy rain, you can see it pulling into southern parts of saudi arabia, oman, as well as yemen. and we could see some flooding. will you see those very heavy rains on friday,
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just behind that recovering as the went to weather pushes its weight for the east. and temperatures will be recovering in the north west of africa. as the unsettled weather moves away from algeria and to new z, a still some showers there on thursday into friday. this much hotter than the north down across most central areas where we're going to see some west. so weather as well. just a few bits involves of rain, but the heaviest of the rain affecting gonna antonio as we go into friday and there's going to be more rain to come for pots of kenya that have already seen devastating flooding. more rain starting to pull into coastal areas of tons in here as well as mozambique, thanks for developing tropical system to the north of the mozambique channel. but to the south of this, it's a very hot and dry picture for about florida and south africa. right now, collins and public confrontation,
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young people across the u. k. a putting their bodies on the line to force attention to issues that my sister, that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other fails, die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be defined, no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our to 0 a hero sector states in israel, and another push receives 5 in gaza. he says a deal is achievable to full z me a 7 month full for these ready prime minister has a game found to invade rough. uh, how will benjamin nothing, you know, whose comments effect mediation efforts is inside story?
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the kind of, they're welcome to the program on the clock. so the time is now until the blinking,


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