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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is like my on one of your just makes model inflates the alarm time because this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . peaceful purchase in the us become a target students at the university of wisconsin medicine of a license to face off with police. try to create tradeoffs, not to peacefully protest for create a new york police side of arrested around 300 people at columbia university and
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city college and accuse many of not being students. we cannot, will not support a major military operation. and we're off on absence. an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harm the us secretary of state entity blinking visits, israel and freezer rights, american opposition to, in this ready, offensive and profit and tens of thousands of people back home. the streets of georgia is capital protesting against the bill by say, who's the chances of joining the european union in schools? it's advantage. russia told me that after the 1st like of the champions league, sunny fun with terry sun, jeremiah and nicholas full troops during the only goal of the game to get the woman of one know when in germany the we begin this news out in the united it states,
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we have student protests and solidarity with palestinians on campuses across the country continue. that's in spite of clashes with police and administration attempts to clear out protesting cameron's now the most recent confrontations have been at the university of wisconsin. madison offices removed all but 110th and the rest of at least a 1000 people. a campus security spokesperson says, for offices injured as they try to remove tens from the schools central square the on wednesday, the u. c. l a campus head spin, come up to and not have kyle's advantage. more of the tank, the peaceful sitting on the campus. there's some way it is ready. flags as a assault to demonstrate is in some instances with sticks. some security forces are accused of standing by and filing to protect the student's
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name while outside columbia university. prior to his continue in spite of police clearing the main solidarity in camden on tuesday night. police also right is a school building occupied by students and process. the site they will not be deterred. i need to graduate. so that's what the goal is to solve the cabinet. the i need to graduate. this was they invited a nation wide movement so but expose the other providence at the top of this institution. they have forced the leadership of this institution of institutions everywhere to say what they really think and make their positions where or they have exposed to that, which they were arguing about. and they'll go on to the side of it. they do not say the speech about paul, the side of this country is to be punished with the highest level of repression
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that violence of new york city says. at least 300 people were arrested at campus, protest on tuesday, and said many of them will not enrolled students at the request of columbia university of after speaking with them throughout the week at their request. and big knowledge means that outside agitators were on the grounds, training and really co opt invisible at fair requests. we went in a conducted operation to allow lemma university to remove those web, turn the peaceful protests into a place where type semitism and anti israel is attitudes for pervasive of that i suppose as live outside columbia university in new york and today, softer not have kyle so what's the situation there now?
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is it still a heavy police presence? well, that's correct. uh, universities i met you. i was universities in the united states are on the edge because of the ongoing solidarity pro to essentially the support of how the sign that we're seeing across the country. we're right here outside of columbia university. the situation is now peaceful, but it was not peaceful overnight. who were here when the police showed up hundreds of them coming through this trees and going into the building from the window that you can see right here they came with a truck come then with a fair and around 50 police officers entered the building to evict the students that have taken over have moved from holly, which is a historic part of columbia university that had where a group of students had barricaded themselves. we do know that a dolphins at least 300 people were detained. not only here in columbia university,
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but also in city colleagues. steps not far away from where we are right now, is you just heard the mayor of new york city. he's saying that the students were info treated by those others that they had been trained and how to take over the building. among other things, however, we've been talking to many students and they're saying that that's not the case. but many of the students that were to, but many of the people that were taking there were all students that are version of this story. joining me now right now, we french's come by the senior. she's a student here at columbia university. she was in the campus in the evening. tell us a little bit of of what was it like, i mean, seeing hundreds of police officers inside there were violence fees inside the campus. i mean, how was, yeah, i would say that we had a lot of emotions at the moment and my classmates and dies in the so our professors because around 9 that we saw all the police officers a comment to capitalism. we didn't actually actually sold them uh uh,
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entering into it and as a whole because if we started behind the so we were not able to. sure. so or to film what was happening inside and we could just hear some noise. we also heard some people screaming inside a hadn't the whole, i guess while there were a rest of the, by the police. so we actually saw some videos later on social media. all people were rested there. it doesn't look section of course the it was yes. what, what are you expecting it to end this way? i mean, what's, what's this something that you were expecting up to what you've been experiences in this campus for almost 2 weeks since this and compliment began? i didn't expect the police to come yesterday. actually also because the police email attracted me to speak and told the colleen the police, it would have been concert productivity. so we, we did the police to break into university yesterday. we just found out around the
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7 pm, the guessing we have test conference advice. i would call them and the n y p g. so we've prepared for the arrival of the police around 8 pm and metal legs and that it was inconclusive waiting for them to get in. it was also moment of confusion because we didn't know exactly where they were coming from and we didn't know whether we came from the avenue or eventually from the other day to. so we're just trying to figure out where we should go and also to apply to be arrested because there was also a complete waste on the students. there's a strong preference of the police here to prevent another encompass man to prevent um, you know, another scene from what we saw yesterday. what do you make of that? i mean, helping you with the police here. i will say that the health course is the last 4 of the students, if you see the police every day on campus, and i know those things here at least until may 17th. and i haven't mixed feelings about it personally because on one side they're doing these to because the want
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students feel safe about at the same time i feel like is that includes intention inside the university. thank you very much for just gone. so we're right here outside columbia on the demonstration that you can see right here. again, people supporting qualifying people is asking an end to the orientation and then to the war you can see them right outside. there's a very strong police presence on the south side of columbia university. this is that can request of the university's precedence who is asking them to remain here, at least for another 2 weeks until graduation ends at is. this is not the only protest that we've seen here we're hearing about in other parts of new york city. there's a may 1st protest that is ongoing hundreds of people, again on the streets showing supports for the policy and costs for the palestinian people. certainly. so what's been going on here, it's quite unique it's, it's has been rare to see so many people not totally here in new york,
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but it costs across the country, demonstrating and demanding, and then to the war. so suddenly we will continue to monitoring. we're hearing that more protest could be happening today and will be there to cover them back to you in day. thank you so much for all that to the support for us there outside of columbia university. okay, well turning to the west coast now and let's get the latest on the situation and use the language. so a vonage mall, the tank a peaceful and cabinet on tuesday night. of course on the riddles, joins us from los angeles into a robust the full out of that violence that we saw yesterday evening of the slow tom. i guess you could say that last night was the moment when a small. busy portion of the violence that has the effect afflicted the people of gaza and the west bank came to the united states the the violent attacks overnight. we are told by a student organizers injured, at least 100 people. number of them were admitted to hospitals with,
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with injuries. a lot of people suffered from being hit with irritant sprays, like bare spray and pepper spray. uh and uh, the people who uh, carried out this attack came mostly from off campus. they were waving is really flags, and other is israel, a line of types of banners and, and insignia. and they were allowed to attack for several hours before the police dispersed them. now today you could say it's calmer, but it's still tense because there are police a lot of police all over the place now i can see them everywhere. i look and the counter protesters are back. there are people on the other side of a barrier over there, they're waving is really flags blaring music. also surveilling students when they come out to, to do interviews with the press, the bush,
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the video tape them with their phones and they have drones flying over the camp. and so, no, that is that big of a deal because it hasn't rebuilt, resulted in violence, and hopefully the police will stay here. but the other development is that the faculty has taken a hand now and faculty members are meeting at the moment. they are preparing a statement to the leaders of the university administration. many of the faculty members are in full support of the students in the gaza solidarity encampments rights to express themselves and to stay and to be safe. so we will hear from those faculty members sometime in the, in the next little bit. and then we'll let you know what they have to say in rooms you touch on that uh earlier. there are questions about the police responses and how long they took to intervene. so did the attack of an item, the incumbent to does it come as a complete surprise?
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absolutely not. this is not by far the not the 1st time that violent attacks had taken place. it was on a larger scale. but for example, on sunday night. uh i, i think that was the 28th um there were uh, attacks and uh, and the attempts to breach the uh, perimeter of the, of the camp. there have been for days uh, a large set of loudspeakers set up with uh, playing loud music and irritating noises in order to deprive the demonstrators of sleep. so that's a kind of looks like a logical warfare, but the actual physical attacks. yes. those that happened before and it, it just reinforces the question, as you asked of as to why the university wasn't prepared. why didn't they step aside? why didn't they have police at the ready? is it uh, is it a case of incompetence? i don't know. and what will they say she, the united states is in the middle of an election campaign. uh,
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how is this protest movement? how is it impacting that and what sort of pressure is being put on the white house and joe biden in particular or well, i mean, i don't cover the white house tom, but i, i know that the, there are many, many democrats who are in positions of leadership in the party who are extremely concerned about the disaffection of young, liberal left wing voters from of the president that they nick named genocide. jo. uh, and they are worried that in some key states not here in california, which is a prison get overwhelmingly democratic. let's face it, but in other states, maybe pennsylvania, maybe michigan of places that oh, but that bite and needs to wins that uh, the uh, disaffection, disillusionment. uh and the, the outrage. in fact,
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in some cases by young people by people who are concerned about israel is more on gaza and about people who are concerned about the treatment of the students that can have that can ever be a big impact. remember, this presidential election is going to be decided by a few tens of thousands of boats in a few states. and that is unpredictable and how that could swing the balance. we don't know. i think a lot depends on how this all plays out as they're going to be more violence or the students going to be repressed, brutally. but we'll have to wait and see and say thank you so much for all of that . ro, boucher, i really do appreciate it. reynolds for us there at u. c. l. a. a delegation from the us congress has visited george washington university is protest continue there . speaking a short time ago to the media republican congress from lauren, but cooled for the man to do more, to shut them down. almost every single person in the liver, right,
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it would be rated by the very jerry you're standing here supporting we did with injury. 7 we can do something that is not the summer of love and we're not going to need to the terrorist in our city anymore. but the winehouse has also been speaking about the protest. so just here has white house correspondent, kimberly how could send us the south dies. the white house has sharp words of disapproval for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations and protests that are sweeping, college campuses and universities across the united states. at a white house press briefing, press secretary cruz john pierre of wednesday, told reporters the president 5 and supports americans cost to do so right to
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protest, but it must be done lawfully. americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully process as long as it's within the law, and that it's peaceful force for loose forcibly taking over the building is not peaceful. it's just not. students have the right to feel safe. they have the right to learn. they have to right, the right to do this without this disruption, and they have a right to feel safe on campuses. i just said they have a right to attend their commencement the unrest at colleges and universities underscore is the challenge that president biden faces in his re election campaign with biding trailing former president, donald trump in battle ground stays, the youth vote is one. he can't afford to lose. that's why president 5, it has been careful with his comments. well condemning anti semitism. he's also argued that most don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. he's also
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scheduled to speak next week at the american holocaust memorial museum. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house for the past few hours, students at the university of wisconsin. madison has been the latest the class with police law enforcement tool down tends interested at least of 1000 protesters, including faculty members. now for police officers injury, it's during the operation or some other to is it per visit with the community and environmental, socio logy at the university of wisconsin. madison. he was detained and injured during the campus protest earlier today they are in the joins us from madison wisconsin. now thank you very much for being with us here on al jazeera, i guess 1st and foremost, can you just find us through exactly what happens uh, once police turned up and, and explain how you were risk to. and thank you for having me, tom. well, the, the police was trying to attack the students who were,
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who were camping in the place. and i, as a professor, have an obligation. i think i said that a number of times to, to, to kind of cultivate or not are students intellectually mentally, socially. and at the same time, physically, i have a strong belief that our obligation as professors is to protect the students from bullhorn. and that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the um, the, the officers who are surrounding pretends. mm hm. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. leave the students and i kept saying, please de escalate, please deescalate and they couldn't. and then they pushed me a couple of times into the ground and,
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and they injured my face at some point. yeah. and then they did move quite a few minutes. right. you've said that you felt targeted by the police and how did they deliberately target you and why do you think they did? so? yeah, i mean, there is, there are a lot of questions about that. they, um, uh, one of the officers said, bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before i even the, the started contact with the, with the kind of the human chain that was around the account. and he said get him grab him. and so they targeted me, i don't know why, but i mean, it is really telling and the very the, the very, but very problematic. the fact that the 3 faculty who are listed our old faculty of color, including me and to african american professors at the university.
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and so that is quite telling and even the students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with arrests and the team were really people of color. and so the question is, was that the chance event was that's happening just because it happens, or is it a deeper kind of the framework that within which the police works, that is racist assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them and um, both of us, me and another black professor who was arrested, she was also physically wrapped. and so it's because the question of why that's happens at the flagship universe like the like yeah. but still, wisconsin, that some specs supposedly freedom lesson yet, you know, it's one thing for students to be involved in these practices. we've seen that facing suspension or expulsion from,
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from the various universities. but you and other faculty members that you're really putting your jobs on the line here on to as well. i mean, we don't think so. i mean, because our jobs really are the protection of students. and i mean, we put our jobs on the line in a way, but, but at the same time, you have to understand or obligation towards the student is the protection right. and the protection of the freedom of speech and the protection of them as, as interested party in the, in the governance of these institutions. so long as administration's feel that they are the university that doesn't work personally is not the administration. the university is it students, it's faculty, it's staff and administration and rather than cultivating relations of age and
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violence, i think they should start thinking about cultivating relations of lots of can ship of relations, of familial kind of relations. yes. and to start to be the good, the peaceful and how the students themselves, the students themselves, the incompetent was amazing. i mean, the, the type of, of cultural musical. okay. political educational stuff that they had is amazing. and it's, it's about time that the student loan from the input from the students and cultivate, to different future. that is not dependent on the, on the involvement of, of police power. yes. to exact violence against their students and staff and faculty like i will have to leave it there. but we really do appreciate your time. that is some other to professor of community and environmental assess eulogy at the university of wisconsin medicine. thank so much. thank you. i,
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the palestinians in the gaza strip had been expressing their thanks to americans, student protest, as children held up signs, thanking us universities by name at camp and say, i'll fall off. many said they, i hope the students will put pressure on the colleges. the federal government and the international community to bring it in to the war. well, done much college. i mean, i'll pull it up and it's so wonderful we think, well, the students of american universities who stood in solidarity with the palestinian people in the cause pertaining to the gaza strip, ending the displacement and ending the suffering of the palestinian people and the other in the psalm, whether these protests and the solidarity have a great impact on the american government, the whole world and the united nations. because students around the world rose up against injustice and against the oppression of the palestinian people, the hey, this is solely dying to protest is to thank american universities and students for standing with us and conveying are
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a message to the world to stop the war. and genocide taking place in gaza. i hope the arab and islamic universities will spend with us like american universities have. and we'll try to stop the genocide with the, with the american fits are under way to reach a ceasefire in gaza with the us pressuring her mouse to agree to israel's terms. secretary of state and st, blinking has been meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu in israel to push for dale he says, is achievable, blinking also told me then you know who the us still opposes the ground defensive and the proffer, or on roof itself looks our position is is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation. and we're off absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed. and no, we have not seen such
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a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with the right the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve the require a major military operation and process we've been talking fee is realize about that . we'll continue those conversations. if any dick has moved from occupied to east jerusalem. good, we'll come back to that story in just a moment. meanwhile, at least 23 palestinians, including 5 children have been killed since wednesday morning and is tronic on rasa in the south kills 2 children. he is rarely military has been attacking residential areas across the strip. and more than 34 and a half 1000 palestinians had been killed in nearly 7 months of war. these rarely he says, it's event. another border crossing into the gaza strip to allow humanitarian aids
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to enter. and when the war began, is ro shut down the entry to and from casa, leaving the roof of crossing from egypt as the only way to move goods to and from the gaza strip. then 2 months into the war as well, temporarily opened the crumb of asylum crossing for small amounts of vide. now on the intense pressure from washington, it's regarding the arrears crossing to the hot at north is ready authority sites busy trucks, caring i had from jordan into on wednesday. we'll do a dining and foreign ministry says is rarely say let's have a tech to i'd convoys distance the gaza. i mean my mood isn't rougher in the south and sent us this update. that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation is the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one
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happens to be just as long into each one of the govern the rate across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth if love, humanitarian aid into the gauze and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war, the past 6 months had been very difficult to get people's most needed age right now with these difficult time, the settlers on the northern parts of the gaza strip. that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel in the city. but they talked in an attempt to block a to your damian humanitarian cold voice coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk and the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination into the gall,
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this thread. they are carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the goals. and for the just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people a little. well, the central kitchen has resumed, humanitarian operations and guns are a month off to some of its employees were killed. and as for any strike stuff, have been distributing meals to this place, palestinians, and they're all by. and central cancer that's with 7 of the colleagues were killed on april. the 1st, even though they had, she had the movements with these rarely military. the n g i was calling for the data protection of i work as some bakeries in northern kansas reopening for the 1st time since october. many of them were destroyed by his ready bombardment. we're sending a food crisis when israel announced a total blockade at the start of the war,
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while the reopening of some bakeries is seen as a crucial step, the risk of famine remains. hi, honey, my mood has more. i shall have the colors of getting bread is not an easy task in gaza. must melville basically walk long distances to get to a bakery? does this still operate? she's among thousands of people desperate for food and ordering gaza. despite the recent arrival of supplies of pain, the hello, i'm a woman on my own. my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well, that's all that's for to feed. her family estimate takes risk during her daily trip to the bakery. she walks it through areas through an entirely into level path for months of relentless is really bombardment flag of the coalition before the will. we had everything, there was plenty of flower, meat, vegetables,
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and all supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other necessities zimmerman and well, on behalf of this, baker is now relying on supplies of a flower and fuel from united nations world food program. as soon as it opened the doors, the bakery was over one by large numbers of people. uh we have around 5 branches. we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as international efforts. this part of the war is real, announced that go to the blockade of gauzy aid has been allowed into the district recently, but it remains limited agencies, warren humanitarian disaster, maybe and available the fear famine is imminent in the northern parts staff running
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. the bakeries faced a huge challenges in getting supplies of 8, but despite the rest, they said they will continue working to ensure a bread reaches family in desperate need. any more more data from rough palestine. the 1st part is still a head hair on the elders. air including work is around the world have been mocking may day with many expressing the support for palestinians. and the world of formula one is remembering the life and career of driving legend is in center. and he's here with that story. eliza, hello, are the weather roommates? pretty unsettled, pretty cold across the western positive here, but it will warm up as we go through the next couple of days. it's
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a lot of clouding too many west and aries all the way down into spain and portugal in the west side of the mediterranean to the east of that and to the north. for the time being is fine. had dry, high pressure in charge of leeway and lifting those temperatures into the mid twenties above. and also for was the weather. is that where it's a cold weather? having said that, those temperatures are in the process of recovery. we got some cloud and rice 1000000000. yes. but the nice the windex to these to sort of england add scuffles, that's a little disappointing thing, a little rule that will grasp the change as we go on for the weekend. what weather never ready to far away, but trust me it will crash the improve, particularly in terms of those temperatures. so how do i will make its way into which many but to east of that when sunshine, it's sunshine. meanwhile, across a good pulse of the mediterranean central, the ne scenarios, at least western areas of the met still sing a few shouts noticed great. the way along the north coast of algeria may be into tune is yeah, we'll see. yeah, that was where the grass the fading out. meanwhile,
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let's see. so shells continue quite nicely then. nothing further northward, of course, a good part of west africa or the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is not important which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront on out 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come
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1st of a $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we also need your donations incidentally, rec, delivery, in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, the, the, the, you're watching. i'll just hear a reminder of how top stories, the salad us, secretary of state entity blinking has made is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu in west jerusalem. lincoln said a deal for 6 firing guns is achievable, fall, and re assuming us opposition to it is rarely crowned defensive in a for alpha demonstrations have been continuing in college campuses right across
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the united states. the new york police raided the building at columbia university, occupied by students protesting and solidarity with palestinians in los angeles, a month attacked at palestine solar there he sits in at the university of california. okay, well let's bring you some live fixtures now from new york city with morales and being housed to come for a safe spot. and an in to the genocide and casa, the hundreds of purchases have gathered for the work as united for palestine demonstration. in soley square near the new york supreme court, it comes just a day off to the participant cabinet at clint, columbia university was cleared by police. oh, okay. well, uh with us here in the studio is sales and bought a concept professor of public policy and how much increase the university. thanks again for joining us. the just on this purchase that we have been seeing in the us, there was a feeling that there was a huge momentum behind them. right now, isn't there it is. and i think it's a,
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it will continue to grow because these kids are really standing for the very basic, the, for all humanity. and what's happening now is that they're being treated and it's, it's all right and language that is very polarizing. and it would make things worse, it's not going to resolve the issue for us being accused of being an to so magic. then the jewish students came out alongside the palestinians and, and all those for testing the cutting and gaza. and now they're talking about them as being radicalized that there is some kind of conspiracy to radicalize that you were in the united states against the government. which is very similar to what used to be said back in the ninety's sixty's. and during the demonstrations against the war in vietnam. so the, all of this is not true that helpful. the main issues that they're asking for a very basic issue and that just stuff that kidding me. and as far as the university university is concerned, is just stick to what they teach them. they have,
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they take them for all these courses on, based on principles, values, etc. that's sort of what they're asking for and have a moral code. obviously one of the reasons that they are protesting is to go for a safe spot in gaza and it to do that. they are trying to put as much pressure on joe biden and the election. yes. do you think that that is working at this point in time and some of the rhetoric that we're seeing from anthony blinking as a to is the middle east? i think it would have an impact. uh, given the the way, if you, if you remember when that by noon 1st came to, to power the most amount of voice was very critical. and him winning the set of neck to make competition with, with, from now is adding to that to mean the adults already have been, uh, uh, pushed aside now is adding to that the young vote. and many of those students be voting for the 1st time, and it could be in the hundreds of thousands. so that's
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a very high risk if he doesn't take it into, if he doesn't consider it carefully. yeah. so, so just he and, and answer me blinking. they just really need to cease fire right now and, and with this, what we've seen is split into is the middle east over the last few days, really putting a lot of pressure, no doubt on it and yahoo, but also a mos saying that this is a very generous offer from these rarely is what did you make of those comments while is generous on the, in the, in terms of offering more assistance into gaza. but they're having to, to compromise on the core issues of core issues as far as the policies are concerned, is a permanence who's fire. so that's an end of war. and they want these writers to withdraw from the gaza strip. they still calling for the release of the prisoners, and none of these issues have really been addressed by israel in a form of compromise. all what they've done is to add the to a lot more aide into guys. but that is really just taking them of the hook as far as the i,
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c. j is concerned and the genocide accusations and the salvation is on. it's not a qualitative d. mm. it will not make much difference of the. the bull is in her mouth as cold as she going away discussing if they will want to accept the stay a little, maybe potentially a counter offer. where do you think it is going to go from here? i doubt that they may make some compromises. so for example, in terms of the number of prisoners that is right, has to release or even the withdrawal of his route can be staged and so on. but i doubt that they will accept a temporary cease fire. not one nothing yahoo continuously keeps calling for end of how my eyes and the, and the operation of stuff seems like i will have to leave it there. but as always we really do appreciate assault. and thankfully talking about the cost. they think they're much columbia and present. gustavo, petro says he will be breaking diplomatic relations with israel. of this off to the president had criticized as ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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and asked to join in on south africa's cool case at the international court of justice, which accuses israel, of perpetrating a genocide against the palestinian people on the move because of its government. and genocidal president. i have cut ties with israel. i believe that today all of humanity, all those millions of people out in the streets agree with us and we agree with them. this cannot be, they cannot take us back to an era of genocide to a time when the extermination of an entire people before our eyes was met with passivity. if palestine dies humanity dice, we will not let it. dawn well correspond and tell us sounds around p, if he was at the may day really in bogota as the presidents made the announcement. the columbia is the largest and most important concept that to announce that that they're cutting ties with the israel. this will formally start tomorrow. i
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made a seconds and fits a, made the announcement in front of the 10s of thousands of it support. there's 2 that came out to celebrate may bay, but also in defense of as a reform agenda. it was in a total surprise given the fact that fits, it has been highly critical of israel's action since the start of the war and guys of a nobody was expecting get to a today. however, he started the speech saying that i didn't need to ravel the, the, the presence of the people here demanding change in this country. could also be connected to what's happening in got them saying that all the fights for the rights in the and come down to the fact that, that the, the genocide that it's happening and got that needs to be stopped. and that's why you have us taking this decision that it's unprecedented in a country that has always have very close ties with israel to kept those sides
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completely. so i made a 2nd that had already recalled that colombia something passed. so they're in a thrill and had already suspended the purchasing of weapons and other commercial relationships with the country that are very important. because most of the weapons that the columbia, an army uses that gains back into the groups in other i'm groups that come from israel here in columbus. so these decisions well have consequences and this puts columbia on the flood front. they laughed in america and the criticism against israel, the island, georgia, more than 60 people have been arrested. another neither protests against the government so called a foreign influence. bill ross and a frontier gas and water candidate,
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crowned down side parliaments. and please see the proposals are really against would require organizations receiving funds from the board to register as foreign agents. now, phoning size can be used to crank down on groups critical if the government, julia chef of all of a has been at that protest and to play c for testers who have been trying to break into the territory of the parliament of building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the type of sprague and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly young. people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again, and here in the center they continue protesting against the so called belt on foreign influence dumps here as the russian. lo and these rallies have been ongoing for daily 3 weeks. so you can see that there are so many people behind me and put police trust fund. it's a tear gas again,
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i can feel it. and many youngsters among these crowds they, they're wearing up gas masks and protected goals. and many people have come here tonight from the georgia and regions as well. and i let today, deputies actually box the bell on the floor and the influence and the 2nd reading, causing a more prose has today. so it is quite interesting. that's right now where i'm standing this price clean the police around. because unlike yesterday, today, the police manage to provide a safe passage type court over for the deputies didn't leave the palm and built in before this process actually began yesterday on april. besides have a ride police worth protecting the deputies who got stuck inside parliament as a protest says, blocks the building know, allowing deputies to leave and at least have the process. uh yes. so they tend to stream the extremely finance authorities in the u. k. have guns,
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attaining migrants in preparation for the for them to were one to the video showed immigration officials arresting migrants and asylum seekers from homes around england from minnesota. she threw neck once the 1st grew to be sent by july holl them at the proof of the little piping the wife of the de potations last month. but human rights groups and you and officials have criticize the move beyond. immorality is a british political consultant who can come and take that. he says, to move his pa, diversity through next plan to invites. the plan is politics with a real capital piece. this is about flying to drive a wedge between the conservatives, assigning on immigration and will deal with this labor policy, assigning on integration, and i think for the conservative policy that best, how of any kind of uh, decent result come. the general election relies on that having a strong message around immigration. now we do know that the policy is fairly
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popular in the country. it will be it. there are a lot of vocal people in groups who are saying that is inhumane. who is saying it's on walkable but by and large it isn't popular policies. the questions are basically saying, asking the question for the government is, is this the type of policy that you want to be hiring your hopes on some sort of electrical, electrical success? and i think it's well worth remembering that the policy has no real barbecue soon. after was no gold white by his successful his trust. it was a girl boy or a strong and which feels like a long time ago. now you take politics and only now always see the plan come to fruition and said it does seem like a house which you see. nothing is printing is hopes on a very narrow optic tray and, and one of the plant as possible. i think all through the breaks it, but it's in 7016. a lot of people sold that, but it was going to sold the immigration problem in the u. k, and really, although it stopped freedom this we, you, nation is coming in to the u. k. when i called him doug stalked immigration,
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somebody's normally you countries, so we're talking about illegal immigration is one issue, but it will serve legal immigration as another. and the reason why the u. k. has a problem, is that we do have an aging population, an aging workforce. so we need to have people that working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth. and what is a stipend economy right now? but then on the other hand, you go to the voting public, you do both to see cubs on integration and they get the straits is the mainstream policies you call. seems to get a grip on it as well. there's plenty. so heads here on al jazeera, including a shock at the madrid open, is the feeling champion. tell us how chris is no doubt that's coming up with nb sport, the this business uptake this voltage by the state bank growth partner of the dashboard forward to use the
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these business uptake. these me roy thought no bundle dash football is he is the
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right side of the school. now his and a thank you so much. so i'm, i will start with the european champion so you can brush it open if i just a little closer to that final genocide be, think paris on your mind? well now in the 1st, like if the semi final is david star, triples a talk visiting when we power century man hug. kelly named bob hate. but for us, the adult men have home advantage for the 1st leg of this semi final. and it was time started. this struck the 1st 10 minutes before half the time when the bull fell to nicholas full, crooked goodman very nearly went to look who could get involved in the build up mazda is subject to show was well blocked by gm luigi gonna run the after the brake p s g came out firing about
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any shape pressure they hit the frame is to go twice in a matter of seconds 1st and then extract the key me gave me your spin, sets up another great chance put to copy and ruiz missed the target. don't mind remained a threat to the other end. jayden center has been trans school and since being lined back to the club from manchester, united, it's a great one of his many triples in the games that's a full crooked. we couldn't find the finish. they didn't have a penalty shot when full credit kind. he'd been shopped in the back, but nothing was given. there was still time for one more opportunity for p. s t to find the equalizer, but there's been the ballet fight over the bar. so it's advantage don't meant after game one is they look for that bush champions, leak title since 1997. well,
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p s d have what to do if that's when the trophy for the 1st time. the 2nd magazine power is next tuesday, they be stripes. the l g 0, the go came in to tell him defending champion consol crosby. notes out in the quarter finals in the madrid opened the spanish well. number 3, missed the last couple of tournaments in monte carlo and ball salon with an injury, but he was on a full see much basis for going into this. what he said, again, the phone drivers left the russian. i came back to take it in 3 twins. filled out from finding and here's a sense to come with us, but so when miss trophy 3 is in a row 3 blanket last full straight matches before this phone prevents facilities. and next step, this obviously is a difference is better than nothing at all. that is not bad, the good is just a moment and it's happens to everyone. every player been through these moments and is the most important thing is to, to keep working, to keep improving. can then to keep, remember that we can change everything us and the women's girls, lena,
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replicated one. the bus was a catholic plaza. she full from a set balance that level things up, because usually it doesn't save up to the insight, see much points in the decided before coming from 3 games down to take the wind, pikeno fi serena sutherland. in the last 4 of the formula, one has been remembering the life and career of driving legend as incentive finds, gathered at the end of the circuit. and instantly, where the presently and died in a crash 30 years ago today. and i want to will 5 and 3 times before his death to the age of 34. austrian roland, right? some bug was killed and another crash during the same race. we can respect salsa paid at the sun, his grave and his home kind of stop highlight. he was given a state funeral in the city over 2000000 people attended because those government also declared 3 days of morning when he died. we've been talking to phone on broadcast them all kind of get about centers. last thing, legacy be had already seen brazilian drivers come into formula one into
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the sport at that time is a european sport. jeanette is currently quite com or as having the south americans turn up, but that they, after they arrived was a sensational talent. he was informed me the one for a decade, 1984 to 1994. he brought an intensity to the job, but he was not just a fast driver, but it was the way he worked with his teams. it was the intensity with which he drove. and also he was quite an intense person out of the car, deeply religious, also a man who had a lot of passion. and i'm not a passion for the sport. i'm not really created quite an interesting or around him . every formula on the circuit, it's not constructed to a safety 10 plate which evolved in the wake of the episode of rolling drops of burger, double photography, the entire sports technique goal. and indeed sporting regulation is very much have
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safety now at the center of them. and it is remarkable to think that we've only have one further driver fatality in the last 30 years because of the 40 years before that we nearly have 40 driver photography so that we can really did mark a seismic shift and formula ones approach to safety and risk management, couple of the stars to bring it, including in crickets, indian premier league, where the punjab king's ever quoted. but somebody wins 7 with victory over the can i seek the kings, keeping them in with an outside chance of reaching the playoffs? that's helpful. we'll go into those playoffs, and despite this last channel, while i still sit full in the standards and a swarm of bees causing a major league baseball game between the hours on the dawn and back. so me, i like to just to be delayed thousands of phased offering. the hung plates of pest control work are becoming the enlightened hair over 37 year old father.
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alright, that is, i suppose looking for is loving it. thank so much. well, thousands of protesters have much through powers for the annual may day per right. they called for workers rights, and somebody said they will also demonstrating the piece in the middle east. natasha butler reports from paris that there was stuff is between the french police and some protesters. the powers has made a rally. but overall, it was called french trade unions that amongst, through the city coatings professor conditions for workers on the demonstrators bills and the people who to say, come to pay for into the void garza this has been going on for 75 years. it's on just that there was a genocide and we just hoped to move in. so we have to do everything for a boy come to the olympics this summer, we want the maximum number of people to call for a band of israel from the olympic games on
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the one of those weak students stage the power, since most prestigious universities to fax us the lease pieces, some students described as heavy handed. meanwhile, frances prime minister content, the protests and the almost real support of only a went to seals, po, and told to the administrators to denounce the actions of an agitating and dangerous minority. they want to impose its transatlantic audiology on the majority of students who will disrupt the school. the scale of the university prior to the phone system full smaller than those of the united states. this is down when it comes, these rows of these students feel just as strongly as it counts a post across the atlantic. natasha butler, which is 0. all right,
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well that's so for me, tell them a credit for this is how, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the humanity is open the gates of hell in the seats. he's having orlando's effect, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake talk to of, to, on, just in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally around the front lines with the
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lights to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting together. let's support environmental jazz, and ensure that the truth prevails for the fast, well dressed freedom day conference, and 2nd, to the 4th of may 2020 for a week to look at the world's top business storage. how much is the rebuilding good cost of who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say tyler cheese. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know,
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double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the the, the tunnel until mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes peaceful purchase and the us become a target. students at the university of wisconsin medicine of a license to face off with police. try to create tradeoffs, not to peacefully protest for create to you to your.


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