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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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to the just as strongly as it counts a pulse across the atlantic. natasha butler, which is there are some bakeries in northern guns or reopening for the 1st time since own type of many of them were destroyed by his ready phone. 5 minutes listening and food crisis that began with israel announced the total blockade at the start of the war. but while the reopening of some bakeries is seen as a crucial step, the risk of offending remains high cushion. obama reports the high side of the pool was getting brad, is it an easy task in gaza? a smelly big bass. he works long distances to get to a bakery that's still operating. she's among thousands of people desperate for food in northern gaza. despite the recent arrival of supplies of aid, the risk of famine is still high. the women on my own, my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well,
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that's all desperate to feed her family about takes best during her data trip to the bakery. she walks through areas tend entirely into rubble of to months of relentless is riley bombardment. while i go to the collision before the will, we had everything. there was plenty of flour, meat vegetables, and old supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other necessities enrollment in well on the left this bakery is not relying on supplies of flour and fuel from the united nations. well food program. as soon as it opened its doors, the baker was overwhelmed by large numbers of people. on the we have around 5 branches, we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as
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international efforts at the start of the war as well and knows a total locate of gaza. a has been allowed into the strip recently, but the remains limited agencies board, humanitarian. these also may be in a vegetable fia fineman is imminent in the middle of the boss. stuff running the bakeries face a huge challenges in getting supplies of aid. but despite the best, they say they would continue working to ensure brett reaches families in desperate need. ask about the 0 as well as of may tell mccray for the moment you can find much more information on our website. that's l just sarah, don't com. but the news continues here to the listening post, which is of next day with us. the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, one year into the civil war ensued on what is it about this story? this humanitarian costs have been staggering, but the news coverage has been minimal silencing the voices of dissent after us universities over israel and the gods. and what that says about freedom of speech in america plus restoring the independence of state owned new so black skin, poland has not gone according to plan. the last week marked the 1st anniversary of the war ensued on the death toll of areas and the 10s of thousands. but it is in the number of people displaced nearly 9000000 and in need of
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humanitarian aid, around 25000000. that this story really stands out, a conflict on this scale should top the news agenda, but it has been relegated to the back pages in part because of what is happening in gaza and ukraine. and it is increasingly difficult to deny that the lack of media interest in this war comes down to where it is being fought and how it is understood. then there's the framing that this is a war between 2 generals, man and uniform, which office gates the role of global players in the fighting, and creates the perception that there are only 2 choices available. it is a binary that implicitly excludes a 3rd option, one that civil society in. so don has been fighting for, for decades. democracy we are really looking at human suffering on a scale that we can't really quantify. it is the west monitoring crisis,
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the number of people displaced, the number of people hungry. we're essentially looking at the costs of a society, an entire state in front of our eyes. there's also the sense that this floor is not going to end of all that was once talented to only take a few weeks. now. looks like this will go on for the long time. how is it the one year induced to don's civil war? the world's greatest humanitarian crisis, attracts so little news coverage. the suffering in garza has been horrendous. ukraine is an ongoing tragedy. but neither of those conflicts are on the scale of what has on folded ensued on the number of people the front. and the, at the story goes largely on told on global news out, france, the lack of covers obviously answered on is tied to much larger questions of how africa is represented. and so many of these conflicts are seen in such simplistic and actually deeply harmful ways that are tied to quote unquote,
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primordial grievances and are somehow just localized and detached from the rest. the world is that these 2 generals and they're less for power of taking the country hostage that is patently untrue. unfortunately, we see a conflict ermina that is taking shape with a gulf countries, namely the u. e and saudi with even wagner mercenaries on the ground from russia. and so what we really see is a deeply internationalized conflict that this time, what race as media narrative really doesn't capture people use golf as an excuse goes, what happened 6 months into the conflict. people use ukraine as an excuse, that's a completely different setup. so the typical excuses i don't think called warsaw. i think there's a sense of, let's just leave them to it. there's also a sense in the united states that one of the key allies in the region, the u, a. e might be doing things, it would feed this war and they don't want to put too much pressure on the u a because well, they don't wanna lose that very key allies. it has been 5 years to the months since the street and these people were given cause for hope,
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with the downfall of that different tater omar, our bushy, who ruled over them. for 30 years. the civilians who rose up against our share then saw their dream of a democracy dashed by a military coup which morphed into a civil war last year. when an insurgent army from western c. r s. s. tried to take power from the generals in car to the suit and these armed forces for an s a s. this power struggle is being fueled by players on the outside backing, the se, f is egypt, and more recently in wrong. since we are assessed corner is rush through its mercenary force wagner and the united arab emirates. although b m a rockies have tried to obscure their own agenda. last year m a ra. he's state media claimed that this was humanitarian a, destined for the student. these people, but according to investigations by the new york times and the wall street journal,
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it was all a guys to smuggle in arms to the r s. f. accusations that the u. a. e has repeatedly denied. of course, some of what has gone to certain types it on has been here monitoring assistance, but as a is also well known that there are lots of other things such as armored cars, laser guided missiles and drones, which i've also been going to the region. so this idea that they're purely through monetary and while sending little weapons is clearly not exactly such a neat and tidy story, and i don't think they're full in too many people. least of all student needs on the ground in terms of what the weight is after in, so that on the goal trade, which is incredibly important for various reasons. one of them is section evasion, the united air of emma risk corporate swift b africa corpse for many barksdale which has direct projection of rushes interest. and for russia, gold is incredibly important to finance the one ukraine and to make its own economy less dependent on the dollar. so it means resources that are more resistant towards
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the sections and that's what gold comes in. what do you, what has become, of a sudden the of the past decade is the banking hub of the region. countries that have either dest particle, autocratic entities will invariably do some business in the united. i'm as particularly in the gulf, a sector. and it just so happens that the they are as if is one of the biggest clients of, of the u e, which of course has one of the world's biggest gold markets in the early stages of the information or the r s f capture, the national state broad tv channel and your car to last month. the so you took it back, but when they are, i was in control. it didn't really do much with the child. partly because even in a country dealing with large scale internet blackouts were just 30 percent of the population consistently get online. social media is still where it's at the u a.
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e is also involved in fact, side of things. some of the companies behind pro our social media channels like g s k are based in the efforts they portray the militia groups leader, general mohamed, how i'm done, dr. low. notice have mfc as a legitimate president in weight. they have their work cut in 2014, connect these forces fighting in the war in dar for committed mass murders and rapes of civilian atrocities. they are continuing to carry out sometimes posting the evidence on line positive insiders trying to rehabilitate from that these image and metal with the news narrative can see don range from operatives working out of russia in the east canada in the west. what we have now on the information space is, i guess the combination of use of investments by the r s f in different p off
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service across the world, not just in the united states, but also famously the canadian is really from run it by the former is really uh intelligence agent already been banassi, which had been providing the all help to the r as a for several years before the war. external, the idea is to civil war and clean the reputation of the hours up to position commitment as somebody who can be taken seriously as the head of state. because ultimately the prize here is the nation of savannah. so that's what hope again has been about internally, it's about trying to so division it's about trying to get more support for the rapid support forces of the cities on forces. whenever there was an abstract 5, you sit down on forces that had civilian casualties. you would have someone from the, our south filming it into crying, denouncing the so dawn on forces the out the what we've also been seeing lately, these defections,
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lynch defections from the sit down on forces on local men to show that have joined them. still. yeah. but then, then it outside the layer of water damage, they would come down. they're gonna, we can of course say in how far they have staged, whether or not these have been taken under duress, one of the 2 off and the coverage. this war does get falls into the find the reach, right? which makes it easier for the international community to just look away. but this is essentially a war between 2 generals, between a matter of the right versus the c s. of those fund to output a redemptive characterization of what is happening. the following thing is taking place between all the units, loyal to the 2 generals, you can see, but so don's story is far bigger than the student is resistance given grass roots, neighborhood networks of ordinary citizens who coordinated on lines were crucial.
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and bringing about the downfall of omar alba share in 2019 and have been working to save civilian lives. since the worth again, they have every right to demand a democratic say in what comes next force who don? more of the news cameras should be pointed their way. following the story around these 2 generals who are fighting falls into a number of traps and tropes about the region. firstly, this idea that these african countries are somehow recklessly ruled and all about these warlords goes into this narrative which are really problematic and really short sighted because they failed to really think about the international has dimensions that are related to all of this. and more than anything they take away the agency of those who've been on the ground, the civic activists who led this revolution and overthrown the amount of this year this this deeply accept her credit cream. the thing that gives me is that the very people, the full. so the revolution have the same people on the ground will living the very values that they, for the emergency response rooms, the resistance committees,
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the infrastructure that they are building, complaint, the very democracy that they're talking about is happening right now. in the most intense physical condition. fail making it happen. that is the real story. in the united states nationwide student protests against israel's genocidal assault on garza, i have set off police violence and a toxic media debate. product. an offer is here with me for weeks now. students have been staging citizens across the us campuses, universities like columbia brown on an mit on this spreading. however, if you've been watching the extensive news coverage, all those demonstrations, you could be forgiven for not knowing what the students are actually demonte. the universities divest of several legs with companies and academic institutions that
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process from either of occupation and the pos side college campuses in several parts of the country are struggling tonight with just where to draw the line between the allowing protests and free speech and preventing anti semitism and intimidation, the focus of the coverage has been on the alleged anti semitism on the safety of your students. we've also seen politicians in the media team in iving protest, as with baseless clients like this one. some of these students apparently are unaware of the atrocities of october 7th. they deny that women and children are brutally raped and murdered that incense were placed in the ovens and cooked a live. there were a narrative that has even been debunked by his writing. move out that one of the ironies that play when examining the coverage, columbia university which is spearheaded, this movement has one of the world oldest jonathan schools. it's administered as the public surprise for excellence in the field faculty that staged a woke out over the university's heavy handed security response. $54.00 law
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professor had sent a letter to columbia of leadership, judging it to respect the rule of law values that were in charge and added the extraordinary involvement of the police threatens the university's legitimacy within its own community. beyond escape the videos on account of peaceful fits ends being met with pennies, 5 of students being arrested off the university lead of co security forces in to deal with the have exposed power. plus if the debates of gov has become in the us and it's about freedom of speech and where the us academic institutions will stand up for the values they teach, i'm with american politicians preach, thank star for more than 4 months now, poland is new. government led by prime minister donald to ask, has been out to reverse the wholesale changes made to the country's media by the previous government,
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which had held power for 8 years. during that time when the law and justice party wasn't office media legislation was passed, the dramatically altered the journalistic landscape and enhanced the ruling parties control over publicly owned news outlets, most notably at the state on television network cvp. but the 2 governments go to sterilize public broadcasting of partisan politics, has not been fully embraced by polish society tv. peas ratings are down and it has lost viewers to a relatively new right wing channel tv republic. the listening post, ron calls now on donald to 6 media overall and how, what's on folding components? it was december 2023, just one. government power enforcement. and then state broadcast or tv. which side of new taken off the air?
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yes, of course. casey story had been a while, so finally i propose to hook up. so yeah, and that's both skit menu, the just what happened that night. it depends on who's narrating the tale and which side of poland political reality they're on delivery. zip o scott cvp was on know for the shut down in an instant, it doesn't even hundreds of employee passes stopped working. you're going to the doctor for one of the tours. besides that, that the present or shooting sort of viewers that the cvt is being low for the taking over at the moment. you only minutes to say a few sentences on before the signal was cut off for the assessing. those are so just thought it was a big release for many people in poland because property can be the needs to be partial. and for 8 years probably need out was everything bought in partial for the walk through this far too low. and just as was slicing democracy,
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kept by kat tools decided to stop it immediately. so obvious the fault, anybody. it tastes like a shock tyrant, the new prime minister donald, to see was the man administering this shock therapy to the state media is, i don't even think we should, but the initially is types of money. it was a little my last check. your stucky limits about the pictures of like the new government came into power december last year and reforming the media was at the top of its agend. the coalition in the center left and pro you replacing the right wing government headed by the law and justice, part known in poland by its acronym piece for 8 years from 2015 until 2023 places in power. and in that time, it had a transformative effect on the countries media. it politicized pollings,
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media regulators turn the national broadcast or into what the council of europe called a propaganda channel for the ruling party. private media outlets rather bought out by local governments or state corporations, or private conglomerates, allied to peace, regulations and laws came into effect that made the survival of critical media outlets incredibly challenging. so when the full man government, the lower injustice government, left office and public media in particular had been competing corrupted. the main public tv channels was used to promote the government's agenda attack opponents, the main able to use every day with generally involved promotion. the government's narrative shows up some money at the for the key to load your gear, but the gender i've called you to forward you to physical or for giving us so much . we're not gonna use a credit check issue and the cut color of
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a good because some of the physical evidence of defends the bottom of the china was attacking the position. i'm usually in a very unsettled way. don't know, it's still still substantial, was instruct for the skate cuz there's no support. so for anybody else available, like the other thing is that with our me, little home, you know, the from, to put it, there's a button. this post isn't going though to have what happens to be. sounds like a story from some strange place that knows no democracy or any additional way of 6 stomachs. however, the laws regarding how management teams are chosen for public tv had been changed by piece back in 2015 when they came to power. and those are the laws to made use of. before the changes, there was regulation to ensure the selection of management personnel wasn't purely political. it was all done according to the standard. when piece change, the law enabled politicians to directly appoint and dismiss the managers of public
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media outlets. look to them, so should they actively pointed to us could come to power promising to de politicize public media. but many argue he's really just re politicize that to be paid. for example, under the new administration receive criticism. couple of months ago when it published and advocates and celebrating it freedoms under the new management issue, i spoke with a firm for each, every single politician that was shown in the ads that speaking on the china was from the new building competition. so there were no opposition, voices on that might well because of a shift on the ups. yeah. they want to have a single narratives. nowadays, the immigration crisis, these rarely spoken about no one wants to discuss the risks of moving our currency from disloyalty to the euro. or issues like rising energy coverage, often you up to the destruction of cvp means that people are not being informed of the. let me draw your attention to tvs, blue or sheets,
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which is collapsing dramatically. let you not web messy. that is not an exaggeration. according to a survey conducted by the media analytics firm, nielsen tv piece viewership in february 2024 had dropped by 72 percent compared with the audience numbers. in february 2023, one of the biggest media beneficiaries of td piece knows guiding numbers is a right wing populace channel tv recruitment aligned with emulates the style of fox news in the u. s. or c. news print from the 6 people just now. getting in trouble with these kinds of the thoughts and i asked them what's on the answer for them. so he just by g. uh, the company that single. so many piece of pointed employees who are hosted from state media upon to survival,
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migrated to tv republicans. and according to the nielsen's survey, the numbers of viewers in february this year was 30 times the audience just one year ago. also in february, the channels advertising revenue quadruple. we contacted to have your approval to speak with them about the streak of success there and joyce, they didn't respond. when we asked the current director of the tv, the man appointed by twos, government did a very specific perspective on the following numbers of his network. and the jump tv recruitment guy's seats, the viewer of public media for 8 years, which was a very specific viewer and to the people that were victims of population. so that was obvious that they will move to, to tv republica, which is private property, the state for some people, probably current public television is small ball re because that i know made up
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sensational things that there was no language or hatred. basically it became more flocked. so obviously, i can understand that for some people is less excite spent. but we, i'm not here to excite people. we are here to the, to deliver the news. the facts don't feel it's a concern about the new model. but for, for $100.00, but if yours should not be abandoned, after all, the idea of public media is to represent all voices in society. of course, those who enjoy the emotions and aggression to each should feel a band of since that language and tone has no place here. however, if t v p ignores conservatives, it doesn't mean that those people will just disappear and we can manage just liberal media. this is really the challenge for the new government to allow public
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media to be professional and independent and not simply using as a mouthpiece dirty, but on the golf chicago. and that is the challenge for donald to but the strip certificates of, of the both of us of and with that and the promise of poland, new government made, was to quote, restore access to reliable information on public media. but it's really liable ends up meaning everything that's pro government, then the opportunity to restore balance and credibility to degrade and media landscape will be squandered. and the deep polarization colon will remain. and finally, for more than 6 months now, we have reported on the countless crimes being committed by his ready forces. in garza this past week, more horror stories emerged. the discovery of new mass graves at least 392 bodies on earth next to nicer hospital in hong eunice. some were found stripped
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naked, their hands tied. others showed signs of having been buried alive. the execution of civilians is a war crime for which the it's really military denies responsibility. and it's not as though the u ends human rights. so office or the european union, both of which have called for independent investigations are going to get one any time soon. because israel continues to deny the un and human rights organizations access to godsa, locking them out along with scores of journalists, the palestinian reporters and 1st responders inside the world zone, continued to do their work despite being targeted. and it is worth remembering that they have been the ones who have brought the stories of mass graves to light. we'll see you next time. here at the listening post. the
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humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mighty oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk to of, to on just it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in hon in to return to class for peers needed share a quick cost more than 6000000 dollars. and this is just one of dozens of public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings
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at the, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including strict building in these red sand. when these one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box and try it has different nice and foreign. one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india, sandlewood king, one out 03 us a call with of insight to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of years how to do the 32. and it's a national perspective to try to explain to global audience how this could impact the life. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here. voters in panama, preparing to election, you president on may 5th at the front run, their former leader. these kind of them have to, natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty environments,
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so damage and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without just us for the latest impediments, general elections, the peaceful protests and the us become a targets. students at the university of wisconsin, madison of the lights has to face off with police. the, i'm told mccrae, this is al, just here a line from the also coming out trying to create tre, us not to peacefully protest, but create a new york.


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