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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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around the world struggling by rushing full series of lead bands and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the the cut on so robin, you want to mail just it renews on life more headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the peaceful protests in the united states become a targets a student's encampment at t c. l a is a taxed by supporters of israel. try to create tradeoffs. not to peacefully protest would create a new york police say they've arrested around 300 people at columbia university
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unexcused, many of them of not being students meanwhile, and gaza pilots city insight. trying to, to the students in the us staging the probably to say like hope it makes a difference. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rock. absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harm to a secretary of state tends to be blinking visits as well and we get traits, american opposition. so it is really offensive in rafa. plus the made a is month by protests from around the world will have reports from istanbul to powers on his full costs on crutches. hopes of winning a 3rd straight madrid open. sancho august. he's going out in the quarter finals faces and 3 set fire rushes on, driving the
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welcome to the news. we begin in the united states while demonstrations against, as well as war on garza hoping, disrupting more university campuses across the country from new york to michigan, florida to california, and on the texas students at over a 100 schools. as you can see here on the map of demanding the universities cuts, financial ties with israel and any companies that advance as well minutes we have fits in garza in new york, police rated a building at columbia university occupied by students protesting in solidarity with palestinians. police forces entered hamilton full by some students and barricaded themselves. i was earlier now, new york's mass as about 300 people were detained in protests at columbia university and city college. so lady on wednesday the you see on
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a campus being calm after a night of chaos, a violent, small baton, they talestine solidarity, sitting on the u. c. l a compass, some waste pro is ready flags as a assaulted student demonstrates is in some instances with sticks. now the police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the students. so we have a team of correspondents covering the protests across the united states. she advertised, so you will have the latest george washington university and america's capital constance. maybe it is at columbia university in new york, heidi joe castro is that the university of texas. but let's begin with rob rentals at the u. c. l. a campus in california. hi rob, but me, what was the situation that i like now? it was a different last night. so absolutely. so hell right now, the university has cancelled all classes for the day. so the, the campus here is, is quite a nearly deserted and very calm and quiet. that was definitely not the case of
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several hours ago overnight when, where i'm standing right now. a violin mob attack the pro god's a solidarity encampment that you can see behind me with a fire works, a chemical irritants like bare spray a sticks and uh, and polls uh, injuring a number of students. uh and uh, the students uh, tried to keep them from entering the encampment as you can see now the camp and is still there. there are dozens of tents still erected and they haven't gone anywhere . but there were no police here last night for hours. but if you look over here, you can see that there are plenty of police both campus police in black uniforms and. ready a gentleman in pan or khaki uniforms with the california
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highway patrol. lot of questions being asked today in the aftermath of the violet attack on the student protestors from a group of outside of people who were not part of the campus community, but were part of the larger of los angeles community. waiving is really flag shouting slogans and as i said before committing acts of violence, a lot of questions being asked, where were the police, why did they wait for so long? why were they not on the scene as the attack went on hour after hour? and of course the, that is the question about what the status is of campus security, which we have some of a guest. so early on i'll just go through the day and what the status is of you might say the normal police uh what the response time should it be? if a 911 cold had been made? well, these are the questions that need to be asked isn't that is absolutely,
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and we have no answers to those questions yet at that as of last night, there's only security for us here when the attack occurred was a, a, a group of hired security guards private security guards that the university had contracted for, they still decide they're on arms and the odd numbered. so perhaps that's understandable. what's less understandable is why the university wasn't prepared for this because this wasn't the blood bolt out of the blue. this was not a surprise. these groups of pro israel demonstrators have been here night after night since this and camp. it was set up and have a tack, the and camp and repeatedly, they've actually had a set up a large that we don't have to see that. but really set up their own sort of media center with the big a large television screen, huge television screen and speakers where they've been blaring out some propaganda and so forth and so on. and one thing,
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so how i wanted to mention that in the u. s. media and to a certain extent, the international media. this has been characterized as a clash between student protesters and counter protesters. it was not a class, it was a pre meditated attack to say that this was a class is to say like new orleans clashed with hurricane katrina. no, it was. it was an assault. it was premeditated. it was by people who came from the outside and it went on for hours without the police intervening. a lot of questions still remain to be answered. so help it. thanks so much, rob rentals for us at u. c. l, a. in los angeles. so let's close over to kristen saline, who's at columbia university in new york quest students occupying a building that were moved and arrested that christian just a couple of hours ago, the matter of new york spoke about his respondents to what was happening at columbia university in the past 24 hours, what did he say?
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while the headline is nearly $300.00 demonstrators were arrested last night, about half of them here at columbia, another half at the city, university of new york. not too far from here. i think what really stood out about the mayor's remarks was that he characterized what's happening across the city as not a student led movement, but as a global movement to radicalize our children. he said, i'm not gonna let that happen. he did say that he had been working with the administration of columbia university to deal with the situation on campus, but they felt a sense of urgency after the building was taken over. they said that they saw evidence of outside agitators getting involved. they recognize this because of the change in tactics on campus. and they also pointed to evidence that they were being trained by professionals,
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but they do not share any of that evidence to move yet to name any of the people. the rest of that are not students or somehow affiliated with the campus. here's a little bit more of the you have to have the request of columbia university. after speaking with them throughout the week, at their request and big knowledge means that outside agitators were on the grounds, training and really co opt invisible at their requests. we went in and conducted it operation to allow lemme university to remove those web, turn the peaceful protests into a place where type semitism and anti israel is attitudes for pervasive. so what's the situation right now in terms of what's going on in all around the university? well,
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the campus itself is fairly quiet. vancammeron and all of the flags and posters that were around great lot of columbia as kansas had been removed by you can see behind me there's still a very heavy police presence outside. there was another demonstration outside just a short time ago. this one was organized by teachers and faculty here at the university they gathered for a rally outside in support of the students who were demonstrating uh they were holding signs as a hands off our students. they are holding signs of cops on campus. uh, they told me that they were highly skeptical of the maris comments that outside agitators had organized this event. in fact, they say that they had been dealing with students from the beginning and counseling them and trying to be intermediaries between the students, the student, demonstrators and the administration here. and they said on monday,
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the day that they were they were denied access to the campus to do that, to negotiate with them. and as skeptical, highly skeptical as they are of the mirrors claims. they are highly critical of the president of the university. my new shot, see they say that well not all of the faculty may agree with a miss or the, the goals of the students that there is very, very. 9 high support for the right to protest on campus. there's outrage, and there has been a vote by the faculty senate to condemn the great use of police on campus. nevertheless, the police are here and they have been invited by the administration to stay here until may 17th after graduation is scheduled. because it's really cool is that it can be university. thank you. let's close april all the way to the other side of the us. now and to texas. oh, to austin, pardon me, in texas and the university of texas. how, how does your account start?
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is standing by its been a very busy 72 hours heidi is we've continued to talk about what went on the way you uh, what's the situation like today? so the organizers have been planning a rally here on the same spot where we saw police breakdown and encampment on monday and arresting 79 people. but as you can see, there is really no one here at the moment, except for police who were in preparation of that rally. there was a heavy police presence here. officers, there are some ones who look like there's was here at strategically stage points in the surrounding blocks. but the lawn itself, which is right behind these officers and e, c, u t 's tower. it's been empty since this morning why organizers told us that frankly, they decided to postpone the that because many people were feeling frightened after
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what happened here on monday, which was quite a violent police craft out that we saw you t says that 79 people were arrested, they say the majority of them were not you to students. and then none of those arrested or staff members. they also released a statement saying that there were weapons confiscated during that protest from protesters, including guns and including bricks according to the university. but while here and we saw that protest really from beginning to end on wednesday, we did not witness any protesters using weapons against police. we did see a few people throwing water bottles. and on the other side, we saw police using pepper spray against students multiple times. and we saw skirmishes and police were trying to push around the crowd, many people falling to the ground. and we saw officers using a lot of force to pick up. piece of protestors who were on the ground in order to put them in handcuffs and arrest them. there still about a 1000 of those arrested protesters remaining in jail here. almost all of those
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$79.00 arrested were charged with criminal trespass. and the students have really rallied around the release of those individuals getting them legal representation and saying that they're fighting for those charges dropped. but as far as what else we'll see on this campus, it's really hard to predict. so because i have to remind us, we're in a very conservative part of this country. and despite austin, being a quite a liberal city in itself, the state of texas is very conservative. split governor of the states break abbott . he has really taken credit for cracking down on the 0 tolerance policy when it comes to encampments, which other conservatives have applauded. and that goes a long way to explain some of this up and down tension. we're seeing here. and then each of austin campus kind of get cancer that for us, it'll stay at the university of texas. thank you. so the one i to says, commented into last time. so some of the students involved in protests across the
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country would not peaceful americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully process as long as it's within the law, and that it's peaceful for so for boots forcibly taking over the building is not peaceful. it's just not students have the right to feel safe. they have the right to learn. they have to right, the right to do this without this disruption, and they have a right to feel safe on campuses. i just said they have the right to attend their commencement. that's head over to the u. s. capital. she had a tendency as a george washington university in washington, dc. and of course why you, why it has to be very peaceful. so how's, what the white house spokes person said, going to play out to the politicians that are coming to visit the location where you all shortly of the yeah, there's a congressional delegation on its way who are trying to disrupt the piece bed in
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the name of peace, it's a crafted, unpack that a little bit, but you as well as we receive them in the reporting that you've just heard there any violence. and perhaps that we've seen that these encampments are from the police, or from pro is right. the counter counter protest is, meanwhile, though, from the white house of the republican policy, the people who claim, who say that though others liberals of the democratic party, they will say exactly the same things. these a cat must have to be shut down because violence, even though clearly the protest was here. the reason was that here is that tried to call the piece it is quite obviously it organic, move and disgusted by the violence. israel is meeting out in gaza with us taxpayer funded us weaponry. so that going for peace. but meanwhile we have this, this comes to cognitive dissonance about the messages we're getting from the political, political cross. as you, as you mentioned, why this congressional delegation will be here shortly. interestingly, before they arrived, they'll be uncommon. they've already released that statement about what schedule they're actually you can take a look around as i read
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a little bit of it here were loads by reports to the police, have rejected requests repairs of the george washington university to assist removing the rabbit. cool. the symmetric of the unlawful protest is even come on the university's campus where they need to take concrete measures to protect the safety of it's drew a student body from persecution and harassment. so that, but they've already reduced that state, but that's before they go there. i mean, maybe they could have waited a bit and they might just seen the things was, was slightly different to how they all describing it. but that really, really pushing to get the man the police force here in washington to crack down on these protests in the same manner as we've seen at columbia, for example, that the local authorities are reluctant because, well, frankly, they already just settled a bunch of lawsuits for all the previous vitamins games before protest is a bit worried about award about the optics, but this congressional delegation is that in some ways, i'm going to have a hearing next week to see whether they're going to arrest controls and municipal authorities as congress time. do in dc because dc is not a state, i'm them,
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they could force the police on to the protest. and so, yeah, i mean, it, it's complete talking to the distance between what's the political cause, republicans, democrats, the white as a thing and the actual reality on the ground. shared with times before is the washington george washington university. thank you. know, i love it. she's a professor of history at baldwin college, columbia university. enjoy this. i live from new york car, profess segment on it. she's kentucky with us on the program. so you'll fully invested in the university that you work in, but kinda just ask you a rival impression of the events of certainly the last 48 hours and how they unfolded as far as your concerned and from what you witnessed. and yeah, i would say that my impression is one of just absolute shock. and i think i share that with many of my colleagues, distress, anger, sadness that our university has been essentially taken over by the mit. last night . many of us listen to the radio as students,
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the journalist on the radio narrated for us what was going on. we couldn't see it with our own eyes because campus had been shut down. so there were no faculty witnesses to what went down. there was no media, there were no legal observers. so now we're starting to see of course, the students social media filter out about the violence that was really sparked, quite frankly, by the arrival of the n y p. d on campus. was that any indication or before the police arrived? the accusation is being made by the politicians is that the radical students that students feel unsafe or that they shouldn't be that? can you just play that time for us? because we are watching events play out at columbia university with aerial photographs over the last 3 days of a live video footage of what was going on. would you want your perspective of where students felt safe or unsafe to? yeah, so i spent time certainly outside the encampment, observing it as a jewish faculty member. i you know,
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was curious what was going on. i can tell you that being cabins has been uh, over the last 2 weeks, the 2 weeks that that endured entirely peaceful um it had sort of the vibe, a little bit of a summer camp. um, you know, the students were doing teaches on anti semitism. they were doing different inter faith services. they were zooming into their classes. i had, i have students for my own class participate from the encampment. so these were entirely peaceful and expressions of political opinions. so i think, you know, this weapon ization of anti semitism is, is, is truly a problem. i have to play the devil's advocate here. so for the view is i want to say, why do students have the right to barricade themselves in the building that belongs to the university? i'm think it's ok. so i have a couple of responses to that. one is that i, i don't condemn, condone, rather vandalism, the breaking of windows where example. but the show of force the here show
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a force that came out yesterday to discipline those students with entirely disproportionate. i think to the ledge that transgressions of the students, we had hundreds and hundreds of n y p. the officials mark turned to campus. the entire neighborhood was on walks down. it came, they entered the building with their guns drawn. so we had hundreds of of, of weapons right on campus, the firearms. and that seems entirely disproportionate to this, you know, sending and counterterrorism units of the n, y, p, d to confront what we're probably a few dozen students. it remains to be seen. how many students were actually in the hall seems entirely disproportionate. and i think it's also important to recognize that particular visit the building is part of a longer process, right? of because of people encampment followed by negotiations in which quite frankly, the university was neither. um,
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neither burdened in good faith negotiated in good faith nor told students the truth . right. and so it did during the negotiations. so i think we need to understand the tape of the building and within its longer, longer process. okay, let me ask you a bit more personally about your particular position because you all faculty staff, you speak to your colleagues across the university campuses, whether they would that or not. i'm just wondering how you being treated by the opinions that you have about your students by your bosses. have you been into any pressure? have you been told to say these things that suit the universities? you might say, image of you being threatened with censure? well, being fired from your job we haven't been threatened, although i think many of my more junior colleagues who do not have tenure and certainly the students are very concerned about disciplinary actions. there's the best who are more senior and enjoy tenure have the, you know, the privilege to be able to speak out. um, so i think rather than threatening the administration has essentially been absent,
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right. we've gotten actually very little in the way of communication or assistance from the administration. so faculty and students feel like a little bit like we're out on our own trying to stand up for the values of the university. many of my colleagues have spent countless days and nights trying to support our students, trying to teach our classes. so it feels like we're out here trying to defend the basic values of the university of teaching and learning and inquiry. while the administration is busy hiding under desks, i don't know where they are and, and calling in the n y p d. to be interesting to see how your students, you might say, prevail or what punishment is meet out to them in the days ahead of who we can speak to as of when that happens to them by professing. all right, midland eje, thanks for joining us from new york to thank you. tell us the reason the call is the strip. i've been expressing that thanks to american student protest as children are held up signs, thanking us, eat of us to find a but the comes in the reading said that they hate the students will put pressure
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on the colleges and the federal government as well as the international community to bring an end to the rules of correspondence encountered. was that the, the, the behind the monitoring. well, the, the, as you slow the, the, the signs are that the, they are supporting the company. all the universities and all the costs of the us that you are, but the never the word or maybe the,
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the monitoring the really a whole lot university such as the new uh, like the university, the usa where the kind of thing and a lot of the individual members, you this, the years, a lot of them, the process, the efforts and the kind of keep talking about what kind of the special needs was there you go. hudson fee or what the to innovation and encourage the all emotion. i'm gonna go, all of my people knew i might live most my brother movies. daughter who was
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working here and this supposed to be 70. where in the 22 of the facility he is a doctor and his wife was there was a 2 people in the y v. where can i'm not talking about the issue here. i'm thinking about people's issue. my brother is one of the, on the 50 for thousands of people who were killed with no crime. they did. so we want our voice to be an all of the one on board would be here by the head. but a few of the other brothers and univision, the one students are advantage, see those of the world and we all think. but for all the students in america in the us and they ok, and they were the people was the people who was standing with i work for the senior this and one of the people who is this funding or supporting us against the
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genocides that we're with is there any, eh, thank you very much, we all appreciate things that we appreciate your help. one of them is that kind of stuff and we're appreciating everything. you are supportive, you are giving us supporting for us. and for this thing, does especially in cause us right. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and people protesting around the world, raising insights in for the product and using floors collier. this is in the odd the domestic. if it's all on the way to reach us, a soaring garza with us pressuring a mouse to agree to israel's tubs,
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secretary of state. and to me blinking has been meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu in his room to push for d. o, he says is achievable. but blinking also told us in yahoo the us still a post is a ground defensive in rafa. on roof itself looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation in raw, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we've not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with uh they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve require a major military operation. in rafa we've been talking to these realities about that. we'll continue those conversations. let's get we'll, we'll correspond this occupied east teresa and stephanie decorates, molding the conversation that people won't listen to. they actually won't see a sci fi where the blinking can actually get that traction,
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sol. yes, that's the main message of the americans and lincoln said that they are himself. he said the main purpose, the main agenda was a ceasefire. this was re dominated, well the discussions that he had with the political leadership here. i mean, despite the fact that these really prime minister maintains that a whole happened, whether there's a deal or not. and you heard there from the us extra states that the americans maintain, that's an operation is off by simply isn't the best way to deal with him. as for nathan, yahoo, but i thought is usually significant. it symbolizes the end of the final push of this war victory over how mass potentially, if they do get, for example. yeah, yes. and we're the leader of him. us believe to be operating from the tunnel system under alpha and having surround himself with many of the captives. this is what these ratings believe. but of course it would be a humanitarian disaster. so whether blinking efforts are going to be a success,
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we're gonna have to wait and see how mouse has until the end of tomorrow, thursday night. to respond to this deal. how much is position has always been that there needs to be an end to the war for it to accept any deal. so the 2 sides still remain very much opposed whether the negotiators of managed to reach a middle ground. i'm can guarantee what is on that paper. we're going to have to wait and see the certainly very significant times, because very fair, if there isn't a deal off what will happen and it will happen soon, according to these ratings. stephanie, thank you for the update stuff to check on that for us to occupy the story so. so the grounding dogs are, these are the military has been attacking residential areas across the strength. mold in 34 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed and 87 months are full. and one of the latest attacks and i struggled rasa in the south killed at least 2 children. israel has intensified that real attacks almost at a, a says amount of bucks, major at ground defensive, around $1500000.00 full simply display displaced the palestinians. sheltering right
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now the will, central kitchen has resumed humanitarian operations and gaza about that to some of his employees. were killed in his right, the strike stuff have been distributing meals to displace palestinians. and then about in central garza and that's what 7 of that colleagues were killed on april 1st, even though they had shed that movements with the military. and yet it's called a whole bunch of protection of 8 work as well. so basically is that know the gaza reopening for the 1st time since october. many of them were destroyed by is very bombardment, lessening a food crisis when it's relevant to take the blockade of the stones of the will all the way i think of some bakeries is seen as a crucial step. the risk of simon remains high. how should, how about ripples the size of the pool was getting brad? is it an easy task in gaza? a small bed bass. he walks long distance is to get to a bakery that's still operating. she's among thousands of people desperate for food
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in northern gaza. despite the recent arrival of supplies of aid, the risk of famine is still high. the i'm a woman on my own. my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well, that's all desperate to feed her family about takes best during her data trip to the bakery. she walks through areas tend entirely into rubble of to months of relentless is by any bombardment. while i go to the collision before the will, we had everything. there was painter, flower, meat, vegetables, and old supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other mistakes, 16 said women and well on the left, this bakery is now relying on supplies of flour and fuel from the united nations. well food program. as soon as it opened its doors, the baker was overwhelmed by large numbers of people. on the
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we have around 5 branches, we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as international efforts at the start of the war as well and knows a total locate of gaza. a has been allowed into the strip recently, but the remains limited agencies board humanitarian. this also may be individual that fia fineman is imminent in the middle of the boss. stuff running the bakeries face a huge challenges in getting supplies of aid. but despite the best, they say they would continue working to ensure brett reaches families in desperate need. ask about the 0, a still head. hey, a lot of the, i'll just have a nice of tens of thousands of people, riley and george's capital, against
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a foreign influence bill saying it has the country's bits to join the european union. on the world of formula, one is remembering the life and career of driving legend that's incentive on these have with that story after the break, the had a lot of they will have a look at the weather across africa in a moment. the 1st to the middle east and live that with unsettled weather is stealing a story. we want more rain to come stretching from tech here, through iraq and into iran, but still some of the gulf states. also seeing that very heavy rain, you can see it pulling into southern parts of saudi arabia, oman, as well as yemen. and we could see some flooding. will you see those very heavy rains on friday just behind that recovering as the went to weather pushes its
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weight for the east and temperatures will be recovering in the north west of africa . as the unsettled weather moves away from algeria and to new z, a still some showers that on thursday into friday. this much hotter than the north down across most central areas where we're going to see some west. so weather as well. just a few bits involves of rain, but the heaviest of the rain affecting gonna antonio as we go into friday and there's going to be more rain to come for pots of kenya that have already seen devastating flooding. more rain starting to put into coastal areas of tons in here as well as mozambique, thanks for developing tropical system to the north of the mozambique channel. but to the south of this, it's a very hot and dry picture for what florida and south africa, the for countless refugees, english channel is more than
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a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on that just you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about queue watching the, i'll just introduce our lisa who run the remind to of on told stories demonstrations and support the palestinians and gaza are continuing at college campuses across the u. s. new york, please re to the building at columbia university, occupied by stevens favorite will essentially save all the time they palestine solidarity said to us that could be it states, hence the blinking it's meant as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu in west teresa lincoln said a deal for a ceasefire, and garza is achievable and reiterate to the american off position. so it is right in chrome defensive savings. rough. let's get more of this month shot. or i'll just say we're senior political analyst choices from london. well,
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on to the blinking has made his statement to my one. again saying really what we've already heard from the americans. it's all about whether you can get how i'm asked to agree and also israel to agree to the parameters of what everybody wants, which is a ceasefire. but it might not even happen is yes, i think the premise and that so now is not interested in a deal that has been clear from the very outset that for him to high honor t is taking over guys off is did she become us citizen, all the cost is certainly is not a ceasefire with her from us. so i think he tried to go over the past many weeks to postpone to decrease obstacles. even just as last, the sheet issues, the rate of more and more obstacles such as you know, who are the doctors, where are they, what are the names of that and so on,
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so forth. so i think he's really desperate not to have to do unlike uh, some in the off position. i need some of these questions because i do want to do it does look as if blinking also and suddenly the by the administration need to result as a heads back home to because there is a lot of pressure that to, with these ongoing university protests which now spreading and the messaging for both democratic and republican politicians about that fully fledged backing of israel, while the american public now really questioning whether a tax dollars a going and everything is heading towards that presidential election. you know, i'm going to be scratching my head over the past several weeks trying to understand the madness of american diplomacy that continues to beat yourselves, expecting different results. and you want explanations. one understanding of the sort of the method behind the mattresses on that kind of
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person is that they're trying to a piece nathan. yeah, getting him with kindness as it were trying to pressure him with as many gifts under words and praise as possible. so whatever he lashed out, whatever it, whatever he longed, whenever he made you decide of statements. whenever he humiliated his american concept fraud. whatever the and i'll shoot you the legal documents, the americans reward the gym braced in the sole source just until this very few weeks ago. there should black, $26000000000.00 of additionally. so i asked to a national who was on the world. whoever knows, you know, as much as they knew about the american football strategy sense for us in the united states, just to buy their ministration, decided that it would freeze this money is $20.00 plus a $1000000.00, so they don't freeze their will see, this is a service, but i'm just not giving you all governor on
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a number of issues that are important to us. national security. we have not been released by somebody friendly statement really because we have the money for you, but you are really creating major mess. the number, please don't even do that. so why then would you expect that then you can change his mind or to change course when he is getting away with everything he's getting away with murder. i the way with the american money. well, the shorter the senior political i list for, i'll just there. thank you. the columbia. in the present, gustavo petra says that he'll be breaking diplomatic relations with israel this off to the president and has criticized his body problem. and so benjamin netanyahu and asked to join in on south africa's court case that the international court of justice, which accuses as well as perpetrating a jet aside against the palestinian people. honest tons of empty se, joins us now from columbia. is a capital bug are taught what made a protest and parades,
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happiness was told about this decision to cut relations with israel, that not the 1st country from lots in america to do say that's true. so, but definitely call them is the largest and most important country that to announce that, that they're cutting ties with the israel. this will formally start tomorrow, may seconds and fits of may be announcement in front of the 10s of thousands of it support. there's 2 that came out to celebrate may bay, but also in defense of a is a reform, a jane that's uh it was in a total surprise given the fact that fits it has been highly critical of israel's action since the start of the war and gaza but nobody was expecting it to a 2 day however, he started the speech saying that i didn't need to rebel the that the presence of
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the people here demanding change in this country could also be connected to what's happening in got them saying that all the fights for the rights in the end come down to the fact that this, the genocide that it's happening and got that needs to be stopped. and that's why he's had us taking this decision that it's unprecedented in a country that has always have very close ties with the israel to cut those sides completely, saw them and made a 2nd that he had already called the columbia something bass. so they're a israel and had already suspended the purchasing of weapons and other commercial relationships with the country that are very important because most of the weapons that the columbia and army uses that gains back into the groups and other groups that come from the israel here in columbia, so these decisions well have consequences and this, but for the flex front,
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they laughed in america. and the criticism i gave, he says, well, i said don't be a t bug adult thing to the 10 children mold and, and 60 people to be interested in another 9 to protest against the government cycle . the foreign influence bill, the right place by 10 gas and more to kind of in it crowds outside parliament into b. c. c. propose low that rally against would require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as far as the agents didn't say it could be used to cut down on groups critical of the government. the federal level can join us the lines from a to b. c. uh obviously we seems very intense clashes over the past few days. what's going on right now?
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absolutely. just some minutes ago it's time to view the payments building, but i have to quickly relocate to say to pace because of a police started firing to a 1000 to pepper spray i. so basically i protested here who have been trying to break into the territory of the parliament of building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the tenants that have a spray. and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly young. people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again in the center. they continue protesting against the so called bel on foreign influence dumps here as the russian. lo and these rallies have been ongoing for nearly 3 weeks. so you can see, there are so many people behind me put police trust fund. it's a tear gas again,
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i can feel it. and many youngsters among these crowds they, they're wearing a gas masks and protected goals. and uh, many people have come here tonight from the georgia and regions as well. and i let today, deputies actually box the bell on the floor and uh, insulins. in the 2nd reading, causing more products has today. so it is quite interesting that right now where i'm standing this my screen the police around. because unlike yesterday, today, the police manage to provide a safe passage type cord over for the deputies to leave the palm and built in before this process actually began. yesterday on april the set to a riot, police were protecting the deputies who got stuck inside parliament as a protest of uh, blocks the building uh no, allowing deputies to leave and at least have the process. uh yes. so they tend to stream the extreme new products. will it be that no uh, to feasible to what goes on through the shop with all of the interplay,
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see thank you. as well. still a head tail on. i'll just say it right in sport. well cut when it cleared and bump it has its site sense on your biggest club sites. yeah. and you will have that story up to the, by the business like this, this wrote to you believe, i guess is i live my on one of your this makes more than please
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the business like just is free to you believe, i guess is a light supply on one of your makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the for the, for the, his and the, and behind you while he's on a happy choppy, is a sort of a bit of a shock to face of the image or dodson wherever its sweet time defending shopping. color sound, crosby, not sound in the quarter finals. the spanish. well, number 3 missed the last couple events and i'm going to call him boss align with an
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injury, but he was still in a forcing that from bates history. so we had the set here goes from dry ruthless, the russian are coming back to take this much and 3 sets. 20, a lot of failing in this sense become the 1st part. so when the trophy 3 is in a row, you have lost full straight matches before this phone number is only facilities for the 1st time by either side of for it. so i'm cisco $7.00 and this is better than nothing at all. that is not bad. the good is just a moment and it's happens to everyone, every player been through these moments and is the most important thing is to, to keep working, to keep improving, can then to keep, remember that we can change everything. and the women's draw a leading real became the one, the profit of the cadillac plas financing from a set down. so level things up, i guess, really if it's a safer chan site to match points,
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some of the saw to before coming from 3 games dance type to win the penal if i saw them there and drive it all around us on the link in the us now the world of for the one is remembering the life and career of driving legend at some center funds have gathered at the end of the circuit. and it's really why the president died in a crush 30 years ago today. center one, the world process 3 times before his death. at the age of 34 austrian ro interrupt some bug was killed in another crushed during the same race weekend. people. so i pay my respects at centers driving this time, kind of stop how life is given a state funeral in the city. when more than 2000000 people took to the streets because those government also declared 3 days of morning when he died. we've been talking to f one broadcast at montgomery like a about why center meant so much to people a b, i had already seen brazilian drivers come into formula one to 2. this 4th at that time is a european spore. jeanette is currently quite calmer as having the south americans
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turn up, but that they actually arrived was a certain sation of talent. he was informed me the one for a decade, 1984 to 1994. he brought an intensity to the job, but he was not just a fast driver, but it was the way he worked with his teams. it was the intensity with which he drove. and also he was quite an intense person out of the car, deeply religious, also a man who had a lot of passion. and i'm not a passion for the sport. i'm not really created quite an interesting or around him . every formula on the 2nd, it's not constructed to a safety 10 plate which evolved in the wake of the episode of roland russell, burger double fatality. the entire sports technical, and indeed sporting regulations very much have safety now at the center of them. and it is remarkable to say that we've only have one further driver fatality in the
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last 30 years because of the 40 years before that we nearly have 40 driver fatality so that we can really did mark a seismic shift in for we the ones approach to safety and risk management. current f one it well champions. redbull is concerned that head design chief adrian new me will be leaving the team in 2025. 1 of the most successful design is in the sports history. could now children with louis hamilton at ferrari next year. you is your pull to do things unsettled by how the ripple team is dealt with power. some allegations made against team principal, christine, who in football, french champions, power sandra, mount are about to take on brushy to open in the 1st like of the champions league semi final. it will be killing him by his last chance to win the trophy with pear street before he. ringback he's the club on the side of level one to try to see they would be sending a 2020 final pipe on munich. current squad is a non for just over $25.00. the youngest, less than the competition is more of his. oh, okay. so you better than most your doctors, which is very funny, to be honest,
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if we lose it will be because the plastic young and then if we, when, what will it be local luxury, most ages, most important that they use a very prepared to compete even though i often hear people criticizing them, i think about the maturity of how they train, how they prepare. and if they have the right level, i don't care if they have 55 or 16 super frustrated woman well last year fan champions in 1997. they haven't made it to this stage of the competition since 21st thing, and that's when you can club was in charge, boom, and lots to pay a street signal in the group stage before drawing $11.00, it hung they did go on sink top. the final crew, pest done next us and but the scottish yeah, the best and the rest of the pay is maybe the best player in the world. and you have to be very aggressive against him. you have to try and attack him with to play is whenever possible, because alone it's very difficult because we have to do that as a team and also prepare mentally to win the jewels against him as well. yeah, it's fun to how retains faulty. so go in 43 games this season helps bon unix. what
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seems to draw in the 1st like the semi against round madrid, calling shulty. so i'd hate taking a one to lead to finish just giving you a taste test. go on hate. but shortly after the break through leroy, so on a minute sites they are getting a penalty that gaping accounts and chains attempts to get his go round like good escape with the drawing and other penalties. and this is junior for the why his 2nd go the night soon. like the madrid next wednesday on thursday gym and champions. but let the keys in the play that you wrote for leak semi final 1st like against romance chevy along side looking through the trouble of an already kind. the phone does like a trophy and reach the phone with the german count, thrown on on bates and run a 46 matches across full compositions along the sizes for the spring c makes us
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proper gas has been soaking about love occasions, chances of winning visits. title for 2nd song lever growth and when you watch them play, they are in the moment that everything they touch uh converts to vault uh. ready you can uh, keep winning even when they are with uh, then man, they have a good mentality. you know, they feel, you know, these uh, these forms that everything you thought, you know, it becomes a goal or something, whatever happened that they will find a way. and this is very important for them. you know, when you are in this moment a and a sort of phase caused a major league baseball game between the hours on the phone and fax and the out. i thought just to be delight, thousands of them gathering on the net behind the honey plates. pest control work when sons of become the unlike to hey, robin hood, matt hilton, 37 year old father for movies even goes to turn out the 1st pitch. okay, that's what i said, that they caused a bit of a buzz at the stands and the god bless you. i'm here all night. people around the world have been mocking, made a oh,
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international work is day police and took care of detained. at least $200.00 demonstrates of the stumble. using type of spray on. take us to disperse, the crowns. the quality stand filings in the cities named square since demonstrations were held in 2013 the guys present, but the top of the one on this governments all feel physician that says that his policy will keep up its protests until about is listed. the work is intended 0 also on the streets coming by palestinian tennessee and flags. they condemn the exportation of palestinian workers and colonialism haven madrid. people demanded reduced working as in high wages. the waves unions flags, enchanted in support of public services. the country's biggest unions let the rally and in the french capital, thousands clashed with police during the march lights by the countries main unions, the demanding best pay in working conditions. there was also a large show support, the palestinians in gauze and the trash of buck lives. in paris,
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once more on the protest, tens of thousands of people looking for the city here in paris on this traditional base, a rally led by the french trade unions to really call us the best to pay back of working conditions for working people in phones. but we did see a number of people who come out and support people who say to people who said that they would see it for 4, and then 1000 and many of those people for young, those university students and thought maybe no surprise because what we've seen in recent days, i kid think he or should say in paris is university students really leading demonstrations assistance in solidarity with 5 simian people. on friday there was a particularly large demonstration, had one of problems is main university's precision seal. so you diversity in the capital where students were fluctuate to fight for these. many of them say that they felt that voices would be bought through that protest. they managed to
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encourage university, i'm sorry to use uh, to phenomena the discussion. and it just based on the situation in garza, this coming week about city is that total credit house loan use after the break to stay with us the there's a delivery mission of posting in humanity in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, the best in a world filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally around the front lines in the lines to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues
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and corruption. many have been talking to together, let support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom, day conference, and 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a little time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for and i think politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks. a lot are mazda gray, of yours, more power city on voted over 3 of the, there i did. it is, are large. the last,
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you know, not a president in war with in depth for pools. the scale, this summit was something they've never seen before from the house of the story. almost $500.00 me to come work is have been killed in spite because this trip putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on the peaceful protest. and the us become a target. students at the university of wisconsin medicine, a license to face off with police, the hello and tell me cry,


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