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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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of the a peaceful protest to the us become a target of students at the university of texas in dallas, of the license to face off with police, the fellow on elizabeth autumn and this is allergens here at life from door ha. and so coming up, try to create tre, us not to peacefully protest for 3 k r neal police side of a rest at around 300 people at columbia university and city college. and accused many of not being students and off campus in new york. hundreds of
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people to attend a made a phone test to show us the palestine and denounced as well as 1000 university students in gaza. so they, she heard about the protests to fit us campuses and around the world. and us secretary of state, actually blinking visits as well and reiterates the american position opposition rather to and it's really offensive and stuff from the beginning of the united states for demonstrations against israel's wall and gaza. continue, it's university campuses across the country from new york to michigan, florida to california, texas. students are demanding that universities cut the ties to israel and companies that advance its military efforts and gaza. the university of california in los angeles is protest as in solidarity with gaza, restoring barriers around there and compliment that solved. so they came under
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attack by supporters of israel. tensions that the university boiled or the off the melting for days or at the university of wisconsin. madison student demonstrations backslash to police officers removed over 110th and they camp and arrested at least a 1000 people. a campus security splits. person says 4 offices were injured as they tried to remove tens from the campus. a central square. the american association of university professors has condemned the columbia university president and board of trustees. that song, so police arrested hundreds of protests on campus ban today. historical with some people who barricaded themselves on monday evening, they made the call and the believe was without even the simple way of communication, or consultation with the faculty or any of the body in faculty and staff as
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a lot of our own campus. well that's good to correspond to today's above the she's outside the city of the city university of new york. and today is i believe that they will protest smoke just at columbia university, but also city university on tuesday night. so what's happening then now, as well, that's correct for here outside the city university of new york with a group of students. many of them they've been part of the process happening not only in columbia university, but also here there's being carrying a press conference explaining what's being happening in their campuses. many of them were present doing on tuesday evening during the assault by the police, the new york police and columbia university, where at least 300 students were detained, not only from columbia university, but also from this university where we are right now. the students are saying that
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to the campus of columbia university was turned into a war zone that many of their students that were pressing there. some of them were injured, they were treated by other students, have created this this more medical center so they can tend to themselves, to their rooms. they're saying that they will continue, that they're trying to discredit to their movement. let's not forget what the mayor of new york city has said. they're accusing that many of the students have become radicalized. they're saying that the students have been infiltrated by other groups . what happened at the hamilton hall in columbia university with a group of students barricaded themselves. there they, we named one of the 6 year old palestinian girl that was killed by these read the military. so what to the students are doing right now is like trying to get their voice this her trying to explain why they say they will continue to protest. so right now there's a press conference on going here explaining what happened on tuesday evening. what
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they went through on tuesday evening, and after that, they're going to march through the streets. because what they say is that the students move and of columbia university and other universities here in new york city is not over. not just the student movement to the people that continue to protest on an off campus as well. what we've been around the city have on this day and we've been seeing several photos happening in some of the parts here in manhattan earlier today. the was a may, 1st of all the tests were there were hundreds of people who got the revere carrying palestinians flags. also showing support to the students who are the students of columbia university for were detained. on tuesday evening, at least 300 students were detained from the city university college of new york, where we are right now and also columbia university. they were showing their support earlier today we were in florida university. another campus was taken by
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students that were that incumbent inside the police when team many of those students where detains. and again, we were talking to the students there and they were telling us that they are going to continue. that what they're trying to do is set the lights on what is happening in gaza right now. it's very interesting to see what's being happening, not only in new york, but also in other universities across the country. lots of police presence in every university. and what this students are saying is that they're the next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make a has their voice. it's hard to, there's a thank you so much for that. that is today is about joining us live from city university in new york to turn into the west coast. now, in the license of a situation at the university of california, los angeles was so a violent tomorrow of attack,
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a peaceful encampment on tuesday night. as of mentioned, protest as have been rebuilding barricades around the camp overnight. some attack is waived as rarely flags of state assaults and demonstrations in some instances with sticks. police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the students . and for the latest on the situation at, did you see how a correspondent dropped reynolds was joining us from the and protest as they're saying they're not going to be intimidation by the violence against the wrong? yes, that's correct. elizabeth, we're on the side of the university of california, los angeles, and behind me you can see the guise of solidarity and camp and set up by student protesters. they have been spending some time today, reinforcing the barrier that keeps them from being attacked by the forces that the that were so violent yesterday an overnight. and in fact,
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you could say that overnight, it was as if the united states for the 1st time is getting just a script of violence that has been inflicted on the population of gaza for over 6 months. now, the fallout has been intense. there's a lot of criticism of the administration of this university and a lot of criticism in questioning about why the police were of here. when the pro design is pro israel, a mob approach overwhelms the security guards that were in place. threw aside all the barriers and try to break into the camp. they use fire works, irritant chemicals for raise poles. made of metal and sticks. made of wood as well as fists and feet of more than $100.00 students were injured according to protest
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organizers. some of whom were admitted to the hospital and the faculty at this university is up in arms more than $200.00 of them assigned on to a letter, harshly criticising the administration of this university and making a series of demands including that of the police not be unleashed upon the of a student in camp and, and that those students be disciplined for exercising their rights a free speech and saying that if that is not adhered to by the administration, the faculty will consider other matchers including work stoppages is certainly very important. questions about the police response and how long they took to intervene for on when we spoke a few hours before the attack, things were calm. so did it come as a surprise or should police have been better prepared given they were attentions and in some skirmishes a few days earlier. you're exactly right and
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that i think that answers the question because there were skirmishes days earlier, and this roop of outside or people from outside the campus community that is not students and many of them are much older than the average college students who are waving is rarely flags and shouting slogans and shouting, insults have been here for days and they have attempted to break into the camp and they have used violence. and so it is a very puzzling as to why there were no police here at, at the moment when the, the riot started and even more puzzling as to why it took hours for the police to arrive. this as los angeles is not some remote location out in the country, there are los angeles police department,
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a vehicles and policeman as well as the california highway patrol. ready at the disposal of the mayor and the governor to respond in very quick border, 2 of these types of disturbances. so again, it is a matter of that i, i think perhaps we'll be investigated in the future. but as for now, there are police on the campus, i'm happy to report there are policemen. scattered about this one in this direction here. there may be others hidden away, different jurisdictions, they have the riot, the tons and helmets. so there is the hope that this outburst and spasm of bile is, will not repeat itself once the dark this falls, but the students inside the camp are taking no chances. they're preparing to defend themselves, and they say they're not going anywhere. well,
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thank you very much. for that update, that's rob daniels, joining us live from the university of california, los angeles, withdrawing now by jennifer victor. she's a professor of political science at george mason university, and she's joining us live from fairfax virginia. thank you very much for your time . it is of course, an election, the presidential election year and the united states to see these protests having an impact on the campaign so far. i don't think we're seeing an impact on the campaign just yet. and typically, events that occurred 6 months or more outside of the election day don't impact the campaign that much likely the new cycle will move on to something else. eventually, here, however, it remains to be seen exactly how much longer these conflicts will persist. in the past, when we've seen in the way past, when we've seen students unrest um, and protest movements and so forth on campuses,
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they have subsided once the semester has ended. so there is a chance that when we, as we, as at the graduations occur and, and campuses wrap up and we move into the summer season and other political issues take center stage, that the campaigns will, will not sort of need to response to this too much of course, those involved with these movements will, will try to do the opposite. yeah, absolutely. and you know, they do say that a, a week is a long time in politics and the election is still some 6 months away. but we have seen the protests move off campus now they're not just taking place in campuses and they have been taking place since the 1000 again. and it's hard. but we know that one of the factors that can affect it incumbent president johnson is social on 1st . is abided administration worried especially given the role of swing states like michigan with a significant our, the american population. or yeah, well there's no question that this, it politically is a more complicated issue for
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a president by that and that it is for former president trump. the republican coalition is mostly unified on this issue. that leads and activists are mostly in line in terms of taking a very pro israel stance that's associated with the republican party. so that coalition is still somewhat buried in terms of why people are pro is real, but the outcome is largely the same. but by contrast, in the democratic party, there's a real division on this issue. on the one hand, in the division to some extent comes in age cohorts by generation. and so the older age, her cohorts more traditional democratic based including to some extent of liberal jews in the united states and, and others who tends to be pro is real, but maybe or not. so in favor of the way that netanyahu has handled the conflict that versus as we've seen that through college campuses, the younger generation that is much more interested in humanitarian causes and
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seeing a stronger sense of sovereignty for, for palestinian and people and a generation that doesn't come at this issue with the saying historical world war 2 cold war oriented context. uh that the older generation does. yeah, that's a really interesting point that, you know, the 2 parties that the republican party has a lot more united when it comes to the matter of it's rather, the democrats are facing opposition to the policies, to their foreign policy. not just from the very large use of america, but also from within the democratic party of the divisions that you mentioned. we know that another fact that can affect an incumbent president the chances of foreign policy, especially fall in policy when it's seen as a failure. how was bite and fair and in that regard as the us, as unable or maybe unwilling to broke a ceasefire and gaza. so yeah, it's interesting if you think back to, to 2020, invited sort of story political career prior to that the foreign policy has been
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one of his strong suits. it's one of the areas on which he is extremely knowledgeable. and he was a chair of the senate for an for an affairs committee for a long time. and this is uh, substantively uh, policy wise, an area of strength for him. however, between if you remember back at the beginning of his presidency to withdraw from afghanistan, that went so terribly. um, he's had a, a couple of, um, sort assembles on foreign policy here through. busy as it ministration, and this one puts him in a, in a pretty tricky political spot given by his own generational status and where the majority of the democratic coalition on is on this issue. i expect biden's to maybe begin to temper to some expense his position. but i don't expect that we'll see a massive shift from him. the fact that it's the younger generation that is mostly a, the source of opposition here is to some extent for biden's purposes. politically convenient
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because that's also the generation that doesn't vote as, as heavily. and so to some extent, he may be calculating that he's much better off making sure that he keeps the older voters in his favor, even if that means that he will lose some of these younger voters. jennifer, victor has been great to get your expertise on this and really appreciate it. thank you. thank you very much. i the still ahead on knowledge is 0 workers around the world of the mocking made even many expressions best for palestinian. the hello welcome to have a look at the international full cost of the next batch of severe stones gathering across the plains, the great plains of us pushing into central parts of canada. a head of that most
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area of high pressure that's going to keep things up by most at least inside of the us is concerned. i will cease to see both 29 celsius in dc. so doing very nicely. but anyway, go with the next round, the live the storms launch, how the o tonight i mix thing, they have the possibility of some flash flooding all the way from the lakes down towards the texas east and texas into louisiana. west of that. not too bad, especially in the shower sandy possibility and either the high ground could be winfrey in nature. that's what we're trying to push this way. so the race was just running up to what was the operations and wherever you apply pressure and again, that is disabled. unless you find dry and sunny, sorry to across the use, the side of the carrot, painful the most popular fish. i was just drifting in here. as we go through this day, the width of weather will be around hispaniola once again. with the weather that just pushing across into southern cuba, jamaica kind of thing, a shower o 2 and a repeat performance really. as we go on to friday, we're slipping
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a little further east was still a few showers, the southern past century america of the boss or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 31st nominations are made on the award official website w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the
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the watching out. just bear with me. elizabeth put on and doha rolanda is on top stories for solid demonstrations against israel's wall and gauze. i have continued at college campuses across the united states at the university of california in los angeles protest of the restoring valley is around there and compliment that softer . they were attacked by so pictures of israel on tuesday. nice palestinians in gauze so. so they feel her divide, the protest is by the protest, us campuses and around the world. it displays children at a camp and data by law held up signs, banking the protest as well. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the college and the government and the international community to bring an end to the will for him. the for that it has this report causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world today we spend as
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the students of golf value, nevada, to who have lost an academic e and a long in addition, we lost all the time. it is, if it ends and homes, the people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests held and their names thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board will be here by the end of all of the few of the for a lot of others. and univision, the students advantage, see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock . so hospital i think you'll have one of them that kind of stuff and whoever you shifting, if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine goes especially inc as us. right. and may god help people and bless you. thank you
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very much and all of the, from the police being and people are 40 people, how signs acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protesting around the world, raising insights in for the product and using force collier they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace? something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central, gaza, palestine. the at least 23 palestinians including 5 children have been killed and is really
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strikes across the gauze of since wednesday morning. a strike on the find the south coast to children. is there any minute he continues to attack residential areas across the strip? well, the 34500 palestinians have been code and nearly 7 months of war. the jordanian foreign ministry says is really set close, have attached to a con, was destined for gaza hunting muscle incentives. this update from alpha that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situations. the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across land, the crossing surrounding the god forbid, each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern, the rate across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth as love, humanitarian aid, into the gauze,
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and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing blanket on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war. the past 6 months . i've been very difficult to get people's most needed. a right now with these difficult time, the settlers on the northern parts of the gaza strip. that's where a humanitarian aid are allowed to enter from air at the crossing depths, to northern parts of the tunnel in the city. but they talked in an attempt to block it to your damien humanitarian colon voids coming to the jobs us through a despite the talk a the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination into the gall, this thread. they are carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part
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of the gaza. for the just, the northern part of this river has been struggling with the spread of famine. within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people in the walls. central kitchen has resumed humanitarian operations and gaza a month off to some of its employees, were killed and is ready strike. well, it's a supreme distribution meals to displace palestinians and then a lot and central gaza. that is where israel deliberately targeted a wall. central kitchen, a convoy with 3 consecutive strikes and killed 7 workers on april. first. the n g o is calling for better protection, full aid workers. diplomatic efforts on the way to reach a ceasefire and gaza with the us pressuring him off to agree to as well as terms us equity and state anthony blinking has left us run off to holding talks with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he said to seize, finding is achievable, but it can also told him nothing. yahoo, the us still opposes a ground defensive ended offa, on rough itself looks our position is,
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is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed. and no, we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenge of from us that does not involve the require a major military operation and rasa. we've been talking to these realize about that . we'll continue those conversations. the and georgia police have used to, i guess robert pulitzer, for cannon against tens of thousands of protest as outside parliament, crowns are demonstrating against the government. so fort phone influence bill, the proposed level would require organizations receiving funds from improvement to
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register as foreign agents. opponent say it could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government. at least 13 people have been injured in a russian missile strike on the ukrainian put city of a desa. the attack caused the launch fire. a debt total belonging to a courier company was head odessa as a frequent target of russian attacks and has been struck several times in the past few days. a full of quality order to a boeing supply of suv availed an edge safety problems has been found dead. joshua dean, aged 45 passed away on tuesday morning after a short and southern illness. he is the 2nd whistle below it to have been found dead on bonus, a phone. the boeing employee was found dead in march days off to giving evidence against his former employer and it will suit the authorities in the u. k. has the
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gun detaining migraines to be deported to rolanda? the home office reduced the video showing immigration officials arresting, migraines and asylum seekers around england promise to rush you soon at once. the 1st group to be sent to the east african country in july. parliament approved a new will pay them the way for the deportations last month. leon and moratti's, the bushes, political consultant and commentator, and he says, the move it's part of the next plan to win votes. a little when the plan is politics with a real capital pace. this is about fine to drive a wedge between the conservatives, assigning on immigration and will deal with this labor policy, assigning on integration. and i think for the conservative policy that best have of any kind of off the, some results on the general election relies on that having a strong message around immigration. now we do know that the policy is fairly popular in the country. it will be there
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a lot of local people in groups who are saying that is inhumane who is saying it's on walkable but by and large it is a popular policies. the questions are basically saying, asking the question for the government is, is this the type of policy that you want to behind your hopes on some sort of electrical, electrical success? and i think it's well worth remembering that the policy has no real barbecues, do not use normal life. brian's successfully is trust. it was a girl boy, or as johnson, which feels like a long time ago now. and you take politics and only now we see the plan come to fruition and said it does seem like a house where she see nothing is printing is hopes on a very narrow cost of victory. and then one of the plant as part of the, i think, all through the breaks it, but it's in 2016. a lot of people sold that, but it was going to sold the immigration problem in the you can really, although it stopped freedom move this we, you, nation is coming in to the u. k. when i called and it stopped immigration from those normally you countries. so we're talking about illegal immigration as one
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action, but also legal immigration as another. and the reason why the u. k has a problem is that we do have an aging population, an aging workforce. so we need to have people that working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth. and what is a stipend economy right now? but then on the other hand, you go to a voting public, you do both to see cubs on integration and they get the straits is the mainstream policies you call seems to get a grip on it. of the phase 210 demonstrations mocking international work is day and assemble have been detained. please choose to pep, a spray and tear gas to disperse the crowds. the authorities in check, you have banned values and the city's main square since the 2015 demonstrations against president trench of side as long as his government opposition may excellent animal.


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