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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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the p is the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. a hero sector states in israel and another push for sci fi in gaza. he says a deal is achievable to full z me a 7 month full for these really prime minister has a game found to invade rafa. so how will benjamin nothing, you know? whose comments affect mediation efforts? this is inside story, the
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kind of they're welcome to the program on the clock. so the time is now until the blinking, striking an urgent tone is attempts to get a cease fire. and garza, america's top. diplomat says, a strong proposal is on the table as he makes his 7th visit to the middle east since fighting began in october boxes in the right negotiations for seas far between israel and i'm ass carry on in egypt. but the questions are being raised about the chances of an agreement being reached. also because randy prime minister reiterated his plan to invade rafa. ken benjamin netanyahu stretched disrupt tools to end the war. this killed more than 34500 palestinians would explore this and other issues without guessing just a moment. the fastest reports by katya lopez a renewed push to reach a ceasefire deal in gaza. us secretary of state anthony, blinking met with his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, calling for an agreement between israel and hum off. it's the message he emphasized
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earlier while a meeting with us really president isaac here as long as we're trying to get the ceasefire. that brings the hostages all together now. and the only reason that that wouldn't be changed just because of the loss. critics say it's not that simple. israel has become launching airstrikes on rough or, and that's in your who was threatening to launch a full scale operation in the southern city with or without a ceasefire deal. i don't want to come this little a 5th wheel, enter rust up because we have no other choice will destroy the how much battalions that we will complete all the objectives of the books, including the repatriation of old deputies going allies like the us, germany and france have war, nothing yahoo against the move, but he's under greater pressure from within his own government support from farm right. ministers gave nothing yahoo another term and they've warrant them,
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they can also, and it was the last time i believe the prime minister has promised that israel is going into rough and he promised that we're not ending. this for under neglectful deal will not be made. i congratulate those words and i think the prime minister understands implications. if this does not take place more than 34000 palestinians have been killed since october 7th. almost leaders have accused nothing. yeah. who of intentionally extending the hor to stay in power for these real families of captives or staging, protest demanding a deal to get their loved ones home by whatever pressure is necessary from us. but not the only dilemma. also, today is really a problem and is the reply. whatever pressure is necessary. and in roswell, about 1500000 palestinians wait with nowhere else to go. the un cheese on tonia with terraces, an assault on the city would lead to an unbearable escalation with devastating
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consequences in gaza and the wider region. katia, look this with the yen, also 0 for insights store so plenty to take on. let's bring in all gas. joining us from london is done. you'll levy, he's president of the us middle east project. and a form is ready negotiate to nora day. it's a political unless she joins us by skype from amman. i enjoy me a spice guy from washington, dc is william lawrence. he's a professor at american university in a form of us diplomats a warm welcome to each of you. so as that goes to asians continue, i'm wondering what the motivation is for benjamin netanyahu. daniel levy to say that he will invade rafa sees fall or no seas 5. does he mean it? how can that be a c spa and a whole set attack on rough or done related to you?
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the simple to nick is those 2 things cannot go to get them to the extent to which there was some sense. maybe this. preload impasse in the media to talk court be found a way out of precisely because for the 1st time there was a sense that may be the us was leading to the idea or a pub in a drums in a temporary cease fire. and that would allow how much to move to the negotiations for from that side. to the extent possible, prime minister not send yahoo just took a saw so that he just shot that also the need. because by insisting that a rough or operation would go to get would continue. no matter what. nothing yahoo was conscious of what he was doing. and he was yet again trying to him to mind the talks. but what's important to acknowledge it, it is he was doing so because he felt confident hutto ready heard the american side
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say, it's a generous salsa how moss over to you. if this doesn't happen, there's only one party to play. so not a yahoo was essentially middle the book yet again by an american president, the american secretary of state and american administration. who will allow this more to continue who provided the weapons for nothing. y'all, we didn't know holly for him. a little more for rental is politically beneficial and i do think once you take these ready prime minister seriously, i do see the preparations that they may drop off. i do not think there was an idea consensus box. if not said, yahoo has his way and he has not stopped. then the over one medium palestinians in rough are all going to face. what is going to be one couldn't imagine yet. and now the whole industry, violation of international no devastation killing. i know you know that that is
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going to happen if something else doesn't intervene and it's blinking, just blew the jobs. right. can somebody else intervene? william lauren said, what do you think i know who last off the hook, and if so, one of the implications for any sci fi deal as well. i agree, gross of murder with what daniel saying, i, i don't think he's entirely off the hook. i still think that the us pressures quite intense. i think this uh, there's many flaws and then negotiations here, both the public and the private part. one is this idea of a permanent ceasefire. that's called a peace treaty or an armistice about disney tonight. been really off the table and now that cyber seeing phrases like sustainable. com and you know long versus stationed in facilities for a year at formulas within which could be pressured. and you can parse that and you know, statements that fits squarely february, you know, when this was 1st proposed in the rough uh, operation was 1st delayed. he leaves wiggle room. he'll say things like, well, i won't be forced into something. i don't agree to. but then he applies if he agreed to something, then you know, he could be given another way out,
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which as the americans made me do it, there's also a problem here that's israel is operating i did. how much is in a very weak position, which they don't believe they're in a mess of the leads the us and the started this really side is in a very weak position because of the protest. united states and other things and operating, negotiating on that basis isn't really going to get us to an outcome. i think the latest principles are promising and not impossible the, this, this sort of the dance that's going on where from us goes to cairo. these, mr. is go to kyra needs, this is not good. i was hoping we can all be in one place and maybe bill burns would show up. i heard that technical negotiations will shift to do hot tomorrow, but this isn't over yet. one way that we know one, the commentator here and us grace it is that danielle who has a choice between alaska and re on and all of the meetings in riyadh and all of that effort to sort of offer that then. yeah,
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a big normalization. not only with sadie raping but much of the rest of the muslim majority countries which would follow. it's not off the table yet. that package is still being discussed around with the day after proposals that are going more. sure . no. do you think come, us would agree to this uh, circled prolonged period of quite given what benjamin netanyahu is saying about invading rafa. whatever happens a, i think some of the site itself in addition to position because the mediation, whether it's egypt or other, have flipped all their weight behind these latest efforts to reach a ceasefire situation on the ground. just untenable, you have the whole population on the brink of time and you have any possible situation where more than a, you know, a 1000000 people, nearly a 1000000 and a half people are, you know, supposed are expected to be crown in an area with absolutely no services or infrastructure to offer, which is cool, i'm off, it doesn't fit them,
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they cannot accommodate that. and everybody knows whatever invasion would mean. but on the other hand of i think it's important to also know that also has to speak to all constituents. it cannot be seen as a rendering, it cannot be seen as something, anything that that is on the table is specially in light of what occurred in the whole world turn from nothing. yeah, promises continuous, more of all endless, more and see the defamation of the energy. we're almost, you know, in a, in a, in an exchange that be lost somewhere in medieval times where you have one power that goes against, you know, a more and they won't complete an absolute surrender. i think the adults at the table should understand by now that that's not gonna happen. but i find that one of the things that perhaps is keeping negotiations back is the fact that the americans
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haven't completely let go. the idea is they can deliver to nothing. yeah, 12 is really a big tree through these talk through normalization of what sort of the right of yeah. why don't the same time promising a political horizon for palestinian. so in a way, cancelling out a major player by claiming that this would ultimately be positive for the palestinians. i think that is one of the reasons why you have a stop and go dynamic at this point even though you have this be care normalization with. so the hanging in the distance. yeah, stopping goes, phrases. i don't know that i said there's no such a difficult position for a mass. but if i just, let's just say how much do agree at where it does dot then leave benjamin netanyahu because because then go into rockford county, or does he just wait? no, i think prime minister not send you off. who knows that he can create the conditions
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web by the can be no mosse agreement. how most people go into a ceasefire. if prime minister nothing yahoo is promising that after a few days of calm, we are going to make the hell scape, even worse, and the americans folks has a piece route. uh, blaming. i must say, well, we don't think we should do rough a quite that way. unless there is an unequivocal american willingness to say, this is miss williams at a sustainable com. whatever line would you want to say? there will be no, rasa. full stop. we all the gallon tools. if that is not said, then i do not sick. there is the prospect open according a prime minister, not on ya. who knows that that is why he's positioned himself in the way he has bought prime minister, not to know who doesn't want to take the blame. there's
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a pole in these radiant media today which says that he's really public support by 47 to 32. the rest of the items um a deal that involved the release of the hostages, a pub med and to lease for and to release thousands of palestinians like tyra's power steering intel in is right person. he knows that there was no other consensus around rafa. he knows, but we didn't need the military. they were reserved as to upset. they will not show up because of the an app he knows the 400 families of soldiers in regular g d. i've written to gas and nice and cold, empty what cabinet? to say if you go into roster, it's the end of the hostages. please withdrawal from the government if that's a proposal. so there's an total pressure you need to weigh out from that to total pressure. the way out from that internal pressure is to blame. how much unrolled is that making this hall, this a not a yahoo? it does seem that the secretary of state and the president of just given nothing.
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yeah, he's, he's get out of this talk, which way he musicals i get out of jail free talk because he is optimal still the prime minister in court, who for his political survival needs the continuation of the war. right now the international community, of course, has made its position clear. president biden's head, the invasion of reference, a red line, not easy to see how the is really offensive on wrap. it could be comply with international law. so it says the u. k. deputy for a minister under mitchell frances waiting to the inspector general has said at all, so it is in the soul to unwrap it would be unbearable escalation opinion for all those who have influenced abs realtor do everything in that. how to prevent it so that that's a general view. internationally. we lawrence 1st up what is a present by me when he says it's a red line? can you bring any more pressure to bad? what if he then? yeah, i did go into a wrapper, we didn't do anything as well as when the senior gets already negotiator told me i still americans put in 20 percent more pressure. and israel,
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this thing would have already been over. but let's talk about that for a minute. the americans keep saying no but, and the black means protection of the 1500000 civilians inches around the roof. and the way to sort of see where that's going is the 40000 tents 440-0000 people, which began to be built north of it off and then doesn't seem to have gone any further. these rallies are telling me americans nothing would happen until after passover, and it would be $2.00 to $4.00 weeks to move everyone out before the ground invasion. the americans were saying it should take more like 3 to 4 months to move everybody. and then this gets to another thing as a can tardy english here. toby said this is basically about hostages prisoners a troop movements. and when he says troop movements, he means which, where to these are at least pulled back to. and the latest offer was sweetened with a pulling off the nets or in corridor which divides north and south guys and the opening of those to roll. ready this rows of the main roads that go north,
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south and guys, and also big moving into population back towards the north, which would presumably need to be supported by the new $230000000.00 peer being built. largely because the strategies won't let in a despite all of the arm twisting america says it's doing on the aid. and so all of that suggests to me that things aren't as imminent on rock, but as they keep saying um, blinking did say again the day before yesterday there's no plan. we've seen austin testified the same thing yesterday. so the americans are not signing off on a lot faster and would want a massive protection of civilians we haven't seen yet. so in essence, the americans kind of box and that yahoo in without anyone really recognizing it or giving them credit for it. they're basically saying ceasefire, or rafa operation in a way you've never done any of this operation and that's something that the knows have in a hard time swallowing. and that's a, one of the reasons we're also at this impasse that no, i'm going to throw it to you now for any coming off the back of that. but i just
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want to say this with you and a chief mountain. griffith said that the simplest truth is that the ground operation in rafa will be nothing short of a tragedy beyond words. no, absolutely. i think it would be apple elliptic, i mean, we've seen the scenes of the aftermath of ground invasions inside of newness, in other site. i think of the city and baseline here. and, and they are scenes are our destination who are 6 months where you have an entire population that is mount nutrition. that is the t as law you know, loved ones that knows there's no way out. there is no, no hospitals to go to events. and then you've got yourself a combination that no amount of aids can possibly a medium later or make, let alone the fact that a would be very difficult to come in and so on. but i think what's really interesting right now about all these statements for hearing from lincoln or from
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washington is just how elastic those american red lines approve and to be. and we've seen nothing the whole push the boundaries time they've got since october. we've seen and tasked the by ministrations willingness to use the stick instead of the carrick and every time he's come on top, even when it comes to the application of us law regarding you know, the allies that violent human rights regarding the legal regarding a settler task regarding the task on humanitarian aid workers and saw so i think in many ways mentioned y'all deal that no matter how much he, it kind of turned his back to the administration. given the fact that this is election season, given the fact that by his so i have logically married. so the only other there can be no daylight between israel and the united states, but basically nothing you know,
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get away with whatever he wants. he's now focused on keeping his coalition and as daniel set on staying in power of staying out of jail. so if it takes up, taking the mark as by surprise is going to the i think he will do it. and that's, i think we're all li, tonic, the justifying panic on the ground in the lines. the knowledge that nothing you can get away with it. and the people have to figure out where they will go, which you know, over which role they will have the tennis now they've done, you'll have to you with this question. benjamin netanyahu says it's all about finishing off a mass 1st. what do you think that's possible because many degrees permanent lead is including the r, as in was a believe to be still alive. and it believes to be that, but nobody knows for sure way. and if they all instructed it, how disabled is a mass from your perspective? it's a, it's a, it's
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a nice narrative. so nothing yahoo to have i was i said i didn't use any, any hard to do, right. i think he has a problem because if you don't go into rafa, he called tell that story anymore. he called say, well, now when we do rough or we'll actually, i've been rad decay to thomas. this has been 6 months where it's not all that well, the back and field for as well. so a mazda is quite effectively used. it's a symmetric capacities, of course, has been devastating for the palestinians inside also. but the military themselves do not have a consensus around bravo, because they also no longer have a story to tell mr. these rating and disabilities shot to the side of the 7th. the only can still say, well, if we'd be not allowed to do rough, uh then we really could have finish this job. but pressure meant we couldn't go into russel and you weren't going to have. this is what some of the nutri commentators and some of the leaks have told us that they're not looking forward to that. they know that some very unpleasant, let's say fighting wait fees,
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right. the ministry in rafa. so know how much will not be eradicated, has nothing. yeah. who will not have his total victory when it was the 6 month anniversary? many of these rating military commentators was saying this looks more like total defeat up in total victory. he needs to pump this up, but i don't think there is a belief that this can be done. i think the americans have tried to say, can we give you more goodies? can we sweep the part with a deal with saudi arabia and i think nothing. yahoo has looked at this and said it's not re add for rafa. i will both please mister president. and if it's not, you can just be both someone else will give me both. just as i go out codes and abu dhabi, i didn't have to choose between the 2 of them. i could maintain for the occupation and get normalization elsewhere. and that's what i expect to you. and so not a yahoo! i don't want to suggest that he, he feels every,
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the thing is in his corner. he has felt so precious. but unfortunately, every time the americans kinda put the level matches most to him, which is the continued homeboy of weapons to continue this war. they chose not to do, i don't see any changes. i know we're coming towards the end of the pressure on the ship type just very slightly. what about egypt? what egypt, road and all of this? how worried with egypt be about? a potential is really invasion of rough or the agent should be a is, i think, very worried about the agent. this is a threat to its national security. egypt is the country bordering. got, it cannot be seen as shooting. it was sent in a seeking refuge and safety in a federal era country, but at the same time, it does not want to go down and just choose the country who allowed or to say located the expulsion of the year again from their home. and so egypt i think
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will do whatever you can to push things towards an agreement, even if it were at you know, how good agreement, whatever kind of agreement that can be reached momentarily hoping that that could kind of snowball into something more significant, free just this is a spread, right, and it's doors, and it has to do something in order to at least justify where it stands to is that your students people and not not look like a. so a williams big protest going on in the united states as is where we've been covering all sorts of prices happening as universities, as it is right now. so if that was an invasion, a rafa, what would the implications of that be on the numbers turning out that those protests and the potential for that getting more out of hand if it's ready troops to go in and the implications, of course, as daniel's reference in this election year with president biden going to the polls
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in november, and i think it would be quite a massive. i think we're getting close to 10 percent of all americans, 4 year colleges having major protests and the numbers are just growing with each necessary police action. and some of the 2 police actually been able to say, but most of them are just applications of state violence for no good reason and it will continue to grow. i think there's been mistaken analysis that this is gonna force the by and any help of the way i think it's actually happening. it's now that the progressive orders and having muslim leaders are saying they would never ever, ever vote for biden. that's pushing, binding back to the center of the he builders and all that. and i don't think the professional, not simply aspect of buying this decision making, but the general position of americans. now the democratic party is this needs to end immediately. if i could just add one thing that to norris answer junction to
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threaten to um, suspend this peace treaty, which would be pretty important. and the way that the order snatched there was a terrible article on foreign policy saying that you didn't meet your taking the refugees, which started given the history of 48 and 67. and they've got that population. but i really do believe if i could just have one more point that there's a proof of concept here that american pressure can work. it works to force the 90 for sure. and then $24.00 c 5. it forced israel in response to ran to be less it for c it's right at. ready at one point to quadruple the a going in, although it's more police insufficient, and it delayed the rough operation by 3 months now. so there's, there's america pressure can work and americans just have to push just hard enough . that's, that gets already said to force and that then yeah, whole into this each bar and it, it can be done like it's done in the right way. daniel. con american pressure. well, here's the question for you. it's been for 3 months where the rec and will be then
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i think we will be probably a wave is re troops uh, in the process of doing that was and you know, where in the summer sheet is a fact that uh the, the, the family in spite of disease, humanitarian crisis is not going to go away. i think it will be waiting with some real interest as to what the democrat convention in chicago is going to look like. i hope that's not where we all, i do not see. the americans have pushed off roughly, i think nothing. yahoo has been in no hurry. i think he's made it treat was not ready for. ready and i also would not discount the nothing yahoo still has all the makings options. when is the lar and the north and the file on the escalation with the land is not yet close spots russian. i would say israel
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would be able to advise to continue to test its military only paul in the region because it is, i would argue, story, not some very, very serious future problems for itself at home in the region and internationally. those don't play out according to an american elect or calendar of a few months. that's all right. we run out of time left and leave with the lady nor a day. and william laurence. thank you very much for joining us here on out is here on inside story and thank you to for watching. you can find this program and hold up more on a website. i'll just hear a dot com is the address and for further discussion, just go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. or you can also have joined the conversation on x or hindball is at a j inside story for main o'clock in the whole team. here the
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a humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk to of to on just this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts political upheaval. some of those we talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled update hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just there is try to balance the stories,
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is that like fly on one of your just makes model and plates. the color on top of the car, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes peaceful purchase and the us become a target. students at the university of wisconsin medicine. other lights has to face off with police. try to create tre, us not to peacefully protest for create a new york police site.


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