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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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from the heart of the story, almost $500.00 me to come. workers have been killed inside this office trip, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on the peaceful protest. and the us become a targets students at the university of wisconsin medicine, a license to face off with police. the cut on told me to try and this is how you there, alive from the also coming out. try to create a us not to peacefully protest agree to new york police say the rest of the around
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300 people to columbia university and accuse many of not being students. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rafa. absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed us. secretary of state and state, blinking visits is royal and freezer as american opposition to it is really expensive and rough plus inside the gaza strip civilian casualties. mount israel strikes of rougher again, we have 1500000 displace palestinians, a sheltering the we begin in the united states with demonstrations against, as well as for on cause i have been disrupting more university campuses across the country from new york to michigan, florida to california and on to texas, students on demanding the universities company of financial times to as ro and
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companies that advance as well as military if it's in gaza, that the university of wisconsin, madison students and campus and so directly with telephones and cause i have clashed with police offices removed only about one point interested, at least a 1000 people. a campus police spokesperson says, for offices injured is that tried to remove tens from the campus, has central square the and a new york police right of the building at columbia university occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians. police forces into the hamilton holes with some students have barricaded themselves. hours earlier than usual to me is about $300.00 people with the time and, and purchase the columbia university and city college. and early on wednesday, the u. c. l a campus has been come up to and not have campus tiles of honors more
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of the tag to palestine solar there's, he's sitting on the satellite campus. some waves pro is ready flags to say the sultan student demonstrations is in some instances with sticks. now the police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the student's correspondence. rob reynolds joins us now from u. c. l, a in los angeles. and rob, can you just explain what the full that is being from that not yvonne. and so we have just say, well, there are a lot of questions that have gone on answered. but right now the, as you can see behind me here at the gaza solidarity and cameron is still standing . the tents are still there. the students are now cleaning things up and trying to sort of reinforce or bolster this makes shift wall that they've built of
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a wooden pallets and the apply would boards and things of that nature. the students had a meeting earlier of media are not invited inside the encampment, so we don't know exactly what they said, but there was a lot of cheering. so, and a lot of, and susie asked if noise coming from there. so apparently, the students are not entirely deterred by the, the violent events of last night. so among the questions, who were the rioters, who were the people who attacked the gods? it's all that area and camp and well, we don't know exactly uh, but many of them according to accounts appear to be older than you. one would expect college students to be indicating that they came from the wider community in los angeles. some social media traffic also indicated that the people were organizing, saying something big is going to happen on campus leaders of,
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of jewish organizations. they were carrying or wearing of flags from that is really flag and other flags that indicated they were a pro israel and shouting various slogans and insults. so they, they were people from the outside by, by all accounts of it as best as we can. we can gather, but the administration has not yet answered. why did fail to keep those people off campus for a have a stronger security force in place before they attacked the camp last night? okay, thank you. uh for that real, this real reynolds for us there at u. c. l. i kristen salumi is a columbia university in new york. we have students occupying a building were removed and arrested, and i presume the mirror of new york has spoken out today about what happened at columbia university. what did he have to say?
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that's right there. eric adams did speak about the arrest that only here at columbia. university, but i have another school in the city city college of new york uh, between the 2 campuses, nearly 300 demonstrators were arrested and processed overnight. the mirror challenge, the notion that this was a student led demonstration. uh, in fact he said that it was in his view, a global movement to radicalize our children that was happening on campus, although he didn't say who was attempting to radicalize them. and he said that he wasn't going to let that happen. he did say he worked closely with the administration here at columbia, and he said that there was concern that outside agitators were infiltrating the protest movement at campuses here in new york and around the
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country. and he said that there was evidence of that in the change of tactics by the students and the takeover of the building. he said there were signs that they were being trained professionally, but he didn't really offer any evidence for any of that. and in fact, of the 300, nearly 300 students are demonstrators have been arrested. they have yet to release the identities of any that they claim or not related to the student body or to the faculty here at columbia. needless to say, i have spoken to people here at columbia about this, including some faculty members, one woman by the name of may not i challenge the conception that this was. * is student led who was arrested yesterday. we'll see the numbers when they come out . it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students, graduate students. the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in
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congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell. 1 our university how to run into affairs . i think chris and given what happened there last night, what is the situation like at the moment at columbia university while it's much calmer on campus, behind me, behind the gates, the 10th and cabinet has been cleared out. all of the signs and flags have been removed. uh, and access to the campus is actually still quite limited. however, we only know that from pictures that we've seen from students, the only ones allowed on campus are students who lived there. and the central sat, a central personality faculty even aren't allowed on their outside the gate. you can see maybe there's still a lot of barricade set up here. there have been demonstrations outside today. one faculty lead riley took place here earlier where the
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teachers came out and expressed their support for the students and their anger, or frankly, as the administration here for calling in the police to arrest the demonstrators. the faculty members that i spoke to said that, well, not all of the faculty agreeing with the language of the goals of the students demonstrators. she felt it was near unanimous in support for their right to peacefully protesting their opposition to having police on campus. but police are on campus and they are going to remain here until at least may 17th at the request of the administration may, 15th happens to be graduation here on campus. and given that tensions continue to be high in demonstrations, continue around the country. and here off campus, clearly they're hoping to keep that from getting back on the campus and day. thank you so much. chris and kristen telling me for us the at columbia university. the of the whitehouse has also been speaking about these protests now just as whitehouse
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corresponding kimberly how it gets sent us to. sometimes the white house has sharp words of disapproval for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations and protests that are sweeping college campuses and universities across the united states at a white house press briefing press secretary cruz john pierre of wednesday, told reporters the president biden supports americans costs to do so right to protest, but it must be done lawfully. americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully process as long as it's within the law, and that it's peaceful force for loose forcibly taking over the building is not peaceful. it's just not. students have the right to feel safe. they have the right to learn. they have to right, the right to do this without this disruption, and they have a right to feel safe on campuses. i just said they have a right to attend their commencement. the unrest at colleges and universities
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underscores the challenge that president biden faces in his re election campaign with by the trailing former president, donald trump in battle ground stays, the youth. vote is one, he can't afford to lose. that's why president 5, it has been careful with his comments. well condemning anti semitism. he's also argued that most don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. he's also scheduled to speak next week at the american holocaust memorial museum. kimberly help you out to 0. the white house, the, a diplomatic if it's all around the way to reach a safe spot, and garza with the us pressure and come us to agree to israel's terms. secretary of state and st, blinking has been meeting 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu in his room to push for dale he says, is achievable,
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have like an also told him that you know who the us still opposes the ground defensive in a rough on rough itself. looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with uh they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve require a major military operation. in rafa we've been talking to these realize about that . we'll continue. those conversations can escape more on this for that corresponds into an occupied east jerusalem, stephanie dick here in a stiff, lincoln has come and gone from his route, but his visit actually had any impact of all
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we're going to have to wait and see when it comes to the main aim of his visit to 7th visit in the region since the war began since october, the 7th. he wants to cease fire and he doesn't want the americans don't want that off to happen. it's ground invasion form. so you have, these really is very publicly the prime minister saying that stuff was going to happen whether there's a deal or not. and that how mouse is main, you know, request it's made demand for any deal is for there to be an end to the war. so you still have to very opposing sides. how and if the negotiators have mileage to find the middle ground and have managed to convince both sides, if they can guarantee the details of the agreement, we're gonna have to wait and see how much has until tomorrow evening to respond. we understand some media reports coming out now that they're seeking clarification on some issues in the deal. but the blinking did put the bull very much and have
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masses court saying that israel had made concessions and that it was a deal that have mastered except, and there was no more time for blustering or manipulation. the bottom line is this . if there isn't the ceasefire or the whole will happen. uh so that is something that really changes where we are today because we have seen negotiations getting closer to something and then disappear. and then just briefly, you asked me, you know, if his visit achieved anything in terms of concreteness, there has been an increase of 8 in 2000. this is something that the americans have been pushing for, particularly since the, the attack on the world, central kitchen, killing aid workers, american aid workers as well. arrows crossing open today for the 1st time as dog port is open in terms of allowing some more agent. it's still not at all, but it's something that blink and says is a good start and more should increase. but i think of that of course was the purpose of his visit. i think the next couple of days are going to be crucial as to what direction it's going to take. ok,
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thanks so much. they have stiff ticket for us. they're in. okay. pod east jerusalem . a fall on the ground and guns. are these ready? military has been attacking residential areas right across the strip. more than 34 and a half 1000 palestinians had been killed in nearly 7 months of war. and one of the latest attacks and is track on rougher in the south, killed at least 2 children. israel has intensified aerial attacks on the city is phase mailed all the major ground defensive, around $1500000.00 forcibly displaced palestinians, a so sheltering dance. the jo, dining and foreign ministry says is right. he said, let's have a tax to aid chromeboys destined for gallons of honey mac. moved to as in ralph or in the south and sent us, the south dies. that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation is the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to
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remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just a slowing it into each one of the govern, the rates across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth if love, human to terry and 8 into the gauze and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war, the past 6 months. i've been very difficult to get people's most needed aid right now at this difficult time. the settlers on the northern part of the gaza strip, that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel in the city, but they talked in an attempt to block a to your damian. humanitarian colon void is coming to the jobs us for the despite
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the us hawk a the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination, into the gauze and stood there carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items, much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the gods and for the just the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people in the wild central kitchen has resumed humanitarian operations in guns or amounts off to some of its employees were killed in n is rarely striking. workers have been distributing meals to displace palestinians in del bala and central accounts of dense with 7 of their colleagues were killed on april. the 1st, even though they had shared their movements with these really military, the n g a is cooling for a bit of protection of a book as well. this but he's still a hit here on al jazeera, including tens of thousands of people have feedback on the streets in georgia's capital purchasing against a foreign influence. still,
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by se hence the chances of joining the european union plus work is around the world have been mocking may day with many expressing their support for the palestinians. the color of the weather roommates pretty on settled, pretty cold across the west of positive you. but it will warm up as we go through the next couple of days is a lot of cloud into many western air resume the way down into spain and portugal in the west side of the mediterranean to the east of that and to the north for the time being is fine, had dry, high pressure in charge of leeway and lifting those temperatures into the mid twenties, the ballot. and also for was the weather. is that when it's a cooler weather? having said that, those temperatures are in the process of recovery. we got some cloud and rice
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1000000000. yes. but the nice the windex to these to sort of england add scuffles. that's a little disappointing thing. a little role that will grasp the change as we go on for the weekend. what weather? never ready to far away, but trust me it will crash the improve, particularly in terms of those temperatures. so how do i will make its way into which many but to east of that one, sunshine sunshine. meanwhile, across the good parts of the mediterranean central. the nice scenario is at least west some areas of the med still sing a few sounds noticed great. the way along the north coast of algeria may be into tune, as you will see. uh that was where the grass the fading out. meanwhile, let's see. so shells continue quite nicely then. nothing further north with of course a good part of west africa. the foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm in to see how to big language, world wide shaped,
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come out of ward for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year. 2024 starting march 1st to mesa, to fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the be watching. you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl of demonstrations have been continuing in college campuses across the united states. the new york police right of the building at columbia university occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians. los angeles and more protective. tell us in the in solidarity system
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at the university of california us secretary of state institute, blinking has made to, is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu in wisc jerusalem. thinking that said a deal for a safe spot in casa is achievable while re offending us on position 2, and is ready, ground, defensive and rough, and also more on all of us. so we joined now by itself and by the cut, the professor public policy has come up and kelly for university. thanks again for being with us here. i think she's of, 1st of all of this, that was blinking strip to is ro, low talk about this potential cx, 5 deal. many people putting a lot of hope on it right now saying that it appears like it might be closer than it has been in months. where do you think? think things are at right now? well, i think to understand where we're heading, be important to look at what is on the table in terms of discussion. first, i think there is the, the ceasefire. the nature of this as far as this permanent or this is just temporary and then that then yahoo will come to
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a day's words and then embeds off. i have to, if it's the latter, it's very difficult for him us to accept and i think it to, it does illustrate that nothing. yeah. his intention to be and he keeps talking about public the i'm hoping that privately is something different messages but different go with his public statements. it seems that he's making the condition to make it impossible for how much to accept. there are other items on the discussion, for example, the number of prisoners that thomas is looking for and the caliber of those prisoners, i think probably they can make compromises on that. there's the, the issue of withdrawal or from gaza. practically, they may come to agreement that it's impossible to withdrawal to before and so as of october entirely. there may be some areas that is where i will continue to hold is what i would want to continue to secure, to monitor the return of the sinews to the north and so on. and then we have the issue of the hostages and the hostages. i think the, the come to their complication of, most of those still remain although right now,
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soldiers, military, although the few civilians and whether how much would be willing to release all of them or is willing to raise the women for us and so on. so these are broadly speaking, the issues that's being discussed. what's been happening over the last few days. a banking has squarely, but there is most the on a mouse in the sense that is or has presented the verizon gateway. not aware of what kind of compromise that is. and the same time he has no declared that is where i was invasion of verify is unacceptable. and he hasn't seen that unfortunately, hasn't seen a plan from israel on how they're going to protect the civilians. which means a game, that's what we have been witnessing before, but in terms of, as i was attempting to create a 10 city, a 40000 tends to try and move. the other thing is, is not convincing enough. the search engine optimization for, for the americans. if so,
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i think it's really difficult to say where we will be at this time tomorrow, except to say that so. and so him because of a senior appreciate and how mouse has accepted the deadline of coming up with announcer by tomorrow, by tomorrow. you. so we will know one way or the other. do you think you touched on the blinking has come out several times and basically said that this is a fantastic day of the offer from israel to him. uh, send him us. uh, it should take it and accepts the seatbar. um, but not long after this, when disney uh, who came out and simple regardless of the deal that we put on the table. we're going to go into rough as he undermines the white house blinking and button by doing this. of course, i mean nothing you know is playing to his extreme government scholarship. he would fall immediately if you were to add to the word permanence fire, they would withdraw and the government will, will, for the part he cannot say that public the now there's so i'm saying that they
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privately is saying something else they like as well. come and support them, they'll be, get some guarantors guarantees us on. but so far it looks like it is, is not gonna accept that. and this again shows that he is focuses in his personal survival, political survival. had you been in a much stronger and stronger position, he could have agreed to and is, seems fire and then work up a reason why he can break it this way, that being the most logical action for months ago to say, well okay, we'll go what happens is given by people back and 99 percent of these fires, dental floss. they gets broken for one reason on the other. but they cannot do this because they cannot risk the extra a doubtful the wrong relation that now picking them up yet. okay, but let's leave it a bit too. as always, we really do appreciate your, your insight into all of this that sells and bought a gun for us to try to have them use now. and in georgia, police have
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a todd t, a gas and water cannon at tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament, crowds demonstrating against the government's so called foreign influence bill. the proposal would require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. no opponent site, it could be used to crank down on groups, critical of the governments and your leadership of oliver is at that protest in tbilisi for testers who have been trying to break into the territory of the parliament of building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the tenants that have a spray and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly young. people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again and here in the center. they continue protesting against the so called belt on foreign influence dumps here as the russian. lo and these rallies
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have been ongoing for daily 3 weeks. so you can see that there are so many people behind me that police trust fund. it's a tear gas again, i can feel it and death many youngsters. and among these crowds they, they're wearing at gas masks and protected goals, and many people have come here tonight from the georgia regions as well. and i let today, deputies actually box the bell on the floor and the influence and the 2nd reading, causing a more prose has today. so it is quite interesting. that's right now where i'm standing this price clean the police around. because unlike yesterday, today, the police manage to provide a safe passage type court over for the deputies to leave the poem and building before these process actually began. yesterday on april, besides have a ride police worth protecting the deputies who got stuck inside parliament as
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a protest as blocks the building not allowing deputies to leave and at least have the process. uh yes. so they tend to stream the extremely violence of thousands of purchases have much through paris for the annual may day per right. they cool for work has rights and many said they will also demonstrating for peace in the middle east. natasha butler has moved from paris and there was scuffles between the french police and some protesters. the powers has made a raleigh but overall it was called french trade unions that amongst, through the city coatings professor conditions for workers. the demonstrators, with thousands of people who to say, come to pay for into the void garza this has been going on for 75 years. it's just that there was a genocide and we just hoped to will in the double dresser. we have to do
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everything for a boy come to the olympics this summer, we want the maximum number of people to call for a band of israel from the olympic games. on the, on those weak students stage, the power says most prestigious universities to get these faxed to us before police jesus some students described as heavy handed. meanwhile, frances prime minister content, the protests and the almost real supportive. wonderful. so i went to seals po and told to the administrators to denounce the actions of an agitating and dangerous minority. they want to impose its transatlantic audiology on the majority of students who will disrupt the school. the scale of the university prior to the phone system for those of the united states because it is down when it comes, these rows of these students feel just as strongly as it counts
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a post across the atlantic. natasha butler, which is there are some bakeries in northern guns or reopening for the 1st time since own type of many of them were destroyed by his ready bombardment. listening. a food crisis that began with israel announced the total blockade at the start of the war. but while the reopening of some bakery is as seen as a crucial step, the risk of offending remains high. hush from obama reports the high side of the pool was getting brad. is it an easy task in gaza? a smelly big bass. he works long distances to get to a bakery that's still operating. she's among thousands of people desperate for food in northern gaza. despite the recent arrival of supplies of aid, the risk of famine is still high. the women on my own, my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well,
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that's all desperate to feed her family about takes best during her data trip to the bakery. she walks through areas.


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