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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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is about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without just us for the latest impediments, general elections? the the peaceful protests in the us become a target. students at the university of wisconsin, madison of the licensed to face off with police. the i'm told mccrae, this is al, just here a line from the also coming out. trying to create a us not to peacefully protest, but create a new york police say the rest of the rooms,
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$300.00 people at columbia university and city college and accuse many of not being students. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rock absence. an affective supp plan to make sure that civilians are not harm us secretary of state and state blinking visits. israel and breeds writes american opposition to, in this fairly extensive and profit plus the may day as mine by protest around the world report from the sample to paris the . we begin in the united states with demonstrations against as roseville wrong cause i have been disrupting more university campuses right across the country. well, from new york to michigan, florida to california and on the texas students of demanding the universities
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company, a financial ties to israel and companies that it bonds as well as military. if it's in garza, at the university of wisconsin, madison students in captain solidarity palestinians and casa, have clashed with police. officers removed over 110th and a risk that at least a 1000 people. and campus security spokes person says 4 officers were injured. as they tried to remove tens from the campus of central square, you know, inside of the u. c. l, a campus was calm of the night of tiles of island small detective, peaceful sitting on the campus. some waves is rarely flags, as i assaulted demonstrates is in some instances with sticks. now the police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the students. and, and you, your police right through the building at columbia university occupied by protesting students, police forces. it was in the home with some people had barricaded themselves, hours earlier,
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to your experiences about 300 people with the tines in protest at columbia university in city college. so let's go live down to kristen salumi, who is at columbia university in new york, and the mirror of you, new york has spoken out today at the about what happened here at the university. what exactly did he have to say? maria got on this, gave an update on the situation on the columbia university campus, as well as the city university of new york where arrests were made yesterday evening, almost 300 demonstrators were arrested between the 2 campuses. and while what we've observed here are students who set up an in cabinet were talking to the media leading the charge. the question that this was still a student led demonstration. he talked about a global movement to radicalize our children,
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and he said that he wasn't going to let that happen. work. he said he had been working with the administration here at columbia university, but they had concerns that outside agitators was fueling. this demonstration, he's pointed to the recent takeover of the hamilton building on columbia university campus, saying that it was a change of tactics that there had been training involved. but he didn't provide any evidence of this. and of those, nearly $300.00 demonstrators were arrested. he did not name any who were clearly not suited. they did an identified any that were not members of either a campus community. uh, and while the people that i've spoken to here say that yes there has been support from outside of the can. that they were very critical of the mayor and questioning his allegations, including one professor i spoke to earlier from the history department who came out to support the student. her name is ne,
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not this is what she had to say. who was arrested yesterday. we'll see the numbers when they come out. it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students, graduate students. the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell our university how to run its affairs. to kristen, so after what happened there last night? well, what's the situation right now? i imagine it's become much comma, outside columbia university. it's commer, but the campus remains on lock down. only students who live on campus and essential personnel for the university are being allowed onto the campus behind me. behind the gates behind me, you can see all the barricades that remain in the street here and the heavy police presence. that's because earlier there were demonstrators out here and including
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faculty that letter rally. that's where i spoke to that professor that we just heard from thousands and thousands of faculty members came and then they were joined by other demonstrators and they were marching up and down the street. the faculty had side held signs that a set of hands off our students, cops off our campus. they're very angry. as i said, they're skeptical of what the mirror are saying, but they're really, really angry at the president of the university. my new shift when you shot the, excuse me, because of her cooperation calling in the police, they say that she is responsible for escalating. they claim that she denied faculty effort to step in before the arrest and try to mediate and closings down. so they were very, very angry about that. yes, the police presence here remains and it will remain here for at least another 2 weeks until after the school graduation takes place. okay,
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thanks so much kristen. kristen salumi for us there at columbia university. were gonna start with this story and go to ro reynolds who joins us now from los angeles at to you see i live in robot to not have kyle. so it was been the optimist to that finance that we saw. well it was a, it was, it was a night of attacks taxed by a pro zion is demonstrators. pro is real forces from outside of the campus on the gods of solidarity encampment. the with a weapons, a tier of the chemical irritant sprays. and that sort of thing. so um the, at the moment the campus is not experiencing violence. however, the people from outside are outside the campus, not part of the student body are already infiltrating again. they're gathering along the edges of the barriers. their video taping students as they go back and
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forth and student protesters and generally trying to intimidate people. but i don't think that the student protesters are actually intimidated at all. i'd like to introduce you to a leila who is a lilac, excuse me, while you were, you were a student protest or and you were inside the gaza solidarity camp last night. what did you experience as the attack took place? so i arrived back at the post and in post on solidarity camp last night around 130, and i arrive to screaming students as i walked inside. the 1st sight that i saw at the middle of our encampment was about 5 to 7 students getting their eyes washed out, after getting pepper sprayed by violent aggressors who had been attacking us for hours. and how many students to your knowledge were injured approximately. so according to our medical team, um there are approximately 100 students who are sprayed by either pepper spray or
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bare spray, and there were 25 students who were hospitalized with the people seriously injured . we saw some people being beaten with sticks, etc. in the video from last night, yes, the students were absolutely seriously injured. we had a groceries throwing bricks at us. we had aggressors throwing metal pipes at us. we had aggressors, violently breaking down our barricades that we put up to keep our community safe and throwing them back over. we had someone hit in the head with a water bottle, and i've heard also some, i've heard some information about someone's hands getting broken as well, with these people yelling slogans of political slogans or anything of that nature. so from the beginning of our and cabinet that is calling for the end to the occupation and the end to the ongoing genocide and gaza, we have had a constant regression and this includes a verbal assault. so we've had home a homophobic and recess flurry is thrown at us. we've had our female security
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guards. they have been threatened with sexual violence. we have had people tell us that they're going to kill us every single night since the beginning of this incumbent has started. so the police showed up belatedly, and the aggressors, as you turned them, went away. but do you feel safe right now on campus? no, i do not as a student feel safe, you're on campus. i don't want to make this very clear because we've heard from our administration claims that we are making students on campus feel unsafe, but in fact, we are a community of students. and we feel that our university does not care about student safety at all. we do. but what, what i will say is that we are keeping each other sick and we are here and we will not leave until divestment happens. um, what i will say as well is i believe that this is a tactic by our administration. you see p, it was we did not see them at all. last night. lapd came and sat idly by for over an hour as students were getting physically assaulted. as students were getting hospitalized and they didn't do anything,
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the only people who are keeping us safe are ourselves, but we will not leave. we will not leave until are you university. you drive us. because all of this violence is representative of the systems of oppression and systems, the repression of, of posting invoices, not only on our campuses, but of palestinians in gaza. and that is why we are here. we are here to call for a ceasefire. we are here to bring attention to the limits and invasion of rasa that is about to happen. that is why we are here and we are calling for our university to divest from this genocide. you mentioned use thought this was intentional a tactic. in other words, letting the police stand by without having them go in. but the intention of that in your view would be what? so the intention of that in my, in my view is that our university knows that our university wants us to be tired. our university wants us to give up, but we will not give up. so as i said, since day one, our university has allowed these perpetrators, these aggressors to come in and harass students. they say they claim about the
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state of care about student safety, but that is not true. so what has happened is because since day one, dyna is to have a violence supporters of the zionist, his name has have come and a just have come and have many different types of attacks. they dropped about of mice, they dropped a bag of caterpillar's and they have a roster, and there has been no response from our university. so there has been no response to keeps students safe. so what happens is, every single night, these, these aggressive aggressions get worse, and these people feel emboldened. and what i want to state about is this is also a connected to the community. that is real estate says on an international level. so israel is, is, is, is committing more crimes and it's not being held accountable in a very similar way. but these companies that these aggressors are not being held accountable on our campus. none of the were arrested we as far as we are aware um i believe that that's i believe that that's correct. yes. well,
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thank you very much for speaking with us. appreciate it and stay safe. thank you very much. well, there you have the view of one of the people who are actually their eye witness to the violence that took place last night, but the by their uh, own, uh, uh, baptist station. they're not going away. tom. all right, thanks so much for all of that. that's real reynolds for us at usa ally, the diplomatic. if it's all around the way to reach us a spot, and garza with the us pressure and come off to a great to israel's terms. secretary of state and z, blinking has been meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and israel to push for a deal. he says is achievable, public and also told in yahoo the us still opposes the ground. defensive and proffer on rough itself looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support
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a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with the right the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve the require a major military operation and process. we've been talking to these realize about that. we'll continue those conversations with stephanie dick. it has more from occupied to east jerusalem view, our secretary of state anthony blinking left israel after extensive discussions with its political and military leadership. the message from the americans that there needs to be a ceasefire. that, that off or should not happen in terms of a large scale ground invasion. the message from these ready prime minister has been clear and adamant that also will happen with or without ideal how mouses
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long term demo. and is that 30 is to be a full end to the war the for any deal is achieved on prime in just a minute. yeah. who maintains that, that is not going to happen. how does the negotiators matters to achieve some kind of middle ground, how mouse has until thursday night to respond? and one thing is clear, if there is no deal, it seems according to these relays that the rough or offensive will happen. and it will happen soon. stephanie decker, which is 0 and occupied east jerusalem on the ground in guns, or at least $23.00 palestinians, including 5 children, had been killed since wednesday morning and is drawing a counter offer in the south killed 2 children. these really military has been attacking residential areas right across the strip. more than 54 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed into the 7 months of war. or the jo, dining in foreign ministry says is rarely said let's have a tech to i'd come boys distance regardless of honey mark. mood isn't rasa in the
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south and send us the sometimes that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation. the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the god forbid each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern, the rates across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are open, it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth. if love human, it's very and 8 into the golfer. but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war. the past 6 months, i've been very difficult to get people's most needed age right now with these
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difficult time. the settlers on the northern part of the gaza strip that where a human to 3 and 8 are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of a tunnel in. busy city, but they talked in an attempt to block a to your daddy and humanitarian colon void is coming to the jobs us through. but despite the talk and the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination into the gauze and stood there carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the garza for the just the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine. within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people, a spouse to head. here on al jazeera, tens of thousands of people have been back on the streets of george's capital, protesting against a foreign influence bill by say, hers the chances of joining the european union.
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to know that to state possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice school ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so i'm devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era examining, being proactive. today's headlines, setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire financials, sierra of the be watching. you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the sour demonstrations have been continuing at college campuses across the united states. in new york. police raises the building at columbia university,
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occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians. los angeles, them all the tactic, pillow son, solar there, he sits in at the university of california. us secretary of state entity blinking has made his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu in west jerusalem. lincoln say the deal for a cease fire in gaza is achievable, re offending us all position to in this for any crowned defensive in the process. the police and took care have detained at least $200.00 demonstrations. marketing international work is dion assemble using type of strip sprite and take us to disperse the crowds. the turkish author, things had been released and the city's main square since demonstrations were held in 2013 against presidents for each of type at one and his government. opposition met them in the motor is potty will keep up. it's protest until the band is lift. his work is in tennessee. what also out on the streets,
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caring both palestinian intimacy and flags. they contain the exploitation of palestinian workers and colonialism but is also being much as in germany with many cooling on the government to end it support as well. when he and peacock reports from finland, a thousands and thousands of people, not as much of the sets of foreigners way to toby's being represented as every year . but this is more than ever before the war jobs are really the main thing that's on the black gods. and people play again. you can see people to mazda street, i'm not satisfied. you can see las vegas demanding on ends with the industry, and especially on sales. germany in the 2nd biggest above items to as well, officers, not the states about some pretty, very specific, but the ticket here wants to be changed to all sorts of different groups. the old
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will to defeat them on this. yeah. proof of funds as much what's happening and product on really dominating. and especially the way in which are generally governments involved. because obviously about selling thousands of purchases have much to repairs for the annual may day parade. they called for weird because rides and many said they were also demonstrating the pace in the middle east. patasha butler reports from paris. there was scuffles between french police and some protesters. the powers has made a rally. but overall, it was called french trade unions that amongst, through the city coatings professor conditions for workers on the demonstrators, with thousands of people who to say, come to pay for into the void garza this has been going on for 75 years. it's just that there was a genocide and we just hoped to will in the double dresser, we have to do everything for
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a boy come to the olympics. this summer we want the maximum number of people to call for a band of israel from the olympic games. on the, on the on those weak student stage, the powers is most prestigious through the 1st is to say if you decide to rectify police jesus, some students described as heavy handed. meanwhile, frances prime minister content, the protests and the almost real support of only a, went to seals, po, and told to the administrators to denounce the actions of an agitating and dangerous minority. they want to impose its transatlantic audiology on the majority of students who will disrupt the school. the scale of the university prior to the phone system for those of the united states. this is down when it comes, these rows of these students feel just as strongly as it counts
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a post across the atlantic. natasha butler, which is 0, right? so the africans have linked to international work is day commemorations to imagine solidarity with palestinians. hundreds joined to trade unionists in cape town to quote, for an end to as well as genocide in kansas presidents around the plaza joined the really ahead of is made i addressed as a pauses in cape town to meet the middle has more from cape town, a thousands of gather jane said sounds instead of like was to say, but many here say it's not just about that, but also standing in front of therapy with the people on the side menu. the various says one is the governing african national congress. now the congress of called african trade union says, says solid garrity with palestine, those 2 lots to the venue would include a ceasefire and the choosing israel of committing genocide a sort of screwed up the eyes of those in other parts of the world
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as being subjected to toward job 2 by the genocide and that is why. 1 as a country and he is a lie and we are sitting in our support for the people on this side. and that is why we say we want colors time to be pretty. some political organizations and union to call serve balance in favor of policies that support kind of started invested in south africa's upcoming table the legs for the 1st time, the issue of a kind of sign may influence the votes of some some of the 0 tape towns in georgia, police of 5 to gas and water cannon,
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it's tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament and crowns of demonstrating against the government so called for an influence bill. the proposal would require organizations receiving funds from approved to register as far as the agents opponent site is could be used to crack down on groups are critical of the governments really ship a lot of a is that, that purchased in tbilisi for testers. here who have been trying to break into the territory of the parliament building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the tenants and that type of space. and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly a young people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again. and here in the center, they continue protesting against the so called belt on foreign influence dumps here as the russian. lo and these rallies have been ongoing for daily 3 weeks. so you
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can see that there are so many people behind me and put police trust fund. it's a tear gas again. i can feel it and death many youngsters. and among these crowds, they, they're wearing at gas masks and protective goals, and many people have come here tonight from the georgia and regions as well. and i let today, deputies actually box the bell on the floor and the implants and the 2nd reading, causing a more prose has today. so it is quite interesting. that's right now where i'm standing this price clean the police around. because unlike yesterday, today, the police manage to provide a safe passage type court over for the deputies didn't leave the palm and built in before this process actually began. yesterday on april. besides have a ride police worth protecting the deputies who got stuck inside parliament as a protest as blocks the building not allowing deputies to leave and at least have
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the process. uh yes. so they tend to stream the extremely finance festival for the news from the moment when there is an extent inside story, we'll look at the possible full out office. ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is renewed. 3 is to invade. rafa. stay with us. the hello. it's lifting, live, disappear, robber where we can specifically, we've got to fab at a cloud, rumbling away, i close at eastern side of the south. well, it's a little bit of cloud to still down towards the south. west of us try to imitate, we've got this area of high pressure level grassy, not just where our level 5 days with we will see those houses that are in place across the south west, but noticed some wet weather, just gathering out to south australia, pushing into a new south west and along with coastal fringes on show a brace, still fading in
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a few showers in this we go through the next couple of days. but this is the 2nd system that gets close to some concern. as we go on through friday on into assess day that really does gather and it is, let's bring some really big down pulls as we go on through the we can certainly something to keep an eye on ahead of that logic fun to drive these even i problems here for the settled and sunny weather coming through, settled in sunny, typical snow, the policy of china through the korean peninsula. i'd be coming to increase the southland, sunny across such a path to further south. we do still have cloud and rice still causing problems. cross southern parts of china, more big down pulls, coming in here a lot. it's a cause of the flooding as we go through the next couple of days and it sold drifting by the east. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress, and remember to copy revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest, a hero sector states in israel, and another push for sci fi in gaza. he says a deal is achievable to full z me a 7 month full for these really prime minister has a game found to invade rafa. so how will benjamin nothing, you know, whose comments affect mediation efforts is inside story the .


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